Compatibility of a bull and a pig according to the Chinese horoscope. Ox-Man - Pig Woman (Boar) Joint bull woman and boar man compatibility

The eastern horoscope can predict not only the fate of a person, but also his behavior in a pair. The compatibility of the Ox and the Boar is highly rated by astrologers; in this pair, relationships are built on mutual respect.

Love between such signs resembles the gentle flow of a river. Both do not like open conflicts and appreciate calmness in relationships.

Characteristics of the Bull

The Ox horoscope notes a number of striking characteristics:

  • purposefulness;
  • conservatism;
  • pragmatism;
  • perseverance;
  • independence.

People born this year always go ahead, are of the opinion that the end justifies the means. The inner strength of the sign makes others reckon with him, listen to his opinion.

Such personalities make strong and fair bosses: they know how to correctly distribute responsibilities. Love for this sign has a practical meaning, but such people are not prone to treason and always try to provide a partner.

Characteristics of the Pig

The boar has a dual character according to the horoscope. These individuals have the following qualities:

  • honesty;
  • slowness;
  • dislike for disputes;
  • tolerance;
  • sociability.

The pig, as a patron animal, endows its wards with courtesy and gentleness. Boars do not make empty promises, they always choose their words carefully and do not tolerate the inability to fulfill obligations, be it work or love.

Also, such people know how to seek compromises and sacrifice their interests. They are patient with other people's shortcomings, but at the same time they demand respect for themselves. If the Pig feels neglected, he will easily leave his partner.

Pig Woman and Ox Man


Ox man and Pig woman have good compatibility in love and friendship. Their relationship most often begins with tender romance, which allows you to build a spiritual connection.

Partners see each other as a kindred spirit, the sincerity of the signs allows you to create a trusting and warm union. Compatibility in tandem also increases the signs of the zodiac. The most favorable horoscope for representatives of the water element: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Their combination with animal patrons is optimal, such relationships last for years.

Sexually, the boy and girl signs also complement each other well. The Ox is not a subtle spiritual nature, but his consistency and methodicalness allow him to satisfy the needs of the Pig. In turn, the girl in sex will show tenderness and affection, which is so necessary for the guy. Thus, the compatibility of the Ox man and the Pig woman in love is high, the main thing is that the partners pay attention to each other.


This pair is harmonious initially, thanks to the correct distribution of traditional roles.

The Ox man is the breadwinner in the family, he likes to take responsibility for himself and loved ones. The Pig woman prefers to equip her life. Her innate creativity helps her to take a non-standard approach to raising children and creating comfort in the house.

Ox and Pig have high compatibility in marriage, thanks to deep mutual understanding and respect. Open quarrels rarely occur in a couple, the girl and the guy understand each other perfectly. A woman will bring romance to a relationship, while a man will fill it with dynamism.

Problems in marriage

Despite the strong spiritual unity, there are still disagreements in the couple. The reasons are:

  1. Finance. The girl in the couple prefers to spend money on satisfaction of desires and a comfortable life. To a fisted spouse, such behavior seems wasteful.
  2. The hospitality of the girl. The man in this tandem values ​​his home as a protected place. He rarely lets strangers into him, while the woman loves guests and often arranges meetings.
  3. Dislike for open disputes. Due to the silence of grievances, both spouses may be in a state of latent conflict. This will lead to mutual irritation and may cause a break in relations.

To avoid such problems, spouses should talk more often about what worries them or makes them uncomfortable. A girl in such a marriage can make compromises, but a guy should not be categorical in everything.

If a man gives in to a woman in details, the Pig will appreciate this gesture and allow him to take on the role of leader. However, the intransigence of the spouse can lead to rigidity, and the marriage will fall apart.

Ox Woman and Pig Man


This combination is not always successful. The Ox girl prefers the role of a leader, and the soft Boar at the first meeting can give her the illusion of power. In fact, a man in these relationships will not go on about for a long time.

