Years of the rise and fall of Gemini Rooster. Characteristics of Gemini men and women in the year of the rooster

Rooster is a brawler. Eternal excitement. Stops at nothing.

Chinese horoscope: Year of the Rooster
Zodiac horoscope: Gemini sign

People born under this sign are fickle and hyperactive. They work hard on themselves and tend to be proud of their intellectual abilities.

People born in the Gemini-Rooster combination have self-confidence and a great love for everything beautiful. They believe that everything in their life should be stylish. Does this mixture create people I know? when you need to be reasonable and responsible, and when you need to be spontaneous and cheerful. They can very successfully and timely change these states depending on specific circumstances or the people involved.

This skill allows them to adapt to new situations and conditions very easily. In relationships with other people they are flexible, but this is not due to weak will. These people do not like to be in charge and prefer to be quieter than their partners.

Gemini-Rooster people are usually organized and keep things neat and tidy wherever they are. They hate disorganization and have a natural desire to reorganize things that look untidy. This applies to both places and people, however they rarely criticize people because they would not like to hear criticism of themselves. These people are quite sensitive and show a great deal of respect for other people's emotions. They are always caring and compassionate partners.

Despite the fact that these are quite confident people in their demeanor, they can be quite shy inside. They like it when they know people well, they feel more comfortable with them, and they often shy away from large crowds. These people are self-motivated and excellent at motivating others, but they prefer to be part of a team rather than a leader. These Geminis don't really like to be the center of attention.

The weakness in the character of this person is that at times they provoke an argument, their usual tactful manner can be replaced by excessive self-confidence and directness. These people hate disagreement and become angrier and harsher.

The Rooster of the zodiac sign Gemini has a changeable disposition, he is contradictory in his actions and aspirations, is not attached to his home and is rarely an owner. These are active natures who do not have any one path in front of them and therefore choose different ones depending on the circumstances. Following their own path, the Gemini Roosters often go the wrong way and are forced to make stops.

The personal life of a Gemini rooster, whether male or female, usually ramifies. They are full interesting ideas, not all of which are given fruition. There are often cases when a profession for a Gemini rooster is secondary, and a hobby comes to the fore, turning from a hobby into his life’s work.

Gemini Rooster is a democrat by nature and is very partial to criticism; he takes it with hostility only. This ability to quarrel out of nowhere is inimitable. Oddly enough, with such a temperament, the Gemini rooster is characterized by prudence. However, in business it is not easy with such a person. He is capable of successful actions, but is unpredictable and rarely does without ill-wishers. But in in some cases his activity and directness are irreplaceable.

In your personal and sexual life, you won’t be bored with either a woman or a Gemini Rooster man, and there simply won’t be any time.

The Gemini-Rooster sign includes people born from May 22 to June 21 in 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017.

The combination of the Gemini-Rooster signs gives birth to a very interesting, charming and creative personality, but with a rather complex character. He easily stands out from the crowd, attracting attention with his shocking, extraordinary behavior and bright clothes.

Gemini-Rooster is a self-confident person with a great love for everything beautiful. He believes that everything in life should be bright and stylish.

Also, a person born with this combination is distinguished by an active but cold mind, enormous willpower and a desire to succeed, challenge and win. The desire to fight is characteristic of all those born under the sign of Gemini.

There is an abundance of fighting spirit, optimism and activity here. At the same time, his mood changes at lightning speed. You never know what he will do next minute. It attracts attention, but it is very difficult to understand. He is fickle and hyperactive, charming and inscrutable. He works hard on himself and is proud of his intellectual abilities.

In the love sphere, Gemini-Rooster is very interesting as a partner. Thanks to his charm and charm, Gemini-Rooster always has many fans. He is romantic, charismatic, knows how to get carried away and captivate. As a rule, he has many novels, replacing one another very quickly and unpredictably. But in the Gemini-Rooster family, he becomes gentle and understanding. He is very cheerful and there is never a dull moment around him.

The combination of the Gemini-Rooster signs gives birth to a truly incredible person. He is always bright, loves to impress and has a lot of friends and acquaintances. At the same time, in home environment he becomes kind, sensitive, attentive and does not strive to lead.

Gemini-Rooster is an attractive and incomprehensible nature at the same time. He always has a lot of ideas in his head, and his mood changes along with his surroundings and circumstances. It is almost impossible to understand what he will do in one case or another. It is worth noting that a person born with this combination has an incredibly powerful gift of persuasion.

Gemini-Rooster is a hidden leader. He knows a lot and knows how to successfully use everything that he heard about somewhere, that he saw somewhere and that he read about somewhere. At the same time, he does not delve deeply into the essence of things, but knows how to be convincing. Absolutely confident in his rightness, infected with enthusiasm, he captivates those around him with his ideas. He is able to lead the crowd, but does not seek to occupy a leadership position.

