Effective anabolic steroids. Steroid is a drug for gaining muscle mass

The date: 2016-08-24 Views: 66 118 Rating: 4.5

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Important! The site "Your Trainer" does not sell or call for use anabolic steroids and other potent substances. The information is provided so that those who still decide to take them do it as competently as possible and with minimal risk to health.

Very often, people who have trained in the gym for the allotted time on their hormonal background turn to me and ask a clear question: I (for example) to the hair roots and I need a full-fledged course on the volume and augmentation of meat, but exactly one that will give the maximum result and not will be a waste of time and money. Usually, these are guys who are completely virgin in terms of chemicalization, who, having collected available information on the network, understand that there is no point in stupidly experimenting and poking a finger into the sky. Or people who, after listening to advice from different forums, crawled once or twice for 4-6 weeks. They didn't make any progress at best, otherwise they got pimples with gyno, and there was no meat either. In general, there are three variants of the general metabolism for humans in theoretical (therapeutic) medical terminology. It:
  • ... It is prone to a quick fat gain and it is difficult to lose fat and water on drying.
  • ... A representative of the hound of the breed, who does not gain anything sensibly, but loses in a matter of days, despite the elephant's appetite and the ability to digest nails.
  • ... Born an athlete with a pronounced muscle mass and amount of fat - just right. A person capable of performing well in any sport.
Naturally, finding the same endomorph or athlete in its pure form is quite difficult in real life. 90% of people on the planet are mixed types of metabolism, with a predominance of any of the three available in general. Nutrition, training, daily routine - all this should be considered primarily for progress. Also, tests must be passed, because fat men often have high levels of estradiol, with a low or very modest level of testosterone. And sometimes prolactin is increased. Or resistance to malnutrition before joining the gym. In people who are dry and skinny, the level of the dough is also not always decent, and sometimes quite high, but at the same time it is actively bound by globulin. The same is with estradiol, which is MANDATORY in the required amount for building meat. For athletes (mesomorphs) everything is easier, but sometimes they also have problems with hormones. In short - to pass basic tests, learn how to plow in the gym, eat the food that suits you and observe the optimal rhythm of life - this is, first of all, as I said. And in terms of farming - focus on the type of metabolism that prevails in you, not forgetting about the one that is inferior. Not easy - yes. But probably. Here I will give three options for weight training, which, by trial and error, are actually most preferable for the three types of metabolism. I will say something about sports nutrition, which also helps if the gyrus is connected. You should not blindly focus on the article - it is designed to help at the initial stage. And before the mass-gaining course, you must have a press on your stomach. Or hormonal play turns into masturbation. And further. The optimal duration of a weight course is 12 weeks. Short courses, as in most cases, do not work as they should. Everyone, it seems, understands that it is impossible to put an uppercut in a month, learn to figure out how to perform a jump in basketball or squeeze 150 kilograms lying down. So muscles need some time for real growth. 12 weeks, for starters, it is. No undergraduates for 4-5 weeks if you are adequate and your goal is dry meat on the bones. Now let's get down to the promised three options for three types of a strong half of humanity.

1. First of all, we need some suitable Testosterone ester. Whatever one may say, but the most convenient dough for those prone to gaining just fat and water is testosterone propionate. 50-100 mg AFTER a day. 2. If there are problems with the tolerance of injections, then testosterone enanthate 250 mg per week. These are mono broadcasts, which are the easiest to control and usually have a minimum of surprises from them. 3. No Sustanons, Omnadrens and Cypionates. The first acquaintance is the most important. And do not exceed the indicated dosages. They are more than enough for a simple amateur at a particular stage. 4. In addition to the dough, there is a purely anabolic component. There are only two options: Boldenone undecylenate / undecanoate (600 mg per week) or Methenolone enanthate, better known as Primobolan (400 - 600 mg per week). Both give an increase in dry meat, both are safe in terms of excess fluid retention under the skin and perform well against the background of minimal doses of Testosterone. 5. We use both the dough and the injectable AC for all 12 weeks. For the first 5 to 6 weeks, it makes sense to add Turinabol. It also does not aromatize a priori and does not cause water accumulation. In short - with such a course, you will definitely not look like a mutant kapitoshka, with swollen cheeks and always wet ass and back with sweat. 6. The main thing is that at the initial stage there are no progestins such as and, ESPECIALLY,. Methandrostenolone is probably not good enough for you either. 7. Keep at hand a MINIMUM of one plate of Anastrozole and, if necessary, knock down only Estradiol, which multiplies in excess of the measure. 8. From sports nutrition I advise (to the maximum, but not more than 80 grams per day). Products containing slow carbohydrates with a minimum amount of fast ones (such as Vitargo - advanced gainers). And high quality in the morning and immediately after the training.

