The territory of the Golden Horde. Education of the Golden Horde, its socio-political system and decay

All empires have the property ever to fall apart. The Great Mongolian Empire collapsed, created by Genghis Khan. After some time, the Gold Horde was followed by the Golden Horde - the most powerful state, which was horrified on the neighbors for a long time.

Genghis Khan divided the lands conquered between their sons. Ulus Juchi, the eldest son of the Great Khan, eventually turned into a golden horde.

The flourishing of this state fell on the first half of the XIV century. Sorry for Tavtology, but it was the "golden age" of the Golden Horde. Rules then Khan Uzbek, who finally introduced Islam as a state religion. Dissenters executed. Uzbek generally ruled rigidly. From here and flourished. With soft ruler, flourishing does not happen.

"Great Jam"

With the Son of Uzbek - Janibek - everything was fine too. But the son of Janibek - Berdibek - turned out to be a bad man. His dad fell ill, and Berdibeks gathered to edit on his own. But dad suddenly began to recover. Then Berdibek ordered him to finish it.

It is impossible to handle your parents. God, as they say, punishes. And really - punished. In the Golden Horde began "Great Jams", that is, the Great Smoot. In 1359, Kulpu killed Beribek. And Navruz (Nauruz) killed Kulph and his sons. But Hizr killed Nampus together with his whole family. And the son of Hizra killed dad, but she lasted in power only five weeks.

In general, in 20 years in the Golden Horde changed 25 khans with the most diverse names. Not every state will endure such shocks. Golden horde as she asked. Although by the end of the XIV century, in essence, divided into two parts.

Earth east of the Volga took control of Urus-Khan. And in the western part of the country, the mother of Mamay was put forward to the leading position. He was not a Genghisid, so the rules through the passing khanov, the only advantage of which was genealogy - they were descendants of Genghis Khan.

However, a new leader appeared in the east. Decisive and talented. His name was Takhtamysh. He stood a serious strength - Timur, he is Tamerlan, a new great conqueror. Tukhtamysh dismantled the eastern part of the Golden Horde in the sons of Urus-Khan, and then captured the capital of the country - Saray.

Before Mama, the question arose. In the east, a serious opponent - Takhtamysh. And in the West, the Moscow Principality from the hands beat off, taking advantage of the troubles in the Golden Horde. And Mamai thought: to defeat Tokhtamysh first or at first Moscow? I decided to first divide with Moscow. Failed. On September 8, 1380, Mamay's Kulikov, Dmitry Donskoy, was defeated on the Mamai.

Nokdown from Timura

After the Kulikov battle, Mamay somehow immediately disappears from Russian history. But from Mongolian he did not disappear. He gave another battle - Tokhtamyshu. But played again. After that, fled to the Crimea, where he was killed and now finally came down from the pages of history. And Tohtamysh united the Western and eastern part of the Golden Horde. And the rules of a huge territory - from the mouth of Syrdarya to the mouth of the Dniester.

Kulikovskaya battle is an important event in Russian history. But for Tokhtamysh, she was not important an event. Nothing special. Russians defeated the usurper and the illegal ruler of Maama. Well done. Now they must express respect to the legitimate ruler. That is, to him, Torkhtamyshu.

Russians burned out. Then Tohtamysh in 1382 captured and burned Moscow. "In an instant, her beauty died, and glory appealed to nothing," the Russian chronicler wrote.

Tohtamysh - in the Zenith of Glory. At this time, GangGizid rulers were expelled from China, Persia, Central Asia. And he is great. He is the true heir of Genghis Khan. But pride is a great sin. And Tukhtamysh has been burned. And quarreled with his patron - Timur. I even began to fight him.

Wars with Timur ended in deplorable and for Takhtamysh himself, and for his state. Timur did not just won, he destroyed the economic basis of the Golden Horde. Previously, the caravanways from China and India went through the Golden Horde: through Urgench to a new barn and Astrakhan, then - to the Black Sea, and from there Eastern goods were delivered to Europe. Timur destroyed all these cities. And now trading with China and India went south - through Persia and Syria. That is, not through the Golden Horde, but through the empire of Timur.

In addition, centers of crafts and cultures. After the wars with Timur and the craft, and the culture of the Golden Horde came into decay. They are preserved only in the Crimea and in the medium Volga basin. It is these territories that will become the main foci of the Goldenopa Separatism. It is here that the independent Crimean and Kazan Khanate will arise.

All these actions Timur inflicted such a blow to the Golden Horde, from which she could no longer be reconciled. Simply put, Timur sent the Golden Horde to Nokdown. Not far from the mountain was knocked out.

It turns out that the Turkic-Mongolian Golden Horde ruined the Turkized Mongol Timur. And this was a great service of Russia. It so much it turned out that Muslim Timur, herself did not want to provide large services to the Orthodox states. After breaking the Turkish Sultan Bayazid, he delayed the fall of Byzantium. And defeating Tokhtamysh, ultimately helped Rus to reset the Tatar-Mongolian Igo. History loves jokes.

His against their own

However, before the overthrow of the yoke was still far away. In the Golden Horde hooked the unit. It was the swan song of the Golden Horde. The last time this state was able to declare himself. Tempered to fight was able and loved. He captured Khorezm and stood near Moscow. So the Russian princes had to tense again and stop the victory on the Kuliki field for a while.

The unit had the same problem that Maama. He was not a Genghisid. And therefore could not become Khan. So rules on the old scheme - through the puppets-Genghisids. Everything went well until one of such puppets suddenly rebelled and did not overthrow the one. After that, the Gold Horde as a single state actually ceases to exist. In the territory of the former Ulus Juchi, independent Khanate arise - Uzbek, Kazakh, Siberian, Astrakhan, Kasimovskoye, Krymskoye, Kazan.

