Horoscope fish year of the rooster. Pisces man born in the year of the rooster

Compatibility horoscope: year of the rooster zodiac sign Pisces man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The characteristic and compatibility of the Pisces-Rooster man is different in that such a person is always tuned in to new and unusual discoveries.

He prefers vivid and unexplored impressions to routine and monotonous affairs.


Since the Pisces-Rooster man is always chasing something new and unusual, it is extremely difficult for him to achieve stability, both in business and in life. Fortunately, in adulthood they do it well, but only thanks to the ability to do several things at once. Despite the constantly arising difficulties, Pisces-Rooster one way or another come to a prosperous life. Men of this zodiac type are cheerful, kind and easy-going. They try to solve the problems that arise in the most extraordinary ways. Despite the sociability and good nature of the Pisces-Rooster, he is very secretive.

Unfortunately, with all his positive qualities and the presence of a strong character, such a man can be extremely unlucky. His mistakes, as a rule, are due to the fact that he is not able to direct all his strength and energy towards the realization of his goals. Perhaps he should move in the right direction in stages, without leaving the path. In the characterization of the Pisces-Rooster man, such qualities as optimism, sincerity and spontaneity also appear. Such individuals try to actively express themselves in various areas of life, they are attracted by adventures and vivid impressions.

The originality, spontaneity and courage present in their character help to gather around them many like-minded people. Often they manage to become leaders in their company. The optimism of the Pisces-Rooster is just a mask: he can perceive situations very sharply and experience stress. Men born under these signs sometimes tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, which is why they often make annoying mistakes. They manage to overcome life's troubles only thanks to their willpower and determination, as well as the support of relatives and friends.

Compatibility in love

Elusive and fickle - this is how you can describe the behavior of a Pisces-Rooster man in a love relationship. It is sometimes difficult for them to understand their feelings and sympathies, for the time being they hesitate. Meanwhile, in maturity, the family and constancy in relationships acquire a special value. Most often, they pay attention to spectacular and extravagant girls. The compatibility of the Pisces-Rooster man in love will become possible only when he meets his ideal.

A bright and attractive man of this iconic combination never remains without female attention. Women always give him different signs of attention, but he is used to not attaching much importance to them. All thoughts of the Pisces-Rooster are busy searching for true and sincere love. In a relationship with a woman, he wants the partner to show her care, love and attention to him. Instead, a man is not able to give his beloved the same thing. He prefers to only take, but never gives anything to his partner in return. Perhaps it is for this reason that he has been unable to find his soul mate for a long time and establish harmonious relations with her. It is impossible not to notice that in love the Pisces-Rooster man is very vulnerable, as a result of which he is prone to resentment and discontent if something does not go the way he would like. But if everything goes according to his desire, he becomes an affectionate and attentive partner.

Work and money

Art and everything connected with it is exactly the area in which Pisces-Rooster is able to realize all his skills and talents. A rich imagination helps men of this type constantly generate a lot of original ideas. As a rule, they are very useful and relevant. In the Pisces-Rooster team, he is respected, although sometimes he may be considered too arrogant. The owners of this iconic combination often experience a creative crisis, so they should combine work in art with activities in another industry. Pisces-Rooster does not regard career as the only goal in his life, therefore, they try to use their business qualities and talents in other areas of life as well. The ability to concentrate on monotonous work and prudence allows such a man to achieve incredible success in the bosom of his career. And, as a rule, he succeeds in financial stability, although for him this is rather the norm than an achievement.

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Pisces Rooster Man

Love is something unusual, invented by higher powers. Male Rooster - Pisces all his life to strive for everything unknown. The search for his love for him is one of the meanings of life. The main thing is that the representative of the beautiful half of humanity should suit him, i.e. they were highly compatible in love.

Characteristics of a Pisces man - Rooster

Pisces Man - Rooster will never occupy an uninteresting place. Routine work is certainly not his. He needs something out of the ordinary. The way it will be the most difficult, almost impossible. The main thing is that until now, unknown to any of the people.

Male Rooster - Pisces never lives in stability. True, he does not suffer from this. At least in his youth he does not need it. In adulthood, he becomes more constant, but still he has periods when he is immersed in some kind of research.

Pisces man - Rooster in his youth often lacks something. Its impracticality is to blame for everything. Only in adulthood does he more or less become more certain with finances. His life can now be called prosperous.

The character of the guy of this zodiac sign is kind. This is a cheerful and easy-going person. If there is no company, but you really want to go with someone, then you can safely contact him. He will never refuse, unless, of course, he is busy at the moment with something exciting.

