A tree that lives 1000 years. The oldest trees in the world

The life expectancy of trees primarily depends on the type and environmental conditions. Most live for about a century, but there are record holders who are a thousand years old or more. Of course, we are talking about strong, healthy trees that are in favorable conditions and are not cut down by man.

How to find out the age of a tree?

Before you find out how many trees live, it is useful to understand how their age is calculated. The fact is that they grow in width unevenly. Trees get their energy from the sun through photosynthesis. Of course, during periods of solar activity, growth is more active, and during periods of decreasing solar intensity, growth slows down.

The expansion of the tree trunk occurs due to the cambium - a special tissue that creates living cells inward (towards the center of the trunk) and outward from itself (towards the bark). The cells that are inside the cambium become part of the wood - the support system that carries nutrients from the roots to the leaves. Cells located outside the cambium (under the bark) deliver organic matter from the leaves to the roots, this tissue is called the bast.

In spring, the cambium creates wide cells with narrow walls. They are needed for more efficient and faster delivery of nutrients and trace elements. In autumn, the cambium produces narrow, thick-walled cells that give the tree trunk a special strength. Thus, two types of fabrics are produced per year: one layer (spring) is lighter, the other layer (autumn) is much darker.

The number of bands is best determined using a microscope and special dyes, as they are quite narrow. By the number of dark and light rings, one can estimate not only the age of a tree, but also the climatic conditions in which it grew. Wider dark areas indicate an unfavorable, cold autumn and a long winter.

To find out the age of a tree, you need to cut it down. In some cases this is not possible or desirable.

In such a situation, the method of counting the average indicators is used. At the level of one and a half meters, the circumference of the trunk (in centimeters) is calculated and divided by the constant π (~ 3.14), in this way the diameter of the tree is found.

This value is divided by the average annual growth for the studied plant species in the given region. The result is an approximate indicator of the tree's lifespan. Of course, this method gives only approximate figures. At the same time, the difference between them and the actual number of years can reach 20-30% or more.

Therefore, the most common way is cutting down the tree and counting the number of rings.

What affects lifespan?

Before figuring out how many years trees live, consider what affects their age. Life expectancy is highly dependent on various environmental conditions. The most influential factors include:

  1. Genetic individual capabilities of the plant. At first glance, they are all the same, but in fact, the shape and size of the leaves, the activity of the cambium, and other characteristics vary among the trees. All this has a strong influence on the adaptive capacity of the plant to adverse conditions.
  2. Soil characteristics. Its composition, saturation with water, saturation with microelements and nutrients. On impoverished agricultural land, trees can grow poorly, while across the road, on rich, uncultivated soil, plants can live for centuries.
  3. Humidity and temperature have little effect, since the climate in each band is usually stable over a long period of time. The exception is global weather changes (ice ages). Of course, for short-lived plants, even a slight drought can have a fatal effect.
  4. Terrain characteristics (the presence of a slope, mountain or large buildings) greatly change the level of illumination, strength, wind direction and other important parameters. And they, in turn, significantly reduce or increase the life of the tree.
  5. Characteristics of the forest. With a high density of tall trees that grow nearby, the chances of a particular plant reaching a significant size are rather small. This is also affected by species diversity, for example, it is very difficult for a deciduous tree to grow in a dark coniferous forest.
  6. Diseases and pests. Pests include insects that gnaw on the bark and leaves, as well as animals and arthropods that gnaw on the roots. Diseases in trees are bacterial and fungal.

These are the most important natural conditions. But there are also artificial ones. A tree lives less in a heavily polluted urban environment. Conversely, life expectancy increases significantly in large parks where there is no dirt, but there is plant care and protection from pests and diseases.

On deciduous trees

Interestingly, the life expectancy of wild trees is much higher than that of cultivated fruit plants. This is due to the fact that man, by selection, created crops that gave maximum yields in the shortest possible time. Such high productivity is directly related to the fact that the tree has few forces and resources left for itself, it gives everything to fruit. As a result, lives are much shorter.

The most common fruit trees in our latitude are apple and pear trees. They live up to a maximum of half a century, but wild species can grow 100-150 years. Other crops - plum, sea buckthorn - live up to 20-30 years. This is due to the fact that these crops traditionally grow in southern latitudes. For example, a peach in our strip generally does not live longer than 15 years.

