From what the candles Betadine Povidone iodine. Candidiasis in men: photos, symptoms and treatment

Solution for local and outdoor use - 1 ml:

  • Active substance: Povidone-iodine - 100 mg;
  • Auxiliary substances: glycerol (glycerol), nonoxynol 9, anhydrous lemon acid, dinatarium hydrophosphate, sodium hydroxide 10% solution (m / o) (for setting pH), purified water.

30/120 / 1000 ml - vials, packs cardboard.

Outfolding ointment 10% - 1 g:

  • Active substance: Povidone-iodine 100 mg, which corresponds to the content of active iodine 10.25 mg;
  • Auxiliary substances: sodium bicarbonate, macrogol 400, macrogol 4000, macrogol 1000, macrogol 1500, purified water.

20 g - Aluminum tubes, packs cardboard.

Vaginal suppositories - 1 Supp.:

  • Active substance: Povidone-iodine - 200 mg, which corresponds to the content of active iodine - 18-24 mg;
  • Auxiliary substances: macrogol 1000 - 2800 mg.

7 pcs. - blisters, packs cardboard.

Description of the dosage form

The solution for local and external use of dark brown color, not containing suspended or precipitated particles.

Ointment for outdoor use 10% homogeneous, brown, with a weak smell of iodine.

Suppositories vaginal torpedo-shaped, homogeneous, dark brown.

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic and disinfecting drug. Eased from the complex with a polyvinylpyrrolidone when contacting the skin and mucous membranes, the iodine forms with proteins of the iodine bacteria cells, coagulates them and causes the death of microorganisms. It has a rapid bactericidal effect on gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria (with the exception of Mycobacterium tuberculosis). Effective with respect to mushrooms, viruses, simplest.

Indications for Betadine

  • bacterial and fungal skin infections;
  • infectious dermatitis;
  • trophic ulcers, breakdown;
  • burns, abrasions, wounds.

Contraindications for the use of Betadine

  • violation of the function of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism);
  • adenoma of the thyroid gland;
  • herpetyiform Durring dermatitis;
  • simultaneous use of radioactive iodine;
  • premature and newborn children;
  • increased sensitivity to iodine and other components of the drug.

With caution, the drug is used in chronic renal failure, pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding).

Betadine application for pregnancy and children

The use of the drug Betadin® is not recommended from 3 months of pregnancy and during lactation (breastfeeding). If necessary, in these cases, treatment is possible under individual medical monitoring. Contraindicated in premature and newborn children.

Betadine Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Medicinal interaction

Betadine® is incompatible with other disinfectants and antiseptic means, especially containing alkali, enzymes and mercury.

Sharing Pisidone iodine and hydrogen peroxide, as well as enzyme preparations containing silver and tauloridine, for processing wounds, as well as antiseptic preparations, leads to a mutual decrease in efficiency.

In the presence of blood, the bactericidal effect may decrease, but with an increase in the concentration of the solution, bactericidal activity can be increased.

Dosage Betadine

Solution for local and outdoor use.

For skin treatment and mucous membrane, Betadine® is used at undiluted form for lubrication, washing or as a wet compress. For use in drainage systems, 10% solution is diluted from 10 to 100 times. The solution is prepared immediately before use, dilute solutions are not stored.

Outdoor ointment.

On the affected surface of the skin, ointments are applied with a thin layer of 2-3 times / day. You can use under occlusive dressings.

In acute, vaginas are prescribed 1 suppository 1-2 times / day for 7 days.

In the chronic and subacute, the vaginite - for 1 suppository 1 time / day before bedtime for 14 days, if necessary - more than a long time.


For acute iodine intoxication, the following symptoms are characterized: Metal taste in the mouth, increased salivation, feeling of burning or pain in the mouth or sip; irritation and emotion of the eyes; skin reactions; Gastrointestinal disorders and diarrhea; violation of the function of the kidneys and anouria; blood circulation failure; Highland edema with secondary asphyxia, pulmonary edema, metabolic acidosis, hypernatremia.

Treatment: Symptomatic and supporting therapy should be carried out with special attention to the electrolyte balance, kidney function and thyroid gland.


Due to the oxidative properties of Povidone iodine, its traces can lead to false-positive results of some types of research to detect hidden blood in feces, as well as blood or glucose in the urine.

During the use of Povidone iodine, the absorption of the iodine of the thyroid gland can be reduced, which may affect the results of some diagnostic studies (for example, thyroid scintigraphy, the definition of protein-bound iodine, measurements using radioactive iodine), and can also interact with iodine preparations applicable For the treatment of thyroid diseases. To obtain undisherchable results of the thyroid scintigraphy after long-term therapy, the Povidone-iodine is recommended to withstand a sufficiently long period of time without this drug.

In disruption of the function of the thyroid gland, the drug can only be applied at the direction of the doctor. If during the course of treatment there will be symptoms of hyperthyroidism, it is necessary to check the function of the thyroid gland. It is necessary to control the function of the thyroid gland in newborns and breastfeeding infants whose mothers used Betadine®.

Caution should be observed with the regular use of the drug in patients with previously diagnosed renal failure.

The regular use of Betadine vaginal suppositories in patients receiving lithium preparations should be avoided.

Coloring on the skin and tissues is easily flushed with water. After contact with the drug, it should be avoided.

Suppositories have a spermicidal action, therefore their application is not recommended in persons planning pregnancy.

The use of povedone iodine is permitted from the newborn period, but taking into account the form of release - Vaginal suppositories - the drug is not recommended to be used in girls under the age of 8 years, caution should be taken in the introduction of virgins.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Proper use of the drug does not affect the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms.

Citation:Tikhomirov A.L., Lubnin D.M. Betadine in the practice of a gynecologist // RMW. 2001. №6. P. 243.

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology FDO MGMS

Pthe dose of the introduction of the PCR methodology for the detection of microorganisms "Banal" colpit, for half a century demanding from the gynecologist was tired of reminding the patient about the usefulness of sinking with the infusion of chamomile, it was not so "simple." Chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma and other microorganisms forced gynecologists to comprehend the "highest aerobatics" antibiotic therapy, to use sometimes multicomponent long-term schemes, side effects which in some cases heavier is heavier. Fully introduced the appearance of the term "bacterial vaginosis" into the delusion of practicing gynecologists. Any descriptions of this pathological state of the vagina are primarily calculated on microbiologists, and the recommended therapeutic approaches are extremely contradictory.

