For which a linden woman is useful to drink. Lipa: Medical properties and contraindications, recipes

Lipa flowers for a long time are used for the popular treatment of various ailments, the overall healing of the body. To get the maximum benefit from the lime color, it needs to be properly harvested. When, where and how to collect it, dry and store, read in the article dedicated to the preparation of medicinal raw materials. In the same article, I briefly wrote about the properties of linden flowers useful for the body, the benefits of lime tea. Today I will consider in more detail the chemical composition, therapeutic properties and contraindications of linden colors, specific recipes for their use in the treatment of specific diseases.

Chemical composition of linden flowers

Linden flowers have a unique chemical composition. They contain:

    • Polysaccharides (7 - 10%) - glucose, galactose, arabinosis, xylose, etc.
    • Flavonoids (4 - 5%) - Quercetin, Kempferol, Heperidin.
    • Tannins
    • Saponins, ascorbic acid, carotene.
    • Essential oil (about 0.05%).

Therapeutic properties of linden flowers

Thanks to this chemical composition of the lime color:

  • Casting and bactericidal properties - helps to remove inflammation, heat, fever.
  • Helps with cough, like an expectorant.
  • It is a powerful safe immunomodulator.
  • Leaves blood pressure.
  • Helps reduce blood sugar.
  • Reduce pain in gastric spasms, contributes to healing for peptic ulcer.
  • Healing inflammation of the urinary sphere.
  • Helps with and joints.
  • It has a sedative effect at neurosis.
  • Increases the secretion of gastric juice, bile.
  • Displays stones from the kidneys, salt deposits during osteochondrosis, gout.
  • It has a rejuvenating effect, used in cosmetology.

From what the linden flowers are helped - folk recipes for treatment

Having such a spectrum of therapeutic properties and almost no contraindications, linden flowers help with many illnesses, from which are widely used in folk recipes:

  • With influenza, headache, high pressure, climacteric disorders, for weight loss.

Fill 1 tbsp. Boiling water 15 g flowers. Insist 20 - 30 minutes. This is the main (classic) recipe for the preparation of therapeutic infusion (tea), you can drink it with. With headache, also inhale the aroma of brewed tea.

  • Against insomnia.

Brew just like tea (1 s. L. On a glass of boiling water), drink shortly before sleep at least a week.

  • When cutting in the urinary bubble, prostatitis, inflammation of the kidneys.

Brew 1 tbsp. Boiling water 1 tsp. Flowers and linen seeds, let him be imagined until it cooled a little. Drink at 0.5 glasses 3 - 4 times a day.

  • From the oral disease (periodontalism, stomatitis).

In the cooked (according to the classic recipe), add 5 g of soda, 4 - 5 times a day, wechit the oral cavity.

  • To strengthen immunity, reduce cholesterol in the blood, withdrawal of harmful salts.

Put in thermos 2 h. lime color, 1 tsp. Nuts, a pair of celery twigs, 20 g of ginger root, 1 - 2 garlic teeth (without garlic). Fill the composition of 1 liter. Boiling water, consume during the day.

  • When cystitis.

In 1 liter Drinks add 3 s. l. Flowers, bring to a boil. Insist under the lid for 1 hour. Consume during the day. After the first day of treatment, drink 0.5 liters. On day 2 weeks.

  • With gynecological problems (white, itch).

Make a strong infusion: per 1 liter 8 s. l. Dry flowers, insist 8 hours. Warm inferior to drag in the morning and in the evening 2 weeks.

  • From burns, ulcers, diseases of the joints, hemorrhoids, neuralgia.

Fill 4 s. l. Flowers 0.5 liters of water. Bring to a boil and quietly boil 10 minutes. Lubricate the affected places obtained by decoction, make a bummer.

  • Infusion during stress.

Take 1 s. l. Flowers linden, mint, dyeing and 2 s. l. Hypericum. The composition makes 1 l. Boiling water, let stand 15 - 20 minutes. Add a little honey, drink a little during the day.

Oil extract from linden flowers

Such linden oil was treated in ancient times, effectively use now. Prepare an oil extract like this:

  1. Fresh flowers (only assembled) Scroll into the crawl, put it tightly into the glass jar.
  2. Pour the jar with the casheder well heated vegetable oil (any), close the lid, put in the sun.
  3. Within 3 weeks, the mass is mixed daily with a wooden spoon, then strain through the gauze (several layers). Store in the refrigerator.

It is used in the form:

  • compresses for mastopathy, neuralgia;
  • appliques against gout;
  • lubricants and compresses from articular rheumatism, trophic ulcers;
  • tampons in the erosion of the cervix (they are started to put after critical days, finish 5 days before the new cycle).

Healing Bath with Linden Color

What do the lime baths help? They are used for nervous exception, gastric colic, intestinal spasms, weight loss. Prepare a bath. So: 100 g of colors pour 2 liters of cold water, let it stand 10 minutes, then 5 minutes boil, still insist 15 - 20 minutes. Strain, add no more than 37 degrees to the bath with a temperature (pre-wash the body with soap). Take a bath for 20 minutes 1 time per week. It is not necessary to rinse the body after the bath.

Folk remedies from lime color for hair health, face rejuvenation

  • 0.5 liters of water add 8 s. l. Flowers, boil 10 - 15 minutes, after cooling, strain, rinse the hair after washing the head, they become brilliant, elastic. Great like such a decoction at greasy hair. Rinse helps to eliminate irritation, itching the scalp.
  • Brew 2 s. l. Colors of glass boiling water, wrap, let it stand for 15 minutes. Perfect, add ½ h. Honey spoons. The skin of the face is inspired by infusion, hold for 10 minutes and wash the room temperature water. The next day, repeat the procedure for the remainder of the beam (store in the refrigerator).
  • A tablespoon of a mixture of raspberry leaves and linden flowers (1: 1 ratio) pour 1 liter of water, boil 5 minutes, insist 5 hours. Strain and 2 times a day, rub your face - perfectly smoothes wrinkles.
  • Decoration of the lime color is worry before bedtime to refresh and rejuvenate the skin of the face.
  • When the eyelids are swelling, moisten the woven discs in the infusion of linden and attach to the ages of 5 to 10 minutes.

