Note: Instructions for use and what is needed, price, reviews, analogues. "Novina": instructions for use

Oral contraceptives with microdosted hormonal components, the so-called mini-dies are the new generation of contraceptives that do not cause serious physiological disorders in the body in women. One of these drugs is new, has many positive feedback. The active substances in its composition have not only contraceptive effect, but also eliminate many negative symptoms associated with a violation of the hormonal cycle.

What is Novineset

This is a medicinal hormone-containing drug produced in the form of tablets. It is a means of choice with the intention of a woman to apply protection against unwanted pregnancy with OK. Prescribing contraceptive pills new item has the right to a gynecologist after decrypting the results of analyzes for sex hormones and medical examination. An independent choice and reception of funds at random can lead to serious health complications.

How Novint works

The synthetic analogues of the drug hormones prevent the release of their own gonadotropins and warn ovulation. Under the influence of these substances, cervical mucus becomes curly, which creates an additional contraceptive effect. The mild effect on the body allows you to apply a new one in the world, endometriosis and other pathologies. While the woman takes a new one, the periods have anxulatory character, since the eggs do not ripen.

Pregnancy When taking new agenets occurs in extremely rare cases and is usually associated with incorrect use of medication. The delay of menstruation in the reception of the Novinet arises either in hormonal failures, or when the admission mode is changed. Do not worry about possible infertility against the background of the use of the drug. Pregnancy after the Novineta most women are usually coming in the first months, as soon as the reception is stopped.

How to go to ok nineteen from other contraceptive pills

  • if the course of another OK is 21 tablets, the nineteent starts to drink after a 7-day break;
  • if OK provides 28 tablets, you can go to the new one from the next day.

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After removing the IUD, the removal of the implant or the vaginal ring is applied to the drug you also need from the next day.

It is not necessary to be afraid to sharply go to the novel, mini-dies do not apply a hormonal impact of the body as many medicines of previous generations.

Forms of release and composition

The nineet is available in tablets, which include:

  • 150 μg of the substance of Desogestrel;
  • 20 μg of ethinyl estradiol.

The first component has a progestogenic effect, the second - estrogen. The minimum content of the components reduces the appearance of unwanted reactions that are characteristic of potent drugs: headaches, weakness, swelling, deterioration of mood.

All Novinet pills have the same dosage - this is a monophasic preparation. Its convenience is that in the case of confusion, no consequences and risks come. Numbering is present only to record the duration of the reception. Packaging The means contains 1 or 3 blisters of 21 tablets.

Indications for use

The main indication for the use of the drug is protection against unwanted pregnancy. Taking into account the individual hormonal background, the doctor may prescribe a new one in endometriosis, mioma, polycystic and other estrogen-dependent pathologies. In addition, this tool is used to correct such violations as: acne rich, menstrual disorders, severe PMS, painful periods.

The nineteent is prescribed predominantly young, not reaching 35 years of age, girls and women.

Contraindications for use

Hormones in the composition of drugs can cause health problems in women who have disorders of the heart and other internal organs, a vascular system, blood coagulation. Contraindications to the use of tablets Note:

  • risk of vessel thrombosis;
  • neurological symptoms, including migraine;
  • thromboembolia;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis, boards, liver failure;
  • violation of blood formation functions;
  • oncological neoplasms;
  • age older than 35 years;
  • vaginal and internal bleeding;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • allergies to the components contained.

Method of application and dose

In the new packing, an instruction manual is invested. According to her, start receiving tablets from the first day of the cycle. On a day you need to drink 1 tab. Preferably at the same time day. After the screen is 21, you need to make a 7-day break and start a new course. During the pause, bloody discharges, similar to menstruation, should appear.

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In case of delay, cancel the drug independently should not be. What is the reason caused a possible failure, only a doctor can find out. A gynecologist should also make a decision on termination or continuation of the reception.

If the woman began to drink a new one not during menstruation, but in the middle of the cycle - it is not scary, the course must be completed according to the instructions. If desired, move the monthly allowed to start a new package without a break.

Side effects

With proper appointment and reception of the Novineta, no side effects in most women are observed. However, the instructions prescribed by the instructions are not observed. There may be influence and hidden diseases. Possible side effects of the drug:

  • dense mucous allocations from the vagina;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • fluid delay in the body;
  • oppressed mood;
  • pain in the stomach, abdominal cavity.

In some cases, the increase in negative symptoms suggests that the drug does not fit the drug.


  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • sharp headache;
  • vaginal bleeding.

If tablets are accepted in increased doses regularly, reactions are possible:

  • strong rash on skin cover;
  • nausea;
  • vision impairment;
  • swelling;
  • physical weakness;
  • an increase in blood pressure;
  • mood swings.

If any of the above features, it is necessary to urgently contact a specialist for advice.

What to do if the reception is missing

If the pass is not more than 12 hours, you do not need to change anything: per day, the next violation day, pills are accepted as usual. Contraceptive effect is preserved completely. If the pass is more semissing, the mechanism is as follows:

  1. In the period from 1 to 14 days: after the break, drink 2 tablets immediately, the following to take as usual.
  2. In the period from 15 to 21 days: the next dose does not increase, but cancel the 7-day break, immediately starting to the next course.

In cases where 2 or more tablets are missed, the reception starts again from the first number, the current package is not used. For the suspension, 1 week is protected by barrier methods.

Application in old age

With the onset of 35 years, harbingers of menopause, the hormonal background changes, gradually decreases the development of estrogen. Women after 40 years old are not prescribed, since such agents can provoke unwanted deviations in the work of the endocrine system, cause heart and vascular disorders, accelerate the subsequent aging. For middle and older age, the gynecologist prescribes other drugs that are more relevant to the hormonal status of the ladies.