On the other hand, the number of sexually transmitted diseases is steadily growing, and modern social norms of behavior and the relation to the problem of the state do not imply future reduction.

Obviously, before causing an inflammatory process, the microorganism should fall and for some time being in the place where this inflammation is localized. Antiseptic is called to resist this process and cope with it. The effectiveness of antiseptics is mainly determined by the timeliness of the use of antiseptic and the correctness of its selection. In gynecology, when conducting various interventions, the most frequently use iodine, which has a wide range of action. However, the simple lubrication of the vagina and the cervix with a wool, impregnated with iodine, is not always enough before carrying out an invasive procedure. To improve the quality of antiseptics, it is necessary to use such a modern means like Betadine (produced in the form of vaginal suppositories, mortar and ointment).

Betadine is a complex iodine compound and polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) - an inert synthetic polymer that performs the role of the carrier. Therefore, all the pharmacological properties of the drug are connected only with iodine. Immediately the question arises, what does Betadine differ from Wat with iodine? During contact with leather and mucous membranes, an iodine is released in a complex with PVP, evenly, without showing an irritant action.

The iodine belongs to the group of halogen antiseptics, its range applies to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mushrooms, viruses and simplest. The bactericidal effect of iodine is explained by its strong oxidative properties, it actively interacts with the amino acids of proteins, as a result of which the quaternary protein structure changes, its catalytic and enzyme activity is lost. Basically, iodine disrupts the structures of bacterial transmembrane proteins and enzymes that do not have membrane protection.

Compared to other antiseptics, Betadada has a number of significant advantages. First, Betadine is more efficient than other antiseptics inhibits the reproduction of microorganisms even in large breeding (up to 1/256). In addition, the physico-chemical conditions in the focus of inflammation due to pH, protein, blood, enzymes, little affect the action of betadine. Secondly, Betadada has the widest antiviral spectrum of action, including enteroviruses, polio viruses and herpes, as well as adenoviruses and influenza viruses.

In the practice of a doctor-gynecologist Betadin - an extremely necessary drug. The first (and basic) area of \u200b\u200bthe use of betdinal is the prevention of postoperative complications. In particular, our experience is indicative. Before carrying out abortion or diagnostic scraping, 80 women were appointed Betadine for 7 days in 1 candle 2 times a day, and an ultrasonic resonant instillation was performed immediately before the procedure into a cervical channel of a 10% betada solution for 2 minutes. As a result, we have not recorded a single case of inflammatory complications both on the day of discharge, and after 10 days. Of the 80 women who have not been carried out preventive therapy Betadin, 45% in the postoperative period had to be appointed antibiotics.

Similar results were obtained in the study of Saratov colleagues. They managed not only to identify the effectiveness of betadine for the prevention of inflammatory complications after the medical abortion for women suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs, but also show its advantage over another antiseptic - chlorhexidine.

Thus, for Betadada, one of the areas of application is clearly designated - the prevention of inflammatory diseases. However, the issue of using betada with bacterial vaginosis is even more relevant, since the question of the nature of this pathological condition and the rational methods of its treatment has not yet been resolved. Traditional treatment schemes of this disease sometimes provoke vaginal dysbiosis.

Issues of etiology, pathogenesis and, accordingly, the effective therapy of this pathological state remain open. Contradictions begin to manifest themselves in the question of the criteria of diagnosis. Thus, four diagnostic signs of an amcel (pH of more than 4.5 are widely known; white homogeneous discharges covering the entire vaginal mucous membrane; a positive test with con; The presence of "key" cells), but there is also a baller diagnostic system of Newjent (Nugent). This system is based on calculating bacteria in a smear painted in a gram, a certain morphology and the nature of staining corresponding to the lactobacterium, Gardnerellas and Mobilunkus. With a sum of 7 to 10 points, a diagnosis of "bacterial vaginosis" is made, from 4 to 6 - the intermediate state of the flora, and less than 3 points - the norm. The New Jentine system is applied in the West on a par with the criteria of an amcel. At the same time, in one multicenter study it was shown that 11% of women with a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis on the company's criteria, the New Jean system did not confirm the diagnosis, and in 30% of women with a bacterial vaginosis on the New Jänt system there was no ambulance criteria. In addition, in 50% of cases, bacterial vaginosis flows asymptomatic.

Bacterial vaginosis cannot be attributed to sexually transmitted diseases. It was convincingly shown in the study, where the bacterial vaginosis was revealed from 12% of 52 teenage virgins and in 15% of 68 girls of the same age group already lived in sex life. Nevertheless, the bacterial vaginosis is transferred by sexually among women in homosexual ties. So, very high occurrence bacterial vaginosis Among lesbians.

In our country, endogenous factors are mostly attributed to the trigger factors for the development of bacterial vaginosis, and the factors are calculated to exogenous, in essence, which are less common than the bacterial vaginosis itself. In foreign literature, on the contrary, among the main trigger factors of the development of bacterial vaginosis they call exogenous reasons, such as frequent, unprotected sexual contacts, frequent vaginal souls, change of sexual partner, wearing fitting non-fragic linen, cunnilingus, the nature of the flora of the visual bag in partners and other factors.

Therapy of bacterial vaginosis has been remaining unchanged for a long time and includes the appointment of metronidazole or its analogues per Os. or 2% clindamycin cream or metronidazole Per Vaginum.

The beginning of the widespread use of betada in gynecological practice in our country revealed its effectiveness and in the treatment of bacterial vaginosis. According to N.V. Rymashevsky et al. Studying the quantitative characteristic of the vaginal microflora patients with urogenital disorders in reproductive age, after the use of betada, the number of microorganisms caused by the clinic of bacterial vaginosis, such as Gardnerners, Mobilunkuses, Pepococci and Pepto-Cookers, has significantly reduced. At the same time, against the background of therapy, Betadin does not always occur independent restoration of the number of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which are an important component of the normal microbiocenosis of the vagina. Therefore, in order to increase the effectiveness of the therapy of bacterial vaginosis, after 7 days of the use of betada in 1 candle 2 times a day, it is sometimes necessary to carry out the rehabilitation stage with lacto and bifidumbacterin, intravaginal 2 times a day at 5 doses during the week.

Given the essential role of exogenous factors in the development of bacterial vaginosis, its prevention is possible. In particular, vaginal suppositories of Betadine can be used for this purpose. It is indispensable in the situation of unprotected sexual intercourse or a condom gap. Betadine can replace frequent vaginal souls and douching in women prone to Mizophobia (fear of infection). In addition, with preventive goal Betadine can be used in the premaster period in women with frequent recurrences of bacterial vaginosis, since it is in this phase of the pH of the vagina increases, which can contribute to the activation of the growth of anaerobes.

