How to grow a plant at home. Growing flowers at home - tips for beginners

Preparing flower seeds for planting

It is better to start your experiments with simple annuals. The main requirement for the seed: the seeds must be fresh and disinfected. Sow seeds that germinate for a long time in winter, and those that germinate quickly in March-April. For seeds with a long germination period, I recommend the following stimulation methods:

  • soak the seeds in water before planting;
  • pour over boiling water;
  • make small neat cuts on each seed (if the seeds are not too small);
  • soak the seeds in pre-settled aloe juice.

Be sure to decontaminate the soil for sowing: spill the soil twice with boiling water or warm the earth mixture in a water bath or in a microwave.

Attention! This should not be done when sowing heather seeds.

Sow seeds in pots or trays.

How to sow houseplant seeds

Put drainage on the bottom of the pot, pour the earthy mixture, tamp it. Sow the seeds: Sow with a pinch as if you were salting something.

My advice: if the seeds are microscopic, mix them with dry fine sand to see how they spread over the soil surface.

Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on top of the seeds. Sprinkle with a spray bottle or water with bottom water - place the pot in a container of water so that the water level is just below the ground level in the pot, and when you see that the soil is moistened, remove the pot from the container with water and let the excess moisture drain. After that, you need to cover the pot with glass or polyethylene, which are subsequently removed from time to time to eliminate condensation and allow the soil to breathe.

When the first shoots appear, the glass is removed, the pot is placed in the light, but shaded from direct sunlight.

Secrets of growing flowers from seeds

Begonia and cactus seeds are sown without presoaking.

Soaking is carried out in this way: the seeds are wrapped in a bandage and immersed in clean soft water for a day or three. The water needs to be changed after five to six hours.

A certain temperature is required for the growth and development of seedlings. Cold-resistant plants need a temperature of about + 18ºC, and tropical plants + 28-30ºC.

When the first 2-3 leaves appear on the seedlings, the plants should be planted in separate pots.

My experience

All the seeds purchased in the store and sown by me sprouted well, no complaints. I recommend sowing such flowers: asarin, amaranth-lizard, they sprout well and grow different kinds geraniums and gloxinia. Other indoor flowers are also grown from seeds.

Good seedlings!

When choosing a houseplant, we always pay attention to appearance leaves and flowers, shape. But each plant has its own individual energy, influencing the human condition.

A beautiful houseplant is, first of all, proper care and conditions of detention. Even small care errors can cause dry brown spots or dry leaf tips or edges.

Also, the temperature and humidity in the room play an important role. And so that your flowers grow beautifully, magnificently and pleasing to the eye - listen to the advice of experienced florists!

Water is the main base of life for all plants. Watering should be individual for each type of plant.

Indoor plants also need to be fed if you want beautiful flowering and lush foliage.

  1. Sugar.The most natural way of fertilizing, for feeding indoor flowers. Sugar breaks down into glucose and fructose. It is glucose that does wonders.

It is the source of energy for all vital processes of plants. To prepare such a top dressing, you need to dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar in 0.5, liters of water, or simply sprinkle the earth with sugar in a pot, and then water.

  1. Castor oil.Ideal for flowering plants. You will need 1 teaspoon of castor oil per liter of water. When using castor oil: plants grow faster, bloom beautifully and do not get sick.
  2. Wood ash.Florists recommend it for the prevention of plant diseases. The most common way to use ash is to add it to a liquid.

Not a large amount, usually 100-150 grams of wood ash is bred in a bucket of water, mix and watering is ready. Apply ash no more than 1 time per month.

  1. Pomegranate or any citrus peel.It is also a healing and excellent feeding. We take the crusts of any citrus fruits and fill them with water, leave to brew for a day, and water.
  2. Aspirin.Every two months add an aspirin tablet to the irrigation water. One tablet for one liter of water.

If this condition is met, then the plants will be resistant to diseases, and their leaves will have a rich green color.

In addition, the growth rate will also increase.

  1. Aloe juice.It is a biogenic stimulant of plant origin. It is an ideal natural growth promoter for plants. The use of aloe juice will help to grow a strong and beautiful plant in a short time.