1. In this case, testosterone enanthate is ideal. 500 mg per week will be just fine. 2. Naturally, Anastrozole must also be at hand. 3. But from anabolic agents, as for me, ectomorphs shoot best of all. Just don't take a long decanoate. Phenylpropionate is the perfect solution. 100 mg every third day. 4. Both androgen and AC - for all 12 weeks of the course. 5. But, Nandrolone is a pure progestin, and therefore, you have to control prolactin and progesterone in the body. And also - to have on hand some of the prolactin inhibitors. The same Bromocriptine or Cabergoline. 6. Unfortunately, Boldenone or Primabolan are of little help to people with accelerated metabolic processes. I am writing this for a reason. Really noticed in practice. Although, you can still replace it with Boldenone undecanoate. Not less than 600 and not more than 800 mg per week. Prima is definitely not your drug. 7. Well, 30 - 40 mg of Methandrostenolone for the first 4 - 5 weeks of the course will be just right. 8. Of sports supplements - precisely with a large amount of fast-acting carbohydrates and (possibly) with the presence of fats. Immediately after the training - this is mandatory and one more time a day. Choose when it suits you best. But not before going to bed - it's stupid. ... Either serum several times a day (20 - 30 grams per serving), or at least. Many. 50 - 60 grams after the final meal, before going to bed.

By far the clearest type of general metabolism for bodybuilding. These guys usually have the maximum gain in meat at the lowest dosages of AAS. At the first stages of chemicalization - that's right. Accordingly, I will actually write a course that will give the most pronounced anabolism in relation to muscle tissue. 1. Testosterone enanthate 500 mg per week for 12 weeks. It is he and not anyone else. 2. It goes without saying to have anastrozole. 3. But the AU in this particular case is MANDATORY. And you have to endure injections if you want maximum results. As Tren in its pure form, only QUALITY acetate ester works. 100 mg every other day. If it is already very tender, then Hexa from the Balkan every three days in an ampoule. The same for 12 weeks. 4. Before, I would also recommend Methane or Oxymetalon. But now I already see that it is generally better for athletes from God not to eat pills in life. Genetics allows. And the liver will thank you after 35 - 40 years. 5. With prolactin or progesterone with this course, Mesomorphs usually have no problems, but - if anything - Cabergoline half a tablet twice a week. 6. Sport pit - only. And the more the better. General recommendations for sports nutrition. Naming some options, in each of the examples, products such as,

Almost every athlete dreams of gaining a beautiful muscle mass, but without steroids, this is all very problematic, and for many it is not even realistic. There are a large number of requirements in training, nutrition, rest, which must be strictly adhered to, and only then can one expect at least a small success. But still there are many steroids to set muscle mass, which will not only help you get the desired muscles, but also can make your workouts easier and more effective.

Anabolic steroids for gaining muscle mass can be divided initially, into oral and injectable. Unfortunately, injectable anabolics are less popular than oral ones. But still, in order to achieve the best possible results, and from the correct point of view, it is recommended to combine pills with injections. The whole point is that taking two oral steroids for gaining muscle mass is not recommended, because a large number of tablets cause serious harm to internal organs, therefore injections help to include an additional steroid in the course, which enters the bloodstream through the muscles directly.

