Displacing books by television and movies. By D.

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Why is it necessary to read thoughtfully, with interest, linked to all the little things? - The main problem, which is in the center of attention of Dmitry Sergeevich Likhacheva.
Reflecting on this problem, the author draws our attention, firstly, that a person is obliged to take care of his intellectual development and the main way of such development. Secondly, "Only those works of literature produce a strong impression on a person who is read in a calm, leisurely and unlawful setting." Thirdly, "read more and read with the greatest choice, complaining with what role the chosen book has acquired in the history of human culture to become a classic."
The author's position is that literature gives an extensive experience and makes a person wise only when the works are read with the understanding of all the little things, because the main thing is in the tricks.
I agree with the position of the author: literature contributes to the development of the individual, develops in it understanding and love for life.
Often, thanks to the books, a person develops life attitudes, principles, seeks to be like beloved heroes. So, in Roman A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin", the main heroine Tatyana Larina was fond of French novels about the love she read over the night before bedtime. She wanted to be like her favorite heroes, wanted to meet true love.
Every person has a favorite book, which he reread with interest again and again. So, in Roman I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children", at the main character of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova, the favorite book was "Eugene Onegin". He constantly reread her.
Thus, it can be concluded that the literature plays a huge role in human life. Thanks to her, people are produced by life priorities. And your favorite books want to re-read again and again.

Writing the exam in the text:"Whether you noticed what great impression makes those works of literature, which are read in a calm, leisurely and unlawful setting, for example on vacation ..."(according to D.S. Likhachev).
(I.P. Tsybulko, 7 option, task 25)

Full text

The book is such a thing, without which a person has not been able to exist for many years. What place is the book in the life of people? How to choose to read the book? Russian philologist, art critic D.S. Likhachev invites us to reflect on the problem of the right reading. He writes that books and reading can make the lifestyle of every person, it is worth only to find the right book, because it serves as a "guide to other epochs and other peoples." Literature is of great importance in the life of people, she gives us "the colossal, extensive and deepest experience of life."

The author's position is clearly traced throughout the article. Likhachev encourages us to read the books meaningfully, thoughtfully, "delight into every little thing", because it is in trifles the most interesting and mysterious. The author believes that classical literature is the most important, but he does not reject modern literature, because only she can answer for many questions of our time.

I really like to read and therefore I fully support the point of view of Likhachev: the literature develops in us "feelings of beauty and understanding of life." For me there is no greater happiness than to take a good book and plunge into the world of heroes.

Every person, I think, has my favorite writer or poet. I like the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, especially his poem "MTSI". When it happens hard on the soul, I appeal to this work. I admire the strength of the spirit of this hero, his thirst for will and freedom. Despite the fact that Mcyri spent a long time in captivity, and then in the service in the monastery, far from the house, he still dreamed of his native aul. The blood of the fathers called him home. Three days of freedom - for this was worth living.

I spent unforgettable moments with the audience of the jams "Pomegranate bracelet". This attitude towards a woman, such love like Yoltykova, is now impossible to meet. I admire this man. Not everyone is capable of showing such a sincere feel.

The more books I read, the more often I find "my" books, the more I understand the words of Likhachev "... There are many books, without which it is impossible to live."

(285 words, not counting quotes)

How often do we read at the request or instruction of adults in order not to upset? How often do you read without pleasure to perform your homework? Why do you rarely read with interest? These and other questions arise with me after reading the article by DS Likhachev.

Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev in his article raises the problem of interested reading. He argues about how great the role of the book in our life is great. She helps us become wise, forms our identity. But all this is only when we read with pleasure, "... Delight in all the little things." For the most important thing sometimes lies in the little things. " When we read the book not for the lesson, not at the fashion of fashion and vanity, and therefore "what we like it."

The philologist concludes: "" Unintended ", but interesting reading is that it makes love literature and what is expanding the horizon of man."

I fully divide the point of view of the author. Reading for shared no benefit will bring. On the contrary, it can lead to hostility to books. You just need to read with pleasure and interest. A good example can show parents, the teacher can advise the book that will be yours. Favorite the heroes of artistic works are read with pleasure, and the books have a lot of them open and suggest. I'll try to give examples.

