Topics presentation in the Russian language OGE. Texts of presentations from the Collection of Tsybulko

OGE in grade 9 in the Russian language includes a task to write a compressed statement on the listened text. To prepare for the GEA Teacher with children work out this task.

We offer a selection of audio records and tests for writing presentations from the official website of the FII. Download texts of presentations and print in Word document format.

1. Universal recipe for ...

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The universal recipe of how to choose the right one, the only correct, only the path to you in life is simply not and can not be. And the final choice is always leaving for a person.

We are doing this choice as a child when you choose friends, learn how to build relationships with peers, play. But most of the most important solutions that determine the life path, we still accept in youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is - the most responsible period. It is at this time that a person tends to choose the most important thing for life: the nearest friend, the circle of major interests, profession.

It is clear that such a choice is the point responsible. It is impossible to dismiss him from him, it cannot be postponed for later. It is not necessary to hope that the error after can be fixed: it will time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, will be able to correct, change, but not everything. And incorrect solutions without consequences will not remain. After all, success comes to those who know what he wants, resolutely makes a choice, believes in itself and stubbornly reaches the intended goals.

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The Great Patriotic War is increasing further, but the memory of it is alive in the hearts and souls of people. In fact, how to forget our unparalleled feat, our irreplaceable victims brought in the name of victory over the most insidious and cruel enemy - fascism. Four military years in gravity experience cannot be compared with any other years of our history. The most important feature of the past war was its nationwide, when for the common cause on the front, in the rear, in the partisan detachments all: from Mala to Velika. Let not everyone risked to the same extent, but gave themselves without a residue, their experience and work in the name of the coming victory, which went to us a very expensive price.

But the memory of a person with time weakens, it takes from it first the secondary, less significant and bright, and then substantial one. In addition, it becomes less and less veterans, those who passed the war and could tell about it. If the documents and works of art will not reflect the self-sacrifice and perseverance of the people, then the bitter experience of past years will be forgotten. And this can not be allowed.

The theme of the Great Patriotic War for decades has literature and art. A lot of wonderful films were removed about the life of a person in war, wonderful works of literature. And there is no presenlation, there is a pain that does not leave the soul of the people who lost millions of human lives during the war years. But the most important thing in a conversation on this topic is to preserve measures and tact in relation to the truth of war, to its participants.

(According to V. Bykov)

3. What is the benefit of reading?

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What is the benefit of reading? Is it true that the approval is helpful? Why do many continue to read? After all, not only to relax or take free time.

The benefits of reading books is obvious. Books expand the horizon of a person, enrich its inner world, make smarter. And it is also important to read the books because it increases the vocabulary of a person, produces clear and clear thinking. Make sure everyone can be in its own example. It is only worth thoughtfully read some classic work, and you will notice how it became easier with the help of speech to express your own thoughts, select the necessary words. The reading person speaks competently. Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. Do not believe? And you read something from the classics of a detective genre, for example, the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" Conan Doyle. After reading, you will think faster, your mind will be sharper and you will understand that it is useful and beneficial to read.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral guidelines and our spiritual development. After reading one or another classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better. (According to the Internet)

4. Whatever interesting is the home and school life of a child ...

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No matter how interesting is the child's home and school life, it is not reading the precious books - he is deprived. Such losses are irreparable. These adults can read the book today or in a year - the difference is small. In childhood, the time account is otherwise, here every day - discoveries. And the acuity of perception in childhood days is such that early impressions can affect the lifetime. The impressions of childhood are the brightest and strong impressions. This is the foundation of the future spiritual life, the Golden Fund.

In childhood, seeds are sown. Not everyone will germinate, not everyone will bloom. But the biography of the human soul is the gradual germination of seeds sitting in childhood.

Subsequent life is complex and diverse. It consists of millions of deeds defined by many features of character and, in turn, forming this nature. But if you trace and find a connection of phenomena, it will become obvious that every feature of the character of an adult, every quality of his soul and, maybe even every act of his act was sown in childhood, had their germin since then, his seed.

(By S. Mikhalkov)

5. What is a good book?

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What is a good book? It must be fascinating, interesting. After reading the first pages, there should be no desire to put it on the shelf. We are talking about books that make it think, express emotions. The book should be written by a rich language. It must bear a deep meaning. Original and unusual ideas also make a book useful.

Do not get involved in any one genre, native literature. Passion only fantasy genre is capable of turning young readers in those who know the way to Avalon better than the way home. If you did not read books from the school program, you should start with them. Classic literature is a mandatory base for each person. It has frustration and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. Such books will teach sensitivity, help see the beauty of the world, understand yourself and people. Scientific and popular literature will expand the horizons, will help determine his way in life, will give the opportunity to self-development.

We hope that the arguments in favor of reading will make a book your best friend.

6. Have a family and children ..

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It is also necessary to have family and children and naturally, as necessary and naturally work. The family has long been fastened by the moral authority of the Father, who was traditionally considered the head. Father children respected and obeyed. He was engaged in agricultural, construction, forest harvesting and firewood. All the severity of peasant labor with him was shared by adult sons.

The management of the household was in the hands of his wife and mother. She won everything in the house: I looked after my cattle, cared for food, about clothes. She did all these works not alone: \u200b\u200beven children, barely learned to walk, gradually, along with the game, began to do something useful.

Walked, tolerance, the mutual forgiveness of the insults reversed in a good family into mutual love. Wastiness and notion considered the punishment of fate and caused pity for their carriers. It was necessary to be able to give way, to forget the offense, answer good or silent. Love and consent between relatives gave the beginning of love outside the house. From a person who does not loving and does not respect his relatives, it is difficult to wait for respect to other people. (According to V. Belov)

7. Is it possible to determine as one comprehensive formula what kind of art?

Is it possible to determine one comprehensive formula what kind of art is? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, this is the identification of a funny and tragedy, it is morality and immorality, it is knowledge of peace and man. In art, a person creates his image as a separate, capable of exist outside it and stay after him as his mark in history.

The moment of human appeal to creativity, perhaps is the greatest discovery that does not have equal in history. After all, through art, every separate person and the people as a whole comprehends their own characteristics, their lives, their place in the world. Art makes contact with individuals, peoples and civilizations distant from us time and space. And not just get in touch, but to know and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is he who gives humanity to feel like a single whole.

That is why, with a deep antiquity, an attitude towards art was not as entertainment or fun, but as a mighty strength, which could not only capture the image of time and man, but also transfer it to descendants.

(According to Y. Bondarev)

8. The word "culture" is multifaceted.

The word "culture" is multifaceted. What primarily carries true culture? It carries the concept of spirituality, light, knowledge and true beauty. And if people understand this, then our country will become prosperous. And therefore it would be very good if in every city and the village there was a center of culture, the center of creativity is not only for children, but also for people of all ages.

True culture is always aimed at education and education. And, at the head of such centers, people should stand, well understand what is a real culture, what it makes up, what is its meaning.

The key note of culture can be such concepts as peace, truth, beauty. It would be good if the culture was engaged in people honest and disinterested, selflessly devoted to their work, respecting each other. Culture is a huge ocean of creativity, the place is enough for everyone, for everyone there is a business. And if we all become participating in its creation and strengthening, then our entire planet will become more beautiful. (According to M.TSvetaeva)

9. What does it mean to be a cultural person?

What does it mean to be a cultural person? Cultural can be considered a person educated, educated responsible. He respects himself and others. A cultural person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high, the ability to be grateful, love for nature and homeland, compassion and sympathy to neighbor, goodwill.

Cultural man is never soling. It will keep composure and dignity in any life situations. It has a clear goal and achieves it. The main goal of such a person is to increase good in the world, strive to ensure that all people are happy. The ideal of a cultural person is genuine humanity.

Nowadays, people pay too little time culture. And many do not even think about it throughout life. Well, if a person has the process of attachment to culture occurs since childhood. The child meets the traditions moving from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and his homeland, learns cultural values. Becoming an adult, he will be able to be a useful society. (According to the Internet)

10. Some believe that a person matures ...

Some believe that a person matures in some definite age, for example, at 18, when he becomes adult. But there are people who and at an older age remain children. What does it mean to be adults?

Adiphee means independence, that is, the ability to do without any help, guardianship. A person who has this quality does everything himself and is not waiting for support from others. He understands that his difficulties must overcome himself. Of course, there are situations when a person cannot cope with one. Then you have to ask for help from friends, relatives and acquaintances. But in general, an independent, adult person is not characteristic of others.

There is such an expression: hand should be expected only from the shoulder. An independent person knows how to respond for himself, his affairs and actions. He himself plans his life and evaluates himself, without relying on whose opinion. He understands that much in life depends on him itself. Being an adult means to respond for someone else. But for this, too, it is necessary to become independent, be able to make decisions. Adhere depends not from age, but from life experience, from the desire to live life without nannies.

11. What is friendship? How are friends?

What is friendship? How are friends? Friends will meet most often among people of common destiny, one profession, common thoughts. And yet it is impossible to confidently say that such a community determines friendship, because people of different professions can make friends.

Can two opposite character be friends? Sure! Friendship is equality and similarity. But at the same time, friendship is inequality and disabilities. Friends are always needed to each other, but not always friends get from friendship equally. One is friends and gives his experience, the other in friendship is enriched with experience. One, helping the weak, inexperienced, young friend, knows its strength, maturity. Another, weak, knows your ideal in each other, strength, experience, maturity. So, one in friendship gives, the other is rejoiced to gifts. Friendship is based on similarity, and manifests itself in distinction, contradictions, misstitution.

One who claims your rightness, talent, merit. One who loving exposes you in your weaknesses, disadvantages and vices.

12. Friendship is not something external.

Friendship is not something external. Friendship lies deep in the heart. You can not force yourself to be a friend to someone or make someone to be your friend.

For friendship, you need a lot, first of all mutual respect. What does it mean to respect your friend? This means to reckon with his opinion and recognize his positive features. Respect is manifested in words and affairs. A friend who manifests respect, feels that he is appreciated as a person, respect his merits and help him not only from a sense of duty. In friendship, it is important to confidence, that is, confidence in the sincerity of a friend, in the fact that he will not betray and does not deceive. Of course, a friend can make mistakes. But we are all imperfect. These are two main and main conditions for friendship. In addition, common moral values \u200b\u200bare important for friendship. People who look differently on what is good, and that evil will be hard to be friends. The reason is simple: Whether we can show deep respect for a friend and, perhaps, trust, if we see that he performs any deeds unacceptable, in our opinion, and considers it the norm. Strengthen friendship and common interests or hobbies. However, for friendship that has existed for a long time and tested by time, it is not fundamentally.

Friendly feelings do not depend on age. They can be very strong and bring a lot of experiences. But without friendship, life is unthinkable. (According to the Internet)

13. Tests are always waiting for friendship.

Tests are waiting for friendship always. The main one of them today is the changed structure, change in the image and routine of life. With the acceleration of the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize themselves an understanding of the significance of time. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example, that the hosts were taken by guests. Now that time is the price of achieving your goal, rest and hospitality ceased to be meaningful. Frequent meetings and leisurely conversations are not already indispensable companions of friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meetings of friends become rare.

But here is a paradox: before the circle of communication was limited, today the man depresses the redundancy of forced communication. This is especially noticeable in cities with high population density. We strive to alienate, choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in the reading room of the library.

(By N.P. Offer)

14. When I studied at school, it seemed to me ...

When I studied at school, it seemed to me that my adult life would take place in a different setting, as it were in a different world, and other people will surround me. And actually it all happened otherwise. My peers remained with me. Youth friends turned out to be the most faithful. The circle of acquaintances increased extraordinitively. But real friends, old, genuine friends are acquired in youth. Youth is a rapprochement time.

Therefore, take care of youth to deep old age. Appreciate everything good that you purchased in young years, do not lose friends. Nothing from the acquired in youth passes without a trace. Good youth skills will make life easier. The bad will complicate it and make it difficult. Remember the Russian proverb: "Take care of honor"? All actions committed in youth remain in memory. Good will delight. Bad wonders will not sleep.

15. When I was ten years ...

When I was ten years old, someone's thoughtful hand stood to me Tomik "Animal heroes." I consider it my "alarm clock." From other people I know that for them "alarm clock" the feelings of nature were a month spent in the summer in the village, a walk in the forest with a man who "has discovered her eyes", first journey with a backpack, with overnight in the forest ...

There is no need to list everything that can wake up interest in the human childhood and reverent attitude towards the great sacrament of life. Grown, the man of mind to comprehend should be comprehended, how difficult everything in the living world is intertwined, interrelated, as this world is durable and at the same time we only vulnerable, as everything in our life depends on the wealth of land, from the health of wildlife. This school must be.

