Why do you dream of a cart with a horse - interpretation of the dream according to dream books. Why do you dream of a horse in a harness White horse with a cart

Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Cart - psychological interpretation:

Cart - Seeing yourself riding on a cart foretells difficult work and many small failures while you try your best to provide the necessities for your family.

Seeing a cart means bad news awaits you.

To dream that you are driving a cart promises you well-deserved success in all your endeavors.

If lovers dreamed that they were riding together on a cart, this means loyalty to each other, despite the machinations of rivals.

See also: why do you dream about a horse, why do you dream about a horse, why do you dream about a cart.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Why do you dream about the Cart:

Cart - Dreaming of a cart means mourning and grief.

Dream Interpretation by A. Vasilyev

Why do you dream about a cart?

Cart - If you dreamed of a cart, then a journey without comfort awaits you.

Need will also overtake you.

Dream Interpretation of A. Pushkin

Why do you dream about the Cart? Interpretation of sleep:

Cart - Seeing a cart means that soon you will look from the other side at a person who was next to you all the time, but did not show any feelings.

Riding in a cart in a dream means that in the near future you will become a leader in some business and will have a real opportunity to influence the minds of people.

An inverted cart - soon your affairs will bring long-awaited results, and life is preparing unpredictable surprises for you. You will need a sober assessment of everything that happens to you, otherwise you may make irreparable mistakes.

Harnessing a horse to a cart in a dream means get ready for the joy of happy days to be poisoned by sad premonitions. The illness of one of your close relatives will cause you a lot of trouble.

Driving a cart yourself in a dream means expect drastic positive changes in your life. You will meet a person who is close to you in spirit, and together you will be able to achieve something that you could never achieve alone.

To dream of a cart without wheels means that a streak of failures will come in your life. You will show yourself as an irresponsible and uncollected person, and these qualities will haunt you for some time like an evil rock. In reality, all your efforts will go down the drain; you will not be able to achieve your intended goal.

Giving someone a lift in a cart means that you will have heated arguments with officials, in the heat of which you may lose control of yourself and make an irreparable mistake. Be careful: by doing this you will only aggravate the situation, make enemies and unnecessary troubles.

Repairing a cart in a dream means that you will avoid solving some problem. Perhaps avoid meeting with relatives because of a small quarrel. In addition, this is a sign of future worries and worries, in particular worries about children or close relatives.

Dream book for girls

Why do you dream about the Cart according to the dream book:

Cart - If you see a cart in a dream, then in real life you will have to return to some old affairs that you probably forgot about a long time ago.

If you are riding a cart in a dream, then you will soon have to go visit an old friend. Moreover, during the time you were apart, your friendly feelings cooled, and the meeting will not be as warm as you expected. You will understand that nothing connects you with this person anymore and there can be no friendship between you in the future.

If you put your things on a cart, then in reality you will try to shift your problems onto the shoulders of your parents. Well, you're probably right, but, you see, sooner or later you'll have to become independent, because your parents won't babysit you all your life and lead you by the hand. It seems to us that now we can solve some problems ourselves, and not shift them to our parents.

Dream Interpretation of O. Adaskina

Why do you dream about the Cart, what does it mean:

Riding a cart in a dream means feeling nostalgic for the past; you will want to return to a time where everything, as it seems to you, was different, where you will be desired and loved. You should not follow this mood - you are too idealizing the past. It’s best to just arrange a nostalgic evening for yourself and feel that everything is “as before.”

If you see a standing cart, which is also broken, then expect some unforeseen circumstance that could ruin your plans for your upcoming vacation. Be prepared for the fact that you will not succeed in what you have been counting on for a long time.

Repairing a broken cart in a dream means emerging disagreements in your relationship with your partner, for which you tend to blame solely yourself. Something will happen soon that will make you look at the situation differently.

Dream Interpretation of O. Smurova

If you dream of a Cart, what does it mean:

Wheelbarrow - Seeing that you are dragging a wheelbarrow - this portends hard work and everyday hardships.

See also: why do you dream of a stretcher, why do you dream of a porter, why do you dream of building.

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Seeing a Cart in a dream:

Wheelbarrow - To see that you are transporting a heavily loaded wheelbarrow, looking forward to the end of the work - this means that what you have conceived, despite all the seeming paradox, has a correct and rational basis.

A sick person is placed on a cart - portends death.

A sick person climbing onto a cart portends a great misfortune.

On the road, a cart stops on a bridge - portends misfortune.

A carriage drawn by white horses is riding - portends great happiness and good luck.

The crane drives a cart, rides in a cart - foreshadows matters related to military campaigns.

A wheel on a cart breaks - the separation of spouses.

A sick person climbs onto the cart - a great misfortune.

A cart entering the gate portends an unpleasant situation.

The cart breaks down - misfortune.

The cart is so loaded that it cannot move - a dangerous situation is passing.

The cart doesn't move - you won't achieve what you strive for.

The cart overturns because the wheels break - ruin, losses.

A cart pulled by a ram - an unusual situation will arise.

A cart harnessed to four horses - happiness will turn into trouble, disaster.

A funeral carriage and a hearse are passing by - the end of a natural disaster.

Traveling in a carriage portends success and benefit in all situations.

Traveling while sitting in a carriage will mean advancement in your career.

Funeral carriage, hearse - the end of a natural disaster.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Dream Interpretation - Cart

Riding it in a dream is a sign of long and hard work that will not bring the desired results. Making, buying or repairing a cart means that you will be doing a thankless task. See interpretation: road, terrain.

Interpretation of dreams from

Most dreams in which a horse appears are interpreted positively. It is clear that a sick, wounded, dirty and unkempt animal does not evoke positive associations either in reality or in a dream.

