A pig is a horse. Horse and Pig (Boar) - compatibility in love and marriage! Compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility of the signs of a woman Horse and a man Pig is not an easy task. At the first romantic stage of the relationship, they are well together. Both partners love a beautiful life, secular companies and all sorts of pleasures. However, the longer they are together, the more the differences in the characters of these signs are revealed.

Conflict moments

The Horse Woman is very energetic and active. If she wants to go on a trip to new places, she will buy a ticket without hesitation. The horse loves new experiences, in them it splashes out its energy in the form of joy and delight. Therefore, she enjoys doing outside activities. The Pig man, on the contrary, prefers a limited family circle and a stable relationship in a couple. In his mind, family life does not have to include trips to nature and other such pleasures.

It is impossible to influence the Horse woman by pressure, but it can and will work out a little. But it should be remembered that artificial relationships do not attract this woman, and as soon as she realizes that something is wrong, waving her tail, she will rush in search of new adventures, leaving her partner with unfulfilled dreams. The Pig man, who does not like uncertainty and change, will suffer from the wayward impulses of the Horse woman, her straightforward conversations, which can exert a lot of pressure.

It will not be easy for him to get used to and adjust to her, unless he stops being so nervous and does not allow the Horse to live as she pleases. If the Pig man does not attach too much importance to controversial issues, in his opinion, then they will be able to establish peace and tranquility in the union. Attention to each other and patience will create a harmonious relationship.


The combination of these signs indicates the possibility of achieving balance. However, the Pig man in this union finds himself in a somewhat uncomfortable position, since the Horse woman is used to solving problems and taking responsibility. A man who respects himself and a woman will have to make sure that they agree with her on important issues and solve common problems.

If the Pig man does not overcome his complexes and is afraid of decisiveness in the actions of the Horse woman, the relationship will be filled with innuendo, lies, and a desire to teach a partner a lesson contrary to common sense.

Frankness and lack of secrecy is what any relationship should be built on. The Horse woman should also be affectionate and kind with her man. If she treats him disrespectfully from the very beginning, then the relationship will not survive to marriage and fall apart.

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The compatibility of the Horse and the Boar cannot be unequivocally assessed as too ideal or too bad. Contradictions reign in this pair: on the one hand, partners create ideal relationships that others can only envy, and on the other hand, they destroy everything and break each other's lives.

It all depends on the people themselves and on their desire to be together.

Horse Man and Pig Woman (Boar)

The Horse man and the Pig woman are able to create a classic relationship where the man takes full responsibility. The woman will try on the role of the keeper of the hearth. She is unlikely to be able to create real home comfort and give her loved ones warmth and care.

In love

The compatibility of the Horse and the Boar in love is considered above average, but not high. Love between a man and a woman of these signs can exist, but not always for a long time. It is in the nature of the Horse to take a leading position in everything.

Therefore, a man considers himself superior to his beloved and underestimates her human qualities. He is able to surprise his girlfriend with his actions: both good and bad. The horse is a strong ambitious person, with big plans for life, who needs change. And the Pig is a charismatic, but more restrained and domestic personality. Such contradictions between partners can cause difficulties.


The compatibility of the Horse and the Pig in marriage is considered high if the partners have come to the decision to tie the knot in their relationship and if they have left all the misunderstandings behind. It will be easy for a couple in marriage. There will be no disputes about the distribution of roles in the family.

A woman will gladly give way to her husband and will carefully keep the hearth and take care of the family. The compatibility of the Horse man and the Pig woman in marriage is ideal, but has its own pitfalls.

A marriage between partners will be great if the spouses have many points of contact. Each partner needs a person who shares their interests. The Pig Girl suits the Horse man because she fully understands her lover and knows how to endure his antics. When a man understands this, he will begin to appreciate it.

in friendship

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Pig woman in friendship is ideal, and it is based on the fact that they are both devoted and reliable friends. They easily find a common language and can talk for hours about their problems and experiences. They will always come to each other's aid and help with advice in difficult times. They like to spend their free time together: they are addicted to communication.

The only problem that friends may encounter is a mismatch of characters. The Pig can be offended by the sharp and straightforward statements of the Horse. But this quickly passes, since both signs are quick-witted and do not know how to be offended and angry for a long time.

Horse Woman and Pig Man (Boar)

The compatibility of the Horse woman and the Pig man is different - the main thing to know is that it all depends on how and in favor of what the couple will prioritize. Astrologers believe that in almost all areas, the compatibility of the couple will be positive.

In love

The Horse and the Pig are able to be together if they put their feelings above all else. They can be strongly attached to each other emotionally. But at the same time, prejudices, disputes and experiences can destroy the world of this couple. In addition, a man will have to give up leadership in a pair to a girl, since the Horse is much stronger than the Pig.