Preparation: dilute one teaspoon of juice in one and a half liters of water.

  1. Milk.Milk is recommended not only for watering (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). You can also wipe the leaves with a solution of milk and water in a ratio of 1:10.

After wetting a cotton pad with prepared liquid, rub the leaves once a week. The leaves will shine, giving them their beauty and freshness.

In order for indoor plants to bloom and develop, it is necessary to carry out a regular transplant.

When transplanting, plants receive nutrients, and when replacing land, the development of the root system. Spring - the best time for transplant.

For the successful cultivation of indoor crops, proper watering is one of the most important conditions.

It takes skill, patience and knowledge to plant beautiful home flowers. Some exotic plants require certain conditions of keeping, without which they will simply die. Learn how to grow flowers at home.

How to grow flowers at home

Indoor plants need good lighting and humidity. It is better to maintain the temperature at the level of 18-22C. But the pot needs to be shaded from direct sunlight. But not only this is the success in the cultivation of flowers.

How to grow flowers to keep them from wilting

For successful breeding, the soil in which the flower is located is important. Loose and air-permeable soil mixtures are preferable. Such soil absorbs and retains moisture well, provides oxygen access to the roots.

It is necessary to transplant flowers and completely change the soil mixture every two years. Potted soil is quickly depleted and the plant suffers from nutritional deficiencies. Adult palms and large specimens are rarely transplanted, but they replace the topsoil every year.

Never leave indoor flowers in the soil in which they were sold. It is not suitable for cultivation, but only for transportation.

Top dressing for indoor flowers

Growing flowers without additional nutrition is impossible. Indoor plants are regularly fed with mineral fertilizers. There are several types of fertilizers:

  • for flowering and exotic plants;
  • for decorative deciduous;
  • for cacti and succulents;
  • for palms and tropical plants.

Fertilizer is selected depending on the belonging of the flower to a particular group. You need to feed the plants throughout the growing season. IN winter time flowers are at rest and do not need additional nutrition.

Watering mode for home flowers

When growing plants, the irrigation regime is also important. As a rule, flowers are watered as the soil dries. But it doesn't hurt to know some of the nuances.

  • Violets are poured into a tray. Watering frequency 3 times in 7 days in summer, in winter 1 time in 10 days.
  • Palm trees are rarely watered and little by little.
  • Succulents and cacti don't need frequent watering. Optimally 1-2 times every 7 days.
  • Exotic flowers require not only regular watering 2-3 times a week, but also humidified air. The humidity level is maintained at about 70%.

The watering mode is selected individually for each instance. In winter, the frequency is reduced if the plant is cool. In a room with central heating, flowers are watered and sprayed as usual.

One of the main reasons why people grow plants from seeds is the huge selection of different plants in seed catalogs. Plus, it's much cheaper than buying ready-made plants. Moreover, in this case, you can follow all stages of growth and enjoy the process of gardening. For starters, you can try growing vegetables or flowers.


Part 1

How to plant seeds

    Choose seeds. At your local gardening store, you can purchase seeds that are appropriate for your area and season. For beginners, it is best to use vegetable and herb seeds such as green beans, lettuce, and basil. In addition, flowers such as sunflower, kosmeya and poppy are easy to grow from seeds.

    • Fresh seeds germinate more easily than old seeds.
    • While picking seeds from plants yourself is risky, it can be done as an experiment. Due to cross-pollination and grafting (transplanting shoots of one species onto the stem or roots of another), child plants may differ from their parents.
  1. Determine the planting time. In most cases, seeds are planted indoors. However, it depends on what exactly you are going to grow. For example, lettuce and green beans germinate better when planted directly in the open air. This means that you can plant the plants before the end of the spring frost. Frost-hardy plants can be planted indoors in late winter or early spring. It is better to plant more heat-loving plants later, in the middle or late spring, when it is already warm and there is no night frost.

    Choose a suitable container. Seeds planted outdoors are susceptible to diseases, insects and bad weather. You can germinate more seeds if you plant them indoors and take care of the young seedlings. You can purchase a seeding tray from your garden supply store. Any small container with drainage holes can be used.

