Fortune telling at home. The most interesting fortune tells on baptism at home: at a desire, on the narrowed, for the future

It has long been, it was believed that fortune telling on the eve of baptism (from January 18 to January 19) is considered the most truthful. Folk divination will help you slightly look into the future and find out: Whether a meeting will occur with the narrowed, his name, whether marriage will take place (wedding) and, even the number of children.

Even since the adoption of Christianity, it was customary to guess during these winter days. There were beliefs that spirits come to Earth and rotate among people. If the rite is properly held - it was possible to incline them to fulfill the desires. In the people, the period of time from Christmas to baptism was called.

So that the fortune telling was true: what can and what can not

There are several recommendations for carrying out the rite of divination. Be sure to have to hold a ritual at night. It was forbidden to find the closeness of the cat or other animals - they could prevent the spirits. If there were candles for fortune telling - they were purchased in the temple. Perhaps could not cheat in this case, and gave truthful answers.

It is impossible to guess for one desire several times. And the second warning of magicians - rites should be carried carefully, observing all the rules.

To gain confidence in the truth of predictions, it was necessary to pronounce a plot.

According to the statements of magicians, fortune telling these days is accurate. If the outcome of the divination does not coincide with desires, should not be desirable - it is only a warning of the possible development of events, a person is able to take steps to avoid an undesirable result.

Predicted cash losses should not be literally understood - we are talking only about possible risks. It should be more carefully to make financial expenses and critically treat others.

If, after the rite of fortune telling, a person felt bad, it should be pronounced 12 times a conspiracy on improving well-being and visiting the church.

Fortune telling on mirrors

Divination with the help of mirrors were conjugate with dangers - the mirror was the door to the otherworldly, the incorrectly conducted rite could harm the fortune.

On the eve of holidays put mirrors. Two candles burn before one mirror, the second mirror behind the back of the gadget. We must peer in the mirror ahead with the reflection of the rear mirror - the future beloved will be visible at a good time. You can not look around on the mirror from behind.

Fortune telling with a candle

In a deep bowl, water is poured to half. At the edges of the bowl, pieces are attached with possible development of events - acquaintance, successful love or marriage. Then the burning candle is placed in the walnut shell and go swimming. A palaped paper with the possible development of events will indicate what is possible in the future.

Foreignations were practiced on various subjects - broom, beans, bulb, apples or rings.
It was possible to make different desires, and by partiality of the selected items was concluded.

Fortune telling on thread

This rite spent several girls with threads. That girl whose thread is faster to the dog, earlier the girlfriends will marry.

Fortune telling in a bath

Since ancient times, the bath was considered the habitat of otherworldly. For the rite came to the bath at night. Understanding, pronounced conspiracy. Then he poured to the puff and chose stones with ash. After washing, the stones considered their number.

One stone was a signal about loneliness in the future. Even marriage after fortune telling was not a long spouse or dying, or the family disintegrated. Two stones indicated that there were two marriage with two children. Life from such a woman will not be bright - it will not be in wealth, the midst of age. Three stones foreshadowed marriage. But in the family life of joy will not be - the husband will walk, and it will be doomed to suffering for the sake of born children. Four stones pointed to heavy relations with mother-in-law. Five stones wanted to choose many girls - they were awaited by wealth and happy family life, loving husband. Six stones foreshadowed misfortunes - thefts, fires. Seven stones pointed out that the woman would survive their children. Eight and more stones were a sign of the most ordinary life.

Safe divination on the eve of baptism

1. Divination on the bulb. If you can not be determined with the applicant for your hand and heart, then ordinary bulbs can become your helpers. We take the bulbs as much as applicants, every conventionally indicate a specific applicant (for convenience you can tie with a colored thread or attach a paper with the name), we put in a glass with water and wait, which will germinate faster.

2. Foreign on the needle. If you want to know how your relationship will end or whether they will be either, then arm yourself with two needles and forth. Prettyly wake the needles with fat, butter or petroleum and lower them into a glass with water. If the needles simply drowned, then calm down, nothing terrible will not happen, just you are badly fined. Needles crossed - you can safely continue the relationship with this person. The needles remained stationary on different sides of the glass - your relationship is not destined to be in the future, since a mysterious person does not feed any feelings for you and does not seek to rapprigence. The needles moved markedly - your life paths will never cross, so you should not hold in the head of the specified person.

Well, behind the already series of winter holidays, which began from the very first days of the coming year, and the salty days completes the feast of the Baptism of the Lord.

Baptism is noted in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ John the Baptist in the waters of the Jordan River. This holiday is called another to the Epiphany, because during the baptism of Jesus Christ flew from heaven a pigeon - the Holy Spirit - and the voice of God, who said that Jesus Christ was his beloved son.