All wild deciduous trees take much longer to grow. Aspen and alder live up to 150 years, walnut trees live an average of 2 centuries. Elm, ash and birch grow up to 3 centuries, and beech lives up to 500 years. But the oak is the champion - it lives on average for one and a half millennia. Of course, we are talking about the possible life potential of these types of trees, since in real modern conditions no one will let them live for more than 100-200 years.

At the coniferous trees

Coniferous plants live much longer than deciduous trees. This is due to a lower metabolism, serious ability to adapt to harsh climatic conditions. The shape of the crown of a coniferous tree allows you to extract the maximum amount of energy that the sun can give.

A highly branched root system also helps to survive, as well as the fact that even in winter the needles continue to produce nutrients, albeit in minimal quantities. Roots at the same time, even from the frozen ground, are able to get minerals and water. At the same time, the needles are covered with wax, which does not allow water to evaporate.

Fir - the shortest-lived plant among conifers, can exist up to 2 centuries. Spruce is common in our country and live up to 600 years. European larch lives up to 500 years, and its Siberian counterpart - up to 900 years (a clear example of the influence of low metabolism). Cedar pine lives up to 1000 years, but the main long-lived tree is, which lives an average of 5 thousand years.

pivot table

For clarity, let's summarize the life expectancy of trees in a table, the world around us in our country gives us the following numbers:

It is impossible to list each tree name and life expectancy in one table, since there are too many varieties.

TOP 10 oldest trees on the planet - video

An attentive gardener must have noticed that some trees in the garden live for several decades, while others stop bearing fruit already at the age of 10. A similar situation is observed in the wild. Scientists know tree species that can grow and develop for thousands of years, while other species cannot boast such a life cycle.

In today's article, we will pay attention to such an interesting issue as the lifespan of certain types of trees. You will find out what factors affect it, how long one tree can exist on average, and what indicators are considered average for certain species.

Average lifespan of a tree

There is no average indicator for absolutely all trees, since it depends on the growing conditions of a particular specimen and its species. But the life span can be given approximately, focusing on the botanical classification (Figure 1).

So, the duration of the life cycle for representatives of certain groups will be as follows:

  1. Fruity: centenarians among this group are wild apple and pear trees that are found in forests. Their wood does not rot, and the tree itself continues to bear fruit for 100-150 years. This indicator is true for central Russia, and in regions with a mild climate, the lifespan can be even longer. Peaches and apricots grown in our latitudes live no more than 20 years, but in Turkey and the Caucasus, the life span can reach 100-300 years, respectively.
  2. Conifers: live much longer than hardwoods. For example, larch trees were found in Siberia, whose age is estimated at 500-600 years, and in China there is a tree whose age is estimated at 1300 years. The ordinary pine lives the least (about 100 years), although this period can be considered very impressive.
  3. Wild deciduous trees: among the representatives of this group, there are also real centenarians. For example, in Europe, a summer oak is found everywhere, which can successfully exist up to one and a half thousand years, although ordinary oaks quite successfully live up to 500-600 years. Sequoia and baobab are also real champions. For them, the average is 5 thousand years. In our forests, such centenarians are rare, although ordinary birch, ash or hornbeam under certain conditions can live up to 300 years.

Figure 1. Duration of existence depends on the specific type of tree

Given such impressive figures, it becomes interesting how scientists determine the age of a particular tree, and what the duration of the life cycle of a particular specimen may depend on.

Determining the age of a tree by annual rings and indirect signs

There are several ways in which you can determine the average, and sometimes the exact duration of the existence of a particular instance.

Note: Determination of age by annual rings is considered the most accurate method. The fact is that trees grow with different intensity, which depends on solar activity in summer and winter.

To begin with, let's dwell on the method, which involves the study of annual rings. The increase in trunk width depends on the growth of the cambium. This is a special tissue that grows both inside the trunk and out (Figure 2).

The cambium develops unevenly, depending on the specific time of the year:

  1. In spring, wide cells with narrow walls are formed, since it is through them that the aerial part of the tree receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. Such fabrics on the cut have a light color.
  2. In autumn, a thick-walled cambium forms, which makes the wood denser. Accordingly, such a layer of fabric will have a more saturated dark color.