Nevertheless, in the beginning there is love. On time awakened, it makes the knowledge of the world in interesting and fascinating. With her a person acquires a certain point of support, an important point of reference to all values \u200b\u200bof life. Love to everything that greenes, breathes, publishes sounds, sparkles with paints, and there is love, an approaching person to happiness.

(According to V.M. Peskov)

16. Insecurity - ancient problem ...

Insecurity - ancient problem, but she attracted the attention of physicians, teachers and psychologists relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear: all the increasing insecurity can cause a mass of trouble - up to serious illnesses, not to mention everyday problems.

And psychological problems? After all, the uncertainty can serve as a constant dependence on someone else's opinion. We will imagine how dependent feels uncomfortable: other people's assessments seem to him much more important and significant than their own; He sees each act primarily through the eyes of others. And most importantly, he wants approval from all, starting with close and ending with passengers in the tram. Such a person becomes indecisive and cannot correctly evaluate life situations.

How to overcome uncertainty? Some scientists are looking for an answer to this question based on physiological processes, others rely on psychology. One thing is clear: to overcome uncertainty in yourself, only if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate its results.

17. What really lies in this ...

What really lies in this, it would seem familiar to all the concept of friendship? If we speak a scientific, then friendship is a disinterested relationship between people who are based on common sympathies, interests and hobbies. A real friend is always near, whether we are bad, well. He will never try to take advantage of your weakness for its purposes and will always come to the aid when he is so needed. He will not only help in trouble, but also sincerely be happy in the moments of happiness with you.

But, unfortunately, such relationships are gradually going to no. Disinterested friendship gradually becomes a remnant of the past. Friends are now for us - these are people able to help in a particular matter, or those with whom you can have a good time. In fact, if someone from allegedly close friends happens a crisis, friends evaporate somewhere until this crisis is passing. This situation is familiar with almost everyone. In a word, a favorable friendship rapidly displaces the friendship of disinterested.

We must remember that many problems that seek grandiose and frightening, without difficulty can be solved if there are reliable friends. Friendship gives confidence in tomorrow. She makes a man bolder, freer and more optimistic, and his life is warmer, more interesting and multifaceted. The right friendship spiritually unites people, contributing to the development of in them aspirations for creating, and not destruction.

18. There is no person in the modern world ...

In the modern world there is no man who would not come into contact with art. Its value in our life is great. Book, movie, television, theater, music, painting firmly entered our lives and have a huge impact on it.

Contact with the world of art gives us joy and disinterested pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to the TV, take the book to relax and have fun. Yes, and the artists themselves, writers, composers so build their works to support and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, listeners. But the value of art in our life is much more serious. It helps a person better see and understand the world around the world and himself.

Art can save the characteristic features of the era, to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other across decades and century, becoming a kind of storage of memory for subsequent generations. It imperceptibly forms views and feelings, character, tastes of a person, awakens the love of the beautiful. That is why in difficult moments of life, people often turn to works of art that become a source of spiritual strength and courage.

19. Many people think to be sincere ...

Many people think to be sincere - it means openly and directly say what you think, and do what you say. But for no hope: a person who is immediately voicing the fact that the first swept his head, risks not only natural, but also an uncompatible, and even stupid. Rather, the sincere and natural person is the one who can be himself: to remove masks, get out of the usual roles and show your true face.

The main problem is that we do not know ourselves, chanting the ghostly goals, money, fashion. Few people consider important and need to send the vector of attention to their inner world. It is necessary to look into your heart, to stop and analyze your thoughts, desires and plans to understand what is true, and that imposed, dictated by friends, parents, society. Otherwise, you risk all your life to spend the forces on the purpose that you really do not need at all.

If you look into yourself, you will see the whole world, endless and multifaceted. You will find your features and talents. We just need to study. And of course, you will not become easier and easier, but it becomes more interesting. You will find your life path. The only way to become sincere is to know yourself.

20. The essence of the concept of "power" is ...

The essence of the concept of "power" lies in the possibility of one person to force another to do what he would not do in his will. Tree, if he does not interfere, grows smoothly up. But even if he does not manage to grow smoothly, it, bending under obstacles, tries from under them to go out and again stretch up. So and the person. Sooner or later he wants to leave the obedience. People are submissive usually suffer, but if they managed to lose their "wear", they often turn into Tiranans themselves.

If you command everywhere and all, then a person is waiting for loneliness as a finale of life. Such a person will always be alone. After all, he does not know how to communicate. Inside him is a deaf, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calmly only when people constantly fulfill his orders. Commanders and sau-mi unhappy people, and fruit misfortune, even if they seek good results.

Command and manage people are different things. The one who manages is able to take responsibility for the actions. This approach maintains mental health and human itself, and others.

(According to M.L. Litvaku)

21. In society, where the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism is cultivated ...

In a society where the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And the human society was just formed, and continues to exist thanks to the general cause and help of weak, due to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we maintain a completely opposite point of view, stating that there are no other interests other than our own? And the point here is not even that it sounds selfish, the fact is that personal and public interests are intertwined in this matter.

Do you understand how deeper it is what it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and it became, and weakens us. And only mutual support can save and strengthen society.

And what else meets our common interests - mutual execution or primitive egoism? Here two opinions can not. We have to help each other if we want to live together well and do not depend on anyone. And, helping people in a difficult moment, it is not necessary to wait for gratitude, you just need to help, do not seek for yourself, then you will help you in response.

22. One person was told that his acquaintance ...

One person was told that his acquaintance responded about him in unflattering expressions: "Yes, can not be! - exclaimed man. "I didn't do anything good for him ...". Here it is, the algorithm of black ungratefulness when the evil respond to good. In life, it is necessary to assume that this person has repeatedly met with people who confused landmarks on the compass morality.

Morality is a guide for life. And if you deviate from the road, you can quite get tidy in Burl, spiny shrub, and then drown at all. That is, if you are ingradiously leading yourself towards others, then people have the right to behave in relation to you the same way.

How to treat this phenomenon? Treat philosophically. Make good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from what you do good. That is, you will be happy. And this is a goal in life - to live happily. And remember: Creative a good elevated nature.

23. I remember hundreds of responses of boys ...

Audio recording OGE 2017 in Russian from demo

Text of the presentation

I remember hundreds of answers of boys to the question: what kind of person do you want to be? Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... and no one said: good. Why does the kindness not put in one row with such values \u200b\u200bas courage and courage? But without kindness - genuine warmth of the heart - the spiritual beauty of man is impossible.

And experience confirms that good feelings should leave their roots in childhood. If they are not brought up in childhood, they never raise them, because they are absorbed simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main one is the value of life: someone else's, their, life of the animal world and plants. Humanity, kindness, goodwill is born in concerns, excitement, joy and sadness.

Good feelings, emotional culture is the firmness of humanity. Today, when in the world and so enough evil, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and make the most bold actions in the name of good. Following the goodness - the path is the most acceptable and only for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is useful - and a person alone and the whole society as a whole.

(By V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
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24. The word "Mom" is a special word.

The word "mother" is a special word. It is born with us, accompanies us in years of growing and maturity. His mind keeps in the cradle. With love, she utters a young man and a deep old man. There is this word in the language of anyone. And in all languages \u200b\u200bit sounds gentle and affectionately.

Mother's place in our life is special, exceptional. We always carry her their joy and pain and find an understanding. Maternal love is painted, gives strength, inspires to the feat. In difficult life circumstances, we always remember mom. And we need this moment only she. The man calls the mother and believes that she, wherever was not, hears him, makes him hurry to the rescue. The word "mother" becomes equivalent to the word "life".

How many artists, composers, poets created wonderful works about mom! "Take care of mothers!" - proclaimed in his poem the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov. Unfortunately, we too late understand that they forgot to say a lot of good and kind words with your mother. So that this does not happen, you need to give them joy every day and an hour. After all, grateful children are the best gift for them.

25. In childhood, a man is happy ...

In childhood, a person is happy, as they say, by default. By nature, his child is a creature, instinctively predisposed fortunately. No matter how difficult and even tragic his life, he still rejoices and constantly finds all new and new reasons for this. Perhaps because he hasn't yet compare his life with him yet, he still does not suspect that it may be somehow different. But most likely, after all, because the children's soul still did not have time to be covered with a protective shear and more open to good and hopes than the soul of an adult.

And with age, everything seems to be turned inside out. No matter how calmly and safely, our life was seen, we will not calm down until we find a certain offering, a few, a problem, get to her, and feel deeply unhappy. And we believe in the drama invented by us, we sincerely complain about her friends, we spend on experiences, health, mental strength ...

Only when a real tragedy occurs, we understand how ridiculous fictional suffering and how idle cause for them. Then we grab the head and speak ourselves: "Lord, how I was a fool when I suffered because of some nonsense. No to live in your pleasure and enjoy every minute. "

26. The war was for children a cruel and rough school.

War was a cruel and rude school for children. They sat outside the parties, but in the vague trenches, and before them were not a notebook, but armor-piercing shells and machine-gun tapes. They have not yet had a life experience and therefore did not understand the true value of simple things that do not attach importance to everyday peaceful life.

The war filled their mental experience to the limit. They could not cry from grief, but from hatred, could be in kind of happy to rejoice in the spring crane wedge, as never rejoiced before the war, nor after the war, with tenderness to keep the warmth of the left youth. Those who stayed alive returned from the war, sowing to keep in themselves pure, radiant world, faith and hope, becoming indispensable for injustice, kindly to good.

Although the war has already become a story, but the memory of it should live, because the main participants in history are people and time. Do not forget time - it means not to forget people, do not forget people - it means not to forget time.

(According to Y. Bondarev)

27. We often talk about the difficulties associated with the education of a man's life.

We often talk about the difficulties associated with the upbringing of a man's life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family bonds, reducing the family value in the education of the child. And if in the early years, the family did not have anything durable in the moral sense, then the society would have a lot of trouble with this citizen.

Another extreme is an excessive guard of the child by parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents were not found to their child of spiritual heat and, feeling this guilt, tend to pay their inner spiritual debt in the future with the late petty care and material benefits.

The world changes, becomes another. But if the parents could not establish inner contact with the child, shifting the main worries on grandparents or public organizations, then it is not to be surprised that a different child is so early acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness that life is impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

(On Yu.M. Nagibina)

28. There are values \u200b\u200bthat change ...

There are values \u200b\u200bthat change, lose, disappear, becoming dust. But no matter how much society changed, eternal values \u200b\u200bremained for thousands of years, which are of great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values \u200b\u200bis definitely friendship.

People very often use this word in their own language, certain people call their friends, but few can formulate what friendship is, who is a true friend what it should be. All the definitions of friendship are similar in one: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness of people, full trust and constant readiness at any time to come to each other.

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines, then they will be able to be friends, even if their attitude towards certain phenomena of life is different. And then the time and distance does not affect the real friendship. People can only talk to each other only occasionally, to be in separation for many years, but still remain very close friends. Similar constancy is a distinctive feature of real friendship.

29. Each of us once had favorite toys.

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has a luminous and gentle memories associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memories of the childhood of every person.

In the age of computer technologies, real toys no longer attract such attention as virtual. But despite all the emerging new items, such as phones and computer equipment, the toy is still unique and indispensable in its kind, because nothing teaches and does not develop a child as a toy with which he can communicate, play and even acquire life experience.

The toy is the key to the consciousness of a little man. To develop and strengthen positive qualities in it, make it mentally healthy, to instill love for others, form a proper understanding of good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will bring not only his image to his world, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a value system and worldview. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys.

30. Times are changing, new generations come ...

The times are changing, new generations come, who seemed to be not all like the previous things: tastes, interests, life goals. But the difficult personal questions mean for some reason remain unchanged. The current teens, like their parents in their time, worries all the same: how to draw attention to yourself who do you like? How to distinguish a passion from real love?

The youthful dream of love is that they would say, above all, a dream of mutual understanding. After all, the teenager must be realized in communicating with peers: to show their ability to sympathize, empathy. Yes, and just show your qualities and abilities before who is tuned to him goodwill, who is ready to understand him.

Love is unconditional and limitless confidence of two to each other. Trust that reveals in each of all the best, for which only a person is capable of. This love certainly includes friendly relations, but is not limited to them. She is always more friendship, because only in love we recognize the other person with the full right to all that is our world.