Therefore, the guise in which the horse appears, as well as the actions performed by the animal, is of great importance. Quantity, physiological state and even color are factors on which a lot depends. Therefore, to correctly interpret the dream, all this must be taken into account.

Why do you dream about a horse according to Miller’s dream book?

The dreamed rural idyll - horses grazing in a meadow - is a symbol of agreement and complete trust between business partners. With such a united and reliable team, you can earn money and move mountains. A pasture devoid of grass, through which hungry horses walk, portends the acquisition of poor but devoted friends.

Buying an old nag in a dream is not a good sign. This promises financial loss and poverty. A horse dealer dreams of making risky but very profitable transactions. If the dreamer himself sells an old horse, and in return buys himself a thoroughbred horse, then he will be incredibly lucky in something. Going down a mountain on horseback means good luck, and going up means hard labor, which may turn out to be fruitless.

If you see a sick or wounded horse, then sad news will not take long to arrive. Beautiful, majestic horses dream of success and increased prosperity. If a horse runs away from the dreamer in a dream and joins a wild herd, then such a vision foreshadows the imminent illness of one of the relatives. Swimming across a clear river on a horse means all your desires will come true.

Horse in a dream. Vanga's Dream Book

Wild, aggressive, hostile horses warn of impending troubles in the dreamer’s life. Perhaps it will be a car accident or a serious illness. When the horses are friendly and allow themselves to be stroked, it means they will have to go on a long but well-paid business trip.

The revived stone horse symbolizes a long-abandoned project that the sleeper will still be able to implement, which will make him rich and famous. If a dead horse suddenly resurrects and tries to kick or bite the dreamer, then this means that a sworn enemy will soon make itself known and will harm the sleeper in every possible way.

If a horse approaches a person in a dream, then this is a warning: the dreamer will soon be betrayed by his best friend. Dashingly prancing on a horse or galloping wildly on it means a loss of vigilance. There is no need to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of others, because this can play a cruel joke.

What does it mean: I dreamed of a horse. Freudian interpretation

According to Freud, the horse is the personification of a woman. And for a male dreamer, this is, first of all, a sexual partner. If you dreamed of a very beautiful horse, then such a vision clearly indicates that the sleeper is busy searching for the ideal woman. A whole herd of beautiful horses can be a vision of someone who does not know exactly what this ideal looks like externally.

If the sleeping person saddles a horse and rides it, then this means that on a subconscious level he really wants to become a father and have many children, although he tells everyone that children are not his “strong point.” An old, sick horse is dreamed of by someone who is very worried about the health of his other half. If you dreamed about sick foals, then the dreamer is very afraid that his children may get sick.

Why do you dream about a horse according to the French dream book?

Riding a horse in a dream is a good sign. This foreshadows the imminent implementation of the most cherished plans, which took a long time to work on. Hearing a horse neigh is also good. This promises career advancement and success at work.

Riding a lame horse portends obstacles that will interfere with the timely implementation of plans, but if the horse happened to be shoed in a dream, then no one and nothing will be able to prevent you from achieving your cherished goal.

Horses harnessed to a luxurious carriage are harbingers of future wealth. If in a dream you had to lead a horse to water, then the dreamer will be able to maintain excellent health and a clear mind until old age. For a patient, such a vision portends complete healing.

Beating a horse in reality is bad, but in a dream it is even worse. This means that soon you will have to part with what is most dear to your heart. But caressing a horse and scratching its mane is a favorable vision. This promises a meeting with a good person who will become a loyal and reliable friend. Selling a horse means family quarrels and discord with your loved one.

Why do you dream about a horse according to the English dream book?

A horse is a noble animal, and if someone dreams about it, then this is very good, especially when the dreamer sees himself in the role of a dashing rider. This means that his future will be completely devoid of adversity and misfortune. When a horse throws a rider, then minor troubles and minor obstacles await him on the path of life, which will arise spontaneously and will not have a serious impact on the course of events.

If someone was chasing a rider in a dream, then he will soon receive the news that he has been waiting for too long. A white horse dreams of good luck and prosperity, while a black horse portends loss and disappointment. Getting off a horse in a dream is not very good. This means that soon you will have to part with the “cushy place” and take a more modest position.

Why do you dream of a horse according to Nostradamus’ dream book?

If in a dream you had to treat and care for a sick horse, then such a vision means a series of tests that will need to be passed. Their severity depends on the condition of the animal. When all rescue attempts are unsuccessful and the horse dies, the dreamer will soon do a lot of stupid things and commit many rash acts that will hurt his immediate circle.

Riding a horse in a dream means strengthening old ties and strengthening one’s own authority. This will allow you to achieve certain successes in life. Anyone harnessing a horse in a dream will soon lose a loved one, and if you happen to climb a steep mountain on horseback, then you will have to learn all the advantages and disadvantages of power. A horse with a long mane and tail that appears in a dream is a harbinger of a bitter insult that will be inflicted on the dreamer by someone close to him.

Standing and admiring the horses is a sign of family happiness, and if a person is lonely, then this vision promises him a long-awaited meeting with his other half. A sick or injured animal always means bad news. And if a handsome horse entered the home of a sleeping person, then there will be a wedding in this house. To ride a horse without a saddle means to taste the forbidden fruit.

Why do you dream about a horse:

A woman with an annoying admirer will be left with nothing.

For a man - material gain.

The girl is getting married soon.

Why do you dream about a horse based on its colors?

White - according to some dream books, the appearance of a white horse promises imminent death. Most dream books prophesy the dreamer happiness, wealth and honor.

Brown - a reliable friend will soon appear who will help solve some problems. It was good to ride a horse of this color. This portends advancement up the career ladder.

Black - circumstances that are developing favorably can change dramatically.

