The level of GDP per capita. Using exchange rates operating in the foreign exchange market

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. World Countries on GDP (PPS) per capita (IMF, 2008) ... Wikipedia

    Consumption of coffee per capita in the world The list of countries in the consumption of coffee per capita in 2008 (the latest data available) ... Wikipedia

    List of GDP countries: List of GDP countries (Nominal) List of GDP countries (PPS) Dollar Evaluation of GDP, obtained as a result of the counting of purchasing power parity (PPS) List of GDP countries (PPP) per capita list of GDP countries ... Wikipedia

    This term also has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see the list of GDP countries. The list of countries in the future level of GDP (for purchasing power parity) per capita in the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All numbers are indicated in international ... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    The list of countries in the future level of GDP (for purchasing power parity) per capita in the forecasts of the International Monetary Fund. All figures are indicated in international dollars. GDP (PPS) per capita, in international dollars Country ... Wikipedia

    Indicating the volume of wine products for 2001 2006 in thousands of hectoliters. Data is provided by the International Organization of Grapes and Wine (English International Organization of Vine and Wine, OIV). The largest countries manufacturers ... Wikipedia


The need for calculation GDP on the soul population GDP population GDP

To determine GDP on the soul population population GDP on the soul population

GDP on the soul population GDP on the soul population

GDP on the soul population population. It is not considered an ideal indicator of the country's development, although it can be used when analyzing it.

GDP - Gross domestic product is the market value of all goods and services intended for direct use, which were produced in all sectors in the country for consumption, export or accumulation. This is one of the main indicators of the state economy. This indicator is calculated as nominal and real - with amendment for inflation. Usually GDP It is calculated quarterly and for the year.

You will need

  • These statistics on the economy industry for the required period, it is desirable to use specialized programs to facilitate the calculation. Immediately to calculate, select one of three techniques.


For GDP According to the value added method, exceptionally finite goods and services should be calculated, without taking into account the intermediate products, which will entail double accounting. In this case, the added value is the market price of the products, minus raw materials and materials, therefore, in the calculation GDP Only amounts are used at the market price of all issued goods and services rendered.

For calculation GDP You should summarize all expenses of economic entities for the purchase of the final. According to this method, consumer spending of the population are summed up, private investment in the national economy, government procurement of goods and services, net exports of the country.

For calculation GDP In revenues, all owners of factors operating in the country's geographical framework, both residents and non-residents should be summed. According to this method, salary are summed up, deductions for social insurance, gross, gross mixed income, taxes on and less subsidies.

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Many business entities are private individuals and enterprises deliberately distort the magnitude of their income, hiding them from taxation, so the obtained GDP indicator is not a complete reflection of the economic outcomes of work for the period

Helpful advice

In theory, all methods should give the same figure, however, in practice, this is not the case, in particular due to the methodological misstitution of the accounting time of different indicators.


  • Detailed article on GDP calculation methods
  • calculate GDP by income

Gross domestic product ( GDP) It may be nominal or real. The second is more suitable for comparison between countries and at different periods of time, as it shows the real level of economic development with an amendment for inflation (change in price level). And nominal and real GDP Calculate in monetary signs (rubles, dollars).

You will need

  • Rosstat.
  • The book of the facts of the CIA


Roughly speaking to calculate the real GDPYou need to "clean" the nominal from inflation. When calculating Real GDP For the base year, you can take any year, including the currently important. For example, for historical comparison, you can calculate the real GDP 2000 in prices 2010, in this case the baseline will be the 2010th.

For counting it is necessary nominal GDP Basic year. To do this, you can use Rosstat research (if you require data only in the Russian Federation), as well as information IMF, the World or World Book of the CIA. To get a real digit GDP, It is necessary nominal GDP Divide on the overall price level (calculated as the price index).

Most often as price indices for counting real GDP The consumer price index (CPI) is used, which is calculated based on the cost of goods included in the market consumer basket (the average number of goods consumed by the average family for the year). In developed consumer basket 300-400 items of goods and services. CPI data is also available on the Rosstat website and on the sites of the statistical countries that interest you.