    Fill up with seedling soil. It is easy to make yourself, which will save you money. Simply mix equal parts perlite, vermiculite and coconut flakes (or peat moss). This lightweight mixture drains well to prevent rotting, and in it the sprouts easily break through to the surface. Water the prepared soil well and fill the seedling tray with it so that the soil is about 6 millimeters below the edge of the tray. Press down gently with a clean tool to create a firm, level surface. Wait for excess water to drain.

    Plant the seeds. If the seedling soil has time to dry, water it again before planting the seeds. Look at the bag of seeds, at what depth and at what distance from each other they should be planted, or follow these rules:

    • One tray - one type of seed... Place the seeds loosely and evenly across the entire tray.
    • One tray - several types of seeds... Use a clean ruler to make small rows in the ground, 2.5–5 centimeters apart. Plant each seed in a separate row and mark the rows.
    • Separate pots or tray with cells... Plant one large seed (such as a cucumber or melon seed) or two small seeds (such as flower seeds) in each cell.
  2. Sprinkle soil over the seeds. When doing this, proceed from the size of the seeds. As a rule, the seeds should be covered with a layer of soil twice as thick as their diameter. Most small seeds (such as petunia, lettuce, and snapdragon seeds) require light to germinate. Leave these seeds on the soil surface.

    Retain moisture with a plastic cover or wrap. The seeds are very sensitive to lack or excess of moisture. Cover the seed tray with a plastic lid or plastic wrap to retain moisture until they germinate.

    • Most seed trays come with a plastic lid to help keep moisture out. If you purchased a tray without a lid, you can make a miniature greenhouse or germinate seeds in an old aquarium with a lid.
  3. Keep the seeds in a warm place out of direct sunlight. If the seed bag does not indicate the germination temperature, keep the daytime temperature at 18-24ºC, and the nighttime temperature at least 13ºC. If the room is colder, place a heating pad under the seed tray. Most seeds require a lot of light, but do not expose them to direct sunlight if the tray is covered with a lid or plastic.

    Check the moisture level every day or every other day. If the soil seems too dry, place the seed tray in a container of water to allow the soil to absorb the moisture it needs. This is less risky than watering from above, as the latter can cause seeds to wash out or flood.

    • As mentioned above, a plastic cover or film is usually sufficient to retain moisture while germinating. To be on the safe side, you can control the humidity level.

    Part 2

    How to care for shoots

    After the seeds have sprouted, remove the plastic cover. Most seeds germinate within two weeks. As soon as shoots appear from the soil, remove the plastic cover or film (if you used it).

    Provide bright lighting as soon as the shoots appear. Move the tray to a well-lit area, such as the sill of a south-facing window. If the temperature or lighting in the new location is too different from the previous one, move the tray gradually so that the seedlings have time to get used to the new conditions. Sudden changes can kill plants.

    Rotate the seedling tray daily. As plants grow, they are drawn towards the light. If the light comes only through the window, the shoots will lean towards it, resulting in them growing long and weak stems. Rotate the seedling tray 90 degrees each day so that they grow even.

    Maintain a constant temperature. Unless otherwise indicated on the seed bag, keep the daytime temperature between 18-24ºC and do not drop below 13ºC at night. Excessive heat or cold during the germination stage can negatively affect the shoots, for example, seedlings can develop weak and thin stems.

    Water the shoots regularly. The soil mixture must be moist, but not wet, otherwise the delicate roots may rot or drown (that is, lose the ability to absorb oxygen). It is best to place a container of water under the tray so that the soil absorbs it as needed. Watering delicate sprouts from above can damage them or cause disease.

    • If the soil mixture dries out, the seeds will die quickly. Check the soil at least once a day for dampness.
  4. Apply fertilizer to the soil as soon as the first true leaves appear. The set of the first leaves is called the cotyledons. The second set of leaves represents the first "true" leaves and serves as evidence that the seedling is mature and ready for serious growth. Dilute the fertilizer ¼ of the recommended dose. Pour the fertilizer solution into a suitable container and place the shoot tray in it so that the fertilizer is absorbed into the soil. Do this once a week or as often as directed in the fertilizer instructions.

