What does the world of the dead mean. The world of living sees the world of the dead

Vera, that with the onset of death, the life of a person continues in another world, inherent in many people. The concept of the other world in which the immortal soul continues to exist after the death of the physical body, in varying degrees inherent in all religions of the world.

The dead in fact or it is just a mechanism of influence developed by the priests and power by property, in order to obtain control over society.

From the depths of centuries

Knowledge of the existence of the otherworldly in the world is not new. Mention of this mysterious place can be found in all cultures of the world. Ancient people believed that in the afterlife they would also possess the physical body and related to these needs.

They believed that exactly as in the earthly existence, they would hunt, eat food, fight and relax. The grave of the deceased was placed objects that may be required on the "Tom" light. It could be clothes, weapons, food, horse and jewelry. Widely practiced sacrifices of people. It was believed that servants and wives were buried with their lord will serve him in another world.

Outdoor world in ancient times

Depending on the challenges of the era, under the influence of various factors, the representation of people about the afterlime world has changed. So, in antiquity, in freedom-loving and intellectually developed Greece, the afterwarding world saw people with an infrarable place, a chance of gloomy shadows. During his lifetime, all residents of the country were equal, and, in the afterlife, everyone was waiting for the same existence.

In ancient Egypt, in contrast to Ellala, the cult of submission to Pharaoh as a terrestrial deity was cultivated. The society was divided into classes. Poor layers of the population and representatives of the nobility were distinguished. The custodians of knowledge about nature were priests, and ordinary Egyptians were prescribed to serve their inappropriate tools.

Therefore, in the posthumous life of the Egyptians, a terrible court awaited, at which the Supreme Deity of Osiris, surrounded by mounds tried to the sins of the deceased. The soul of the deceased was reported that in his life was correct by Pharaoh, brought in the necessary amount of victim to the gods and carried out all the prescriptions of the clergy and therefore earlier the posthumous existence.

If a person did not violate the commandments of Pharaoh and priests, he was allowed to live in the kingdom of Osiris, and he received all the benefits that he was not available during his lifetime. Otherwise, the soul of the unfortunate devouring the mound from the head of the crocodile Amamat, and she forever stopped his being.

Late beliefs

In the religions of Christian orientation, the priests revised the concept of the other world and began to actively use it for their own purposes.

So, in early Christians cultivated faith in the existence of paradise and hell. At the same time, if a person was poor in life, he led the righteous lifestyle and submitted to his Mr. and Church, he fell into paradise in the afterlife. On the contrary, rich, in the lifetime of delivered carnal uteuchs, abuses in food and alcohol, aggressively belonged to their subordinates fell into hell.

Such a state of affairs corresponded to the interests of Roman aristocrats, which were followers of epicuris and carnal jeads. For the most part, they were little interested in the afterlife and posthumous existence. At the same time, the ideas of Christianity were widely promoted among slaves, making those submissive.

Later, Catholic priests brought the idea of \u200b\u200ba terrible court to the highest point of climax. For a small cash flow, any sinner could buy an indulgence that delivering from all past and future sins. The presence of this paper guaranteed a person, getting into paradise after death. This practice has noticeably enriched the bodily establishment - the church.

Why do people believe in the afterlife

Naturally, the desire for justice on a terrible court, congenital human quality - the fear of changes and suffering related to the loss of a loved one, contributed to the spread of faith in the otherworldly world. But if the otherworldly did not really exist, then this idea would not survive the millennium and would not occupy the minds of a modern man.

People do not just believe in the otherworldly peace, but reliably know about his existence. Ploy to the monastery of the spirits and the dead can each. Most often, such an experience occurs in a dream. At the same time, on its own contact with the otherworldly inhabitants, can report almost every person living on Earth.

All the difficulty lies in the fact that these inhabitants cannot be seen through their eyes or touch with their hands. The only way to communicate with them is human consciousness. At this stage of development of science, there is still no device that can fix oscillations or radiation coming from the other world and in general to determine whether the world is a habitat of the souls of the dead.