In addition to the prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginosis, Betadine directly and indirectly prevents the development and other, more serious diseases. This is due to the fact that on the background of bacterial vaginosis, the sensitivity to infection with various sexually transmitted infections is significantly increased, in particular, HIV infection.

Thus, it is necessary to clearly designate the main areas of the use of Betadine. First, Betadine, as an antiseptic, is used for the treatment and prevention of bacterial vaginosis. Secondly, Betadine is used to prevent inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs in invasive interventions (installation of Navy, abortion, diathermocoagulation). Thirdly, in the daily life of a woman Betadin ensures the prevention of sexually transmitted infections. In addition, Betadine is a good alternative to frequent vaginal souls and douching. And last. When using betada, it is important to remember - the sooner it is used, the less you need antibiotics.

Find References You can find on the site


Betadine (trade name) (EGIS)


1. Chuvashkin D.N., Mikhailov A.V., Yarovskaya N.P. Betadine in preoperative preparation of patients suffering from chronic inflammatory diseases of the small pelvis organs., RMH 2001.Print

2. Phillip E. Hay Recurrent Bacterial Vaginosis, Dermatologic Clinics, Vol. 16, No. 4, Oct. 1998.

3. Jane R. Schwebke Asymptomatic Bacterial Vaginosis: Response To Therapy, AM. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Vol. 183, No. 6, DEC. 2000.



6. Draper DL, LANDERS DV, KROHN MA, HILLIER SL ET AL. Levels of Vaginal Secretory Leukocyte Protease Inhibitor Are Decreased in Women with Lower Reproductive Tract Infections am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Vol. 183, No. 5, NOV. 2000.

7. N.V. Romashevsky et al. "Experience of using beta (EGIS) to correct vaginal dysbiosis in patients of reproductive age", Bulletin of the Russian Association of Acusters-Gynecologists, 2000, №1

Betadine candles are a universal pharmacy medicine, with which a variety of gynecological diseases is treated. For traditional medicine, the presence of antimicrobial and antiseptic properties is characterized, which ensures high therapy efficiency during its application.

Betadine is a universal traditional medicine, with the help of which the struggle against various diseases of inflammatory and infectious nature is made.

The release of a traditional medicine is carried out in the form of candles, which are introduced into the vagina of a weak floor representative. The active substance of the traditional medicine is Povidone-iodine. Polyethylene glycol is used as an excipient. The sale of the drug is carried out in blisters, which are placed in cardboard packaging. In one blister contains seven suppositories.

After the woman enters the vaginal suppositories, it will dissolve. At the same time, iodine is selected. With the help of this active ingredient, viruses, fungi and pathogenic bacteria are destroyed. The active substance of the traditional medicine is associated with proteins of the causative agent cells. As a result, their coagulation is observed.

Molecules of traditional medicine are characterized by quite large sizes, which guarantees them a local impact. Pharmacy medicine is not absorbed into the blood. This ensures the safety of its use. The current component of the traditional medicine penetrates the fabric shallow. Despite this, it is quite slowly released, which provides an excellent therapeutic effect. Due to the safety, it is allowed to apply Betadin to various categories of patients.

Vaginal suppositories are characterized by the highest effect of exposure. Despite this, before applying the traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Betadine candles are characterized by a wide range of action. That is why they are used for therapy of various diseases in gynecology. The pharmacy drug is a component of complex therapy during the period of therapy of venereal diseases of an infectious nature. With the help of traditional medicine, treatment is treated:

  • trichomoniasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia.

If the patient has infectious processes in the genital paths, which arise as a result of the reproduction of fungi, then it is mandatory for the purpose of Betadine's candles, which is given to the use of various. Instructions for use recommends using vaginal suppositories for candidosis therapy.

With inflammatory processes in the field of internal genital organs, the use of traditional medicine is also recommended. Most often with it, the treatment of vulvovaginitis, collision is treated. With this traditional medicine, it is also necessary to treat endocerves and vaginitis. The traditional medication is characterized by a high level of efficiency in cherrynell.

Pharmacy medicine is often often used to prevent prevention. Also, candles can be used after such a medical procedure as uterine sensing. After installing the intrauterine spiral, the representative of the weak floor is required to use suppositories.

Due to the wide range of impacts for disease therapy, the use of candles Betadine is carried out. Indications for use require the use of vaginal suppositories strictly in accordance with the instructions, which will ensure the highest healing effect.

Despite the high effectiveness of pharmacy medication, it is characterized by the presence of contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use a traditional medication in the individual intolerance to the main or auxiliary component. If the patient has broken the functions of the thyroid, the use of traditional medication is not recommended. If peeling is observed on the genital lips or the patient feels itching in this area, then apply the pharmacy medicine for therapy is not worth it.

Doctors do not prescribe a traditional medicine if the patient takes place of medicines, which includes iodine. If the weaker visitor has hyperthyroidism, then it is forbidden to use suppositories. Contraindication to the use of betadine is the dryness of the vagina. If a woman has allergies of skin cover, then vaginal suppositories do not prescribe. In pathologies that have an unexplained character and cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the genitals of women, the traditional medication is contraindicated.

Betadine suppositories are characterized by the presence of contraindications. That is why before using a traditional medicine, it is necessary to consult with a doctor who will preliminarily define contraindications.

The introduction of suppositories for therapy of various gynecological diseases is carried out by a female representative in the vagina. Before that, it is necessary to carry out hygienic procedures.

If the patient has the development of an infectious process that proceeds sharply, then it is necessary to use one betada candle daily. To ensure the maximum high healing effect, it is recommended to apply a traditional medication in the evening before bedtime. After administration, the suppository woman should not get up.

Determination of the course of therapy is carried out by a gynecologist. This is influenced by the features of the body of a weak floor representative, diagnosis and level of neglection of the disease. On average, the course of therapy lasts from three days to two weeks. If there is a need, the daily dose of traditional medicine can be increased twice by the doctor. It is strictly prohibited to increase it independently in order to avoid the appearance of side effects.

If the patient had random sexual contact or it is assigned procedures for the treatment of female diseases, the traditional medication is appointed for prevention. To this end, you must use one suppository daily. The duration of prevention should be at least 5 days.