Strong steroids for gaining muscle mass

Highly important point in strong courses for gaining muscle mass is that you have to forget about quality and about relief. Most athletes face problems such as:

Strong fluid retention in the muscles;

High probability of different side effects;

Lack of relief;

Increased greasiness of the skin;

Minimal storage of the results obtained;

Mandatory use of PCT.

One of the most strong steroids for gaining muscle mass is Anadrol (available only in oral form). This drug has no competitors in its strength of action, it is no secret that in 2 weeks of admission, you can gain about 10 kg. muscle mass. But, nevertheless, this steroid on the mass has significant disadvantages that scare off many lovers of anabolic steroids. Increased toxicity and very noticeable fluid retention, and in addition poor retention of results. However, there are many fans of this steroid, and if you choose a good course, then the result will be very impressive. Subsequent oral preparations have a milder effect, but still, significant deficiencies in the set of muscle mass do not make them of high quality. Danabol, Methandrostenolone, Anabol are most often bought by beginners, not expensive and the ability to pump up their muscles in a month. Yes, indeed, these drugs work very noticeably, but the resulting muscle mass is raw and it is inappropriate to talk about quality here. For a month of admission, you can get from 5 to 10 kg. muscle mass, but a large amount of fluid in the muscles will merge very quickly after the course and it is impossible to stop this process. Therefore, sometimes it is better to immediately buy quality drugs and not pour liquid on the muscles.

Injectables are an important part of a good steroid regimen for gaining muscle mass. Despite the fact that many newbies avoid them, testosterone is nowhere to be found here. It may be Sustanon 250 the most commonly used drug, after Testosterone Enanthate and of course Propionate. However, the base steroid in any weight cycle will be Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate), or Trenbolone. Now we can build a full-fledged course of steroids for mass, but do not forget about the listed disadvantages of these drugs, as you will not see quality. Danabol 100 tab. + Deca 10 ampoules + Sustanon 10 ampoules, this is a course for 5 weeks of admission. We take 40 mg tablets. per day, we inject Deco 400mg per week and Sustanon 500mg per week. This is a good course of steroids for mass, but there are many combinations with these drugs Danabol and Deca, tablets of 40 mg per day and 400 mg. Decks per week, course for 5 weeks. Likewise, you can combine Danabol and Sustanon 250. These are the most common options for combining steroids for weight.

Steroids for gaining quality muscle mass

First you need to understand what the difference is, but it is quite significant. The first is:

The price, everything that gives high-quality muscles, without fat and water, is always more expensive;

No side effects, even with an overdose;

Getting relief muscles;

Burning body fat;

Saving the obtained results.

These positive aspects are the key to your success, because why gain fat and water, if you can gradually get a beautiful and relief body. Oral steroid Turinabol is only slightly weaker than Danabol, but it provides only lean muscle gains and eliminates possible side effects... Oral stanozolol is also often used by many athletes to gain high-quality muscles. Taking these drugs at an average dosage of 40 mg per day is appropriate for the average athlete. However, there is also an injectable form of steroids for a set of high-quality muscle mass Boldenone, takes a leading position and Testosterone Propionate provides a much more effective drying process. For example, you can immediately consider the compiled courses Turinabol + Boldenonewhich is the leader in sales for quality muscle gain. Not much easier option course Stanozolol + Boldenone , but still the result is not much weaker. If you are more interested in drying and quality, it is better to consider the course of steroids for mass and drying Turinabol + Testosterone Propionate .

You should not choose anabolic steroids of the strongest effect, because a quick increase always entails a faster process of losing all the results obtained. It is much better and more correct to build muscle mass with steroids gradually, this will prevent side effects and provide you with good quality. If you need help drawing up a course, or choosing the right steroid for gaining muscle mass, then contact us and we will be happy to help you.