In matters of studying the "the" part of the parties, it is necessary to rely on eyewitness testimony, which will differ depending on the education and life experience of the contacter - psychic. Since the otherworldly world differs from our, due to different physical laws, it is very difficult to understand and decipher the received messages.

Nevertheless, the likelihood that the mystery of the afterlife will be finally solved, very large. Modern scientists closely approached the randering of the mystery of the human brain and consciousness. When a device that can reproduce fluctuations, emitted and accepted by the brain, the gates will open the gates to the otherworldly world.

In this category, I will post stories from everyday life, which are "beyond reality" and cannot be explained from the standpoint of traditional materialistic ideament. And I will start it with the story that happened to me two on one day ago. Perhaps with you, too, someday something similar happened and you share your memories and experiences with other readers on.


FROM luecha, about which I want to tell you, was connected with my mom. He occurred on day 9 after her death. Until the last days of his life, she was my most demanding listener and criticism. We were sitting many times together and I told her about his studies of ancient civilizations and that a person does not die, but continues to live after the death of the body. However, she was brought up in the spirit of old communist traditions - at the time when it was driving on the church and children almost from the birth of "idle" the idea that God is not and after physical death, a person falls into non-existence and oblivion.
My efforts to convince her in the opposite every time failed. She demanded that I have indisputable evidence. "Tibetan book of the Dead", numerous cases of reincarnation are not too convinced.
What could I do? I began to ask her if she leaves this world before me (because no one can
in advance Know in what order of the Lord will call for people to themselves), find a way to give me a news from the world.
And the irreparable happened. She went out of this life. It would seem - a man gone, he is no longer. Light
his memory forever and ever. What else to talk about? But it would be bad if every time everything happened as a pattern. In the case of my mom, the retreat from the traditional scenario began on the third day after her death.
I arrived at the cottage. There was an ordinary, no noticeable summer day. But he was in himself something unforeseen. Five stray dogs approached our summer cottage and smalleled near the wicket. They lay, they got up, but did not move away from the plot. At first, it was even difficult to dare to go outside. Finally, in two hours, we still risked and went to the store. The dogs immediately got up and made us a retinue, peacefully sinking with us to the store. Then they disappeared in an unknown direction, as if dissolved into non-existence.
All this seemed rather strange - I even counted that the dogs were exactly as much as I died in the recent time of my close relatives. But I would not tell you about it, if it were not for what followed the ninth day after the death of Mom.
We remembered her at the cottage and called relatives and acquaintances, many of whom were atheists. The strangeness began in the preparation of the memorial table when we were bred and burned the bonfire. Several times, my brother spontaneously called mobile phones with highlighting numbers, of which clearly followed that one of us called another. But neither I nor he gained numbers and did not even get mobile phones. Yes, and there was no need to do it - we
after all were near.
But this is also a "prelude". The main events happened later - in the evening and at night. You can certainly refer to the fact that we all pretty drank. But it was not. Fucking was not much, but fresh air did not allow to be drunk. In addition, among us there were non-breaking, and they also became switches of what happened.
So what happened? I myself am still surprised how it could happen. My brother, professor, doctor of chemistry, physicist and mathematician is even more surprised. He did not believe in the supernatural before this incident. And here. In a word, we had a children's (toy) Mobile phone, which rusted a year ago and was not going to work at either old or with new batteries. He lay on himself and lying in the house. But suddenly, nor with this, he began to call spontaneously (no one was triggered to him). I don't remember now, how many times he called - at least, heard him three times. The most exciting and lengthy bell occurred in the middle of the night - an hour in two or three, when everyone slept. I "broke out" from bed and ran to him. Do not have time to wake up, it was covered by the first impulse - disable the phone until the call woke up all the inhabitants of the house. But, as it turned out later, all heard him perfectly.
So, I fished to the phone, took it in my hands, for some time he continued to call, and then suddenly the call stopped. And that's it. There was never more calls from this phone. We never managed to make "speak" him again. Since then, he lies a dumb relic among other things.
My brother and I began to discuss and analyze what happened and came to the conclusion that some is quite real, but the invisible (probably energy) substance was able to find a weak place "in the chain" and "closure" rusted phone contacts. Moreover, there were no external influences on it. The night was quiet - neither passing trains nor cars. I immediately turned my attention.
And then I remembered my insistent request for Mama to give me a news from a different world. Since then, I have no doubt for a minute that she was able (perhaps with someone's help) to perform it. My last doubts are that life after death continues, scattered as smoke. Brother stopped being a "militant" materialist. After all, what happened to us and what he witnessed cannot be explained from the standpoint of materialistic ideologue.
As I found out the next day and quite recently, other people felt the even more pronigable presence of my mother. She sat across them on the bed, which slightly knew himself and slightly touched the lying. Perhaps this can not be done dead (who knows?), But I myself asked her about it. So this is not her wines (if it is in general). It is a pity that I did not answer the night call on a children's mobile phone. Somehow confused. Unfortunately, the missed no longer return.