A representative of this zodiac sign will never go to work in a routine position just to improve their well-being. This guy agrees to live in poverty, but will always do what he likes. If a male Rooster - Pisces is lucky, and he finds a good and exciting profession, then he will immediately, as they say, "kill two birds with one stone." And the work will be interesting, and his financial income will immediately begin to grow.

Compatibility in love men Pisces - Rooster

Pisces man - Rooster is considered a closed person regarding feelings for the opposite sex. He will open only to the girl whom he loves very much. The beauty of his inner world can also be recognized only by a loving heart. Such can be searched among such signs of the zodiac as the Ox, the Rooster and the Snake. But with the ladies, who are considered Rabbits, Goats and Pigs, happiness does not shine for them. That is, relations with them are unlikely to last long. They are too different from each other.

A family for a person is a place where you can open up with both heart and soul. However, this does not apply to the Pisces man - Rooster. He doesn't tend to talk about his feelings. He is unlikely to do this in the family circle. Such a husband and father will remain a mystery to close relatives for life. He always has such secrets that relatives can only find out about after the death of a person.

The wife of a man Rooster - Pisces must have great patience and understanding. Otherwise, she simply will not be able to live with this person. She will not tolerate the fact that he has some kind of personal life, secrets. She won't understand why he's holding her back. It will seem to her that he does not trust her, and even worse, does not love her at all. Although this is absolutely not true. Pisces man - Rooster just needs his personal space. And this does not mean that he does not love someone, does not respect.

Astrologers advise the Pisces-Rooster man to look for the golden mean between his personal space and the outside world. His position on these points is too extreme. Because of this, he may have various problems with people and society as a whole. Even the closest and most loving people will not understand him.

If a Pisces-Rooster man opens up to his beloved woman, he will feel how the power of their love is growing stronger.

Pisces Rooster - Horoscope Alignment: Chinese & Zodiac

The influence of the Pisces sign makes the Rooster more sensitive and vulnerable. Rooster Pisces are often insecure and cannot relax and be happy until they reach a state of complete financial and personal security. Rooster in Chinese astrology is a bright and demonstrative symbol. Men or women born in the Pisces Rooster combination are people who have great artistic talent. They have a sharp eye and creative imagination. They look at this world from a wider angle than others, they see beauty in things that others cannot see.

These people are looking for a partner who will also appreciate their love of art and nature. They are quite gullible people and therefore they are easily hurt. They love their privacy and are quite shy. Tend to stay away from crowded public places. These people tend to accumulate things because they do not want to throw them away. They love pets and are responsible for taking care of things. The weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they can be irresponsible. Fortunately, as they get older, this deficiency is lessened.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Pisces is a lover of thoughtful outrageousness. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by chance, inadvertently. The fish rooster does nothing for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself. Outwardly, male and female fish roosters are emphatically businesslike, calm and do not allow themselves unnecessary movements or statements. This feature of the rooster fish is not at all dangerous and does not harm him or his business. These people are peaceful and have a great attitude towards the team. For the sake of others, they are even ready to make some concessions. But they still give preference exclusively to their own opinion.

The only thing that is constant for the rooster fish is the rejection of long-term and monotonous work. He is anyone, but not an accountant and not a leader in assembly line production. Monotony is not his way of life. Sexually, both female and male rooster fish seem amusingly bizarre. Having inexhaustible potential like a cock, they pretend that this is not so. Why? They themselves do not know the answer to this question ...

Rooster Combination

Horoscope Pisces-Rooster

According to the horoscope, Pisces-Roosters are highly dependent on the opinions of other people. They are easy to offend and hurt to the quick. They are not always confident in their abilities, so success does not come immediately. They need to feel independent, both morally and financially.

It is very difficult to bring the Fish-Rooster to justice. True, over the years this minus in character is eradicated. He is a shocking person, so he loves to charm and surprise the audience. Pisces-Roosters love to be the center of attention. They purposefully act to be in the right place at the right time.

They do not like scandals and squabbles. They like a calm and friendly atmosphere, both at work and at home. Pisces-Roosters will sacrifice the most precious for the sake of a loved one without any problems.

They only consider their opinion. It is difficult to convince them or impose other views on life. Many consider the Rooster fish to be a little extravagant and wayward. His actions and statements are not approved by everyone.

Pisces-Roosters hate to do tedious and unpromising business. Such work is very tiring for him. Everything monotonous and boring in life frankly annoys him.