Love in such a union is waiting for many pitfalls. So, the guy will be annoyed by the excessive perseverance and stubbornness of the girl, and her lack of confidence in the relationship.

In sex, partners are able to please each other. A gentle and courteous spouse will be careful with his soul mate, which will help the girl feel loved and protected.


The Ox woman and the Pig man can build strong family relationships, but for this they should come to terms with each other's imperfections. They need to spend a lot of time together and have frank conversations.

The ability of the Boar to compromise will allow the tandem not to collapse due to the stubbornness of the Ox. A man will not give in to a girl all the time, at some point he will leave without loud quarrels and scandals, leaving his companion in bewilderment.

relationship problems

Open scandals in such an alliance are rare, but hidden conflicts are common. The reasons for disagreement are:

  1. financial dependence. A man in this marriage does not seek to earn a lot, he treats money as a way to improve his life. For a girl, a career is of great importance; a guy’s indifference to finances can cause irritation.
  2. Conservative. The Pig guy and the Ox girl do not like change, but the man in this pair still sometimes wants a little variety, otherwise he starts to get bored.
  3. Inability to resolve conflicts. A man may hint to his partner several times that he is not satisfied with a certain line of her behavior, but such gentleness is mistakenly not taken seriously by a woman. If no action is taken, the guy will end the relationship.

For a stable relationship, a girl should not expect mountains of gold from her partner. The couple needs to share material responsibilities equally and enjoy spiritual intimacy.

A man appreciates the sincerity of his girlfriend, he will always come to her aid in a difficult situation, but for a warm and trusting relationship, a girl should learn to make concessions.


The horoscopes of the Boar and the Ox have good compatibility. Their love is built on spiritual understanding, partners enjoy simply being next to each other.

Problems in relationships arise on the basis of material wealth and are resolved through an equal division of responsibilities. If the spouses can give in to minor details, the marriage will work out successfully.

Astrologers note a lot in common between the sign of the Ox and the Pig. They are balanced, they know how to find compromises, they prefer rich relationships. The compatibility of the Bull and the Pig (Boar) is generally favorable. The development of personal communication directly depends on the desire to achieve a result: if friendship is true, if love is passionate. Both love romance, are not afraid of family life. Signs learn to reveal each other, although there are certain prospects for not building full-fledged relationships. Do not forget that the Bull's assertiveness sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. The pig, in turn, prefers to live easily, without straining with plans for the future.

Compatibility of male Ox and female Pig

The compatibility horoscope of the Ox and the Boar is based on the real perception of each other. A man and a woman live, accepting the advantages and disadvantages of a partner. There is passion and lightness in love relationships. Loving people at the initial stage enjoy emotions and feelings. It remains to come to terms with a different way of life, or rather, with priorities.

The Bull Man is a true conservative, spends a lot of time at work. He likes a quiet holiday, entertainment is also limited. Pig Woman - for social events, loves noisy companies, parties.

In order not to swear, it is sometimes worth spending time separately.

In love

At the initial stage, passion flares up in love. Partners do not notice anything around. The Pig Woman admires the Bull while wearing rose-colored glasses for a long period. The man is pleased with the choice, he likes to reveal the girl from different angles.

Sexual compatibility of the couple at the highest level: the couple moves away from friends, spending days and nights on end in bed. Both signs in sex behave at ease, enjoy each other's closeness.

When the romance subsides, it will be necessary to return to real life, where there are disagreements: the Ox man will not tolerate if the lady often has fun while he works tirelessly.


The family union is based on mutual understanding. The personal characteristics of each are enhanced under the influence of each other. The prospect of family life relies on a polite, well-mannered Ox man and a devoted Pig wife. Spouses perform their duties qualitatively: a man provides for his family, a woman creates comfort in the house, morally supports her husband.