    • If you have planted your seeds in a soil mixture that already contains compost, do not fertilize them. Too much fertilizer can cause burns and other problems.
    • Once you transplant the seedlings into larger pots, you can use ½ of the recommended fertilizer dose and add the full dose as they grow.
  5. Transplant the shoots into separate pots . If you planted seeds in a shared tray, the seedlings may become cramped as they grow. However, this does not apply to all plants and is species specific. If, nevertheless, it becomes necessary to plant seedlings, wait until they are strong enough to be able to transfer the transplant. As a rule, gardeners choose the largest and healthiest shoots for transplanting. The rest of the shoots can be composted or discarded. Transplant the plants as follows:

    • Wash the new pot with soap and water and rinse to remove any soap.
    • Fill a new pot with moist houseplant soil. The soil should be at room temperature. Make a hole large enough for the seedling roots in the soil.
    • Gently shake off old soil from the roots of the seedling. Use an ice cream stick or similar object when doing this.
    • Lift the seedling up by the top leaves. Don't grab the stem.
    • Dip the plant into the prepared hole. Use a pencil to spread the roots slightly apart (you don't have to achieve their ideal location).
    • Sprinkle the roots with moist soil so that they are at the same depth as before. Press down lightly on the soil.
    • Maintain the temperature and light at the same level for at least a few days until the plant recovers from repotting.
  6. Temper the plants. "Tempering" means that the seedlings are gradually exposed to variable temperatures and weather conditions in the open air, so that they do not experience shock when transplanting. Start hardening two weeks before transplanting plants in open ground:

  7. Transplant your plants outdoors . Once the weather is warm and the seedlings are able to grow outdoors, transplant them into a pot or garden bed. Follow the rules for growing these plants - each species requires certain temperature and light conditions. Here are the basic rules:

    • If possible, repot your plants on a cloudy, windless morning.
    • Water the soil in the pot and at the planting site.
    • Transfer the roots carefully to a new location. Try to widen the roots while planting without damaging them.
    • Sprinkle soil over the roots at the same level as in the previous place.
    • Water the plant well so that the soil sticks to the roots.

What gardener doesn't dream of his plants growing and developing quickly? Probably, such a person simply does not exist. Modern science chemistry and organic matter has proved that it is possible to manage the life of your "wards" flowers, and most importantly - it is necessary! Gardeners can now without any difficulties make plants bloom it is much better to make the flowers bear large fruits. They can protect "wards" from various diseases, diseases, and pests. The same applies to growing plants after their transplant. The most effective means for best development plants and ensure their flowering are growth promoters... Such substances can be easily purchased at any flower shop, and you can also make them yourself. Plants themselves produce these stimulants, however, their number is practically insignificant for the active growth of flowers. That is why the most important goal of any gardener is to replenish a living organism with these substances.

The choice of stimulants directly depends on what needs to be achieved, that is, it is necessary to accelerate the growth of roots, ensure abundant flowering, a large number of beautiful fruits, or simply significantly accelerate their growth. If you use these additives wisely and for specific purposes, you will create yourself a wonderful plant-rich greenhouse. The type of product and the period of its use directly depends on the main componentcontained in it.

Stimulants, or as they are also called phytohormones are divided into several types:

1. Auxins. They are responsible for the growth of the root system and for the even distribution of all nutrients throughout the plant.

2. Gibberellins provide regulation of flowering and flower formation.

3. Cytokinins are responsible for the growth and development of shoots.

Separately, it should be said about such additives as abscisic acid, substances "Crohn" and "ABK". Their use is necessary only when processing the trees in the garden, and then before the immediate harvest. These means artificially make the foliage a little older and accelerate the ripening of the fruits.

Means "Heteroauxin", "Speedfol", "Epin-Extra", "Zircon"often used as additives for plant developmentin particular, they affect the root system. In addition, the funds trigger the natural self-healing processes of plants and help them recover faster after prolonged illness or harm caused by pests.

Ethylene is no less popular among gardeners. It is used as a flowering agent for any indoor plant. It is the only volatile substance used. A good gardener must know all the properties that promote growth and plant development phytohormones. It is this knowledge that helps to create luxurious and, most importantly, healthy flowers.