Linden Flowers - Contraindications

Infusions and decoctions of linden have a mass of beneficial properties, it is exceeded with all all and practically do not have contraindications. They can be used pregnant, nursing mothers, children of any age, elderly people. But it is not necessary to eat them. These are not simple drinks, but therapeutic. So you need to use if necessary - for treatment. Take the courses, take breaks. With constant use there may be an overwhelming load on the heart, kidney.

Linden. How much about it is said and written. Here and the hunger of the living space is a lubyany hut, and untruthful information called "Lipoy", and "Schit Not Lycom" - Try, deceive. Lipa singing in the poets of the last century and at all ancient times. He knew about Turgenev and Vergilius, Fet and Ovid, Yesenin and Pliny. Derzhavin wrote: "Linden grove, aki fever, broke around honey sheet."

Yes, and we love this tree for the beautiful color, which appears in the middle of summer, for the fading smell of flowers, able to kill the "aroma" of exhaust gases, dust and gasoline, for delicious lime honey, for a lush green-orange crown, which keeps the longest robes of others trees. And nesting, but spoons, carved from a loose, and lapties woven from the bark - which they just do not make from this tree. And not only on the crafts, it will be born, there is a linden and useful properties.

The benefits and harm of the linden for the body

Lipa is a bright representative of a group of medicinal plants that are easily accessible to each.
It grows mainly in the moderate and subtropical zones of the northern hemisphere, preferring a warm and enough wet climate.
It is often used for landscaping settlements, decorating parks, forest stocks, alleys.
It is suitable for any soil, but still she prefers rich.
It is multiplied both vegetative and seeds.
Lives for 300 - 400 years, acquiring its healing properties for about 20 years.
It blooms for three weeks, from mid-June, during this period it is covered with yellow inflorescences, assembled in half a bike in the form of a wing of dragonfly.

Lipa flowers have various beneficial properties that are widely used in traditional medicine, as well as in the manufacture of drugs.
And for this purpose, inflorescences, bark, kidneys, linden leaves, as well as honey from its nectar are used.
Linden leaves also have useful properties, they can be applied to the head, if you have strong headaches, you can prepare various compresses and baths.
Linden flowers are assembled only from those trees that have not been treated with chemicals, not damaged by insects and rust.
It is necessary to dry them in clean, well ventilated rooms.
Only then will they prove health.

Properties of lime color

Most often in folk medicine, flowers of this wood plant are used, thanks to their useful properties.
They contain essential oils, vitamin C, tanning substances, micro- and macroelements, antioxidants and other useful substances.
Thanks to this, the decoctions and inferences of the linden inflorescences are used for the treatment of colds, gastritis, diarrhea, constipation, octagues of the oral cavity.
They have a choleretic, stiff, painkillery effect.
Savorogues, headache, fainting, and baths with its use have a calming effect on people suffering from nervous excitability, are successfully treated with lindens.
Take such baths recommended no longer than 30 minutes once a week.
From the beam of linden, you can make a row for healing burns, various ulcers, gouty pain in the joints.

If you suffer insomnia, tea cooked with her inflorescences to be taken regularly before bedtime will help you.
Below we will look at what useful properties has a linden for the skin.
Even the smell of linden flowers has healing properties and is able to beneficially influence the neurosis and stress-like states, and in case you bring a decoction from lime color to damaged skin, it will help to get rid of inflammation, reduce swelling, contributes to the restoration of the skin.
The decoction is also widely used for cosmetics purposes - to rejuvenate and purify oily skin of the face.
By regularly applying the tonic of their lime color, you make the skin velvety and smooth.
Almost a long time ago, a hair lamp is already used, thanks to its useful properties, with the help of its flowers you can make decoctions, which, then, rinse the hair, it helps to strengthen them.
There are those that make their own hair paint from the linden.

Not a linden color one ...

Linden color, Eh ... In June, when all the trees have long been blowing away, the linden is covered with white fragrant tassels of flowers and the rights of the monopolist attracts surrounding bees. We are brewing healing tea from Linden. Its use is manifested at a temperature fever and with the decline of forces. It is insisting to make a tonic for washing. Flowers of linden drink to raise immunity, take a shiver, brute hunger.
Unique tree - Lipa. Therapeutic properties are contained everywhere. These are flowers, and the bark, and the leaves, and the tree itself, as it is. If the head hurts, you need to approach the lip, hug it and make her forehead to the Shanchava Kore. Pain will leave. In exactly the same property also possesses birch.
And the unmarried girl drove a circle of a tree of dances, lining the grooms - also symbolic, albeit stupid, it was not necessary to drive away, but to learn to cook delicious, stitching-knit but gentlely talking, men like it. The elders were going under the crown of the linden to take an important decision. Still, this tree is even in the heat gives shadow and coolness. Moreover, Lipa on belief is the only tree in which lightning does not fall, so in a thunderstorm you can hide under it - but I don't recommend checking the beliefs, they are also stupid, it is better to hide in the house in a thunderstorm.
Flowers Lipa is only 1.5-2 weeks a year. But do not worry, if you did not have time to collect color. Fruits appear on the spot floweries. They, like the leaves of the linden, and the bark also need to be used.
Fresh leaflets are applied to the sick head (in the straight, and not in the psychotherapeutic sense of the word).

Fruits - small lumps crushed. Such powder stops nasal and outdoor bleeding.

Cora was previously used for shoes. Now it is dried and crushed, add to tea to purify the gallbladder and output of unnecessary bile.
From the branches of the linden make bath brooms.
Coal, which is obtained from branches and wood, plays the role of the absorbent and is very valued for the deliverance of the body from harmful substances and toxins. Even a small amount of coal can absorb 100 times the volume of toxins.
The same coal copes with diarrhea, inflammation in the intestines and stomach, dysentery.
All linden is valued, useful properties has each phytoorgan. Well, the simplest thing is to bring flowers and make money.

Do not leap lime tea?

