Drawing flowers with paints for children. Draw flowers

Dear friends! In my past article, I talked about the features of working with colored pencils, now it's time to apply this wonderful artistic material in practice. In this phased hand drawing lesson, on the example of drawing peonies, we will learn to make a contour figure with you, learn about the features of working with colored pencils, learn how to pick up and mix colors.

Necessary art materials

✔ Dense sheet A4 format (I use Watman, density 200 gr. / M); ✔ ruler, sharpener, erasing gum; ✔ Simple Pencil HB (I like to work more automatic pencil); ✔; ✔ Faber-Castell colored pencils set. To work on each element, we will choose 2-3 main colors, and several colors to add accents in the final. For example, to draw the leaves, we will need three shades of green: light, dark and intermediate. Intermediate color is needed to smooth the transition from light to dark. I will use the following colors of Classic Color Pencils pencils, Faber-Castell: - for petals and bud: 330, 319 and 325, 327 - for leaves: 370, 359 and 357 - for color accents: 327, 383, 378, 392 - for Stamens: 309.

The next stage of work is the selection of references. If you already have artistic experience, you can draw peonies from nature, but I would recommend novice to beginners to find a photo on the Internet. It will also be useful to see how other artists depict flowers. You can choose some one photo and draw from it. But that the drawing turned out to be interesting and was not an accurate copy, we will pick up different photos and gather your own author's work. It is not necessary to draw an image of the whole, somewhere we can spit out a beautifully curled sheet or notice a picturesque petal. Look for interesting perspectives and details.

Step 1: Draw a schematic sketch of peony pencil

Let's start drawing our peonies with a pencil. We take a sheet of A4 format, with the help of a ruler and a simple pencil we find the middle of the sheet and the shafts of the auxiliary lines. Now we know exactly where the center of our future composition. Next, it is very schematically outlined by the image of the peony. I decided to draw a large flower, with several leaves. So that the flower is not lonely, add a bud to it. Such details are very important, at the expense of them your work will look more interesting. Making the sketch, remember that large elements are better to position at the bottom, and at the top leave more air. For this purpose, we defined the center of the sheet.

Step 2: We work in peony parts with a pencil

So, a schematic drawing of a peony flower with a pencil we have. Now we understand where and that we will be located. The next step of our phased drawing lesson will be more detailed study. For this, carefully study references or nature. Draw petals, leaves, bud, outlining stems. We try not to press a pencil strongly, too soft pencil either do not use so as not to breed the dirt on the sheet. We should have a rather detailed, but light sketch.

Step 3: Obligate Pencil Sketch of Peeion Liner

Now let's start working with liners so that there is a beautiful finished contour picture. To begin with, we take a liner with a thickness of 0.3 mm. Not rushing, we will very carefully supply our sketch along the contour. We try to the line to be smooth. As a result, our drawing will appear a clear, finished contour.

Step 4: Draw PION Flower Details Liner

Our drawing lacks liveliness, so we will now add details. Take a liner with a thickness of 0.2 mm. If you are still not very confident in your abilities, you can pre-draw small details with a pencil. Draw the stamens of our flower. Add accommodation to leaves, so that the drawing looked even more interesting. Add some strokes on leaves and petals. When they painted everything, we take an eraser and erase the whole pencil.

Step 5: Pain peony petals with colored pencils

The main principle is such - first put a light shade, then dark and make a smooth transition using an intermediate color.