Note (Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel) is a combined tablet contraceptive from the Hungarian pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter. According to statistics, about 40% of women do not use pharmacological means of contraception. Meanwhile, from the point of view of embryology, human life begins with the merger of the genital cells of women and men, as a result of which a core is formed containing a unique genetic material. And this new human body genetically cannot in any way be considered someone else's (i.e. the maternal) part of the body. Thus, abortion should be considered aware of the deprivation of the life of a new biological individual. Combined tablet contraceptives are used for several decades. The progestogens of the first two generations do not have the proper level of selectivity. In addition, they are characterized by a number of unwanted adverse reactions, incl. Arterial hypertension, lipid profile deterioration and insulin resistance. Desogestrel does not have the above disadvantages. This substance is one of the components of the drug nineteen. The estrogenic component in the preparation is ethinyl estradiol. Desogestrel - Progestagen 3rd generation. It has a high (more than 80% bioavailability). It is subjected to metabolic transformations in the liver with the formation of an active derivative - 3-ketodezogestrel. The greatest degree of selectivity, Desogestrel manifested to progesterone receptors, which determines its powerful gestagne effect.

In this case, its androgenic and estrogenic effect is practically no manifest. Among everyone known to date, the desogestrel has the highest election index of action. Novina improves a lipid profile: increases the content in the blood of "good" cholesterol - high density lipoproteins, without affecting the level of low density lipoproteins. When applying the Novina, blood loss is significantly reduced during menstruation, the condition of the skin is improved, especially if there is an acne. The effectiveness of Novinet as a contraceptive is associated with its ability to suppress the operation of the ovaries, including to coal the formation of follicles. From this point of view, the nineteen is one of the best contraceptives. The frequency of manifestation of side effects when taking this contraceptive is relatively small. This happens, as a rule, during the first three months of pharmacotherapy, when the body adapts to functioning in new conditions. Wherein side effects Do not pose any threat to the health and well-being of the patient and practically pass to the fourth cycle of contraceptive pharmacotherapy. A side effect characteristic of tableted contraceptives is an increase in body weight - in the case of a nineteer manifests itself much less frequently. The drug is very slightly affecting hemodynamics in the peripheral vascular bed, therefore there is no pronounced effect on the level of blood pressure.


Monophasic hormonal contraceptive drug for intake, containing a combination of estrogen (ethinyl estradiol) and a gestagena (desogestrel). The main contraceptive effect consists in inhibiting gonadotropins and suppressing ovulation. In addition, due to an increase in the viscosity of the cervical fluid, the movement of spermatozoa is slowed through the cervical channel, and the change in the state of the endometrium prevents the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic analogue of the follicular hormone of estradiol.

The desogestrel has a pronounced gestagne and anti-estrogenic effect, similar to endogenic progesterone, weak androgenic and anabolic activity.

The drug has a beneficial effect on Lipid Exchange: increases the content of the HDL in the plasma, without affecting the maintenance of the LDL.

When taking the drug, menstrual blood losses are significantly reduced (with initial menorrhagia), normalizes menstrual cycleThere is a beneficial effect on the skin, especially if there are vulgar eels.




The desogestrel is quickly and almost completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and is metabolized into a 3-keto-desogestrel, which is biologically active metabolite Desogestrel.

C MAX is achieved after 1.5 hours and is 2 ng / ml. Bioavailability - 62-81%.


The 3-keto-desogestrel is associated with blood plasma proteins, mainly with albumin and globulin, binding sex hormones (GSPG).

V D is 1.5 l / kg. C SS is installed on the second half of the menstrual cycle, when the level of the 3-keto-desogestrel increases by 2-3 times.


In addition to the 3-keto-desogestrel (which is formed in the liver and in the intestinal wall), other metabolites are formed: 3α-de-desogestrel, 3β-de-desogestrel, 3α-ON-5α-n-disogestrel (first phase metabolites). These metabolites do not possess pharmacological activity and in part, by conjugation (the second phase of metabolism), turn into polar metabolites - sulfates and glucuronates. Clearance from blood plasma is about 2 ml / min / kg body weight.


T 1/2 is 30 hours. Metabolites are displayed with urine and cas (in the ratio of 4: 6).

Ethinyl estradiol


Ethinyl estradiol is quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. C MAX is achieved after 1-2 hours after taking the drug and is 80 pg / ml. The bioavailability of the drug due to the pre-consistent conjugation and the effect of the "first passage" through the liver is about 60%.


Ethinyl estradiol is fully associated with plasma proteins, mainly with albumin.

V D is 5 l / kg. C SS is installed by 3-4 day of the reception, while the level of ethinyl estradiol in serum is 30-40% higher than after one-time reception of the drug.


Pressure conjugation of ethinyl estradiol is significant. Bypassing the intestinal wall (the first phase of metabolism), it is undergoing conjugation in the liver (the second phase of metabolism). The ethinyl estradiol and its conjugates of the first phase of metabolism (sulfates and glucuronides) are released in bile and enter enterohepatic circulation. Clearance from blood plasma is about 5 ml / min / kg body weight.


T 1/2 of ethinyl estradiol is an average of about 24 hours. About 40% is derived from the urine and about 60% - with the feet.

Form release

Tablets covered with film shell of light yellow color, round, double-screw, with labeling "P9" on one side and "rg" - to another.

Auxiliary substances: chinoline yellow dye (E104), α-tocopherol, magnesium stearate, silicon colloidal dioxide, stearic acid, pose, starch potato, monohydrate lactose.

The composition of the film shell: propylene glycol, macrogol 6000, hypimosellose.