It is recommended to enter the medicine of the patient in the lying position. Pharmacy medicine is introduced into the vagina dealer. In the treatment of medication, a woman should use hygienic gaskets. Apply Betadine during menstruation is allowed. This allows the patient to undergo a course of therapy without its interrupt. If, after a week of applying a traditional medicine, the therapeutic effect is not observed, the woman needs to visit the gynecologist. The doctor will specify the diagnosed diagnosis and prescribed rational therapy.

For the main component of traditional medicine, the absence of a negative teratogenic effect on the fruit is characterized. That is why Betadin candles during pregnancy many doctors allow you to use. Gynecologists do not recommend applying the medicine at the initial stages of the baby to wear. This is explained by the possibility of penetrating iodine in the placenta of the woman. With increased doses of the traditional medicine during this period, the process of forming the thyroid of the child may be disturbed.

Use traditional medicine for therapy and prevention of diseases in pregnant women at the later stages of the baby tooling is allowed only if the benefit for it will be higher than potential risks for the fetus. During the period of using traditional medicine, the doctors should constant monitoring of the state of the woman. Also monitored the development of the fetus.

The use of betada when fed by a representative of the weak floor of a newborn child is possible only if the doctor will observe the process of therapy. Since the traditional medication is characterized by local exposure and is not absorbed into the blood. That is why in the body of the baby in the womb The acting pharmacy drug is not absorbed. Despite, it is necessary to consult a doctor before applying the traditional medication.

During the pregnancy and breastfeeding period, the use of betada is permitted in rare cases. Reception of traditional medicine can be carried out only after the doctor's appointment.

If the patient has contraindications to the patient, it is necessary to assign a different pharmacy medicine, which is characterized by a similar effect. To date, there are various drugs with the help of which you can replace betadine analogues:

  • Flukostat. With the help of this traditional medicine, diseases are treated, which arise as a result of the effects of streptococci sensitive to the current mushroom component. Also, the application of this pharmacy drug is eliminated by the candidiasis.
  • Irunin. The use of traditional medicine is carried out with fungal lesions of the skin, regardless of their localization, deep systemic mycoses, under which there is a pronounced lesion of the skin and mucous membrane.
  • Itfone. Thanks to the universal influence of this traditional medicine, the fight against the Mikosami, which arise as a result of the influence of dermatophytes. Also using traditional medicine is treated with vulvovaginal candidiasis.
  • Rumikosis. The traditional medication is used to therapy of dermatomycosis, keratitis, which has fungal etiology. With the help of pharmacy drug, candidiasis and allergies are eliminated, which are systemic in nature.

Due to the presence of a large number of betdinal analogues, it is possible to maximize effective therapy. The price of drugs is sufficiently low, which ensures their availability.

Many women leave their feedback on Betadine. Most of them are positive:

With the help of Betadada, I managed to cure the genital herpes. This vaginal suppositories did not cause side effects, since the doctor correctly picked up the dosage. Most of all I liked the fact that the price of a traditional medicine was sufficiently low.

Inna, 36 years

Betadine is a very good pharmacy medicine. It has positive feedback. That is why I decided to buy it for thrush therapy. Thanks to the universal properties of the drug, I managed to overcome the disease very quickly.

Julia, 27 years

When I was diagnosed with colpit, I was very frightened. But the doctor advised me to hold therapy Betadin. I liked the fact that the traditional medication acts. With it, I managed to eliminate not only symptoms, but also the disease itself.

Tatiana, 30 years

This medicine It is a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic agent, which is extremely effectively opposed to viruses, fungi, intestinal sticks and other pathogens of pathological infections.

Betadine is on sale in the form of oblong brown suppositories for intravaginal use. One candle contains:

  • 200 mg of povidone iodine (corresponds to 24 mg of iodine) - the main substance;
  • polyethylene glycol - auxiliary.

In pharmacies you can find Betadine in packs with 1-2 blisters, in each of which 7 suppositories.

Betadine is introduced into the vagina and actively begins to decompose. During this, iodine falls in fabric, actively destroying all the harmful microorganisms, viruses and fungi.

There is a povelon-iodine simply: its molecules are associated with proteins of infections pathogens and this leads to their coagulation and death.

Since the povidone-iodine molecules are quite large in size, they are not absorbed into the blood immediately and their action has a local character. The active substance does not interact with mucous membranes with vaginal administration of suppositories.

Despite the fact that the drug molecules penetrate not very deeply inside the tissues, its therapeutic effect is maintained for a longer period due to its slow release. The drug is at the same time:

  • antiseptic;
  • disinfectant;
  • antifungal;
  • antiprotozoic effect.

Toxic action does not possess a drug, but its use without appointing a doctor is not recommended.

Since Betadine candles are an antimicrobial means of a wide range, it is effective against all pathogens infectious diseases and used for local treatment of several diseases at once:

  • vaginitis in acute or chronic form;
  • vaginosis, the causative agent of which is bacteria Gardnerella vaginalis;
  • candidiasis;
  • vaginal infections after steroid or antibiotic therapy.

It is also often used as antiseptic prophylaxis before interventions in the vagina (surgical or diagnostic).

Contraindications for receiving these suppositories is:

  • the presence of allergies on iodine or polyethylene glycol;
  • the patient has disorders of the thyroid functions;
  • the adenoma of the thyroid gland or herpetiform dermatitis Durring is diagnosed.

The medicine can also be taken simultaneously using radioactive iodine as chemotherapy against cancer.

Children under 8 use the drug is prohibited, and women are prescribed to women during pregnancy and feeding the breasts.

Betadine candles apply only inside the vagina once a day at night. The course of treatment is usually one week, after which it is recommended to take a break.

If the drug was discharged as a cure for acute or chronic infection, the course can be increased to 2 weeks. With acute vaginity - the candles are recommended to put 2 times a day for one week, and when chronic - 1 time per day for two weeks.

  • conduct hygienic procedures (take a shower and thoroughly wash);
  • need to lie on the bed;
  • put a small roller or pillow under the lower back;
  • dilute wide legs to the side;
  • enter a candle in the vagina.

If Betadine is used as a prophylactic agent or in the presence of complications (infectious or inflammatory) during or after gynecological interventions, then suppositories are used once a day at night every day within 5 days after the procedure. It can be assigned before the gynecological intervention in another scheme, which should be painted by the attending physician.