(By E. Semibratova)

31. To assess the kindness and understand its value ...

To evaluate kindness and understand its value, you must certainly experience it yourself. It is necessary to perceive the beam of someone else's kindness and live in it. It is necessary to feel like a beam of this kindness mastering the heart, the word and the affairs of the whole life. A kindness comes no obligation, not due to debt, but as a gift.

Alien is a kindness - this is a premonition of something more, for which I can't even immediately believe. It is warm, from which the heart is warming up and comes to the response. A person who had experienced kindness, cannot not answer sooner or later, confidently or uncertain his kindness.

This great happiness is to feel the fire of kindness in your heart and give him will in life. In this moment, in this watch, a person finds his best, hears singing his heart. "I" and "my own" is forgotten, alien disappears, for it becomes "mine" and "me." And for hostility and hatred there is no place for the soul. (138 words)

32. If you take away the ability to dream ...

If you take away the ability to dream of a person, one of the most powerful motivating reasons that born culture, art, science and the desire of the struggle in the name of an excellent future will disappear. But dreams should not be divorced from reality. They must predict the future and create a feeling that we already live in this future and become different.

The dream is needed not only to children, but also adults. It causes excitement, the source of high feelings. She does not give us calm down and always shows new sparkling gave, a different life. She is disturbing and makes it passionately to desire this life. This is its value.

Only a hypocrite can say that it is necessary to calm down on the achieved and stop. To fight for the future, you need to be able to dream passionately, deeply and effective. It is necessary to raise the continuous desire of meaningful and beautiful. (123 words)

33. Each person is looking for a place in life ...

Each person is looking for a place in life, tries to approve his me. It `s naturally. Just like he finds his place? What ways goes to him? What moral values \u200b\u200bhave weight in his eyes? The question is extremely important.

Many of us cannot confess to themselves in the fact that because of the false understanding, bloated feeling of self-esteem, because of the unwillingness to seem worse, we sometimes make rash steps, do not very correctly: once again I will not ask, I do not say "I don't know" "I can not" - no words. Believers cause a sense of condemnation. However, no better and those who exchange their dignity as a small coin. In the life of every person, probably there are times when he is just obliged to show his pride, to approve his own. And, of course, this is not always simple.

The true price of a person sooner or later is still detected. And the higher this price, the more the person loves not so much as other than others. Lion Tolstoy emphasized that each of us, the so-called little ordinary person, in fact there is a historical face that is responsible for the fate of the whole world.

34. I betrayed my native person, I betrayed the best friend.

I betrayed my native person, I betrayed the best friend. Such statements we, unfortunately, hear quite often. Most often betrayed those to whom we have invested the soul. The pattern is here such: the more blessing, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, the GUGO's statement is remembered: "I am indifferent to knife strikes of the enemy, but I am painful to a friend."

Many tolerate the mockery of themselves, hoping that the traitor will be waging conscience. But can not wake up what is not. Conscience - the function of the soul, and the traitor is not. The traitor usually explains his act on the interests of the case, but in order to justify the first betrayal, makes the second, third and so indefinitely.

The betrayal completely destroys the dignity of a person, as a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends her behavior, trying to justify the deed, someone flows into the feeling of guilt and fear before the impending retribution, and someone simply tries to forget everything without burdening themselves neither by emotions or reflections. In any case, the life of the traitor becomes empty, worthless and meaningless.

(By m.litvaku)

35. It only seems to us that when something happens to us ...

It only seems to us that when something happens to us is a unique phenomenon, the only one of its kind. In fact, there is not a single problem that no longer reflected in world literature. Love, loyalty, jealousy, treason, cowardice, looking for the meaning of life - all this was already experienced by someone, changed, the reasons, answers were found, and imprisoned on the pages of fiction. It's small: take and read and find everything in the book.

Literature, revealing the world with the help of a word, creates a miracle, doubles, triples our inner experience, irrespectively expands his lifestyle, per person, makes our perception thinner. In childhood, we read fairy tales and adventures to survive the search of search, intrigue. But an hour comes when we feel the need to open a book in order to deepen it with it. This is an hour of growing. We are looking for a book of the interlocutor who enlightens, ennobles, teaches.

So we picked up a book. What happens in our soul? With each read book that breaks down the pantry and feelings before us, we become different. With the help of literature, man becomes man. It is not by chance that the book is called the teacher and the textbook of life.

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Text number 1.

Tests are waiting for friendship always. The main one of them today is the changed structure, change in the image and routine of life. With the acceleration of the pace of life, with the desire to quickly realize themselves an understanding of the significance of time. Previously, it was impossible to imagine, for example, that the hosts are in charge of guests, now that time is the price of achieving its goal, rest and hospitality ceased to be meaningful. Frequent meetings and leisurely conversations are not already indispensable companions of friendship. Due to the fact that we live in different rhythms, meetings of friends become rare.

But here is a paradox: before the circle of communication was limited, today the man depresses the redundancy of forced communication. This is especially noticeable in cities with high population density. We strive to alienate, choose a secluded place in the subway, in a cafe, in the reading room of the library.

Text number 2.

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has bright and delicate memories related to them, which he carefully stores in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memories of the childhood of every person.

In the age of computer technology, real toys no longer attract such attention as virtual, but, despite all the emerging new items, such as phones and computer equipment, the toy still remains unique and indispensable in his own way. After all, nothing teaches and does not develop a child as a toy with which he can communicate, play and even acquire life experience.

The toy is the key to the consciousness of a little man. To develop and strengthen positive qualities in it, make it mentally healthy, to instill love for others, to form a proper understanding of good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will make not only his image, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a system of values \u200b\u200band worldviews. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys.

Text number 3.

When I was ten years old, someone's thoughtful hand stood to me Tomik "Animal heroes." I consider it my "alarm clock." From other people I know that for them "alarm clock" the feelings of nature were a month spent in the summer in the village, a walk in the forest with a man who opened his eyes to everything, "the first journey with a backpack. There is no need to list everything that can wake up interest in the human childhood and reverent attitude towards the great sacrament of life.

Grown, the man of mind to comprehend should be comprehended, how difficult everything in the living world is intertwined, interrelated, as this world is durable and at the same time we only vulnerable, as everything in our life depends on the wealth of land, from the health of wildlife. This school must be.

Nevertheless, in the beginning there is love. On time awakened, it makes the knowledge of the world in interesting and fascinating. With her a person acquires a certain point of support, an important point of reference to all values \u200b\u200bof life. Love to everything that green, breathes, publishes sounds, sparkles with paints, - and there is love, an approaching person to happiness.

Text number 4.

No matter how interesting is the child's home and school life, do not read the precious books - it is deprived. Such losses are irreparable. These adults can read the book today or in a year - the difference is small. As a child, the score of the time is done otherwise, here every day - discoveries. And the acuity of perception in childhood days is such that early impressions can affect the lifetime.

The impressions of childhood are the brightest and strong impressions. This is the foundation of the future spiritual life, the Golden Fund. In childhood, seeds are sown. Not everyone will germinate, not everyone will bloom. But the biography of the human soul is the gradual germination of seeds sitting in childhood.

Subsequent life is complex and diverse. It consists of millions of deeds defined by many features of nature and, in turn, forming this character. But if you trace and find a connection of phenomena, it will become obvious that every feature of the character of an adult, every quality of his soul and, maybe even every act of his act was sown in childhood, had their germin since then, his seed.

Text number 5.

We often talk about the difficulties associated with the upbringing of a man's life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family bonds, reducing the family value in the education of the child. And if in the early years, the family did not have anything durable in the moral sense, then the society would have a lot of trouble with this citizen.

Another extreme is an excessive guard of the child by parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents were not found to their child of spiritual heat and, feeling this guilt, tend to pay their inner spiritual debt in the future with the late petty care and material benefits.

The world changes, becomes another. But if the parents could not establish inner contact with the child, shifting the main worries on grandparents or public organizations, then it is not to be surprised that a different child is so early acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness that life is impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

Text number 6.

One person was told that his friend responded about him in unflattering expressions. "Do not you say! - exclaimed man. "I didn't do anything good for him ...". Here it is, the algorithm of black ungratefulness when the evil respond to good. In life, it is necessary to assume that this person has repeatedly met with people who confused landmarks on the compass morality.

Morality is a guide for life. And if you deviate from the road, you can quite get tidy in Burl, spiny shrub, and then drown at all. That is, if you are ingradiously leading yourself towards others, then people have the right to behave in relation to you the same way.

How to treat this phenomenon? Treat philosophically. Make good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from what you do good. That is, you will be happy. And this is a goal in life - to live happily. And remember: Creative a good elevated nature.

Text number 7.

The times are changing, new generations come, who seemed to be not all like the previous things: tastes, interests, life goals. But the difficult personal questions mean for some reason remain unchanged. The current teens, like their parents in their time, worries all the same: how to draw attention to yourself who do you like? How to distinguish a passion from real love?

The youthful dream of love is that they would say, above all, a dream of mutual understanding. After all, the teenager must be realized in communicating with peers: to show their ability to sympathize, empathy. Yes, and just show your qualities and abilities before who is tuned to him goodwill, who is ready to understand him.

Love is unconditional and limitless confidence of two to each other. Trust that reveals in each of all the best, for which only a person is capable of. This love certainly includes friendly relations, but is not limited to them. She is always more friendship, because only in love we recognize the other person with the full right to all that is our world.

Text number 8.

Insecurity - ancient problem, but she attracted the attention of physicians, teachers and psychologists relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear: all the increasing insecurity can cause a mass of trouble - up to serious diseases, not to mention everyday problems.

And psychological problems? After all, the uncertainty can serve as a constant dependence on someone else's opinion. Imagine how it is inconvenient to feel dependent: other people's assessments seem to be more important and significant than their own. He sees each act primarily through the eyes of others. And most importantly - he wants approval from all: starting with close and ending with passengers in the tram. Such a person becomes indecisive and cannot correctly evaluate the life situation.

How to overcome uncertainty? Some scientists are looking for an answer to this question based on physiological processes, others rely on psychology. One thing is clear: to overcome uncertainty in yourself, only if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate its results.

Text number 9.

The essence of the concept of "power" lies in the possibility of one person to force another to do what he would not do in his will. Tree, if he does not interfere, grows smoothly up. But even if he could not grow smoothly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries from under them to go out and again stretch up. So and the person. Sooner or later he wants to leave the obedience. People are submissive usually suffer, but if they managed to lose their "wear", they often turn into Tiranans themselves.

If you command everywhere and all, then the person is waiting for loneliness as a finale of life. Such a person will always be alone. After all, he does not know how to communicate. Inside him is a deaf, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calmly only when people constantly fulfill his order. Commanders and unhappy people themselves, and fruit misfortune, even if they seek good results.

Command and manage people are different things. The one who manages is able to take responsibility for the actions. Such an approach maintains mental health and the person himself, and others.

Text number 10

Is it possible to determine one comprehensive formula what kind of art is? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, this is the identification of a funny and tragedy, it is morality and immorality, it is knowledge of peace and man. In art, a person creates his image as a separate, capable of exist outside it and stay after him as his mark in history.

The moment of human appeal to creativity, perhaps is the greatest discovery that does not have equal in history. After all, through art, every separate person and the people as a whole comprehends their own characteristics, their lives, their place in the world. Art makes contact with individuals, peoples and civilizations distant from us time and space. And not just get in touch, but to know and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is he who gives humanity to feel like a single whole.

That is why, with a deep antiquity, an attitude towards art was not as entertainment or fun, but as a mighty strength, which could not only capture the image of time and man, but also transfer it to descendants.

Text number 11.

War was a cruel and rude school for children. They sat outside the parties, but in the vague trenches, and before them were not a notebook, but armor-piercing shells and machine-gun tapes. They have not yet had a life experience and therefore did not understand the true value of simple things that do not attach importance to everyday peaceful life.

The war filled their mental experience to the limit. They could not cry from grief, but from hatred, could be in kind of happy to rejoice in the spring crane wedge, as never rejoiced before the war, nor after the war, with tenderness to keep the warmth of the left youth. Those who stayed alive returned from the war, sowing to keep in themselves pure, radiant world, faith and hope, becoming indispensable for injustice, kindly to good.

Although the war has already become a story, but the memory of it should live, because the main participants in history are people and time. Do not forget time - it means not to forget people, do not forget people - it means not to forget time.

Text number 12.

The universal recipe of how to choose the right one, the only correct, only the path to you in life is simply not and can not be. And the final choice always remains for a person. We are doing this choice as a child when you choose friends, learn how to build relationships with peers, play.

But most of the most important solutions determining the life path, we still take in youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is the most responsible period. It is at this time that a person tends to choose the most important thing for life: the nearest friend, the circle of major interests, profession.