Important! The love of this couple, despite all the obstacles, is called bright and unforgettable.


The compatibility of a Horse woman and a Pig man in marriage is considered above average if the partners decide to take such an important step as to legitimize their relationship. This means only one thing - the couple managed to find an approach to each other and learn mutual respect.

The compatibility of people, when a woman is a Horse and a man is a Pig, depends directly on themselves. Everything will be bad if the husband and wife do not learn to understand each other and give in. When it all comes down to a hardline dictatorship, both sides have thoughts of parting. To avoid such a sad end, you need to accept people as they are.

In families that are built on kindness, mutual understanding and boundless love, the best children are always born. It is they who make their parents work on their mistakes and become better and better every day.

in friendship

The compatibility of the Horse and the Pig in any case is considered good. Friends easily find a common language and can talk for hours about their problems and experiences. They will always come to each other's aid and help with advice in difficult times. They like to spend their free time together: they are addicted to communication.

The only problem that these signs can face is the mismatch of characters. The Pig can be hurt by the Horse's harsh and straightforward statements. But this passes quickly, since both signs are quick-witted and do not know how to be offended and angry for a long time, especially at those who are so dear to them.

Sexual Compatibility

The compatibility of the Pig and the Horse in sexual relations is good, but the couple periodically has problems due to the fact that the Pigs are more conservative and modest people than the Horses.

Boars cannot afford too much, but their partners have the opposite - they love something new and unusual, they love experiments. In order for the couple to be all right in bed, the Horse only needs to take everything into their own hands.

Work and business

Pigs and Horses are hardworking and purposeful people. This is a huge plus when it comes to work and business. If these Signs cooperate, then their career will go uphill, and their efficiency will increase several times.

It is easy for them to find a common language, therefore, from the relationship of simple colleagues, signs can go into the relationship of true friends. A common cause will not affect friendship badly, but will only strengthen it.

What do astrologers advise a pair of signs Horse and Pig? According to the Horoscope, the most important thing in this pair is the lack of secrecy and frankness.

Pigs need to learn to accept that Horses are stronger than them, solve all issues on their own and like to take everything into their own hands. Of course, this causes feelings of discomfort among the Boars, but this situation is fixable: if desired, everything can be changed.

The horoscope advises Horses to learn to be more sensual and affectionate, attentive and respectful of others. The compatibility of relations in this pair depends mainly on mutual understanding and honesty.

Compatibility male Horse and female Pig is based on the ability to reach a compromise that will satisfy the needs of both partners. At the stage of infatuation, they are very good together, they prefer to spend time in secular parties, lead a beautiful comfortable life filled with various pleasures. The sexual component of the relationship will seem like a continuous holiday to both. As the relationship develops over time, differences in the temperaments of the partners, which they will have to learn to accept, will come to the fore.

In a pair of a man-Horse and a woman-Pig, there will also be mutual attraction, and also after the end of the candy-bouquet period, contradictions will begin to crystallize. The Horse Man is a very active person who simply cannot stand still. His life is replete with bright events, parties and other manifestations of a busy social life. He is hardworking and patient.

The Pig Woman is a much calmer person: she feels more comfortable in a narrower circle of friends and in a less noisy environment. She is purely feminine striving for stability and peace. This lady does not like innovation and behaves more conservatively. The frantic dynamics of the Horse man can simply scare her. Family life is also diplomacy, and the Pig woman acts more skillfully in this area, so the well-being of this couple primarily depends on her. This union may well last for many years.

Horse man and Pig woman in love

The compatibility of the Horse man and the Pig woman is controversial, and depending on personal qualities, they can get both good relationships and very bad ones. If they do not respect each other and do not show at least a drop of worldly wisdom, everything is lost.

Most likely, the Horse man will take the leading position in this pair, since the Pig woman does not need this, she easily adjusts and adapts, lives a relatively quiet life. Such a partner is good because it is never boring with him, he always finds new and interesting entertainment. Sometimes the Pig woman even gets a little tired of such activity, and then it is better for her to sit at home or chat with close friends in a relaxed atmosphere.

She is a sensual person, for whom it is important to admire her chosen one, and just the Horse man is an excellent option in this regard. He has a lot of energy, he is a strong personality, for which the partner is passionate. Difficulties are due to the egoism of the Horse man, who can get too carried away with his external life and not pay due attention to his soulmate. Another problem arises if the Pig woman does nothing for personal development, and the man loses respect for her.