Redhead - a load of worries and troubles will interfere with productive work and a normal life, but all the efforts made will not be wasted, because the set goal will still be achieved.

Gray - a quick acquaintance with a deeply religious person who can influence the dreamer’s future life.

Red – in solving some issues, intuition can play a cruel joke, so sometimes you need to listen not only to your heart, but also to your mind.

Dream Interpretation - ride, ride a horse

If in your night dreams you managed to dashingly jump into the saddle and ride somewhere on horseback, then to correctly interpret such a vision you should remember not only the color of the horse, but also its temper, as well as behavior. For example, galloping on a white horse means a fun party with good old friends.

Riding a bucking, restless horse is a symbol that there will be many obstacles and unpleasant surprises along the path of life. If you happen to ride a bareback horse, then you can expect fabulous wealth, which you will have to work hard to obtain. Anyone who falls off a horse will soon get sick.

Why do you dream of a herd of horses? Dream Interpretation - many horses

A dreamed pair of horses is a sign of the duality of the sleeper’s nature. That is, he has two characters at once that prevent him from making the right decisions, because the spirit of contradiction cannot be eradicated.

When a young girl sees a herd of horses in a dream, this promises her a quick marriage, which will be very successful. If a herd is dreamed of by a married lady or a married man, then this foretells success in business and the patronage of high-ranking officials.

Running horses in a dream

Usually, such a vision is interpreted positively. Such a gorgeous dream picture foreshadows a mind-blowing career takeoff. The more horses run, the more successful the whole future life will be.

If the herd consists of countless animals, then a brilliant victory will be won in any field. Also, such a vision promises the achievement of goals and the fulfillment of desires.

Why do you dream of a horse with a foal?

If you see a mare that has just given birth to a foal, then this is a sign that any business you start will be a success: be it a business or a creative path.

If after giving birth the foal immediately stood up on its legs and began to gallop briskly around its mother, then such a vision promises unheard of and unprecedented profits. Seeing a mare peacefully grazing in a meadow with a foal means a quick separation from your loved one. The separation will be long.

Why else do you dream about a horse - dream options

  • pregnant horse - troubles and worries that will cause loved ones;
  • beautiful horses - incredible vital energy that will help you realize your plans;
  • horse and cart - love will go away forever;
  • dead horse - big losses;
  • horse's head - a long illness or a streak of bad luck;
  • a horse running after you - a meeting with true love;
  • carriage with horses - fame, wealth and honors;
  • three horses - passive rest;
  • grazing horses - make reliable friends;
  • a killed horse is bad news that can knock you out of the saddle for a long time;
  • to kill a horse yourself is to become the cause of your own misfortunes;
  • a dying horse - in great need of funds;
  • a decaying horse corpse - ruin;
  • driving a horse and cart - career growth will not be easy;
  • looking at a horse and cart - family relationships will be strained;
  • flying horse - creative inspiration;
  • mad horse - problems will resolve themselves;
  • a wounded horse - bad news from afar;
  • a sick horse - loss of vitality;
  • a huge horse rearing up is an influential patron;
  • a horse with a foal - longing for a loved one;
  • running horses - your plans will come true;
  • a horse giving birth - a good person will meet on the path of life;
  • a newborn foal - an influential patron will soon appear;
  • kissing a horse is a long-awaited date with your lover;
  • buy a horse - a missing person will soon appear;
  • bridle a horse - gain power and authority;
  • losing a horse is a serious discord in the family;
  • hugging a horse is a long-awaited meeting with an old friend;
  • a stumbling horse is failure;
  • a horse in a pond with muddy water - troubles and disappointments;
  • a horse in a pond with clear water - joy and success;
  • a horse bites - betrayal of a loved one;
  • stroking a horse - lack of warmth and affection;
  • a horse kicks - to illness;
  • feeding a horse is a small additional income;
  • feeding foals is a significant profit;
  • bitten by a horse until it bleeds - relatives will help you find a good job;
  • mare is a hidden enemy;
  • dirty horse - deception on the part of loved ones;
  • a well-groomed horse means support and help from friends;
  • horse “dappled” (spotted) - any business will be very promising;
  • riding a black horse - understanding the vanity of one’s existence;
  • grab the horse by the bridle - change for the better;
  • shoeing a horse - property will be acquired dishonestly;
  • participate in races - a well-fed, carefree life;
  • lonely horse - alienation.

For some, a horse, both in a dream and in reality, evokes quite understandable associations - admiration for its grace, power, and strength. Others are afraid of her, thinking that she might bite or kick.

Animals symbolize wisdom and intelligence. Horses are involved in many mythical tales, as one of the most noble animals on the planet. A dream about such a beautiful animal will not leave anyone indifferent. If you have already consulted a dream book and dreamed of a horse, get ready for good news.

However, in order to know for sure what the horse is dreaming of, you should analyze all the details of what you saw and turn to the dream book for help.

A woman dreamed of a horse

Probably, many have heard that it is the horse that dreams of marriage or meeting one’s betrothed. As a rule, this is the case, all dream books confirm this. But don’t rush into it, marriage is a delicate matter. A white, healthy horse, a symbol of eternal love, if you dreamed of one, don’t doubt that your destiny is already somewhere nearby.

Such dreams can tell a lot about female friendship. Why dream that you are participating in a race, your horse is beautiful, you are confident of victory - it means there are honest and open people next to you. If, on the contrary, your horse is dirty and finishes last, your friends are not reliable.
Seeing a horse with a foal in a dream is a good sign for a woman. The dream book predicts that the near future will be very bright and connected with children.

Why does a man dream about a horse?

You dreamed of a herd grazing peacefully in a pasture, which means that no turning points are expected in your life, your life is going quietly, calmly, and this is for the better. But if it’s the other way around, the animals are jumping from side to side idle, you’ve put too much on yourself, you deserve your due rest.