It is clear that such a choice is the point responsible. It is impossible to dismiss him from him, it cannot be postponed for later. It is not necessary to hope that the error after can be fixed: it will time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, will be able to correct, change, but not all. And incorrect solutions without consequences will not remain. After all, success comes to those who know what he wants, resolutely makes a choice, believes in itself and stubbornly reaches the intended goals.

Text number 13.

There are values \u200b\u200bthat change, lose, disappear, becoming dust. But no matter how much society changed, eternal values \u200b\u200bremained for thousands of years, which are of great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values \u200b\u200bis definitely friendship.

People very often use this word in their own language, certain people call their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who is a true friend what it should be. All the definitions of friendship are similar in one: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness of people, full trust and constant readiness at any time to come to each other.

The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines. Then they will be able to be friends, even if their relationships to certain phenomena of life are different. And then the time and distance does not affect the real friendship. People can only talk to each other only occasionally, be in separation for many years, but still remain very close friends. Similar constancy is a distinctive feature of real friendship.

Text number 14.

The word "mother" is a special word. It is born with us, accompanies us in years of growing and maturity. His missed child in the cradle, with love, says the young man and a deep old man. In the language of any people there is this word, and in all languages \u200b\u200bit sounds gentle and affectionately.

Mother's place in our life is special, exceptional. We always carry her their joy and pain and find an understanding. Maternal love is painted, gives strength, inspires to feats. In difficult life circumstances, we always remember mom, and we need only in this moment. A man calls mother and believes that she, wherever he hears him, makes him hurry to help. The word "mother" becomes equivalent to the word life.

How many artists, composers, poets created wonderful works about the mother. "Take care of mothers!" - proclaimed in his poem the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov. Unfortunately, we too late we understand that they forgot to say a lot of good and kind words to their mothers. So that this does not happen, you need to give them joy every day and an hour, because grateful children are the best gift for them.

Text number 15.

In a society where the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism is cultivated, many have forgotten about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. And the human society was just formed, and continues to exist thanks to the general cause and help of weak, due to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we maintain an absolutely opposite point of view, stating that there are no other interests other than our own?

And the point here is not even that it sounds selfish. The fact is that personal and public interests are intertwined in this matter. Do you understand how deeper it is what it seems? After all, individualism destroys society, and it became, and weakens us. And only mutual support can save and strengthen society.

And what else meets our interests - mutual execution or primitive egoism? Here two opinions can not. We must understand each other if we want to live together well and do not depend on anyone. And, helping people in a difficult moment, it is not necessary to wait for gratitude, you just need to help, not seeking benefits for yourself. Then you will assist in response.

Text number 16.

I remember hundreds of responses of boys to the question: what kind of person you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... and no one said - good. Why does the kindness not put in one row with such values \u200b\u200bas courage and courage? But without kindness, genuine warmth of the heart, the spiritual beauty of man is impossible.

And the experience confirms that good feelings should leave their roots in childhood. If they are not brought up in childhood, they never raise them, because they are absorbed simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main one is the value of life, someone else, Life of the animal world and plants. Humanity, kindness, goodwill is born in unrest, joy and sadness.

Good feelings, emotional culture is a firmness of humanity. Today, when in the world and so enough evil, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and make the most bold actions in the name of good. Following the goodness - the path is the most acceptable and only for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is also useful and man alone, and the whole society as a whole.

Text number 17.

In childhood, a person is happy, as they say, by default. By nature, its child is the essence of instinctively predisposed fortunately. Whatever difficult and even tragic is his life, he still rejoices and constantly finds all new and new reasons for this. Perhaps because not yet to compare life. He still does not suspect that it may be somehow different, but most likely, after all, because the soul still did not have time to be covered with the shell and more open good and hope than the soul of an adult.

And with age, everything seems to be turned inside out. No matter how calmly and safely there was a life, we will not calm down until we find a certain offense in it, a few, the problem, get to her and feel deeply unfortunate. And we believe in the drama invented by us, we sincerely complain about her friends, spend on experiences, health, mental strength.

Only when a real tragedy occurs, we understand how ridiculous fictional suffering and how idle cause for them. Then we grab the head and speak ourselves: "Lord, how I was a fool when I suffered because of some nonsense. No to live in your pleasure and enjoyment every minute. "

Text number 18.

I betrayed my native person, I betrayed the best friend. Such statements we, unfortunately, hear quite often. Most often betrayed those to whom we have invested the soul. The pattern is here such: the more blessing, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, Viktor Hugo's statement is remembered: "I am indifferent to knife strikes of the enemy, but I am tormented by a penny pen."

Many tolerate the mockery of themselves, hoping that the traitor will be waging conscience. But can not wake up what is not. Conscience - the function of the soul, and the traitor is not. The traitor usually explains his act on the interests of the case, but in order to justify the first betrayal, performs the second, third and so indefinitely.

The betrayal destroys the dignity of man, as a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends their behavior, trying to justify the deed, someone falls into the feeling of guilt and fear before the impending retribution, and someone simply tries to forget everything without burdened themselves either with emotions or reflections. In any case, the life of the traitor becomes empty, nicchonny and meaningless.

Text number 19.

The Great Patriotic War is increasing further, but the memory of it is alive in the hearts and souls of people. In fact, how to forget our unparalleled feat, our irreplaceable victims brought in the name of victory over the most insidious and cruel enemy are German fascism.

Four military years in gravity experience cannot be compared with any other years of our history. But the memory of a person with time weakens, from her in the grains, first the secondary: less significant and bright; And then - and essential. In addition, it becomes less and less veterans, those who passed the war and could tell about her. If in the documents and in the works of art will not reflect the self-sacrifice and perseverance of the people, then the bitter experience of past years will be forgotten. And this can not be allowed!

The theme of the Great Patriotic War for decades has literature and art. A lot of wonderful films were removed about the life and feat of a person in war, remarkable works of literature. And there is no presenlation, there is a pain that does not leave the soul of the people who lost millions of human lives during the war years. But the most important thing in a conversation on this topic is to preserve measures and tact in relation to the truth of war, to its participants, alive, but mostly dead.

Text number 20.

In the modern world there is no man who would not come into contact with art. Its value in our life is great. Book, movie, television, theater, music, painting firmly entered our lives and have a huge impact on it. But artistic literature is particularly strongly affected.

Contact with the world of art gives us joy and disinterested pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to the TV, take the book to relax and have fun. Yes, and the artists themselves, writers, composers so build their works to support and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, listeners. But the value of art in our life is much more serious. It helps a person better see and understand the world around the world and himself.

Art can save the characteristic features of the era, to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other across decades and century, becoming a kind of storage of memory for subsequent generations. It imperceptibly forms views and feelings, character, tastes of a person, awakens the love of the beautiful. That is why in difficult moments of life, people often turn to works of art that become a source of spiritual strength and courage.

Text number 21.

To evaluate kindness and understand its value, you must certainly experience it yourself. It is necessary to perceive the beam of someone else's kindness and live in it. It is necessary to feel like a beam of this kindness mastering the heart, the word and the affairs of the whole life. A kindness comes no obligation, not due to debt, but as a gift.

Alien is a kindness - this is a premonition of something more, for which I can't even immediately believe. It is warm, from which the heart is warming up and comes to the response. A person who had experienced kindness, cannot not answer sooner or later, confidently or uncertain his kindness.

This great happiness is to feel the fire of kindness in your heart and give him will in life. In this moment, in this watch, a person finds his best, hears singing his heart. "I" and "my own" is forgotten, alien disappears, for it becomes "mine" and "me." And for hostility and hatred there is no place for the soul.

Text number 22.

If you take away the ability to dream of a person, one of the most powerful motivating reasons that born culture, art, science and the desire of the struggle in the name of an excellent future will disappear. But dreams should not be divorced from reality. They must predict the future and create a feeling that we already live in this future and become different.

The dream is needed not only to children, but also adults. It causes excitement, the source of high feelings. She does not give us calm down and always shows new sparkling gave, a different life. She is disturbing and makes it passionately to desire this life. This is its value.

Only a hypocrite can say that it is necessary to calm down on the achieved and stop. To fight for the future, you need to be able to dream passionately, deeply and effective. It is necessary to raise the continuous desire of meaningful and beautiful.

Text number 23.

What is the benefit of reading? Is it true that the approval is helpful? Why do many continue to read? After all, not only to relax or take free time.

The benefits of reading books is obvious. Books expand the horizon of a person, enrich its inner world, make smarter. And it is also important to read the books because it increases the vocabulary of a person, produces clear and clear thinking. Make sure everyone can be in its own example. It is only worth thoughtfully read some classic work, and you will notice how it became easier with the help of speech to express your own thoughts, select the necessary words. The reading person speaks competently. Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. Do not believe? And you read something from the classics of a detective genre, for example, the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" Conan Doyle. After reading, you will think faster, your mind will be sharper and you will understand that it is useful and beneficial to read.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral guidelines and our spiritual development. After reading one or another classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

Do not get carried away by any one genre or native literature. So, the passion is only the genre of fantasy can turn young readers in goblins and elves who know the road to Avalon much better than the way home.

If you have not read books from the school program or read them in a shortened form, you should start with them. Classic literature is a mandatory base for each person. In the Great Works there is frustrated and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. They will teach you to be sensitive, emotional, help you see the beauty of the world, understand yourself and people. Naturally, read scientific and popular literature. It will expand your horizons, will form knowledge about the world, will help you determine your way in life, will give you the opportunity to self-development. We hope that these arguments given in favor of reading will make a book with your best friend.

The management of the household was in the hands of his wife and mother. She won everything in the house: I looked after my cattle, cared for food, about clothes. She did all these works not alone: \u200b\u200beven children, barely learned to walk, gradually, along with the game, began to do something useful.

Walked, tolerance, the mutual forgiveness of the insults reversed in a good family into mutual love. Wastiness and notion considered the punishment of fate and caused pity for their carriers. It was necessary to be able to give way, to forget the offense, answer good or silent. Love and consent between relatives gave the beginning of love outside the house. From a person who does not loving and does not respect his relatives, it is difficult to wait for respect to other people.

What does it mean to be a cultural person? Cultural can be considered a person educated, educated responsible. He respects himself and others. A cultural person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high, the ability to be grateful, love for nature and homeland, compassion and sympathy to neighbor, goodwill.

Cultural man is never soling. It will keep composure and dignity in any life situations. It has a clear goal and achieves it. The main goal of such a person is to increase good in the world, strive to ensure that all people are happy. The ideal of a cultural person is genuine humanity.

Nowadays, people pay too little time culture. And many do not even think about it throughout life. Well, if a person has the process of attachment to culture occurs since childhood. The child meets the traditions moving from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and his homeland, learns cultural values. Becoming an adult, he will be able to be a useful society.

What is friendship? How are friends? Friends will meet most often among people of common destiny, one profession, common thoughts. And yet it is impossible to confidently say that such a community determines friendship, because people of different professions can make friends.

Can two opposite character be friends? Sure! Friendship is equality and similarity. But at the same time, friendship is inequality and disabilities. Friends are always needed to each other, but not always friends get from friendship equally. One is friends and gives his experience, the other in friendship is enriched with experience. One, helping the weak, inexperienced, young friend, knows its strength, maturity. Another, weak, knows your ideal in each other, strength, experience, maturity. So, one in friendship gives, the other is rejoiced to gifts. Friendship is based on similarity, and manifests itself in distinction, contradictions, misstitution.

For friendship, you need a lot, first of all mutual respect. What does it mean to respect your friend? This means to reckon with his opinion and recognize his positive features. Respect is manifested in words and affairs. A friend who manifests respect, feels that he is appreciated as a person, respect his merits and help him not only from a sense of duty. In friendship, it is important to confidence, that is, confidence in the sincerity of a friend, in the fact that he will not betray and does not deceive. Of course, a friend can make mistakes. But we are all imperfect. These are two main and main conditions for friendship. In addition, common moral values \u200b\u200bare important for friendship. People who look differently on what is good, and that evil will be hard to be friends. The reason is simple: Whether we can show deep respect for a friend and, perhaps, trust, if we see that he performs any deeds unacceptable, in our opinion, and considers it the norm. Strengthen friendship and common interests or hobbies. However, for friendship that has existed for a long time and tested by time, it is not fundamentally.

We have gathered for you all the texts of presentations from the collection of Tsybulko of 2015. Under each text there are microthelers and a ready-made compressed statement. Many of these texts are repeated in the open bank of the instructions of the FIPI, and therefore can get caught on the real OGE. Use!