Most people who achieve a certain age are beginning to think about questions, whether there is an afterlife, as our dead lives. Most religions are preached by the world of other, where a person is delighted from all the troubles and worries, but in order to get a place in Eden, it is necessary to earn it with pious behavior in earthly life. After in the last decades, atheism began to take his position, scientists of non-traditional directions proved that the afterlife exists. What happens on the other side of visibility and what gave the basis for such conclusions?

Is there an afterlife: evidence

Many seams (Vangelia Gushterovp - Vanga, Grigory Rasputin - new, Tanzanian boy Sheikh Sharif) did not doubt the existence of the other world and in the fact that for each person there was given its place there. Direct evidence of the posthumous existence of real, historical personalities (mostly Virgin Mary) can be considered Fatimis wonders (1915-1917) and Lourdish healing . Some scientists who hold the atheistic worldview, to the question, there is a random life, the evidence of which in most cases is indirectly associated with the affirmative.

Academician-neurophysiologist N.P. Bekhtereva , whose profession itself does not accept any mysticism, in his autobiographical memories it tells that she repeatedly was the ghost of the late husband. At the same time, the spouse, also worked in the field of medical physiology, was consulted with her about the problems unresolved during the lifetime. If initially night meetings with the ghost caused concerns from a woman, then after the appearance of him during the daytime, all fears disappeared. Natalia Petrovna nor a drop doubted the reality of what is happening.

Known american providers Edgar Casey By introducing himself to a somnambulic state, about 25 thousand predictions made, in one of which, with an accuracy of an hour, the time of his death was indicated. When diagnosing diseases, E. Casey has reached an accuracy of 80% - 100%. He was deeply confident about his reincarnation and repeated appearance in another image.

Some researchers based on real events, phenomena and phenomena, read the immutable fact that scientists have proven that the afterlife exists. However, contact with the other world is possible only among individuals - "conductors": individuals in stress or borderline, or people with extrasensory abilities.

The latest evidence of the existence of the afterlife can be considered resident Novosibirsk M.L. Babushkina The graves of his father who deceased in time the Great Patriotic War. His burial Maria Lazarevna found as part of the "Search" group. At the same time, according to the expedition participants, it indicated the place of rest with the striking accuracy. In an interview with television M.L. Babushkina explained quite convincingly to correspondents that his voice led his voice to the grave of the father of the search engine, and he also pointed to the meter to the place of finding the stops of Frontovik.

About such cases repeatedly reported participants of the search expeditions from Novgorod . According to their reports, the souls of the unsuccessful properly of the front-line people go to single search engines and the reference coordinates. The greatest number of contacts with the representatives of the afterlife is marked in one of their borrowing. Meat Bora (Death Valley), where in 1942 he was surrounded by the fascists of 2 impact army, most of the soldiers and officers died when trying to break through the environment.