The Ox is a secretive nature, but next to the Pig woman it is revealed differently. Thanks to the warm atmosphere in the family, a man reaches heights in work.

in friendship

The pig is attentive to its surroundings. She is a great friend, but not for everyone. Despite the noisy companies in which the lady prefers to spend time, few people are close to her. The Bull Man is pleased with such attention. They have many common interests, in friendship they converge in all aspects, there is an ease of communication.

Compatibility of Ox Woman and Pig Man

The union of the Ox woman and the Pig man is quite probable, but short-lived. Different perceptions of life and the habits of lovers make it difficult to build a full-fledged foundation for relationships.

Partners will hold their positions for a long time, not yielding to each other. The Ox Woman is focused on her own development, a career with full dedication. The Pig Man does not strive for prosperity: work does not bring pleasure to the guy, he always prioritizes rest, which the companion does not accept.

In love

Ox and Pig in love will experience a sense of impermanence. A man may find himself in a rigid framework that a woman delimits. She is a conservative, likes to keep everything under control, does not accept rash spending. The man in his eyes is the complete opposite. Winning the trust of your beloved will not be easy. Scandals and insults will block romanticism, life will become unbearable. There will be a crisis in love relationships.

The union will last if the male Pig stops spending money without busting, will be the main earner in the pair.


There will be no happiness in the family life of a couple. Men born in the year of the Pig often find strong women attractive. Comparing compatibility in percentage terms - 55% attractiveness in the physical plane, this is not enough to build a full-fledged relationship.

The Ox Woman claims to be the leader in the pair, which does not suit the partner. The spouse will feel constrained in marriage. Constant reproaches, lack of attention from his wife oppress a man. The boar will get bored with the wife's excessive demands, and the wife will get tired of the unfulfilling husband. There will certainly be a desire to leave.

in friendship

In a friendly atmosphere, friends do not have any conflicts. The soft, accommodating Pig easily finds a common language with the impregnable Ox. Friends always have something to talk about, where to go, what to do.

Despite different priorities and life goals, the signs converge, understand each other. Both are intellectually developed, so they speak the same language. There is no rivalry between them, this is the main component of strong friendship.

The secret romance of the Ox and the Pig is simply impossible. When a man and a woman plunge into love, they contemplate everything. In conflicts, loving people are also able to attract third parties. The ability to keep balance is given to the Pig, but happiness requires the work of two.

It is with passion, sexual attraction that the connection between the representatives of the Chinese horoscope Ox and Pig (Boar) begins, compatibility in love and relationships for a man and a woman, astrologers estimate by about 55%, which is not so bad.

Compatibility according to the eastern horoscope

In fact, the development of relations between people depends not only on what sign of the Zodiac they are, it is equally important in what particular period they were both born (fire, wood, water, metal, earth year).

Hence, some characteristics may not match. In general terms, any partnership between them will be good, due to similar character traits.

Male Ox and female Pig (Boar)

Men born under the sign of the Ox, in fact, like the women of the Pigs, strive to live a planned, measured life. Everything is calm with them, both are distinguished by a balanced character, the ability to control themselves, they easily compromise. Any free minute they try to be with each other, in the circle of their family, quarrels are extremely rare.

When the union is built on sincere feelings, sexual attraction and passion remain between them for many years. Spouses respect each other even when love fades away, in this case they will be united by a common life goal.

Important! Excessive perseverance, exactingness, straightforwardness of the Ox man can destroy the family idyll. The Boar will not tolerate anything like this. Such marriages survive only if both are tolerant.

Male Pig (Boar) and female Ox

The chance to create a strong alliance is somewhat reduced if he is a Pig, and she is a Bull. A woman initially attracts a man with her assertiveness, determination, enviable stubbornness, self-sufficiency. However, very soon the direct Pig begins to get tired of this, and eternal control becomes a real punishment.

The Pig man will try to take a leading position in life, but she is unlikely to allow this. He will try to control everything from the daily routine to finances.

Moreover, goal setting usually takes place in a rigid concrete form. At first, a man, of course, will try to meet the requirements of his tough chosen one, however, when he loses his patience, he will simply file for divorce.