For no accident, the baptism is a turning time. In the baptisman evening hoped for the best, the plans were built, desires made.

"The sky opens in the Epiphany night," the people said. And of course, no Epiphany Christmas Eve did without baptized fortunes.

We must admit that any fortune-telling, including, at all times, condemned the church, as the gone to the time entrusts his soul with unclean power.

It is for this reason that fortune telling before baptism was timed to 12 o'clock in the morning. The next day, in baptism, they definitely plunged into the hole, thus latching their sins.

Epiphany fortune telling before the holiday January 19 is characterized by their truthfulness, so every girl wants to know his future and the name of the groom just on the Christmas Eve on January 18 and know how to guess the baptism.

Epiphany fortune telling on a plate with water

This Epiphany is designed to tell what year will be. To do this, on the eve of baptism in a deep plate, water is poured and carried on the porch.

If you do not live in a private house, but in the apartment, you can put the plate on the balcony or, in the extreme case, in the freezer. In the morning for frozen water, you can make forecasts about the future.

If water froze smoothly, if it can be looked in the mirror, then the year will be smooth - without trouble, problems and unrest.

If the water shoved the ridge, then the year will be simply excellent - fertile, profitable and happy.

If water froze the waves, then this year will be a lot of everything - and good and bad.

But if the hole was formed, then the year will be difficult, and it is necessary to progress and try to avoid trouble.

Divination for baptism

On the night before the baptism, take a new wooden comb, spend her hair three times and with the words: "Durable-rude, come to me fit", put it under the pillow.

It is believed that after that it will definitely dream the one who will become your husband. Just remember that it is not worth thinking about any particular man, otherwise the dream will be predetermined and will not carry useful information.

Divination on rings and grain

Let each of the girlfriends gadgetting with you bring rings from a different metal. Take the opaque container, embankment of grains or cereals and hide the ring there. Mix thoroughly. Each of you should take a handful of grain, and by what kind of ring it will get along with grain, you can judge her future.

For example, a copper ring means that the girl will marry a poor young man, silver - for a simple guy from a good family, a ring with a pebble - for a well-handed person, and the golden is for a very rich. It will fall its ring, it means that the most cherished desire will be fulfilled. If there is nothing in handwritten, it means that there will be no change in the new year.


It is necessary to guess marriage with friends. Prepare for fortune telling any headdress, a piece of bread, a spoon, a wallet with a coin and a glove.

After that, the gadget girl tie their eyes and lay out the above items in front of it. What the subject girl will take at random, he will indicate it, what a family future will be:

The headdress - will marry this year and will be happy.
A piece of bread - this year will remain unmarried.
A spoon - in the near future will marry, but quickly divorced because of the change of her husband.
A wallet with a coin - will marry the calculation, and then will acquire real happiness.
The glove is married to a man provided, but will not be happy.

Fortune telling at wax

Take a conventional wax candle and melt it in a water bath in the container, from which it will be convenient to pour the wax with a thin flowing. Then pour in a wide bowl of icewater and take the ring without stone. If you are married, then take the wedding ring, if so far free, take a copper or steel ring.

After that, formulate your question on any topic that interests you and a thin jet pour the melted wax in cold water. According to the figure formed there, judge the meaning of the answer to the question.

For this divination, it does not need specific interpretations of wax figures, everything will depend only on which associations will cause you the resulting figure, in relation to one or another situation.

Divination for baptism for married

In the glass poured water and on the papers prepared in advance they write the name of her husband's mistress. A spoon of salt and a lit candle should be prepared.

The salt from the spoon is thrown into the glass and immediately light up a sheet of paper from the candle with the name of the rival. A spoon is quickly mixed with the words: "If the salt is faster thanks, then my husband will not leave me, and the Paper of the Dogery is their love.

Then look: if the salt melted, and the paper is still tweet, it means that the husband will remain with you. If, on the contrary, then the husband will sooner or later leave.

Fortune telling

The fortune telling on the floor of the child can not be made pregnant and future fathers. It is as follows: a woman asks before gadaling what sex is her future child. The one who goes, takes her ring, hangs on the thread and lowers in the water.

Then brings the ring to the hand of a woman. If it makes the movement of the pendulum, then there will be a boy, but in a circle, a girl will be born. Ring does not make any movements? So, this year replenishment in the family is not foreseen.

Fortune telling from christmas to baptism

After midnight, they enter the street and the first meeting of the men ask his name - and there will be a call to the future husband.

In the Epiphany Night, it is going to bed, they make out about the future - the most memorable episode of sleep will definitely come true.