Vision of the otherworldly world

  • Galina Lagoda from Kaliningrad During clinical death, being on the operating table, met with a stranger in a white robe, which she said that she did not fulfill his earthly mission, and for its completion he handed over the deceased gift of foresight.
  • Yuri Burkov After stopping the heart, he did not lose touch with the outside world, and after returning to life, the first thing was asked by his wife, whether she found the lost keys, which was not told about the woman in a panic. In a few years, after a few years, being with my wife, the bed of a sick son, which the doctors put a deadly diagnosis, predicted that the Son would not die now and he was given a year of life - the prediction came true with absolute accuracy.
  • Anna R. During clinical death, a dazzling bright light and a corridor leading to infinity was observed, in which successfully conducted resuscitation procedures did not give dead.

The saints, prophets and martyrs, which with sufficient accuracy predict not only global world events, but also the future of a particular person, can be said as real facts. This gives reason to believe that the afterlife exists, as our dead people live in it, inhabiting the material world remains unknown. These knowledge is beyond the understanding of a person, and remind of other cases of the past world.

The world of living was always interested in the world of the dead. In myths, legends, tales of all peoples, they definitely appear the characters who were not afraid to look at the curtain separating two worlds, and see: what happens to him? But scientists perceived stories about the world populated by the dead as fiction. It is necessary to believe in the reality of the world's existence of the world, they needed evidence, and they appeared.

At the end of the 20th century, the facts were literally sprinkled on the table, with which it was difficult to argue - video dollars, on which no longer a hero of children's fairy tales and not modern psychics, seeing through the walls, and anyone could have been called, to see the existence of the world of dead.

Since the end of the 20th century, almost simultaneously in different countries on TV screens, people began to see images of dead relatives. Here, for example, what happened to Elena Nikiforova from Novorossiysk February 1990: "I watched the program" Time "on TV. Suddenly the screen was covered with stripes, and then a male face appeared on it - as if in the haze. It was fixed - something like photography. I looked at him and screamed from horror. From the screen, my brother Misha, who died in 1985, watched on me. After a few seconds, the stripes ran around the screen, and then the TV again began to show the program. "

Dead, more precisely, the deceased unexpectedly appeared on the TV screen in Riga. Big Latvian family gathered for traditional commemorations by the mother of the head of the family. The relatives and friends of the mother arrived everything, and the apartment could no longer accommodate all sympathetic family sorrow. It was decided to postpone the commemoration to the cottage, the good was not far from the city. Two days later, the family returned home, and then there was a meeting with a ghost that appeared on the TV screen. When the TV turned on, then on its screen, the white face of the grandmother was clearly fired. "

In Russia, the first attempts to use modern electronic equipment to obtain images of the world of the dead made a group of St. Petersburg Ufologov led by V. Kontakov. In 1996, researchers provided photos from the "Light" participants in the participants of the Russian Conference "Reality of the Subcomperial World". Several years have passed, and Penza researchers decided to repeat the experiences of their colleagues. But they went on another way. Instead of complicating electronic equipment, they began to combine its use with medieval magical rites.

With the help of ordinary household video equipment: TV and video cameras, Sergey Volkov and Eduard Logos from the Penza Association of non-traditional research "Logos" managed to record the shadow of the dead people on the video blind.

It happened on December 27, 2002. At first, the TV was tuned to the so-called "white ripple" - a television channel free from broadcasts. Opposite it was set a camcorder. Then, in full compliance with the old ritual, a glowing closed corridor was created - installed two mirrors: one by the TV, the second - for the camera. Thus, it turned out a closed video information network in which the otherworldly "signal" from the invisible, the otherworldly fell as in the trap. But, according to Penza researchers, this was not enough to appear the ghost on the screen. A resonator was needed - the process amplifier, the use of which, as it were, pulled the essence from the invisible, other world in the world of living people. It was also used elements of ancient rituals: between the camcorder and the TV put things belonging to the late or his hair and nails.