By counting the number of light and dark stripes, you can determine the number of seasons lived by the tree. By the way, in the process of studying, you can find a dark band of greater width than the rest. This indicates that the tree survived a very cold autumn or a long winter. Accordingly, such data make it possible not only to determine the age of a particular specimen, but also to find out in what climatic conditions it grew.

Determination of age by indirect signs is not such an accurate method, but it does not involve mechanical damage to the tree. The fact is that in order to count the rings, the selected specimen must either be completely cut down or seriously damaged. This is not always possible, so scientists often use indirect methods. They can also be used at home.

Figure 2. Counting annual rings - the most effective method for determining age

For example, you can measure the circumference of the trunk at one and a half meters from ground level. Then the resulting indicator is multiplied by the number Pi (3.14) and the diameter of the trunk is obtained. This indicator must be divided by the average annual growth for a given type of tree in a particular region. The result obtained will not be completely accurate. In most cases, the error reaches 30%.

Factors affecting the life of a tree

The main factor affecting the lifespan of a particular tree is the botanical species to which it belongs. For example, fruit trees live the least - on the order of several decades. Coniferous and deciduous wild species are real centenarians, because they grow quite successfully for hundreds and even thousands of years (Figure 3).

Since the lifespan of different species varies, it makes sense to consider the factors that affect the lifespan of certain types of trees.

To begin with, let's dwell on the conifers and find out what factors can affect the duration of their existence:

  1. The soil: Coniferous crops are much better adapted to growing on poor soils and tolerate harsh climates more easily than hardwoods.
  2. Terrain character: it depends on the strength and direction of the wind. Accordingly, a pine growing on a plain will live much longer than a similar tree in the mountains.
  3. Diseases and pests: able to weaken any culture and significantly reduce its lifespan.

In general, conifers live longer than deciduous trees for several reasons. Firstly, they have a very branched root system, which can absorb moisture even from the deepest soil layers. Secondly, they have a special crown shape, thanks to which the tree receives a sufficient amount of sunlight even in a very dense forest. Thirdly, the needle itself plays an important role. Its surface area is small, and each needle is covered with a special wax coating. Falling to the ground in a dense layer, it contributes to the retention of moisture in the soil.

Deciduous trees live less than conifers for the following reasons:

  1. Soil nutrition: representatives of this group are very sensitive to the level of soil fertility and nutrient content in it. Accordingly, a tree will live much less on poor soils than on nutritious soil.
  2. Climate: humidity level, average annual temperature, wind strength and direction also play an important role.
  3. Forest Density: the more trees concentrated in one place, the shorter their life expectancy will be. In such cramped conditions, only the strongest specimens can survive.
  4. Location: we are talking about whether the tree grows in the forest or in the city. Naturally, in a city with high air pollution, the life expectancy of a culture will be much less.

Figure 3. Life expectancy directly depends on the place of growth: in the mountains, in the forest or in the city

Least of all live fruit trees in gardens. But, if the gardener prunes in time, feeds the crops and treats them for diseases and pests, then the life span will be several decades.

The question arises - why do forest deciduous trees live much longer than garden ones? Everything is very simple: the artificial acceleration of the growth of fruit crops and the stimulation of high yields forces the tree to spend all its strength and nutrients on fruit ripening. Naturally, in such conditions, culture simply cannot accumulate enough strength for a long existence.

Lifespan by tree type

As mentioned in the previous section, the lifespan of a particular tree depends on its type. The growing environment also has a certain effect.

For example, among the usual garden trees, peaches and apricots live the least: they can grow and bear fruit for no more than 10 years, while an apple or pear tree, with proper care, remains viable for up to 50 years.

Forest deciduous and coniferous trees, due to moderate fruiting or its complete absence, live much longer. For example, ordinary mountain ash can live up to a hundred years, and birch - up to three hundred. But the real long-livers of our forests are coniferous crops, in particular pines. Depending on the species, they live from 300 to 1000 years (European cedar pine).