They throw a boot at the entrance or the porch - where the sock indicates, from there, and there will be a future husband, if the shrub will fall to the stroke or the porch, this year it will not get married.

They are looking for a boardwalk in the district and try to clashed hands as many boards as possible - if the number of boards is even, then this year is destined to marry.

It is believed that if you get around the church in the baptismian night 12 times, then you will not marry this year.

If you want to learn about the future, take any book, make a page and a string from above, reading your offer and will be the prediction of the future. In the same way, you can get the answer to the question of interest.

The people believed that the night was opened on the night of the Epiphany. Baptism was considered a special day, therefore, fortune-telling before the holiday was recognized as true. The eve of baptism was called Babi in the evening: the girls walked to marriage, and the older generation was interested in well-being in the house. The Epiphany Christmas Eve was allowed to learn the name of the narrowed, upcoming events, the level of wealth in the coming year. The ancestors firmly believed that in the last holy evening the unclean power tries to penetrate the housing of people to cause harm. Therefore, it is so important to comply with the rules when conducting rites, especially at the last week of gudas.

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    Not excess precaution is on the days of the density of the housing protection. To scare up the unclean on all doors and window frames with chalk you need to draw crosses. After divination, it is recommended swimming in the baptismic hole. In the absence of such an opportunity, wash the holy water or ablution under the shower to get rid of negative energy.

    Be sure to learn all the ringing items before conducting the rite: beads, rings, belts, bracelets, necklaces.

    For a successful ritual for time, religion protection, removing the native crosses and removing the icons.

    Behavior during the rite

    The main requirement during the ritual of divination is a ban on crossing legs and hands.

    For greater reliability of the results:

    • it is forbidden to re-guess for the same desire;
    • it is allowed to guess on the narrowed only earlier who did not marry the girls;
    • married or divorced women can only guess the number of children, wealth, the fulfillment of desires;
    • it is necessary to carry out household rites alone, for carrying out the company is permissible;
    • with holy water, the ritual is carried out only once;
    • to breed with ordinary water, the holy is prohibited;
    • correctly guess only with candles, extinguished all sources of artificial light;
    • the desires focused on the destruction of the family or the disease of the enemy are prohibited.

    During the rite, complete silence must be observed. Among the gadgets should not be nervous or unbalanced people: the ritual can ruin the slightest rustle.

    The holy ritual is allowed to spend only until midnight on January 18, before the beginning of the festive day. After 12 o'clock in the morning, the ban begins to act. In Russia, God-fearing young ladies observed this rule strictly.

    Rites can tell the name of the narrowed, talk about his material position, profession. You can find out what events are coming, prepared for difficulties. Below are the most accurate fortune tells for baptism.

    On narrowed

    Most rituals are held at night. Mostly guess the development of relations, for love and marriage.

    The most interesting fortune telling for baptism:

    1. Under the pillow of the lady put a plate. Before you get to sleep, the girl says phrase: "My omnipped, my narrowed, come to me dinner." Appeared to the night meal in the vision and there is her nasal.

    2. Drink from the evening salty dish. A glass of water is put in the head of the head and spend the words: "Although the driver is standing, but I can't get drunk. My dear, come, with water drinking me. "

    Sleep need to go to bed in a bright shirt, dissolving the hair. The phrase is pronounced several times. After that, it is impossible to talk with anyone, but to go to bed right away.

    3. You can, instead of a plate under the pillow, the ladies are imperceptible to her generously passed baked on the eve of the pellet. The main condition - a dreaming should not be guessing about her. The next morning the girl is asked if she served to drink in a dream. This man is her narrowed.

    4. There is one more option - with a bass of small sizes hidden under the pillow before bedtime. It is enough to put it, saying: "Appears, narrowed, pick up a gift for you." If the outflow object remained in the same place, the privacy of changes is not foreseen. Lying on the floor a gift means that the night visit took place, not far from the mountain and a personal meeting.

    5. For a ritual with a comb, a crest is prepared and put it under the pillow. Before you lie to bed, they pronounce a conspiracy: "Okaymy mine, narrowed, come to combing me." At night, the future groom will dream.

    6. You can put near the head of the glass with water and ask for the narrowed to come drunk. In a dream, drinkers of the groom will be vacated.

    7. Above a plate with a pencil bridge with matches between them. Before bedtime, pronounce the phrase: "Who will translate me through the bridge, he will be." At night, the image of the future spouse is being seen.

    8. At midnight to the Epiphany Christmas Eve girl in the room hangs on a white towel. Sleeping to sleep, the lady sentences: "My narrowed, my dazzed, come to me, fit. Wrapping the white towel. " If the next morning the towel turns out to be wet, you need to prepare for the wedding. If it is dry, you will have to wait until next year.