Compatibility in love and marriage

The family life of such people is based on sensuality, mutual trust, romantic relationships. They initially quickly find a common language, since the spiritual world of the spouses is somewhat similar. Husband and wife remain frank, sincere, caring towards each other.

There will be no deceit between them, a love idyll is built on mutual trust. Even when one of them falls out of love with a partner, he will know about it immediately and in a calm conversation. Until then, both will work for the good of the family, take care of children, run a joint household and try never to upset each other.

Sexual Compatibility

The eastern compatibility calendar indicates the high sexual activity of partners. Attraction arises immediately, almost the first date will end in bed. Passion, tenderness, affection will help partners get frantic pleasure from every contact.

However, very quickly, an ordinary sex life will cause them boredom, some stagnation, which “sexual pranks, games” will help to fix. Without diversity, it will be difficult for a couple. It is also important that each of them learn to listen and understand what exactly they want from him, otherwise the sex life will not work out.

Important! Bulls in sex most often think only of themselves, Boars are also set up and want to make a minimum of effort to satisfy their partner. Everyone wants the best without straining for bestowal.

friendship compatibility

The characterization of the Ox and the Boar as friends is just perfect. There are never misunderstandings, conflicts, even minor quarrels between guys and girls of this type.

The couple quickly finds common topics for communication, they have a lot of similar interests, hobbies, hobbies. Everyone remains friendly, gentle, caring. The adamant stubborn Ox, following the example of the Pig, will learn to be softer towards others. She sees him as a protector, a mentor.

The selectivity of the Boar suggests that by making friends with a person, for many years he will be able to remain honest with him, he can be trusted, you can rely on him in difficult times. The other, in turn, will appreciate the devotion and try to repay the same.

Compatibility in work and career

As for the business sphere, relationships in work add up much worse than in friendship or love. Each of them has a different attitude to business, so they are unlikely to succeed in building a common business.

Bulls remain grasping, purposeful, self-sufficient. Having set a goal, they are long and stubbornly ready to go to achieve it. Here, as they say, you can work properly, and then, after letting off steam, relax.

Boars, unlike the previous representatives, are more careless about work. They work less, but in some special way they manage to gain the trust of their superiors and become more important than the Bull, which annoys them greatly.

Note! The joint work of such people will be crowned with success if the Ox is the boss, and the Pig resignedly and responsibly fulfills all the requirements. Swapping them in places is doomed to failure.

Compatibility depending on the sign of the zodiac

If the Pig and the Ox fail to meet in life, to create something whole, then they create pairs with other representatives of the Chinese horoscope. Some unions are initially doomed to failure, according to the research of psychologists and astrologers, but others can be quite successful.

SignOx ManOx WomanPig ManPig Woman
Rat++ ++ +++ +
Bull+++ + ++ ++
Boar (Pig)+++ + ++ ++
Cat (Rabbit)+ ++ +++ ++
The Dragon++ - + -
Snake+++ +++ - +
Horse- - - -
Goat- + +++ +++
A monkey- + ++ +++
Rooster+ ++ - +
Dog+ ++ +++ +++
Tiger+ + +++ +++

You can describe the abbreviations from the table like this:

  • "+++" - family life, business relations, friendships, will develop much better than with the rest of the representatives of the Chinese horoscope;
  • "++" - everything will be fine, however, difficulties, minor quarrels cannot be avoided;
  • "+" - the relationship will be strong, lasting only if both are interested in them, learn to appreciate and understand the partner, become more loyal towards him;
  • "-" - the couple is absolutely incompatible, according to the advice of astrologers, however, often with a lot of common efforts, they live a long happy life together.

Creating an alliance with an initially stronger representative of the eastern horoscope, Bulls and Boars will immediately have to understand and come to terms with who of them will be the “chief”. Without finding a compromise, it will be difficult for them to adapt, they will start quarrels, which will certainly not end well.

