Recipe Wafer home for electric sweaters. Recipe for crispy waffles for electrotrovnitsa and for Soviet wafflelnia with photos

Recipe cooking dishes with photos See below.

Homemade crispy waffles baked in ElectrovaPhelnice - a treat, familiar to many since childhood. Our house has the old Soviet wafflenitsa, which is the bakes of beautiful delicious waffles. Recipes for cooking waffles at home there is a lot. Today I will share one of my favorite recipes - crispy waffles on condensed milk.

Finished waffles can be collapsed into the tubes, while they are still warm or leave them round (flat). B, cream made of boiled condensed milk or whipped with powdered egg squirrels. Thus, it turns out the original and delicious dessert to tea.

Recipe waffle on condensed milk

To prepare the waffle, we will need an electrovapulnia and the following set of products:

  • 1 bank of condensed milk;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2.5 cups of flour;
  • ½ st. Sahara;
  • 1 pack of margarine (or butter);
  • 1-2 Art. l. vegetable oil;
  • salt 1 pinch;
  • soda on the tip of the knife.

Margarine melt in the microwave or on a water bath and mix with sugar. Add a condensed milk and mixed eggs, salt and soda. Pretty everything stir, pour vegetable oil. Flour to sift and enter the dough, which dysfunition should turn out like sour cream.

Electric wafflells warm up a few minutes and you can start baking the waffles. It is convenient to pour the dough with a small half. We open the wafflells, in the center pour the dough and cover the lid, as if pressing the dough. Wafers are baked quickly, literally 30 seconds. The degree of rosy can be adjusted independently.

Finished waffles lay out on a paper towel or flat dish. Just baked waffles will be slightly soft. As soon as the waffles are cooled, they will become crispy.

Tastier and crunchy are obtained by those waffles that turned out with a light brown tint. Serve ready-made waffles to hot chocolate, coffee or tea. You can serve them with fruits, jam, jam, chocolate paste. Bon Appetit!

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Home waffles are a gentle crisp delicacy that will conquer the heart of every sweet tooth. They can become both an independent dessert and part of a complex dish. Dough on the waffles can be prepared according to a variety of recipes. It remains only to choose the appropriate option for yourself, given the products available at hand.

The easiest, and fast recipe for a discussed treat is based on Margarine.

It is better to take a quality cream product for baking (standard bundle). And, besides him: 220 g of flour, the same amount of sugar, 3 eggs and vanillin on the knife tip.

  1. Margarine (200 g) is cut by large pieces and melts on a water bath.
  2. Eggs are scared with sugar sand until the last dissolution of the latter.
  3. The cooled margarine is added to the sweet egg mass, and the products are well mixed.
  4. Flour and vanilla are added to the ingredients in small portions.
  5. Mixed homogeneous dough. It turns out smooth and pliable.

From the test you can immediately bake crispy waffles.

Right recipe for Viennese Wafer

To try the Viennese Wafers, not necessarily go abroad. It is quite realistic to prepare their home on their own. For this, the simplest products will be required: 3 eggs, 120 g of sugar, 250 ml of milk, a tutu of high fatty butter, 330 g of flour, 1 tbsp. Lemon juice and the same amount of disintegrator.

  1. Softened oil is rubbed with sugar. You can do this with the help of a mixer at minimum revolutions.
  2. In the resulting thick magnificent mass ripped eggs.
  3. The dough is sharpened again on small engine speeds.
  4. Warm milk and lemon juice are poured into the ingredients.
  5. After stirring in the dough, flour sifted with a baking powder. The mass is mixed with a spoon.
  6. As a result, the dough should turn out like kefir pancakes.

You can cook such waffles both in a special waphelnica and in the oven in suitable molds.

Preparing the dough for crispy delicacy

So that dessert is fine and crisp, you need to add potato starch to the dough. It will take 40 g of such a product, as well as: 140 g of flour, 120 ml of milk, politic of margarine, 130 g of sugar. Detailed test recipe described further:

  1. Flour sieves through a sieve with starch.
  2. Eggs are slightly whipped with sugar to dissolving the latter.
  3. A warm milk is poured into a sweet egg mass.
  4. Margarine melts in the microwave, slightly becomes sludge and added to the liquid mixture.
  5. With constant stirring in the dough, flour with starch is introduced. Mass should be half a trip.