Horse man and boar woman in a relationship

The Horse man is active and very energetic. He rarely takes time to think, especially when it comes to traveling to new places. He wants new experiences to throw out his enthusiasm and joy, and then continue on his way. He is prone to realization in external activities, and his craving for everything new makes him change places of work and hobbies. The spirit of the wanderer burns in him.

The Pig woman prefers to spend time in a narrow circle of close people and build stable, promising relationships. She is sensual and takes great pleasure in sexual relations. The Horse man and the Pig woman have different views on family life.

They are quite capable of finding a compromise solution and achieving a pleasant and easy love relationship. The Pig woman knows how to smooth sharp corners, soothe and ask a man correctly. She will have to accompany her beloved to all social events and in any outings into nature. She knows how to be affectionate and gentle, patient and calm. She does not need leadership in a pair, because she will never compete with a male Horse. If she manages to accept a man for who he is, without expecting him to change, their life together will bring her more pleasure.

Pig and Horse compatibility is ambiguous. On the one hand, the Boar is a very peaceful sign, it is easy and simple with him, he converges with almost everyone. The horse is a debater, but you can’t call it an intriguer or a conflicting person either. Both love social life, fun and entertainment. But these signs have a different idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfamily and life. The horse is a supporter of change, a lover of travel. The pig prefers home comfort and stability. To improve relations, create a strong alliance, partners need to try hard.

Characters of signs

The relationship between the signs of the Horse and the Pig largely depends on the characteristics of their characters. What features do these people have, according to the Chinese horoscope?

Horse Character

An active adventurer, an innovator, an ardent debater - all this is a characteristic of the Horse. She is always in the center of attention, ready at any second to take off and go to the ends of the world. He does not tolerate boredom and monotony, he has his own point of view on everything. Here are the features of the sign, according to the eastern horoscope:

  • energy;
  • haste;
  • sociability;
  • leadership skills;
  • sensuality;
  • emotionality;
  • ardor;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • charm.

Fervor does not allow the Horse to soberly assess the situation. Because of their haste, inconstancy, desire for change, people of this sign often do not bring serious matters to an end.

Pig character

Reliable and executive Pig never gives empty promises. He tries to bring any business to the end, is famous for his perseverance. He loves life in all its manifestations, seeks pleasure, tries to avoid conflicts. Considerable approach to making any decisions. According to the eastern horoscope, the Pig has the following character traits:

  • reliability;
  • peacefulness;
  • justice;
  • intelligence;
  • intuition;
  • sociability;
  • diplomacy;
  • sense of tact;
  • kindness;
  • perseverance at work.

The pig is inert, does not like change. She is honest, straightforward, sincere, therefore she often becomes a victim of scammers and ill-wishers.

General sign compatibility

The attraction between the Horse and the Pig is strong, they are well suited to each other physically. Novels between signs occur often, but they are short-lived. To build a long-term, strong relationship, sex alone is not enough. Already in the first months, the differences become very noticeable, the compatibility of the signs of the Horse and the Pig is a big question. Their union is very complex, ambiguous and unstable.

The horse is energetic, ready to break away at any moment, loves change. At the same time, she is rather superficial, does not want to delve into the essence of things. The pig prefers stability, approaches any business thoroughly. She is not averse to enjoying life, but does not want to risk her comfort and measured life. The Boar considers the Horse to be frivolous and frivolous. The horse takes the Pig for a lazy and boring person.

The Horse and the Pig can improve relations if they stop figuring them out. The horse does not like to delve into the intricacies of human communication for a long time, he gets bored, and he goes to look for new adventures. It is better for a pig to simply let go of a partner, not to control his every step. Horses should listen more to the advice of the Boar, his insight, intuition and intelligence will avoid many mistakes. Mutual respect, concessions help this couple. Even better, if the partners learn to accept each other as they are, without trying to change.

Compatibility Horse Woman and Pig Man

A Horse woman and a Pig man can like each other at first sight. Together they will experience an unusual adventure in which there will be love, passion, sincere real feelings. In most cases, the adventure is where it all ends. Partners see how different their temperaments, life positions, goals are, therefore it rarely comes to marriage in such a pair, the vector gap between them is too large.

The compatibility of the Pig man and the Horse woman is difficult, because their family is always unstable. The wife immediately wants to take the reins of government into her own hands. She tries to solve all problems, with her energy she turns a man's life upside down. The boar is not ready to obey, although in order to avoid conflicts it can give in to something. He is strained by the violent activity of a woman who destroys his quiet and comfortable world. Grievances accumulate, which sooner or later leads to a break, the marriage collapses, often the spouses part as enemies.