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Where does the order come from?

All orders come from Russia, we assure you that there is no risk that the goods will not arrive or there will be problems upon receipt (the site has been checked for more than 2 years), we do not recommend ordering on Belarusian and Ukrainian sites, since there are many cases that services ( STC) open the parcel, as well as a lot of fakes in Belarus and Ukraine. Russia, in this sense, is the only option for any athlete !!! Since the customs union and BLA-BLA-BLA !!! In general, while everything is rolling, please contact us !!!;)

How do I place an order?

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How is the order delivered and what is its price?

Delivery of goods is carried out by mail and express mail EMS Or by courier, i.e. a bookmark. The delivery time is quite fast and ranges from 5 to 12 days on average from the date of departure (depending on your regional location). By bookmarking within two or three hours the price for delivery is 500 rubles. The price for delivery of orders is fixed at 300 rubles. EMS from 500 rubles. (expedited shipping)

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We offer to purchase not only AAS, but also:

  • growth hormones;
  • fat burners;
  • restorative therapy drugs (PCT);
  • ready-made steroid courses.

We will help you to get rid of yourself from the need to select drugs yourself. By choosing ready-made AAS cycles, you will receive a complete set of all the necessary drugs for an effective course with a detailed description of the regimen for their administration.

If you have made the decision to start using anabolic steroids, we want all of your courses to be as effective as possible. Among the customers of the store, the site includes athletes with long training experience, as well as novice athletes who have recently joined sports. We will do our best to ensure that you are satisfied with your purchase and come back to us again.

Constantly progress, gaining mass and increasing physical performance

Anabolic steroids can help you achieve your goals and objectives.

However, it must be remembered that the drugs you are using must be of high quality, and we recommend that you order steroids from a reputable reputable store. Also, they should be used only under the guidance of experienced specialists in the field of sports pharmacology, for whom there are no secrets in this area. When starting to use AAS, it is important to be aware of all their positive and negative sides.

With the help of anabolic steroids, you will be able to constantly progress, gaining mass, increasing physical performance, and giving your muscles a high-quality relief. At the same time, steroids are not a "magic" tool, and in order to get the maximum possible return from their use, you need to eat right, get enough rest and actively engage in the gym.

IN recent times all media promote healthy lifestyles and encourage people to look like magazine covers. And here the question arises before a person of how to get the same beautiful and there are two ways: slow (training from several months to several years) and fast (several weeks). If you have chosen the second path, then you cannot do without the help of pharmacology. In this article we will tell you about which anabolic steroids are sold in the pharmacy. But before that, let's define this term.


To get relief, beautiful and pumped up muscles, people use different drugs. They are called anabolic steroids. They are mainly used by doctors in case of serious diseases that require rapid regeneration of human tissues. Reception of anabolic steroids is carried out under strict medical supervision with regular examination of the performance of internal organs and blood composition. But even with thorough adherence to all recommendations, there is a risk of developing irreversible consequences in the body and the appearance of dependence on hormones.

The consequences of anabolic steroids

Now, imagine what awaits a person using steroids without monitoring and adhering to the necessary deadlines and dosages. The most harmless consequence of such "therapy" is male infertility and impotence. But in most cases it doesn't end there. Anabolics not only accelerate muscle growth, but also make all organs and systems of the body work at an accelerated pace. Because of this, the cellular structure wears out very quickly. A person is simply aging before our eyes. And this happens at the moment when he stops the course of anabolic steroids. An organism that has become unaccustomed to self-production of hormones begins to suffer from their absence or deficiency. In this case, in order to prolong a person's life, you need replacement therapy hormones on a regular basis.

If after reading you still have an intention to use drugs, then we will tell you what anabolic steroids for muscle growth are sold in the pharmacy. Here is a list of them.