21 pcs. - Blister (1) - packs cardboard.
21 pcs. - Blister (3) - Cardboard packs.


The drug is prescribed inside.

Receiving tablets start from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle. Assign 1 tab. / Sut for 21 days, if possible at the same time of the day. After receiving the last tablet from the package, there is a 7-day break, during which menstrual-like bleeding occurs due to the abolition of the drug. The next day after a 7-day break (4 weeks after the reception of the first tablet, on the same day of the week), renew reception of the drug from the following packaging, also containing 21 tabs., Even if the bleeding has not stopped. Such a tablet reception scheme is held as long as there is a need for contraception. When complying with the reception rules, the contraceptive effect is maintained at the time of the 7-day break.

First reception of the drug

Reception of the first tablet should be started from the first day of the menstrual cycle. In this case, no additional contraceptive methods are required. Tablets can be started with 2-5 days of menstruation, but in this case, in the first cycle of using the drug, additional methods of contraception should be applied in the first 7 days of reception of the tablets.

If more than 5 days after the start of menstruation, it is necessary to postpone the beginning of the reception of the drug until the next menstruation.

Reception of the drug after childbirth

Non-breastfeeding women can start receiving tablets no earlier than 21 days after childbirth, having previously consulted with a doctor. In this case, there is no need to apply other methods of contraception. If after delivery there was already sexual contact, then the reception of the tablets should be postponed to the first menstruation. If a decision is made to accept the drug later than 21 days after delivery, then in the first 7 days it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception.

Acceptance of the drug after abortion

After an abortion, in the absence of contraindications, start receiving the tablets from the first day after the operation, and in this case there is no need to apply additional methods of contraception.

Transition from another oral contraceptive

After using another hormonal oral contraceptive containing 30 μg of ethinyl estradiol, on the 21 day scheme, the first new tablet is recommended to take the day after the course of the previous drug is completed. No need to withstand a 7-day break or wait for menstruation. There is no need to apply additional methods of contraception.

When switching from a drug containing 28 tablets, the next day after the pills are run out in the package, you should start a new packaging novel ®.

Transition to the novelty after using oral hormonal drugs containing only progestogen ("mini-saw")

The first tablet novel ® should be taken in the 1st day of the cycle. There is no need to apply additional methods of contraception.

If menstruation does not occur when receiving a "mini-saw", then after excluding pregnancy, it is possible to start receiving a new cycle on any day of the cycle, but in this case, in the first 7 days it is necessary to apply additional methods of contraception (using a cervic cap with sperm gel, condom, or abstinence from sex contacts). The use of the calendar method in these cases is not recommended.

Deferred menstrual cycles

If there is a need for a delay of menstruation, it is necessary to continue the reception of the tablets from the new packaging, without a 7-day break, along the usual scheme. When delayed menstruation, breakthrough or cargo bleeding can appear, but it does not reduce the contraceptive effect of the drug. Regular reception of the Novineta can be restored after the usual 7-day break.

Missed tablets

If a woman forgot to take a tablet in a timely manner, and after the misstit, no more than 12 hours passed, you need to take a forgotten tablet, and then continue the reception at normal time. If more than 12 hours passed between reception of the tablets - this is considered to be a passing tablet, the reliability of contraception in this cycle is not guaranteed and the use of additional methods of contraception is recommended.

When you pass one tablet in the first or second week of the cycle, you need to take 2 tabs. The next day and then continue regular reception using additional methods of contraception until the end of the cycle.

When the tablet is passed, on the third week of the cycle, you need to take a forgotten tablet, continue regular reception and do not make a 7-day break. It is important to remember that due to the minimum dose of estrogen, the risk of ovulation and / or bleeding during the passing of the tablet is passed and therefore it is recommended to apply additional methods of contraception.

Vomiting / Diarrhea

If before taking the drug, vomiting or diarrhea appears, then the absorption of the drug may be defective. If the symptoms have stopped for 12 hours, then you need to take another tablet additionally. After that, you should continue to receive tablets in the usual way. If vomiting or diarrhea continues more than 12 hours, it is necessary to use additional methods of contraception during vomiting or diarrhea and in the next 7 days.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, in girls - bloody discharge from the vagina.

Treatment: In the first 2-3 hours after taking the drug in a high dose, it is recommended to carry out a stomach washing. No specific antidote, treatment is symptomatic.


Drugs inducing liver enzymes, such as Hidantoin, Barbiturates, Prison, Carbamazepine, Rifampicin, Okcarbazepine, Topiramat, Felbamate, Griestoofulvin, Preparations of the Victory, reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives and increase the risk of breakthrough bleeding. The maximum level of induction is usually achieved no earlier than 2-3 weeks, but can last up to 4 weeks after the cancellation of the drug.

Ampicillin and tetracycline reduce the efficiency of the Novina (the interaction mechanism is not established). If necessary, the joint admission is recommended to use an additional barrier method of contraception throughout the course of treatment and within 7 days (for rifampicin - within 28 days) after the discontinuation of the drug.

Oral contraceptives can reduce carbohydrate tolerances, increase the need for insulin or oral anti-diabetic means.

Side effects

Side effects requiring cancellation of the drug

From side of cardio-vascular system: arterial hypertension; rarely - arterial and venous thromboembolism (including myocardial infarction, stroke, deep vein thrombosis of the lower limbs, pulmonary artery thromboembolism); Very rarely arterial or venous thromboembolism of hepatic, mesenterical, renal, retinal artery and veins.

From the side of the senses: hearing loss due to otosclerosis.

Others: hemolytic-uremic syndrome, porphyria; rarely - aggravation of reactive systemic red lupus; Very rarely - Korea Sidenchem (passing after the discharge of the drug).

