Baby carrot cutlets how to cook. Carrot cutlets like in kindergarten: the best recipes with a description

For those who want to lose weight or eliminated meat products from the diet - an indispensable recipe! Prepare carrot cutlets - delicious!

Dishes from vegetables are distinguished by low calorieness, easy digestibility and maximum benefit. They are saturated with vitamins and are suitable for everyone without exception. The best time for the preparation of vegetables is autumn when the markets contain all the wealth of nature in the brightest paints. Please make your loved ones with a new dish and prepare carrot cutlets.

Carrot cutlets will be delighted those who hold the principles healthy nutrition And tries to be in excellent physical form. Cutlets guarantee a shared taste. They will be especially useful in combination with a canned green peas, buckwheat. The dish is suitable to the kids and the elderly, being the key to excellent well-being and good mood.

The whole process will take no more than two hours. The recipe for carrot kitlet contains the following ingredients:

  • carrot - 3-4 pcs. ;
  • flour of the highest grade - 50 gr. ;
  • egg chicken - 1 pc. ;
  • salt - 5 gr. ;
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml.

Boil carrots in water until ready. When choosing it is desirable to navigate the "punisher" grade. This carrot variety has a particularly sweet taste.

Stit semi-finished product in any convenient way.

Mix thoroughly with the egg, salt, form the cutlets. It is better to make wet hands.

Pour oil on the pan. Give it to warm up and projection. Fry it follows from 2 sides to a golden crust.

Several minutes and tasty, useful vegetable dish will be on the dinner table.

Serve cutlets with sour cream or non-fascinated yogurt, which can be easily prepared at home.

Recipe 2: Carrot Cutlets in the oven

From ordinary carrots, you can cook very tasty dietary cutlets, which will certainly enjoy all family members. Such diet carrot cutlets in the oven with great pleasure eating my four-year-old child, and the husband never refuses a couple of meat. The most important thing in this recipe with the photo is to choose a juicy and sweet carrot, because it depends on it the final taste of the kitlet. Be sure to add Adygei cheese in carrot cutlets, if you wish, you can add any other brittle cheese. For such a boiler, we will use oatmeal - pre- oat flakes It is necessary to grind in a coffee grinder. Serve dietary carrot cutlets to the table can be with vegetables and greens, you can also add light yogurt-based sauce.

  • carrot - 3 pcs.,
  • onion - 1 pc.,
  • oat flour - 2 tbsp,
  • garlic - 1 teeth,
  • adygei cheese - 70 gr.,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Prepare all products on the list, carrots Select medium size, clean carrots and wash, dry. In grate carrots on the small grater, you can also grind carrots in a blender bowl.

Clear bulb and suck, dry. Cut onion by half rings or cubes. Add bow to carrots.

Put the vegetables in the pan, pour a little clean water and sweat vegetables for 7-10 minutes. Also, pre-carrot can be baked in the oven, or just boil carrots until readiness.

Pastened vegetables shock the bowl of the blender and crushed.

Grinding carrots and onions shock in a bowl. Add to carrots a couple of oat flour spoons.

Adygean cheese rub on a small grater and add to carrots.

Choose one large or several small cloves of garlic, clean and grate on a shallow grater. Add garlic to other ingredients. Throw a pinch of salt and the pinch of ground black pepper. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Heat the oven to 180 degrees.

Using any round molding, shape the cutlets, you can also form them with your hands. Put the cutlets on a silicone rug or a baking sheet. Bake cutlets approximately 15-17 minutes. After cutlets, serve to the table - it turns out very tasty, certainly try to cook!

Recipe 3: Dietary carrot cutlets

If you decide to lose weight, but do not know what to cook, I suggest you try carrot cutlets. The recipe is simple, they are preparing in the oven and, as a result, it turns out delicious, diet vegetable cutlets.

The use of carrot boiler will help to normalize the process of digestion, clean the organism from toxic waste. Food is easily absorbed, gives a good sense of saturation.

  • carrot - 3 pcs.,
  • chicken Egg - 1 pc.,
  • milk 1.5% - 100 ml.,
  • manna Crupes - 2 tbsp,
  • creamy butter 62% - 1 tsp,
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp,
  • sukhari breading - 3 tbsp,
  • salt cook.

The first thing to warm the milk is a bit, then add creamy oil there, salt.

Clear carrots from the peel, grate on the grater with fine cutters. Lay out in a container with cow milk. We put on the slab to boil on the minimum heat for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Then we start with small amounts to pour the semolina grip, mix and cook again for 5 minutes.