Despite the fact that coniferous crops live longer than deciduous ones, true centenarians are found in all botanical types. Naturally, the usual apple tree, linden or maple cannot be included here, but amazing ancient giant trees are found all over the world (Figure 4).

Here is some of them:

  1. Pine Methuselah: this long-liver of the plant world is located in California, USA. Scientists have found that the age of the pine exceeds 4500 years, but it is impossible to see it with your own eyes. The tree grows in a nature reserve, whose employees carefully hide the secret of its location.
  2. Sequoia General Sherman: also grows in the USA, in the Sequoia National Park in California. Its age is estimated at about 2500-2800 years. There are always a lot of tourists here, but it is noteworthy that the sequoia continues to grow: every year its trunk increases in girth by 1.5 cm.
  3. El Tikko: grows in Sweden. Scientists, using the method of radiocarbon analysis of the roots, found that its age reaches 9.5 thousand years.

Figure 4. The oldest trees in the world: 1 - Methuselah pine, 2 - General Sherman sequoia, 3 - Tikko spruce

In general, amazing long-lived trees are found all over the world: cedars in Lebanon, cypress in Iran, and even a chestnut tree on the slope of Mount Etna in Sicily. The very fact that these plants managed to survive so many years and remain viable to this day is amazing.

When to Uproot Old Trees

Trees are the lungs of our planet, which is why it is so important to preserve green spaces as much as possible. Unfortunately, sooner or later, any tree irrevocably ages and dries out, and it has to be uprooted.

Of course, the owners of private houses are trying to keep the trees alive for as long as possible by carrying out anti-aging pruning and proper care. But, if these procedures did not help, it is better to cut down the old trunk and plant a new young tree instead.

Foresters act in much the same way: they cut down only completely dry trees, and every year they replenish green spaces with new specimens. This is the only way to preserve the green forest and get rid of possible problems in the form of diseases that old trees can cause.

Tree average lifespan table

The easiest way to estimate the lifespan of wild and fruit trees is with the help of a table. It lists the main types of wood that are most often found in the gardens and forests of our country.


Lifespan (years)


Spruce blue


Sea ​​buckthorn

Alder gray

Mountain ash

Thuja western

In the video you can see what the oldest trees in the world look like.

An unforgettable feeling is to be near a long-lived tree. Just think, these are the most ancient living creatures on earth! They are eyewitnesses of all the great events of human civilization. The realization of this one fact alone leads to admiration.

The longest-lived trees on our planet include Norway spruce. The age of the oldest spruce is estimated at 9550 years, it grows in the Swedish province of Dolarna. Interestingly, the spruce does not look old at all. Scientists analyzed the genetic information and discovered an unexpected coincidence: according to them, a slender spruce on Mount Fulu has the same genetic material as the remains below it. It turns out that after the death of an ancient tree, for unknown reasons, gave a young shoot, thereby extending its life.

Norway spruce

The following in the list of long-lived trees include sequoia and baobab. Their age can reach 5000 years. In addition, the sequoia is one of the tallest trees on the planet, the height of individual specimens reaches 115 meters. The bark of the California sequoia is very thick, in some places up to 30 centimeters. It has one unusual property: when it comes into contact with fire, it chars and turns into a thermal protection for wood. When you walk among these giants, you get the impression that you are in a fairy tale.

giant sequoias

Baobab is one of the thickest: the circumference of its trunk can be 9-10 meters, while it is small in height, only 18-25 meters. A unique feature of the baobab is the ability to absorb up to 120 thousand liters of water. Under the thick bark of the tree are soft and porous tissues that absorb water like a sponge and are necessary for the survival of the tree during the long drought in Africa.


The third place in the list of long-lived trees is occupied by Yew and tree banyan. Their age can reach 3000 years. Banyan, or, as it is also called, a tree-forest, has not one, but thousands of trunks. In its center is the main trunk, thick shoots grow from it, branches stretch down from these shoots, which, having reached the soil, take root. After that, they begin to grow in thickness, and subsequently the secondary trunks become similar to the main trunk and begin to sprout their young shoots ...

One of the oldest banyan trees has been growing in India for more than 3 thousand years and consists of 3 thousand small and 3 thousand large trunks each more than 60 meters high.

banyan tree

The Yew tree is remarkable in that it easily tolerates a lack of light.