Wafers from such a test are perfect for wrapped in them boiled condensed milk.

On yeast for soft leaper waffles

Thick waffles are obtained by such a recipe. For them, a special device with deep cells or shapes for baking in the oven are needed. From products you need to use: 2 tbsp. sifted flour, 2 eggs, 1 tsp Dry yeast, on a pinch of vanillin and salt, 170 g of sugar, a pack of butter, 170 ml of fatty milk.

  1. Half milk is heated, yeast dissolves in a warm liquid, and it is left for 20 minutes.
  2. The remaining milk is whipped with salt and eggs with a mixer.
  3. Softened oil is rubbed with flour.
  4. All three parts are connected together and are thoroughly mixed.
  5. As a result, it should be a soft sticky dough. It is covered with a clean towel and leaves about half an hour in a warm place.

The finished mass is divided into 12 parts, each of which is collapsed in sugar before baking.

Dough for wafer tubes in Electrovatronic

This is the simplest recipe with the minimum number of components. For the preparation of the dessert, it will be necessary to use: 5 eggs, standard pack of margarine, 1 tbsp. Flour and sugar.

  1. Eggs with sand sugar are whipped to snow-white.
  2. Next, the weight of the mass continues with Margarine.
  3. The process does not stop and after adding flour.
  4. As a result, it turns out a liquid dough.

It is the wafel dough in the wafelnice suitable for baking dessert and in electric and in the manual device.

Dough for Hong Kong Waffle

Hong Kong waffles also have the second name - "eggs". It received its name because of the special "bubble" structure. Such a dough can be stored in the cold to 2 days and delight homely fresh dessert. It will take: 160 g of flour, 140 g of warm boiled water and a tearful, 280 ml of condensed milk and vegetable oil, 2 eggs, 7 g baking powder, 1 tbsp. Pudding powder, liquid vanilla concentrate.

  1. In the sieve all dry components are connected and immediately sifted. This is: flour, baking powder and powder for pudding.
  2. Eggs with sugar are whipped until the last dissolution of the latter. Warm fluids are poured into the resulting mixture: milk and water.
  3. Liquid and dry part are connected and laid up to uniformity.
  4. At the end, 3 drops of vanilla concentrate depart.
  5. It remains to pour the oil to the future oil and leave it in the cold for 60 minutes.

During the specified time, gluten will swell. Immediately use the dough for baking treats is not recommended.

For dessert in Belgian

This gentle delicacy today is known and loved around the world. So that it is really soft and tasty, you need to properly prepare the dough for such waffles. From the products it will be necessary to take: 110 g of sugar and butter, 2 eggs, 130 g of flour, by a large pinch of salt and baking powder.

  1. The listed oil is shaking with sugar and salt to a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Eggs intervene in the mass in one hands, a baking powder is added, after which it is thicker whipped by a blender.
  3. Without turning off the device, flour rises in small portions to the future.
  4. The weight should be soft and homogeneous.

From the test you can immediately prepare soft thick waffles in special molds. The main thing is not to forget to smear them with fat or oil.

Chocolate waffle dough

According to a special French recipe, everyone can prepare chocolate waffles. For the test you will need to use: 4 tbsp. High quality cocoa powder, 7 tbsp. Milk, 130 g of butter, 110 g of sugar, 2 large chicken eggs, 130 g of flour, vanillin on the knife tip, pinch of salt.

  1. Melted butter mixed with cocoa.
  2. Eggs are divided into components, after which yolks together with sugar are added to the test.
  3. Flour sieves into the mass, and slightly warm milk is poured.
  4. Squirs are whipped with a pinch of salt to thick white foam. In the dough, they are added very neat with a wide vane.

Thick soft waffles bake from the resulting mass.

For thin waffles

Waffels cooked by such a recipe can become, including the basis for the cake. For them, the following products will be used: 230 ml of low-fat cream, 2 tbsp. flour, 160 g of butter, 1 tbsp. Sugar, 4 eggs.