Why dream about how in a dream you saddled a stallion that no one could saddle - the interpretation of the dream book advises you to expect success in matters of the heart; a charming companion will appear on your way.

Main prediction

According to the dream book, seeing a horse in a dream is a good sign. And if the horse has a shiny and thick mane, then the positive influence of this sign increases. Well-groomed foretells true friends for the sleeper, who will support him in any endeavor and will lend a shoulder at the right time. Having seen such a dream, you can safely participate in new projects; both close and strangers will help you. You will definitely achieve your goal.

But an unkempt, sick horse, in accordance with the prediction of Miller’s dream book, foreshadows deception and betrayal from a person you trust more than yourself. Be careful, perhaps not all of your friends wish you well and happiness. Someone from your inner circle has planned something unkind towards you and has already begun to bring their plans to life.

Small Velesov's dream book also explains why a horse is dreamed of. He believes that the mare is the embodiment of the sleeper’s sworn enemy, with whom conflicts periodically arise throughout life.

Zhoi-Gung's dream book explains why you dream about being bitten by a horse. In his opinion, this unpleasant event can lead to a promotion up the career ladder. And if you see blood after a bite, your promotion will be facilitated by family ties.

Dream Book XXI states that to the question of why you dream of feeding a horse in a dream, there is only one answer. To a small but very pleasant profit in reality. When in a dream you happen to feed foals, then in reality you will make peace with your enemies and receive a substantial monetary reward.

According to the Women's Dream Book, a stallion that kicks in a dream portends only bad things in reality. So, if an animal hits you on the back, then there will be many obstacles in your life. It could be the machinations of enemies, an incurable disease, etc. If the animal kicks or bites, then most likely in reality you cannot avoid betrayal and betrayal from your significant other.

Did you have a dream about how you managed to escape from a horse? In the near future, you will meet a person who will win your heart and will meet all the requirements that you place on your chosen ones. Be careful, because romantic relationships don't always herald the ringing of wedding bells. Everything can be ruined by banal jealousy.

According to the interpretation of the Erotic Dream Book, what you dreamed about means the following. In reality you are very worried, affection and love in reality are not enough for you, you are lonely even though you have a permanent partner.

According to Taflisi’s dream book, if a horse bites in a dream, then in reality you should be wary of betraying your rightful soul mate, which has its own secrets. Be vigilant, but remember not to rush to conclusions.

Why did you dream about a horse in the water, explains the Modern Dream Book. The interpreter believes that the prediction depends on how clean the reservoir was. The animal stood in a clear mountain stream, then in reality you are destined for luck and success. The water was cloudy and dirty, then you cannot avoid disappointment in the future.

If you dreamed of a mare stumbling, then according to the predictions of the Folklore Dream Book, very disappointing conclusions should be drawn. In reality, you cannot avoid failure. However, do not rush to get upset. Soon everything will go smoothly.

The family dream book believes that a horse and cart seen in a dream is a warning. In reality you work a lot, you should relieve yourself of some of your responsibilities. If you torture yourself too much, ask your loved ones for help. Otherwise, you may get seriously ill.

Why do you dream about a horse attacking? The dream book interprets this plot in different ways. So, if in your night dreams you feel fear and confusion, then perhaps you will still fall into a trap set by your enemies. Your indecision and confusion will lead to negative consequences. If, on the contrary, you do not feel fear, then, according to the interpreter, in reality everything will work out in your favor.

The Italian dream book explains why a horse can dream like this. According to his version, the dream has an erotic context. For a woman, such a dream is confirmation of her increased libido. Most likely, the relationship with your significant other is now somewhat cooled, and you are striving for a new sexual relationship.

The French dream book believes that hugging a horse means meeting an old close friend in reality. In reality, pleasant friendly gatherings with pleasant company await you, which can contribute to the development of a new joint project.

Vanga's dream book believes that the mare is an interpretation of all the problems and troubles of the sleeper in life. So, if the stallion in the dream was thoroughbred and restive, then troubles affected career and family. If the animal was white, then you have nothing to fear. Everything will turn out well, you are destined for wealth and honor.

Why dream of losing a horse in a dream and then looking for it? An episode like this is an unfavorable sign. Your relationship with your partner can break down overnight. Try to contain your dissatisfaction. After all, squabbles can lead to a final break. This will certainly happen if the horse was not found in the vision.

The Islamic dream book predicts what one might dream about, how they bridled a stallion and sat on horseback. In reality you will be able to gain power and position in society. The horse is a symbol of victory over enemies, circumstances and promises unprecedented success.

Don’t know why you dream about buying a horse? Such a dream foreshadows good news for you that will come from a person whom you have not seen for several years.

Did you happen to kiss a horse in a dream? Tsvetaeva’s dream book believes that in reality you will have a long-awaited date with the object of your passion, which will contribute to the development of relationships in the future.

Why can you dream about a mare giving birth? The dream book believes that very soon a person will appear in your environment who will become a support for you. If you were able to examine the foal that was born, then your patron will very soon make himself known. Don't reject his help.

What does a horse look like?

The interpretation of a dream in which a horse was seen depends, first of all, on the appearance of the animal. For example, why might a brown or bay horse dream? The Dream Interpretation believes that it foretells the appearance of a faithful friend in your reality, which will become a worthy support for you.

The women's dream book interprets why a bay horse dreams a little differently. If you saddle a horse, in reality you will be able to fly up the career ladder. But if the horse under you kicks and shows its dissatisfaction in every possible way, then in order to achieve the desired result you will have to overcome many obstacles.

The dream book explains what a calm bay may dream of. In his opinion, everyday worries and troubles will cover you completely. However, all your efforts will not be in vain. Your reward is just around the corner.