Gemini-Rooster is a creatively gifted person. His lively mind and rich imagination constantly generate new ideas that bring good luck and good material rewards. The Rooster's penchant for thoughtful analysis combined with new information give amazing results.

But, unfortunately, having such excellent data, Gemini-Rooster cannot always achieve success. The reason lies in the fact that he is not very reliable in business and is too susceptible to changeable moods. His inconstancy can ruin any promising project. He easily deviates from the intended path, suddenly carried away by a new idea. He goes about his business according to his mood, and is not attached to the house or to people.

This is a “free artist” who is constantly busy with something. But his temperament and desire to constantly take active actions often lead him to the wrong place where he would like to go. We have to stop and chart new paths. In addition, he has a very hot-tempered and gambling character, is touchy and cannot stand any pressure.

In love relationships, Gemini-Rooster is simply an unsurpassed and skillful lover, with whom it will always be fun and interesting, but, as a partner and family man, he is not very reliable and responsible. This is an addicting nature that is difficult to remain faithful to. However, if the Gemini-Rooster companion can maintain constant interest, regularly come up with problems for his sharp mind and satisfy his thirst for new experiences, then family relationships will be harmonious and long-lasting.

Gemini Rooster woman

Born in the year of the Rooster, she is emotional and a little eccentric. She leads an active lifestyle, communicates with great pleasure, but never gives away her secrets and is not too frank with others. In addition, she knows how to have sweet conversations on the most pressing topics. She cannot be called a follower, since she values ​​freedom very much and easily expresses her own opinion on various occasions.

Characteristic traits for her are inconstancy, determination and a love of adventure. The Gemini-Rooster girl clearly knows what she wants to get from life and strives for her goal. She needs constant social activity, therefore, even after getting married, she will not burden herself with family and household chores. There are very few housewives among those born under the sign of the Rooster-Gemini.

The Gemini-Rooster woman is talented, capable of constantly generating new ones and can achieve success in many areas of activity. In general, she can be called an innovator, an initiator of various innovations and unusual ideas. As a rule, she builds her career from a young age and can even assert herself at the expense of others. It is important for her to gain recognition and achieve material well-being.

The desire for luxury and comfort has been ingrained in her since childhood. Therefore, already at a young age, the Gemini-Rooster woman becomes financially stable. At the same time, she is not characterized by greed and is happy to help her friends and relatives, and for the sake of her family she can do the impossible. Thanks to his developed imagination, well-spoken speech and positive outlook on life, he will be able to achieve brilliant results in the writing field, as well as express himself in art. At the same time, she knows how to involve and lead the crowd, but is not power-hungry.

The disadvantages include inconsistency and the inability to do one thing for a long time. All this creates certain difficulties, which she can overcome by carefully analyzing her life.

In relationships with men, the Gemini-Rooster woman is attractive and charming, making the most favorable impression. She is sweet and friendly, has many fans, but lassoing her is not easy. It is not easy for her to part with her freedom and let a man into her established life. To attract the attention of this girl, men will have to show as much brightness and artistry as she does.

It is worth noting that at a young age it is quite difficult for a Gemini-Rooster woman to build harmonious relationships. But by adulthood, she learns to harmoniously combine social activity and household responsibilities. Her life should be fulfilling and meaningful, but not “skewed.” Then everything will work out great!

Gemini Rooster man

Born in the year of the Rooster, . He likes to enjoy life, has a positive outlook and tries to avoid gloomy thoughts and pessimism. He can be considered Fortune's favorite. As a rule, luck accompanies him in everything, of course, only if he himself does not mess up somewhere.

The Gemini-Rooster man values ​​freedom very much and strives for independence. He is very emotional and is distinguished by his desire to seek novelty both in communication and in work. His behavior is unpredictable and even he himself, at times, cannot adequately evaluate his actions. He is prone to rash actions and can risk a lot.

Character flaws include such a personality trait as superficiality. His desire to cover all possible information does not allow him to focus on one thing for a long time. However, this is only partly true.

The Gemini-Rooster man has a creative streak and is therefore accustomed to thinking freely and unconventionally. If his freedom-loving nature is directed to the right direction, then he can become thoughtful and assiduous.

A man born with the Gemini-Rooster combination needs to find his favorite activity as early as possible, to which he will devote most of his seething energy. He is very contradictory and versatile, so it is difficult for him to make a choice, especially at a young age. It is ideal if he combines several favorite activities, but he needs to be clearly aware of his goals and go towards them.

The secret of success is forward movement, moving step by step in the chosen direction. It is especially favorable for the Gemini-Rooster man to develop the creative sphere. Material well-being is much more important to him than career growth. Therefore, very often he organizes his own business and tries with all his might to make it prosperous.