A characteristic feature of the drug is its use regardless of menstruation (can be used during bleeding).
If during the week after treatment, the deterioration of the symptoms of the disease and the lack of improving the general condition were noticed, then you should consult a doctor for adjusting treatment or prescribing a repeated course of the medicinal substance.

Insofar as active substance medicinal preparation Povidone has no teratogenic action, the use of Betadine candles during pregnancy is possible only in the first trimester of pregnancy, if the potential benefit for the mother is more than a possible risk for the child. The evaluation is carried out by a doctor, given all the features and testimony.

As soon as the pregnancy has moved a 3-month line, the use of candles is not recommended. The drug can only be appointed in a special case and only with the permission of the attending physician and the gynecologist.

During the reception, doctors are obliged to monitor the condition of the child and the function of the thyroid gland of the mother.

During the lactation period, the drug reception is also prohibited and can only be resolved by tough need. In case of receiving candles breast-feeding It should be replaced with artificial.

Despite the fact that Povidone-iodine does not have teratogenic actions, iodine, which is absorbed into the mother's tissue can penetrate the placenta.
It can also get into the toddler's body through breast milk, which is why before taking the drug you should make sure that it is necessary for the mother, and get permission.

The composition of the drug makes it sufficiently easy in assimilation, without irritant effects and side effects. According to its properties, Povidone-iodine has a much less irritant effect than the concentrated normal iodine, but still can cause local irritation. To the side effects of drugs also include:

  • contact dermatitis;
  • allergic reactions;
  • negative impact on spermatozoa.

If some of these symptoms have appeared in the patient, the medication should be discontinued and turn to the doctor. because of negative influence iodine on spermatozoa, should not be applied during pregnancy planning or direct conception period.

Overdose by the drug is possible with repeated use of povidone-iodine, as well as the reception of suppositories orally. In the second case, acute inxication can begin with the following symptoms:

  • metal taste;
  • increased salivation;
  • burning or nakedness pain;
  • eye irritation and swelling;
  • skin manifestations;
  • disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • labored breathing;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • disorder of metabolism;
  • disruption of the kidneys.

If you use the drug for a long time without interruptions, disruption of the thyroid and subsequent problems may occur. In the case of suspicion of overdose, immediately consult a doctor or call "ambulance".

As soon as the drug was randomly swallowed, it should be taken inside the food products, in large quantities containing starch or protein (dissolve a large number of starch in water or milk) and immediately contact the reception room of the nearest hospital.

The main substance of the candles Betadine Povidone-iodine is incompatible with other disinfectants and antiseptic means:

  • hydrogen peroxide or other oxidizers,
  • salicylic acid,
  • mercury and bismuth salts,
  • enzyme ointment
  • alkaloid salts
  • alkali.

As for special instructions, they can be allocated to a separate list:

  1. If the patient has blood or purulent discharge, these factors reduce the antimicrobial effect of the medication;
  2. Oxidative properties of the substance can give false positive results of some studies;
  3. If the patient has disruptions of the thyroid work, the medication can only be applied to the director;
  4. In renal failure, it should also use candles with caution;
  5. It is not recommended to use patients who already use lithium preparations;
  6. Betadine is not recommended for consuming children under 8;
  7. Virbs should replace the candles to another type of medication with povidone-iodine or abide by the introduction;
  8. It is possible to staining the skin into a brownish shade, but it is easily fastened with warm water and soap.

Betadine can be purchased in any certified pharmacy at a price of 370 to 450 rubles per packaging with one blister. Analogs of the drug are:

  • Iodoxide - from 248 to 300 rubles per pack;
  • Povidone-iodine - from 400 rubles per pack;
  • Iodosept - from 140 rubles per pack.

Beaser: Indications for the use of the drug are described in our publication.

Instructions for applying Mazi Rift is in this article.

Description Actually by 20.07.2016
  • Latin name:Betadine.
  • ATH code:D08AG02.
  • Active substance:Povidone-iodine (Povidone-iodine)
  • Manufacturer:EGIS PHARMACEUTICALS PLC (Hungary)


As part mazi Betadine There is an active ingredient component-iodine, as well as additional components: macrogol 400, macrogol 1000, macrogol 4000, sodium bicarbonate, water.

Betadine solution The composition is the active component of the Povidone-iodine and additional components: nonoxynol 9, anhydrous citric acid, glycerin, dynatory dihydrophosphate, sodium hydroxide 10%, water

Vaginal candles Betadinethere is a component of Povidone-iodine, as well as macrogol 1000 as an additional component.

Form release

Available to several forms of the drug Betadine:

  • Betadine solutionfor use, it is cut outwardly dark brown, does not contain precipitated or suspended particles. Contained in bottles of 30, 120 and 1000 ml.
  • Ointment Betadin It has brown, it has a weak yoda aroma. Contained in aluminum tubes for 20 g.
  • Vaginal candles Have a torpedo-shaped, dark brown color, a homogeneous structure. Packaging contains 7 pcs.

Betadine drops and tablets are not released.

pharmachologic effect

Betadine has a disinfecting and antiseptic effect. The iodine is released from the complex C, contacting the skin and mucous membranes, and forms the cells of the bacteria of iodine, coagulates them. As a result, microorganisms are dying.

Betadine affects both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Exception is Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Demonstrates activity with respect to mushrooms, bacteria, viruses, simplest.

All forms of the drug do not cause addiction, are not toxic. When using candles, the vaginal microflora is normalized, burning and itching disappears, while the candles do not provide an irritant influence.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

When used locally, iodine is practically not absorbed into the blood. The active ingredient penetrates the fabric shallow. After the introduction of vaginal candles of fungi and bacteria is dying for 1 min.

Indications for use

The solution in the form of a solution is applied externally in the following cases:

  • in order to disinfect mucous and skin before carrying out operational intervention;
  • before carrying out injections , puncture, infusion, transfusion and other manipulations for skin disinfection;
  • for processing for the purpose of prevention and treatment when using catheters, drainage, probes in patients who have suffered surgery;
  • for processing infected and aseptic wounds;
  • with fungal, bacterial, viral infections of the skin, mucous nasopharynx and mouth;
  • with the aim of disinfection when conducting manipulations in dentistry;
  • for partial or complete processing of patients before carrying out an operation (for the so-called "disinfecting bathing");
  • for the purpose of disinfecting the generic paths in gynecology and obstetrics, as well as during gynecological manipulations;
  • in order to process umbilical umbilies and prevention of conjunctivitis in newborns;
  • for disinfection of skin with cuts, wounds, doughs, abbeptions, acne, mouth, stomatitis.