Text to options 1-4 ("Modern life with its ever-increasing pace ...").

Modern life with its ever-increasing pace makes people communicate with a large number of people. Surprisingly, the more such "mumbling" acquaintances we meet, the harder to find real friends among them. However, one thing is obvious: we all feel a strong need for a friendly communication, close friendly relationships are still necessary for us just like food and water.
What should be a real friend? A real friend can always help you in difficult times, but it will never use you as a means to achieve its goals. A real friend is sincerely rejected by your progress, but he will not pretend that he is glad, and at the same time in the soul to envy you. Friend will always find the right word of support, which so often lacks people. You can always rely on a friend, because he is honest with you.
Do not think that a friend should be an ideal person deprived of any drawbacks. Not. Friend is also a person, but there are no ideal people. The main thing is to relate to him with kindness and attention.

(By I. Bondareva)


Paragraph number


Life with dignity and get joy to a person allows a real purpose that is to serve people.

Personal benefit cannot lead a person so much joy as good deeds for other people committed from the heart.

Therefore, the main life task should be wider than the personal interests of a person, it must dictate to the kindness of people.

Ready compressed statement

1) Modern life makes people communicate with a large number of "fleeting" familiar, among which are more and more difficult to find real friends. But we all feel a strong need for a close friendship of communication.

2) What should be a real friend? He will be able to help in difficult times and will never use you. He will be sincerely glad to your progress and will not envy you. He will find the word support. You can rely on it.

3) Friend is not the perfect person. He has shortcomings. The main thing is to relate to him with kindness and attention.

Text to options 5-8 ("We often talk to each other ...").

We often talk to each other: I wish you all the best. This is not just an expression of courtesy. In these words, we express our human essence. It is necessary to have a great strength of the Spirit to be able to desire good to others. The ability to feel, the ability to see good people around you are not only a culture rate, but also the result of the huge inner work of the Spirit.

Turning to each other with a request, we say: please. Request is a gusting of the souls. Refusing to a person in help - it means to lose your own human dignity. Indifference to needing assistance is a mental deformity. To protect yourself from indifference, it is necessary to develop complicity in your soul, compassion and at the same time the ability to distinguish innocuous human weaknesses from the defects crumpled soul.

Increase good in the world around us - this is the biggest goal of life. Good is composed of a lot, and every time life puts in front of a person a task that needs to be able to solve. Love and friendship, raging and spreading on a lot, gain new forces, are becoming higher, and man, their center, wiser.

(According to D. S. Likhachev)


Paragraph number


The wish of good people is the expression of the essence of man. The ability to see will be kindly surrounding the world, people - an indicator of culture, the result of great internal work.

Kindness is human dignity, and indifference - spiritual ugliness; To protect yourself from him, you need to develop sympathy and complicity in your soul.

Increase good in the world around us - this is the biggest goal of life; The ability to love and be friends makes a person wiser and stronger.

Ready compressed statement

1) In the wish of good people, we express our human essence, because it requires a great power of the Spirit. The ability to see those surrounding pre-kind is the result of a huge inner work.

2) refuse to help - it means to lose dignity. To protect yourself from indifference to needing help, it is necessary to develop complicity and compassion, as well as the ability to distinguish human weaknesses from vices.

3) Increase the good in the world around the world - the biggest goal of life. Love and friendship acquire new forces, becoming higher, and man, their center, wiser.

Text to options 9-12 ("I remembered hundreds of responses of boys to a question ...").

I recalled hundreds of responses of boys to the question: what kind of person you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... and no one said - good. Why does the kindness not put in one row with such values \u200b\u200bas courage and courage? But without kindness, genuine warmth of the heart, the spiritual beauty of man is impossible. Good feelings, emotional culture is the firmness of humanity.
Today, when in the world and so enough evil, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and make the most bold actions in the name of good. Following the goodness - the path is the most acceptable and only for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is also useful and man alone, and the whole society as a whole.
Learn to feel and sympathize - this is the hardest thing that is in the upbringing. If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they never raise them, because they are absorbed simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main one is the value of life, someone else's, the life of the animal world and plants. As a child, a person must pass an emotional school, school of upbringing good feelings.

(According to D.S. Likhachev)


Ready compressed statement

1) Why is kindness not put in one row with valor and courage? After all, without kindness, the mental beauty of man is impossible. It, together with emotional culture, is the focus of humanity.

2) Today we should be more kind to each other, to the animal world and make bold actions in the name of good. The path of good is the only true for a person. He is tested, faithful, useful and man and society.

3) If good feelings are not brought up in childhood, they never bring them. They are absorbed along with the main truth - the value of the life of everything alive. In childhood, a person must pass the school of good feelings.

Text to options 13-16 ("Man made a misconduct ...").

Man made misconduct or even a crime. Or simply did not justify the hopes that pinned it. Looking for an explanation. Looking for them and he himself. More often not so much explanation, how much excuse. Surrounding and he himself blames family, school, team, circumstances.

We should not forget what role the man played in his own destiny. Forget about important, or perhaps, the most important part of education - self-education. After all, of all the circumstances forming a person, the most important - conscious attitude towards their own life, to their own thoughts and plans and above all - to their own actions.

Self-education begins with self-esteem. If a person begins to find insurmountable obstacles in every case, loses self-confidence, it means that he has understated self-esteem. An overestimated self-esteem is no less dangerous when a person considers himself always and in everything right and does not listen to the opinions of others. Only the ability to adequately evaluate their capabilities allows you to correctly formulate life goals and seek them.

(According to S. Lvov)


Ready compressed statement

1) A person made a misconduct, a crime or did not justify hopes. Everyone is looking for explanations or justification and blame others and circumstances.

2) But we should not forget about self-education. After all, the most important of the circumstances formatives is a conscious attitude towards their own thoughts and actions.

3) Self-education begins with self-esteem. Human has understated self-esteem when he loses confidence in himself, irresistible obstacles find everywhere. The overestimated self-esteem is also dangerous, because then a person considers himself throughout the right and not listens to others. Only the ability to adequately evaluate their capabilities allows a person to set goals and seek them.

The text to the options 17-20 ("time changes people ...").

Time changes people. But, in addition, there is another category that affects you, maybe even stronger than the time. This is a lifestyle, attitude towards it, compassion for others. There is a consideration that the compassion is brought up by his own misfortune. I do not like this consideration. I believe that compassion is a special talent, and without it it is difficult to stay by a person.

A man of serene fate knows, of course, about the troubles, that there are unfortunate, and among them children. Yes, unhappiness and troubles are inevitable. But life is designed so that the misfortune seems often most often, sometimes even unreal. If you are fine, the trouble seems to be scattered in the world with small grains, it seems unfortunately atypical, and typical - happiness. Happiness will not be happiness if it every moment will think about trouble and grief.

Own troubles leave the scars in the soul and teach a person important truths. But if a person remembers only such lessons, he has understated sensitivity. Play from your own pain is not difficult. It is hard to cry from pain someone else's. The famous thinker of the past said: "Prosperity reveals our flavors, and disasters -nashi virtue."

(By A.A. Likhanov)


Ready compressed statement

1) Lifestyle, attitude to it and compassion change you stronger than the time. I believe that compassion is not brought up with your own misfortune, but is a talent, without which it is difficult to remain a person.

2) misfortunes and troubles are inevitable. But most often they seem to be happy distant, unreal, because happiness will not be happiness, if you constantly think about the grief.

3) If a person remembers only the lessons of his own troubles, he has understated sensitivity. It is harder to cry from someone else's pain than from its own. The thinker of the past said that prosperity reveals our vices, and disasters - virtue.

Text to options 21-24 ("rudeness in the language ...").

Roughness in the language, like rudeness in manners, sludge in clothes is a very common phenomenon, and it is evidenced by the unprotected person, about its weakness, and not at all. I'm not talking about the fact that it is a sign of an uncompaniment, and sometimes cruelty.

A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear. After all, it is long known that every our act, every word of the word is reflected in others and hostile to the most expensive, which is in the world, - a delicate life. And a strong man, understanding all this, just strongly with its nobility and generosity.

Learn good, calm, intelligent speech is necessary for a long time and carefully-trial, remembering, reading. But although it is difficult - it is necessary, really need! Our speech is the most important part of not only our behavior, but also our personality, our soul, mind, our ability is not to succumb to the effects of the environment if it "delays."

(According to D.S. Likhachev)


Ready compressed statement

1) Roughness in the language is a common phenomenon indicating the weakness and insecurity of a person. It is a sign of an unpretentiousness, and sometimes cruelty.

2) A truly strong and balanced person will not speak loudly and swear. Each of our deed and every word is reflected on others. A strong man understands it. He and Sill is just his nobility and generosity.

3) Learn a calm and intelligent speech for a long time and carefully. It really needs, because speech is the most important part of the person and the ability not to succumb to the impact of the environment if it "delays".

Text to options 25-28 ("Were human art two ways ...").

The beauty of the surrounding world: flower and flight of swallows, foggy lake and stars, the rising sun and bee honeycomb, a dense tree and a female face - all the beauty of the surrounding world has gradually accumulated in the soul of man, then the return began. The image of a flower or deer appeared on the knob of a combat ax. An image of the sun or bird decorated the bark of a bursham or a primitive clay plate. After all, so far folk art is bright applied. Every decorated product is primarily the product, whether it is salt, arc, spoon, rope, sled, towel, children's cradle ...

Then the art was distracted. The drawing on the rock has no applied character. It's just a joyful or slanting shower cry. From a worthless drawing on a rock to Rembrandt's drawing, Wagner Opera, Roden sculpture, Dostoevsky's novel, block poem, Pyrueta Galina Ulanova ...

(By V.A. Solowkina)


Ready compressed statement

Text to options 29-32 ("like any qualified ...").

Like any qualified, focused, planned and systematic work, the teacher is a profession, specialty. But it is special, not comparable to any other business, profession. It has a number of special properties and qualities.

The object of labor of the teacher is the spiritual life of a person being forming - mind, feelings, will, conviction, self-awareness. The most important instruments of the teacher's impact on the spiritual world of the schoolchildren - the word, the beauty of the world and art, the creation of circumstances in which feelings are most pronounced - the entire emotional range of human relations. Therefore, the teacher profession is humanography, permanent, never cease to penetrate into a complex spiritual world of man.

The final result of pedagogical labor can not be seen immediately, not today, not tomorrow, but after a long time. The fact that the teacher did, he said, managed to inspire the child, sometimes affects five, ten years. From the teacher, from his skill, skill, art, wisdom depends on health, mind, character, will, patriotism, human intelligence. In other words, the present and future student depends. Therefore, it is very important to believe in the possibility of successful upbringing every child. The limitless faith in a person, in his future - this is what should live in the soul of a man who decided to devote his life to noble teacher labor.

(By V.A. Sukhomlinsky)


Ready compressed statement

1) The teacher is a special profession, without comparable to any other business. It has a number of special properties and qualities.

2) The teacher profession is humanography, constant penetration into a complex spiritual world of a person with the help of special tools - words, the beauty of the surrounding world and art, creating circumstances in which feelings are most pronounced.

3) The end result of the teacher's work is revealed after a long time. The present and future student depends on the teacher. The infinite faith in a person should live in his soul.

Text to options 33-36 ("When I was ten years old ...").

When I was ten years old, someone's thoughtful hand stood to me Tomik "Animal heroes." I consider it my "alarm clock." From other people I know that for them "alarm clock" the feelings of nature were a month spent in the summer in the village, a walk in the forest with a man who "has discovered her eyes", first journey with a backpack, with overnight in the forest ...

There is no need to list everything that can wake up interest in the human childhood and reverent attitude towards the great sacrament of life. Grown, the man of mind to comprehend should be comprehended, how difficult everything in the living world is intertwined, interrelated, as this world is durable and at the same time we only vulnerable, as everything in our life depends on the wealth of land, from the health of wildlife. This school must be.

Nevertheless, in the beginning there is love. On time awakened, it makes the knowledge of the world in interesting and fascinating. With her a person acquires a certain point of support, an important point of reference to all values \u200b\u200bof life. Love to everything that greenes, breathes, publishes sounds, sparkles with paints, and there is love, an approaching person to happiness.

(According to V.M. Peskov)


Ready compressed statement

1) Tomik "Animal Heroes" has become a "alarm" for me, the feelings of nature. For others, such a "alarm clock" were walking through the forest, life in the village, a trip with overnight.

2) A man, growing, must be able to comprehend the internal relationship of the entire living world, its strength and vulnerability at the same time, the dependence of everything in our lives from the health and wealth of the Earth and Nature. This school must be.