It has an effect on metabolism, therefore it is very important for muscle growth. Methionine activates the work of enzymes, vitamins and hormones. It is often used for liver diseases. Also useful for alcoholism, poisoning and uncontrolled use of other anabolic steroids. Helps restore liver health to bodybuilders who have taken heavy steroids to gain muscle mass.


This protein solution comes in a glass jar. Includes a number of essential amino acids that are administered to the body through a dropper. In those days, when anabolics for muscle growth in the pharmacy were not sold as freely as they are now, many experienced athletes put themselves a similar solution on their own. And the effect was amazing, because amino acids entered the bloodstream immediately.

At the moment, there are quite a lot of such protein solutions, but Alvezin is considered the most popular. In medicine, it is used for severe burns, heart failure, dystrophy, etc. The only inconvenience is the method of administration. Not everyone wants to carry a catheter with them everywhere.

Potassium Orotate

It can be called the "grandfather of pharmacology", since it was actively used by athletes back in the days of the USSR, when anabolics for muscle growth were not sold in the pharmacy. This drug significantly accelerates the synthesis of protein molecules. It is indispensable if the athlete has heart problems (arrhythmia, heart attacks, does not give an effect in terms of muscle gain if taken solo.


This drug includes potassium orotate, inosine and collection useful herbs... It belongs to the class of adaptogens that facilitate the adaptation of the body to heavy loads. In the old days, Safinor was often prescribed for athletes training in the mountains, where conditions were rather difficult due to the thin air. For bodybuilders, this is not an important criterion. But on the other hand, the drug tones the central nervous system and optimizes cardiac activity. But this is already important, especially for the security forces.


At one time, this drug made a lot of noise. Information appeared in the media that it gives the same effect as anabolic steroids, the price of which now starts at 300 rubles. But unlike steroids, Ekdisten did not give side effects... How does this root affect muscles? On cell membranes, it establishes a connection with receptors, and then is transferred to the nucleus, starting from the DNA copying of the information necessary for protein synthesis. This mechanism is absolutely identical to that which is triggered when taking steroids.

But with all this, the drug is not an anabolic due to the absence of side effects: stress on the liver, acne, aromatization, etc. On the contrary, unlike steroids, it improves the functioning of the liver and endocrine glands. It would seem that this is a miracle, not a drug! But why are so few people using it?

The thing is, he's weak. Comparing it to steroids is the same as comparing a Zaporozhets car or even a scooter. A person who has taken anabolic steroids will no longer be able to take Ecdisten seriously. But for beginners, this is the best option.


It is a collection of medicinal herbs that is produced in India. In fact, it is a hepatoprotective agent that repairs and protects the liver. Recently, however, doctors have been using it as a choleretic agent that improves the production of bile and its outflow.

"LIV-52" will be useful not only for people who load the liver with pharmacology, but for all those who suffer from alcoholism. The drug significantly reduces both the concentration of ethanol in the blood and the strength of the "hangover syndrome".

Glutamic acid

If we consider all the existing steroids for then it is considered the most popular. In the body, it takes part in the process of nitrogen metabolism, disinfects ammonia, has a positive effect on the central nervous system and stimulates oxidative processes in the brain. If we talk in simple wordsthen this acid is fuel for our brain. It significantly increases intelligence, and even in mentally ill people. And some students use it during exams.

Quite often, the dosage of the drug is not respected, and people eat the drug in handfuls. Although it is enough to take only 4 tablets per day. For bodybuilders, glutamic acid is also useful in that it participates in the synthesis of third-party amino acids. When synthesized in the blood, glutamine does 50% of the work. This significantly speeds up the recovery of the body.

Doctors prescribe glutamic acid during the peak period infectious diseases... After all, glutamine significantly strengthens the immune system. Those who use the drug on a regular basis practically do not get sick.

There are many ways in which athletes can dramatically change their fitness. Of course, on the one hand, we can say that "efforts and work will grind everything." In other words, sports and again sports. At the same time, of course, a strict diet and regimen. But what if, even if these conditions are met, the athlete cannot improve his form in any way? In this case, steroids come to the rescue. In fact, there are many reasons for using steroids. Among the most common, one can single out the desire to achieve the most significant result and as soon as possible.