Pine. Its age can reach 1200 years. However, the age of one of the varieties of pine, the spiny pine, is 4900 years old. At an altitude of 3000 meters on the border of California and Nevada in the United States, where these pines grow, a very harsh habitat: the soil is poor in nutrients, and rainfall is rare. It is amazing that they live in such conditions for thousands of years, while not a single plant can survive nearby.

Pine spiny intermountain

Common oak(petiolate), silver poplar, large-leaved linden close the list of long-lived trees. Their age can reach 1000 years.

It is noteworthy that long-lived trees mainly include trees of the coniferous family. Coniferous forests make up more than a third of all forests on the planet, in addition, coniferous plants are indicators of air pollution, they are very sensitive to its purity. Most likely, it is precisely because of their longevity properties that coniferous trees are revered by many peoples. In Japan, various types of pines, junipers, spruces are considered a symbol of eternity and longevity, in Finland - a symbol of life, in China and Korea they personify fidelity and adherence to principles, in Asia Minor - immortality and fertility. In Germany, spruce is considered a sacred tree.

The life of an oak is much longer than a human. It can last for several centuries. This is confirmed by long-lived trees that continue to grow today, and about which many legends and tales have been composed.

The average life expectancy of an oak tree is 300-500 years. During the first century it grows in height. In the future, its trunk thickens.

The duration of existence is influenced by environmental factors. The more favorable they are, the longer the tree grows. Reduced life expectancy:

  1. Man-made and natural disasters. Most often, the death of trees is caused by human activity.
  2. Violation of the supply of sunlight and water. It is important that there is a balance between these environmental factors. With a lack of moisture and too hot weather, internal processes in all vegetation die out. The drying process begins. Waterlogging is also harmful, leading to decay.

Some specimens have a lifespan of up to 2 thousand years. There are also older trees. However, scientists cannot say for sure how many years these representatives of the flora live. Experts think that the specimens, whose age ranges from 2 thousand to 5 thousand years, are only distant descendants of the very first oaks that began to grow in the places where long-lived trees are now located.

Life expectancy of oak in Russia

The oak genus unites about 600 species. In Russia, the petiolate is considered the most common. Its feature is resistance to environmental factors. He is not afraid of prolonged droughts, large temperature fluctuations. Oak grows 300-400 years. Under favorable conditions, he can live up to 2 thousand years.

Comparison with lifespan of other trees

If we compare the life span of trees and oak presented in the table, we can understand that not only the latter is a long-liver.

Trees and their lifespan
tree name Short description How long does a tree live
Baobab Grows in tropical Africa. Height - from 18 to 25 m, trunk diameter - 8 m. In autumn, it begins to bloom. Baobab fruits are similar to melons or cucumbers. The average age is 1 thousand years. It can grow up to 4.5 thousand years.
Sequoia Grows on the Pacific coast of North America. The height of this evergreen tree is up to 110 m. The maximum life span is about 2 thousand years.
Yew This is a genus of coniferous trees and shrubs. It is found mainly in Southern, Western and Central Europe. Height - from 1 to 10 m, trunk diameter - about 4 m. The average age is about 3 thousand years.
Eucalyptus It is a genus of evergreen trees and shrubs. It grows in many parts of the world (Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea, Southern France, etc.). Height can reach 100 m. Can grow within 400-500 years.
Pseudotsuzh These are coniferous evergreen trees that can grow up to 140 m in height. They are found in the mountainous regions of Japan, China, North America. The average age is 700 years.

The oldest representatives of Russia and the world

Among the total number of oaks that exist today, there are those that can amaze with the duration of their existence and interest in the legends folded about them.


In the Palestinian Authority in Hebron, the Mamre oak grew. Scientists suggest that he managed to live for more than 5 thousand years. According to biblical information, Abraham accepted God from this creation of nature. Approximately in the middle of the XIX century. this tree was found by Archimandrite Antonin, a clergyman of the Russian Orthodox Church. He was looking for those places that are described in the Bible. In 1868, the clergyman bought a piece of land with an oak tree.

Later, Russian pilgrims began to come here, and in the 20th century. The Holy Trinity Monastery was erected on this site.