3) But at the beginning there is a love for the whole living - the point of reference of all life values. She brings the person to happiness.

We have collected all the texts of presentations from the open bank of the instructions of the FII. There are only 34 of them. One of these texts will definitely get you on OGE! Get ready for this task with the help of our site.


Text 1 (about precious books)

No matter how interesting is the child's home and school life, do not read the precious books - it is deprived. Such losses are irreparable. These adults can read the book today or in a year - the difference is small. In childhood, the time account is otherwise, here every day - discoveries. And the acuity of perception in childhood days is such that early impressions can affect the lifetime. The impressions of childhood are the brightest and strong impressions. This is the foundation of the future spiritual life, the Golden Fund.
In childhood, seeds are sown. Not everyone will germinate, not everyone will bloom. But the biography of the human soul is the gradual germination of seeds sitting in childhood.
Subsequent life is complex and diverse. It consists of millions of deeds defined by many features of character and, in turn, forming this nature. But if you trace and find a connection of phenomena, it will become obvious that every feature of the character of an adult, every quality of his soul and, maybe even every act of his act was sown in childhood, had their germin since then, his seed.

Ready compressed statement

If the child did not read the precious books, he is deprived, because in childhood the bill is going differently, every day - discoveries. Early childhood impressions can affect life. They are the foundation of the future spiritual life.

Not all seeds sown in childhood will warm and flourish, but the biography of the soul is the germination of these seeds.
The subsequent life consists of actions that are determined by the character and form it. Any quality of the soul of an adult and, perhaps, all his acts were sown in childhood.

Text 2 (about uncertainty in yourself)

Insecurity - ancient problem, but she attracted the attention of physicians, teachers and psychologists relatively recently - in the middle of the 20th century. It was then that it became clear: all the increasing insecurity can cause a mass of trouble - up to serious illnesses, not to mention everyday problems.
And psychological problems? After all, the uncertainty can serve as a constant dependence on someone else's opinion. We will imagine how dependent feels uncomfortable: other people's assessments seem to him much more important and significant than their own; He sees each act primarily through the eyes of others. And most importantly, he wants approval from all, starting with close and ending with passengers in the tram. Such a person becomes indecisive and cannot correctly evaluate life situations.
How to overcome uncertainty? Some scientists are looking for an answer to this question based on physiological processes, others rely on psychology. One thing is clear: to overcome uncertainty in yourself, only if a person is able to correctly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively evaluate its results.

Ready compressed statement

The ancient problem of insecurity attracted the attention of specialists only in the middle of the XX century. Then it became clear that it could cause trouble, everyday problems and even serious illnesses.
Insecurity can become soil depending on someone else's opinion. Other people's assessments seem to be dependent more important than their own; Everyone his act he sees the eyes of others and wishes approval from everyone. Such a person cannot correctly assess the situation.
How to overcome uncertainty? To do this, a person needs to be able to properly set goals, relate them to external circumstances and positively assess their results.

Text 3 (about mom)

The word "mother" is a special word. It is born with us, accompanies us in years of growing and maturity. His mind keeps in the cradle. With love, she utters a young man and a deep old man. There is this word in the language of anyone. And in all languages \u200b\u200bit sounds gentle and affectionately.
Mother's place in our life is special, exceptional. We always carry her their joy and pain and find an understanding. Maternal love is painted, gives strength, inspires to the feat. In difficult life circumstances, we always remember mom. And we need this moment only she. A man calls mother and believes that she, wherever was not, hears him, makes him hurry to help. The word "mother" becomes equivalent to the word "life".
How many artists, composers, poets created wonderful works about mom! "Take care of mothers!" - proclaimed in his poem the famous poet Rasul Gamzatov. Unfortunately, we too late understand that they forgot to say a lot of good and kind words with your mother. So that this does not happen, you need to give them joy every day and an hour. After all, grateful children are the best gift for them.

Ready compressed statement

The word "mother" is a particular word that is born with us and accompanying us all his life. His lovely says the young man and an old man. It is in the language of any people, and in all languages \u200b\u200bit sounds affectionately.
Mother's place in our life is special. We carry her joy and pain and find an understanding. Mother's love is painted and inspired. In the difficult circumstances of life, a man calls mother and believes that she is making himself and hurries to the rescue.
How many people art created works about mom! Rasul Gamzatov bequeathed in his poem to take care of mothers. In order not to be late to talk good and kind words to moms, you need to give them joy constantly. Grateful children are the best gift for them.

Text 4 (about favorite toys)

Each of us once had favorite toys. Perhaps every person has a luminous and gentle memories associated with them, which he carefully keeps in his heart. Favorite toy is the most vivid memories of the childhood of every person.
In the age of computer technologies, real toys no longer attract such attention as virtual. But despite all the emerging new items, such as phones and computer equipment, the toy still remains unique and indispensable in its kind, because nothing teaches and does not develop a child as a toy with which he can communicate, play and even acquire life experience.
The toy is the key to the consciousness of a little man. To develop and strengthen positive qualities in it, make it mentally healthy, to instill love for others, to form a proper understanding of good and evil, you need to carefully choose a toy, remembering that it will bring in his world not only his image, but also behavior, attributes, as well as a value system and worldview. It is impossible to raise a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys.

Ready compressed statement

Each person has a memory connected with his beloved toy, because she is the most vivid memories of childhood of any person.
In the age of computer technology, virtual toys get more attention than real. But despite the novelties, the toy remains indispensable, because she teaches and develops a child.
The toy is the key to the consciousness of a little man, so you need to carefully choose a toy that will bring your image into his world, behavior, system of values \u200b\u200band the worldview. You can not bring up a full-fledged person with the help of negative toys.

Text 5 (about love)

The times are changing, new generations come, who seemed to be not all like the previous things: tastes, interests, life goals. But the difficult personal questions mean for some reason remain unchanged. Why? Perhaps because the depths of human psychology - the material is non-dotting, changing slowly. Therefore, the current teenagers, like their parents in their time, care all the same: how to draw attention to yourself who do you like? How to distinguish a passion from real love? And, of course, the main thing: what is love?
The youthful dream of love is that they would say, first of all, a dream of an understanding. After all, the teenager must be realized in communicating with peers: to show their ability to sympathize, empathy. Yes, and just show your qualities and abilities before who is tuned to Him goodwill, who are ready to understand. What about friendship? - you ask. I think all this is characteristic and friendly relationship. Of course, in a friendly communication, the personality of man also reveals. But how much to what extent? Is it a great degree of confidence in a friend, how to a loved one?
Love is unconditional and limitless confidence of two to each other. Trust that reveals in each of all the best, for which only a person is capable of. This love certainly includes friendly relations, but is not limited to them. She is always more friendship, because only in love we recognize the other person with the full right to all that is our world.

Ready compressed statement

Times are changing, but difficult personal questions remain unchanged. The depths of human psychology change slowly, so the current teenagers, like their parents in youth, are worried about the same questions, the main of which is what love is?
The youthful dream of love is a dream of an understanding, because the teenager needs to show his ability to sympathize and show its qualities. Such behavior is also characteristic of both a friendly communication, where the personality of man is also revealed. But is it a great degree of confidence in a friend, how to a loved one?
Love is an unconditional and limitless confidence of two to each other, revealing the best personality qualities. True love, although it includes friendship, is always greater than her, because only in love we recognize the complete right to our world after another.

Text 6 (about friendship)

Ready compressed statement

Text 7 (about mutual and mutual assistance)

In society, where the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism is cultivated, many forgot about such things as mutual assistance and mutual assistance. Human society was just formed and continues to exist, thanks to the general case and assistance to weak, due to the fact that each of us complements each other. And how can we maintain a completely opposite point of view that it seems that there are no other interests other than our own? And the point here is not even that it sounds selfish, the fact is that personal and public interests are intertwined in this matter.
You see how deeper than it seems to? After all, individualism destroys society, and it became, and weakens each of us. And only mutual support can save and strengthen society.
And what else meets our common interests: mutual revenue or primitive egoism? Here two opinions can not. We have to help each other if we want to live together well and do not depend on anyone. And helping people in a difficult minute do not need to wait for gratitude, you just need to help, do not seek benefits for yourself, and then you will help you in response, be sure.

Ready compressed statement

In society, where the idea of \u200b\u200bindividualism is cultivated, many forgot about mutual assistance. How can we maintain a point of view that there are no other interests other than their own? It is in this issue that personal and public interests are intertwined.
Individualism destroys society, only mutual support will retain it.
What else meets our interests: mutual execution or primitive egoism? Two opinions can not. We must help each other if we want to live well. It is necessary to help the neighbor in a difficult moment, and do not wait for gratitude. We must do well disinterestedly, and then you will help you in response.

Text 8 (about love for nature)

When I was ten years old, someone's thoughtful hand stood to me Tomik "Animal heroes." I consider it my "alarm clock." From other people I know that for them "alarm clock" the feelings of nature were a month spent in the summer in the village, a walk in the forest with a man who "has discovered her eyes", first journey with a backpack, with overnight in the forest ...
There is no need to list everything that can wake up interest in the human childhood and reverent attitude towards the great sacrament of life. Growing, the man should comprehend to comprehend, how difficult everything in the living world is intertwined, is interconnected, as this world is durable and at the same time we will be vulnerable, as everything in our life depends on the wealth of land, from the health of wildlife. This school must be.
Nevertheless, in the beginning there is love. On time awakened, it makes the knowledge of the world in interesting and fascinating. With her a man acquires a certain point of support, an important point of reference to all values \u200b\u200bof life. Love to everything that green, breathes, makes sounds, sparkles with paints, and there is love, an approaching person to happiness.

Ready compressed statement

Tomik "Animal Heroes" was for me "alarm clock" feelings of nature. For others, such a "alarm clock" were walking through the forest, life in the village, a trip with overnight.
The man, growing, should be able to comprehend the internal relationship of all the living world, its strength and vulnerability at the same time, the dependence of everything in our lives from the health and wealth of the Earth and Nature. This school must be.
But at the beginning there is a love for everything living - the point of reference of all life values. She brings the person to happiness.

Text 9 (about the value of the family in the education of the child)

We often talk about the difficulties associated with the upbringing of a man's life. And the biggest problem is the weakening of family bonds, reducing the family value in the education of the child. And if in the early years, the family did not have anything durable in the moral sense, then the society would have a lot of trouble with this citizen.
Another extreme is an excessive guard of the child by parents. This is also a consequence of the weakening of the family principle. Parents were not found to their child of spiritual heat and, feeling this guilt, tend to pay their inner spiritual debt in the future with the late petty care and material benefits.
The world changes, becomes another. But if the parents could not establish inner contact with the child, shifting the main worries on grandparents or public organizations, then it is not to be surprised that a different child is so early acquires cynicism and disbelief in selflessness that life is impoverished, becomes flat and dry.

Ready compressed statement

We often talk about the difficulties of parenting of the child. The big problem is the weakening of family bonds. If the family did not launch anything durable in a moral sense, then the society will have troubles.
Another extreme is an excessive parental care. Parents were not like their child of spiritual heat and, feeling this guilt, seek the material benefits to give spiritual debt.
The world changes. But if parents could not establish internal contact with the child, then do not be surprised that the child will quickly acquire cynicism, disbelief in selflessness, that his life becomes flat and dry.

Text 10 (about the commitment of good)

One person was told that his friend responded about him in unflattering expressions. "Do not you say! - exclaimed man. "I didn't do anything good for him ...". Here it is, the algorithm of black ungratefulness when the evil respond to good. In life, it is necessary to assume that this person has repeatedly met with people who confused landmarks on the compass morality.
Morality is a guide for life. And if you deviate from the road, you can quite get tidy in Burl, spiny shrub, and then drown at all. That is, if you are ingradiously leading yourself towards others, then people have the right to behave in relation to you the same way.
How to treat this phenomenon? Treat philosophically. Make good and know that it will surely pay off. I assure you that you yourself will receive pleasure from what you do good. That is, you will be happy. And this is a goal in life - to live happily. And remember: Creative a good elevated nature.

Ready compressed statement

A person said that his acquaintance was bad about him responded. The man replied that this could not be, because he did not do anything good for his acquaintance. In life, this man clearly met with people, confused moral guidelines.
Morality is a guide for life. If you are ingradically you behave in relation to others, then people have the right to behave as much with you.
To this phenomenon should be philosophically. Make good and know that it will pay off, what you yourself will receive pleasure from this and you will be happy. Welcome to the elevated nature.