The decay process was gradually, but steadily. In 1419, Khan became Ulu-Mohammed. He was still strong. When the grandson and son of Dmitry Donskoy - Vasily Vasilyevich and Yuri Dmitrievich, they went to solve their problems precisely to Ulu-Muhammed, as a representative of the highest power. And then Vasily Vasilyevich, who became in history as Vasily Dark, will capture to Ulu-Muhammad. And it will be released, but for a huge redemption.

But Ulu-Mohammed was Cychi-Mohammed. Then Ulu-Mohammed captured Kazan and founded the Kazan Khanate. Which will exist until Ivan Grozny eliminates it. Kichi-Mohammed were unhappy in the Crimea. And in Lithuania, Hadji Gary. With the help of Lithuanians, he kicked out from the Kichi-Mohammed Crimea, founded the independent Crimean Khanate and the Gireev Dynasty. Later, the Crimea will be a vassal of Turkey, and the hires will rule the Crimea until the most times of Catherine II.

Standing at the thief

From 1432 to 1459, Kichi-Mohammed - Khan Large Horde. This is what remains of the Golden Horde. Ahmat, the son of Kichi-Mohammed, turned out to be the last Khan, who tried to restore the former power of the Horde. Something in this respect he even succeeded. But his activity caused dissatisfaction with the neighbors - Crimea, Astrakhan Khanate, the Nogai Horde. Nevertheless, aghmatized the fight against Rus.

Moscow princes were not fools. They saw that the Horde, so to speak, flows into the insignificance. And they ceased to ride Khanam for a label to the Grand Diction. And Ivan III completely looked down and stopped paying "output." That is a tribute. Hansky ambassadors who came to him sent much away. Moreover, he entered into an union against Ahmat with Crimean Khan Mengly-Gipe. Vassal concludes a union against Senior. Next, as they say, go nowhere. Ahmat could not stand and went to Russia Rus. To close the question on the hundred and other years.

The famous standing on the River Ugra 1480 began. Russians were afraid of Tatars and did not attack. Ahmat also did not attack. He waited for an ally - the Lithuanian Prince and the Polish king of Casimir. But the ally did not fit. Because Crimean Khan, the ally of the Russians, invaded the possession of Casimir. In short, Ivan III overthrow Tatar Igo with the help of the same Tatars, but Crimean. By whom, by the way, Russia will pay tribute for many years. But no longer as a vassal, but simply for that they did not go to raids on the southern frontiers.

Ahmat eventually did not get involved in the fight. He stood and left. Disamed the army and sat in his tent. Surely Siberian and Nogai Tatars attacked him. And killed. It is quite possible that the Sovereign of All Russia Ivan III was presented. At least it was in his spirit.

And in 1502, Crimean Khan finally eliminated a big Horde. The history of the Golden Horde ends. The state that existed two and a half centuries who experienced ups and downs and the deceased, because any empire is somewhat or later die.

Gleb Stashkov

How much is "output"?

How many Russian principality paid the Golden Horde?

The amount of Dani was never fixed - it depended on the population and his prosperity. Ordane officials (and then the princes themselves, according to their order) were quite strict and thorough accounting, assigning the amount of "outputs" in accordance with it. For example, in the XIV century, with Ivan Kalita, tribute was gathered at the rate of one ruble from two sins (that is, peasant farms). Accordingly, the "Moscow Exit" at this time was 5-7 thousand rubles with silver, and Novgorod - 1.5 thousand rubles.

Another thing is that only "exit" (he "Tsareva Dan") fees with Russia were not limited. In general, historians set about 14 species of various "Ordanes". Among them: trading fees ("soot", "Tamga"), the perceptions ("holes", "Summaries"), the content of the Hanical ambassadors ("food"), various "gifts" and "gym" Khan, his relatives and approximate . Periodically, one-time "requests" on military and other needs were going.

Harsh school

What was the Mongol-Tatar Igo for Russia? Years go, and scientists can all work out a single point of view on this issue.

Some believe that it was a real catastrophe, others rests on the fact that nothing special in relations between Russian princes and Ordan Khan is not observed. Ordinary vassals, ordinary seniors. All as everywhere. Just Mongols. Most of us from schools are more familiar with the point of view of Academician Boris Rybakova, who wrote this: "Russia was thrown back for several centuries, and in those century, when the workshop industry of the West switched to the era of the initial accumulation, the Russian handicraft industry was to continually pass part of that The historic path that was done before Batya. "

According to some estimates, conquering Rus, the Mongols destroyed about a third of the total population. That is, from 6-8 million people were killed 2-2.5 million. The testimonies of European travelers are preserved, who, driving through southern territories (for which Batiya's hike was stronger), wrote that it was a dead desert and such a country as Rus, no longer exist.

However, when the conquest was completed, coexistence began. And it was, if neither paradoxically, in something even useful for Russian principalities, mired in civil engineers. Mongols, by the way, these civil workers were very beneficial, and they warm them all over the entire yoke. Attaching the princes to each other, arranging raids on too independent "in educational purposes" and so on. But in the meantime, they studied a lot from them a lot. How to manage a huge territory, how to organize the central authority, how to collect and take into account taxes in the end. After the fall of the Golden Horde and gaining long-awaited independence, all of these knowledge was very useful when creating a Moscow state.

The great Russian historian Vasily Klyuchevsky said the following: "Mongolian IHO, with extreme plot for the Russian people, was a harsh school, in which Moscow statehood and Russian self-adjustment were made: a school in which the Russian nation has aware of themselves as such and acquired the character traits that facilitated the subsequent struggle for Existence".

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The horde is a phenomenon, which is analogs that is simply not in history. At its essence, this is an union, association, but not a country, not a terrain, not the territory. Horde has no roots, the Horde has no homeland, the Horde has no borders, the Horde has no title nation.