The Horse woman and the Pig man can improve their relationship. The main thing is to be frank with each other and not hide your own displeasure. The Boar should not be afraid of the wrath of the Horse. The anger of a woman is transient, she simply throws out the accumulated feelings. A diplomatic and peace-loving man can always smooth out sharp corners in a conflict. A woman should learn tenderness, kindness and thoroughness from her husband. They will help her make fewer mistakes and rash acts in life. The family will survive if feelings and true love remain in it.

Compatibility Horse Man and Pig Woman

The Horse man and the Pig woman are more likely to create a prosperous family than the previous couple. At the very beginning of the relationship between the signs, passion flares up. The guy is passionate about a calm and balanced, but at the same time sociable girl. She, in turn, will appreciate the energy of a man, his sensuality, the ability not to lose heart in any situation. Young people will not be hindered from connecting their destinies, even those contradictions that they notice at the very beginning.

If the Horse man and the Pig woman do not completely succumb to the horoscope and its negative influence, their union will be very happy. The wife will be able to perfectly equip the house, take care of both the children and the husband. With his patience and pliability, the Boar smooths out sharp corners in relations with a quick-tempered and hot Horse. A man will be able to appreciate the efforts of his wife, because after a stormy adventure it is so nice to return to a cozy nest. Marriage can be strengthened by children if the wife takes on the daily care of them, and the husband is entrusted with active games, walks and other interesting activities.

The Horse man and the Pig woman may lose compatibility when they are carried away by a showdown. Conflicts can arise on the basis of finances. The boar is very economical, and the horse loves to spend money right and left. For peace to reign in the family, a man needs to spend more time at home, praise his wife and appreciate what she does for him. A woman will have to accept that a man has many interests outside the home. It is best to keep him company on travels, at social events. Moreover, the Pig is also not averse to having fun.

Horse and Pig compatibility is an almost unrealistic tandem, which is initially doomed to failure. Too different partners and their characters, they fail to achieve mutual understanding and affection, which is typical for marriages of prisoners of love and little calculation.

Pig and Horse compatibility: what to expect from this zodiac union?

A serious relationship is a real test for a couple

These two partners are immediately addicted to each other, and at the stage of the candy-bouquet period they are well together. The Horse and the Pig love social events, fun activities, and a cultural program, but, as a rule, two bright charismatic personalities cannot get along in marriage.

In addition to having fun, partners find each other in sex. Getting into the same bed, they get drunk from the wave of passion and mutual attraction that covers them. But having entered a more responsible stage of relations, the partners begin to quarrel and argue, shifting the solution of complex issues to other people's shoulders.

The horse is very active, and used to realize all his whims.

Expensive thing, a long-awaited trip 5 times a year, light flirting? It is impossible to deny yourself your beloved in all this. Horses, both men and women, need new sensations:

  1. New emotions and the opportunity to throw out your positive.
  2. They are rather desperate travelers and dreamers than a reliable support for family life.
  3. They flirt easily, but they will not change their partner.

The pig, on the other hand, does not share the emotionality of its partner, it is less sociable, distinguished by conservatism and restraint. Yes, the zodiac Pig can afford an expensive purchase, but she prefers to share her joy with her loved one. The Pig has a limited list of people she trusts, and the Horse will gladly let a new unfamiliar person into her heart and into the family.

Most often, these relationships are artificial and simulated, and partners are guided by passion, affection, but not love. Each of them understands that a serious relationship will not work, but both continue to hold on to each other.

Compatibility Male Horse and Female Pig (Boar)

According to the horoscope, such a zodiac combination is very real, and partners can come to a common compromise. The pig will be engaged in smoothing sharp corners, the man is attracted by her tenderness and care.

For the Pig, marriage will be difficult, because the Horse man will constantly ask to accompany him to social events, which for a calm Pig will become more of a difficult duty than a pleasant pastime.

But the woman in this pair is more relaxed, she knows well the levers of pressure, by clicking on which she can evoke sympathy, pity and a surge of tenderness from her man Horse. She does not compete with her husband in the matter of leadership, does not put pressure on him and does not try to change, and he is completely satisfied with his complaisant and economic soulmate.

If a lady accepts her husband as he is by nature, then the couple will never break up.

Compatibility Horse Woman and Pig Man

Conflicts in such a pair cannot be avoided, but it is possible to save marriage and love for many years. Combining marriage with a woman Horse, a man falls into an addiction that is unpleasant for him. A woman will try to take over the solution of many issues, complete control over her husband's budget and time.

If he manages to teach her to discuss everything and consult, then the marriage will be successful.

The more trust zodiac partners show, the stronger their love and family life. But the Horse should not neglect his duties, he is sympathetic to the joys and the problem of his spouse.

And if a man begins to amuse his pride and does not listen to the advice of the Horse woman, then their marriage is doomed to failure.