Most of all the linden color is valued. The useful properties and contraindications of flowers are even known to those who infrequently use the recipes of traditional medicine.
The flowers contain essential oils, tanning substances, flavonoids, sugar sugars, glycosides, ascorbic acid and carotene. Flowers are a honey, so the valuable properties of honey is not worth disclingoning.
The presence of flavonoids and glycosides explains why we drink lime tea with a cold - substances possess a coating effect. They cope with the temperature, with nasal congestion, sore throat, cough. And not only in the fight against the cold the linden flowers are strong. The useful properties of them are applied to other diseases:

Flowers of lines will help the listed and other diseases. Useful properties and contraindications are due to the presence in the color of valuable nectar, which attracts bees, phytohormones and other substances.

Play, hormones

Natural phytohormons are able to delay the aging process, awaken their lives in the cells of the body, launch metabolic processes. At any age, Lipa is used. Useful properties for women of the menopausal period are manifested in suppressing annoying symptoms during a hormonal difference. Therefore, anger on the whole white light, tides, sudden drops of mood, apathy, voraciousness, or, on the contrary, the absence of appetite will not do that.
Thanks to the activation of metabolic processes and diuretic effects, lindening is effective.

Reviews say that by replacing coffee or ordinary tea with lime tea, you can significantly accelerate the burning of fats. But only if sugar or honey is added to the drink. It does not need this, tea itself has a pleasant sweet taste. Additionally, Lipa removes swelling, smashes cellulite.

"I read about the benefits of Linden at a cold, temperature. I know that the complexion is returned. But only learned about the weight effect. Yes, it is. But not constantly. Good drinking drum dose of tea at the beginning of the course. He will lead an extra moisture, remove the swelling. Tea delicious, but there is one minus. After him, it's not worth going outside the apartment - a very strong diuretic effect in tea. After too, you can drink this drink. Vitamin C, and other substances will strengthen the body and normalize the work of the stomach. The result - a month disappeared several centimeters from the waist and 8 kg of weight. "
Of course, the doctors know about such a property of flowers and therefore recommended lime tea with certain situations. But they warn that just because of this strong effect, has a linden of contraindications:

"Lipa is a natural diuretic. Such a strong action can be a detrimental for the cardiovascular system. Do not forget that the funds of traditional medicine only seem harmless. And therefore, if we decided to lose weight with a lime color, first consult with your doctor. "
Strengthen the action of the lime diet are capable of saunas and baths. Meld the decoction of leaves and flowers on the stones and inhale therapeutic pairs.
Have you noticed that in contraindications there is no word about the dangers of tea for nursing mothers? Yes, indeed, linden with breastfeeding will not cause harm to her mother nor the baby. Temple can also knock down the temperature, and cough cure, and improve lactation. And together with milk, the baby receives substances that protect it from diarrhea, colic, viruses that strengthen weak while immunity.

Moderation even in tea

Tea from lime color is brewed for 25 minutes. It is only necessary to put a spoonful of flowers and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Sugar can not add. Drink and without him sweetish.
Many drinking lime tea is harmful for the heart, and for the bladder. Maximum daily volume - two or three mugs. And nursing mothers - 3-4 mugs, but not per day, and a week.
For thinning the next recipe. On a glass of boiling water tablespoon of color. Cover, insist half an hour. Then strain and drink before eating and before bedtime for half an hour. In the infusion you can add other plants: chamomile, birch kidneys or mint with black eases.

During the cealing period at work, salvation will be a herbal mixture. Flowers of linden, melissa, mint, latch take in equal parts. Blend pour boiling water (glass on a spoonful of herbs).
In bad weather from pain in the overall joints, prepare a kip. The generous handful of lime color is poured with a glass of boiling water. It insists. Push to press and attach to the joints. Top to cover with a film and a towel, so that the grass does not cooled longer.

Lipa as a means for weight loss

Thanks to the useful property of linden flowers, namely diuretic, it can be used for weight loss - lime tea accelerates the metabolism, treats cellulite, removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, which has gained high popularity in women.

But before applying the leip as a means for losing weight, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, since the decoction from this plant gives a serious load on the heart.

If everything is in order, then as a result of the application of a lipovaya brave, you can reset from 2 to 5 kg of excess weight from 2 to 5 kg.

It is only worth remembering that a very important aspect is to comply with dosage of medicinal drink, full nutrition, as well as a restriction in the use of salt, which contributes to the body of fluid in the body.

Here are some recipes of brazers and informations from lime color for weight loss:

30 g of inflorescences Pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes in thermos and strain.

You need to drink such infusion at 50 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, day and evening.

Take in equal proportions - 30 g - flowers, black eases and mint, 90 g of dill seeds. 90 g of this mixture fill with 200 g of boiling water, let it be in a thermos 30 minutes, filter.

You need to take three times a day before eating 50 ml.

It is important to use only fresh, today's infusion.

50 g of leaves, 450 ml of birch juice, 500 ml of ragger of rhubarb mix and put on a water bath for 5 to 7 minutes.

Let's breed another half an hour, after which it takes 100 ml before eating three times a day.

Grate 200 g of fresh ginger root, take 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. A spoonful of white and green tea, 4 tbsp. Spoons of lime inflorescence.

Stir, pour in thermos 1 liter of boiling water.
Since such tea is aggressive in relation to the stomach, then 50 ml should be diluted before using water so that it turned out 200 ml of beverage.
If you eat problems with the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation in the throat and the gum disease, then such tea in no case cannot be applied.

Go to the bath

Lipa has soft wood, so build a strong log house will not work out of it. But to decorate it with lime stavents, make a finish - yes easily. And as a material for the construction of Bani Lipa will also be consolidated.
Linden for a bath is a cute business. Lipova Lyko, that is, the removed and the selected bark was used for laps and bath hats, and brooms from the lime branches for the steam room and are now considered the most exquisite, royal, gentle and healthy.

Like flowers, the lime broom is saturated with phytoncides, activating sweating, relieving fatigue, irritation overwhelming bacteria.
Going to the pair, capture with you infusion from leaves. Instead of water, it is infusable to pour into hot stones. Feel what fragrance will spread.
The branches with leaves are collected before the start of flowering. And then, have time to gain a lime color so that you can always make scented tea.

Contraindications for the use of drugs and decoctions from linden

With all its beneficial properties, Lipa also has some contraindications.