The Horde created not the people, not a nation, the Horde created one person - Genghis Khan. He invented the submission system, according to which you can or die or become part of the horde, and together with it, to kill and rape! That is why the horde is a sprinkling, the union of criminals, villains and scoundrels that are equal. Horde is an army of people who are ready to sell their homeland before fear of death, their family, their nation, and together with the same as he are the orders and then carry fear, horror, pain, other peoples

All nations, peoples, tribes know what the Motherland is, everyone has its own territory, all states were created as advice, veche, glad, as an union of the territorial community, and the Horde - no! The Horde has only the king - Khan, who commands and the Horde performs his command. Whoever refuses his commandment to fulfill the dying, who wores life from the Horde - gets her, but in return gives his soul, his dignity, his honor.

First of all, the word "Horde".

The word "Horde" marked a bet (mobile camp) of the ruler (examples of its use in the value "Country" begin to meet only from the XV century). In Russian chronicles, the word "Orda" usually meant the army. Its use as the name of the country becomes constant from the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries, until that time, the term "Tatars" was used as the name. In Western European sources, the names of the "Commen", "Comanion" or "Power of Tatars", "Tatars", "Tatar" were distributed. The Chinese called the Mongols of Tatars (Tar-Tar).

So, according to the traditional version, a new state was formed in the south of the Euro-Asian continent (the Mongolian power from Eastern Europe to the Pacific Ocean - the Golden Horde, alien to Russians and inhibit them. The capital is the city of Sarai on the Volga.

Golden Horde (Ulus Juchi, self-calibration on the Turkic ulus ulus is the "Grand State") - a medieval state in Eurasia. In the period from 1224 to 1266 were part of the Mongol Empire. In 1266, at Khan Mengu-Timur, he found complete independence, retaining only a formal dependence on the Imperial Center. Since 1312, the state religion became Islam. By the middle of the XV century, the Golden Horde broke up into several independent hanses; Its central part, nominally continued to be considered the Verkhovna - a big horde, ceased existence at the beginning of the XVI century.

Golden hordes ok. 1389

The name "Golden Horde" was first used in Russia in 1566 in the historical and publicistic essay "Kazan Story", when the state itself no longer existed. Until this time, in all Russian sources, the word "Horde" was used without the adjective "Golden". Since the XIX century, the term firmly fixed in historiography and is used to designate Ulus Juchi as a whole, or (depending on the context) of its western part with the capital in Saraj. Read more → Golden Horde - Wikipedia.

In the fact that the Goldenopa and Eastern (Arab-Persian) sources did not have a single name. It was usually indicated by the term "ulus", with the addition of any epithet ("Ulug Ulus") or the ruler's name ("Ulus Berk"), and not necessarily acting, but also reigning earlier.

So, we see the Golden Horde - this is Juchi Empire, Juchiyev Ulus. Since the empire, there must be court historians. In their works, it should be described how the world shuddered from bloody Tatars! Not yet the Chinese, Armenians and Arabs describe the exploits of the descendants of Genghis-Khan.

Academician-orientalist HM Fren (1782-1851) Twenty-five years ago, I did not find it, and today it is nothing to please with the reader: "As for the actual Goldenopian medical written writing sources, we have them today are no more than in times. M. Fren, who was forced to be stated with chagrin: "In vain in continuation of 25 years I was looking for such a special history of Ulus Juchi" ... "(Usmanov, 1979. P. 5). Thus, there is no narratives in the nature of the Mongolian affairs written by the "Rogan Gold and Ordan Tatars".

We will see what the golden horde is in the representation of contemporaries A. I. Lyzlov. Golden Horde called Muscovyan. Other her name Great Horde. It included the Earth of the Bulgaria and the Volga Horde, "and on both countries of the Volga River, from the city of Kazan, it was also no feeling then, and to the Yaika River, and to the sea of \u200b\u200bHwalisskago. And Tamo inhalesing and creating hands in many, naz called: Bulgarians, Bulgarians, Kuman, Korsun, Tour, Kazan, Arc, Gormer, Arnach, Sarai Great, Chaldai, Astarajan (Lyzlov, 1990. P. 28).

Zavolzhskaya, or "factory" horde, as her foreigners called there is a Nogai Horde. It was located between the Volga, Yaik and the "White Will", below Kazan (Lyzlov, 1990. p. 18). "And about the beginning of her, those Ordintsy Sita are narrated. Yako in the countries of those, no dear, a certain widow, the breeds between them are famous. Siah once from the Likement gave rise to Son, Issue Tsyngis ... "(Lyzlov, 1990. p. 19). Thus, the Mongols-Tatars-Moavityan spread from the Caucasus to the northeast, for the Volga, from where they moved to Kalka, and from the south of the Minor Tataria, spokes of Christians approached, read, the main characters of this battle.

Empire of Chingiz-Khan (1227) according to the traditional version

The state must have officials. They are, for example, backers. "Baskaki, I would like atamans or olders," explains us by A. I. Lyzlov (Lyzlov, 1990. P. 27). Officials have paper and feathers, otherwise they are not chiefs. In the textbooks it is written that the princes and priests (officials) issued labels for the Board. But here are the officials Tatar, not as an example of modern Ukrainian or Estonian, learned Russian, that is, the language of the conquered people in order to write documents issued by the poor on the "II". "Note ... that ... None of the written monuments of Mongolian did not survive; Not a single diploma, no label in the original. Very little reached us in translations "(Field, T. 2. P. 558).

Well, perhaps, when we were freed from the so-called Tatar-Mongolian yoke, then on joys all written in Tatar-Mongolski burned. Apparently it is on joy, you can understand a Russian soul. But another thing is the memory of the princes, their approximate, - people have urged, competent, aristocrats, and then went to the Horde, lived over the years (Borisov, 1997, p. 112). They should have left records in Russian. Where are these historical documents? And although the time does not spare documents, it is old, but it creates them (see the end of the lecture 1 and a lecture 3, the end of the paragraph "Berevian diplomas"). Still, almost three hundred years ... went to the Horde. But no documents!? Here are the words: "Russian people have always been distinguished by inquisitiveness and observation. They were interested in the life and customs of other nations. Unfortunately, not a single detailed Russian description of the Horde did not reach us "(Borisov, 1997. p. 112). It turns out that Russian curiosity dried up at the Tatar Horde!