Of course, the stronger the drug, the faster and more significant it begins to affect the body. There are many types of steroids. The most powerful steroids for strength and muscle , have a very high level of anabolic and androgenic activity. Do I need to talk about how much your life will change if you only start using such a powerful drug? Steroids allow athletes to very quickly increase their muscle mass, increase strength and improve their overall fitness.

Strong steroids for strength and muscle growth

There are many different types of steroids. Among the most powerful are:

1) Anadrol - considered the most powerful steroid for muscle and strength among all oral anabolic steroids. Due to its composition, oxymethalone contributes to a significant retention of protein and other beneficial substances in your body. As a result, you can build muscle very quickly and effectively. The athlete is able to withstand even heavier loads. He begins to train even more and harder, which means that he achieves the desired result faster. Due to its enormous effect on the body, experts do not recommend using this drug for more than 1.5 months and twice a year. But believe me, this course will already be more than enough for you for an excellent result. Many drugs are often combined with others. Also, oxymethalone can be safely used in combination with winstrol, which acts as an adjuvant to remove excess fluid from the body. Thanks to this, the muscles become more elastic and relief.

2) Danabol is another potent steroid for muscle and strength. In its effect, this drug is very similar to oxymethalone (it promotes the retention of protein, calcium, phosphorus and other useful substances), but at the same time there is much less fluid retention in your body. It is an oral steroid which makes it even more convenient to use. Another indisputable advantage of danabol is the fact that the drug can be used even by novice athletes. Although even experienced athletes often make their choice in favor of danabol. This drug can also be combined with injectable steroids. For example, you can use Deca Durabolin or Sustanon -250. These drugs are most commonly used in combination with each other. This combined course will help you build up a huge amount of muscle mass while significantly increasing your strength.

3)Deca - Durabolin... First of all, it should be said that this is an injectable drug. Most of all, this drug contributes to the retention of protein in muscle mass. While doing so, your body also begins to absorb more nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and many minerals. Experienced athletes know that it is best to stick to a protein diet when using Deca Durabolin, as this is kind of construction material for your muscle mass. As already mentioned, this drug promotes fluid retention in the athlete's body. This improves the athlete's level of endurance in training, and hence the level of efficiency. 2 months of taking such a drug will be more than enough for you to achieve noticeable results.

4) Sustanon-250 is considered to be another strong steroid. This drug consists of 4 types of testosterone, which begin to act gradually in the body. Thanks to this drug, testosterone levels gradually begin to increase in your body and, as a result, the muscle mass and strength indicators of the athlete increase. Sustanon-250 is a very strong drug, so it is not recommended to use it as an initial course. As well as others, this steroid can be used in combination with other drugs to enhance its action. Just 1.5 or 2 months of using this drug will completely and completely change the appearance of the lice.

5) Testosterone enanthate. This drug also has a strong effect on the body of athletes. It promotes a significant pumping of blood to the athlete's muscles, which means their growth. It is this steroid that has gained immense popularity among bodybuilders and other athletes, whose main goal was precisely to build up huge muscle mass as quickly as possible. The drug is not advised to be taken for more than 2 months, since it has a fairly large effect on the body. For even more progress, try combining this drug with other steroids (such as danabol, winstrol, boldenone, and others).

6) Tri trenbolone is an injectable steroid, thanks to which you can easily gain the necessary muscle mass in the shortest possible time. It consists of three ethers, which act gradually, which means longer. Three trenbolone can be considered one of the most powerful steroids. The main advantage of this drug is that it does not lead to excess fluid retention in the body. Thus, the result lasts longer and many negative consequences can be avoided.

Steroids help many people achieve incredible heights in the world of sports. There are a lot of such drugs and the choice of the one that suits you the most depends on you. Read the instructions, read the reviews and make your choice.