So, when drinking tea prepared from its inflorescences, for a long time, - about a year, - there is a sharp deterioration in view, problems with kidneys and heart appear, other violations of the body functions may occur.
Therefore, it is worth remembering that healing tea from Linden is still a medicine, not a drink for everyday use.

And, like any medication taken without complying with the measure, it can cause an oversupply in the body of some substances, which destructively affects health.
Summing up, it should be noted that Lipa is a unique plant that, with proper use, helps you get rid of many diseases.
It can be collected independently, or acquire in the nearest pharmacy.
Due to the fact that this drug has vegetable, and not artificial origin, it can be applied to both children and older people.
The main thing is to remember the dosage and not exceed the period of use of lime tea.

How to collect lime color correctly?

The lime color is to collect only in dry weather during full linden blossom. Start cutting better with small twigs with gentle inflorescences when it bloomed not yet all the tree. Active flowering continues not long - only 10-12 days.

Flowering Lipa

Pay attention to the flowers: they should not have any brown spots. Lipa is dried only in the shade, because in the sun all its beneficial properties "burn".

If the leapip is stored correctly, it retains its beneficial properties for 2 years. It is impossible to collect raw materials near the tracks, it is better to go away far from the city.

Recipes with health linden

With colds and viral diseases, during flu epidemics Perfectly helps lime tea (basic recipe). You can cook it like this:

  1. 15 grams of lime color must be pouring a glass of boiling water.
  2. Let break in 20 minutes.
  3. You can add honey (it will strengthen the effect).

You can breathe aroma of linden. To do this, you just need to put a tank with fresh linden color, relax and inhale evaporation.

For the treatment of joints Helps the compress from linden leaves:

  • Pour hot water linden leaves.
  • Attach to the sore joints.
  • From above can be covered with a food film and slaughter with a towel.
  • Keep the compress you need an hour, you can two hours.
  • The decoction of lime leaves can be used as a bath for hands - the skin will become gentle and soft.

With the help of linden you can fight stress, chronic fatigue. For these purposes, you need to cook a bath:

  1. 100 grams of linden flowers must be pouring 2 liters of cold water.
  2. Let it insist 10-15 minutes.
  3. Then it is necessary to boil the tincture for five minutes.
  4. 10-20 minutes let it be imagined.
  5. Then the decoction must be strain and pour into the bath.
  6. Taking a bath is recommended once a week for 20 minutes.
  7. The water temperature in the bathroom should be about 37 degrees.

Tea based on linden flowers is very tasty and useful

With cystitis Effective lime decoction:

  • 3 tablespoons of flowers need to pour 1 liter of water.
  • Bring to boil and turn off.
  • Insist under the closed lid for about an hour.
  • Drink decoction during the day.
  • Starting from the second day you need to drink half-liter branch.
  • Course treatment - 2 weeks.

Burning Can be treated with a lime brave:

  • 4 tablespoons of the lime color need to pour 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  • Bring the decoction to a boil on slow fire.
  • It is necessary to boil on slow heat for 15 minutes.
  • This decoction must neatly lubric burn burns.

Broth for immunity strengthening:

  1. Prepare: 2 teaspoons of a lime color, 1 teaspoon of nettle, 20 grams of ginger, some celery. Robing from linden
  2. Linden leaves, lime color, celery, shabby ginger and nettle to put in thermos.
  3. Pour boiling water to insist.
  4. Drink throughout the day.

The decoction displays salts from the body, reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, increases immune forces, improves overall health.

For diseases of the mucous meal It is necessary to prepare a decoction on a basic recipe and add 5 grams of soda there. The solution needs to rinse the mouth 3-4 times a day.

For beauty hair You can use the following recipe:

  1. 8 tablespoons of the lime color need to pour 0.5 liters of water. Balds from linden for hair
  2. Boiling for 10 minutes.
  3. The decoction to cool, strain.
  4. Linden decoction you need to rinse the hair every time after washing.

For skin face Very good to use decoction:

  • The lime color and the leaves of the raspberry (on the tablespoon on 1 liter of water) to bring to a boil on slow fire.
  • Insist for 5 hours.
  • Wipe the scaffold face in the morning and in the evening.

Lipa is an excellent means to deal with wrinkles.

For diseases of the tract The lime decoction is able to remove toxins from the liver, to establish the right metabolism, increase the production of gastric juice, as well as facilitate the state of poisoning.

For diseases of the kidneys and bladder Linden color also manifests its healing properties. The decoction helps to remove toxins and poisons with urine. Lime decoction has useful antispasmodic properties.


Despite all its useful properties, Lipa has some contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to drink linden tea daily instead of ordinary tea, as Lipa gives a fairly serious load on the heart.

People with diseases of the cardiovascular system before starting treatment with lime need to be consulted with a doctor. Drink decoction you need only courses, necessarily making breaks.

Linden It is a very useful plant, and which is very important to affordable for residents of Russia, since this deciduous tree is often found in moderate and subtropical latitudes. The healing properties of the plant are so extensive that even to this day it is widely used in medicine. In medicinal purposes, almost all parts of the tree are used: bark, leaves, kidneys, inflorescences, bark, flowers, and, of course, honey from her nectar. Let's talk about the benefits of Linda in more detail.

What is Lipa

Lipa is a long-lived tree. In therapeutic purposes, practical all of its parts are bark, bark, inflorescences, wood, fruits, branches

Lipa belongs to the family of lime, the class of Malvic, multiplies with seeds. There are about 50 species of this tree, and the most common are:

  • Meltsolite (heart-shaped)
  • Siberian
  • Felt
  • American
  • Large
  • Japanese
  • Caucasian
  • Amur

For winter blanks, inflorescences are collected at the beginning of their dissolved, in dry, windless weather. Raw materials quickly dries - the rules of the competent drying of the plant is the maximum air flow in the shaded place. You can use dry inflorescences within 2.3 years - the beneficial properties of the linden in this form are saved for a long time.