The Mamrian creation of nature has always been looked after. People formed a prophecy that with the death of the tree, the end of the world will come. In 2019, the prediction was partially fulfilled: the dried trunk collapsed, but the apocalypse did not begin. In the area where the famous tree grew, young shoots remained. They will be the successors of the Mamvrian oak.


In Europe, one of the oldest trees is the Stelmuzh oak. It is located in Lithuania. Today, its height is 23 m, and its girth is 13.5 m. It is impossible to say exactly how many years the oak lives, because its core has rotted. Scientists put forward different versions. Someone says that the oak has been growing for about 1 thousand years, and someone believes that the duration of its existence is more than 2 thousand years. According to the legend of the Stelmuzh oak, several hundred years ago, local residents created a pagan altar under the crown. In this place they made sacrifices to Perkunas, the god of thunder, the defender of justice.


In Bulgaria, in the village of Granit, the Granite oak has been growing for 17 centuries. During the period of its existence, it reached 23.4 m in height. The locals revere the tree, as it is a witness to many historical events. People collect acorns to grow from them the descendants of the Granite oak.

The majestic tree of Bulgaria is slowly dying. It is supported by a special steel structure. According to experts, already 70% of the trunk is dead matter.

"Oak Chapel"

This oak has been living in France in the village of Allouville-Belfosse for more than 1.2 thousand years. Its height is 18 m, and its circumference is 16 m. Approximately 40 thousand tourists come to this place every year. They are attracted by one feature: the chapels of the hermit and Our Lady of Peace were built in the hollow. They were created in the 17th century. They are accessed by a spiral staircase. Also, at the chapel, created by nature and human hands, pilgrims gather annually on the Catholic feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary.

"Bogatyr of Taurida"

"Bogatyr Taurida" grows in Simferopol in the Republic of Crimea and is a botanical monument of nature. According to experts, life expectancy ranges from 500 to 700 years. This means that the tree has existed since the construction of the Kebir-Jami mosque in Simferopol.

One legend is connected with the "Bogatyr of Taurida". According to her, under the crown, A. S. Pushkin wrote the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila", in which there are lines about the seashore and the green oak.


In the Russian Federation, one of the oldest trees grows in the Belgorod region in the village of Yablochkovo. Oak is called Pansky. Its height is 35 m, and its girth is 5.5 m. The age is more than 550 years. There are several legends about the Pan Oak. One of them says that in the XVII century. oak forests were cut down. Wood was required for the construction of fortress cities and the Belgorod notch line. Only the Pansky Oak was not touched, because already at that time it amazed with its beauty and grandeur. Another legend says that Peter I rested under the shade of the trunk and crown. This event took place in 1709, when the tsar was returning from the Battle of Poltava.

In ancient times, many peoples considered living oaks a symbol of longevity, power and strength. People worshiped them, called oak forests sacred places. Some people came to the oak to ask him for help. For example, the Caucasian highlanders believed that a mighty tree could protect their fields and gardens from pests.

In the past, many observations were associated with oak, signs. For example:

  • in autumn, people said that a lot of acorns - for a severe winter and a fertile summer;
  • the Tula peasants watched nature in the springtime and said that, as the oak unfolds into a hare's ear, oats should be sown;
  • for the Penza fishermen, the appearance of an oak leaf was a sign, because at that time the pike began to peck.

In a tree, the most valuable element is wood. Under Peter I, protective decrees were issued. The barrel was required for the manufacture of the Russian fleet. People who dared to cut down a valuable tree for their own purposes were punished. They were subject to the death penalty.

In the past, the oak could serve as a shelter. There is a legend according to which the Orthodox monk Tikhon lived in the hollow of a large tree. He hid there from bad weather, rested at night until the monastery was built - Tikhonov Uspenskaya Hermitage.


Today, people travel to single long-lived specimens to admire their beauty, power and grandeur, and young trees are used for a variety of purposes. They are planted for landscaping cities, infusions and decoctions are made from the bark, which help with various inflammatory processes, and “coffee” powder is prepared from acorns.

- an amazing tree in many ways, but also the longest-lived tree on our planet.

And there is strong scientific evidence of this in recent years. Long-lived trees are not so common on earth.