According to one of the researchers - Sergey Volkov, on the screen it was already possible to get the "shadows" of the dead: "They, these shadows, appear in the profile, then turn their heads, they disappear again. They have no clear features of the face, and there is just the contours of the nose and the nape. With a more attentive view, we found the similarity of the eye. This phenomenon occurs with complete silence: neither sound, nor the signal from the next light until they can be detected. Perceiving the world of the dead in the same way as our, it is impossible. On the film you can see some landscapes, mountains and fields. But all this "is blinded from a different" test ", according to us technologies. The other world is constantly "trembling." It is not a solid space, but some kind of snake the wriggling field in which the shadows of the dead people periodically arise. "

Why do not people see what they live surrounded by "shadows" of the dead? Why are these "shadows" so rarely appear on filmed videos? After all, today the video is not engaged only by the lazy. Moreover, for this you do not need a bulky film, as at the end of the last century, now it is easy to do with a miniature "advanced" mobile phone?

There may be a lot of reasons. First, each of us perceives itself only as a body with heads, hands, legs. Mostly people may look like representatives of the world of the dead. According to the memoirs of people who survived clinical death, they perceived themselves as small balls flying in different directions and easily passing through the walls. In photographs, video shows such balls are found quite often, but are considered as a marriage on photographs or as annoying interference on video materials. Secondly, judging by the studies of scientists conducted in the so-called abnormal zones, for example, Hawa, energy facilities, and they include representatives of the world of the dead, it is necessary to remove on special photographs or video equipment, which allows to reflect objects, in an invisible ultraviolet spectrum area.

To get an image of a non-black ball on a video shirt, his ufologists call the "black label", and a person who he was to death probably need to comply with any additional conditions. Practically in all cases on the TV screen, people saw their relatives, and especially those who died as a result of a disaster. Most likely, it is not by chance. The transformation of a ball, which is a normal form of the existence of people in the world of the dead, in essence, externally reminiscent of a person, can require a large energy feeding or some more additional conditions, for example, a passionate desire from the representative of the world of the Dead. If there is no such desire, it is to make the essence of transforming from a ball in a person, can help worked in many centuries, and maybe thousands of years, vintage magical rituals, whose energy meaning we can only guess.

Mikhail Burleshin

In people who have super supporting, very often there is such a problem as an open portal in the world of the dead. And this is the result of previous incarnations, especially those who lived in ancient Egypt and owned the great magic, where the border between the worlds were erased.

What is the open portal in the world of the dead prevents extrasensse?

In any person, the memory of past incarnations is blocked, and psychic is not an exception. Of course, with the help of dives in a deep one, you can find out some information, but these are only scraps of the past that do not give a common picture, and this is not enough.

If there is any catastrophe on planet Earth (especially with innocently killed), so the souls of those who have gone begin to crowd to psychic and talk about the causes of misfortune, transfer messages alive ... and the heart is bleeding, looking at all this! So much pain and tears from them!

Not every extrasensus psyche will endure such a load. And also life energy follows from a person in that world.

Sometimes the relatives of the murdered man, trying to find out the cause of death, trying to find out the cause of death, and then the most faithful way to find out the truth is to ask himself from the murdered, his soul. And for this you need to come to contact with the victim.

In this case, difficulties may occur. It is impossible to establish contact when the portal is closed.

The portal in the world of dead² "lives" with his own rhythm and decides himself when it opens, and when it closes. Or they solve the souls of the dead. The consent of psychics, while nobody asks!

And it is very sad ...

Therefore, we take a personal control opening and closing the portal into the world of the dead!

First you need to determine where this "tunnel" is located in your aura³. Usually, it happens on the left side, but it happens otherwise. If the portal is in front, then this is the worst version! The future of man is overlapping, rather the future becomes obvious - this is a quick care.