The chemical composition of the lime inflorescence includes:

  • Essential oils (Farnesol)
  • Saponins
  • Organic sugars
  • Tannins
  • Tiliadin (in the tree bark)
  • Ascorbic acid
  • Flavonoids
  • Carotene
  • Glycosides (Heperidin, Tilician)
  • Vitamins (P, Retinol)

Linden flowers are used as medical raw materials. Almost all parts of the tree apply in the recipes of traditional medicine:

  1. Infusion of dry bark apply for the treatment of burns, hemorrhoids
  2. From branches and wood produce dead
  3. Foliage and kidneys are used as compresses
  4. Fruits get lime oil for food purposes

The useful properties of the linden can be minimized if it is incorrect to dry its inflorescences. When drying in high temperatures, about 75 beneficial substances are destroyed under the right rays of the sun. That is why it is recommended to harvest useful raw materials in a shadow spot with sufficient air intake.

Contraindications of linden are practically absent, but with allergic manifestations and heart diseases, it is better not to use this plant

What are the contraindications of Linden:

  • Allergic reactions of the body on essential oils
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the plant
  • Cardiac pathology
  • Nervous diseases
  • Stones in the urinary system

It should also be borne in mind that linders are unwanted to combine with some drugs. When taking healing decoctions, ledype contraindications should be studied and its compatibility with accepted medicines should be examined. Abuse of linden influences can lead to impairment of vision.

The linden inflorescences can only be collected in clean places remote from the tracks and environmentally unfavorable places. The tree absorbs toxic substances, heavy metals, and raw materials collected in contaminated regions, unsuitable. Washing inflorescences will not give full purification from harmful substances.

Lipa: Useful properties

Yellow-green linden flowers are a storehouse of nutrients and a unique combination of essential oils, organic acids and rare vitamins. Contraindications of linden are minimal, and the beneficial properties are priceless.

Linden inflorescences are helped by diseases of the respiratory system, temperature, get rid of joints in the joints and normalize the activity of digestive organs

Decorations and infancy of the inflorescences of this plant possess such properties:

  • Anesthetia
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antipyretic
  • Expectorant
  • Pottric and diuretic
  • Sedative
  • Antimicrobials

The cooked drinks from the linden have unique properties and have an excellent fragrance. At home, the leip is used to prepare hot tea, baths and saturated decoctions. Flowers of this plant are part of the healing drugs and are used to treat various ailments.

Lime bums have antimicrobial, expectorant, antipyretic properties are important!

Useful properties of linden for a person:

  • Strengthens the weakened immunity, preventing cold and viral diseases.
  • It has high stiff and antipyretic properties. Hot lime videos with honey are very effective with colds, sore throats and high temperatures.
  • The diuretic and choleretic properties of lime decoctions allow them to apply them during edema, diseases of the urinary system.
  • It is advisable to apply linden decoction of diabetics. Pleasant tea will reduce blood glucose levels and remove unpleasant symptoms of weakness.
  • Thanks to excellent expectorant qualities, linden infusions are used with bronchitis, sore throat, cough.
  • Rinsing with a linden decoction will help with the diseases of the oral cavity.
  • Due to the soothing properties of the linden, her tea is relevant to apply with headaches, depressions, stress, overwork and insomnia.
  • Claims from linden inflorescences have a positive effect on the activity of the digestive system. Also, the healing lime drink is used to treat cancer pathologies of digestive organs.
  • Lime compresses are well helped with various diseases of the epidermis (with irritation, dryness, rash), reassure the compound joints.
  • Linden flowers brands dilute blood.
  • From the coal of wood prepare a means for the treatment of prostatitis.
  • Fresh lime tea is useful for women in painful and abundant menstruation.
  • In medicine, linden infusions are used in the gynecological sphere for the treatment of purulent infections, as well as in the restorative period after surgical interventions.
  • Collection of linden in combination with other herbs (sage, nettle, chamomile, chamber, raspberry) is used for gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis.

Extracts and hoods from linden are actively used in cosmetology for cooking creams, masks, tonic, lotions. The healing baths for the body calm and help with skin inflammation, and the lime decoctions perfectly tone and give gloss to hair.

Linden brewing technique is simple. Dry inflorescences (in the amount of 1.2 Art. L.) It is necessary to pour boiling water and insist for half an hour. Before use, it is necessary to squeeze raw materials to get the most useful drink with medicinal properties.

Brewing lime tea can be in a simple way, on fire or on a water bath

With various diseases, the decoction is taken in such quantity:

  • For rinsing the throat with an angina should drink 1 glass of hot drink overnight
  • As an expectorant - by 2.3 glasses during the day
  • With urolithiasis - before bedtime at 400,500 grams
  • For the treatment of angina: in combination with 1 tsp. soda as rinsing (every two hours during the day)

Compresses use compresses for the external use of lime decoctions. Infusion impregnate cotton rollers and wipe the face with oily skin, acne. Perfectly get rid of pain in the joints of the brave leaf leaves. For this, the foliage is punctured with boiling water and apply for 2 hours to the patient.

With inflammation, hemorrhoids, burns, gout and rheumatism are used by a linden bark. It is placed in the container and boil on fire for 2.3 hours. The resulting viscous mucus is used as compresses.

Lipa for children

Since the contraindications of linden are minimal, and the beneficial properties of the inflorescences of this plant are huge, consuming fresh lime drinks can children even breast age. For kids who suffer from increased excitability and insomnia, weak linden beams can be applied. Also well helped relaxing warm baths with linden infusion before bedtime.

Children can give lime decoctions from an early age with a cold, cough, angina

  • Angina
  • Cold
  • Cough
  • Colic in the stomach
  • Neurosis
  • Epilepsy
  • Causes

Fragrant tea will help to cope with seasonal diseases, will strengthen the child's immunity. For older children, you can prepare hot tea with the addition of honey, milk, droplets of soda.

The beneficial properties of the linden will quickly show their strength - a lime drink will help overcome a strong cough, reduce high temperature and remove the mucus from the lungs. You can give the decoction in the amount of 1.2 tbsp. Spoons several times a day, the children of older age recommended useful lime drinks in the amount of 1-2 cups per day.

Thanks to the useful property of linden flowers, namely diuretic, it can be used for weight loss - lime tea accelerates the metabolism, treats cellulite, removes toxins and excess fluid from the body, which has gained high popularity in women.