The bright and original behavior of the Gemini-Rooster man does not leave any woman indifferent. In personal relationships, he is romantic, gentle, but very amorous. At the same time, he is freedom-loving, capricious, looking for the woman of his dreams, but ideas about the ideal change several times in his life. He will be happy with a patient woman who can put up with his eccentric character.

There is never a dull moment with a Gemini-Rooster man, as his irrepressible energy will always find something to do and adventure for both. However, immersed in work, he may completely forget about his partner. He also tends to be distracted by his hobbies to the detriment of the woman he loves.

It is worth noting that a man born with this combination is not at all afraid of being alone, breaking off relationships that interfere with his business. Only at the age of 40 does he begin to understand the value of family and strive for marriage. The birth of children brings even more brightness and strength of emotions to a relationship. That is why he is really looking forward to their appearance.

You are interested in novelty, you have a lot of exciting hobbies and interests, you often change your activities, becoming interested in something new. A penchant for knowledge and travel can make you often change your activities, work and life plans; in addition, there are always a lot of acquaintances, friends and just friends nearby.

Thanks to your sociability, you constantly find yourself in the center of events, constantly changing and improving your professional skills. But at the same time, you often make ill-conceived promises to others and can take on too many responsibilities and tasks at once.

Gemini-Rooster woman in love

Rarely strive for love - you are interested in changing partners, keeping abreast of all events and trying to fall in love out of curiosity or for the sake of new experiences. You give in to your feelings too superficially and are unlikely to do crazy things for the sake of your loved one. Love for you is a bright game and flirtation. Deeper feelings, experiences and jealousy are almost unknown to you.

Gemini-Rooster woman in marriage

It is extremely rare to dream of marriage for love. Either career considerations or a very strong passion can push you to take this step. You rarely become attached to people, in marriage you never change your interests for the sake of everyday life, you try almost not to delve into what is unpleasant for you. Divorce easily; if the relationship is not satisfactory, you can get married several times throughout your life.

Gemini Rooster woman in bed

Even a frivolous hobby is a real fireworks show with bright emotions, impressions, gifts and sensations. You love to change, try everything new, unknown, you very rarely fall in love with your partner and are jealous of him, for which he appreciates you. You strive for free and beautiful relationships, without feeling any particular attachment to anyone.

Gemini-Rooster woman in career

For you, a career is an opportunity to learn new things, travel, communicate and keep abreast of all events. Therefore, you feel great in areas such as journalism, tourism, advertising, and design. You easily expand your horizons, but for a bright career takeoff you lack dedication and perseverance.

Gemini Woman in the Year of the Wood Rooster (1945, 2005, 2065)

Your strong character traits are calmness, passion and determination. You are fearless, but are not prone to adventurous and risky actions, preferring a gradual ascent towards your goal. You do not like to sit still; it is important for you to be in the center of events and constantly communicate with people. You hate routine and try to avoid it.

Gemini woman in the year of the fire rooster (1957, 2017, 2077)

Courage, fearlessness and courage are the main character traits that help to demonstrate leadership qualities and achieve success. Thanks to them, you easily gain the upper hand and get rich, but your generosity can cross all boundaries and constantly provoke disappointment. In love, strive to get maximum impressions, do not tolerate routine and monotony.

Gemini Woman in the Year of the Earth Rooster (1909, 1969, 2029)

You are practical, but this does not prevent you from setting yourself high goals and achieve them. Strive for leadership, activity and determination, hate conflict situations and strive to command those around you. IN family life you are not afraid of difficulties, but you have difficulty putting up with other people’s shortcomings and oddities.

Gemini Woman in the Year of the Metal Rooster (1921, 1981, 2041)

Your strong character traits are determination and firmness. You are not afraid of anything and feel calm in places where others are afraid to even look. Your character is temperamental and touchy; you can take revenge on those who offend you and stand up for yourself in any situation. However, in family life you should not be so categorical and proud.

With a rather complex character. And in order to understand what characteristics people born under the auspices of this zodiac combination have, it is worth talking in more detail about both signs.


People born in the year of this bird have a complex, straightforward, capricious character. They are focused on their own ambitions and enjoy playing to the crowd. Roosters are enterprising individuals who easily organize things and get out of difficult situations. However, any work that they do (and good quality) is accompanied by noise, complaints, whims and nerves. Because of this, people around such a person feel as if he is about to lose his temper.

Roosters are also relentless and will convince anyone that they are right. They also have an excellent gift of suggestion. Such people make true leaders. It is not surprising that the self-esteem of these individuals is always inflated.

Naturally, such people need a stable relationship, and their partner must be faithful and reliable. Although the Roosters themselves avoid responsibility. They can cheat on their significant other, for example. In general, people born under this sign rarely have good marriages. Few can stand their terrible character and unacceptable behavior towards the family.