Also in some when counting the real GDP The index of producer prices (PHIs) can be used, which is calculated on the basis of the value of intermediate products (basket of goods manufacturing) - raw materials and materials. Its main difference from the CPI is that this index covers only goods (without services) and only at the wholesale level of implementation.

So, to count the real GDPnominal GDP It is necessary to divide on the price index, among which the PHI and CPI are most often used.


  • Based on the materials of the book Matvereva T.Ya. "Introduction to Macroeconomics"

Gross domestic product is one of the most important indicators of the system of national accounts. It characterizes the result of the activities of economic entities that are residents of the country and measures the cost of goods and services produced by them.


GDP - Produced final product. The cost of intermediate goods and services that were involved in its creation (raw materials, materials, fuel, transport, financial services, etc.) are not included in the calculation of GDP. Otherwise, it would not be avoided by a double account. Gross domestic product - an indicator reflecting the level of production in the country, i.e. Produced by its residents, namely, those business entities who are engaged in production or live in it for more than a year.

GDP can be calculated by three methods: production (as a sum), the final use method (as the sum of the finite components) and the distribution (as a set of primary income).

When calculating GDP, the production method is taken into account, i.e. The difference between selling companies and costs for the purchase of raw materials, materials, energy, services. In other words, this is the price of enterprise products less costs to create it. As a result of the summation of the added value of all economic entities of the country and the size of GDP will be.

Under the final use of GDP is defined as a monetary expression of all goods and services purchased for the year, i.e. All expenses of economic entities for the purchase of finished products are summed up. Costs in this case include consumer spending of the population, gross with the national economy, public procurement, as well as net exports (the difference between the export and import of the country).

The distribution method for calculating GDP involves the summation of factor income, i.e. Production factors remuneration (salary, interest, rent, profit, etc.). At the same time, the income of only those economic entities, which are geographically located on the territory of a given country are taken into account.

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In newspapers and magazines, you can often encounter an abbreviation of GDP, this abbreviation can be heard from a TV or radio programs. But not everyone knows that it means.


GDP as a gross domestic product and finite market goods and services designed to directly use and produced per unit of time (year) in all existing sectors located in the territory used for consumption and exports, regardless of the national affiliation of the factors of production.

GDP nominal, real, actual and potential:

Nominal GDP is expressed in prices of this year;
- Real GDP is expressed in the prices of the previous or any base year. Real GDP takes into account the degree of its growth is determined by real production indicators, and not by increasing prices;
- actual GDP characterizes the implemented economic possibilities;
- Potential GDP reflects the potential opportunities of the economy and may be much higher than the actual in terms of indicators.

It can be expressed in national currency, or, if necessary, can be counted in the course to another foreign currency. To date, the "market value" cannot act as a stable value, therefore GDP and other similar categories and are some generally accepted abstraction.

You can calculate GDP in three ways: by income, expenses and value added. Each of these methods has a special calculation formula, where certain economic indicators are the terms.

History of GDP. The first techniques for measuring national production were launched in the 30s of the 20th century. Their founder was the economist Simon Kuznets, working in the US Department of Commerce. The first major estimates of national income were made by American scientist in 1934. In his work, first indicated the accounts of the national product and income. Until that time, no one had detailed data on the country's economic activity.

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Abbreviation GDP means a gross domestic product. Under this term means the market value of goods intended for use, as well as services that were produced in the territory countries In all economic sectors during the year, both consumption and accumulation or exports.

The concept of Gross Domestic Product, GDP is used. American economist Belorussky Simon Kuznets to use this term in 1934. The following types of external gross product are given: - Nominal (Nominal): It is expressed in prices of this year; - Real (Real): It is expressed in the prices of the previous year or another, taken as the basis; - Actual: reflects the economic opportunities that were implemented; - Potential: reflects the economic possibilities that are potential. GDP can be expressed in two ways. The first is in national currency, as well, if there is an appropriate need, it can be referred to in the currency of a foreign state according to the Exchange rate. Second way - performance GDP according to PPS, i.e. purchasing power. This option provides greater accuracy in the implementation of international comparisons. There are three basic methods for which the calculation may be calculated GDP: - by income; - by expenses; - by added. When calculating the revenue method GDP Determined as the amount of national income, depreciation, indirect taxes minus subsidies and pure factor income from abroad. At the same time, under national income means the amount of wages, rental boards, interest payments and corporate profits. When calculating the expense method GDP Determined by the sum of such values \u200b\u200bas a final, gross accumulation of capital, government spending, exports and minus. Method of calculating value added is also called the production method. Wherein GDP Calculated as the sum of the value added, under which the overall value of products is understood.