But before applying the leip as a means for losing weight, it is necessary to consult with the doctor, since the decoction from this plant gives a serious load on the heart.

If everything is in order, then as a result of the application of a lipovaya brave, you can reset from 2 to 5 kg of excess weight from 2 to 5 kg.

It is only worth remembering that a very important aspect is to comply with dosage of medicinal drink, full nutrition, as well as a restriction in the use of salt, which contributes to the body of fluid in the body.

Here are some recipes of brazers and informations from lime color for weight loss:

  1. 30 g of inflorescences Pour 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 40 minutes in thermos and strain.
  2. You need to drink such infusion at 50 ml on an empty stomach in the morning, day and evening.

Honey from linden

For the treatment of colds, the restoration of immunity, lime honey, which have a number of useful properties, is used as a coating agent.

It helps to quickly restore the forces after transferred diseases, useful for children and the elderly, from its systematic application improves the work of the brain, muscles are strengthened, the mood is improved, the high pressure is reduced.

Cystitis, gastritis, ulcer of the stomach - all this is also treated with the help of lime honey, and the use of it during the period of Klimaks helps maintain a hormonal background.

When using this type of honey, it is impossible to add it to very hot milk, tea or water, since the high temperature is lost part of its useful properties.

The fluid must be warm.

If you have a nose or sore throat, you can hold a spoonful of honey in your mouth until it dispels.

In the treatment of cough, it is useful to make inhalation with honey, and during the excitability of the nervous system and insomnia, you can take warm baths with the addition of this healing agent.

It is impossible to use a large number of honey for the night, otherwise it will be difficult to fall asleep.

The use of lime honey in such cases is contraindicated:

In case of intolerance, pollen, asthma, diabetes mellitus.

During pregnancy, if there are any complications.

When using children, you need to introduce honey into a diet with small portions, allergic can develop.

How and when to assemble the lime color

Only correctly assembled and harvested linden color is a medicine from many diseases. Since the tree blooms for a short, then it is important not to make a mistake with the moment when you can start collecting linden flowers.

Collect linde flowers need when there are many flushed flowers in inflorescences, but there are buds. If you do it before, the linden flowers will not have time to gain their useful properties. Collect the linden flowers later also do not recommend, as most of the unique properties of flowers will already be lost.

Collect linden flowers are better in forest or parks, which are far from the lively highways and are not impregnated with harmful toxins from exhaust gases, working factory pipes, etc.

If you collect linden flowers in contaminated areas, it will not be possible to get rid of extraneous impurities - the flowers can not be washed, otherwise they will become useless. It is necessary to collect linden flowers in a dry form, so it is impossible to collect immediately after the rain or early in the morning when dew drops. Collect linden flowers (tear or cut) should be with a bird.

The collected linden flowers should be dried indoors with good ventilation. You can not dry the raw materials under the right sunlight, since all the beneficial properties of the linden colors will disappear.

On paper or tight fabric, decompose the linden flowers with a thin layer, you can cover them with gauze or paper, but not polyethylene, which makes it difficult to inflow. After a couple of days, linden flowers should be mixed so that they succeed evenly and did not start.

Store dried flowers follows glass jars or bags of burlap. An indicator that you can shift the flowers in the container, there will be their fragility. The useful properties of linden colors will be saved longer, if you fold them into tissue bags - in banks they can lose part of their unique qualities.

For each inhabit, there is a way of using linden flowers.

The recipe for the preparation of lime tea is a lime color (tablespoon) poured 200 ml of boiling water, it insisted within a few minutes. You can add some sugar or honey when using lime tea.

Linden flowers can be used for cooking tincture - a glass jar to fill the raw material to the edges, add water there, insist in warm and dark for three weeks, periodically pouring a small amount of water. This tincture must be dissolved in water before taking - it is treated with heart problems and vessels.

Weak decoctions in which the linden flowers and mint leaves or chamomile are mixed, used to treat problems with the stomach and intestines. The choleretic agent is prepared as: the flowers of lindens (two spoons) are poured with a glass of boiling water, boil on a small fire for ten minutes. Drink chilled and ledated decoction - the useful properties of linden colors in such a rich composition are especially reactive.

For compresses, decoction is preparing - linden flowers (4 spoons) are poured with two hot water cups, everything is placed on fire and is withstanding after boiling for 15 minutes. The cold decoction is mixed with a small amount of soda.

For cosmetic purposes, linden flowers are brewed at the rate of one spoon of raw materials by 250 ml of boiling water, but it should be brewed with water in the proportion of 1:10. For herbal bath, a decoction of liter of water is used, which added linden flowers (4 large spoons).

Linden flowers can also be used in combinations with other herbs - they are combined with raspberry leaves, peppermint, elderberry flowers, etc. The useful properties of linden flowers in such mixtures are only enhanced. If you feel obesity, then in addition to the lime tea, you can try to take linden flowers in a dry, crushed, powdery form - on a small spoon three times a day.

The useful properties of linden flowers can be used to treat people of any age. It is important to learn how to collect linden flowers on time, correctly harvest and brew them.

Hello, dear readers! For a long time, it is not a secret about the information that enormous benefits for women the leeping color therapeutic properties and contraindications of this fragrant flower raw materials allow it to take it both in therapeutic and preventive purposes. But even a simple adding of a lime color in tea gives their favorite drink a honey tint and raises the mood. What exactly are the beneficial properties of the linden for the female organism and how should this plant use to extract the maximum benefit?

Linden flowers - biochemical composition

The vegetable raw material, which is used in therapeutic and nutritional purposes is a mixture of buds and blurred flowers along with the film bracts. The lime color contains a lot of essential oils (up to 30%), tiliacin, glycosides, vitamin C, carotene, sugars, bitter and tanning substances, mucus, saponins, flavonoids and waxes. It is this specific set of substances and determines the beneficial properties of the linden for the body.

Lime Color - Medical Properties and Contraindications

Useful properties of linden

  1. The first thing that is always remembered at the mention of the word "Lipa" is a cooler tea with a cold and temperature. Indeed, this property of the medicinal plant is on one of the first places in the list.