Have you seen a fiery red horse and can’t understand why you dream about a horse of this color? The dream book believes that the horse symbolizes the sleeper’s intuition, which he relies on in his life. However, as the interpreter believes, from time to time one should listen to the voice of reason. Otherwise, you will make a lot of enemies for yourself.

Why might a gray horse dream? Such a horse portends a meeting with a very God-loving righteous woman, which will seriously affect your entire future life.

Why did you dream about running horses? The dream book believes that this plot foreshadows victory and confirms the nobility of intentions. In reality you will be able to fulfill all your desires and achieve your goals.

The dream book believes that a horse with a foal can bring melancholy into your life. Most likely you will miss your lover; a long separation will be very difficult for you.

Are you wondering why you dream of beautiful and thoroughbred stallions? The dream indicates the raging energy that is contained within you. According to the dream book, an animal that rears up in front of you promises a very influential and wealthy patron.

If you happen to see a wounded horse in a dream, then, according to the dream book, you will not be able to avoid sad news in reality.

A pregnant horse usually portends troubles. In reality, your friend will get into trouble and will need your help. By providing it, you will put a lot of effort and spend a lot of time.

Why did you dream about a mad horse? Zhou-Gong's dream book considers this episode a favorable banner. Very soon all your problems will be resolved. If the animal was talking, then your imagination is too developed.

Why might you dream of a horse that flies? Such a fantastic vision indicates your remarkable creative potential, which will help you solve many problems. In addition, a flying horse will bring good luck and success to your reality.


If you saw yourself in the saddle and you happened to, then do not rush to choose your own interpretation of the dream. First, remember what you felt during the race, how the animal behaved and what color it was. Every detail is of great importance for the interpretation of what you see.

So, if you happen to be white, then in reality you will have to spend many pleasant minutes with the company of your best friends. You will receive a kaleidoscope of vivid impressions and will be able to achieve spiritual growth as a person.

However, riding a horse can foreshadow some problems in life if the horse under you kicks and shows its character in every possible way. Most likely, you will have to overcome some obstacles on the way to your goal. If you happen to ride a horse without a saddle, then you can hope that all your desires will come true. However, in order to achieve prosperity, you will have to put in a lot of effort.

A harnessed mare in a dream is, according to the dream book, a very unfavorable sign. Such an episode foreshadows the loss of a lover. The dream warns that if you continue to shift your responsibilities to your significant other, then the prediction may well come true. Be caring and affectionate. Only then will the dream not be prophetic.

The family dream book believes that a horse that throws off its rider will bring unpleasant consequences to reality. Most likely, your health will deteriorate greatly in the near future. However, if you take care of your health in a timely manner, you can overcome the disease.

Various interpretations of the dream can be found in the dream book about the cart. So, if you happen to control a horse while sitting on a cart, then serious advancement up the career ladder awaits you. If you dreamed of a loaded cart as if from the outside, it means that additional responsibilities in the family will fall on your shoulders.

Death of a horse

What could a dead horse mean in a dream? The dream book believes that you will receive very sad news. After all, such a plot may reflect your responsibilities in the service and the fact that you are burdened by them, consider them too difficult for yourself.

A dream in which a horse was killed often has psychological overtones. Most likely, in your heart you know that you are bringing pain and grief to your loved ones. That is why in your night dreams you see such a sad event.

Still don’t understand what a dead horse can mean in dreams? If the corpse is already decomposing, you can see worms crawling on it, then in reality you will not be able to avoid shame and ruin. The same thing will happen to you when you happen to watch a horse die in a dream. You cannot avoid stagnation in business and, as a result, poverty.

A killed horse always portends sad news. If you killed the horse with your own hands, then you will provoke this kind of news yourself.

The horse you hold in your hands? In reality, a series of failures or health problems awaits you.

Herd of horses

The interpreter believes that a herd of running horses in a dream is a positive sign. This episode promises the sleeper a promotion. Therefore, if you happened to see a lot of horses in a dream, you can safely count on good luck and success in reality. In addition, you will be patronized by very influential people.

Horses and horses that graze in the pasture promise the loyalty of friends. For a girl, such a dream can promise a quick marriage.

Did you see a carriage with horses? Wealth and fame await you. honor. However, the three horses harnessed to the carriage are a reflection of your laziness when you are enjoying a leisurely walk.

Two horses, according to Tsvetkov, show the diversified development of the sleeper. The horses were well-groomed and of different colors, then the dream will bring only good things.

Did you see a horse give birth and her foal frolic with might and main? This plot portends you good luck in all your endeavors and financial independence.

Dream interpretation horse

The color of a horse in a dream also matters:

  1. A black horse is success for men, downfall for women.
  2. - purity, favorable news.
  3. Brown - to success on the personal front.
  4. A red horse means quick fun.
  5. Gray - resolution of issues that are important to you

Thin and hungry horses lead to waste. Maybe you will make an expensive purchase, but after a while you will be completely upset with it, manage your money more carefully.

Suddenly a healthy horse fell, and your success in business will also fall. You rode a horse and he fell, a fall awaits you both in your personal relationships and at work.

A bad sign in the dream book will be a horse with a sick foal and you cannot help, such a dream is a harbinger of illness and failure.

How to identify a prophetic dream

After interpreting the dream, we think about it. Whether the dream will come true or not depends on which lunar day you dreamed about and on what day of the week. Let's look at the lunar calendar - which and which lunar day.

By comparing the data on the lunar day and the day of the week, we can guess whether the prophecy of the dream will come true.

A horse, as an image in dreams, is a very symbolic figure, indicating the effectiveness of the most important and serious matters for the dreamer, as well as events that will directly affect his future fate. A beautiful, graceful galloping horse in a dream is a universal indicator of a successful streak in life, in which the dreamer will successfully overcome any obstacles.