Tip: As soon as the mass becomes thick - it means she is ready.

Tip: The taste of the kitlet largely depends on the carrot. It should be strong, without irregularities. Choose medium-sized vegetables, because it contains less poisonous substances. A saturated orange color of carrots indicates a compatibility of the root.

Tip: Do not rub carrots in advance so that it does not lose juiciness.

Tip: Leave the grated carrot for a couple of minutes to lay juice.

After that, add a chicken egg to the mixture.

Wait for a complete cooling of the mass, then shape the cutlets. In a plate, pour out a small number of breadcrumbs, dangle evenly every thing.

Tip: For the best modeling kitlet, do not forget to wet your hands in the water.

Tip: Different cereals, zucchini, beets, potatoes are suitable as a filling onion. Prepare for example zaras.

Take a glass oval shape, lining it with sunflower oil. We lay out the cutlets there and send it to the preheated oven for 30 minutes at a temperature level equal to 180 degrees.

Tip: Semi-finished product must have a ruddy color.

Finished carrot cutlets will lay out on a plate, decorate fresh greens. As an additional sauce, use low-calorie sour cream or yogurt without additives.

Recipe 4: Baby carrot cutlets (step by step)

Today I will prepare carrot cutlets like in children's garden, the recipe with photo step by step will help you repeat everything exactly, no moment to miss sight. Such carrot cutlets often serve my child in kindergarten, the whole group blends them for both cheeks, so, at home I was also she who was preparing to cook them, the baby is glad, and the husband eats them with great pleasure. You need to cook cutlets from the most delicious carrot, now I have already had a young carrot, it is sweet and very gentle - for the kitlet fit just perfect!

Serve such carrot cutlets to the table must be needed with sour cream or sweet sauce. In the future, knowing the preference of your child, the recipe can be modified, for example, add a raisin to carrots, you can add some vanilla sugar.

  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour - 2-3 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • sour cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • salt is a pinch.

Prepare all the necessary ingredients, carrots need to be washed and dried, after carrots you need to boil until readiness or prepare it for a pair.

When carrots drunk and cool down a little, it must be gratened on the small grater, the chips of carrots download into a deep bowl. Something I tried to cook carrots a little different, try, the result is very tasty - the raw carrot cleaned, graze and boil in a small amount of milk so that the milk is completely evaporated, after adding a little flour or mankey, sugar and egg - prepare the cutlets like our option - shape and fry.

So, we work with boiled and grated carrots Next - enter sour cream and add one large chicken egg.

Introduce sugar and flour or cake into the container, for the balance of taste, throw literally pinch of the cook salt.

Stir everything well, form small cutlets.

Fry carrot cutlets on vegetable oil on both sides, the crust does not grind hard, as we are preparing for children. Surplus oil remove with paper towels.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 5: how to cook carrot cutlets

  • Carrot - 1 kilogram
  • Manna Crupes - 100 grams
  • Milk - 150 milliliters
  • Eggs - 3 pieces
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon
  • Creamy butter - 1 tablespoon
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt - 1.5 teaspoons

1 kilogram of carrots clean, mine and cut circles, slices or straws. Prepared carrots put in a saucepan and pour 150 milliliters of hot milk.

Cover the lid, bring to a boil, add 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of butter. Mashed on a small fire under the lid of about 40 minutes, from time to time stirring.

In the welded carrot, add 100 grams of semolina and, stirring all the time, we continue to cook on a low heat for 8 minutes.

In 3 eggs, we separate proteins from yolks, yolks add to hot cutlet minced stuffing, mix and cool.

From the chilled pittal mass, the cutlets are smeared with egg squirrels, chopped in breadcrumbs and fry on vegetable oil from two sides to crispy, golden, ruddy crust.

We will apply ready-made carrot cutlets to the table with sour cream.

Recipe 6, step by step: lean carrot cutlets

Famous authors of no less famous "12 chairs" would probably be surprised when we learned how vegetarian lean carrot cutlets would be popular! This dietary delicious dish is useful not only to children, but also those who lead a healthy lifestyle. Carrot cutlets are obtained not only with appetizing, but also beautiful. They are preparing quickly and easily. There is no eggs in a lean dish, but when the post is over, add an egg and cutlets to carrot minced meal and cutlets.