At the same time, they grow on all continents and in all climatic zones. So in the middle zone, where favorable climatic conditions, several types of trees are distinguished by longevity.

Oak, maple, beech have an average lifespan of 300 to 500 years, spruces grow up to 350 years, pine up to 600 years, and larch can live up to 900 years.

In warmer climates, trees live even longer. Such is the evergreen cypress, whose lifespan can exceed a thousand years, the most famous of them is the Zoroastrian sarv, which, according to scientists, is about 4000 years old. The American sequoia is one of the longest-lived trees. The General Sherman sequoia, which is already 2700 years old, grows in the California National Park. In addition, this is a real giant, its height is 84 meters, and its girth at the ground is 31 meters.

But it is not surprising that in a very hot climate there is a tree whose life span is calculated in thousands of years. This is a baobab or, scientifically, Adalsonia pollen. This is not quite the usual tree we are used to, it grows in Africa and Madagascar. The living conditions of these trees are extreme. The short rainy season and long hot summers make the baobab a unique plant. During tropical downpours, from the huge amount of precipitation, the low-lying places of the savannah turn into real lakes. But the water in the soil is not stored, but quickly evaporates under the scorching rays of the sun. Therefore, ordinary trees that require constant replenishment of moisture from the soil do not survive there.

Baobab over many millennia, unlike ordinary plants, has adapted to make reserves of life-giving moisture for itself. In a short time, when there are tropical showers, like a powerful pump, it sucks water into itself, accumulating it in its porous trunk by several cubic meters. During the rainy season, its wood absorbs moisture like a sponge and becomes so soft that even with a slight pressure on the trunk, a dent immediately appears.

Spending this reserve economically, baobabs safely survive the rest of the time until the next rains. True, in the dry season they stand with completely bare clumsy branches, as if with roots up. And, nevertheless, despite such a meager water ration, baobabs grow to a huge size. Their height reaches 20-25 meters, and the trunk circumference is up to 9-10 meters. Of the currently growing giant baobabs, one of the most famous is the Sunland Baobab at Sunland Farm in the Limpopo Province of South Africa. The diameter of this giant is more than 10 meters, the height is about 20 meters, the diameter of the crown is more than 30 meters, and the circumference of the trunk is almost 34 meters.

This giant baobab is also notable for the fact that its trunk is equipped with a “Baobab Tree Bar”, that is, a “Bar in a baobab”. The bar consists of two rooms: the bar itself, which can accommodate up to one and a half dozen visitors at once, and a wine cellar.

And this is not the limit, in the Guinness Book of Records the baobab with a trunk girth of 54.5 meters was considered the largest, which, unfortunately, is no longer there. Today, the largest baobab grows in Tanganyika. This is a huge tree whose age is about 5,000 years. Its height is 22 meters, the trunk circumference at the bottom is 47 meters, and the crown circumference is 145 meters.

The fact that it is the African baobab that can be considered the longest-lived plant has now been scientifically proven, although it is rather difficult to determine the age of this tree. The age of trees is usually determined by counting annual rings. But the baobab does not have such rings. Therefore, the method of radiocarbon analysis, a complex and expensive procedure, is used to determine. But this method has proven itself well over long periods of time, from 4 thousand years or more, although inaccuracies are possible at intervals of up to 4 thousand years. According to the results of the study by this method, the baobab growing in Senegal, which has already turned 5170 years old, turned out to be the oldest on earth. This baobab is not that big, because over several thousand years it gradually disappears into the ground. This is what the oldest tree on earth looks like.

But these witnesses of the habitation of mammoths are also not eternal, they also die. But even they die in their own way, in a special way. Starting to age, the baobab dries, decreases in size and gradually collapses. Usually there are no traces of obsolete baobabs. In the place where the baobab grew, not only a stump remains, but even a pile of wood. The trunk of this tree is porous, moreover, it is hollow inside, so when dying, it simply settles and crumbles on the spot into a pile of fibers, gradually turning into dust, which is then carried by the wind. But the seeds of the baobab are carried by the wind, birds and animals, and in the vicinity of the living baobab, a new offspring grows - young baobabs, which will also adorn these hottest places on earth for thousands of years.