Tatar-Mongols made raids. Departed to people. Contemporaries of these events and descendants painted paintings about this sad phenomenon. Consider one of them - the miniature from the Hungarian chronicle "Theft of the Russian Polon in Horde" (1488):

Press in the face of Tatars. Bearded men, nothing Mongolian. Dressed is neutral, suitable for any people. On the heads or turbans, or the caps, exactly like the Russian peasants, Streltsy or Cossacks.

Hijacking Russian Polon in Horde (1488)

There is an entertaining "memo" left by Tatars about his campaign to Europe. On the tombstience of the victim in the battle of Heinrich II, II depicts "Tatar-Mongol". In any case, it was explained to the Figure to the European reader (see Fig. 1). It hurts "Tatar" looks at the Cossack or Sagittarius.

Fig.1. An image on the tombstone of the Duke Henry II. The drawing is provided in the book of Hie Travel of Marco Polo (Hie Comlete Yule-Cordier Edition. V 1.2. NY: Dover Publ., 1992) and is equipped with an inscription: "Tatar's figure under the legs of Heinrich II, Duke Silesia, Krakow and Poland, placed On the grave in Breslau of this prince killed in the battle of Lignice, April 9, 1241 "(See: Nosovsky, Fomenko. Empire, p. 391)

Did you really remember in Western Europe, what did the "bloodthirsty tartars from countless Horde Batya looked"!? Where are the Mongol-Tatar features of narrow-eyed, with a rare beard ... The artist confused the so-called "Russian" with "Tatarin"!?

In addition to the "regulatory" documents from the past, other written sources remain. For example, compared acts (shortcuts), Khan letters of diplomatic character, messages (bits) remained from the Gold Horde. Although for Russian Mongols, as true polyglots, used the Russian language, there are documents and in other languages \u200b\u200bfacing non-Russian rulers ... 61 labels were in the USSR; But the historians engaged in the writing of the textbooks, by 1979, "mastered" only eight, and more than six. The rest (as it were) did not have enough time (Usmanov, 1979. P. 12-13).

And in general, not only from the junction of the ulus, but also from the whole "Great Empire" practically no documents remained.

So, in reality, the history of the Russian Empire claiming the bruscity, unity and relatives of about 140 nations (

Golden Horde (in Turkish - Altyn Horde), also known as Kipchak Khanate or Ulus Yuchi, was a Mongolian state created in some parts of modern Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan after the collapse of the Mongolian Empire in the 1240s. It existed until 1440.

At the time of his heyday, it was a strong commercial and commercial state, providing stability in large areas of Russia.

The origin of the title "Golden Horde"

The name "Golden Orda" - relatively late toponym. It emerged in the imitation of the "Blue Horde" and the "White Horde", and these names, in turn, denoted by the situation, then independent states, then the Mongolian army.

It is believed that the name "Golden Ord" came from the steppe system for the designation of the main directions with flowers: black \u003d north, blue \u003d east, red \u003d south, white \u003d west and yellow (or golden) \u003d center.

According to another version, the name went from a magnificent gold tent, which Batha Han installed to mark the place of his future capital on the Volga. Despite the fact that in the nineteenth century, this theory was adopted as true, in our time it is considered apocryphal.

Not preserved written monuments created up to the 17th century (they are destroyed), in which such a state would be mentioned as a golden horde. In earlier documents, the state of Ulus Juchi (Juchiyev Ulus) appears.

Some scientists prefer to use another name - Kipchak Khanate, because various people derived from the population of Kipchak were also found in medieval documents describing this state.

Mongolian origin of the Golden Horde

Before his death in 1227, Genghis Khan bequeathed to divide between his four sons, including senior juchi, who died earlier than Genghis Khan.

The part that Djuci received is the most Western lands, where they were able to step by the hooves of Mongolian horses, and then the south of Russia were divided between the sons of Juchi - the Lord of the Blue Horde of Batym (West) and Khan Horde, the Lord of the White Horde (East).

Subsequently, Bati established control over the territories, subject to the Horde, and also subjugated the northern coastal zone of the Black Sea, including the indigenous Turkic peoples in their army.

In the late 1230s and early 1240s, he spent brilliant trips against the Volga Bulgaria and against the successors of the states, repeatedly introducing the military glory of their ancestors.

Blue Horde Khan Batya attached lands in the West, making raids to Poland and Hungary after battles in the leaf and flies.

But in 1241, the Great Khan Rouge died in Mongolia, and Batie interrupted the siege of Vienna to take part in the dispute for the succession. Since then, the Mongolian army has never walked to the West.

In 1242, Bati created his capital in Saraj, in his possessions in the lower reaches of the Volga. Shortly before that, the blue horde split - the younger brother of Batiya Shhibe left the Army of Batya to create his Horde east of the Urals along the rivers Ob and Irtysh.

Having achieved stable independence and creating a state that today we call the Golden Horde, Mongols gradually lost their ethnic identity.

While the descendants of the Mongols-Warriors Batiu were the highest class of society, most of the population of the horde consisted of Kipchak, Bulgarian Tatars, Kyrgyz, Khorezmian and other Turkic peoples.

The Supreme Ruler of the Horde was Han, elected by Kurultham (Mongolian Cathedral) among the descendants of Khan Batya. The position of the Prime Minister also occupied ethnic Mongol, known as "Prince of Princes" or Beclebeck (Beck over Becki). The ministers were called sights. Local governors or backers were responsible for charging Dani and the repayment of popular discontent. The ranks, as a rule, were not shared for military and civilian.

The Horde developed as somewhat somewhat, not a nomadic culture, and the shed over time becomes a densely populated and prosperous city. At the beginning of the fourteenth century, the capital moved to Saraj-Berke, located significantly higher in the flow, and became one of the largest cities of the medieval world with a population, an estimated British encyclopedia of 600,000 people.

