Dragon Age Inquisition: Review. Pumping tips in Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age Inquisition Which peppers swing

Friends today in your selection of news We have prepared something especially interesting for you! Characteristic of the oldest from scriptwriters Inquisition, bonuses defined rAS for creating a character, Details O. ceiling pumping and much more! Enjoy reading!

1) Scriptures Companies BioWare. Describe The oldest how ruthless, purposeful and very arrogant villain. His confidence comes from the absolute conviction that the rest is not able to understand anything. He will do what should.

2) in second Tome books "Dragon Age: Tedas World" Everything else will be told about what lies outside Tedasa. For example, Northern Islands and Sustained landwhat extends to the south of Wild lands Corkari. Also, be calm, it will be a completely new aRTBUK, not just an extended version first Toma.

3) According to Cameron Lee., full passage Games will take more 200 hours, 30 of which you spend on main scene line. However, even during this time you will not be able to see absolutely everything, because, with some solutions, some locations / Quests will be open, and some on the contrary will close your eyes. So that one pass It will not cost anything.

4) B. Inquisition will not be maximum level of pumping Characters! To believe T-shirt LaidloouThe same scheme will be implemented as follows: points of experience will be obtained during the murder of monsters or execution quests, however, if the opponent will be lower than you level And in general, much weaker, then you just don't get any experience for his murder. Thus, someday you just kill the most powerful enemy And stop swing at all. But by that time you will have time to do everything that can be in this gameSo do not worry. This is the so-called "Soft pumping" from dAI developers.

5) playing for elfyou will not be able to get rid of doli tattoosHowever, you will have the opportunity to make them as pale as possible.

6) Racial Features of GG:

Human - Additional point skills At the beginning of the game.

Elf - 25% protection against any long attacks (including magic, from arrogant / bolts and other).

Gnome - representatives of this race are not related to Shadowand therefore can not be magas. But in return, 25% of protection against magical attacks is obtained.

Cossit - Additional 50 Health Points.

7) Relations It will be strongly dependent on your actions, both individual and globally. If you act in accordance with the principles and style of life of some character, then he will experience affection for you and wants to spend more time with you.

8) Two characters May fall in love with each other without your intervention. Not all novels and relations in Dai. must necessarily involve Inquisitor. Two of your sopartians can be close, but their actions will be based on what regions You will visit, and when, with whom you will interact and what world-breed elections you will do. All these solutions will affect the views and relations Those who surround you.

9) Characters Now I will behave organic. For example, heroeswhat was involved in murder dragonmay offer Inquisitor Mark victory over the enemy in tavern.

10) According to Alan SchumacherBy choosing a specific origin His Inquisitor, you can hear about it in the future plotYes, and on strategic map On this occasion will also be available special tasksdifferent for everyone origin.

What do you think about it? Comment!

Level up

When you reach the next level of experience, enter the character menu.

Raising B. Dragon. Age.: Inquisition very similar to it in other role-playing games. When you dial the required number of experience points, your character automatically increases the level. This means, first of all, that the main parameters of your character are rising, the health stock increases. In addition, you get glasses abilities. We recommend to distribute these points every time you enhance the level.

notethat each of your heroes have your own expert staff counter. This means that they increase levels independently of each other, not always at the same time.

Also noteon our tips, how to gain experience faster (in development).


Current statistics can be viewed in the character window

Each playl character Dragon.Age:Inquisition Characterized by a plurality of attributes. As mentioned above, an increase in attributes occurs automatically, i.e. Specifications are raised at the time of level rise. This does not mean, however, that you do not need to pay attention to them, since they can be changed, for example, with the help of things with certain properties.

Main character attributes:

  • Power - as usual, is the main attribute for each warrior, as it affects the effectiveness of attacks. In addition, this parameter determines the magnitude of the bonus that you get, punching the opponent's protection (Guard).
  • Dexterity is the main attribute for thieves, since it affects the effectiveness of their attacks. In addition, this parameter defines a critical strike bonus.
  • Magic is the main attribute of magicians, it affects the effectiveness of their attacks. In addition, it defines a bonus when breaking through the magic barrier of opponents.
  • Cunning - affects the chance of critical impact and protection against distant attacks.
  • The power of the will - affects the magnitude of the damage caused by you regardless of the class. In addition, increases the resistance to magical attacks.
  • The physique is an important attribute that determines the character of the health of the character. In addition, it affects the defense in the near battle.