    9. Future half can be invited to wash. A brand new towel is put under the pillow, saying: "Okay-narrowed, come to me to wash, wave a towel." The next satellite of life should respond.

    10. For ancient fortune telling on baptism on the maps take a completely new deck. It takes four kings from it, hide them under the pillow. From above, the card is pressed with a brine of her favorite panels.

    Before bed, it is necessary to whisper a conspiracy: "Daughty mine, muddy. I'm waiting for you, dressed. Enter my house, show my beauty, lay down. "

    Numbro randomly take one card:

    • The king of peak means that the future spouse will be older than the dreams either above it in social status. There is a chance that the husband will be very greedy or jealous.
    • Previously, a widowed man is associated with the King of the Trefal Maste. It may be a military, and a very discreet man with a business grip.
    • Secured and young satellite promises a worrousa. But for such a spouse will have to fight.
    • Bubnic king means a happy relationship, and a good union with a loved one.

    On the mirror

    The most faithful are fortune-telling on the mirror. In the kitchen, the mirror is installed in the kitchen, light the candle. Gadget says: "Dailed, show me." It is important to sit still, looking at the left shoulder of its reflection. If the flame is a little pegs, it becomes dull, and the mirror darkens, it is wiped with a clean towel.

    Clearing the features of the man who appeared, clearly utter: "Chur of place." To complete the rite, the candle is quenched, the mirror is wrapped with a clean towel and hide, reflecting the surface down.

    The fortune telling on the mirror is important to carry out in full silence, in a secluded place. None of the relatives should not know about the ritual. After the rite, you must go to sleep. There is no word.


    Find out the name of the future groom will help rites with straw. Girls are going to a large company in a quiet room, where no one can prevent the ritual.

    Fleet in a lump of salt, lay it on the table. From above it is covered with a frying pan with a small amount of water in it and a stone. By midnight, each young lady pulls out the straw, carefully listening to the straw, stone and water with the sounds. It is believed that they are hidden the name of the naschant.

    On love

    The relationship is guessing on the beloved (but not engagement) Ring Mom and a saucepan. The parents have a decoration be sure to ask, and not taught.

    Half filled with boiled with cool water with a saucepan. The ring is tied with a red thread. The decoration is immersed in water and wait to measure it in place. You can stop his hand.

    Ask a question about the likelihood of mutual love. With a positive answer, the ring rotates around the axis. A negative response means fixedness of the subject. Ratching ring shows unwillingness decorations answer.

    After the rite, the attribute is wiped dry and immediately hand out the owner, ask to immediately wear it. The water on which the fortune telling was held at midnight pour out the window. When predicting unwanted events, it is necessary to do this immediately after the completion of the ritual.

    There is a simple fortune telling to determine the future with the chosen one. Nearby put a couple of candles. Mentally, they are associated with a gadget girl and her beloved. Candles light and follow them. If the flame reaches each other, the answer is obvious, fire in different directions - parting ahead.

    What will be the husband?

    The fortune telling on foreign conversations is carried out alone. Choosing a house where a happy family friend lives, gadgetting gently sinking to the window and listens. Rugan means quarrels with the chosen one. Silence is interpreted as a year of calm in relationships.

    The decisive girls go outside with a small kitchen knife. They cut the snow, saying: "Damn hell, do not be silent, damn, tell me, the servant of God (call your name), tell me yes show me what my husband is coming. Tell me right away, from the joy of Laugh, from God to cry with him will have to. May it be so. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    After these words, listen, listening to the first barking dogs:

    • The hoarse and loud barking means a spouse with a strong and decisive character, coarse and inconspicuous.
    • The husband is cheerful and kind will be with a sniffer or thin.
    • The most unfinished sign recognizes howl, it means short marriage and quick widow.

    You can find out the future with the help of cups. It is necessary to take four opaque containers. The ring is put in one, to another - a piece of bread, to the third - brush, and in the last one - tobacco. Each vessel is covered with paper. All cups are stirred and then chosen one. Looking inside, interpret:

    • bread is rich in the bridegroom;
    • ring - Schiegol;
    • brush - a simple person;
    • tobacco - smoking husband.

    On marriage

    At midnight, the baptism of the young lady goes to the closed church doors. Crossing, at least five minutes, the girl listens:

    • The noise of the wedding, laughter, songs, fun talks mean marriage throughout the year.
    • Deaf knock, cries, moans - the absence of any opportunity to marry.

    On the last day before baptism, you can learn about marriage at the crossroads. It is believed that the voice of fate is heard exactly where the border of two worlds is. Singing and cheerful laughter nearby mean an ambulance wedding. Surrence in due tax means the lack of marriage in the current year.