Even intimately, Pisces-Roosters behave in a peculiar way. They have rich experience, which for some reason they carefully hide. What for? You won't even find the answer.

Pisces combination horoscope with other eastern signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Pisces - Rooster: Characteristic

Pisces Man - Rooster

This person is endowed with a rich imagination, sociability, the ability to understand people and subtly feel someone else's mood, and he is also characterized by sociability, tenderness and talent in the field of art.

Often afraid of marriage and strive for change. It can be difficult to persuade him to marry, but, having married, he is truly happy, although he cannot decide to take this step for a long time.

Pisces Woman - Rooster

It has a refined taste and a pronounced creative charm. Knows how to please men, love, but often experiences indecision and cannot always decide on her own in life.

Pisces born in the year of the Rooster

Pisces-Rooster is a sensitive and vulnerable person. People with this combination of signs are sometimes unsure of their actions or words. Confidence comes only with complete financial independence, which makes people quite happy with a combination of these signs.

The symbol of the Rooster in the Chinese horoscope is endowed with brightness and showiness. Very talented. They can fully devote themselves to the gift that will be revealed in them, thanks to which they become world famous people. The imagination is well developed, the world is bright and positive for them, this is what they reflect in their work. They see beauty and harmony in the whole world around them.

They like to make friends, sociable and sociable people, constantly trying to be useful to the people around them. The soul of the company, they love noisy communication and at the same time the last word should always be theirs. They have good taste, as a rule, this is manifested in clothes. Always neat people. Look after your health. Pisces-Rooster are smart, but sometimes there are situations when they are scattered and forgetful. They love to immerse themselves in their thoughts and indulge in their dreams.

They are looking for partners among lovers of nature and art. Credulity is their weak point, easily vulnerable and touchy. They do not like to make public their personal lives, secretive people and sometimes, in some situations, shy. Try to avoid large crowds. Plushkins - they collect things and then in the future it is hard to part with them. Great animal lovers treat those they have tamed responsibly.

In very extreme cases, they can afford forgetfulness and irresponsibility. But the older the rooster fish becomes, the less this quality manifests itself.

They like to provoke people in such a way that they accidentally find themselves in the spotlight. Being in everyone's attention, they carefully observe the surrounding people, and draw their own conclusions. Often they look for profit in everything, small and big, they do nothing just like that.

All men and women of Pisces-Roosters are balanced, businesslike, and before they say something, they will think several times. They do not like sudden movements and hasty actions. In any conflict situation, they try to resolve everything peacefully, without disputes and loud cries. It is easy to work with a large team of employees, for the sake of close colleagues at work, they are ready to make significant concessions and indulgences. They make compromises, but try to have the last word with them.

The worldview of people with these combinations of signs is very different from other people. Therefore, it often seems to others that all the actions and decisions of the Pisces-Rooster do not make sense and logic.

Cannot perform monotonous work, monotonous constant work is very tiring and annoying. The profession of an accountant and an office worker is clearly not for him. Anything in the work, but not monotony.

year of the rooster zodiac sign Pisces man

Rooster on the bell tower. Shoots high. Full of ideas!

Zodiac horoscope: Pisces sign

The influence of the Pisces sign makes the Rooster more sensitive and vulnerable. Rooster Pisces are often insecure and cannot relax and be happy until they reach a state of complete financial and personal security.

Rooster in Chinese astrology is a bright and demonstrative symbol. Men or women born in the Pisces Rooster combination are people who have great artistic talent. They have a sharp eye and creative imagination. They look at this world from a wider angle than others, they see beauty in things that others cannot see.

Rooster Pisces have a friendly nature, try to be helpful and kind to other people. They enjoy communication, but only on their own terms, the way they like it. These people often have good taste in clothes. They have a sharp mind, but nevertheless it is difficult for them to focus on everyday tasks. They can often be caught daydreaming when they should be working.

These people are looking for a partner who will also appreciate their love of art and nature. They are quite gullible people and therefore they are easily hurt. They love their privacy and are quite shy. Tend to stay away from crowded public places. These people tend to accumulate things because they do not want to throw them away. They love pets and are responsible for taking care of things.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they can be irresponsible. Fortunately, as they get older, this deficiency is lessened.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Pisces is a lover of thoughtful outrageousness. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by chance, inadvertently. The fish rooster does nothing for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself.