Ksenia Okolkov

Now we learn how to draw a flower Peony with colored pencils. Let's start drawing peony petals. On the example of one petal, I will show you how to work with colored pencils. The main principle is such - first put a light shade, then dark and make a smooth transition using an intermediate color. We take the brightest shade that you chose to color the petals, I have a pencil 330. Gently paint the most part of the petal, while adjusting the pressure of the griffel. At the top, we can put the color tightly, to the bottom of the pressure of the griffel we try to weaken, at the expense of which the color will fall a little paler. Next, take the shade, which was chosen for dark sites. Take a pencil 319 and paint the dark plot. Do not worry that one color is superimposed on the other, it should be. The border between the colors is still rigid. To soften the border, we again take a light shade number 330, and we deposit a few layers over the entire petal. We work carefully, we try to do not very strong. Our first petal is ready. As you can see, nothing is difficult, just need to be patient! Guided by the same principle, paint all the remaining petals, with the exception of the internal, we will make them darker.

Step 6: Draw the inner peon petals with colored pencils

Now, during our phased design lesson, we will draw the inner petals of the peony flower. Take a pencil 319, which painted dark places on the petals. Pain in this color an inner piece of petal. Next, take the most dark shade of 327 and proceed to them the bottom of our petal. We do not forget that at the bottom of the pressure of the griffel do more, the higher we rise, those push the griffel is weaker. To align the color, take the brightest shade of 330 and score the whole petal. For the same principle we work with all other inner petals.

Step 7: Draw leaves of peony with colored pencils

With leaves we will act a little differently. First, put the main color, then select light and dark areas and make a smooth transition.

Ksenia Okolkov

Now it's time to draw the leaves of our peony. With leaves we will act a little differently. First, put the main color, then select light and dark areas and make a smooth transition. The leaves I decided to make a saturated herbaceous color. Therefore, I will be the main tint of 359. You take the color that chose as the main one. They are missing the entire surface of our leaf. Next, take a light shade, I have 370, they are missing bright sections of the sheet. The darkest sheet is working on the dark places of the sheet, I use 357. We see that the border turned out to be satisfied, now we need to soften it, make a smooth transition. We return to the main shade, remind you that I have it 359, and in your usual manner, we apply this color over the entire surface of the sheet. We make a few layers to smooth the color transitions well. Our beautiful leaflets are ready! In the same manner, paint the rest of the leaves at Pee.

Step 8: Draw the stamens and a peony bout with colored pencils

We continue to detail our peony. Take a yellow color, I take 309, and paint the stamens. Our flower is more and more transformed. Now, according to the same principles that I described above, draw a bud from our peony. We take the brightest shade of 330 and paint them most of the petal. Next, the pencil 319 is painted the dark piece of petal near the leaves. Light tint 330 soften the border between the colors. Also enter the leaves. We look at the entire surface of the leaves with a pencil 359. Light areas of the leaves are drawing with a tint 357. To make a soft transition between colors return to the main shade of 359. We apply this color throughout the surface of the sheet. Our bud is ready!

Painting pencil for beginners: Flowers are a collection of simple and understandable gradual drawing lessons, with which everyone can quickly and easily learn to draw beautiful flowers.

Each person is not alien to the feeling of the beautiful and expression of this feeling for many is. Images created by a skillful hand with a simple pencil cause admiration and the desire to create something similar, throw out their feeling of beautiful on paper.

If you feel the need to create something beautiful, but while you have a rather weak idea of \u200b\u200bhow to draw a pencil, then this article is what you need. Here we have collected useful graded pattern lessons with a pencil for beginners dedicated to the eternal theme "Flowers". Following these simple schemes, you can learn how to draw beautiful flowers with pencil and please our new talents of friends and loved ones.

Is it possible to learn to draw a pencil yourself?

According to expert opinion, everyone may learn to draw a pencil, regardless of the predisposition and age.

Let's start acquaintance with the amazing world of drawing from the list of materials and tools that you need in your hobby:

  • sheet of white paper, any format;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencils.

How to draw a pencil: where to start

"To fill the hand" in drawing and gain experience, starting with the simplest pencil sketches. Pictures with a pencil for beginners: Flowers in this case are suitable for a hundred percent, as they allow:

  • Make the first meaningful sketch and the simplest composition composition,
  • Determine the contours, draw parts and impose shadows,
  • If you wish to paint the drawing by making it more realistic.