The use of ointments is practiced in such cases:

  • for the purpose of local treatment of burns, abrasion, wounds, bastards, trophic ulcers, superinfection , skin infections;
  • for the treatment of viral diseases, including provoked and .

The testimony for the use of candles is determined as follows:

  • inflammatory vaginal diseases in acute and chronic form;
  • nonspecific infections, mixed infections;
  • fungal lesions (also after treatment with antibiotics);
  • infections provoked by Gardnelene, chlamydia, trichomonas;
  • for prophylaxis before conducting gynecological manipulations.

The use of candles immediately after unprotected sexual contact reduces the likelihood of infection with sexual infections. However, such an action is possible only if the candles with iodine are used within two hours after sexual contact.


It is contraindicated by the use of this means with such diseases and conditions:

  • herpetyform derring dermatitis ;
  • adenoma of the thyroid gland ;
  • subject to simultaneous use radioactive iodine ;
  • aged child up to 1 year;
  • with high sensitivity to iodine, as well as to other components of this agent.

The use of medicines for newborns and premature children is contraindicated. Carefully applies with chronic skin inflammation, during pregnancy, as well as lactation.

Side effects

The following side effects of candles and other forms of drug release are noted:

  • local manifestations of an allergic reaction to iodine in the form of redness, rash, itching;
  • vaginal dysbacteriosis (with prolonged use of suppositories);
  • (under the predisposition of hereditary nature).

Betadada Instructions

Betadine ointment, instructions for use

The tool must be applied to the affected areas several times a day. It is necessary to apply it with a thin layer.

Betadine solution, instructions for use

The solution is used both undiluted and as an aqueous solution. Such a solution is prepared in the proportion of 1:10 or 1: 100.

In order to disinfect healthy skin sections, an undiluted solution is applied for 1-2 minutes. For the processing of burns, wounds, skin, affected by fungi and bacteria, an aqueous solution is used (1:10).

Hygienic treatment of the patient is carried out with aqueous solution of beta (1: 100).

The angry rash, the mouths are wiped with a cotton swab, moistened in a solution of 5% or 10%.

Rinsing of the mouth is carried out with a solution, diluted 1:10.

With aseptic conduct of the wounds and the treatment of complications, 5% or 10% solution is used. You can impregnate the dressing material with a concentrated solution.

In the case of washing the serous cavities, the curtains of the joints are used 1:10 - 1: 100 solution.

In gynecological practice it is used non-refined mortar of beta.

Betadine candles, instructions for use

In the acute course of the disease, it should be administered twice a day for 1 sore. Treatment is carried out for 7 days, while entering candles need deep into the vagina.

With a subacute and chronic course of the disease, it is necessary to introduce 1 sore. Before bedtime, treatment is carried out within 14 days.

Depending on the diagnosis and nature of infection, the course of therapy may extend the doctor. Before the introduction of suppositors, it is recommended to moisten them with water. In the process of treatment, use hygienic gaskets. No need to stop treatment during menstruation. Candles during pregnancy apply only after the prescription of the doctor.

Betadine candles with thrush

Betadada effect decreases in the presence of blood, but if the concentration increases, the bactericidal activity increases.

Terms of sale

You can purchase all forms of medication for a doctor's prescription.

Storage conditions

You should take care of the remedy for light, at a temperature of from 5 to 15 ° C. Keep medicine from children's access. The diluted solution is not subject to storage.

Shelf life

Store the tool can be 5 years old.

special instructions

In people who suffer impaired the function of the thyroid gland, it is possible to use Betadine tools solely under the strict observation of the doctor.

Betadine's newborn children can be used only under the condition of extreme necessity and after the study of the thyroid function has been conducted.

It is important to carefully practice regular use on damaged skin in people who suffer chronic renal failure .

In the place where the drug was deposited, a painted film appears. It is preserved until all active iodine is released, and the drug does not stop acting. The painted surface of the body is easily flushed with water.

Betadine can not be used in animal bite, insects.

It should be prevented from entering the drug in the eyes.

Need to consider that povidone-iodine It has the properties of the oxidant, which can affect the results of the urine study, blood, as well as the results scintigraphy .

It is impossible to regularly use Betadin candles to people who are treated with lithium preparations.

You should consider a spermicide action that is made by Betadine candles, from which they should be thought out to be used by those who are planning pregnancy.


Coincidences on the ATX 4 level code:

Analogues of this drug are produced, Polyiodin , Aquasan , Iodosept , Vocadin . The price of the analogs of the candles depends on the manufacturer and packaging means.


Betadine does not apply to the treatment of children up to 1 year. The newborn means are prescribed only at extreme necessity and under the strict control of the doctor.

Betadine during pregnancy and lactation

The instruction indicates that Betadine should not use women after 3 months of pregnancy. Is it possible to use Betadin candles during pregnancy, you should individually consult with your doctor. But feedbacks indicate that many women successfully practice such treatment. In the process of treatment, it is important to control the state of the thyroid gland of the future mother. During the lactation period, the tool does not apply.

Reviews of Betadine

In responses that users leave, we are talking about the fact that the solution and ointment are effective antiseptics and help cope with many diseases. Wherein sideflines Practically do not manifest. As minuses, only the fact that the tool can be blurred and underwear can be blocked.

Reviews about Betadine candles for pregnancy are also positive: women note that with the help of this drug managed to cope with manifestations thrush .

Betadada price where to buy

Price betadine solution (30 ml) - an average of 180 rubles. Price mazi Betadine 20 g - 270 rubles. Price on candles №7 Betadin - An average of 400 rubles. The price of candles in Ukraine is an average of 120 UAH. Packaging 14 pcs.

  • Internet pharmacies of RussiaRussia
  • Internet pharmacies of UkraineUkraine
  • Internet pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


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    Betadine rr Mampt and outdoor 10% 30ml n1EGIS.

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    Betadine Candles Vaginal N7

    Betadine Candles Vaginal N14Egis pharmaceutical plant

    Betadine ointment 10% 20 gEgis pharmaceutical plant

    Betadine solution 10% 120 mlEgis pharmaceutical plant

    Betadine solution 10% 1 lEgis pharmaceutical plant

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Betadine vaginal candles belong to antiseptic and antimicrobial means used in gynecology.

The drug in Hungary is produced at the EGIS Pharmaceutical Plant CJSC, produced in the form of vaginal suppositories of 200 mg.

The package contains two blisters of 7 pieces.