Text 11 (about power)

The essence of the concept of "power" lies in the possibility of one person to force another to do what he would not do in his will. Tree, if he does not interfere, grows smoothly up. But even if he could not grow smoothly, then it, bending under obstacles, tries from under them to go out and again stretch up. So and the person. Sooner or later he wants to leave the obedience. People are submissive usually suffer, but if they managed to lose their "wear", they often turn into Tiranans themselves.
If you command everywhere and all, then the person is waiting for loneliness as a finale of life. Such a person will always be alone. After all, he does not know how to communicate. Inside him is a deaf, sometimes unconscious anxiety. And he feels calmly only when people constantly fulfill his order. Commanders and unhappy people themselves, and fruit misfortune, even if they seek good results.
Command and manage people are different things. The one who manages is able to take responsibility for the actions. Such an approach maintains mental health and the person himself, and others.

Ready compressed statement

Power is the possibility of one person to force another to do what he would not do in his will. Man sooner or later wants to leave the obedience. The submissive people usually suffer, but if they manage to free themselves, they themselves often turn into tyrants.
A person who commander is everywhere and everyone will always be alone. Inside his alarm, he feels calmly when people fulfill his orders. Commanders fruit misfortune.
Command and manage people are different things. The managerial is able to take responsibility. This approach maintains mental health and it, and others.

Text 12 (about art)

Is it possible to determine one comprehensive formula what kind of art is? Of course not. Art is charm and witchcraft, this is the identification of a funny and tragedy, it is morality and immorality, it is knowledge of peace and man. In art, a person creates his image as a separate, capable of exist outside it and stay after him as his mark in history.
The moment of human appeal to creativity, perhaps is the greatest discovery that does not have equal in history. After all, through art, every separate person and the people as a whole comprehends their own characteristics, their lives, their place in the world. Art makes contact with individuals, peoples and civilizations distant from us time and space. And not just get in touch, but to know and understand them, because the language of art is universal, and it is he who gives humanity to feel like a single whole.
That is why, with a deep antiquity, an attitude towards art was not as entertainment or fun, but as a mighty strength, which could not only capture the image of time and man, but also transfer it to descendants.

Ready compressed statement

Is it possible to determine what art is? Not. Art is the knowledge of the world and man. In art, a person creates his image as something that is able to leave his mark in history.
The appeal of a person to creativity is the greatest discovery, because art makes contact with both individuals and with whole nations, to understand and learn them. The language of art provided mankind the opportunity to feel like a single whole.
That is why there was still a deep antiquity to the art, as a mighty force, able to convey the image of the time and person to future generations.

Text 13 (about the value of war for children)

War was a cruel and rude school for children. They sat outside the parties, but in the vague trenches, and before them were not a notebook, but armor-piercing shells and machine-gun tapes. They have not yet had a life experience and therefore did not understand the true value of simple things that do not attach importance to everyday peaceful life.
The war filled their mental experience to the limit. They could not cry from grief, but from hatred, could be in kind of happy to rejoice in the spring crane wedge, as never rejoiced before the war, nor after the war, with tenderness to keep the warmth of the left youth. Those who stayed alive returned from the war, sowing to keep in themselves pure, radiant world, faith and hope, becoming indispensable for injustice, kindly to good.
Although the war has already become a story, but the memory of it should live, because the main participants in history are people and time. Do not forget time - it means not to forget people, do not forget people - it means not to forget time.

Ready compressed statement

War was for children a brutal school. They have not yet had a life experience and did not understand the values \u200b\u200bof simple things that do not give values \u200b\u200bin a peaceful life.
The war filled their mental experience to the limit. They could cry from hatred, rejoice in the spring crane wedge. The survivors returned from the war, retaining a clean world in themselves, becoming indispensable for injustice and kindness to good.
The memory of the war should live, because the main participants in history are people and time. Do not forget time - do not forget people, and vice versa.

Text 14 (about the ability to do drama from nonsense)

In childhood, a person is happy, as they say, by default. By nature, its child is the essence of instinctively predisposed fortunately. Whatever difficult and even tragic is his life, he still rejoices and constantly finds all new and new reasons for this. Perhaps because not yet to compare life. He still does not suspect that it may be somehow different, but most likely, after all, because the soul still did not have time to be covered with the shell and more open good and hope than the soul of an adult.
And with age, everything seems to be turned inside out. No matter how calmly and safely there was a life, we will not calm down until we find a certain offense in it, a few, the problem, get to her and feel deeply unfortunate. And we believe in the drama invented by us, we sincerely complain about her friends, spend on experiences, health, mental strength.
Only when a real tragedy occurs, we understand how ridiculous fictional suffering and how idle cause for them. Then we grab the head and speak ourselves: "Lord, how I was a fool when I suffered because of some nonsense. No, to live in your pleasure and enjoyment every minute. "

Ready compressed statement

In childhood, a man is happy. The child instinctively is predisposed to happiness, no matter how difficult his life. Perhaps he just has nothing to compare with. But, most likely, his soul is more open to good and hopes than an adult soul.
With the age of the same, no matter how calm is our life, we will not calm down until we find a problem in it and I will not feel unhappy. We spend on experiences time, health, mental strength.
We understand how ridiculous, fictional suffering, only with the arrival of a real tragedy. Then we grab the head and say: "As I was a fool when I suffered because of such nonsense, but I didn't live in my own pleasure."

Text 15 (about the choice of life path)

The universal recipe of how to choose the right one, the only correct, only the path to you in life is simply not and can not be. And the final choice is always leaving for a person.
We are doing this choice as a child when you choose friends, learn how to build relationships with peers, play. But most of the most important solutions that determine the life path, we still accept in youth. According to scientists, the second half of the second decade of life is - the most responsible period. It is at this time that a person tends to choose the most important thing for life: the nearest friend, the circle of major interests, profession.
It is clear that such a choice is the point responsible. It is impossible to dismiss him from him, it cannot be postponed for later. It is not necessary to hope that the error after can be fixed: it will time, the whole life is ahead! Something, of course, will be able to correct, change, but not everything. And incorrect solutions without consequences will not remain. After all, success comes to those who know what he wants, resolutely makes a choice, believes in itself and stubbornly reaches the intended goals.

Ready compressed statement

The universal recipe for choosing the right life path is not. The final choice remains for a person.
We make this choice in childhood with the choice of friends, in the game. But most of the most important solutions we still take in youth. In the most responsible period - in the second half of the second decade of life - a person chooses the most important thing: a friend, interests, profession.
From such a responsible choice can not be dismissed. The error of this choice after may not be able to fix. Invalid solutions will not remain without consequences. Success comes to those who know what he wants, decisive, stubborn and believes.

Text 16 (about friendship - eternal value)

There are values \u200b\u200bthat change, lose, disappear, becoming dust. But no matter how much society changed, all the same for thousands of years, eternal values \u200b\u200bremain, which are of great importance for people of all generations and cultures. One of these eternal values \u200b\u200bis definitely friendship.
People very often use this word in their own language, certain people call their friends, but few people can formulate what friendship is, who is a true friend what it should be. All the definitions of friendship are similar in one: friendship is a relationship based on mutual openness of people, full trust and constant readiness at any time to come to each other.
The main thing is that friends have the same life values, similar spiritual guidelines. Then they will be able to be friends, even if their relationships to certain phenomena of life are different. And then the time and distance do not affect the real friendship. People can only talk to each other only occasionally, be in separation for many years, but still remain very close friends. Similar constancy is a distinctive feature of real friendship.

Ready compressed statement

There are values \u200b\u200bthat change, disappear. But no matter how much society changed, eternal values \u200b\u200balways remain. One of these eternal values \u200b\u200bis friendship.
People often use this word, but few can formulate what friendship is a true friend. All the definitions of friendship are similar in one: in the real friendship there are openness, trust and readiness to come to the rescue.
The main thing is that friends have the same spiritual landmarks, similar vital values. Then the time and distance do not affect friendship. People can rarely communicate, but stay close friends. Such a constancy is a distinctive feature of real friendship.

Text 17 (pro kindness)

I remember hundreds of responses of boys to the question: what kind of person you want to become. Strong, brave, courageous, smart, resourceful, fearless ... and no one said - good. Why does the kindness not put in one row with such values \u200b\u200bas courage and courage? But without kindness, genuine warmth of the heart, the spiritual beauty of man is impossible.
And the experience confirms that good feelings should leave their roots in childhood. If they are not brought up in childhood, they never raise them, because they are absorbed simultaneously with the knowledge of the first and most important truths, the main one is the value of life, someone else, Life of the animal world and plants. Humanity, kindness, goodwill is born in unrest, joy and sadness.
Good feelings, emotional culture is a firmness of humanity. Today, when in the world and so enough evil, we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to each other, in relation to the surrounding living world and make the most bold actions in the name of good. Following the goodness - the path is the most acceptable and only for a person. He is tested, he is faithful, he is also useful and man alone, and the whole society as a whole.

Ready compressed statement

On the question of what person you want to become, none of the hundreds of boys answered "good". Without kindness, the spiritual beauty of man is impossible.
Good feelings should be brought up in childhood, later they are not upbringing them, because they are absorbed with the knowledge of the most important truths, the main one is the values \u200b\u200bof any life. Humanity, kindness, goodwill is born in joys and sorrow.
Emotional culture is the firmness of humanity. Today we should be more tolerant, attentive and kind to the world and make bold actions in the name of good. The path of good is the most reasonable, faithful and useful both to one person and society.

Text 18 (I betrayed my native man ...)

I betrayed my native person, I betrayed the best friend. Such statements we, unfortunately, hear quite often. Most often betrayed those to whom we have invested the soul. The pattern is here such: the more blessing, the stronger the betrayal. In such situations, Viktor Hugo's statement is remembered: "I am indifferent to knife strikes of the enemy, but I am tormented by a penny pen."
Many tolerate the mockery of themselves, hoping that the traitor will be waging conscience. But can not wake up what is not. Conscience - the function of the soul, and the traitor is not. The traitor usually explains his act on the interests of the case, but in order to justify the first betrayal, performs the second, third and so indefinitely.
The betrayal destroys the dignity of man, as a result, traitors behave differently. Someone defends their behavior, trying to justify the deed, someone falls into the feeling of guilt and fear before the impending retribution, and someone simply tries to forget everything without burdened themselves either with emotions or reflections. In any case, the life of the traitor becomes empty, nicchonny and meaningless.

Ready compressed statement

I was betrayed by a native person, the best friend. That we hear quite often. More often, those who we have invested the soul, and, the more blessing, the stronger the betrayal.
Many tolerate the mockery of themselves, hoping that the traitor will be waging conscience. But can not wake up what is not. Conscience - the function of the soul, and the traitor is not.
The betrayal destroys the dignity of man, as a result traitors behave in different ways: defend their behavior, falling in the feeling of guilt and fear or try to forget everything. In any case, the life of the traitor becomes empty and meaningless.

Text 19 (further leaves ...)

The Great Patriotic War is increasing further, but the memory of it is alive in the hearts and souls of people. In fact, how to forget our unparalleled feat, our irreplaceable victims brought in the name of victory over the most insidious and cruel enemy are German fascism.

Four military years in gravity experience cannot be compared with any other years of our history. But the memory of a person with time weakens, from her in the grains, first the secondary: less significant and bright; And then - and essential. In addition, it becomes less and less veterans, those who passed the war and could tell about her. If in the documents and in the works of art will not reflect the self-sacrifice and perseverance of the people, then the bitter experience of past years will be forgotten. And this can not be allowed!

The theme of the Great Patriotic War for decades has literature and art. A lot of wonderful films were removed about the life and feat of a person in war, remarkable works of literature. And there is no presenlation, there is a pain that does not leave the soul of the people who lost millions of human lives during the war years. But the most important thing in a conversation on this topic is to preserve measure and tact in relation to the truth of war, to its participants, alive, but mostly dead.

Ready compressed statement

The Great Patriotic War is increasing further, but the memory of it is alive in the hearts of people. Our unparalleled feat, our irreplaceable victims brought in the name of victory over German fascism.
Four military years were the most severe in our history. But the memory of a person with time weakens, it takes from it first the secondary, and then substantial one. We can forget the bitter experience of past years, and this can not be allowed.
A lot of works have been created on the theme of the Great Patriotic War. And there is no presenlation - there is a pain that does not leave the soul of the people. But the most important thing in a conversation on this topic is to preserve measures and tact in relation to its living and dead participants.

Text 20 (in the modern world there is no man ...)