  • Medium-sized carrots 5-7 pieces
  • Croach semolina 100 grams
  • Sugar 1 tablespoon
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Black Pepper Ground 0.5 Tsp

Raw carrots are thoroughly rinsed with a kitchen brush under warm running water. Then we shift our ingredient into a cold water saucepan so that the liquid completely covers our root. We put this container on a large fire, pre-cover it with a lid. When water in a saucepan boils, reduce fire to medium and cook a vegetable for 25-30 minutes. Check the availability of the vegetable with a fork, pushing the root roof. If the carrot is mild, it means that it is ready. Turn off the fire, and we put a pot with a ready-made vegetable ingredient under cold water. When the roots are cooled, reach them from the tank and with the help of a kitchen knife we \u200b\u200bclean from the skins.

Then, taking advantage of a small grater, we rub our root root on a vegetable chips and shift into a free bowl.

Sugar, salt and black ground pepper, as well as half the norm of semolina, add to the same capacity for chopped carrots. With the help of a tablespoon, we thoroughly mix all the ingredients with each other to a homogeneous mass. Taking advantage of the same table inventory, lay a little carrot minced chopper on the palm of his right hand and manually form small cutlets from it. Then we shift them into a plate with the remaining semolina and well chop them in this ingredient.

In the pan are poured vegetable oil And we put the container on the middle fire. When the oil warm up well, we shift several cutlets into this container at a short distance and fry them on one side during 2-3 minutes Before the formation of a golden crust. Then, with the help of a kitchen wooden blades, carefully turn our dish to the other side and after the ruddy crust is formed, reduce the fire. Capacity Cover the lid and on small fire Farm carrot cutlets still 10 minutes. At the end of this time, turn off the burner, with the help of kitchen tacks, open the frying pan cover and take leave for carrot cutlets from a container with a container using a wooden blade. We shift them into a deep bowl.

After the delicate and fragrant carrot cutlets are slightly cooled, shifted them on a wide dish and serve on the table. Our lean dish Amazingly tasty both in warm and cold, both with honey or jam and with homemade yogurt or with sour cream, if you, of course, do not follow the post. You can feed our cutlets to breakfast or dinner as an independent dish with vegetables or salad. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 7: Carrot Cutlers with a semolina (with photos)

Cooking carrots are used often. It is added during the cooking of first dishes and extinguishes, in salads and snacks. Do not count how many useful desserts and soup-purees for the defers can be created from this vegetable. And from it prepare delicious carrot cutlets. Step-by-step recipe With the photo of such a dish, we suggest trying.

The mince is prepared on the basis of chopped carrots with the addition of manus. But on the caloric content of the dish it will affect insignificant. If you wish, you can not fry carrot cutlets, but to stew. Interesting taste is obtained if you cook in a double boiler.

For the preparation of carrot meat, the cake remaining after squeezing the juice is suitable. But only in the event you can use if the juicer displays it is not very dry.

Relying on this recipe, you can make carrot cutlets with some stuffing. For example, put garlic inside solid cheese, greens. Tasty will work with prunes and nuts.

Such carrot cutlets often prepare those who fasten. But in this case the eggs do not put. So that the cakes are better bored, you can add some flour.

  • Large carrot - 3 pcs
  • Chicken Egg - 1 pc
  • Manka - 2 tbsp.
  • Milk - 50 ml
  • Bread crushers - 3-4 tbsp.
  • Salt and spices - taste
  • Oil vegetable - 50 ml

The main product that will be needed for the preparation of the kitlet is carrots. It should be cleaned before it.

In the meantime, you can take up the preparation of carrot minced. Vegetable to lose on the small grater. Salt and, slightly pushing, drain the liquid.

Now you should mix carrot mass with an egg. If you taste the cutlets with the edge, add black ground pepper or some spices intended for cooking meat. Tasty will work out with a hammer coriander.

It was time to add to carrot minus (if it was already swollen). Mix.

From the cooked vegetable stuffing shape balls. Swim each in breading from ground supersers.

In a frying pan, bring vegetable oil to a boil. Lay out carrot cutlets and fry them to a beautiful ruddy and crisp.


All recipes are carefully selected by the site culinary club.


Culinary etude 04/18/2018

Dear readers, today we will talk about how to prepare the most delicious carrot cutlets. I myself adore them. But once in kindergarten I delivered a lot of trouble as an educator with his categorical refusal to eat them. Now it is very difficult to believe. Recipe from childhood and others best recipes Carrot Kotlet is already waiting for us!