Others sideflines There are more often, but less severe. The expediency of continuing the use of the drug is solved individually after consulting a doctor, based on the benefit / risk ratio.

From the side of the sexual system: acyclic bleeding / bleeding from the vagina, amenorrhea after the abolition of the drug, the change in the state of the vaginal mucule, the development of inflammatory processes of the vagina, candidiasis, tension, pain, increase in the mammary glands, galathery.

From side digestive system: Nausea, vomiting, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, occurrence or aggravation of jaundice and / or itching, associated with cholestasis, choletiasis.

Dermatological reactions: nodal erythema, exudative erythema, rash, chlorism.

From the CNS: Headache, Migraine, Mood Labeliness, Depression.

From the side of the organ of vision: improving the sensitivity of the cornea (when wearing contact lenses).

From the metabolic side: fluid delay in the body, change (increase) body weight, reduction of carbohydrate tolerance.

Others: Allergic reactions.




  • the presence of severe and / or multiple risk factors for venous or arterial thrombosis (including arterial hypertension of severe or moderate severity with blood pressure ≥ 160/100 mm Hg);
  • the presence or indication of a history of thrombosis (including transient ischemic attack, angina);
  • migraine with focal neurological symptoms, incl. a history of
  • venous or arterial thrombosis / thromboembolia (including myocardial infarction, stroke, deep veins thrombosis, pulmonary artery embolism) is currently or in history;
  • the presence of venous thromboembolism in history;
  • diabetes mellitus (with angiopathy);
  • pancreatitis (including a history), accompanied by a pronounced hyperitriglyceridemia;
  • dislipidemia;
  • heavy liver diseases, cholestatic jaundice (incl. during pregnancy), hepatitis, incl. in history (until the normalization of functional and laboratory indicators and for 3 months after their normalization);
  • jaundice when taking GKS;
  • bile disease is currently or a history;
  • zhilber Syndrome, Dububi-Johnson Syndrome, Rotor Syndrome;
  • liver tumors (including a history);
  • strong itching, otosclerosis or its progression at previous pregnancy or GCS reception;
  • hormone-dependent malignant neoplasms of the genitals and the mammary glands (including with suspected of them);
  • vaginal bleeding of unclear etiology;
  • smoking over the age of 35 (more than 15 cigarettes per day);
  • pregnancy or suspicion of her;
  • lactation period;
  • increased sensitivity to the components of the drug.

With caution, a drug should be prescribed under states that increase the risk of developing venous or arterial thrombosis / thromboembolism: age older than 35 years, smoking, family history, obesity (body mass index more than 30 kg / m 2), dislipoproteinemia, arterial hypertension, migraine, epilepsy, Valve heart defects, atrial fibrillation, long-term immobilization, extensive surgical intervention, surgical intervention on lower limbs, severe injury, varicose veins and surface thrombophlebitis, postpartum period, the presence of severe depression (including in history), changes in biochemical indicators (resistance of activated protein C, hypergomocysthenemia, deficiency of antitrombin III, protein deficiency with or S, antiphospholipid antibodies , incl. antibodies for cardiolipin, a lupus anticoagulant), diabetes mellitus, not complicated by vascular disorders, SLE, Crohn disease, ulcerative colitis, sickle cell anemia, hyperitriglyceridemia (including in family history), acute and chronic Liver diseases.

Features of application

Application in pregnancy and breastfeeding

Note ® is contraindicated to use during pregnancy and lactation period (breastfeeding).

Application with violations of liver function

Contraindicated in severe liver diseases, cholestatic jaundice (including during pregnancy), hepatitis, incl. in history (until the normalization of functional and laboratory indicators and for 3 months after their normalization). With caution, a drug should be prescribed during acute and chronic liver diseases.

Application with violations of the kidney function

With care and only after a thorough assessment of use and risk of use, a drug should be prescribed during renal failure (including a history),

special instructions

Before starting the use of the drug, it is necessary to carry out a general student (detailed family and personal history, measurement of blood pressure, laboratory studies) and gynecological examination (including the examination of the mammary glands, the organs of the small pelvis, the cytological analysis of the cervical smear). A similar examination during the reception period is carried out regularly, every 6 months.

The drug is a reliable contraceptive: Pearl index (indicator of the number of pregnancies that occurred during the use of the method of contraception in 100 women for 1 year) with proper use is about 0.05.

In each case, before appointing hormonal contraceptives, the advantages or possible negative effects of their reception are individually evaluated. This question must be discussed with the patient, which, after obtaining the necessary information, will take a final decision on the preference of a hormonal or other method of contraception.

Women's health needs to be carefully monitored. If, during the reception of the drug, any of the following states / diseases deteriorates or deteriorates, it is necessary to stop taking the drug and go to another, non-merton method of contraception:

  • diseases of the hemostasis system;
  • conditions / diseases predisposing for the development of cardiovascular, renal failure;
  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • risk of developing estrogen-dependent tumor or estrogen-dependent gynecological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus not complicated by vascular disorders;
  • severe depression (if depression is associated with a violation of the exchange of tryptophan, then with the purpose of correction you can use vitamin B 6);
  • sickle-cell anemia, because at some cases (for example, infections, hypoxia) estrogen-containing drugs in this pathology can provoke thromboembolism phenomena;
  • the appearance of deviations in laboratory tests of the liver function estimates.

Thrombembolic diseases

Epidemiological studies have proven that there is a link between the intake of oral hormonal contraceptives and an increase in the risk of developing arterial and venous thromboembolic diseases (including myocardial infarction, stroke, thrombosis of the deep limbs, pulmonary artery thromboembolism). It has proven increased risk of venous thromboembolic diseases, but it is significantly less than during pregnancy (60 cases per 100 thousand pregnancies). When using oral contraceptives, arterial or venous thromboembolism of hepatic, mesenterial, renal vessels, or retinal vessels is very rarely observed.