  1. The oil melts in the microwave and becomes cold.
  2. Eggs are whipped with sugar. In the process of the mixer or blender, cream and oil are gradually added to them. All components must be mixed thoroughly.
  3. The mass will be homogeneous and liquid.

This is the optimal dough for waffle tubes with filling.

In the old records of their parents, you can always find proven recipes, for the implementation of which the overseas and expensive products will not need to purchase.

As you know, in Soviet times, electrical appliances did on conscience. Many people still have workers' kitchen devices. For example, in the opinion of most owners, the Soviet television aircraft is much better and more reliable than modern devices designed for fast and tasty baking dessert. Therefore, if you got such an inheritance unit, we recommend not to slow with the preparation of waffles in the form of tubes. Unlike shop, this delicacy is obtained more tasty and fresh.

Step-by-step test recipe for the Waffle Electric (USSR)

Surely everyone remembers that earlier each kitchen device was sold along with a small brochure, where not only instructions for the use of this unit was described, but also a recipe was presented, which was easily implemented using the device.

The dough for the wafflells of the electric Soviet very often did, drawing on this very brochure. Therefore, it has always been particularly tasty and gentle.

So, for cooking we will need:

Making the dough for the wafflee electric

There are several ways to prepare such a basis. We decided to consider the simplest.

The standard recipe for home dessert provides for the use of a set of high-calorie and fatty products. To correctly knead the dough for the wafflells of the electric, it is necessary to strictly follow all the recommendations described.

Fresh high-quality margarine is placed in deep dishes, and then put on a water bath and gradually melt. At this time, proceed to the processing of other ingredients. Chicken eggs are severely whipped with sugar using a mixer, ordinary bunch or blender.

After it is messed up, it is removed from the stove and cool a little. Next, a sweet egg mixture is added to warm margarine and prettier prevent. Leaving the ingredients aside, proceed to the processing of sour cream. A dining room is added to it and it is thoroughly quenched. After that, both masses are combined and interfered before the formation of a homogeneous mixture.

In conclusion, stirring products are suited in completion of the basis, you should get a liquid dough for the waffleellic electrical (without a single lump).

Heat treatment

Little only to make the dough for the wafflee electric for the tubes. It should be baked correctly. To do this, the kitchen is connected to the network, and then lubricated with sunflower oil. Such a procedure is not necessary to exercise before baking each waffle. It is enough to lubricate the form once.

As soon as the device is heated, the dough is dial into the tablespoon and quickly poured it into the lower part of the electro-penetrate. Cut the base with a lid, both half pressing well.

It is not necessary to distribute the dough (for the wafflelling of the electricity, it should not be very thick) no need to form. The base should grow itself when the lid is closed.

In this form, each wafer should be baked within two minutes.

It is necessary to avoid large quantities of the fried surface. This is due to the fact that after you close the lid, the dough will flow.

Tanning stage

Now you know how the traditional dough for the wafflelnia is electric. With the photo of this Soviet electrical appliance you can find this article.

After the waffles are twisted on both sides, they are still hot in the tube. Do not be upset if your dessert is unattractive for the first time. Over time, you will learn how to twist neat and smooth tubes.

Cooking waffles, you can think about stuffing. As it, you can use boiled condensed milk with nuts or custard.

How to make dough for wafflells electric without eggs?

In the event that the traditional recipe for such a dessert is not suitable for you, we recommend using another method of preparation. Very many hostesses bake this sweet and tasty dish without eggs. Such waffles are obtained thinner and crustaceous.

So, the recipe for the test of the wafflee electrical without eggs provides for use:

  • flour sifted light - about 200 g;
  • sugar beet small - ¾ standard cup;
  • creamy oil of fresh - a piece of about 70 g;
  • table soda - at the tip of the dessert spoon;
  • salts of sea shallow - small chopping;
  • fresh 4% milk - about 400 ml;
  • vegetable oil - use for lubrication form.

We place liquid dough

To prepare such a basis, you should use a large enameled bowl. It is laying soft, but not fused butter, and then sugar sugar. Both ingredients are coarsely pumped with a tablespoon or fork. At the same time, you should get a homogeneous whitewashed mass.

Having finished the culinary fat, it is alternately added a dining room (without prior quenching), a little salt and sifted flour. All components prevent well.