Other important attributes:

  • Punching armor - determines which part of the opponent's armor you ignore when attacking. The higher this indicator, the higher the chance to cause damage to the enemy.
  • The chance of a critical strike is understandable, affects the chance to apply a critical strike.
  • The bonus from attacks from the flank - determines how much damage you will additionally apply, attacking from the sides or rear.
  • Resistance - all attributes of this group allow you to get less damage based on various elements.
  • Protection (Guard) - This attribute is an additional characteristic of the character. The attacker must first pierce this defense, and only after that he will be able to damage the character.
  • Band Rating - This attribute shows you the class of your armor. The higher the value, the better you transfer damage.
  • Health - you need to follow, so that it is as much as possible. Health Loss does not mean the death of your character, he only loses consciousness and can be cured by another member of the detachment. However, the loss of health by all members of the detachment means defeat.
  • Focus is an important attribute that is charging from attacks that apply members of your squad. When you get enough focus points, you can use an additional attack.
  • Mana / endurance - both of these attributes are needed to use abilities, special for each member of your squad.

Level raising is very important for the passage of the game. The characters that are not developed enough will have problems in battle with stronger monsters or when performing some tasks. In the case of the tasks of the storyline, the game sometimes makes you additional tips, for example shows with how much you should take for this task. For example, in the screenshot above it is shown that the recommended level for the task is from 8 to 11. This means that if the levels of your detachment are below 8, then you will have serious problems with doing this task. On the other hand, the group with the levels above 11 cannot but be problems with its execution.


Sample window Distribution of glasses

IN Dragon.Age:Inquisitionavailable many abilities that can be explored. The list of available abilities depends, of course, from class class, which you chose at the beginning of the games. They are presented in the form of trees divided into different categories (for example, the "sword and shield" and "two-handed weapons" in the case of warrior). Because the abilities are collected in the trees, some will be available to you only when you open one or more of the preceding.

As mentioned above, the abilities are opened with development points. You get one point every time you enhance the level. There are three capabilities categories:

  • Active - After you opened them, they can be placed on the quick access panel and use in battle (pressing the corresponding button).
  • Improving active abilities - affect the effect of the active ability to which they are tied. For example, may increase the duration of the initial ability.
  • Passive - When you study them, they begin to act automatically, and you do not need to do anything to use them

In the early stages of the game, it makes sense to explore at least 3-4 active abilities to have a space for maneuver, depending on the situation on the battlefield (for example, if you meet a strong enemy or a group of weak enemies). It is also nice to study several "strong" passive abilities. But it is better to leave improvements for later when you learn all the passive abilities that you need.

noteWhat if you do not want to spend time on an overview of the abilities, you can charge it the game itself. In this case, you just need to enter the character window and click the "Raise Level automatically" button. We do not advise you to do so, as the game can choose such the abilities with which you will uncomfortable to play (for example, to open a protective ability, while you would like to play an attacking character).


Exemplary coach

As in previous games series Dragon.Age.You can specialize in some kind of area (other members of the detachment receive specializations automatically). This will increase the combat capacity of the character (for example, strength or physique). Specialization will initially be unavailable, and you can choose it as the game is passing. To do this, you need to wait when the mark will appear on your map associated with the task at the invitation of the teacher. After completing the task, the teacher will appear in Skyhold.

You need to fulfill all the tasks entrusted by the teacher.

noteIt is advantageous at first to fulfill all the tests of all teachers, and only then choose, in what area you want to become a master.


Get rid of things that you do not need, because the volume of the backpack is limited.