Prepare tools and materials for drawing and determined with the theme of our composition, we can move on. We bring to your attention a selection of phased flower drawing lessons for a beginner. Choose from them the most interesting in your opinion and proceed to practice. You can simply redraw lines and figures according to photos. As soon as you master the simple reception presented in the photo of master classes, you can modify them by creating your own style drawing style with a pencil.

How to draw calla pencils:

How to draw tulips with a pencil:

How to draw roses with a pencil:

Learning to draw flowers on simple step-by-step lessons will be able to anyone. Here are the most detailed practical instructions on how to portray different colors.

These fragile and excellent nature creatures are able to decorate any drawing. To reveal the whole charm of flowers, it is important to learn about the features of their proportions, how to transfer velvety and the shape of petals, correctly arrange all parts of the plant in space. This will make it possible to achieve a magnificent result, even if you have never been distinguished by artistic abilities.

Each species of colors can be depicted in the form of a bud, discontinued or already falling inflorescences. With simple step-by-step lessons, you master the main techniques of drawing these gentle objects. Here are the receptions of auxiliary lines and creating volume, which will allow fully conveying the natural beauty of colors. Especially spectacularly drawing will look like in color, so choose the lesson you like and proceed to the design of the dreams learn to draw.

So come on and today we will try to draw several floweries and make a pleasant to friends, giving them a masterpiece on paper. And at the same time, and something new learn. Agreed?

Divine Iris

Symbol of wisdom, trust, hope. Wang Gogh himself wrote them on his famous canvases. And Claude Monet not only depicted Irises in the paintings, as well as skillfully decorated with their own garden.

Charming Machi.

A symbol of eternal youth and unfading beauty. This beautiful flower grows in Europe, and in North America, and in some regions of Asia (China and India). Figure of elegant poppies - a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother or sisters.

Draw Vasilka

And this blue flower symbolizes spiritual purity, modesty and tenderness. They say cornflowers possess magical strength and protect the house from evil forces.

Important sunflowers

They are a symbol of labor, abundance, and, of course, the Sun is in his direction they always turn their heads. And the sunflower is the symbol of the Motherland. Just as he always stretches to the Sun, so and people are always thoughts from homeland.

Fragile bells

This is a hint that someone thinks about you. Therefore, if you want to make a friend a pleasant surprise, draw this flower as a sign that you often remember him.

Narcissist drugs

According to the Greeks, they symbolize the pride and vanity. But the Japanese consider them a sign of silent beauty and joy.

Do you like daffodils? Then keep the video tutorial of drawing these wonderful colors!

Mysterious Gulcha

Symbol of summer heat. Has long been considered magic potion. Even legend There is about an intelligible girl who decorated his head with a wreath from the princess and was not given to his wife, which turned into a guy. He could not get drawn to the girl - the action of the overawe was so strong. "If it were not for the Gulch and Toya(Flower name) - That and the girl would be mine. "- disappointed shouting unclean. Here is what the tricky Gentian flower!

Fantasy flower

If you like to invent something new, mysterious, fantasy flower Easy your efforts. This beauties will decorate any drawing.


And what kind of bright flame on the prickly branches? Why it is shipovnik - symbol of youth, beauty and health.

Red Rose

Lady of flowers symbolizes passionate love, heavenly perfection and passion. In the global symbolism, the gold rose meant perfection, red - beauty, white - innocence, blue - inaccessibility.

I also offer to watch the video, how to draw a gorgeous rose with a pencil.

Flooded dandelion

Fragile and bright, this flower is beautiful even when it loses its freshness and bright yellow paint. So I want to look at him so that his weightless fluff flew far and far from the summer wind. Dandelion is a symbol of openness and heat.

Tiger Lilia

Very bright and even a little predatory tiger lily - a symbol of energy and enthusiasm. Still - she is sophisticated and at the same time extravagant, and the colors hints also for his extraordinary power!