Why do you dream of a herd of horses - if they graze peacefully in a meadow, then this means a period of calm and accumulation of strength; you should start something new only when you have a sufficient amount of energy. This is especially true for those who suffer from workaholism. Herding horses means working for the benefit of the family, caring for your feelings and the feelings of loved ones. If you are driving and see herds of stallions through the window, the dream suggests that you are not living, but only indifferently contemplating life. A herd of wild, crazy horses in a dream is most likely a consequence of strong emotions recently experienced or currently being experienced. The image can also foreshadow natural events that will unsettle you.

If the gender of the horse is known, and it is male, then the dream book horse in women’s dreams symbolizes a man. The bay stallion personifies the sexually vital nature and represents the image of a sexually active person. Relationships with him in reality depend on the stallion’s behavior in a dream. He can be more or less tamed, tame, obstinate, wild or unbridled...

Horse color in a dream

Why do you dream of a white horse - for positive changes, the implementation of plans (especially if they are bold), a transition to a qualitatively new level of life, victories in some area that is important to you. In the dream book, a white horse also symbolizes spiritual enlightenment. Otherwise, this can also be interpreted as a way out of the crisis, finding answers to complex questions. A white winged horse is a very good omen, meaning that higher powers are favorable to you and your endeavors.

According to the dream book, a white horse is the happiest symbol on the eve of the implementation of the plan.

Why do you dream of a bay horse - in order to achieve your goal, you will have to work hard and hard. The dream may portend a stable financial situation due to this. If there is a crisis in your family, it will soon end. In general, a brown horse in a dream book, as opposed to a white one, refers to something more earthly.

The dream book interprets seeing a bright red horse in a dream as a lack of spontaneous, unplanned events in your life. Perhaps you are stuck at some stage of development, like in a swamp. The dream suggests the need to shift the viewing angle at least a little. Try something new and don't think about the consequences. For people who take excessive risks, the dream warns against the negative consequences of this. In some cases, the image of a red horse suggests that you are in love with a person who can treacherously betray you.

Why do you dream of a black horse? It can be both a symbol of death and a sign of the awakening of unconscious instincts and frantic lust. A rider on a black horse will bring bad news, and maybe even illness. As the dream book says, a black horse foreshadows events that you will not be able to control. Impulsive people should be wary of unleashing their passions now, because they will guide their actions. According to the dream book, a black horse can also indicate strong dissatisfaction of instincts; in this case, the dreamer unnecessarily limits himself in his desires, completely ignoring the urges of his body. The black horse in the dream book has the same interpretation.

A red horse or red horse in a dream indicates sexual dissatisfaction, which literally burns from the inside. It can also be a symbol of a strong desire that constantly requires saturation.

If you dreamed of a golden horse, then this is a sign of decision-making and active creative work. She is a symbol of harmony between soul and mind. You have accumulated enough energy to successfully implement your plans, you know your true desires. But be that as it may, do not forget to listen to yourself - your inner instinct will tell you if you suddenly turn in the wrong direction.

People who follow a spiritual or esoteric path are able to see a blue horse in a dream. The image symbolizes the superiority of intuition over reason, ascetic immersion in the exploration of one’s own depths. For a person who is not deeply concerned with issues of self-improvement, a dream may indicate his excessive isolation, perhaps even a schizoid accentuation of character. It is necessary to take care of the health of your nervous system, to go beyond the boundaries of isolation from society.

A gray horse portends a period of stagnation and depression if this color has a dull tint. If it is beautiful, with a pearly tint, then the dream indicates the beginning of a journey, the accumulation of energy, and learning to relax the mind. For those who are currently depressed, the appearance of a gray horse in a dream suggests that you are being given a chance to start over.

Big or small horse

Seeing a pony horse in a dream means that you need to somewhat moderate your ambitions and appetites, you will only waste your energy, now it is more important to learn patience. For a person who is very unsure of himself, the dream, on the contrary, indicates an inadequate underestimation of his merits. In some cases, this image symbolizes childishness, most likely inappropriate in the given life circumstances of the dreamer.

If you dreamed of a small horse, this means your desire to get rid of some desires or impulses, to reduce the role of instincts in your life. But remember that you are depriving yourself of vitality by distributing energy incorrectly. You underestimate the power that is hidden in your unconscious. Learn to channel your energy in a creative direction.

Dreaming of an unnaturally large horse speaks of your desire to think not with your head, but with your feelings. Emotions are fickle, you don’t need to give them all-consuming power over your life, reason is given to people for a reason, but to learn to give an adequate assessment of what is happening. It happens that the image, on the contrary, indicates an undervaluation of the sensory sphere if the dreamer strongly suppresses it in his conscious life.

Who dreams of a horse - a woman, a man or a girl?

Why does a girl dream about horses? Most often this image is associated with her sex life. A rider on a horse can mean a lover. Riding a horse is a desire to have an intimate relationship. If a specific man is present, then her interest is directed specifically at him. A running stallion represents fear or the unattainability of the object of love.

Why does a woman dream about a horse? The dream also reflects the sexual side of her life, but real, not fantasy. If a woman only watches her from the side, this means strong dissatisfaction in her intimate life. The horse saddled by her, especially in frequently recurring dreams, speaks of increased masculinity and the desire to control one’s spouse in everything. Excessive displays of strength and masculinity do not contribute to harmony in relationships. A sick nag dreams of betrayal and divorce.