Carrots are often underestimated by us and rarely plays a "soling" role in dishes. And very in vain! This rootpode is not only very useful, but also very tasty in the form of pancakes, a kitlet and even.

About how delicious cooking carrot cutlets will tell us today's permanent leading headings Irina Rybkhanskaya. I give the word Irina.

Hi Dear readers Blog Irocheh Zaitseva! I have the same story with carrot cutlets, like Irina. From hate to love flew years. Now, after many years, when I want something easy and homely cozy for dinner, I often inspire them to cook.

Carrot cutlets like in kindergarten - classic recipe

If you cook the cutlets in the old Soviet GOST, then it turns out unusually, "like in kindergarten", tasty! Everyone who misses "thereby" by dietary carrot cutlets, cooked in the oven, will like my classic recipe.

For children, the recipe fits perfectly - there is nothing fried, sharp here, and the taste is characterized by a special tenderness.


  • 1k g of purified carrots;
  • 120 ml of milk;
  • 40 g of butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 60 g Manka;
  • 40 g of wheat flour of the highest grade;
  • 100 g sour cream.
  • 4-5 g salts.

How to cook

  1. Cut the carrot thin julienne (straw), allowed with milk and butter until readiness.
  2. At the end of extinguishing, pouring a thin bunkey. Cook with continuous stirring until carrot is ready. Follow not burnt!
  3. Cool, drive eggs, salt, conscientiously mix.
  4. To make ten - twelve round boil, cut into flour.
  5. Stay in dishes for baking or baking tray, laid by baking with a special coating.
  6. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C fifteen - twenty minutes.
  7. Serve, watering sour cream.

Lean carrot cutlets

How to cook lean carrot cutlets? Before you a very simple recipe. Photo step by step will illustrate you all technological process. It turns out delicious, useful, lean carrot cutlets that can be prepared all year round.


  • Paul Kilo Carrots;
  • 40 g Manka;
  • 30-40 ml of lean oil in a cutlet mass;
  • 150 g of white breadcrumbs;
  • lean oil for frying;
  • quarter tablespoon sugar sand;
  • half tea spoon salt.

How to cook

Carrots wash, boil in weakly boiling water half an hour.

Cool a little, rub on a large grater.

To warm up with a lean oil of one minute, enter the semolina (pour a thin jet), prepare on the most small flame a couple of minutes, without stopping it all the time to stir, add salt, sugar.

Cool the lot, form cutlets.

Bed in white breadcrumbs.

Fry on the heated vegetable oil for three to five minutes on each side until the formation of a thin crust. Do not remember, ensure that the products are not burned.

My comments

After frying, you can cover the cutlets with a lid and to write on the smallest light - they will taste even more than taste, but there will be no crispy crust.

Most often as a "thickener" in carrot cutlets is used. Below I will present you a few of the best in my opinion the recipes of carrot boat with a semit.

Carrot cutlets with a bath in the oven

This option is even like men. They are usually indifferent or hostile to all cutlets, which contains no meat. But these carrot cutlets with a semal are usually accepted favorably. Take a recipe for a note!


  • Paul Kilo boiled carrots;
  • one large onion bulb;
  • one chicken egg;
  • three tablespoons of grated solid cheese;
  • six tablespoons of mankey or semiolines;
  • half tea spoons of ground coriander;
  • half of the teaspoon of the hammer dry ginger;
  • half of the tea spoons of sweet hammer paprika;
  • two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • parsley or celery greens (optional);
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Carrot cooked in uniform. Grate on a large grater or on a grater for the preparation of Korean carrots.
  2. Onion brush from husks, fence in a small cube, slightly fry on the vegetable oil to a beautiful golden yellow color.
  3. Solid cheese with a bright taste (ideally Parmesan, Gruyer, but it is possible without bourgeois chubs) three in shallow (the one as for the coarse, but smaller) is a grater.
  4. Finely ruby \u200b\u200bpurely washed and dried greens.
  5. In the spacious dish, mix the prepared carrots, cheese, greens, spices, salt, add the egg whipped by a fork or a wedge, a gun. The resulting minced hand to knock out a hand.
  6. Send a lot to the refrigerator for half an hour.
  7. Chilled minced stuff convert into carrot cutlets: We absorb a mass with a tablespoon, form, lay out on a baking sheet, laid by a sheet of washed parchment or on a silicone rug.
  8. Bake in the oven at 180 ° C minutes twenty. We add heat to 220 ° C, we bake ten more minutes.
  9. Serve hot with sour cream, creamy sauce. Ideal for dinner, it is quite suitable for children and those who need dietary food. Men do not feed every day - run away with all due respect to the cutlets.