The heroine of the first Russian novel in verses A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" Tatyana Larina did not like to play dolls, seemed wild and was not like sister Olga. Tatiana read a lot and read with pleasure. When Evgeny Onegin leaves, she, hitting his office, reads the books of her chosen for several days, noticing all his marks on the fields, details and trivia. The books helped her understand Onegin and his act when he read her a real lecture on the impossibility of her love. Tatiana became easier.

Sonya Marmaladova from Roman F.M.Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment" was not to learn and read a lot. But in her life there is a book, she presented her licable, which she read not just with pleasure, but with trepidation and admiration. The Bible is this book remains the most readable in the world, the book that has changed the world and consciousness of people. She became for Sony to everyone. The Bible helps her cope with the life difficulties, correctly do, never despair, believing in good. She became her support. Solvders will come to this book.

Of all the above, I want to conclude: Be sure to read with pleasure. A good book can be your other life. Everyone must have favorite works to which you can constantly contact, know in detail. Love to read! And read with interest!

Updated: 2018-01-06

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Useful material on the topic

The role of literature in the life of one person and in the history of all mankind is very large, it is difficult to overestimate.

It is over the problem of the role of the book in the life of a person, the Soviet and Russian philologist, art historian and the author of the text read - Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev reflect on me.

Dmitry Sergeevich nominated by Dmitry Sergeyevich is particularly relevant in our time. Many people now prefer to watch TV, rather than read the book. And this one cannot but cause anxiety from the writer (sentences 22 and 23). This situation occurs because of the "disinterested" reading, that is, such a reading when a person reads what is supposedly necessary to read or what is fashionable. But if he finds the book that he soul, the one he chose himself, will understand that reading is much more interesting to view the TV shows (offer 24).

Likhachev is deeply convinced that literature makes a person intelligent and developed. He calls us to read more, but they read not just so, but with the greatest interest.

In the proof of his thought, I will give an example from fiction.

On the main character of the work of Jack London "Martin Eden" literature had a huge influence. From a not educated sailor, he converts (??) in a famous writer. And on this difficult life path, he was helped by, of course, books.

I will give another example. Books are not only a source of various information, but also an assistant in the formation of human moral qualities. So, for example, Andrei Bolkonsky from the work

L. N. Tolstoy "War and World" Books helped in search of the meaning of life and himself.

Thus, it can be concluded that the book is the best friend of man.

Option 2.

"Reading is the best teaching" - wrote A. S. Pushkin in the distance 1822. But today this statement remains indisputable. Books still love and reveal in the society of intelligent people.

Over the problem of the influence of books on the personality of a person, Academician D. S. Likhachev is argued in one of the chapters of his work "Letters of Good and Beautiful."

The author refers to literature with love and respect. Being an intelligent person, Dmitry Sergeevich is confident that a good book is capable not only to interest a person, but also to influence him the best way. According to the writer, "Literature gives us a colossal, extensive and deepest life experience." Dmitry Sergeevich encourages young people to read, comprehend life with the help of books, because they "make a person intelligent".

I fully divide the position of Dmitry Sergeevich. Indeed, books, like nothing else in the world, can affect the person of man.

It is worth remembering the sailor Martina Iden from the same name Roman D. London. The books turned the main character from a semi-educated sailor in the suggestive of the writer. He achieved heights to which he sought, largely due to reading. And it was the literature that Martin's destroy the barrier dividing society into classes.

I believe that the influence of the book can be both beneficial, so destructive. Confirmation of this thought I found in the novel O. Ualda "Portrait of Dorian Gray". Snatched and immoral Sir Henry decides to have a chance: like a pure-soul young man Dorian himself. And this nightmare transformation begins with reading the book recommended by the young man Sir Henry. The pages of this psychological etude played a fatal role in the life of the main character: it was this terrible book forced Dorian to lose any idea of \u200b\u200bthe edges of reasonable. For these, the moral decomposition of the hero was followed ...

Summing up, you can confidently say that the book not only takes an important place in a person's life, but also takes the most direct participation in the formation of his worldview.

Option 3.

D. S. Likhachev is a famous Soviet and Russian philologist, art historian, screenwriter. His works are brought up in us a reverent attitude to the books. What is the role of books in a person's life? Here is the problem that D. S. Likhachev raises in the proposed text.

Many character heroes become ideals for us, and we try to fully comply with them. From the books we will learn about the events that occurred hundreds of years ago. Books make people intelligent and wise.