Despite the efforts of Russia, the Mongols adhered to their traditional pagan beliefs while Khan Uzbek (1312-1341) did not accept Islam as a state religion. According to reports, the Russian rulers were killed in the barn - Mikhail Chernigovsky and Mikhail Tverskaya - for their refusal to worship with pagan idols, but the Khans were generally versofimy and even liberated the Russian Orthodox Church from taxes.

Vassals and allies of the Golden Horde

The Horde collected a tribute from his subordinate peoples - Russians, Armenians, Georgians and the Crimean Greeks. The territories of Christians were considered peripheral areas and did not imagine interest while tribute to pay. These dependent states have never been part of the Horde, and the Russian rulers soon even received the privilege of ride the principles and collect tribute for Khan. In order to maintain control over Rus, Tatar warlords conducted regular punitive raids on Russian principalities (the most dangerous in 1252, 1293 and 1382).

There is a point of view, widespread by Lviv Gumilev that the Horde and the Russians concluded a union for defense from fanatical Teutonic knights and pagan Lithuanians. Researchers indicate that Russian princes often appeared on the Mongolian yard, in particular, Fyodor Black, Yaroslavsky Prince, who boasted his ulus near Saraj, and Novgorod Prince Alexander Nevsky, twin the predecessor of Batya, Sartak Khan. Although Novgorod never recognized the domination of the Horde, the Mongols supported Novgorod in the Ice Bare.

The barn led an active trade with Genoa's shopping centers on the Black Sea coast - Surazh (Soldia or Sudak), Caff and Tana (azak or Azov). Also long-standing trading partners of Khan and the Allies in the Mediterranean Sea were Mamli Egypt.

After the death of Batya in 1255, the prosperity of his empire lasted the whole century, up to the murder of Janibek in 1357. White Horde and Blue Horde were actually united into a single state brother Batya Burke. In the 1280s, the power was usurpised by Hanom, Khan, who conducted the policies of Christian unions. The military influence of the Horde has reached its peak during the Board of Uzbek Khan (1312-1341), whose army exceeded 300,000 soldiers.

Their policy on Russia was constantly reloading alliances to keep Russia weak and divided. In the fourteenth century, the rise in Lithuania in Northeastern Europe became a challenge to Tatar control over Rus. Thus, Uzbek Khan began to support Moscow as the main Russian state. Ivan I Kalita was awarded the title of Grand Duke and was given the right to collect taxes from other Russian powers.

"Black Death" - a pandemic of the bubonic plague of the 1340s was the main factor contributing to the possible fall of the Golden Horde. After the murder of Janibek, the empire was drawn up in a long civil war, which lasted the entire next decade, on average, in power it turned out to be one new Hanu per year. By the 1380s, Khorezm, Astrakhan and Muscovy tried to escape from the Horde power, and the lower part of the Dnieper was attached to Lithuania and Poland.

Which was not formally on the throne, tried to restore the Tatar power over Rus. His army suffered a defeat from Dmitry Donskoy in the battle under Kulikov in the second victory over the Tatars. Mamay soon lost power, and in 1378 Tokhtamysh, a descendant of Horde-Khan and the ruler of the White Horde, invaded and annexed the territory of the blue horde, unless the dominance of the Gold Horde on these lands. In 1382, he punished Moscow for disobedience.

The death blow of the Horde inflicted Tamerlan, who in 1391 destroyed the army of Tukhtamysh, destroyed the capital, plundered the Crimean shopping centers and took the most skillful masters in his capital in Samarkand.

In the first decades of the fifteenth century, power belonged to Ideghe, a visitor, which defeated Vitautas from Lithuania in the Great Battle of Vorskla and turned the Nogai Horde into his personal mission.

In the 1440s, the Horde was again destroyed by the Civil War. This time she broke up into eight separate Hannies: Siberian Khanate, Kasimskoe Khanate, Kazakh Khanate, Uzbek Khanate and Crimean Khanate, dividing the last residue of the Golden Horde.

None of these new Khanni was stronger than Moscow Rus, which by 1480 finally freed from Tatar control. Ultimately, the Russians seized all these Khanate, starting with Kazan and Astrakhan in the 1550s. By the end of the century, it was also part of Russia, and the descendants of his ruling khanov entered Russian service.

In 1475, the Crimean Khanate obeyed, and by 1502 the same fate suffered what remained from the Great Horde. The Crimean Tatars learned chaos in the south of Russia for the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, but could not conquer it, or could not take Moscow. Under the Ottoman defense, the Crimean Khanna was found until Ekaterina did not join it on April 8, 1783. It existed longer than all the successors of the Golden Horde.

Gold`y hordes` (Altyn Urda) State in Northeast Eurasia (1269-1502). In Tatar sources - Oluj Ulus (Great Power) or Ulus Juchi, named by the Dynasty of Dynasty Djuci, in the Arabian-Chehane-I-Kipchak, in Russians - the Horde, the Kingdom of Tatars, in Latin - Tartarium.

The Golden Horde was formed in 1207-1208 on the basis of Juchi Ulus - the lands allocated by Genghishan's son Juchi in Virta and Sayano-Altai. After Dzhuchi's death (1227) by the decision of the Srongongolsky Kurultayev (1229 and 1235), the ruler of the ulus was proclaimed Khan Batu (Son Juchi). During the Mongolian wars, by 1243, the territory of Dzhachi Ulus was located in Chit-I-Kipchak, Chehane-Khazar, Volga Bulgaria, and Kiev, Chernigov, Vladimir-Suzdalsky, Novgorod, Galico-Volyn Principles. By the middle of the XIII century, Venginia, Bulgaria, Serbia were depending on the Gold Horde.