Carrot Cutlets with Cake Merkovis Cake

Ingredients for the rapid version

  • Cake three large carrots;
  • paul a glass of cream or milk;
  • one glass of mankey or corn flour;
  • one egg;
  • vegetable oil for frying kitlet;
  • riveted black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Extinguish carrot cake in milk or cream until soft, cool.
  2. Send to a cooled mass of egg, a semolina or corn flour, salt, pepper, mix.
  3. Cut the cutlets, fry from two sides to a rummy condition on vegetable oil.

Ingredients for a laundry kitlet made of cake

  • Cake from three large carrots;
  • 100 g of mankey (approximately);
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • lean oil for frying;
  • 100 ml of water;
  • salt.


  1. Extinguish cake in water until ready, cool.
  2. Add a semolina or corn flour. Adding carefully, orient to the consistency of the mass. Add sugar, salt, mix.
  3. Forming cutlets, fry on vegetable oil from two sides to a beautiful color.

Diet carrot cutlets without thermal processing

One of my good girlfriend advised me this recipe for dietary "raw food" carrot kitlet as your favorite. I pretty skeptically reacted to the preparation of such cutlets without thermal processing.

But my husband - Myasoyed told my works solid "yes." So I decided to offer unusual recipe And you, dear readers of the Blog of Irocheh Zaitseva.


  • Five large carrots;
  • half of big Bulgarian pepper;
  • sweet onion (white or blue Crimean);
  • three quarters of a glass of cashew nuts;
  • three tablespoons peeled from the husks of sunflower seeds;
  • riveted black pepper;
  • turmeric;
  • salt;
  • three quarters of a glass of flaxseeds.

How to cook

  1. Carrot chopped in a kitchen process or blender. Must get a small crumb. From too juicy carrots to squeeze juice using gauze and sieve.
  2. Purified onions and Bulgarian pepper to nourish a very small cube.
  3. Cashew nuts and seeds to pour out cool water for about an hour.
  4. After an hour to drain the water, send nuts and seeds to the blender, beat with spices.
  5. Mix the resulting mass with carrot crumb, crushed onion, pepper. Slesh very moderately.
  6. Linen seeds grind in a coffee grinder or a powerful blender.
  7. Modify small cutlets (it turns out about 15 - 16 cutlets), go in a flax crumb. You can do not cutlets, but carrot memers - balls.
  8. Store in the refrigerator in a closed container to three days.

Carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

Please look, video how to cook lean carrot cutlets in a slow cooker

Carrot cutlets on a couple

Another recipe suitable for children and everyone who adheres to healthy image Life or keep a diet.


  • Four very large, bright carrots;
  • one chicken egg;
  • 13 - 140 g of wheat flour;
  • 35 g starch;
  • sugar chip;
  • skill salt.

How to cook

  1. Carrot thoroughly wash in running water with a brush, clean, rub on the grater, squeeze juice.
  2. Add Egg, Sugar, Salt, Flour, Mixed with Starch, Stir.
  3. Sleep the cakes, send them to a double boiler for half an hour. In the absence of a double boiler, you can prepare in a metal enameled colander put on the steam bath.

I also suggest you watch the video, how to cook carrot cutlets for a couple in a slow cooker.

Carrot cutlets - recipe from Julia Vysotskaya

The recipes of carrot boiler at Julia Vysotsky a lot. I will introduce you only one. It is rather original and does not look like those that were discussed today.


  • One very large or two medium carrots;
  • one chicken egg;
  • two tablespoons of wheat flour;
  • a quarter of a teaspoon of ground dried on a dry pan of cumin;
  • two slices of feta;
  • natural Greek yogurt;
  • olive oil;
  • slim pitaway;
  • baking powder;
  • any spicy greenery according to your taste;
  • riveted black pepper;
  • salt.

How to cook

  1. Carefully cleaned carrots clean, rub on a large grater.
  2. Send into a grated carrot egg, flour, salt pepper, cumin, chopped greens, sliced \u200b\u200bwith small fetu cubes, mix.
  3. Lavash is cut into small squares, dried on a dry frying pan.
  4. On another pan on the heated olive oil, carrot cutlets are roasted on both sides (3 to 5 minutes on each side).
  5. Lavash squares are laid out on a large plate, a cake is placed on each square, the square of the lava is put on every cake on each cake. If the cutlets and pita lava remained, then one more layer is put. Everything is watering yogurt. It is inconvenient to eat, but it turns out very tasty!