Description of the drug

The drug is a complex combination of polyvinyl chloride polymer and iodine, the release of the latter occurs after a while after applying to the skin. The iodine in elementary form has a sufficient bactericidal effect, destroys a wide range of microbes, viruses, simple microorganisms and fungi.


The main active component is povidone-iodinewhich in one suppository contains 200 mg, which is similar to 18-24 mg of iodine in active form. As an auxiliary acts macroogol 1000.. Homogeneous suppositories are made in the form of torpedoes, they have a dark brown color, characterized by iodine.

pharmachologic effect

The polymer is a depot for iodine, and the iodine has an antibacterial effect and is released from the polymer when contact with mucous membranes or leather.

The iodine reacts with hydroxyl and oxidative and sulfide amino acid groups, destroying proteins. Amino acids are contained in structural proteins of harmful microorganisms and in their enzymes.

Most hostile agents are destroyed directly in the first 20-30 seconds, and the rest is destroyed in the subsequent minute. The color suppository changes, he brightens, which speaks of his actions on microorganisms.

Betadine has a wide effect against many types of microbes:

  • the bactericidal action is directed to the colony of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria;
  • the virulent effect manifests itself when exposed to viruses;
  • the fungicidal effect is noticeable in the destruction of fungi and their dispute;
  • propuum effect manifests itself under action on simple microorganisms.

The mechanism of action of Betadine candles acts so that bacteria do not develop resistance, therefore the effect of longer action is preserved even when used. The medicine is easily washed with water from the surface of the mucous membranes.

After a long application, as a result of the active release of a certain amount of iodine, it is accumulated in the blood in the treatment of burns and long-lasting wounds. After canceling the treatment, the concentration of the substance in the blood returns to the standard indicators in a week or two.

If the patient has a thyroid gland functioning normally, then the increase in concentration is not considered as dangerous and does not change the thyroid indicators of hormonal status.

Pharmacokinetic features

The delay in the substance in the tissues is possible due to the dependence of the withdrawal of the kidneys and absorption of the molecular weight of the povedium-iodine, it is in the range of 35-50 thousand. The excretion of iodide and poveidone iodine is not different from iodine entering the body from other sources. In the human body is distributed by 38% of the total body weight, after vaginal use, the iodine is excreted from the body within 48 hours.

The overall level of iodine in the blood plasma is normal amounts to 3.8-6.1 μg / dl, and inorganic accumulation is 0.01-0.5 μg / dL. There is a substance from the body mainly through the kidneys, the clearance rate is from 15 to 55 ml / min., The difference in speed depends on the amount of iodine in the blood plasma.

Clinical Indications for Application

Betadine vaginal candles are prescribed in cases of collision and with acute infections of vaginal paths:

Contraindications for use

In some cases, Betadine can not be used for humans. Vaginal candles due to some diseases and states lead to negative consequences at:

  • the sensitivity of the body to iodine or suspicion of its occurrence;
  • improperly functioning of the thyroid (colloid nodal goiter, endometrial form, thyroiditis hashimoto);
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • after treatment with radioactive iodine and the use of scintigraphy in the carcinoma of the thyroid panel;
  • dormatite Durring in herpetyform form;
  • renal failure.

Interaction with other medicines

The drug shows antimicrobial activity against harmful microorganisms in the acidity of pH within 2-7. Sharing in the treatment of hydrogen peroxide and poveidone iodine with the use of enzyme drugs in which there is tauloridine and silver, leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of all drugs.

The use of beta directly after antiseptics with an octatenid content leads to the appearance of dark necrosis in the areas of interaction of drugs. Simultaneous use with mercury drugs due to the high risk of the appearance of alkaline mercury iodide is not recommended. This harmful connection reacts with unsaturated organic compounds and proteins. To increase the therapeutic effect of the Rampida-iodine rate to increase.

Patients with therapeutic treatment of lithium preparations should be avoided using Betadine preparation. The instruction says that due to the oxidative properties of Povidone-iodine affects the results of some analyzes (thyroid scintigraphy, the definition of a protein-related iodine, a change in radioactive iodine), as well as the determination of blood in the urine, feces or blood sahara.

The Betadine drug can react with iodine entering the body in the case of therapeutic treatment of the thyroid, which reduces the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. The thyroid scintigraphy is made after the abolition of betada over the week or two to determine reliable analytical results.

Features of using vaginal candles

Betadine vitamins are not entering the reaction, so the use is simultaneously allowed. The use of the drug may incorrectly show when analyzing the amount of iodine binding protein, because of this, it is not possible to rationally plan the treatment of the thyroid gland.

In case of hyperthyroidism, use in the treatment of povedium iodine can provoke a new round of the disease, for such patients there are restrictions on the skin treatment area by iodide drug ointments. In the case of the use of vaginal candles, Betadin such restrictions relate to the application time.

After cancellation of drugs with iodine, it is necessary to monitor the emergence of early hyperthyroidism and conduct control analyzes and thyroid studies. The oxidative property of iodine can cause corrosion of metal crowns on teeth and change color, which in most cases is restored over time. Prostheses made of synthetic materials and plastic are insensitive to the action of iodine and the color does not change.

Sometimes, when used in the vagina, the candles flow and leave spots on the underwear. Typically, such divorces are easily washed off with warm water with soap, especially severe wash options require the use of ammonia solution or sodium thiosulfate.

Use of drug pregnant women

Such treatment determines only the doctor, but apply candles in small doses and briefly. Iodine is able to penetrate the placenta and cause harm to the child. The substance is collected in breast milk, so during the lactation period without a lot of necessity it is impossible to use Betadine candles.

Side effects for the child are dangerous, and it should be remembered about it. It is recommended to use zidin candles, their use is allowed for pregnant women.

The concentration of iodine in breast milk is revealed higher than in blood - so Betadine can cause the development of hyperthyroidism in a baby receiving breast milk from the mother. Such kids need to check the work of the thyroid gland. The signal to stop using vaginal candles is the beginning of the second month of pregnancy, and during the treatment of vaginal inflammation Betadin you need to translate a child to artificial feeding.

Since the drug has a spermicidal action, it is not recommended to use in the treatment of vaginal disorders of those women who plan to get pregnant and give birth to a child.

The use of vaginal bastard suppositories does not slow down the reaction when driving transport and perform accurate work requiring attention and focus.

Method of application and norm

The preparation in the form of suppositories is used for vaginal application. The recommended application duration is one cycle, lasting a week, every day use one candle. If the infection is persistent, the medicine is introduced two more days, but for this you need to visit the doctor for mandatory consultation.