Batu divided the Golden Horde on Ak Horde and Coc Horde, which were disconnected on the left and right wing. They were divided into uluses, Tumenes (10 thousand), thousands, hundreds and dozens. The territory of the Golden Horde was associated with a single transport system - the Yamsk service consisting of jamas (stations). Batu Ruler Kok Horde appointed the older brother of Orda-Idzhen, their other brothers and sons (Burke, Nogai, Tuka (Tukai) -tur, Shiban) and representatives of the aristocracy received in these uluses more minor possessions (Duties - Il) on the rights of Suiurgal. At the head of the uluses stood ulus emirs (Ulusbeki), headed by smaller goals - Tumenbashi, Minbashi, Josbashi, Unbashi. They carried out proceedings, organized taxation of taxes, engaged in a set of troops and commanded them.

In the late 1250s, the rulers have achieved a certain independence from the great kagan of the Mongolian Empire, which was expressed in the appearance of Tagi of the genus Giuchi on the coins of Khan Burke. Khan Menhu-Timuru managed to achieve complete independence, witness to the chasing of coins with the name of Khan and Kurultay Khanov Ulus Djuci, Chagatai and Megging in 1269, distinguished by their possessions and legalized the decontamination of the Mongol Empire. At the end of the XIII century, 2 political centers were formed in AK Horde: in the Northern Black Sea region of the rules of Beclairibek Nogai, in the Volga region - Khan Tokta. The opposition of these centers was over at the turn of the XIII-XIV centuries of the Victory Toks over the leg. The Supreme Power in the Golden Horde belonged to Juchidam: Until 1360, Khan had descendants of Batu, then Tuka-Timur (with breaks, up to 1502) and chibanids in the territory of Kok Horde and Central Asia. Since 1313, Johdi-Muslims could be khana with Golden Horde. Formally, the Khana were a single monarchs, their name was mentioned in Friday and festive prayers (Hutba), they fastened their laws. The executive body was a sofa, consisting of representatives of the highest known to the four ruling clans - Shirin, Baryn, Argyn, Kipchak. The head of the sofa was Vesir - Olg Karachibek, he led the fiscal system in the country, conducted with proceedings, internal and foreign policy affairs, was the commander-in-chief of the country's troops. At Kurultai (Congress), the most important state issues of representatives of 70 noble emirms were solved.

The highest layer of aristocracy was Karachibeki and Ulusbeki, sons and the nearest relatives of Khan - challenged, Sultans, then - Emirs and Becks; Military estate (chivalry) - Bahadura (Batyr) and Cossacks. In places, taxes gathered officials - Darugabeks. The main population consisted of the applied class - Kara Halyk, which paid to the state or feudal taxes: Yasak (main tax), various types of land and income fees, duties, as well as various duties, such as supplying the provinces in troops and authorities (barn small), Yamskaya (Ilchi Kunak). There was also a number of taxes on Muslims in favor of the clergy - Gosher and coasted, as well as tributes and taxes on the obedient peoples and the non-Muslim population of the Golden Horde (Jize).

The army of the Golden Horde consisted of the personal detachments of Khan and nobility, military formations and militia of various uluses and cities, as well as allies troops (just 250 thousand people). To know was the frames of military leaders and professional warriors - heavy cavalryrs (up to 50 thousand people). A supporting role in battle played infantry. In defense of fortifications, firearms were used. The basis of the tactics of the field combat was the massive application of a heavy cavalry. Her attacks alternated with the actions of horse archers who hit the enemy at a distance. Strategic and operational maneuvers, coverages, flanks and ambushes were used. The warriors were unpretentious, the army was distinguished by maneuverability, speed and could make long transitions, without losing combat capability.

The largest battles:

  • battle near the city Pereyaslavl Emir Nurse with Vladimir Prince Andrey Yaroslavich (1252 years);
  • taking the troops of Bahadura Burundae Cities Sandomiir (1259 year);
  • battle of Burke on the Terek River with the troops of the ruler-Ilhan Iran Hulagu (1263);
  • battle of toxes on the Kuckanyk River with Haze (1300 year);
  • taking the city of Tabriz forces Khan Janibek (1358);
  • siege of the city of Bulgarians by the troops of the Beclairibek Mamia and Moscow Prince Dmitry Donskoy (1376);
  • Kulikovsky battle (1380);
  • moscow taking Khan Toktamiam, Becklairibek Ideghey (1382, 1408);
  • battle of Khan Toktamysh with Timur on the Kondurcha River (1391);
  • battle of Khan Toktamysh with Timur on the Terek River (1395 year);
  • the battle of Ideghea with Toktamiam and Prince Lithuanian Vitovt on the Vorskla River (1399);
  • battle of Khan Ulug-Muhammad.

There were more than 30 major cities on the territory of the Gold Horde, (including the Middle Volga region - Bulgarians, Juteau, Iska-Kazan, Kazan, Kashan, Mukhsha). Over 150 large and small cities were the centers of administrative power, crafts, trade, religious life. Management cities carried out emirs and hakims. Cities were centers of highly developed craft (iron, weapon, leather, woodworking), the flourishing was worried about glasswater, pottery, jewelry and trade with European countries, the Middle and Middle East. Transit trade with Western Europe silk, spices from China and India. From the Golden Horde, bread, fur, leather, prisoners, cattle were exported. Luxury objects were imported, expensive weapons, fabrics, spices. Many cities existed major trade and craft communities of Jews, Armenians (for example, Armenian colony in Bulgaria), Greeks and Italians. The Italian republic cities had their own trading colonies in the Northern Black Sea region (Genoese in Cafe, Sudak, Venetian in Azak).

The capital of the Golden Horde before the 1st third of the XIV century was the Sarah al-Makhrus, built at Khan Batu. Inside the goldside settlements archaeologists revealed whole craft quarters. From the 1st third of the XIV century, the capital of the Golden Horde was the Saray Al-Jadid, built at Khan Uzbek. The main occupation of the population was agriculture, gardening and stall cattle breeding, Bortfreathe, fisheries. The population provided food not only itself, but also supplied it for export.