Interaction with the surrounding world in Dragon.Age:Inquisitionnot something complicated, but several nuances should be remembered. The game has a color designation system, so weapons and armor of different quality are designated different colors. Of course, it helps determine which of the items is better. It is important to remember that by default the volume of the backpack is 60 slots. It's quite a bit, so you need to often visit merchants and sell unnecessary things them. You can explore the skills of the Inquisitor "Antivan Sewing" (Antivan Tailoring) and Imperial Court Sewing (Imperial Court Tailoring), which can expand your backpack to 90 slots.

noteWhen counting busy slots Backpack, the game does not consider items necessary for crafts (that is, herbs, materials or schemes). You can keep as many things in a backpack.

The backpack is divided into nine categories so that it was easier to navigate:

  • Weapons - There are several subcategories associated with different weapons, and a separate panel tab (since the warriors can also apply damage).
  • Armor
  • Accessories - This category includes rings, belts, amulets, and so on.
  • Improvements
  • Materials for crafts
  • Values \u200b\u200b- the only purpose of these things - to be sold as expensive as possible
  • Hand drawings
  • Drawings of armor
  • Recipes

If you do not like to collect everything that you find, and then you often visit the merchant, take only the most expensive things. These are legendary items and all kinds of values. The cheapest items are improvements, so if you are not going to use them (for example, you already have an improvement in the same type, but more than high quality), get rid of them in the first place. Prices for all merchants are the same, so you can buy the right things at the first oncoming trader.

Skills inquisitor

You must think about which skills inquisitor to study

In many parameters, the skills of the Inquisitor are the same passive abilities. From the moment of receipt, they give constant bonuses that can be the most different: for example, increase the speed of obtaining experience, reduce prices from merchants, simplify the hacking of locks or receiving rare materials. Each skill operates on all members of the group.

Skills can be opened with special glasses. They are given as a reward for new levels of influence, which is associated with the tasks of the Inquisition. A detailed list of the skills of the Inquisitor is presented in Chapter Manual inquisition. In the same chapter, you will learn how to gain influence and open new skills. There are also collected tips, what skills are useful in what way.

Despite the fact that BioWare still searches for games on it there are various tweaks, and Dragon Age: Inquisition is confirmed. Most mods for it are created by other characters and conservation, but they meet among them and truly decent crafts that simplify gameplay and make it a variety. That's howrs and today's top are dedicated.

It is, of course, to give BioWare due - for the past since the release time, the studio added a lot of opportunities, including a free overview of the mouse, walking, hotkeys, and in May I am going to please the honest people in the black store A la Dragon Age 2, where players will be able to change the appearance of their heroes and create a lot more (we hope to fantasize developers).

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6

There are several programs for game modifications, the most popular of which is. Alas, the last patch, released BioWare (official sixth) made some confusion in the work of the program, as a result of which it became impossible to establish modes on Dragon Age: Inquisition. Patch 6, however, you can deceive - the error lies in incorrect reading of information from the Patch.Daimod file.

To help the program and install the mod on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 6, you need to do the following sequence of actions:

  1. Download and place it in any folder. Next, download the fashion you are interested in and place the files with the extension .Daimod to any other folder. (Important! The path to both folders should not contain Cyrillic, i.e. Russian characters.)
  2. Go to the catalog with the game installed, then in Update and make a copy of the Patch folder (Rename a copy of somehow).
  3. Run Dai ModManager by specifying the way to the K.EXE file of the game and the path to the folder where you put mod files. (If Dai ModManager stops work, you can first specify the path in the DaimodManager.ini file, which goes along with the program.)
  4. Select any mod you are interested in (the default patch will be selected) and make sure that the Force Rescan of Patch option is not selected! Press Merge and specify the path to any empty folder where the modified files created by the program will be placed. In the future, they can be calmly removed.
  5. After all operations are completed, close the program, go to the DaimodManager folder and replace the Patch.daimod file to () appeared there.
  6. Run DaimodManager again, select all the mods you need (the patch will be selected by default) and press Merge.
  7. Created subsequently modified files (package.mft and data) Copy into the Patch folder, the copy of which we did, with the full replacement of the already available.
  8. Run the game and enjoy!