As a result of such actions, a rash mixture is obtained. To make it liquid, half of the milk milk is gradually poured. In the process of this, the dough is whipped with a mixer.

Having obtained a thick mass, the residue of the dairy product is also poured to it. At the same time, they are watching the dough no lumps formed.

The consistency of such a waffle base should resemble dense and fatty cream.

How to use?

The finished dough for waffles should be baked as accuracy as in the previous recipe. Due to the fact that it was prepared without eggs, such a dessert is obtained more subtle and gentle. Therefore, it should be wrapped in the tube very quickly. Otherwise, the layers will break.

Making fresh waffles

The dough for the wafflee electric on the water and without sugar is fresh. However, this recipe has its own fans. As a rule, I use it those who sits on a strict diet or does not eat sweet.

So how to make fresh waffles? For this we will need:

  • flour sifted wheat - 1 cup full;
  • chicken egg big size - 1 pc.;
  • water drinking room temperature - 1 cup full;
  • salt sea small, soda dining room - on the tip of the dessert spoon.

Cooking method

Plant such dough is pretty quickly and easily. For starters, dining soda and sea salt are added to the egg yolk. They are pretty pumped with a spoon, after which they mix with ½ cup of drinking water.

Having obtained a liquid mass, squeezed flour to it. As soon as the dough thickens, the remains of water are poured into the dishes.

If you want to get more magnificent lean waffles, then you should beat the egg protein separately and also introduce it into the dough. In addition, to give a dessert sweetness, you can add 2 large sugar spoons to the base.

Such a delicacy is baked according to the same principle that was described above. The finished waffles in the hot form are folded into the tube and served to the table.

Preparing soft waffles

Surely many are known that there are two types of waphelnitz. One is intended for baking a fine dessert, which is subsequently folded into the tube, and the other - for the preparation of Viennese, that is, soft waffles. About how to make the first delicacy, we told above. As for the second, the recipe for its test will be represented right now. For him we will need:

  • big chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar petty beet - 250 g;
  • milk 2.5% fat - 250 ml;
  • oil creamy coolness of 72% fat - 170 g;
  • flour bright - about 350 g;
  • dough breakner - 5-7 g.

Cooking process

What to do the dough for the oil temperature should be used. It is triturated with sugar sand, and then all chicken eggs are added alternately.

Whipping the ingredients with a mixer, milk is gradually pouring. Also, the baking powder and sifted flour are added.

Mixing the dough with a spoon, you must trace so that there are no lumps left. Such a base should be smooth and homogeneous. In the thickness, this dough very much resembles the dough for the pan.

How to bake?

Electric wafflells for soft waffles is significantly different from the instrument intended for baking tubes. Its forms are more pronounced, and also have a certain depth.

After throwing the dough with a large spoon, it is laid out in the center of the lower part of the unit. The cover of it with a lid, the waffles are baking until they are twisted on both sides. So that the dessert is not adhesive, it is advisable to lubricate with vegetable oil before the first preparation of the form.

Such a delicacy is very gentle, lush and soft. Serve it to the table follows with maple syrup or chocolate icing.

Even as adults, few people can safely go past well-known acquaintances with the most diverse stuffing. Most of the childhood remember the Soviet electric waffles, which moms and grandmothers got closer to holidays or other cases to please their children.

Now this delicious dish can be prepared not only on the "classic" units, but also on more advanced electrical and gas.

Furnishing Wafer tubes in modern electric waffle

Bulk products Measure the usual glass room with a quarter-liter.

We start the process with eggs, sugar and vanillina: mix them and beat them. For this purpose, you can resort both a whitewash and to the blender or mixer. Control the availability of increasing volume: as soon as twice or three times exceed the initial volume, the mass is ready for further preparation.

In a mixture of eggs, sugar and vanillina, you need to add margarine, which you need to put in advance in a warm place so that it sneaks.

The mixer works again: beat the mass until it turns out relatively homogeneous.

After that, we take a sieve and add flour into small portions. For mixing, use or a whisk, or a mixer at a low speed. The consistency should approximately resemble the sour cream.