The main territory of the Golden Horde - Steppe. The steppe population continued to lead a semi-oral life, engaged in cattle breeding (sheep and horse breeding).

For the peoples of the Golden Horde, Turkic language was official and spoken language. Later on his basis, the Turkic literary language was formed - the Volga Türki. The works of Old Tartar literature were created on it: Kitaba Gulistan Bit-Turki Saif Safety, Mohabbat-Scira Khorezmi, Kutba Kutba, "Najd Al-Faradis" Mahmoud As-Sarad Al-Bulgari. As a literary language, the Volga Türki functioned among the Tatars of Eastern Europe until the middle of the XIX century. Initially, office work and diplomatic correspondence in the Golden Horde were carried out on Mongolian language, which in the 2nd half of the XIV century was ousted by Turkic. Arabic (language of religion, Muslim philosophy and laws) and Persian (high poetry) languages \u200b\u200bwere also common in the cities.

Initially, the Khans of the Golden Horde were confessed by Tengrianism and Nestoriance, and Muslims and Buddhists were also among the Turkic-Mongolian aristocracy. The first Khan, who accepted Islam, became Berke. Then the new religion began to actively spread in the midst of the urban population. By that time, the population in the Bulgarian principalities had already professed Muslim.

With the adoption of Islam, the consolidation of the aristocracy and the formation of a new ethnopolitical community - the Tatar, which united Muslim to know was occurring. She treated the Juchis clan-generic system, was united by the socio-prestigious ethnonym "Tatars". By the end of the XIV century, he was widely distributed among the population of the whole country. After the collapse of the Golden Horde (1st Halves of the XV century), the term "Tatars" indicated the military-serving Turkic Muslim aristocracy.

Islam in the Golden Horde became in 1313 by the state religion. The head of the clergy could be a person only from the genus of Seyidov (the descendants of the Prophet Muhammad from his daughter Fatima and Khalifa Ali). The Muslim clergy consisted of muftis, Mukhtasibov, Kadiii, Sheikh, Sheikh-Mashashov (Sheikh over sheikhs), Mull, Imamov, Hafizov, who carried out worship and legal proceedings in civil cases in the whole country. Schools (Mecteps and Madrasa) were also under the jurisdiction. In total, more than 10 remnants of mosques and minarets (including in the Bulgarian, Elabuga settlements), as well as Madrasa, Hospitals and Hanaka (habitat), are known in the Golden Horde. Sufi Tarikats (orders) were an important role in the spread of Islam in the Volga region (for example, Kubalya, Jasaviya), who had their mosques and Khanaka. The state policy in the field of religion in the Golden Horde was built on the principle of violence. Numerous diplomas of Khanov Russian patriarchs are preserved on the release of their all types of filters and taxes. Relationships with Armenian Christians, Catholics and Judaists were also built.

The Golden Horde was a country developed culture. Thanks to the branching system of mextribols and Madrasa, the population of the country was taught by diploma and canons of Islam. Under the madrasa there were rich libraries and schools of calligraphs, rewriters of books. Objects with inscriptions, epitaphs are evidenced about the literacy and culture of the population. There was official historiography, which preserved in the compositions of "Chingiz-Science", "Jami at-Tavarih" Rashidddin, in the genealogy of rulers and folklore tradition. High levels reached a construction business and architecture, including white-stone and brick construction, stone carving.

In 1243, the Ordan army took a trip to the Galico-Volyn Principality, after which the Prince Daniel Romanovich admitted himself to Vassal Batu. Hiking of the foot (1275, 1277, 1280, 1286, 1287) pursued the goal to impose in the Balkan countries and Poland tribute and military conjunction. The campaign of the foot on Byzantium ended with Siege of Constantinople, the ruin of Bulgaria and the inclusion of it in the sphere of influence of the Golden Horde (1269). The war, which worked out in 1262 in the predfabcasus and the Transcaucasia, was breaking up to the 1390s. The heyday of the Golden Horde came at the time of the board of Khans of Uzbek and Janibek. Islam was proclaimed by the official religion (1313). During this period, a single empire management system, a huge army, and boundaries stabilized on the crest of the economic lift.

In the middle of the XIV century, after a 20-year-old internecial war ("Great Jam"), natural cataclysms (drought, flooding of the Lower Volga region by the Waters of the Caspian Sea), the plague epidemics began the disintelligence of a single state. In 1380, Toktamysh won the Khan throne, defeated Maima. The defeat of Toktamysh in the wars with Timur (1388-89, 1391, 1395) led to ruin. The board of Igee was marked by success (the defeat of the troops of the Grand Duke Lithuanian Vitovt and Toktamysh on the Vorskla River in 1399, a campaign on Maverannovar in 1405, the siege of Moscow in 1408). After the death of Igee in the battle with the sons of Toktamysh (1419), the Unified Empire broke up, and Tatar states arose on the territory of the Golden Horde: Siberian Khanate (1420), Crimean Khanate (1428), Kazan Khanate (1438). The last fragment of the Golden Horde in the Lower Volga region remained a big horde, which broke up in 1502 as a result of the defeat of the descendants of Khan Ahmad, the troops of the Crimean Khan Mengly-Gurya.

The Golden Horde played a big role in the formation of the Tatar nation, as well as in the development of Bashkir, Kazakhs, Nogai, Uzbeks (Türkov of Maverannahra). The goldside traditions played a huge role in the establishment of Moscow Rus, especially in the organization of state power, the management system and military business.

Khana Ulus Juchi and Golden Horde:

  • Juci (1208-1227)
  • Batu (1227-1256)
  • Sartak (1256)
  • Ulakchi (1256)
  • Berke (1256-1266)
  • Mengu Timur (1266-1282)
  • TUDA-MENGU (1282-1287)
  • Tula-Bug (1287-1291)
  • Tokta (1291-1313)
  • Uzbek (1313-1342)
  • Tynibeks (1342 year)
  • Janibek (1342-1357)
  • Berdibek (1357-1339).