The literature played a huge role in the formation of the main heroine of Roman A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". For his life, Tatyana Larina read a huge number of books. They brought in her love for homeland and nature, hardness in beliefs and wisdom, loyalty to loved ones. Thus, Tatiana still in his youth began to understand life, was able to overcome all its difficulties.

Another book is Artur Gray from the work of A. Green "Scarlet Sails". It was from the books that he learned about captains and sailors. Gray wanted to be in every way to be like these people. Thanks to the reading, the hero was able to choose his way in life and realize the dream.

After reading the text, I come to the following conclusion: Books are the most valuable source of knowledge, a guide for life for everyone. Therefore, let's and we will more often contact the creations of great authors.

The main (but, of course, is not the only one) the method of its intellectual development is reading.

Reading should not be random. This is a huge time consumption, and time is the greatest value that can not be spent on trifles. You should read according to the program, of course, not following it hard, leaving it from it where additional for reading interests appear. However, with all deviations from the initial program, it is necessary to compile a new, taking into account the new interests that have appeared.

Reading, in order for it to be effective, should be interested in the reading. Interest in reading in general or by certain sectors of culture needs to be developed. Interest can be largely the result of self-education.

The reading program is not so simple for yourself, and this should be done by consulting knowledgeable people, with the existing reference benefits of different types.

The danger of reading is the development (conscious or unconscious) in itself the tendency to "diagonal" viewing of texts or to various types of high-speed reading methods.

"High-speed reading" creates the visibility of knowledge. It can be allowed only in some types of professions, beware of the creation of habits for high-speed reading, it leads to a disease of attention.

Did you notice what great impression makes the works of literature, which are read in a calm, leisurely and unlawful setting, for example, on vacation or at some not very complex and not distracting the attention of the disease?

Literature gives us a colossal, extensive and deepest experience of life. She makes a person intelligent, develops in it not only a sense of beauty, but also an understanding - an understanding of life, all its difficulties, serves as a guide to other eras and other peoples, reveals the heart of people in front of you. In a word, makes you wise.

If the first time read the work inattentively - read again, for the third time. A person must have the favorite works to which he refers to repeatedly, who knows in detail, which can be reminded in a suitable environment around and then raise the mood, then discharge the situation (when irritation is accumulated against each other), then we mix, just express Your attitude to what happened to you or with anyone else.

"Outless" reading taught me at school my teacher of literature. I studied in the years when the teachers were often forced to be absent in the lessons - they were digging the trenches near Leningrad, they should have been to help any factory, they just hurt. Leonid Vladimirovich (so called my teacher of literature) often came to class, when there was no other teacher, it fell at ease at the teacher's table and, removing the book from the portfolio, offered us to read something. We already knew how he knew how to read how he knew how to explain read, laugh with us, admire something, surprised by the art of the writer and rejoice at the upcoming.

So we listened to many places from the "War and Peace", "Captain's Daughter", several stories of Maupassant, Aborno about the nightingale Budimirovich, another epics about Dobryna Nikitich, a story about Mount-Zontacia, Basni Krylov, Oda Derzhavin and Much, much more. I still love what he listened then in childhood. And home father and mother loved reading evenings. They read for themselves, and some of the places you like read and for us. Leskov read, Mine-Siberian, historical novels - everything that they liked and what he gradually began to like and us.

"Disadvantaged", but interesting reading is that it makes love literature and what is expanding the horizon of man.

He will be able to read not only for school answers and not only because one or another thing is read now everything is fashionable. Hell read with interest and is not in a hurry.

Why does the TV partially displaces the book now? Yes, because the TV makes you not in a hurry to view some kind of transmission, it is more comfortable, so that you will not bother you, he distracts you from worries, he dictates you - how to look and what to look.

But try to choose a book to your taste, distracted on time from everything in the world too, sit down with a book more, and you will understand that there are many books, without which you can not live, which is more important and more interesting than many programs. I do not say: stop watching TV. But I say: look with the choice. Wash your time on what is worthy of this spending. Read more and read with the greatest choice. Determine your choice yourself, consistent with what role the book chosen by you in the history of human culture has acquired to become a classic. This means that there is something significant in it. Or maybe it is essential for the culture of humanity to be essential for you?

A classic work is the one that has grown the test of time. With him you will not lose your time. But the classic can not answer all questions today. Therefore, it is necessary to read modern literature. Do not rush only for each fashionable book. Do not be vault. Suit forces people to recklessly spend the biggest and most precious capital as he possesses, is his time.