    To find out how many years left before the wedding, the ladies are guessing with a ring and thread. For the rite comes even day, but it is important to guess only alone. For a ritual filled for two thirds with water a glass. Further:

    1. 1. Gently tie to the wedding ring thread. Instead, you can use hair from the head of the gadget, but not shorter than twenty centimeters.
    2. 2. The jewelry on the threads are lowered and lifted without a jerk.
    3. 3. Ring when lifting starts to swing. The number of times the decoration will hit the vessel wall, means the number of years left before marriage.

    The classic version of the divination - with a shoe. For it, there is a pair of shoes. Conduct such a ritual company. In turn, the girl throw shoes behind the back, through the fence.

    Then the ladies are watching where the nose of shoes indicates. From the other side and we must wait for the narrowed. If the shoe is shoved to the gate of the house from which it was thrown out, the grooms are not foreseen in the current year.

    Definition of Priority

    For a truthful ritual, you choose a late night closer to midnight, when everyone sleeps in the village. A few hours before the start of the ritual, they bring a chicken home so that the bird was mastered. The company puts it in the center of the circle laid out on the floor of the rings of those present. The first girlfriend will be married, whose ring chicken will begin to peck first.

    Interesting an option of an old fortune telling on the groom. At night, the window is widespread, sit next to him with girlfriends and alternately say: "Okaymy mine, narrowed, pass the window! "The ladder will marry the first, after which any sounds from the street will be heard.

    There is a lighter version of such divination. Conduct his company. At night, fortunate sitting around the table, covered with a burgundy or black tablecloth. The light is turned off. In the center of the table light a candle.

    From the fingers, all participants of the rite remove the rings and alternately rub them along the fabric. Which from the young ladies, the decoration will go further, that one will have to get married later than all the girlfriends. The first one will be married, whose ringing remains closest.

    For children

    At home, married women can find out the possibility of the birth of a child in the family, the gender of the baby and the number of children.

    Prepare for a ritual thread with a needle. Next must be concentrated on the question of the number of kids.

    Right hand take a thread with a needle. The palm of the left unfold up. Above the center of the palmside pendulum. The sharp end is lowered three times between the palm and the thumb down. Return the needle with the thread in the same position and follow the fluctuations:

    • Shaking needles from side to side means the birth in the family first boy.
    • Movement of the pendulum in a circle promise a girl.
    • If the needle stands still, in the coming year, the deposit in the family is not foreseen.

    To clarify the number of kids, you need to repeat all actions. Between the finger and palm, they again pass the needle and thread, return it to the previous position. The movements of the pendulum promise the birth of another child. The fortune telling continues until the needle movement.

    For the fulfillment of desire

    Interested in a ritual with spruce branches. For him prepare a mirror, the paws of ate are cut. In the evening, the mirror is put on the street, leave there for several hours. Drive home and on the drove surface with a finger they write a desire.

    The item is put under the bed, up the mirror surface. Top stacked branches. Interpretation seen:

    • If the outflow can be read the inscription, the desire will be fulfilled.
    • If only part of the letters is visible, efforts will need to make an effort.
    • If only a pair of letters is noticeable or one can not be seen, the desire will not come true.

    There is another fortune telling for the fulfillment of desire. On the tissue fine paper they write their dream. Go to the balcony or on a slight elevation. At the first cut of the wind, the leaflets are released and follow the flight:

    • Estimated up the message means that conceived will be.
    • If the leaflet flew down, it makes no sense to wait good luck.
    • Popup, circling around the helix, means the need for a considerable effort to ensure that the dream come true.

    For the ritual for the fulfillment of the desire they take a handful of seeds or nuts. They are scattered on the table and consider quantity. If it is even, conceived.

    Put peas and poured it with water. It is clear about yourself a clear desire, they ask whether the plan will come true. Consider pop-up peas. Even their number means execution.

    Those who smoke can be repayed on cigarettes. They spend ritual only alone. Distracting from the case should not be. It is worth disconnecting the phone, TV, radio.

    Before the rite, the question is accurately formulated. After that, the cigarette is lit. During smoking, the complete silence is observed. Focus exclusively on an invalid question. The ashes can't shake. We must try to keep it as long as possible.


    • If when tightening the ashes falls from the cigarette, the desire will be very soon.
    • If after tightening the ash fell almost immediately, the conceived will come true, but there are also small difficulties.
    • If the ashes falls when the cigarette was away from the lips, the conceived will not fulfill.