The risk of arterial or venous thromboembolic diseases increases:

  • with age;
  • when smoking (intensive smoking and age, over 35 years old refer to risk factors);
  • in the presence in the family history of thromboembolic diseases (for example, parents, brother or sisters). In suspected genetic predisposition, it is necessary to consult with a specialist before applying the drug;
  • in obesity (body mass index is more than 30 kg / m 2);
  • in dlypoprotehemia;
  • with arterial hypertension;
  • with diseases of the heart valves complicated by hemodynamic disorders;
  • with atrial fibrillation;
  • with diabetes mellitus complicated by vascular lesions;
  • with long-term immobilization, after a large operational intervention, after surgery on the lower limbs, after severe injury.

In these cases, it is assumed to be temporary cessation of the use of the drug (no later than 4 weeks before surgery, and renew no earlier than 2 weeks after remobilization).

Women after childbirth increases the risk of venous thromboembolic diseases.

It should be borne in mind that diabetes, systemic red lupus, hemolytic-uremic syndrome, Crohn's disease, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, sickle cell anemia increase the risk of venous thromboembolic diseases.

It should be borne in mind that resistance to the activated protein C, hypergomocysthenemia, protein deficiency C and S, deficiency of antithrombin III, the presence of antiphospholipid antibodies increase the risk of arterial or venous thromboembolic diseases.

In assessing the ratio of benefit / risk of receiving the drug, it should be borne in mind that targeted treatment of this state reduces the risk of thromboembolism. The symptoms of thromboembolism are:

  • sudden chest pain, which irradiases into the left hand;
  • sudden shortness of breath;
  • any unusually strong headache, which is continued for a long time or appearing for the first time, especially when combined with a sudden full or partial loss of vision or diplopia, aphasia, dizziness, collapse, focal epilepsy, weakness or pronounced half of the body, motor disorders, strong one-sided pain in the calf Muscle, sharp belly.

Tumor disease

Some studies have reported to participate in the occurrence of cervical cancer for those women who have long received hormonal contraceptives, but the results of research are contradictory. In the development of cervical cancer, sexual behavior play a significant role, infection with the human papilloma virus and other factors.

Meta-analysis 54 epidemiological studies showed that there is a relative increase in the risk of breast cancer among women taking oral hormonal contraceptives, but the higher detectability of breast cancer could be associated with a more regular medical examination. Breast cancer is rare among women under 40 years old, regardless of whether they take hormonal contraceptives or not, and increases with age. Tablets can be regarded as one of many risk factors. Nevertheless, the woman should be informed about the possibility of the risk of developing breast cancer, based on the assessment of the ratio of benefit and risk (protection against ovarian cancer and endometrial).

There are few reports on the development of a benign or malignant liver tumor in women long-term hormonal contraceptives. This should be borne in mind in view of the differential diagnostic assessment of stomach pain, which can be associated with an increase in the size of the liver or intraperitoneal bleeding.

Chloasmma can develop in women with this disease in history during pregnancy. Those women who have a risk of chloasm, should avoid contact with solar rays or ultraviolet radiation during the reception of the Novineta.


The effectiveness of the drug may decrease with the following cases: missed tablets, vomiting and diarrhea, the simultaneous use of other drugs that reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive pills.

If the patient simultaneously takes another drug, which can reduce the effectiveness of contraceptive tablets, additional methods of contraception should be applied.

The effectiveness of the drug may decrease if, after several months of their use, irregular, weeding or breakthrough bleeding appear, in such cases it is advisable to continue the reception of the tablets before they are completed in the next package. If at the end of the second cycle, menstrual-like bleeding is not beginning or acyclic bloody seals do not stop, stop receiving tablets and resume it only after excluding pregnancy.

Changes in laboratory indicators

Under the action of oral contraceptive pills - in connection with the estrogen component, the level of some laboratory parameters (functional indicators of the liver, kidneys, adrenal glands may vary. thyroid gland, hemostasis indicators, levels of lipoproteins and transport proteins).

Additional Information

After transferring acute viral hepatitis, the drug should be taken after normalizing the liver function (no earlier than 6 months).

In diarrhea or intestinal disorders, vomiting contraceptive effect may decrease. Not stopping the reception of the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-coronal methods of contraception.

Smoking women have an increased risk of developing vascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). Risk depends on age (especially in women older than 35 years) and on the number of cigarettes smoked.

It should be prevented by a woman that the drug does not protect against HIV infection (AIDS) and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Impact on the ability to driving vehicles and control mechanisms

Research on the study of the influence of the Novineta drug on the ability necessary to manage the car and production mechanisms has not been carried out.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, various contraception is used. Most often it is condoms that have high efficiency and safe for the body. But there is another way to prevent pregnancy - hormonal contraception, namely the pills new. Reviews about tablets New will help to make an opinion about the drug.

Hormonal contraception is a method of protection using special preparations based on hormones. It temporarily blocks the reproductive function, which is why the conception is impossible. This method has advantages over the usual means of contraception, but it is not ideal.

Benefits, Table 1.

Name Characteristic
High degree of protectionHormonal contraception protects against pregnancy when entering the seed inside the uterus. Unlike condoms, there is no likelihood of a "breakthrough", and sexual intercourse can be carried out repeatedly.
ConvenienceNo need to carry condoms or pills with you, because hormonal contraception can be accepted by the course before or after sexual intercourse.
Natural impression of pregnancySuch drugs do not interfere with conception, they only deceive the body by imitating the process of pregnancy. In this case, the side effects are absent, ovulation processes are terminated. This not only prevents conception, but also stabilizes the female organism.
SecurityPreviously, such drugs carried a danger to the body, breaking the hormonal background. Modern pills have a minimal share of hormones, which is safe for humans.