What do they need to know about each other?

Boars remain sensitive, overly emotional. They quickly do not get bored with partners. Only sensuality, sincerity of another person can attract them. Often, Pigs never manage to start a family, as they do not find their ideal.

The bull remains too stubborn, sometimes he needs to be allowed to dominate everything. Over time, his ardor fades, he begins to listen to a more rational opinion at that time.

Relationship Advantages and Disadvantages

It is difficult for Pig men to hide their egoism, which the Ox will never accept. The latter, in turn, is able to teach restraint, wisdom, tact. Pig women often start romances on the side, because representatives of this sign often lead a wild life in their youth.

Being in adulthood, they become "quieter", but they do not miss their own. This attitude greatly offends the spouses, but the Pig would seem to care. However, the Bulls do not forgive this, even a hint of betrayal can lead to discord, divorce. Strong jealousy leads to the fact that often quarrels arise unreasonably, a person becomes obsessed.

In order to build pure long-term relationships, people with such different temperaments first of all need to learn to think about their soul mate, respect her, her desires. Every time you notice the imperfection of a loved one, you need to remember that you yourself are not quite perfect. It is important to find a common life goal, take the right position and give yourself all only to the family, its good. Otherwise, the union will not work.

The union of the Pig and the Ox is based on romanticism. The boar will easily reveal all the secret desires and feelings of his partner. Both signs go through life towards similar goals, comfort, family and unconditional fidelity are important for them. This applies to both women and men. Ox and Pig complement each other. It is worth saying that the Pig is more optimistic and loves fun, holidays and different companies.

Their marriage will not be easy. The Ox is a terrible conservative and bothers with any trifle or problem, and also prefers a very narrow social circle. After a candy-bouquet romantic period, both signs will have to make an effort on themselves and try to get used to their partner.

Ox character

The bull is the undisputed leader in such an alliance.. Their characters are somewhat similar, but there are many differences. The Chinese horoscope characterizes this sign as follows:

  • very reasonable;
  • self-sufficient and independent;
  • persistent and purposeful;
  • practical and permanent;
  • hardworking;
  • prone to excessive worries over trifles.

The Bull's charisma does not prevail but he is always listened to. In any matter, he has his own opinion and position, which he is ready to defend to foam at the mouth. People born this year set specific goals for themselves and achieve them at all costs. They very rarely notice detours and go ahead.

This sign is a very strict but fair leader. In work, they will find a common language with almost everyone. In love, they are practitioners, but perhaps no other sign possesses such fidelity.

The bull always selflessly protects what belongs to him. It's about things as well as people. . With loved ones, they are very generous and open.. You have to work hard to earn their trust.

Their character is quite firm, since childhood they are independent and proactive. In principle, there are two types of Bulls: some are closed, others are very sociable. The first may be mistakenly considered a person with a certain inferiority complex. Actually it is not. He is a little weird in his desire to be in his own comfortable little world, but this does not make him an antisocial person.

Pig character

The pig is a man of his word. They will break into a cake, but they will do what they promised.

This sign has the following features:

  • fairness and honesty;
  • the ability to make correct and thoughtful decisions;
  • slowness;
  • communication and openness;
  • tolerance for the shortcomings of other people;
  • peacefulness;
  • diligence and purposefulness;
  • friendliness.

The Pig is incredibly honest with people and always demands a similar attitude towards itself. He never makes empty promises and keeps them at all costs. The decision is made after a long deliberation and weighing. The pig is always very slow in its actions. This applies to any job, but she will never leave an unfinished business halfway through. If, for example, a pig starts a renovation in an apartment, he will try to paste wallpaper in the room in one day and will not go to bed until he finishes what he started. But everything will be done very measuredly and carefully, according to exact measurements.

They are incredibly sociable. and are always the ringleader in the company. In any relationship, they seek a compromise, avoid scandals and can put up with any human flaw. They only look for the good in people. In addition, it is much more important for the Pig to keep peace in the family than to be right. Therefore, most often in the current quarrel, he will simply remain silent or try to transfer the conversation in a different direction. This quality is incredibly useful in family life. It is this that allows the couple to live a long and happy family life.