Why does a man dream about a horse - the dream is connected with his relationship with his mother, a specific woman or women in general. If the dreamer cannot curb a wild horse, this indicates his fear of female nature and close relationships. Riding a mare means a desire to have an intimate relationship. Plowing means incorrectly spending and distributing vital energy, ignoring some important movements of the soul, which is why goals are not achieved and desires are not satisfied. Perhaps the man is overly attached to his mother or is putting his responsibilities on the shoulders of his woman. Seeing that someone else is riding his trotter means missing out on a good chance, losing a loved one, or failing in a planned endeavor. Seeing a woman on a horse means a desire to be conquered, seduced.

Running horses - riding a horse in a dream

Why do you dream of running horses - a herd of running horses means the release of a large amount of energy that you need to learn to control, a surge of strength and a desire to accomplish something. If they are running to escape something, you should wait to make a decision and choose a path; you cannot do this rationally now, you are driven by emotions. Horses striving for a goal, on the contrary, mean a call to gather and direct all their forces along a given course. According to the dream book, horses also run towards some kind of change; perhaps a new important person will appear in your life or you will get a new job, just be careful, don’t waste your time.

Seeing beautiful horses in a dream means sensual pleasures, pleasant events, joys, increased vitality and self-esteem. Riding them means harmonious curbing of passions, an adequate attitude towards your unconscious desires, and sexual pleasure. If in a dream you simply admire them from the side, in reality you cannot allow yourself to liberate yourself, although your attractions are fully realized by you.

Riding a horse in the dream book means the ability to manage your life, direct energy in the right, creative direction. You are on the right path, keep doing your job, the reward is just around the corner. The dream can also mean a period of fruitful work that will bring pleasure. Riding a horse through the forest in a dream means self-improvement, self-knowledge. Around the city - portends the establishment of social contacts, perhaps connections with the right people on whom your career depends, as well as a lot of communication in professional activities. According to the dream book, riding a horse in a dream can also indicate curbing your instincts and the ability to adequately control them.

A rider on a horse in the dream book means receiving important news. A rider on a white horse means good news. On black - to the bad. Pale is a harbinger of death. A man on a horse also symbolizes a lover in a woman’s dreams. If the dreamer himself is a man, then this is a prototype of himself. A horse that has lost its rider promises unpleasant unforeseen events.

The favorable meaning of the horse dream book increases if the sleeper rides a horse, easily controlling it. It literally means “to be the master of your own destiny.”

Grabbing an obstinate horse by the bridle and being able to take control over it is also a good dream, promising a turn of events in a more successful direction.

Riding a horse means gaining control over a difficult situation. Or increase your authority in the eyes of others, or move up the career ladder.

If other people sitting on a horse appear in a dream, then this indicates a person who will have some influence on the dreamer’s fate. Everything else depends on the details of the dream.

For a woman, a friendly horseman symbolizes the appearance of a partner, with whom the relationship will be serious and long-lasting. The dream can also foreshadow a successful marriage.

In some cases, the horseman in a dream is a messenger of fate. Depending on the plot, you can decipher what exactly the “message” is and understand what the horse is dreaming about.

The horse has bitten or is attacking

If you dreamed that a horse was attacking you, the dream book interprets this as an unrealistic desire. The person you love will not love you back or will be unfaithful to you. A dream with a similar plot also occurs in the dreams of people who are used to completely controlling their emotions and are afraid to let themselves go and succumb to feelings. It is possible that your mother’s negative influence in your life is too strong, her total control is preventing you from living independently. The dream can also portend a strong passion that will swallow you whole. An emotional person who cannot control himself should be wary of stressful situations, as they can lead to a nervous breakdown.

If a horse bites you in a dream, it means that you are afraid of some event that should soon occur in your life. Be careful with your wishes, they don’t always come true as you would like. A dream can warn against the negative consequences of your actions; try to look at the situation from the other side and change your behavior pattern. Also, this image may simply reflect the dreamer’s fear of life, fear of taking some actions, fear of going beyond the boundaries of his attitudes and views.

Pleasant horse dreams

Feeding a horse from your hand in a dream means learning to control your passions. Taming her can mean the favor of the person for whom you feel passion.

Stroking a horse in a dream means sensual pleasures in reality, lust. If the mare is sick, a strong temptation awaits you, which will be difficult to resist. Be careful, it can lead you into the power of vice. Petting a healthy gelding is a sign of a fulfilling, love-filled intimate relationship.

Kissing a horse in a dream means falling into the power of your desires and unconscious desires. In some cases, this image symbolizes too close a connection with the mother.

Hugging a horse means reconciliation with yourself, awareness of your desires. Sometimes a dream can indicate a lack of love in the dreamer’s real life or an inability to express one’s feelings.

Unpleasant actions in a dream

Falling off a horse in a dream means failure, your enemies will take over, most importantly, do not lose your composure. It can also be a harbinger of illness, for men - impotence or fear of it. To fall from a standing horse is an inability to change the situation for the better; to fall from a running horse is to miss a good opportunity due to your own incontinence.

Run away from the horse to strong emotions, forbidden passion, events that will give rise to a storm of emotions. Whether this is good or bad depends on the context of the dream. If you manage to escape from it, in real life you will not be able to get what you most desire because of your own cowardice. If the trotter catches up with you and you saddle him, then you will be able to achieve your goal, and the results will exceed your wildest expectations. If he catches up with you, knocks you down, or even tramples you, you are not at peace with yourself, some strong feeling is gnawing at you from the inside, not finding a way out.

Horse with cart or carriage

According to the dream book, harnessing a horse to a carriage to go somewhere means receiving a well-deserved reward and financial well-being. If she is dragging a heavy cart that you harnessed her to, then you will spend a lot of effort on a task that is not your calling and will not bring you the desired reward or pleasure. If you fail to harness the mare, or she breaks free and runs away, then you inadequately assess the situation and your strength, which will result in defeat.