Disadvantages of hormonal contraception for many are uncomfortable. They are safe for health, but reduce the efficiency of the drug.

Disadvantages, Table 2.

Hormonal contraception prevents the occurrence of pregnancy, affecting the body of a woman. It has many advantages like security, facilities in the reception and high degree of protection. She has minor flaws, but with its task it copes better condoms.

On the choice of drugs from the hormonal contraception group, find out from the proposed video.

General information about the drug new

The nineet is the contraceptive presented in tablets. The drug is based on hormones, preventing the occurrence of pregnancy by changing the hormonal background. The none contains a combination of estrogen and a gestagen, which suppresses ovulation and prevents the oxychille fertilization.

Norma TSH in pregnant women and possible deviations

Regular reception of the drug on time from three months allows:

The chance of pregnancy when taking the drug is reduced to zero, which does not harm the body and does not interfere with the reproductive system in the future.

Note - hormonal contraceptive, containing a combination of estrogen and gestagen. It is safe for the body and smoothes symptoms of ovulation. Reception of this drug is conducted by courses on 21 days and begins on the first day of menstruation. The new one has a comprehensive effect, preventing pregnancy for a long time.

The composition of Novineta

The main substances are:

  • aethinyloestradiolum Absorbent Substance (Ethinyl Estradiol)
  • hormone Dzg (Desogestrel)

Additional components:

Produced in the form of tablets. Sold only with recipe!

Reception rules

Receiving tablets The nineteen begins from the first day of menstruation. The drug is accepted by 1 dose (tablet) per day for 21 days at a certain time of the day. After the first course there is a break a week, after which it is possible to resume.

Contraceptive effect is valid from the first to receive. If the reception began on 2-5 days of menstruation, the first week of reception should be protected by condoms.

In weekly interruptions between the course, the effect of contraception is preserved, with sexual act you can not be protected.

Overdose drug

Overdose by the drug is characterized by nausea and vomiting, there may be bloody discharge from the vagina. In such symptoms, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and follow the instructions of the doctor.

The consequences of the missed tablet

There will be consequences or not depends on how much time has passed since the passage:

In order not to disturb the sequence, it is advisable to install a memo or turn on the alarm on the phone, this will allow you to take a tablet.

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy - what it says about

Price of drug

The new one refers to inexpensive hormone drugs:

  • In Ukraine, the price ranges from 172 to 630 hryvnia
  • In Russia from 290 rubles and above

Note for weight loss

Some are used this means For reset excess weight. However, often the weight is not reduced or women begin to get better, and not lose weight. Remembering many side effects, it is better to abandon this option of weight loss, and find a safer method, consulting with your doctor.

Patient reviews about tablets

Reviews about tablets The novelty note the high efficiency and lack of side effects from this drug. The effect of reception is manifested quickly, and symptoms of ovulation are smoothed. This agent is popular among many girls using hormonal contraceptives.

Although the myth goes to lower the libido from such drugs, no girl felt this effect. The desire of sexual contact has not decreased, it concerns the process itself. If the libido decreased, this signals the incompatibility of the drug with the body. After Novinina, such an effect was not manifested.

The chance of a weight set scares girls wishing to take hormonal contraceptive means. This effect is individual, the nine defense itself does not affect fatty sediments. No patient noticed weight gain when taking this drug.

Problems with pregnancy arise at the low share of women. More than 90% of those who took the nail could become pregnant during the year after the cessation of the course. The rest may need a vacation to restore the reproductive function. The ability to have children is always restored when the share of hormones is reduced to the previous level.

Marina, 27 years old:

The nineteen is a great version of contraception, the drug is high-quality and modern. Most of all I was impressed that he got rid of me from menstrual pain. Previously, my periods lasted for a long time and were abundant, the stomach was sickly, now they last no more than three days, and I almost don't feel anything. With a decrease in sexual attraction and a weight set I do not suffer!

All about hormonal contraception see the transfer live great:

Obstetrician Gynecologist - Sotsuk Anna Grigorievna:

To the choice of contraception costs carefully. When buying such drugs, many stops the price. The novel is considered a fairly efficient and inexpensive tool. Despite the small dosage, the drug is an excellent contraceptive, the woman does not gain extra kilograms, pills have a cosmetic effect. Also, their feature is a composition that allows the use of a means for women, like a contraceptive, and for girls in adolescence, to normalize hormones and menstruation.

To prevent unwanted pregnancy, various contraception is used. Most often it is condoms that have high efficiency and safe for the body. But there is another way to prevent pregnancy - hormonal contraception, namely the pills new. Reviews about tablets New will help to make an opinion about the drug.

Hormonal contraception is a method of protection using special preparations based on hormones. It temporarily blocks the reproductive function, which is why the conception is impossible. This method has advantages over the usual means of contraception, but it is not ideal.

Benefits, Table 1.

Name Characteristic
High degree of protectionHormonal contraception protects against pregnancy when entering the seed inside the uterus. Unlike condoms, there is no likelihood of a "breakthrough", and sexual intercourse can be carried out repeatedly.
ConvenienceNo need to carry condoms or pills with you, because hormonal contraception can be accepted by the course before or after sexual intercourse.
Natural impression of pregnancySuch drugs do not interfere with conception, they only deceive the body by imitating the process of pregnancy. In this case, the side effects are absent, ovulation processes are terminated. This not only prevents conception, but also stabilizes the female organism.
SecurityPreviously, such drugs carried a danger to the body, breaking the hormonal background. Modern pills have a minimal share of hormones, which is safe for humans.