Now you can proceed to the final stage of the process - baking. We prepare the wafelnitsa, a little weak it. It is enough to do once, before fuzzing the first waffle, as modern devices are made with special anti-stick coatings.

As soon as the waffle baked, take it from the wafflells and twist into the cone or in the tube.

Soviet waffles were clearly remembered to everyone. Perhaps, some are still in the kitchen and can bake delicious waffles. To prepare this sweetness with the help of a Soviet device for baking waffles, you will need:

  • Eggs - 3 pcs;
  • Creamy oil - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Flour - 100 g;
  • Vanillin - 1 g.

We take a small bowl where we put eggs and softened oil mass. Well-smearing this components for a fork until it turns out a relatively homogeneous mixture. After that, you can pour sugar to them and continue to carefully disturb.

The last spite of flour and vanillin. It should be seen to the test so that it does not have lumps. If the plug is not very effective, you can use a mixer or blender at minimum power.

When the base is prepared, we assume it and proceed to the preparation of the wafflelnia. Its baked surface must be lubricated with oil and leave to heat up to about a quarter of an hour.

After this time, you can start frying. To lack the test, you can use a spoon or not deep half. Each portion is a mistake of at least 2-3 minutes, after which it is checked for readiness. Linking up with a knife every removal from the waffle and we try to quickly twist it into the tube. It is necessary to exercise very carefully, because they are only with heat and very hot.

Recipe for crunchy waffle tubes for wafflee on gas

Regardless of which technique you use for baking, the waffle recipe does not change much. In case you are going to groan the waffle in the wafelnice, which runs on the gas, is necessary:

  • Creamy oil - 100-125 g;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Eggs - 2 pcs;
  • Starch - 50 g;
  • Water - 150 ml.

Cooking of delicacies begins with the heating of butter in a water bath. While it gradually softens, you need not to waste time and proceed to rubbing eggs with sugar. To accelerate the process, use a mixer or blender.

When a thick foam appeared, melt oil can add to it. At the same time, do not cease to work with a mixer. The next to add starch, as well as flour. We make it small portions.

The last ingredient, which is added to the dough is warm water. It also needs to be added at all. We remove the resulting mixture into a warm place, and we proceed to the preparation of the workplace for baking.

The device is installed on the stove, lubricate the oil and wait until it gets warm. After that, you can proceed to baking. One wafer accounts for 2 spoons of the dough.

What to fill the tubes?

Wafers are extremely tasty and without any filling. But with stuffing, this delicacy will simply be gripping. Options than to fill the tubes set. The most popular are:

  • Custard, which is prepared from yolk (1 pc.), Butter (100 g), sugar (1 cup) and milk (1 cup);
  • Curd cream: cottage cheese (better low-fat, about 100 g), butter (100 g), sugar or sugar powder (50 g), condensed milk (very little bit - 15 g), cognac (a couple of drops);
  • Chocolate cream filling that contains the least components - black chocolate (about 200 g) and cream (it is better to take about 30% fat, 150 ml);
  • Protein filling: We take a pair of egg proteins and sugar (120 g).

In addition to the presented options, you can use a variety of products: nuts, raisins, fresh and dried fruits. That is, everything that allows you your fantasy.

In addition, you can experiment not only with a sweet filling, but also salty: for example, pies, grated cheese with garlic, meat and fish filling, herring butter and much more. You can also add some fresh vegetables.

Prepare on our recipes, it is very simple and tasty.

Interesting cheese cakes on kefir with filling diversify your breakfast, but it can also be a good snack. how to do.

How to make an outdoor cake with a cottage cheese from a sand dough so that the filling does not flow, and the dough it did not work raw. Follow our, and everything will work out!

In such a fairly simple dish, there are practically no pitfalls, but there are several secrets that will help to make a real masterpiece:

  1. If you want to get no more tender, and more crispy tubes, use the replacement: in the recipe instead of a third flour sprout starch;
  2. The plasticity property in the waffle decreases with every second, after you opened the wafflell, so you should not waste time: they need to twist immediately, whatever hot they are;
  3. So that the tubes remain crispy and crumbly time, try to store them in a well-closed container or breadcrove;
  4. If you want to fill the tubes with no sweet creams, then sugar and vanillin from the recipe is recommended to be excluded, but add a little salt;
  5. It is necessary to remember that too some creams can spoil the crisp effect of the waffle. To preserve this property, it is best to choose from sweet variants either protein or oil-based cream and condensed milk;
  6. To decorate the tubes a little, dip them first into the shaken chocolate, and after in the ground nuts, coconut chips or multi-colored powder.