To date GDP on the soul population is one of the macroeconomic indicators that fully reflects the standard of living population of a country. Of course, the gross domestic product reliably characterizes the state economy, but its high level does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bits effectiveness.


The need for calculation GDP on the soul population It has a clear. After all, one thing when GDPequal to $ 2 billion, produced in the state with numbers population 200 million, and completely different when the same volume GDP Formed in the country with a population of ten times less.

To determine GDP on the soul populationIt is necessary to produce a simple calculation: divide the total volume of gross domestic product for a total number population . So you will learn how much of the goods and services in the value of the country produced is accounted for by one of its inhabitants. Russia by GDP on the soul population It ranks 34th place in the world ranking.

GDP on the soul population You can also calculate the purchasing power parity. Parity purchasing power - between two currencies of different, which is calculated on the basis of their purchasing power relative to some volume of goods and services. For example, the same set of goods and services is 500 hryvnias in Ukraine, and in the USA - 100 dollars. In this case, the purchasing power parity is 5 hryvnia for the dollar, i.e. For 5 hryvnia in Ukraine, you can the same set as 1 dollar in the United States. At the same time, currency courses of these countries can significantly deviate from parity. Therefore, you should understand that purchasing power parity is an indicator used by statistical organizations in the calculations, and the exchange rate is a real economy tool. Our PA GDP on the soul population At purchasing power parity is 36th place.

But at the same time, you must take into account that GDP on the soul population Is not the only figure for the economy of the country and quality

The inner gross product is a special macroeconomic indicator, which is often called synonymous with the economy. It shows the amount of all goods and services produced in the country and ready for consumption in market prices. The activities of absolutely all organizations, commercial, budget, non-financial institutions, branches of foreign companies, etc. Thus, GDP shows how effectively the country's economy works. In addition, the analysis of this indicator over the past years allows us to talk about positive or negative dynamics.

Also calculated. This calculation is made in all countries, including Russia. General levelGDP is divided into the total number of citizens of the state, and according to the results we can say about their well-being. In 2015, Luxembourg with a large margin from the rest occupies the first place in the ranking. It is worth noting that the Qatar was previously in the first place; The main income of this country brings liquefied gas, and together with the price collapse for this natural resource, the near-eastern monarchy moved to third place.

In 2016, the IMF predicted a decrease in GDP by 0.6%. Increased GDP in Russia in 2017 was predicted by 1.1%, and in 2018 - by 1.2%.

The main industries of Russia

  • 19% of GDP accounts for trade (Wholesale and retail), as well as repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, household items and personal items;
  • 16% - taxes;
  • 16% - financial activities, real estate operations, rental, public and social services;
  • 14% - manufacturing industry;
  • 9% - mining mining;
  • 8% - transport and communication;
  • 6% - education, health care;
  • 5% - construction;
  • 4% - agriculture, forestry, fisheries and fish farming;
  • 3% - production and distribution of gas, electricity and water.

The development of those industries that "emerge" will increase, and, consequently, the growth of the pillow. The growth in the volume of such industries can seriously improve the situation. In addition, the development of a direction or another, as a rule, always requires additional human resources. Accordingly, the unemployment rate can be reduced.

GDP dynamics for 25 years

Since the proclamation of the Russian Federation, there were quite a few change and significant events. According to the schedule, it is clear how the heap volume of GDP over the past 25 years increased, and that in recent years it has been observed some decline.