How to install mods on Dragon Age: Inquisition with patch 7

Moving the number of items for research falling from specific creatures. Version 0.2 Contains a user-tuned user in a Dai ModManager interface.

7. Infinite Tactical Update / Infinite Uses Respec Amulet

Everything flows, everything changes, and the world Inquisition is confirmed. Often, thoughtlessly spent at first skills glasses are needed for later stages of the game, and constantly buying a tactical update for 345 coins turns out to be considered. Eliminate this difficulty is called by the Infinite Uses Respec Amulet mod.

It makes it possible to use once a purchased tactical update unlimited number. After each application, the amulet should be removed into the inventory - otherwise, when you leave the Customization menu, it may disappear, and the character's skills will be discharged.

8. Accelerated receipt of inquisition levels and peppers / NewExperIencetable + NewInfluenceTable

Like more Inquisition Levels, these two mods change the table of experience with a player, thanks to which you can speed up your progress (for those who want to eradicate its MMO-component) or slow down (for lovers a little longer and rare). Fashion is desirable to put as early as possible, preferably until the seventh level. Also, fashion does not affect skills glasses, so if after installing a new table, your character is pumped into several levels above, the points for these levels will not be given to it. As a bonus, NewExperieNCetable significantly increases the disturbance to hear the conversations of companions among themselves.

Comes in three variations: accelerates pumping by about 30% and allows you to quickly reach the maximum level 27 and, accordingly, get better equipment;

The GMBOX editorial staff prepared a collection of basic advice on the game. Although BioWare completely intersectively reveals the main subtleties of the gameplay of its new project, sometimes developers do it inexpressive. We decided to arm the most important information in advance so that there were no problems with the conquest of Dragon Age: Inquisition.

First of all, visit the Dragon Age Keep

Unfortunately, you will not be able to transfer to the Inquisition of the preservation from the past games of the series. However, this does not mean that all merits have been riveted in the fly - no one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. The results of the solutions accepted in and can be restored using the Dragon Age Keep service. Whether the gray guard survived from the original DA, which was solved by the conflict between elves and werewolves, on whose side Hawk in DA2 and much more - all these parameters can be recreated in Dragon Age Keep. All important decisions in one way or another will affect the world of play in Dragon Age: Inquisition. In addition, you have an excellent opportunity to refresh the main events of past parts in memory.

Carefully choose the composition of the party

The personnel question has in Dragon Age: Inquisition is tremendous. Most of the time you travel the world of the game in the company of three satellites. It is important to ensure that the batch is balanced. In it must be a warrior with a shield - he must distract the attention of enemies against himself. It is extremely desirable to have at least one Magu and the robber: the first can support the allies or time to disable enemies, and the second causes a lot of damage. Last place you can give someone who you like more. At the very beginning of Inquisition, you will be given a balanced squad: it will be a warrior "tank" of Cassandra, Mag Solas and the Robber Warrick. Later, the part of the party can be changed.

Try to develop characters so that their abilities complemented the skills of the Allies

In the game you can take into the Inquisition to three allies-magicians: Solax, Vivien and Doriana. You should not develop them by one template - let's say, invest all points of skills in Pyromanty. Let each wizard be a master of his school - spirit, lightning, cold, and so on. The same is true for warriors with robber. Choose the oppiators and their ability so as not to repeat. In variability - power.

Keep three different cops for magicians

During the study of the world of Inquisition, you will meet magical barriers - they usually block the path to something interesting. To destroy them, the wizard must attack barriers using the shots of the staff. The complexity is that there are three types of magic obstacles: Fire (red), ice (blue) and spiritual (purple). They receive damage only from the attacks of the opposite element: the fire deactivates ice and vice versa, and electric attacks will help against the barrier. If you do not want to miss anything, then keep three squams in the inventory with different elements.

Pumping perk "skillful hands" as soon as possible

In Inquisition, you are developing not only characters, but also a whole organization - inquisition. By performing quests, you increase its level and access special peppers. We strongly recommend among the first to pump "skillful hands" in the "Secrets" category (Secrets). This ability allows all the robbers to open complex locks, which are usually hidden by valuable mining.