Now it’s worth saying a few words about the zodiac sign. The Rooster-Gemini is a combination that indicates that in front of you is an absolutely incredible person. And zodiac affiliation plays an important role here. It was said above how people born in the year of the Rooster have a terrible character. So, zodiac affiliation seriously smoothes it out.

Geminis have a very well developed intellect. They have clear thinking, thanks to which any, even the most confusing and complex problems are solved easily and simply. In addition, they are smart and used to thinking logically: such people always analyze the situation around them, and, of course, people. When they argue, they always remain friendly. They are really very charming. By the way, Geminis have an incredibly powerful gift of persuasion. And they are very restless, active and fickle.

Double characteristic

But now we need to talk about who such a person is, who combines the qualities of the Rooster and Gemini. Firstly, he is restless and changeable. Such people rarely know what they want, and therefore their plans and goals change too often. Although this person is constantly busy with something and does only what he likes.

Despite his inner freedom, the Gemini Rooster is a man who depends on circumstances. This irritates him, and he gets nervous over trifles. For girls born in this zodiac combination, this problem is less pronounced. They do not have a constant desire to take any active actions. They are more calm.

The Gemini Rooster is a woman who will never burden herself with family and household chores. She may get married, but she will never become a typical housewife. She needs constant social activity, this is her whole life.

It is also very important for every person born in the year of the Rooster under the sign of Gemini to find something they love as early as possible. This way he will find himself and become calmer and more balanced. This is necessary not only for him, but also for the people he surrounds. These people are not those who experience everything that happens within themselves. They, on the contrary, spread feelings and emotions to everyone in the area. This can be tiring for many.

In a relationship

Many people are interested in who such a person would have good compatibility with. The Gemini Rooster gets along well with the Ox. Yes, this is its complete opposite, but such a union is considered one of the best in Chinese horoscope. The Ox is a stable, hardworking and responsible person. The relationship will be especially good if the person born in the year of this animal turns out to be Sagittarius. Because both he and his partner will understand each other perfectly. These are smart, playful people who are no strangers to fun. And most importantly, everyone has qualities that it would be useful for another to learn. The Sagittarius Ox is distinguished by its sincerity, perseverance and knows how to achieve its goals, pursuing them persistently and for a long time. The Gemini Rooster is a charming, creative and active person. The union of these two can be not only productive, but also useful for each of them.

But who the Rooster definitely shouldn’t mess with is the Rabbit. Especially if the person born this year was born under the sign of Pisces. These sensual, calm, even shy people are clearly not a match for violent Roosters.

Zodiac characteristics are, of course, an interesting topic, but first of all you need to listen to your feelings.

Character of Rooster-Gemini women: They tempt fate all the time. They find themselves in unpleasant and inexplicable situations, from which they emerge, but with losses. To achieve their goals, they choose the most difficult paths, so in some cases it is difficult for them to achieve their goals. They are fickle and cannot do a certain thing for a long time. All this creates difficulties in their lives, which they can overcome by analyzing their behavior.

By nature, they are strong-willed, decisive individuals who are not afraid of difficulties. They are pedantic and punctual. Thanks to these qualities, they can make a good career in the field of science and medicine. Finding themselves in yet another altercation on their own initiative, they create a romantic image for themselves. And this makes them attractive to members of the opposite sex. On the surface they are optimists, but internally they are torn by doubts and fears.

Rooster women - Gemini in love and relationships: Love relationship For them, it’s just another adventure into which they throw themselves headlong. However, their overly complex nature scares their partners away from them. They can be too demanding and critical, not noticing their shortcomings. As a result, it is difficult for them to build harmonious relationships, especially at a young age. In maturity, these women can achieve a harmonious union, as they understand how to build relationships with a partner.

Rooster women - Gemini in finance and career: They build their careers from a young age. It is important for them to gain recognition, and they also want to achieve material well-being. The desire for comfort and luxury is ingrained in them from childhood, so they manage to become financially stable already in their youth. At the same time, they are not stingy, they can help friends and relatives, and are ready to do the impossible for their family. Understanding the need for money, they make a good career.

Rooster women - Gemini in family and marriage: Family relationships always prosperous. Order, calm and understanding always reign in their family. A stable life may seem boring to many, but in their case they know how to build relationships in such a way that there is a place for romance and other important feelings in them. As a result, they feel great in the family circle. And although these women have high demands for their loved ones, they can still become loyal over time.

Advice for Rooster-Gemini women: These women are advised to listen to their own “I” more often and become more confident. To do this, you will need to stop more often and think about the meaning of life, your purpose. Spiritual development plays a big role for them, so they must study themselves carefully. Fears need to be fought and overcome, then there will be more positive things in their lives. You can’t slip into depression, as this has a negative impact on everything.