In addition to dry data, it is also necessary to remember that Russia is a big country that has been in the past, quite heavy and unstable times, so to bring the economy to a qualitatively new level is not easy. GDP per capita in 2017 in Russiaaccording to the IMF data amounted to $ 27,893, which corresponds to 47 points in the ranking. Analysts and experts in the field of economics predict Russia for three more years of crisis. According to optimistic forecasts, the peak crisis has already been passed, and some even talk about GDP growth in 2017 due to the rise in oil prices. The IMF prevents the fall of the economy by 1.1%, and claims that even the growth of the barrel value will not be able to save the situation. The crisis can delay for several years due to sanctions and their consequences. Internal imbalance does not give the economy to work efficiently, therefore, growth is possible only when it is resolved.

Sources: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development

If you exhibit interest in the events in the world, then undoubtedly noticed the constant strengthening of China's economy. When economists are evaluating the economy of any country, they mean GDP (gross domestic product), which is the sum of the entire economic activity of the country. This is not an ideal way to measure the real growth of the economy, but for rapid analysis of the economic situation suits.

When determining the economic level, GDP per capita - the best tool than just GDP. In order to really provide ratings, the GDP per capita is adjusted taking into account the purchasing power parity (PPS), the concepts in the economy used to determine the relative cost between currencies.

Here are 10 countries with the highest GDP per capita, taking into account the amendments to PPP, by definition of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

10. Australia - per capita GDP: $ 43,073

Australia - a member of the Commonwealth, one of the countries with the highest standard of living, recently set up serious economic relations with China and with other growing economies of Asia. The main factor in the growth of the Australian economy is EC goods, due to the manufacturing industry.

9. Canada - GDP per capita: $ 43 427

New York Times in the article about the Middle Classes of Canada and the United States noted that the first Middle Population of Canada is provided better than the average layer in the United States.

Over the past decade, a rating of one of the most peace-loving countries has grown. The growth of the economy based on increasing prices for raw materials in the market, as well as the developing financial industry made Canadians much more secured.

8. San Marino - GDP per capita: $ 44,480

The tiny country of San Marino is also one of the world's richest per capita. San Marino, surrounded from all sides of Italy's territory, the oldest sovereign state in the world, since the current political system is a direct successor of the system formed in 301 AD.

San Marino has no state debt, one of the lowest unemployment levels in Europe, thanks to the highly developed financial industry and tourism. For 32,000 citizens, these industries are sufficient welfare.

7. Switzerland - per capita GDP $ 46 430

Switzerland, known as the manufacturer of the most delicious and expensive chocolate chocolates, has a long history and retains neutrality in all international problems - even in the UN only in 2002.

In the country, not only the production, science and technology, but also the financial sector, so Switzerland became the economic center of the world. The neutrality remained for a long time attracted not only the headquarters of transnational corporations (Nestle et al.), But also such a non-profit organization as the Red Cross. Probably, Switzerland will long lead in the European economy.

6. USA - GDP per capita: $ 53 101

Although the economy is per capita and looks strong, but the expanding gap in the well-being level, really secured very little (less than 1%) of people. Nevertheless, the middle class of the United States is better than in many countries.

5. Brunei - GDP per capita: $ 53 431

Brunei - few people who are famous little country. Former British Colony, the sovereign state is located on the island of Borneo, sharing it with Malaysia and Indonesia. Thanks to major oil fields, Brunei became a very rich country. Brunei is one of the two countries in the world who have no state debt. 90% of GDP Brunei is based on sales of crude oil, therefore the future of the country's economy will depend on oil prices.

4. Norway - GDP per capita: $ 54,947

Unlike Brunei, Norway is a country with large oil reserves, at the same time is a country with a mixed economy. 57% of GDP make up gas and crude oil. Oil reserves contribute to the national welfare fund, which did, at least on paper, every Norwegian millionaire. Of course, individual citizens do not have access to these money, but it is money that Norway made Norway with the most stable state in the modern world.

3. Singapore - per capita GDP: $ 64,584

Singapore, the State-Island in Asia, is known as one of the most important and largest port cities in the world. Singapore - the commercial center of Asia for transportation and transportation, at the same time, as before Hong Kong, become a key city in the financial industry.

Initial vegetation for highly developed 5.4 million cities remained little. The importance of the Singapore port, and the status of tax asylum for ultra rich, means that Singapore will be rich every year.