Waffle tubes are an incredibly tasty dish, which will be in joy to your loved ones and guests. Especially if they are diversified not only by sweet, but also salted fillings. In this case, they will be not only dessert, but also a snack.

Greetings, dear readers! Today I will share with you recipes of waffle tubes. This is a delicious delicacy that most of us love since childhood. Such crispy yums will not leave indifferent or children or adults.

Waffle tubes are sweet, tasty and very fragrant. Their special feature is this cellular corrugation. Such a surface is formed due to the waffelnica, into which the liquid dough is poured. I am preparing them in an old mother, Mamina ElectrovaFelnice since Soviet times. It works perfectly and bake very quickly. But now many have modern options, so that these recipes will be useful to you.

Such waffles can be supplied to tea just like that. Or you can cook stunning desserts. Starting from adding all sorts of syrups and, ending with fantastically tasty waffle cakes.

Waffle tubes from the dough on the recipe of my grandmother are most often prepared in our family. They really come from childhood - delicious, crispy and fragrant.

By the way, the list of ingredients is small here, and all products are very simple, accessible to everyone.

This dessert is shut down lightning, so I advise you to prepare a lot at once, these "cristers" are definitely not covered with you.

We will need:

  • creamy oil - 200 g;
  • eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • sugar - 200-300 g (depending on your preferences);
  • flour - 250 g


The amount of sugar depends on how much you love it. I put less than the specified norm everywhere, because I do not like when the dishes are too sweet.

Kefir-based Electrovale Power Dough

I love experiments in the kitchen and decided that you need to search and try to prepare waffle tubes and for other recipes, for example, to start the dough on kefir. I can safely say that the experiment managed, I really liked it. Gentle, but at the same time crunchy. I understand more and more that baking in kefir becomes one of the favorite.

By the way, in the recipe I indicate a full amount of products. Although the first time I tried the oven of half from the norm (and only half of the ingredients are captured in the photo) to see if it will be delicious. But you can already not worry and cook immediately from all ingredients, because the waffles come out unrealistic delicious.

We will need:

  • kefir - 0.5 glasses;
  • butter - half of the packaging (125g);
  • sugar - 0.5 glasses;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • soda - ¼ ch.


Again, adjust the amount of sugar in your preferences.

How to cook the dough for crispy tubes on milk?

The dough for waffles can also be made on milk. If you want them to be crispy, then grab them rising. If you prefer them to be soft, then get them out of the wafflee before they become a flush color.

We will need:

  • creamy oil - 1 pack (I used less);
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar is 1 cup (or less if desired);
  • milk - 1 cup;
  • flour - 8 st.
  • soda - 1/3 h. Such, hated by vinegar.


Homemade bananas-oat waffles on a simple recipe

For adhered correct nutrition of people, I also have a simple recipe. You will have an excellent snack and even an ambulance hand.

My daughter also estimated such waffle tubes, the Umanal for both cheeks.

I also had a sample made all of the half of the specified product rate, I will write a complete list of ingredients in the recipe.

We will need:

  • oatmeal - 1 cup;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • milk - 0.5 glasses;
  • water - 0.5 glasses;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - pinch;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.


Replace the milk on the water and get a lean dessert.

Video about how to make waffle tubes with condensed milk

Tubes with conventional or boiled condensed milk are hotly loved by many. Look at the video and you will learn how to do them correctly. Your family, and especially children will undoubtedly appreciate such a dessert!

I tried to write about the most simple and, in my opinion, delicious recipes for the preparation of wafer tubes. I think now you have something to choose from. And perhaps all products already have at home, so you should not wait for the reason, but just prepare them right now. Your family is exactly surprised and delighted with such a tasty dessert.

Well, it is possible to wrap in such tubes and jam, and jam or even fruit! It all depends on your imagination.

See you soon! Bon Appetit!