Ox and Pig Compatibility

Both of these signs are incredibly sensitive. That is why such an alliance, as a rule, begins with a very romantic beautiful relationship. They see each other as soul mates, and thanks to their frankness, they reveal a sincere soul. The honesty of both signs makes such a union incredibly sincere and pure. They will never allow themselves to deceive a partner, even if they stop loving. Even about this, they both admit to each other absolutely honestly.

The marriage of such a couple will be very measured and calm, because both prefer stability and comfort. Together they will work very hard to create a warm family hearth.

Minor problems are inevitable in the union of these people., for example, because of the different attitude to money. The boar loves companies very much and with pleasure gathers friends and relatives at home, arranges holidays for no reason. The bull prefers to lie on the couch with his favorite book, if he communicates with someone exclusively on serious topics.

Gatherings of the Pig annoy the Bull as hell, which may well lead to conflict. But this will not be a scandal with the beating of dishes, just the spouses will show by their behavior that something is wrong. It can even get to the point that they, living in the same house, will simply ignore each other. This may well lead to divorce.

financial question- a sore subject in such an alliance. The Pig earns money very easily and naturally and part with it just as easily, and the Ox shakes after every penny, which for some reason is very difficult for him.

The compatibility of a couple is also affected by the sign of the zodiac. The signs of the earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus) enhance the character of the Ox, and the Boar is made similar to her partner. Pig-Libra is a rather indecisive person, and Gemini and Aquarius soften the character and give it lightness.

The Ox under the sign of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries is a leader, while the Pig is very ambitious. It is very good if the partners were born under the same element. For example, Pisces and Scorpio get along well with each other.

Ox Man, Pig Woman: Compatibility

This couple really needs to communicate with each other.. They get along well and such a marriage is based on the division of roles. The lady prefers to be the keeper of the family hearth and not work, and also devote her life to children and creativity. She does not try to take a leading position in the family and feels quite comfortable in a led role. A man in such a family is a real earner and constantly works.

The relationship of the spouses will be very calm and measured. They complement each other, as the wife will bring romance into the relationship, and the husband will make life more dynamic. After all, as mentioned earlier, he does not like to swing for a long time, but goes forward through obstacles.

Financial problems in the family are inevitable. The bull is greedy for money and very thrifty, and the Boar spends money right and left, not thinking about what will happen tomorrow.

If the spouse does not have her own income, then she may feel constrained in finances. This will make her restless and dissatisfied. If someone makes the Pig angry, he will get his full. She will spare no one. The cause of a quarrel can also be the excessive sociability of a woman. This will greatly annoy a man, besides, constant strangers in the house deprive him of his comfort zone.

A couple can improve their relationship very easily.. It is only necessary to speak frankly about the problems that bother us and look for solutions together. Both spouses do not tolerate open conflicts, moreover, the Pig is always ready to compromise and put up with the many shortcomings of the spouse. If he yields to her in the little things that are important to her, for example, gives her access to money, then she will humbly sacrifice her principles for the sake of her beloved husband.

If a family is built on sincere feelings, love, loyalty and honesty, then there will be no problems. Every family has minor domestic skirmishes and this is the norm. Domestic minor problems are inevitable for any union, regardless of the year of birth of the couple.

Compatibility of Ox Woman and Pig Man

It is very important for a couple to be together as often as possible.. The Ox Woman and the Pig Man do not converge as easily as the previous couple. After all, here a woman will be a leader, she has a masculine character and energy. She achieves success in life, but deprives herself of the tenderness and femininity that the stronger sex likes so much. She tries to lead everywhere and everywhere and demands submission from people. Prefers stability and comfort.

The Pig man does not really like life changes, but as soon as he gets bored with life, he is ready to seek adventure. It can be, for example, a trip, or a new novel.