    On wealth

    There are many ways to divine on wealth:

    1. Notes.

    To the easiest attracting a vorogub with paper. Take a dozen leaves. Each of them write a desire and hide them under the pillow. Three leafs are choosing at random. The desires written on them in the coming year will come true.

    2. Fingerprint on the snow.

    Without special devices spend a ritual in the snow. Find an untouched clean place. Low on him back. Rise, trying not to damage the imprint. They make a desire about wealth. Waiting for the next day. The result is determined at the first rays of the sun. If the imprisoner is untouched, waiting for prosperity. If the outline breaks or the figure is flooded, you have to make a lot of effort to get rich.

    3. on matches.

    Take a new whole boxes of matches and make a desire for prosperity. Represent only the amount of money you need to get. Close your eyes, shake boxes. Matches are scattered on the table and, opening their eyes, consider them. The conceived will turn if the number is even. If the odd number fell, you will have to wait.

    4. With grain.

    It has long been popular with a rustic simple fortune telling. The owners of the bird scatter on the semi-seine grain. Rooster launch into the house. Watch how he pecks grain:

    • I ate everything - the way and well-being in the family for a whole year.
    • He climbed only half - the material situation is the same as last year.
    • If the bird has not touched food, it is expected to be difficult.

    5. On rice.

    You can pour rice into a glass and ask: "Fate, tell me that waiting for me: Evil Lee, Doba Lie, Lie, Huda, the health of a strong or miracle." Quickly after these words, the desire for wealth is made and the grains are poured over a flat surface. From the mass of grains, only spoiled (dark) and consider grains. An even number means the execution of the intended.

    On the near future

    To clarify fate for a short time, use a ritual with bread. Buy on the eve of the big loaf of the most roasted variety. Borodinsky does not fit.

    Bukaku bring, without showing anyone, home. Bread wrapped in clean white matter and leave until the night under the pillow. There should be no single crumb to face him. Not unfolding, bread at night put in the middle of the table.

    A sharp and long knife is cut slightly sliced, saying in a whisper: "Well with me will be tomorrow." Watch how they fall:

    • If the bread does not fall, the day will be successful.
    • If a piece before falling for a while was delayed, conceived would come true with some problems.
    • Falling immediately a bit is treated as failures for a whole day. At this time, nothing should be planned.

    About her fate

    The rite with the incense is carried out only alone. All doors and windows are locked, lowered curtains. On the kitchen table spread a new white tablecloth, put a couple of devices on it and sit for one of them. Ignite church candle. On both plates are put on a small piece of incense, senoming: "In the church, incense, and in the house they are illness to everyone. Accepted on baptism to guess. Incense, it will be okay with you to guess. I want to learn the whole truth. As you holy and clean, so my sleep, the slaves of God (the name of the gadget), truthful and clean. May come true, which is said. Amen, Amen, Amen.

    By uttering magic words, one piece of incense is cleaned under the pillow, and the second leave on the table and go to sleep. The predicted dream will predict fate.

    You can take a book and make a page in it. Next, define a string from above. The answer to the invading question is the proposal experienced there.

    In wax

    The fortune telling on the wax can be carried out alone or in the company of girlfriends. In the metal circle, wax candles are dried. The wax is slowly poured into the bowl with water. When he freezes, get it and interpret the shape seen. The rite is carried out only with a well-visible moon.

    Table interpretation of wax figures.

    Name Value
    Many CapelsWelfare
    MushroomHappy long life
    BellNew news
    HouseHis housing gain
    Incomprehensible figureThe future is unclear
    FlowerHappy year
    StripLong trip
    BucketSuccess in business
    ManNew acquaintances
    A heartStrong feelings
    CrownSuccess, achievements
    CrossSerious illness
    The DragonThe problem will solve prosperity
    AngelHelp more
    A fishGood news, making mentor
    BirdSuccessful implementation of projects
    A circleStability in business

    After divination figures with a positive value, retain for a whole year to come true. Those that are treated negatively, bury either burned. Higher forces thank the coin left at the crossroads.