Do you want more colors? Here are looking for tender spring primroses, - proud tulips, and - wonderful watercolor snowdrops!

If your creative child grows, teach it to draw beautiful flowers. We will help you explain to the baby, how to draw flowers in stages.

1. Fairy-tale flower

Real scarlet flower from a fairy tale.


  1. Draw a "crown" on the stalk.
  2. Add three petals to "crown".
  3. Add petals from top of the central tower "Crown" and two petals at its base.
  4. At the top of the central clologist "Corona" Draw a semicircle - a middle of a flower. From the middle to output four sticks with strokes-stamens at the ends.
  5. Color the fairytale flower.

2. Jasmine

Jasmine flower - embodiment of tenderness.


  1. A simple pencil draw a circle, in the middle, spend the line.
  2. Draw 2 different in the form of petal.
  3. Add 2 lower petals, also different in shape. From two opposite sides, draw the leaves.
  4. Draw parts. Add the leaves of the accommodation, take the location of the petals, draw the stamens.
  5. Erase extra pencil lines.
  6. Color the drawing.

3. Vasilek

Field flower similar to a small blue sprocket.


  1. With a simple pencil, draw a circle (outlining the flower), spend down the line from it, a little at an angle (we occupy the stem).
  2. Draw next to the line one more, so that it turns out the stalk. Slightly retreating from the bottom of the stem, spend a short line up at a low angle. Return a little up from it and spend the same line on the other hand. In the center of the mug, draw a small wavy middle of a cornflower.
  3. Next to each short line draw another one. It turned out to branches the stem. At the ends of the branches, take the boutons in the form of droplets: the upper will be closed, the lower - beginners to bloom. From the middle to spend lines like sunlight - so you will make items.
  4. Leaves from vasil sharp shape. Draw two leaf at the base of branches. Add one more sheet just above the upper branch. Petals in Vasilka gear. Draw at the end of each petal zigzag, so that there are 4 teeth. Add petals to dissolve bud.
  5. Add a vasil to the leafs to jar and erase the extra lines.
  6. Color the drawing, please add it.

4. Rosa

Red rose give in love and admiration.


  1. A simple pencil drew oval.
  2. Swipe down two short lines under a small angle.
  3. Draw a semicircle. You outlined bud.
  4. Draw two petals: front is completely visible, the rear little looks out due to bud.
  5. Draw a spiral inside the oval, slightly retreating from the left edge of the oval.
  6. From the beginning of the spiral, swipe down the front petal. Bud is completed. At the bottom of the bud Draw three teeth.
  7. Draw a stem.
  8. Add two sheets and spikes.
  9. Color the rose.

5. Carnation


  1. We plan the branch of the stem and two buds at the ends of each branch.
  2. At the end of the stems, we draw a small "fringe", the same "fringe" draw where the petals will begin.
  3. Draw the stem, add a couple of leaves.
  4. We plan the contours of petals.
  5. We add more petals and draw their contour.
  6. We are erased extra lines.
  7. Coloring cloves.

6. Tropical flowers

Twig of bright colors from southern countries.


  1. We look at the contours of the colors with three ovals, we plan stem, draw the middleings similar to the chamomile.
  2. Add petals and not revealed bud.
  3. Draw a bud, add leaves around flowers.
  4. Draw a thick twig.
  5. Add a branch of the leaves.
  6. We are erased extra lines.
  7. Color your beautiful picture.

7. Phials

Sleeper-lilac spring flowers.


  1. Note flowers and stems: Draw two oval, spend two slightly bent lines from them. Make the Buds and Mains, drawing in each oval an inverted eight.
  2. We start to challenge petals.
  3. We plan the petals to the end, draw the stem (including its continuation from above). We plan a sheet base.
  4. Draw leaves.
  5. We are erased extra lines.
  6. Coloring violets.

You can combine flowers from these guides in beautiful bouquets.