Boar is not a careerist, he is quite satisfied with working in his familiar place and getting his usual money. They go to him very easily, financially he is lucky. It's just as easy for him to part with them. Without any thought, he is able to spend in one day everything he has, to the last penny. He cannot understand a woman who is fixated on making money and constantly improving her financial condition. On this basis, very frequent conflict situations will arise.

A husband will give his wife immense love, honesty, sincerity and stability. We are not talking about wealth here.

Such a couple may well improve their relationship. More worth being together. You can do anything:

  • to go to the cinema;
  • to cook dinner;
  • get out;
  • walk;
  • go shopping, etc.

It's good to be alone, without prying eyes, talk heart to heart and just dream together. Unlike the stubborn Ox, the Pig is always looking for a compromise. Therefore, in such a pair, a woman must accept the idea that the material condition of the family will fall on her shoulders. Her man will not become a millionaire.

If the couple goes in the right direction, then the marriage will be very strong and long. Both spouses will be confident in the future.

Pig Woman and Pig Man

These are selfless and courageous people, honest and very loyal. They choose their life partner very carefully. Better Pig will live alone than not with a perfect couple.

The boar always demands independence, and this will complicate the relationship of such a couple. One of the partners will still have to give in to the other.

To clearly determine the compatibility of people born in the year of the Pig, you need to take into account their zodiac signs.

Their characteristics are as follows:

  • Aries is simple and positive, he easily solves any problems, but is very stubborn in disputes;
  • Taurus is calm and patient, always sees solutions and has good intuition;
  • Gemini is sociable and open, loves companies and outdoor activities;
  • Cancer is closed and unstable in his mood, he can smile and immediately become sad for no apparent reason;
  • Leo is a leader, such people have a very strong and strong-willed character;
  • Virgo is hospitable, open and sociable, the doors of her house are always open for friends and acquaintances;
  • Libra is sensitive and understanding, will come to the rescue in any situation;
  • Scorpio is extreme and attractive, such people are popular due to their inhuman charm;
  • Sagittarius is narcissistic and very sociable, people always revolve around him, and he strives to be in the spotlight;
  • Capricorn is honest and generous, he is ready to give the last, if his loved one needs it;
  • Aquarius is calm and generous, the regularity of his life is very good in family life;
  • Pisces are selfless and kind, they love guests and holidays, they always have a positive attitude towards people.

This couple is very open and passionate. They are very kind to each other, take care and care. They are very cozy and comfortable together, but a passionate nature can push one of the partners into someone else's arms. Cheating is a common reason for the separation of people born under the sign of the Pig. If the couple maintains their feelings, then none of them will go to the side.

Due to their conservatism and constancy, a married couple is unlikely to even think about a divorce, because they are very afraid of change.

Children will greatly strengthen the union, so you should not delay with them. As in any relationship, in such a pair it is important to maintain tolerance for the shortcomings of the other and seek compromises.

If spouses learn to listen to each other and stop sharing the first place, then such an alliance will be very strong, long and happy. A very good and joyful life awaits the couple.

Attention, only TODAY!

Do you want to know how good the compatibility of the Ox and the Pig is? Then this article is for you, we suggest you take it into account. Here we will tell you everything about the character of a person born in the year of the Ox, about the characteristics of a person born in the year of the Pig, and we will also tell you about the cohabitation of representatives of these two signs of the Chinese (eastern) horoscope.

Chinese Horoscope: Should You Believe It?

There are only 12 signs in the Chinese (eastern) horoscope. Here's the order in which they go and what they're called:

  1. Rat;
  2. Tiger;
  3. Rabbit (Cat);
  4. The Dragon;
  5. Snake;
  6. Horse;
  7. Goat;
  8. A monkey;
  9. Rooster;
  10. Dog;
  11. Boar.