    Name card Direct position Inverted position
    JesterLife will change for the betterThe risk is not justified. You should wait, without making reckless actions. Then the outcome of events is favorable
    MagImportant events with successful completionIn failures you need to blame only yourself
    Supreme PriestessShould be reached on intuition and hidden capabilitiesThe situation is better to consider at a different angle
    High priestEverything goes with your cat. It is worth listening to the senior adviceCreativity should be shown to change life for the better
    EmpressIt's time to take advantage of your luck and luckNeed to start living with pure sheet without old relationships
    EmperorFollowed by reason, and not feelingsIt is impossible to put pressure on people
    LoversAhead of an important choiceIt is necessary to show caution
    ChariotHelp of FateNeed to start everything first
    ForceIt is time to achieve the desiredNeed to overcome yourself, gather with forces
    HermitIt is worth waiting for a suitable time to go onIt makes no sense to ignore Selny Tips
    Wheel of FortuneIt is necessary to discard fears: the new vital chapter beginsDifficult time, it is better to wait
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    DeathFollows without fearIt is important to free yourself from too much to find a way out.
    ModerationShould be kept sincere equilibriumUnportant actions
    DevilPosition dependent. It's time to take yourselfAhead of complexity, but everything will be completed
    TowerWith decent behavior there is a chance to overcome the burden without prejudiceIt is important to develop and go ahead
    StarThere is a possibility of spiritual developmentWe must wait and overcome pessimism
    MoonIntuition will help find a way out of the situationIt is necessary to prepare for the disclosure of the mystery
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    PeaceAhead of TriumphIt is impossible to throw everything on half of the way

    Divination on the Epiphany is considered the most faithful. Among them are simple and more complex. But it is important to spend all rituals with a positive attitude, waiting in advance only a good forecast. Then the results will definitely be positive. However, even negative predictions can be softened if you listen to prompts.

    The story of one of our readers Alina R.:

    Money has always been my main problem. Because of this, I had a lot of complexes. I considered myself a fault, problems at work and in personal life pursued me. However, I decided that I still need personal help. Sometimes it seems that the matter is in you, all the failures are only a consequence of bad energy, the evil eye or some other bad strength.

    But who will help in a difficult life situation when it seems that all life rolls under the slope and passes by you. It is difficult to be happy working as a cashier for 26 thousand rubles, when it was necessary for renting an apartment 11. What was my surprise when my whole life suddenly changed overnight for the better. I could not even imagine that you can earn so much money that some kind of trinket at first glance could have affected.

    It all started with the fact that I ordered myself personal ...

Epiphany divination is an integral part of Slavic traditions, which was not forgotten even during the Board of Soviet power.

In the article:

What were the Epiphany fortune telling in Russia

Epiphany fortune tells not too different from or. Like the rest of the fortune tells, which were engaged in January, these ways to find out the future were calculated both at a large and cheerful company of those who wish, and for those who are going to stay at this time in complete loneliness.

Divination for baptism reached the present day. Most of them do not have clear rules and does not require expensive ingredients. Execution technique is most often simple. You can deal with the preparation of prophecies about the future, both alone and in the company, choosing the appropriate techniques.

Time for devoid of baptism - January 19, it is best to guess after sunset. In the old days they tried to engage in this in the interval of the midnight and to sunrise, in some regions - only until 3 o'clock in the morning.

Fortune telling on baptism on the narrowed - how to see the future husband

In the old days, the girls could not always choose, for whom to get married. However, even if the parents provided them with this opportunity, the desire to find out who the future spouse would not have disappeared. Divination on baptism on the narrowed could include both those who were popular during, for example, well-known or ring in a glass of water. But there were those who were considered belonging to this holiday only.

One of these ways to see your future husband must be held when the girl can remain alone. In the past, it was the time when the remaining family members went on the sanctification of water.

We must take a broom and revenge room. The side of the room should remain a track, a kind of feature that will divide the room to equal parts. It is necessary in order to designate the border for which the evil will not be able to go, which will come in the guise of your narrowed. To adjust the place where the future husband should appear should be the entrance door.

Noticing to the right of the border, read prayer, left - they say swearing and commemorate unclean effect. After that, stand on the side that is protected by prayer, and make a line with coal along the border with a side of the room, in which you called for an unclean force. Now say:

Delicious-rude, appear in front of me like a leaf before grass.

It is believed that the narrowed or damn in his appearance should appear behind the cornquet of the line. Some for this have to wait for quite a long time, and some of them manage to see it almost immediately after said words. To dare children from such a burner, there are stories about the virgins that only the features appeared.

Epiphany fortune telling

Before bedtime, twelve paper papers are torn, where you need to write wishes when candles. You can write your plans for a year, expectations, but choose only real things that can really happen to you. It is not worth the landing of a flying plate on your garden or the purchase of your own island, such desires usually do not come true.

Paper put under your pillow, then go to bed. In the morning even before you fell out of bed, run your hand under the pillow and blindly deliver three papers. Written on them will come true this year. Some randomly get more than three desires. This means that everything will come true, or some three desires from those that were in your hands in the morning.

In order to find out whether any one cherished desire will come true, you should still take a mirror to the street. At night, when you gather to go to bed, take it into the house, write your desire on it with your finger.

The mirror is put under their bed, fir and pine branches are laying around it. In the morning they look, is there traces of inscriptions on the mirror. If the desire does not have a chance of execution, the inscription can be read completely if there are only traces - there are chances, but they are small. When an inscription is absolutely unreadable, the desire will surely come true.