2. Luxembourg - per capita GDP: $ 78,670

Luxembourg, like Switzerland, has economy based on steel and chemicals. To compensate for losses after the departure of many industries in Asian states, banking and other financial services developed well. Favorable taxes were attracted here headquarters of various transnational corporations, especially Internet startups ( Amazon, Skype.). Luxembourg goes to become even richer, so his small population (537,853) will not have any problems.

1. Qatar - per capita GDP: $ 98 814

Qatar - monarchy, which is ruled by the Al Tanya family. It is famous for its national welfare foundation, which among other things, allows you to buy football teams and airlines around the world. Like many states, this fund is based on oil, the reserves of which are posed by Qatar on the 3rd place in the world.

Although its population is 1.8 million people, of whom citizens of the country are only 280,000. The rest, migrants, which are not included in the calculations, act as a low-class worker, without receiving any benefits from national wealth. But for those belonging to the happy 280,000, Qatar is the richest state in the world.

Want to know what countries are the happiest countries? See the top 5 of the happiest countries of the world. The index of happiness includes the well-being of the people and the state of the environment.

GDP per capita- This is a special macroeconomic indicator, which reflects the state of the country's economy regarding its citizens. General GDP is the market value of all services and goods produced in the country, which are ready to use. All branches are taken into account, and, as a rule, a temporary interval for this indicator is a calendar year. General GDP is not suitable for determining the welfare of citizens of the country. To assess the standard of living of the state's citizens, it is GDP per capita, and with the right count, it gives the most reliable data that all economists and analysts operate, with the exception of special cases. So, in the first place in the world in 2017, the United Indicator is the United States, and in the calculation per capita China was only on 2 place. That is, one thing is 1 billion dollars for 10 million people, and a completely different picture will be with the same GDP per 100 million people. In addition, you should not confuse the well-being of citizens from well-being. In the calculation of the latter there are more social indicators, rather than economic.

The formula for calculating GDP per capita is very simple: general GDP / population of the country.

Recall that the GDP formula:

GDP \u003d Consumption + Investments + Government Expenditures + (Export-Import)

With GDP in 1 billion population of 10 million, the same figure per capita will be equal to: 1,000,000,000/10,000,000 \u003d 100, and with a population of 100 million - 10.

GDP refer to the most important macroeconomic indicators, and fully reflects the state of the economy, because Its calculation includes all industries, all production, costs and costs. He is the main indicator of the country's economy. So, the growth and decline in GDP affects stock indices, the policy of the Central Bank and the state apparatus as a whole.

Nevertheless, often with an equal volume of state economy may have a rather large gap in the level of social development. If we consider the same per capitaand consider only the real results of economic policies in the social sphere, the difference in the three main needs of the needs will be visible:

  • basic benefits to which water, nutrition, first medical care, satisfactory sanitary conditions, personal safety and quality of housing are counted;
  • the main benefits that include a good environmental situation, the availability of communications and information, general education and health care;
  • the possibility of the development of the population. This category includes equality, civil rights, the availability of higher and additional education.

New Zealand is considered one of the most prosperous countries, but it only takes the 34th place on GDP per capita.

Thus, the considered indicator for the most part reflects the state of the economy regarding the population, but does not indicate the absolute well-being of residents of the first five countries.

GDP per capita of the countries of the world in 2018-2019

Country ratings for macroeconomic indicators are World Currency Fund, the World Bank, the UN, and even the CIA. Below is a list of 10 countries on GDP per capita for 2016 - 2017. The calculation is made in US dollars.

Hong Kong is part of the PRC, but it is highlighted as a special administrative area. In the ratings, it stands out separately from the whole country, as it is the main financial center of Asia. In addition, the Government of the People's Republic of China does not interfere in the economy of this area, which is atypically for the country as a whole.

GDP per capita in Russia

The GDP of Russia per capita according to the World Bank data was $ 10,743 in 2019. Many circumstances are influenced by the main macroeconomic indicator, starting with the situation within the country, its wealth of natural and human resources, political activities, ending with external criteria (wars, relations between countries etc.).

Based on the data provided, it can be concluded that analysts expect some GDP growth. However, the growth rate is not too large: only 1-3%. It should also be noted that if you take the data for 2014 and compare them from 2015, then most countries have a noticeable drop in this indicator.