Each sign of the horoscope has its own special character traits. It has been noticed that all people who were born, for example, in the year of the Ox correspond to the same character traits. These people are stubborn and persistent. They are not used to showing their feelings and passion in public. But the Tigers, on the contrary, are very emotional and do not intend to hide this. Research in the field of the Chinese horoscope has been carried out by many astrologers for centuries. Someone does not believe in horoscopes, but the fact remains that the characters of representatives of the same sign are very similar.

Many do not believe in compatibility according to the horoscope, but it has a place to be. Articles about horoscopes really help someone to understand their soul mate and learn to live with her in love and harmony. Some people prefer to turn to psychologists for help when disagreements arise in the family, but sometimes it’s enough just to read about the sign of the horoscope of your loved one and about its compatibility with your sign and draw certain conclusions.

What are the characters of the Ox and the Boar?

If the Ox is a man, then the family will be happy

Bull. This sign is very stubborn. He always gets his way. He likes to lead people and representatives of this sign make good bosses. In love, he prefers to restrain his emotions and feelings. Does not like to speak words of love and recognition. From this, his soulmate can often suffer.

Boar (Pig). These are very courageous people. They are not capable of betrayal and deceit. The pig is very economic and loves comfort in the house. She loves to give gifts and receive guests at her home. She has few friends, but they are all very reliable and trusted people, from whom the Pig will never turn away and will always rush to help. In love, he does not always clearly show his feelings and rarely opens his heart to anyone. It is easy to deceive her, as she is overly gullible.

Ox Man and Pig Woman: Compatibility in Love

The compatibility of the Bull and the Pig is very good when the Bull is a man, and not vice versa. The man of this sign takes care of his trusting and defenseless Mumps. She, in turn, does not tire of admiring her chosen one and supports him in everything. Together they are capable of so much. The Ox man knows how to make money, and the Pig woman knows how to spend it correctly. She knows how to make a cozy home and her family is always fed.

The Ox man and the Pig woman have tender feelings towards each other and are constantly in each other's arms. Disagreements can only arise about the excessive hospitality of the Pig, especially if the woman is not only a Pig, but also Libra, since the Goby does not really like noisy companies at home. But here you can come to a compromise and receive guests, say, at the agreed time, so that this would not be a surprise for Bull, because he does not welcome them. The compatibility of the Ox and the Pig makes their endless and mutual love more successful.

Pig Man and Ox Woman: Compatibility and Marriage

The compatibility of the Ox and the Boar, when the Pig is a man, and the Ox is a Woman is not as good as in the case when the Pig is the fair sex. The fact is that the Ox woman is used to commanding and pushing people around. She will try to do this with her chosen one. The Pig man is not used to such an attitude.

A woman will also be annoyed by the fact that her partner Pig tirelessly spends money right and left. She believes that they should be spent wisely and only on the most important things. Such a woman does not welcome noisy companies of friends in the house either, and every time she will throw a scandal about this. A couple can be happy and the compatibility of the Boar and the Ox in this case is successful if the Boar moderates his appetites and spends money only on the bare necessities.

Work Compatibility

The compatibility of the Ox and the Pig at work will be good only if the boss is a Bull. He has excellent organizational and leadership qualities. He knows how to manage people and make money. He will never spend an extra penny on some nonsense. But the compatibility of the Ox and the Boar at work, when the head of the organization is the Pig, is very unsuccessful, since there is no boss from the Boar.

The Pig should especially listen to the Bull, because he really knows how to work in such a way as to earn a lot of money, only in this way the compatibility of the Ox and the Pig can become fruitful and successful. In general, these two "characters" can work together if they show tolerance towards each other and listen to each other's opinions.

Now you know that the compatibility of the Ox and the Pig, both in marriage and love, and in work, does exist and it can be very, very successful.

We have found that marriage is strongest when a man is a Bull and a woman is a Pig. But in work, the compatibility of the Ox and the Pig is good when the boss is the Ox, and the Pig is the subordinate. We hope that you liked this article and will be useful in your life.