Outwardly, male and female fish roosters are emphatically businesslike, calm and do not allow themselves unnecessary movements or statements. This feature of the rooster fish is not at all dangerous and does not harm him or his business. These people are peaceful and have a great attitude towards the team. For the sake of others, they are even ready to make some concessions. But they still give preference exclusively to their own opinion.

The outlook of the rooster fish differs from the generally accepted one, and judging it according to the usual norms is a useless exercise. Therefore, his actions seem mostly wrong and sometimes even devoid of meaning and logic. The most difficult thing about this rooster is its unusual coordinate system.

The only thing that is constant for the rooster fish is the rejection of long-term and monotonous work. He is anyone, but not an accountant and not a leader in assembly line production. Monotony is not his way of life.

Sexually, both female and male rooster fish seem amusingly bizarre. Having inexhaustible potential like a cock, they pretend that this is not so. Why? They themselves do not know the answer to this question ...

Rooster Man

Years of birth according to the Rooster sign - 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Male Rooster - personality trait

Rooster Man very attractive and extraordinary personality. As a rule, he is well and expensively dressed, well-groomed and gallant. The Rooster man can serve himself well, takes care of his appearance, often takes care of physical training that keeps his body in great shape. He loves to be the center of attention, especially with women, and entertain them with witty jokes. Many women are simply delighted with him. And this is not surprising. After all, a bright, imposing and charming Rooster man knows what to say and when to say in order to please women. He walks, spreading a magnetism that attracts and excites. But, unfortunately, the personal life of a Rooster man can be very turbulent - for various reasons. According to the eastern horoscope, at a young age, the Rooster man will not be able to create a happy family, only in his mature years is he able to find happiness.

It is worth noting that the Rooster man needs to be always in sight, in the center of attention, only then he feels like a man. He needs an exchange of energy. And when they forget about him, he becomes ill, and he may even fall into a prolonged depression.

The Rooster man loves to command and hates to obey either at work, among friends, or in the family. He considers himself right in all matters and his opinion is the ultimate truth. To enter into an argument with him is useless and even fraught with consequences. The Rooster man is not shy in expressions, does not care about the feelings of others and can say whatever he wants in his eyes. Sometimes it's easier to agree with him, otherwise he will start to cock and may make a scandal. The Rooster man loves to make comments to others (to the point that he can tell the girl that this hairstyle makes her old), but he himself does not tolerate criticism and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. But, behind the narcissism of the Roosters, deep complexes are sometimes hidden, which they carefully hide.

Most often, a man born in the year of the Rooster is well-read, well-educated and extremely proud of it. He is neat and organized and tries to carry a diary with him, which contains all his schedule, dates and times of meetings, ideas and thoughts. Smart and attentive to detail, he likes to observe from the sidelines. Friends often turn to him for advice, because he can accurately, like no one else, predict the situation.

The Rooster man is gullible and childishly naive, so he is easy to deceive. And when he finds himself in an environment where he cannot command, he quickly falls into apathy. Some consider the Rooster man a classic bureaucrat. And this is not without reason. He repeatedly reinsures himself, so he delays the solution of the problem. This man is not able to adequately evaluate himself. He does not believe in himself, he lacks the will, and he constantly fluctuates between high self-esteem and self-doubt, and doubts and hesitation are a loss of vital energy that leads to failure.

Many of the men born in the year of the Rooster are great workers and strive to do more than they can afford. They are active, active, quite purposeful. And they understand that money does not fall into their beak without difficulty. They must work, work and work again to secure a decent life. The wealth of the Rooster accumulates grain by grain, gradually. To take a big risk and hit the big jackpot, they lack the courage and scope of imagination. In addition, the Rooster, according to the eastern horoscope, is wasteful, he does not know how to stockpile and most often spends everything he earns.

In the classic version, the Rooster man goes from poverty to wealth, from the most disgusting family relationships to ideal love. But his old age, as a rule, is secure and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster man finds himself in life - he is still a gifted person.

Rooster Man of the Year - Career

A man born in the year of the Rooster is not very lucky, and he has to work hard to succeed. in addition, the temper and lightness of character, which, by a strange circumstance, easily coexist in the soul of this man, may prevent him from achieving a dizzying career. In working moments, the Rooster man is very careful and prudent. If he occupies the chair of the head, then first he carefully studies all the details, and only then begins to make serious decisions. The Rooster man in the boss's chair is not a good option for subordinates. He is overly power-hungry and likes to criticize, and he does not listen to the advice and recommendations of others at all. He believes that he knows everything better than others, and in the whole world you cannot find a better specialist than himself. It is simply impossible to dissuade him from naive and impractical goals, and subordinates will have to deal with the consequences.