Use the tactical pause in difficult battles

With a correctly composed party and the corresponding level, most of the battles in Dragon Age: Inquisition can be passed without using a tactical pause. But sometimes there are battles, in which one second can turn the course of all the fight. In them, the pause mode is critical. When it is hard, switch to the tactical look, think, plan, distribute the instructions of the subordinates - and so to the victorious end. It will take longer, but the chances of success are much higher.

Break the camp while traveling

We advise you to start researching a new location with one important thing - visit places where you can break the camp. You will not regret the time spent. First, between them you can quickly move - it will be useful during the execution of side quests. Secondly, in the camps you can relax and replenish the stock of potions of health. You remember this when in the midst of travels suddenly find yourself in a complex battle and without healing bubbles.

Talk to all that knows how to talk

BioWare game veterans are also known, but everyone else should also take this rule for weapons. In Inquisition a huge set of creatures capable of supporting the conversation. Communication with them will help you better understand the world of Dragon Age, learn about the relationship between characters, as well as get a lot of quests. This is especially true of your allies - they can tell a lot of interesting things. We recommend that after each great task to communicate with all the oppiators: so you will not miss the chance to increase (or lower) a reputation from an ally, get a task from him or see curious situations - say how Cassandra is in rage wipes Warric.

Collect useful resources

You will constantly accumulate on centers with valuable metals and all kinds of plants. Do not be lazy to spend time on their collection: In Inquisition, this happens quite quickly, and the benefit is huge. First, with their help you can create a new or improve existing equipment. Secondly, resource sets are needed for pumping inquisition. Thirdly, with their help you can perform some tasks. Fourth ... It just delays.

While you are chopped dragons and save the world in facial sweat, your advisers are stirred in the fortress. In order to make the most effectively spending time in Dragon Age: Inquisition, you must regularly load their work. Return to the database often and distribute instructions in the meeting room. Your agents can collect money in support of the Inquisition, settle political disagreements, to establish useful contacts, mining equipment for the party and much more. Each adviser to perform the task is a certain time - from a pair of minutes to several hours. The counter is in real time, so we recommend that you recommend to give the most complex and long-lasting tasks before leaving the Inquisition. When you return, the adviser will be ready to report.

Dragon Age: Inquisition came out on November 18 on PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360 and Xbox One. In the review of the GMBox received the game.

Character Pumping in Dragon Age: Inquisition is a classic RPG process for obtaining experience with the subsequent attachment of points in the desired skills and skills. The experience in the game can be obtained for the performance of quests, the destruction of enemies and the closure of faults.

With increasing level of basic attributes of your character, they increase. In addition, you get points skills (peppers), which are needed to purchase new skills.

The increase in the level also opens the way to previously inaccessible missions and new more dangerous opponents. It is important to understand that the development of a character in Dragon Age: Inquisition The process is not so fast, so it should not mindlessly invest in new points of skills.

Close faults

You are an inquisitor, the only hero capable of covering the faults of the shadows scattered throughout the gaming world. Closing the next break, you get valuable experience points, different depending on the region in which there is a spill.

Destroy high-level opponents

Old as peace for all RPG Tip: Look for high-level enemies in "complex" zones and get a sea experience for their murder. Of course, you need to have appropriate equipment and be prepared for complex battles.

Destroy Dragon

Total B. Dragon Age: Inquisition Ten Dragons and, as you understand, these are the most difficult opponents in the game. The murder of these monsters promises you a huge number of experience and useful things.

Capture the fortress

Fortresses, as a rule, are under the protection of high-level opponents. Choose yourself the goals forces and get an additional experience.

Explore the world

Many uncomplicated classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition, somehow: picking up herbs or animal hunting, bring additional experience. Studying the secrets related to the game world, documents and the search for treasures will allow you to quickly increase the high level.

Perk Josephins


Performing various tasks, you get experience and new levels. Therefore, if it seems to you that your level is not high enough for further passage, it is worth paying attention to side (secondary) tasks.