For women, the lime color during respiratory diseases and influenza is an indispensable tool, since it acts very softly, but efficiently. To strengthen the force action, it is recommended to brew linden flowers together with raspberry and mint fruits. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts. They drink such tea with honey, it is also preferably Lipov.

  1. The infusion of lime color is useful to drink with any inflammation of the respiratory tract. This medicinal plant also as it suggests and reduce cough.
  2. Linden flowers in a mixture with the fruits of this tree have a pronounced soothing effect. It is useful to use not only the infusion of flowers, but also take herbal baths with lime. For one procedure, decoction of 200 g of raw materials make and take a bath for 15-20 minutes. There are practically no contraindications for the linden bath, it is only important not to abuse with such water treatments - one bedroom is enough.
  3. Preparations from linden improve the state of blood vessels by increasing the elasticity of the walls. In addition, lime-colored extract stimulates blood circulation and prevents the formation of sclerotic plaques in the vessels.
  4. It shows the lime color of its therapeutic properties for the blade system of women. Due to the large amount of mucus, the infusion reduces the feeling of pain in the urethra in infectious diseases of the bladder. The decoction of fresh flowers and leaves has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  5. Tea and infusion from linden are used as a means of fainting, headaches, cramps and neuroses of various origin.
  6. Thanks to the bactericidal properties, the lime color is part of the grooves for rinsing the throat.
  7. When internal use, the lime color helps to reduce the pain effect during gastritis and colitis. The mucus formed during the brewing of the raw material gives an enveloping effect in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract and soothes the inflamed mucosa. That is why the lime includes in gastric fees together with, chamomile, mint.
  8. For women, therapeutic properties of lime color are important when inflammation of the chest glands: from crushed flowers, fresh kidneys and linden leaves make compresses and bulls.
  9. Tea from Linden is useful in disruption of the menstrual cycle, as well as with pain during menstruation. To solve this problem, it is recommended to make an infusion. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water, insist 15-20 minutes, then put on a water bath and heated even about half an hour. As a result, the saturated extract of the lime color is obtained. Drink it at 80-100 ml before meals.
  10. The same recipe helps to cope with the problems that accompany women during Klimaks. Similar therapeutic properties of linden with a high content of phytogormons are explained, which are biochemical analogues of estrogen. Once in the body, they partially perform the function of female hormones, which in the period of menopause becomes less in the body of women.
  11. If there are no special contraindications, then the lime color can be used for internal use during uterine tumors (fibromes, mioma). It is useful to make herbal fees from "female" herbs and include them in their number.
  12. Lime color is recommended to use during unloading diets in order to reduce weight. In this case, infusion is taken by half a compartment before meals.
  13. There is a lime color and testimony for treatment of diabetes. Tea from this plant normalizes blood sugar.
  14. Linden baths are useful not only as a relaxing agent, but also to improve skin condition. Such a procedure gives an anti-inflammatory and anti-cellulite effect.
  15. And finally, lime color is useful for women during pregnancy. With regular use of fastening tea from flowers, you can achieve a decrease in edema, which is often accompanied by pregnancy. And also remove the alarming and depressive states, injected by the expectation of childbirth.

Lime Color - Contraindications

The very first warning concerns the duration of the use of drugs from the linden. Like all other medicinal plants need to drink courses: a month of reception - two weeks break. The uncontrolled use of infusions, brazers and teas from the linden can lead to problems with a heart. Due to the diuretic and cooler action from the body, together with the liquid, the necessary substances are derived and primarily potassium, which is extremely necessary for the heart.

The second contraindication concerns the quality of raw materials. Very often the linden grows in the city feature and along highways. It is in these places in plants a large amount of heavy metals accumulates, benzapyrine and other harmful substances. With constant use of drugs from such raw materials, it is possible to obtain poisoning of the body. Therefore, it is important to comply with the rules of the workpiece and be sure that the purchased raw material is environmentally friendly.

Knowing therapeutic properties and contraindications of lime color for women, it is not difficult to achieve a positive result for strengthening the body.

Health to you! Nadezhda Gorryunova

Nature, creating a lamp, cared, it seems about the beauty and human health. Tea from inflorescence has a honey, fragrant aroma and a pleasant sweet taste. Drink from Linden is very useful. After all, this is one of the most popular medicinal plants. However, it should be understood before using lime tea: the benefits and harm of the beverage in what? Consider this.

Useful material

On the healing properties of Lipa knew since ancient times. This tree was worshiped. It is not surprising that the set will be associated with it. For example, people believed that a man who was asleep under the crown of Linda expects great happiness. This tree landed the father at the time of the birth of the baby. People believed that it would protect the child throughout his life.

Today, signs have moved into the past. But lime tea, the benefits and the harm of which were studied by the signs over the years, is very popular. After all, such a drink is a real natural gift that brings the healing effect. It contains everything necessary for the body.

The properties of the lime tea are highly appreciated due to its composition:

  • vitamin C;
  • essential oils;
  • tannins;
  • phytoncides;
  • flavonoids.

Medical properties

Obviously, a drink that has such a rich composition, favorably affects human health. However, do not forget that it is initially examined, in which (if it comes to lime-colored tea) the benefits and harm of Panacea. Improper use of any medication may adversely affect health. We will talk about the dangers of drink later.

  • has an expectorant action;
  • destroys various microbes and bacteria;
  • normalizes high pressure;
  • soothing acts on the nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on the heart, vessels;
  • helps to cure infectious pathology of the urogenital system;
  • features therapeutic effect on the kidneys;
  • beneficial effect on the state of the teeth;
  • effectively struggling with colds nozzles;
  • it is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers;
  • useful with hemorrhoids;
  • applied in burns;
  • struggles with acne and acne;
  • smoothes wrinkles;
  • helps to cope with the tract of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rejuvenates a female organism;
  • hepatitis treats;
  • eliminates inflammation in female genital organs;
  • helps the body overcome intoxication;
  • eliminates insomnia;
  • effectively eliminates cough;
  • gently eliminates insomnia;
  • it has excellent painkillers.

Nature gave a man with an excellent drink. Properly using the properties of lime tea, you can quickly come back to normal, get rid of malaise and warm up as a result of hypothermia. In addition, the drink helps to strengthen immunity, significantly reduces the risk of "pick up" infectious disease.