Dear readers of Irochek Blog Zaitseva! I gave you today some of the most successful, for my taste, recipes Cutlet from carrots. I hope that cooking and tasting will give you pleasure! If you have any questions about cooking - I will answer with pleasure!

I sincerely wish all the readers of the health blog and good luck!

Dear readers if you are interested in others culinary recipesI invite you to our heading "Culinary Etude". Go to category by clicking on the button below.

Delicious recipes for the whole family

Spring ... It is the same different from everyone, as different we ourselves. I invite you to listen to a wonderful song performed by Elena Camburova "Do not leave me, Spring."

Diet after removing the gallbladder. Recipes for health


  • Carrot - 250 gr. (or 1-to-big pcs.)
  • Apple - 150 gr. (or 1-but average apple)
  • Kuraga - 6 or 7 pcs.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Drain oil. - 20 gr.
  • Camera semolina or flour coconut - 3 tbsp.
  • Egg - 1pc.

Autumn, as usual, pleases us with its harvest, and therefore we are often preparing. For example , . And today, for breakfast, we had carrot cutlets cooked in the oven.

Cooking carrot boiler with apple:

1. Apple and carrots grate on medium-shallow grater.

2. In advance of the dried drill to crush. I just missed her through garlic davke. But you can go to another way, do.

2. On the stove to put a saucepan with milk (150 ml.)

3. Add prepared carrots and an apple to milk. Mix.

5. Add a purw meat into a saucepan and extinguish on a fine fire about 10-15 minutes. Before soft.

6. When the vegetable mass becomes soft, add three tbsp. Spoons of manna cereals. But in my covers left a little awesome coconut flour, so I added it. And add a piece of butter (can be without it). Since I have coconut flour, then the oil I put coconut.

7. Cool a little carrot mass, and add one egg. Mix.

8. To form a cutlet from carrot mass and lay out either on a baking sheet with bakery paper, or in a silicone form. Bake at 180g. 20 minutes.

9. Ready cutlets feed with sour cream or with yogurt.

Bon Appetit!

Secrets of cooking Cutlet from carrots and apples:

1. Kuraga added to the cutlets completely replaces sugar. But if you do not like her, add just sugar.

2. You can immediately knead the double or better triple portion of the kitlet and freeze most. There will be a ready-made semi-finished product.

3. Tastier all to eat these cutlets in warm form with sour cream or with natural (not sweet) yogurt.

Creamy oil - 20 g

Manna Cropa - 30 g

Egg chicken - 1 pc.

Bread crushers - 2 tbsp.

Cooking process

Carrot cutlets as in kindergarten cook I learned quite recently when my granddaughter came to me on vacation. I, as a responsible grandmother, decided that we have a child will eat only useful food. I honestly, it was hard for me hard, but here carrot cutlets like in kindergarten - it was left with her bang, moreover, these cutlets fell to taste and my husband.

Carrot cutlets for children - delicious dish! For granddaughter, I always baked them in the oven, but my husband fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

So, we will prepare all products, remember childhood and make delicious carrot cutlets as in kindergarten.

Carrots clean from the top peel and squeeze on a large grater. Let's post a grated carrot into a scenery, add milk.

Also add a little creamy oil. Sweet carrots, just throw a pinch, a little, we prepare for a child.

We will put a casserole on the minimum fire and move the carrots until readiness, 20 minutes.

When the carrot is ready, we swell into the saucepan to her a semitter and continue to cook the contents of the shill for another 7 minutes.

After that, the carrots get out of the scenery, let her cool a little, so that you can make the stuffing carrot to take their hands and do not burn.

We add a chicken egg to the mince and smear the mince.

I am preparing a part of the kitlet in the oven, and the part is in a frying pan. For kids, there are better cutlets to bake, it will be much more useful.

We take a little carrot minced meat, the cutlet shape and take it in breadcrumbs, put the cutlets on the baking sheet and send it to the heated to 180 degrees from the oven for 15 minutes.

We put the frying pan on fire, pour vegetable oil and fry the cutlets to a ruddy crust for 3-4 minutes on each side.

Carrot cutlets are ready in kindergarten. We feed the cutlets portion, children are better to feed carrot cutlets with sour cream. My husband loves such cutlets with balsamic cream.