To use the drug suppository, removed from the packaging shell and, after moisturizing with boiled water, introduced into the vagina with the help of fingers, growing to do it as deeper. In order not to get underwear, use everyday pads.

It is better to introduce the drug into the vagina in front of the night bed, the occurrence of the menstrual period is not an obstacle to the continuation of therapeutic procedures. Children are not allowed to use suppositories in the form of Betadine candles.

Cases of overdose of drug

In the event of an increase in the daily norm or periodicity of the introduction to the side of magnification, iodine intoxication of the body may occur, for which the following symptoms are characteristic:

  • in the mouth, the feeling of metallic taste, an increase in the amount of saliva, the pain in the throat or in the mouth, the feeling of burning on the mucosa of the oz;
  • eyes swell, and they feel irritation;
  • on the skin appear rashes and redness, sometimes itching;
  • anuria arises and disruption of the kidneys;
  • there is a lack of blood circulation;
  • the edema of the throat can lead to asphyxia, the pulmonary edema, hypernatremia, metabolic acidosis develop.

In such cases, treatment is carried out on the disposal of specific symptoms, maintaining the electrolyte balance of the kidneys is normal, the control of the renal and thyroid function.

Unwanted side manifestations

In most cases iodine in the vagina is well tolerated by patientsSometimes local side effects are possible, but in severe cases the following changes and conditions are observed:

In the case of the onset of allergic reactions in the body, the treatment of candles Betadin is stopped and referred to a doctor.

Inflammatory processes in the sexual sphere in women are best treated with local means. Betadine candles have a powerful disinfecting effect, which are prescribed in gynecology very widely.

Betadine - Description and Action

Medicine Betadine For topical use refers to the class antiseptic tools. It is represented by various dosage forms:

  • candles (suppositories) for intravaginal administration, weight - 0.2 g;
  • the solution for rinsing the throat and for other purposes is 10%, the volume is 0.125, 1 l;
  • 10% ointment, in tube 20 g

Suppositories are packaged 7 pieces in a blister, in packs - 1 and 2 blisters. Pack 7 candles worth 480 rubles, for 14 candles will have to pay 590 rubles. Suppositories of a dark brown shade have a torpedo-shaped form.

The active substance of the drug - Pisidone-iodine, and for 200 mg of this substance accounts for about 24 mg of iodine. Additional ingredient - preservative macrogol 1000.

It is necessary to store the remedy in the refrigerator, as it is impossible that the temperature is above 15 degrees. Children access to medicine must strictly limit!

The main actions of the drug is disinfectant, antiseptic, anti-protocouplen, antimicotic.

Candles help cope with various species infections - with bacteria, fungi, simplest. As a result of the release of iodine, which is bactericidal action, the medicine contributes to the death of microbial cells during the minimum period of time. Iodine is able to block the proteins of pathogenic microbes, causing their coagulation. As iodine is discolored.

The drug is almost not absorbed into the bloodstream, but inside the vagina stands out slowly than the prolonged effect provides. The result becomes:

  • elimination of itching, burning, pain;
  • restoring microflora of sexual tract.

The drug is not toxic, it is not able to cause addiction. According to clinical trials, after the use of betada, its action is observed already after 15 seconds, and the complete elimination of microbes occurs per minute. The most active substance works against staphylococcus, streptococcus, intestinal wand, destroys a number of viruses.

Drug testimony

The drug is prescribed with various gynecological diseases. The testimony for the use of candles Betadin includes:

  • acute Vaginitescaused by nonspecific pathogens;
  • chronic vaginitesprovoked by mixed microflora or single causative agents;
  • gardnerlenez (Bacterial Vaginosis).

With trichomoniasis, Betadin treatment is auxiliary nature - it complements the systemic therapy with antibiotics. Also, Betadine candles are prescribed for the treatment of thrush (vagina candidiasis), provoked by the candidate mushrooms.

This disease may be caused by the passage of a long course of antibacterial or hormonal treatment, as a result of which the vaginal dysbiosis is developing in parallel.

Other testimony for candles therapy are the need to disinfect the vagina before operations or minimally invasive interventions, diagnostic procedures. The drug stops the development of recurrence of genital herpes, in combination with other means heals mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.

Instructions for use

How much, in which dosage to apply the drug should solve a specialist - it depends on the testimony and severity of pathology. Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap, wash the field of genital organs. Suppositories are introduced deep into the vagina in the lying position, before use for a more comfortable introduction, they can be wetted with water.

  • acute vaginitis - in the morning, in the evening, 1 candle, course - 7 days;
  • subacute, chronic vaginitis- before bedtime / day, the course 2 weeks;
  • prevention of gynecological diseases With sex without barrier protection - on a candle / day 5 days (the medicine does not protect against HIV infection and only reduces the risk of infection of the STIs), it is important to introduce the first candle for 2 hours from the moment of contact.

In the period of monthly, it should not be interrupted in the treatment, although the effectiveness of the drug is reduced. Therefore, it is desirable to plan a course after menstruation or in advance before their start.

It is recommended to use hygienic gaskets throughout the course of treatment with Betadin.

During pregnancy, the candles are allowed to use if there is indications for this.

Nevertheless, in the first trimester of pregnancy, iodine is better not allowed, since it can adversely affect the glands of the internal secretion of the fetus. During lactation, treatment is allowed for strict indications.

Contraindications and "Side"

Despite low system absorption, the medicine has a number of contraindications:

  • durring dermatitis;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • neoplasms of the thyroid gland;
  • therapy with radioactive iodine or diagnostic procedures with its use;
  • age up to 8 years;
  • hypersensitivity, allergy.

Side effects in the treatment period are rarely found, mostly it is itching, redness of the skin of the genital organs. Very rarely observed contact dermatitis, which requires cancellation of therapy.

Long use of candles causes systemic absorption and may have a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland.

Analogs of the drug

There are analogues cheaper and more expensive than the drug described. You can purchase cheaper suppositories only with the approval of a specialist.

The medicine should not be applied in parallel with other local antiseptics - it can mutually reduce efficiency.

With prolonged use of the means in plasma, an increase in the concentration of iodine may be marked, this indicator is normalized after 1-2 weeks after the end of therapy. Medication with caution is used in patients with severe renal failure. In women, planning pregnancy, it is better to replace the medicine for another, since the Povidone-iodine has a spermicidal action.