Collecting and harvesting raw materials

Linden flowers used for fragrant drink must be collected in June-July. Herbalists recommend to harvest raw materials in the morning. At the same time, the weather should be dry. It is important to listen to such a recommendation if you want to receive healing lime tea. The benefits and harm of the plant are carefully studied by herbers, they know what they are talking about.

In addition, the phytotherapists advise to start collecting raw materials at the moment when the tree is only beginning to bloom. As a rule, these are the last days of June. The time of flowering lasts only 10-12 days. Therefore, it is important not to miss the beginning of the collection.

Select only high-quality raw materials. After all, it depends on what you get tea from lime color. The benefits and harm of the beverage are completely interrelated with the quality of raw materials. Therefore, we turn out only healthy inflorescences. Flowers, affected by rust, dust or insects are not assembled.

Then the raw material is subject to drying. To do this, place the inflorescences on the sheet of paper and place in a dry place. At the same time avoid direct sun rays. It is important to observe the temperature regime - not more than 45 C. Only in this case, linden inflorescences retain all their healing properties.

Dried flowers spread into paper bags. In this form, inflorescences are perfectly saved up to 2 years.


It is very important to know how to brew lime tea. Only a well-cooked drink will save its healing force and bring the body the necessary benefits.

For the preparation of tea, boiling water is used, the temperature of which does not exceed 95 C. Too hot water will destroy all linden vitamins.

To prepare one cup of tea, you need to fill the grain tank to ¼. Such an ingredient is poured boiling water.

But it is better to use the kettle. Dry inflorescences are covered in water. Capacity is tightly closed with a lid. After brewing in the kettle, the drink must be broken. For this you will need 30 minutes.

Knowing how to brew lime tea, you can always pamper yourself amazingly aromatic drink. It is pleasant to the taste in its pure form. If you wish, the drink can be a little diluted with black tea. In addition, it can be added to it at its discretion for a lemon or a spoonful of honey.

Tea for pregnant women

Lipa refers to those people who are very useful for the future mother. And doctors often recommend it to consume.

Lime tea during pregnancy provides several positive effects at once:

  1. It is an excellent preventive tool in the fight against colds.
  2. If the diseases failed to avoid, then lime tea will become an excellent natural antipyretic agent. He will perfectly cope with Hypertermia and does not harm the baby.
  3. The drink will quickly facilitate an unpleasant cough.
  4. If the edema suffered, then the lime tea during pregnancy, which has a beautiful diuretic effect, will help to eliminate the problem. At the same time, it will make it soft and safe for the child.
  5. The fragrant drink will calm the nervous system.
  6. He will easily eliminate the problem of insomnia.

However, a woman preparing to become a mother should understand that even lime tea should not be taken without consulting with his doctor.

Drink for children

Lime tea is an excellent product for kids. It is allowed to apply from six months. However, before use, be sure to consult a pediatrician.

Such a drink will bring substantial benefits to crude:

  1. Lime tea is an excellent alternative to chemical antipyretic.
  2. The drink will help eliminate the problems in the digestive tract.
  3. Character will affect the nervous system of crumbs. This is especially true for active babies.

How to treat cold

There are many excellent recipes that allow you to make a healing lime tea. The benefits and harm of the plant was well known to our ancestors. It is considering such features that they created unique recipes.

Consider them:

  1. With angina. Linden flowers (1.5 st. L.) Fill with boiling water (1 tbsp.). 20 minutes the composition should be incanded. After that, strain it. Drug drink is taken before bedtime. The dosage is 1-2 glasses. You can use this throat rinse tea.
  2. With bronchitis. Such equal number of linden flowers, daisies pharmacy, black elderberry. Mix everything. This mixture (1 tbsp. L.) Bill in boiling water (1 tbsp.). For minutes 10 boil the composition. After that, he must have taken another 20 minutes. Do not forget to strain. The tool is taken hot 2-3 times a day. At one time you can drink 1-2 cups.
  3. With a cold, flu. In this case, it is recommended to use a classic tea brew recipe. But in the cup you should add 1 spoonful of honey. Drink drink before bedtime. This will allow perfectly to "go sweat". In the morning, well-being will be significantly better.

Fighting some ailments

The drink can be happy to eat people careful about their health. Especially useful lime tea for women. It allows you to significantly reduce unpleasant symptoms when climax, alleviate algoromor.

A beverage is used for a variety of diseases. We will analyze how to deal with some of them with lime tea:

  1. Algoromorian and Climax. It is recommended to use the drink "Double instead". To prepare such tea, it initially insists for 10-15 minutes. And then tomato on small fire is still half an hour. This brew allows you to get a maximum amount of beneficial substances from lime inflorescences.
  2. Urolithiasis disease. The inflorescences of linden (2 art. L.) Are flooded with hot water (2 tbsp.). Such a mixture should be boiled for 10 minutes. Then it is necessary to strain the decoction. Before bedtime, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of such tea. The decoction perfectly helps with sand in the urine and feeling of the cut.
  3. Mastitis. It is necessary for linden flowers (3-4 tbsp. L.) Pour hot water (2 tbsp.). Such a mixture is boiled on a small fire of 15 minutes. After that, the composition is cooled to the temperature of the human body. After polling in the decoction, add a drinking soda (0.5 hd). This mixture is used for compresses and washing.


The drink is almost harmless to the body. And yet there are such a natural product like lime tea, contraindications for use?

There is one important limitation. Use linden tea is regularly prohibited. We should not forget that the drink is a drug. Abuse them can adversely affect health.

Excessive addiction to linden tea is capable of violating vision, provoke the pathology of the heart, the ailments of the nervous system. It may affect the functioning of the kidneys.

That is why it is important to periodically take breaks. Especially in the event that tea is brewed according to the principle of "double insteading". The course of treatment with a drink can last no more than three weeks. Then it is recommended to take a break lasting in 7-10 days.


Linden tea can get rid of various diseases. However, do not forget about the important condition of treatment - it does not follow a drink to abuse. Only in this case can you fully enjoy the beauty of tea and feel the unique healing power of nature.