A horse and cart in a dream book signals an excess of self-control, inability to listen to the inner voice, ignorance of oneself and one’s true desires. You are wasting your energy on something that is not your calling. The dream may foretell a period of life in which you will not be able to realize yourself due to the need to simply survive. It is possible that you have taken on responsibilities that should be borne by others.

Driving a carriage with horses in a dream means making your own decisions, being the master of your destiny and your desires. For people who are insecure, the dream thus predicts big changes in life if they take conscious responsibility for their behavior. To sit inside a carriage while the horses gallop, not controlled by anyone, means to be a slave to your desires. Also, a dream can foreshadow natural events that will unsettle you and deprive you of your will. Traveling in a carriage with other horses under the control of a coachman means shifting responsibility for your life to someone else or fate. Being a coachman yourself and driving people means moving up the career ladder. If the carriage just stands or stops along the way, in reality you will find yourself in a hopeless situation.

A horse and cart symbolizes a difficult period in life, problems that will take a long time to resolve.

The image of three horses predicts change, moving, a change of scenery. White horses mean good and pleasant events, black horses mean bad ones. This image is also the embodiment of the idea of ​​trinity. The uncontrollable three of horses, thus, speaks of disharmony between desires, rational will and the demands of society.

Horses in a harness symbolize the beginning of a journey and change.

Pregnant and giving birth horse

A pregnant horse can be a harbinger of a new addition to the family. Sometimes a dream indicates the need to devote more time to loved ones so as not to miss the most important things. In some other cases, this image is a warning against the consequences that will arise from excessive indulgence of one's base desires. Avoid vicious passions. What you don't notice doesn't always have no impact on your life.

Why do you dream of a horse giving birth? This dream means a desire to correct something in your life, to change internally, to renew your feelings. But a dream can also indicate the discovery of secret reserves of strength in oneself, the opening of a second wind to overcome difficulties. If you've recently given free rein to feelings you used to keep under control, you'll soon reap the rewards.

A horse with a foal in the dream book is projected onto the dreamer’s relationship with his parents or his own children. A healthy, playful mare with offspring promises conflict resolution and relationship building. If you have not seen your family for a long time, the dream suggests the need to contact them. A sick horse and foal predict problems, quarrels, and deterioration in relationships. Also, this image can symbolize the fruits of your last actions, into which you invested your soul and energy. Often a dream predicts pregnancy.

Sick and dead horse

If you dreamed about a horse being sick, wounded or dead, then this foreshadows the collapse of hopes. Often, after people see a dirty, skinny, driven or dead horse in a dream, in reality they face problems, experience disappointment or get sick.

According to the dream book, a dead horse can be a harbinger of depression, loss of strength and lack of desire to do something. You either deliberately ignore your desires, or they cannot be fulfilled for some other reason. If you were possessed by passion, it will soon subside.

Seeing a sick horse in a dream also symbolizes a lack of satisfaction and self-realization. Be more attentive to yourself; most likely, your strength is being spent in the wrong direction. Sleep can predict illness, nervous breakdowns, and unpleasant stressful situations. A dying horse dreams of the beginning of a critical period in life, accompanied by apathy.

Dreaming of a mad horse means a weakening of the mind's control over feelings and instincts. A dream can warn against indulging your base passions. If you've been obsessed with an idea lately, cool down, otherwise you'll quickly run out of ideas. Avoid strong emotions and stress in the near future.

Killing a horse means trying to restrain your instincts, experiencing fear of yourself. Either you are consciously trying to change something in yourself, or you are completely unable to control yourself. If someone else kills your stallion, beware of someone else’s influence on your life, someone wants to set you up or is blatantly using you.

A horse in water in the dream book symbolizes purity, redemption, cleansing from vices. If the water is dirty and cloudy, you are still at their mercy.

The dream book interprets the image of a drowning horse as the dreamer’s inability to understand his desires. What is currently attracting your undivided attention is not worth it. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to make a decision and choose a path, then the dream speaks of your inability to now take any steps from a rational point of view. No matter what you do, everything will be wrong. Now you need to stop, put your emotions in order and cool your mind. A wounded horse in a dream predicts severe disappointment; circumstances will be unfavorable in the near future.

Other dreams related to horses

Buying a horse means finding a new business, a wise mentor, a source of energy replenishment. The dream also promises the fulfillment of a wish, but in return you will have to sacrifice something.

Why do you dream of leading a horse by the bridle? The dream symbolizes self-control. If he is tired and old, it means that you attach great importance to things that no longer have much influence on your life, and cling to the past. Leading a young and unbridled horse, on the contrary, means events that will make you shake yourself up, be filled with new sensations, perhaps you will meet a person who will attract you more than you would like. Transferring the horse to someone else means abandoning the goal, loss of strength, and uncertainty.

The dream book interprets a horse in the house as having a strong desire to achieve something, receive something or possess someone. You need to pay attention to its behavior: a calmly standing horse means a ripening intention to act. If she goes berserk and destroys everything in the house, you will suffer greatly from your passions and thoughtless indulgence.

To see the severed head of a horse in a dream means to have some seemingly shameful and wrong desires, to try to rationalize them, to subordinate them to reason. The mare's head as a trophy predicts gaining power.

A horse's hooves in a dream mean disharmonious development. You are not paying enough attention to some of your abilities.

If you saw a talking horse in a dream, it means that you are closer to understanding your essence and are in harmony between your soul and mind. The dream has a positive interpretation, since this image is a person’s guide to his true goal, purpose.

A flying horse or a horse with wings are very positive symbols that indicate personal growth. People who follow the path of spiritual self-improvement will achieve enlightenment. In general, the dream predicts renewal, the onset of a bright period in life.

Seeing horse dung in a dream means receiving a reward, satisfaction from the results of your work, which was of great importance and required an investment of effort.