In addition to ghosts in the baptismal night, you can learn about your desire and easier way. To get the answer "Yes" or "No", buy nuts or seeds, scat them on the table or other comfortable surface. Items should be counted. An even number - comes true - no.

Divination for baptism on marriage

Some fortune-telling on baptism allowed to know when the time would come to play the wedding - this year or later, and where will the husband come from, as far as he is rich and beautiful, as will treat his wife. These fortune tells are very different from those that allow you to see the narrow-sized eyes. They do not require complete loneliness, you can do this and in the company of girlfriends, predictions from this will not be less truthful.

Almost everyone knows. For this girl filmed one boot or boots from her legs and threw it out of the window, through the roof or just for the gate. If the shoes have not grown guys who often followed the fortune tells and did not miss the reason to be fun, it was judged by her future. If the sock of the boot looks at your home, it means that the wedding is not soon, and if the wedding is completely soon, and the groom will live on the side where the sock indicates.

The fortune telling on the rings allowed girls to find out how rich will be a spouse. They took an opaque plate or another capacity of more than more and poured into it any grain or barrel. Each girl should quit in the grain along the ring. The more the participants will be, the better. Rings must be different - gold, silver, simple, with stones. You should not take rings only one or two species, even if your girlfriends wear only certain decorations.

Crupes with rings should be thoroughly mixed, after which every girl in turns should pull the handful of the cereals and watch which ring she got and got it at all. If there are no rings, the weddings are not foreseen this year. It was caught by my ring - marry someone who love. Golden - the husband will be very rich. With a stone - provided and, most likely endowed with power. The silver ring foreshadows a husband from a good family, not too rich, but not the poor man. A simple ring promises that the spouse will be poor.

Another fortune telling for baptism requires the presence of four identical cups in the house. Additionally, blank a piece of bread, any ring, a small comb and tobacco. Each of these items is placed in a separate cup, it is covered with paper or cloth so that the contents are not visible. Cups need to mix. If you are guessing with girlfriends, you can get out of the room to make it they, so you will definitely not know what will be in a cup that you point your finger.

If in your cup tobacco - the spouse is a smokers, the ring - it will be good to dress and follow yourself, the comb does not say anything special - the husband will be an ordinary person, and the bread foreshadows a rich husband.

In order to find out the wedding date, gadgets sit near the window and in turn say:

Daughty-rich! Go past the window!

The one, after the words of the window, the noise will be heard, married the first. The louder and distinct sounds, the faster it will happen. The meaning of the words heard outside the window also pay attention. You can also post the towel window, it must be hanging on the street (it does not work on the loggia). Nutro check: dry - it means marriage is still far away, and wet is a wedding soon. Listing, peeping and fortune telling at the intersection, which were often engaged in the density, were popular and during baptism. You wondered and other ways available at the moment - on wax, shadows, maps, etc.

The baptism of the Lord is one of the main Orthodox events, comes January 19 and is considered to be the end of the shin - 12 holidays from the Nativity of Christ. Traditionally, in Rus to the Epiphany Christmas Eve, the night from 18 to January 19, people fasted, sanctified the water and gadal. In general, the rituals of fortunes were held the entire period of the shield, but it was entirely on Christmas Eve to predictions, they were particularly seriously, because they were the most truth.

The tradition of predicting the future dates back to the pagan beliefs that during this period there is an unclean force on earth, which, on the one hand, should be feared, and on the other - to use in good faith. The church does not approve of fortune telling and the connection with the dark forces, so people have bathed in consecrated corner to wash off their sins.

So that the prediction of the future passed safely and did not bring trouble to the house, the Slavs with chalk drew crosses at the shutters, window frames and door shots. Consecrated Woody Water was taken to sprink the corners of the house. Holy water drank before meal and gave pets. It was believed that on this day, even the water gained from the well was useful and healing. She did not spoke and could be suitable for drinking for a whole year.

The gaps and knots in the wooden floor of the hut was made by the finger of the right hand to circle into the triangle, to put on the ledge with his left foot and sentenced: "Christ is risen, and not you, the demon. Amen". It was done in order not to give unclean power to capture the dwelling.

What can not be done on baptism?

Fortune telling in the Epiphany Christmas

From the old days it came to us many ways to guess on fate, a wedding, offspring, material wealth and well-being. In fact, any household items used in Russia, and for explaining mysterious signs and symbols included intuition and imagination. For adults, these rituals were more entertaining and a way to relax from hard work. Therefore, the secrets of the future tried to know the mostly young girls and young men.