In the modern world there is no man who would not come into contact with art. Its value in our life is great. Book, movie, television, theater, music, painting firmly entered our lives and have a huge impact on it. But artistic literature is particularly strongly affected.
Contact with the world of art gives us joy and disinterested pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to the TV, take the book to relax and have fun. Yes, and the artists themselves, writers, composers so build their works to support and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, listeners. But the value of art in our life is much more serious. It helps a person better see and understand the world around the world and himself.

Text 21 (to evaluate kindness ...)

To evaluate kindness and understand its value, you must certainly experience it yourself. It is necessary to perceive the beam of someone else's kindness and live in it. It is necessary to feel like a beam of this kindness mastering the heart, the word and the affairs of the whole life. A kindness comes no obligation, not due to debt, but as a gift.

Alien is a kindness - this is a premonition of something more, for which I can't even immediately believe. It is warm, from which the heart is warming up and comes to the response. A person who had experienced kindness, cannot not answer sooner or later, confidently or uncertain his kindness.

This great happiness is to feel the fire of kindness in your heart and give him will in life. In this moment, in this watch, a person finds his best, hears singing his heart. "I" and "my own" is forgotten, alien disappears, for it becomes "mine" and "me." And for hostility and hatred there is no place for the soul.

Text 22 (if you take away the ability to dream ...)

If you take away the ability to dream of a person, one of the most powerful motivating reasons that born culture, art, science and the desire of the struggle in the name of an excellent future will disappear. But dreams should not be divorced from reality. They must predict the future and create a feeling that we already live in this future and become different.

The dream is needed not only to children, but also adults. It causes excitement, the source of high feelings. She does not give us calm down and always shows new sparkling gave, a different life. She is disturbing and makes it passionately to desire this life. This is its value.

Only a hypocrite can say that it is necessary to calm down on the achieved and stop. To fight for the future, you need to be able to dream passionately, deeply and effective. It is necessary to raise the continuous desire of meaningful and beautiful.

Text 23 (what is the benefit of reading?)

What is the benefit of reading? Is it true that the approval is helpful? Why do many continue to read? After all, not only to relax or take free time.

The benefits of reading books is obvious. Books expand the horizon of a person, enrich its inner world, make smarter. And it is also important to read the books because it increases the vocabulary of a person, produces clear and clear thinking. Make sure everyone can be in its own example. It is only worth thoughtfully read some classic work, and you will notice how it became easier with the help of speech to express your own thoughts, select the necessary words. The reading person speaks competently. Reading serious works makes us constantly think, it develops logical thinking. Do not believe? And you read something from the classics of a detective genre, for example, the "Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" Conan Doyle. After reading, you will think faster, your mind will be sharper and you will understand that it is useful and beneficial to read.

It is also useful to read books because they have a significant impact on our moral guidelines and our spiritual development. After reading one or another classic work, people sometimes begin to change for the better.

Text 24 (What is a good book?)

What is a good book? First, the book should be fascinating and interesting. After reading the first pages, there should be no desire to put it on the shelf. We are talking about books that make us think, express emotions. Secondly, the book must be written by a rich language. Thirdly, it must bear a deep meaning. Original and unusual ideas also make a book useful.

Do not get carried away by any one genre or native literature. So, the passion is only the genre of fantasy can turn young readers in goblins and elves who know the road to Avalon much better than the way home.

If you have not read books from the school program or read them in a shortened form, you should start with them. Classic literature is a mandatory base for each person. In the Great Works there is frustrated and joy, love and pain, tragedy and comedy. They will teach you to be sensitive, emotional, help you see the beauty of the world, understand yourself and people. Naturally, read scientific and popular literature. It will expand your horizons, will form knowledge about the world, will help you determine your way in life, will give you the opportunity to self-development. We hope that these arguments given in favor of reading will make a book with your best friend.

Text 25 (have family and children ...)

It is also necessary to have family and children and naturally, as necessary and naturally work. The family has long been fastened by the moral authority of the Father, who was traditionally considered the head. Father children respected and obeyed. He was engaged in agricultural, construction, forest harvesting and firewood. All the severity of peasant labor with him was shared by adult sons.

The management of the household was in the hands of his wife and mother. She won everything in the house: I looked after my cattle, cared for food, about clothes. She did all these works not alone: \u200b\u200beven children, barely learned to walk, gradually, along with the game, began to do something useful.

Walked, tolerance, the mutual forgiveness of the insults reversed in a good family into mutual love. Wastiness and notion considered the punishment of fate and caused pity for their carriers. It was necessary to be able to give way, to forget the offense, answer good or silent. Love and consent between relatives gave the beginning of love outside the house. From a person who does not loving and does not respect his relatives, it is difficult to wait for respect to other people.

Text 26 (word "culture" ...)

The word "culture" is multifaceted. What primarily carries true culture? It carries the concept of spirituality, light, knowledge and true beauty. And if people understand this, then our country will become prosperous. And therefore it would be very good if in every city and the village there was a center of culture, the center of creativity is not only for children, but also for people of all ages.
True culture is always aimed at education and education. And, at the head of such centers, people should stand, well understand what is a real culture, what it makes up, what is its meaning.
The key note of culture can be such concepts as peace, truth, beauty. It would be good if the culture was engaged in people honest and disinterested, selflessly devoted to their work, respecting each other. Culture is a huge ocean of creativity, the place is enough for everyone, for everyone there is a business. And if we all become participating in its creation and strengthening, then our entire planet will become more beautiful.

Text 27 (what it means to be cultural ...)

What does it mean to be a cultural person? Cultural can be considered a person educated, educated responsible. He respects himself and others. A cultural person is also distinguished by creative work, the desire for high, the ability to be grateful, love for nature and homeland, compassion and sympathy to neighbor, goodwill.
Cultural man is never soling. It will keep composure and dignity in any life situations. It has a clear goal and achieves it. The main goal of such a person is to increase good in the world, strive to ensure that all people are happy. The ideal of a cultural person is genuine humanity.
Nowadays, people pay too little time culture. And many do not even think about it throughout life. Well, if a person has the process of attachment to culture occurs since childhood. The child meets the traditions moving from generation to generation, absorbs the positive experience of the family and his homeland, learns cultural values. Becoming an adult, he will be able to be a useful society.

Text 28 (some consider ...)

Some believe that a person matures in some definite age, for example, at 18, when he becomes adult. But there are people who and at an older age remain children. What does it mean to be adults?
Adiphee means independence, that is, the ability to do without any help, guardianship. A person who has this quality does everything himself and is not waiting for support from others. He understands that his difficulties must overcome himself. Of course, there are situations when a person cannot cope with one. Then you have to ask for help from friends, relatives and acquaintances. But in general, an independent, adult person is not characteristic of others.
There is such an expression: hand should be expected only from the shoulder. An independent person knows how to respond for himself, his affairs and actions. He himself plans his life and evaluates himself, without relying on whose opinion. He understands that much in life depends on him itself. Being an adult means to respond for someone else. But for this, too, it is necessary to become independent, be able to make decisions. Adhere depends not from age, but from life experience, from the desire to live life without nannies.

Text 29 (What is friendship?)

What is friendship? How are friends? Friends will meet most often among people of common destiny, one profession, common thoughts. And yet it is impossible to confidently say that such a community determines friendship, because people of different professions can make friends.
Can two opposite character be friends? Sure! Friendship is equality and similarity. But at the same time, friendship is inequality and disabilities. Friends are always needed to each other, but not always friends get from friendship equally. One is friends and gives his experience, the other in friendship is enriched with experience. One, helping the weak, inexperienced, young friend, knows its strength, maturity. Another, weak, knows your ideal in each other, strength, experience, maturity. So, one in friendship gives, the other is rejoiced to gifts. Friendship is based on similarity, and manifests itself in distinction, contradictions, misstitution.
One who claims your rightness, talent, merit. One who loving exposes you in your weaknesses, disadvantages and vices.

Text 30 (friendship is not something external ...)

Friendship is not something external. Friendship lies deep in the heart. You can not force yourself to be a friend to someone or make someone to be your friend.
For friendship, you need a lot, first of all mutual respect. What does it mean to respect your friend? This means to reckon with his opinion and recognize his positive features. Respect is manifested in words and affairs. A friend who manifests respect, feels that he is appreciated as a person, respect his merits and help him not only from a sense of duty. In friendship, it is important to confidence, that is, confidence in the sincerity of a friend, in the fact that he will not betray and does not deceive. Of course, a friend can make mistakes. But we are all imperfect. These are two main and main conditions for friendship. In addition, common moral values \u200b\u200bare important for friendship. People who look differently on what is good, and that evil will be hard to be friends. The reason is simple: Whether we can show deep respect for a friend and, perhaps, trust, if we see that he performs any deeds unacceptable, in our opinion, and considers it the norm. Strengthen friendship and common interests or hobbies. However, for friendship that has existed for a long time and tested by time, it is not fundamentally.
Friendly feelings do not depend on age. They can be very strong and bring a lot of experiences. But without friendship, life is unthinkable.

Text 31 (many people think to be sincere ...)

Many people think to be sincere - it means openly and directly say what you think, and do what you say. But for no hope: a person who is immediately voicing the fact that the first swept his head, risks not only natural, but also an uncompatible, and even stupid. Rather, the sincere and natural person is the one who can be himself: to remove masks, get out of the usual roles and show your true face.
The main problem is that we do not know ourselves, chanting the ghostly goals, money, fashion. Few people consider important and need to send the vector of attention to their inner world. It is necessary to look into your heart, to stop and analyze your thoughts, desires and plans to understand what is true, and that imposed, dictated by friends, parents, society. Otherwise, you risk all your life to spend the forces on the purpose that you really do not need at all.
If you look into yourself, you will see the whole world, endless and multifaceted. You will find your features and talents. We just need to study. And of course, you will not become easier and easier, but it becomes more interesting. You will find your life path. The only way to become sincere is to know yourself.

Text 32 (each person is looking for a place in life ...)

Each person is looking for a place in life, tries to approve his "I". It `s naturally. Just like he finds his place? What ways goes to him? What moral values \u200b\u200bhave weight in his eyes? The question is extremely important.
Many of us cannot confess to themselves in the fact that because of the false understanding, bloated feeling of self-esteem, because of the unwillingness to seem worse, we sometimes make rash steps, do not very correctly: once again I will not ask, I do not say "I don't know" "I can not" - no words. Believers cause a sense of condemnation. However, no better and those who exchange their dignity as a small coin. In the life of every person, probably there are times when he is simply obliged to show his pride, to approve his "I". And, of course, this is not always simple.
The true price of a person sooner or later is still detected. And the higher this price, the more the person loves not so much as other than others. Lion Tolstoy emphasized that each of us, the so-called little ordinary person, in fact there is a historical face that is responsible for the fate of the whole world.

Text 33 (only seems to us ...)

It only seems to us that when something happens to us is a unique phenomenon, the only one in its own way. In fact, there is not a single problem that no longer reflected in world literature. Love, loyalty, jealousy, treason, cowardice, looking for the meaning of life - all this was already experienced by someone, changed, the reasons, answers were found, and imprisoned on the pages of fiction. It's small: take and read and find everything in the book.
Literature, revealing the world with the help of a word, creates a miracle, doubles, triples our inner experience, irrespectively expands his lifestyle, per person, makes our perception thinner. In childhood, we read fairy tales and adventures to survive the search of search, intrigue. But an hour comes when we feel the need to open a book in order to deepen it with it. This is an hour of growing. We are looking for a book of the interlocutor who enlightens, ennobles, teaches.
So we picked up a book. What happens in our soul? With each read book that breaks down the pantry and feelings before us, we become different. With the help of literature, man becomes man. It is no coincidence that the book is called the teacher and the textbook of life.

Text 34 (in the modern world there is no man ...)

In the modern world there is no man who would not come into contact with art. Its value in our life is great. Book, movie, television, theater, music, painting firmly entered our lives and have a huge impact on it.
Contact with the world of art gives us joy and disinterested pleasure. But it would be wrong to see in the works of writers, composers, artists only a means of obtaining pleasure. Of course, we often go to the cinema, sit down to the TV, take the book to relax and have fun. Yes, and the artists themselves, writers, composers so build their works to support and develop the interest and curiosity of viewers, readers, listeners. But the value of art in our life is much more serious. It helps a person better see and understand the world around the world and himself.
Art can save the characteristic features of the era, to give people the opportunity to communicate with each other across decades and century, becoming a kind of storage of memory for subsequent generations. It imperceptibly forms views and feelings, character, tastes of a person, awakens the love of the beautiful. That is why in difficult moments of life, people often turn to works of art that become a source of spiritual strength and courage.