Therefore, the effort of will and the work of thought is necessary to move this portal, and put it on the left. It will take some time for it, but you have to do it for a patient and methodically every day until the portal reaches the left!

If necessary, you can directly "move" the portal in the desired direction. At the same time, ask the highest forces on help and thank them when it works.

With the portal to the world of the dead, you can only work when it is left!

The world of living and the world of the dead is different in their density. And the portal does not have clear boundaries, it is blurry. It is necessary to seal the energy to form the door.

First we form the doorway (i.e., while in the world of living, thickening the vibration of this world in a clear form of the doorway). Then we form the door loops, and they inspire the door with the lock and the door handle.

The lock must be of this type so that it opens only the key and only on your part.

You can make the door any, what you like! Although a wooden, though gold! The main thing is that it was strong and reliable!

The door remains ajar!

Now ask the Higher Forces (God, the Guardian Angel) give us the key to close and open this door, and keep this passage under personal control. Speak right and say: "Lord! Give me the key to close and open this door to another world when I need it, and keep this passage under personal control! "

To do this, stretch your right hand with palm up so that the key will be on the right palm. The key can be any - it is individually. It can be a golden key from a fairy tale, and it can be similar to a bent wire - it's not fundamentally! The main thing is only yours!

Remember! Globally on the world of the dead you will not affect, as well as on this world. But you will gain personal control over your connection with the world of the dead. You establish a good neighborly relationship in which communication will occur only when mutual consent!

If the highest forces give you the key - excellent! You are a decent magician who has trusted high order control! Be sure to thank for such an honor!

Keep the key in your right hand! Do not release the key from the right hand!

Now you close the door to the right hand. I will take the key from the keyhole. Left hand twisted the door behind the handle to make sure it is closed. And now again open the door with the right hand. I will take the key from the keyhole (the key remains all the time in the right hand!). Left hand engineer door.

It is not at all necessary to swing the door completely! Everything opens - very good! And again close the door to the key with his right hand. I will take the key from the keyhole. Left hand check whether it is well locked.

How to store the key?

Remember when we were small, our parents mittens attached to the fur coat on the rubber band (Soviet version). When you delay the mittens - the rubber band is stretched, let go - and the gum immediately pulls the mittens right into the sleeve.

The key must be stored on the same principle. We present that the key lies on the right palm. From the right hand, we begin to "grow" a rubberbish. Somewhere inside, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbow bend or higher (as it is more like), create an energy harness-gum. The flasher grows, it becomes longer and goes right from the palm center. Now you need to attach the key to this harness - you can bind a "welding welding", you can simply combat them.

How to get and hide the key?

Harness (on your team) pulls the key right in hand and places it above the wrist inside the right hand. Then we give the command to get the key - and the key comes out of the hand right on the palm. Again the team hide the key - and the harness pulls the key in your hand. Here for this principle and work!

It is fundamentally important !!!

Never under no circumstances to release the key from your hand !!! If you are negligence to leave the key in the keyhole - it can steal the essences of a thin plan ⁴, despite the attached rubber! And then no one can help you!

When you ask for this key from the highest strength, you take full responsibility for him! And if you lose it - you yourself are to blame! Therefore, it is very important to bring the principle of working with the key: I got the key - opened the lock - hid the key - opened the door - I did what I needed - I closed the door - I got the key and closed the lock - hid the key. Now you can live calmly!

I wish you good luck and success!

Notes and thematic articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The portal in science fiction and fantasy is a technological or magical opening, connecting two remote locations, separated by space and time (Wikipedia).

² Morbon world - the world in which people leave after death, the abode of the dead or their souls (Wikipedia).

⁴ Astral plan - a concept in the occultism, esoteric, philosophy, in the experience of conscious dreams, denoting the most different from the material volume (layer) of the Universe (Nature) (