Creating modifications for minecraft. How to create mod for Minecraft in different ways

How to create mod for Minecraft?

In order to create mods in the "minecraft", you must have at least basic knowledge in the field of working with applications and programming as a whole.

You can create modes for Minecraft using API without it. API - application programming interface that allows you to work with ready-made classes, features, procedures, structures and constants for use in other programs. The most popular API for "Minecraft" is Minecraft Forge. Using Forge To create mods in the game requires this API and for the game itself, which greatly complicates the gameplay itself, but it allows you to install applications without conflicts with your modifications and with mods of other players. It is impossible to achieve this without an API.

Preparation for the creation of mods in the game is as follows:

  1. Download the latest version of Java.
  2. Install Java SE Development Kit.
  3. Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers and make a copy of the desktop.
  4. Download Minecraft Forge.
  5. Transfer all programs to one folder on the desktop and start install.cmd.
  6. After running Eclipse, specify the previously created folder as the workspace.

After that, you can move directly to creating a mod. You will need to go through the following steps:

  1. Creating a basic file that specifies the name, ID and version of the Fashion;
  2. Creating a block;
  3. Creating a drop;
  4. Block generation;
  5. Creating versatile structures;
  6. Multiblial structures;
  7. Creating objects;
  8. Creating tools, etc.

Starting with a small one, you will gradually figure out the basic principles of how to create mods for the "minisfafta", and can even add your own mods to the server in order to show their friends. If you don't yet create mods, read the article

A huge variety of modifications that expand the possibilities of "clean" minecraft are already written. But since the fantasy of a person is limitless, that is, the chance that you will come up with some kind of mod, which has not yet implemented other miniskrafts. To make your point in reality, it is not necessary to delve into the complexity of programming - after all, there is a very convenient Modez application, specially created for easy development of own mods.

A user-friendly interface allows you to very quickly adjust the changes made to the game. Try to add a new food to feed Steve with special snacks, or develop unique weapons capable of bringing the efficiency of battles with monsters to a completely new level. Create tools, mechanisms, transport and all that will seem entertaining and helpful to you.

Not necessarily fashion will simplify the gameplay - they are able to add new options, but it is often necessary to make an effort to implement them. For example, having laid a new object in the MODEZ program, come up with a suitable crafting recipe on the workbench or processing in the furnace. It will make the game even more interesting!

Modez will require you not only creative efforts, but also good knowledge of English. It is in this language that the application menu is written. It is good that minecrafttera perceive such situations not as an obstacle, but as a chance for self-development.


Everyone dreamed of making his mod on minecraft. But not everyone knows how to do it. In this article, I will try to tell you as much as possible about how to create a modification for Minecraft Pocket Edition.

To begin with you have two ways to develop:

  1. Create mods and scripts using programming languages
  2. Make mods using special programs, for example, Modez.

Let's consider it more about each of the options and find out what of them is better.

How to create mod using programming languages?

To learn how to make addons and the Paka resource you will need to figure out their structure. It is enough for this download any addon V.Zip format, then unzip it and see how everything works. But addons do not allow the use of the whole functionality, so more good modifications are usually written on JS using Blocklauncher API.

How to make mod with Modez?

Modez is one of the programs that make a modification without programming skills.. But this program has insufficient possibilities and create with her global fashion will not work.

With this program for phones, you can easily draw the following things:

  • creating new crafts
  • creating a new meal
  • creating new items and blocks.

This program also makes mods running on the Launcher block. To create a fashion you will need:

1) Come up with a name for fashion.

2) Select the functions you need. To do this, you will need to have knowledge of English. Suppose by selecting the setPlayerhealth function you set the change in the number of HP at the player When performing a certain manipulation with any block that you previously specified in the settings.

3) Thus, you just have practically created modes on the first aid kit. It is enough to redraw the block texture under the texture of the first aid kit.

4) To establish a modification on BlockLauncher you will need go to the game, Further span and choose enable modpe scriptsThen it is enough to add a new script from your device as indicated in the pictures below.

Many players dreamed of a program capable of creating modifications. Thanks to the developer Pilo anyone can download Mcreator for Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10 and proceed to creating your own mods without deep knowledge in programming. Create new blocks, things, achievements, new types of existing blocks, mobs, biomes, food, tools, plants, cars and other things. Any idea is easily implemented using Mcreator 1.7.10 / 1.7.2.

Create various types of mods

This program allows you to create various types of modifications, including overlays (as in a mode of mini card), machine, structures, measurements, tool kits, weapons (swords, guns) and so on.

An intuitive interface

The Mcreator program offers a convenient way to place items in the menu. The developer is enough to move things and elements to the working surface with the mouse.

Recipes Kraft and Drop

Adjust recipes, drops are also easy as Kraft is done in the game. Use filters to search for a huge list of things in minecraft. Mcreator can export pictures of recipes so that they can be placed on the site.

For experienced developers

Experienced developers will like the ability to edit the source code of mods in a convenient interface. The program editor The scooler has a syntax highlighting, autofill and other pleasant things for a programmer. Integration with Eclipse is supported.

Hello, dear friends! This article I will start the writing material to create Minecraft mods. Of course, you will not be crazy to start working on any epic and original mod, but you do not need to rush. Before you begin to establish the necessary software.

What we need:

  • Java jdk.
  • Minecraftcoderpack
  • Minecraft.
  • Modloder.
  • NotePad ++.
  • Eclipse

* Do not worry, let the list consist of already from 6 points in fact, everything is going much more easier than it seems.

First you need to install Java and clean Minecraft (better licensed), of course you already have it, but still ... in order to avoid errors or, if any appears - refer to the Java JDK setting video class, which is available at the bottom of the page. In the same place, you can find the Minecraft Coder Pack Installation Video (MCP).

Install MCP

To date, the current version is MCP 7.23.. This version is suitable for the game 1.4.5

Download, unpack into any folder ( example: folder "MCP" on the desktop).
We will need clean Minecraft 1.4.5. To do this, launch the game and click "Force Update".

Go along the way: "C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Fixter \\ Application Data \\ .mincraft"

* You can go through this path by pressing the Win + R keys combination, and then enclosing in the field:% AppData%

Download the modlader of the latest version (1.4.5) and install it. The lesson about the installation 'and you can always find and without my help, I hope you know how.

Just in case we will create a backup copy minecraft.jar.

Copy the folders bin. and resources. In the "jars" folder of our MCP.
Run decompile.Bat.At the end, press any key. If during decompiling the computer gave you a couple of errors, then you should not worry about this.

Installing Eclipse

Where will we work with the code, create and edit our fashion? Of course in the Java editor! I prefer Eclipse, but you can also use NetBeans. Honestly, practically any text editor will suit, but it is more convenient to work in special programs.

Installation of this software is pretty simple. Now we run and specify the path:
"C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ User \\ Desktop \\ MCP \\ Eclipse"

The NotePad ++ editor will also come in handy. With his help, you can also edit the necessary files, and to act very quickly and conveniently.

* Caution Do not forget to copy exactly 2 folders ( bin. and resources.). In the video it is not mentioned!


I also advise you to familiarize yourself with the quick installation of Minecraft Coder Pack. You only need to repeat all the actions for me.