Hanges of the "Great Lea" period.

Golden Horde, or Ulus Juci - one of the largest states ever existed in the territory of the current Russia. It was also partially located in the territories of modern Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan. It existed more than two centuries (1266-1481; and other dates of its occurrence and fall).

"Golden" Horde at that time was not called

The term "Golden Orda" is applied to Khanate, depending on which the ancient Russia turned out to be invented by the back number, Moscow recorders of the XVI century, when this horde no longer existed. This is the term of the same order as "Byzantium". Contemporaries called the Horde, which Rus paid tribute, just a Horde, sometimes - a big orde.

Rus was not part of the Golden Horde

Russian lands were not included directly into the composition of the Golden Horde. Khans were limited to the recognition of vassal dependence on them Russian princes. Initially, attempts were made to collect tributes with Russia with the help of Khan administrators - Baskakov, but in the middle of the XIII century, the Orda Khans refused this practice, making them responsible for collecting Dani Russian princes themselves. Among them, they allocated one or more, which were given a label to the Grand Diction.

The oldest princely throne in Northeast Russia was revered by Vladimirsky. But along with him, Tver and Ryazan, as well as, at the same time, Nizhny Novgorod acquired the importance of independent great reign during the Ordan domination. The Grand Prince Vladimirsky was considered the main responsible for the arrival of Dani from all over Russia, and other princes fought for this title. Over time, however, the Vladimir Prepolli entrenched the Dynasty of Moscow Princes, and the struggle for him was already inside her. At the same time, Tverskaya and Ryazan princes became responsible for the receipt of Dani from their principalities and entered into vassal relationships directly to Khan.

Golden Horde was a multinational state

The book name of the main people of the Horde - "Mongol-Tatars" or "Tatar-Mongols" - invented by German historians in the XIX century, is a historical nonsense. Such people really never existed. At the heart of the impulse, which broke the "Mongol-Tatar" invasion, lay, apparently the movement of the peoples of the Mongolian group. But in his movement, these peoples got carried away by numerous Turkic peoples, and quite soon the Turkic element became the predominant in Horde. We do not even know the Mongolian names of Khanov, starting with the Genghis Khan himself, but only the Turkic.

At the same time, the most famous peoples among the Turks consisted only at that time. So, although, apparently, in the XIII century, the Tatars called himself, the people of the Volga Tatars began to form only after separating the Kazan Khanate from the Golden Horde in the middle of the XV century. Uzbeks were called so named by Khan Uzbek, who ruled the Horde in 1313-1341.

Along with the nomadic Turkic population in the Golden Horde there was a lot of settled agricultural population. First of all, it is the Volga Bulgarians. Further, on the Don and the Lower Volga, as well as in the Steppe Crimea, the descendants of the Khazar and the numerous peoples who came into the long-haired Khazar Kaganat lived, but in places still maintained a city lifestyle: Alanov, ready, Bulgarians, and others. Were among them and Russian sponsors which are considered precursors of the Cossacks. At the extreme North-West, the Horde's authorities obeyed Mordva, Mari, Udmurts, Komi-Perm.

Golden Horde arose as a result of the section of the Great Han Empire

The prerequisites for the independence of the Golden Horde arose in Genghis Khan, when he divided his empire before his death between his sons. The lands of the future Golden Horde received his eldest son of Juci. Hiking on Rus and Western Europe made grandson of Genghis Kan Batu (Bati). Finally, the section took shape in 1266 with the grandson of Batya Khan Mengu-Timur. Up to this point, the Golden Horde recognized the nominal dominion of the Great Khan, and the Russian princes went to bow for a label not only in the barn on the Volga, but also in a distant Karakorum. After they were limited to a trip to the near shed.

Warredness in the Gold Horde

During the great conquests of Turks and Mongols worshiped traditional tribal gods and were tolerant for various religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism. It was quite important in the Golden Horde, including at the Khan yard, had a "heretical" branch of Christianity - non-traditional. Later, at Khan Uzbek, the ruling top of the Horde takes Islam, however, after that, freedom of religion remains in the Horde. So, until the XVI century, the Sarai's bishopia of the Russian Church continues, and its bishops are even trying to paint someone from the members of the Khan family.

Civilized lifestyle

The possession of a large number of cities of conquered peoples contributed to the spread of urban civilization in Horde. The capital itself stopped waging, and settled in one place - in the city of Saraj on the Lower Volga. His location is not established, as the city was destroyed during the tamerlan invasion at the end of the XIV century. The new barn has not yet reached the previous splendor. The houses in it were built from raw bricks, which explains his briefness.

The royal power in the Horde was not absolute

Khan Horde, called in Russia King, was not unlimited lord. He depended on the Council of the traditional nobility, as it was an encouraged by a prince. Attempts by Khanov to strengthen their power led to the "Great Jam" of the XIV century, when Khana became a toy in the hands of really fought for the power of the highest military leaders (chambers). Mamay, broken in the Kulikov field, was not Khan, but by a dark, and only part of the horde was obeyed. Only with the top of Takhtamysh (1381), the power of Khan was restored.

Golden horde broke up

The confusion of the XIV century did not pass for the horde without a trace. She began to break up and lose control over the subject territories. During the 15th century, Siberian, Uzbek, Kazan, Crimean, Kazakh Khanate and the Nogai Horde are separated from her. Moscow stubbornly holds vassalitet to Khan a big horde, but in 1480 he dies as a result of the attack of Crimean Khan, and Moscow will have to become independent.

Kalmyks are not related to the Golden Horde

Contrary to common misconception, Kalmyks are not descendants of the Mongols who came together with Genghis Khan to the Caspian Steppes. Kalmyki moved here from Central Asia only at the end of the XVI - early XVII centuries.