Disadvantages of hormonal contraception for many are uncomfortable. They are safe for health, but reduce the efficiency of the drug.

Disadvantages, Table 2.

Hormonal contraception prevents the occurrence of pregnancy, affecting the body of a woman. It has many advantages like security, facilities in the reception and high degree of protection. She has minor flaws, but with its task it copes better condoms.

On the choice of drugs from the hormonal contraception group, find out from the proposed video.

General information about the drug new

The nineet is the contraceptive presented in tablets. The drug is based on hormones, preventing the occurrence of pregnancy by changing the hormonal background. The none contains a combination of estrogen and a gestagen, which suppresses ovulation and prevents the oxychille fertilization.

Norma TSH in pregnant women and possible deviations

Regular reception of the drug on time from three months allows:

The chance of pregnancy when taking the drug is reduced to zero, which does not harm the body and does not interfere with the reproductive system in the future.

Note - hormonal contraceptive, containing a combination of estrogen and gestagen. It is safe for the body and smoothes symptoms of ovulation. Reception of this drug is conducted by courses on 21 days and begins on the first day of menstruation. The new one has a comprehensive effect, preventing pregnancy for a long time.

The composition of Novineta

The main substances are:

  • aethinyloestradiolum Absorbent Substance (Ethinyl Estradiol)
  • hormone Dzg (Desogestrel)

Additional components:

Produced in the form of tablets. Sold only with recipe!

Reception rules

Receiving tablets The nineteen begins from the first day of menstruation. The drug is accepted by 1 dose (tablet) per day for 21 days at a certain time of the day. After the first course there is a break a week, after which it is possible to resume.

Contraceptive effect is valid from the first to receive. If the reception began on 2-5 days of menstruation, the first week of reception should be protected by condoms.

In weekly interruptions between the course, the effect of contraception is preserved, with sexual act you can not be protected.

Overdose drug

Overdose by the drug is characterized by nausea and vomiting, there may be bloody discharge from the vagina. In such symptoms, it is necessary to rinse the stomach and follow the instructions of the doctor.

The consequences of the missed tablet

There will be consequences or not depends on how much time has passed since the passage:

In order not to disturb the sequence, it is advisable to install a memo or turn on the alarm on the phone, this will allow you to take a tablet.

Traces of protein in the urine during pregnancy - what it says about

Price of drug

The new one refers to inexpensive hormone drugs:

  • In Ukraine, the price ranges from 172 to 630 hryvnia
  • In Russia from 290 rubles and above

Note for weight loss

Some use this extension reset. However, often the weight is not reduced or women begin to get better, and not lose weight. Remembering many side effects, it is better to abandon this option of weight loss, and find a safer method, consulting with your doctor.

Patient reviews about tablets

Reviews about tablets The novelty note the high efficiency and lack of side effects from this drug. The effect of reception is manifested quickly, and symptoms of ovulation are smoothed. This agent is popular among many girls using hormonal contraceptives.

Although the myth goes to lower the libido from such drugs, no girl felt this effect. The desire of sexual contact has not decreased, it concerns the process itself. If the libido decreased, this signals the incompatibility of the drug with the body. After Novinina, such an effect was not manifested.

The chance of a weight set scares girls wishing to take hormonal contraceptive means. This effect is individual, the nine defense itself does not affect fatty sediments. No patient noticed weight gain when taking this drug.

Problems with pregnancy arise at the low share of women. More than 90% of those who took the nail could become pregnant during the year after the cessation of the course. The rest may need a vacation to restore the reproductive function. The ability to have children is always restored when the share of hormones is reduced to the previous level.

Marina, 27 years old:

The nineteen is a great version of contraception, the drug is high-quality and modern. Most of all I was impressed that he got rid of me from menstrual pain. Previously, my periods lasted for a long time and were abundant, the stomach was sickly, now they last no more than three days, and I almost don't feel anything. With a decrease in sexual attraction and a weight set I do not suffer!

All about hormonal contraception see the transfer live great:

Obstetrician Gynecologist - Sotsuk Anna Grigorievna:

To the choice of contraception costs carefully. When buying such drugs, many stops the price. The novel is considered a fairly efficient and inexpensive tool. Despite the small dosage, the drug is an excellent contraceptive, the woman does not gain extra kilograms, pills have a cosmetic effect. Also, their feature is a composition that allows the use of a means for women, like a contraceptive, and for girls in adolescence, to normalize hormones and menstruation.

International Name

Ethinyl Estradiol + Desogestrel (EthinyLestRadiol + Desogestrel)

Group Affiliation


Dosage form

Tablets, tablets covered with shell

pharmachologic effect

Contraceptive drug. Depresses the pituitary secretion of gonadotropic hormones. The contraceptive effect is due to the influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian system. Ethinyl estradiol is a synthetic analogue of the follicular hormone of estradiol, participates with a hormone of a yellow body in the implementation of the menstrual cycle. Gestagheny drug (Desogestrel) slows down the synthesis of LG and FSH pituitary gland (preventing the ripening of the follicle) and that Blocks ovulation. Along with these central and peripheral mechanisms that prevent maturation capable of fertilization of an egg, the contraceptive effect is due to a decrease in endometrial susceptibility to blastocyse, as well as an increase in the viscosity of the mucus in the cervix, which makes it relatively impassable for spermatozoa.

It has a beneficial effect on Lipid Exchange: increases the concentration of HDL in plasma without affecting the maintenance of the LDL. Against the background of treatment, there is a significant decrease in the amount of lost blood (with initial menorragia). It has a beneficial effect on the skin, especially improving its condition in vulgar acne, with a regular admission, has a healing effect, normalizing the menstrual cycle and contributing to the prevention of the development of a number of gynecological diseases, incl. Tumor nature.




Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, liver failure, congenital hyperbilirubinemia (Zhilbera syndromes, Dubbi-Johnson and Rotor), liver tumors (hemangioma, liver cancer), thromboembolism (including in history and increased risk of its development), brainwater disorders (ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke), IBS, arterial hypertension (severe forms), atherosclerosis, decompensated heart defects, myocarditis, diabetes, retinopathy, angiopathy, sickle cell anemia, breast cancer and endometrial, endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis, breast fibroenoma, Metrragia (unclear etiology), disorders of fat metabolism, jaundice or itching during former pregnancy, reflectorosis with deterioration during pregnancy, porphyria, smoking women older than 35 years.

Side effects

Headache, Gastralgy, Nausea, Vomiting; soreness and heat of the mammary glands; Improving body weight, violation of glucose tolerance, fluid delay in the body, change of libido, reduction of mood, edema, skin rash, noded erythema, conjunctivitis, unpleasant feeling when wearing contact lenses, violation of perception (impairment of vision, decline, flickering before eyes ), thrombophlebitis, thromboembolism, generalized itching, cholestatic jaundice, choletiatiasis, increased blood pressure, intermenstrual bleeding, changes in vaginal secretion (the development of the candidosis of the vagina).

With long use (extremely rarely) - chloa, hepatocellular adenoma.

Application and dosage

Inside, 1 tablet per day (starting not later than from 5 days cycle; 1 day cycle is 1 day of menstruation) daily, at the same time, without a break, for 21 days, then a break for 7 days. In the first 14 days it is necessary to use additional contraception measures.

If more than 5 days have passed from the start of menstruation, then the reception of the tablets begin with the next cycle. After childbirth, the drug should begin on the first day of the first independent menstruation. After miscarriage or artificial abortion, the drug must be taken immediately. Complete contraceptive action is maintained under the condition of systematic reception of tablets (maximum delay - no more than 12 hours). If more time passed, the next day 2 tablets of the drug should be taken to normal time, but it is necessary to use additional contraceptive means for the next 14 days or before the next menstruation.

special instructions

Before starting and every 6 months of the drug, a medical and gynecological examination is recommended (including gynecological control, the study of the chest glands, liver functions, blood pressure and cholesterol concentration, urine analysis). It is a reliable contraceptive LAN: Pearl index (the number of pregnancies that occurred during the use of contraceptive method in 100 women for 1 year) - 0.05. Due to the fact that the contraceptive effect of the drug from the beginning of the reception is fully manifested by 14 days, in the first 2 weeks of treatment it is recommended to additionally apply non-correlative methods of contraception.

After acute viral hepatitis, be taken after normalizing the liver function (no earlier than 6 months). In diarrhea or intestinal disorders, vomiting contraceptive effect may decrease (not stopping the reception of the drug, it is necessary to use additional non-correctional methods of contraception). Smoking women have an increased risk of developing vascular diseases with serious consequences (myocardial infarction, stroke). Risk depends on age (especially in women older than 35 years) and on the number of cigarettes smoked. During the lactation period, milk is the release of milk, in minor quantities it is distinguished with breast milk. Estrogen-containing drugs increase the risk of thrombosis in women undergoing operational interference or long-term immobilization. Women who have chloat should avoid staying in the sun.


Rifampicin, isoniazide, ampicillin, neomycin, penicillins, tetracycline, chloramphenicol, griseofullvin, barbiturates, carbamazepine, activated carbon Both laxatives reduce efficiency and contribute to the emergence of the "breakthrough" bleeding.

Reduces the effectiveness of oral anticoagulants, anxiolytic (diazepams), tricyclic antidepressants, theophylline, caffeine, hypoglycemic drugs, clofibrate, GKS.

Reviews of medicine Note: 8


Hello, I am 20 years old. I take tablets for the first month on your own initiative and without a consultation with the doctor. After 21 days for the 3rd day went monthly. During the reception of the tablets poured and cooled the chest. How good is it? Or is it a period of adaptation to the drug? Previously, such contraceptives never took.


Hello, I accept the nineteen after 2 weeks. Easy ended, but still some kind of masculine continues (brownish allocations) and chest sobat. Good 3 months ago there was an interrupt of pregnancy for a period of 21 weeks. Tell me what could be the case?

26 years old saw and earlier new, 3 years. What I didn't remember at the beginning, but at the end of the third year, I was already sick of pills, very much, only in her mouth, and she will immediately cast back to go out (((now I am writing 1 package, to move a little monthly (for vacation) It's horror simple, nausea, loss of appetite, masculine (typically adaptation to the drug) and oochen a lot pulls the belly! Thank God left 4 pills and everything! Plus: it is good, and the weight is not recruited!

I drink a new one week, the monthly ended, but some kind of brown smelter flows, the permanent feeling of nausea, weakness, pressure jumps, in general, some kind of pipets. If this side effect When will it end? I stop drinking this drug, clearly does not fit.

I finish 1 packaging of Novinet, which has changed for the worse: the libido decreased unequivocally, pains in the muscles n. limbs and cramps at night. For the better: less expressed PMS, i.e. The mood drops do not find it, the chest increased, but they do not hurt. How will the first menstruation will be held (before the reception was disturbed by their abundance).

Katerina 19 years old

i drink 8 tablet. Every day the abdomen hurts. Today, diarrhea began .. and I do not understand it pills or what.

Natalia, 01/27/2016, Age: 40

I drink a new one for almost 4 years. Now nothing bothers me, the well-being is beautiful, no nausea.

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