But if the male Rooster is an ordinary employee, then there will always be laughter and cheerful, lively communication in the team. Men born in the year of the Rooster love compliments and the attention of others. They are greedy for flattery, generous and always ready to help. They are observant and always ready to offer a reasonable way to solve a problem. No wonder so many people turn to them for help.

He starts his professional career very early, because he is ambitious, self-confident and strives for independence. It is difficult to find a profession that the Rooster man could not handle. His diligence, diligence, purposefulness, as well as administrative abilities, the desire to command and manage, help him achieve good results. The Rooster man is a talented organizer, neat and planning everything in advance. There is always order on his desktop, all things are in their places, and documents are kept in strict order.

In work, the Rooster man always tries to do more than he can, and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. Therefore, the plans that he hatches are not always realized. In addition, the Rooster man is a famous braggart, he likes to show great promises, but does not justify them. With an obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life, the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope for their implementation.

The Rooster man is very responsible in the performance of any work, but avoids taking on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that those around him properly appreciate his act. At work, as a rule, he is valued and respected, although they fear his frankness and uncompromising communication with superiors, as well as his unwillingness to take on more than his position.

For a man born in the year of the Rooster, sharp rises and equally sharp declines are characteristic. In his life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure. His professional life is unstable and he often changes from one profession to another, not thinking too much about the future and living in the moment. As a rule, the Rooster man has a fairly flexible worldview that helps him cope with adversity and need, and financial success and career advancement are only companions to the growth of personal prestige. And it is very important for men born in the year of the Rooster. They love to receive awards and medals. However, almost every male Rooster sooner or later experiences one or more crises. This is the fate of most Roosters, as crises help them to renew themselves internally. To start everything from scratch, from the very beginning - this is the missionary role of the male Rooster. In addition, such an update makes it possible to try something unknown for yourself, to realize yourself in a new field. Even, it can be said that many male Roosters themselves subconsciously lay a time bomb under their projects.

Big money in men born in the year of the Rooster is very rare. He does not know how to save money and invest it, but quickly spends everything that he earns for household needs. But, if the Rooster man can still find his destiny and realize himself, then he can achieve good financial well-being. In work, the Rooster man hates routine and loves it to be accompanied by travel and a certain amount of independence. He will be able to prove himself most effectively in professions related to the organization of large meetings, corporate parties, exhibitions, presentations, competitions. In this area, most men born in the year of the Rooster turn into peacocks and create beauty salons, fashion collections, etc. They demonstrate their own brilliance and talent and help others to realize themselves. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He just needs to be the center of attraction, the generator of ideas, and then he will be able to make his career, which will help him open up in society. But, if he does not have such ideas and an appropriate assistant, then he turns into a selfish, stubborn, obsessed with his own problems person.

Many Rooster men are very fond of presiding over meetings, demonstrating the ability to present themselves and express their opinions. And the Rooster is a good speaker. Therefore, the Rooster man is able to most fully manifest himself as an intermediary between the audience and the speaker. He can be the best entertainer. Feeling this, many men born in the year of the Rooster choose professions based on collective creativity. But it is worth remembering that he is more of a tactician than a strategist and rarely learns from his mistakes and does not learn lessons for the future at all.

For the Rooster man, both self-esteem and the assessment of others are very important, he wants to be the best in everything. Men born in the year of the Rooster try not to show such weaknesses of character as insecurity, weakness, timidity, which quite often visit them. They mask them with eloquence, chic appearance, tireless energy.

Rooster male horoscope - love and family

The Rooster man is very concerned about his appearance, prefers to dress brightly and stylishly. Therefore, he will carefully evaluate the woman he likes, paying attention to the smallest details. And most importantly, a woman must be very well-groomed, original and "upscale" in order to attract the attention of a male Rooster. The slightest deviation or flaw in the appearance of people can warp him. He himself evaluates people by their appearance and behavior and prefers to be “greeted and escorted by clothes” too.

The Rooster man knows what he wants and everyone will be fascinated by his personality. But, it is worth noting that this quality makes him a very egocentric person, completely absorbed in his own desires and needs. In addition, he demonstrates absolute indifference to the state of mind of other people.

Most men born in the year of the Rooster are well educated, well-read and able to keep up a conversation on any topic. They are interested in philosophy, esotericism, politics, economics and are well versed in what is happening around. But he can fully open up only in the circle of family and very close friends, when he is not afraid of being ridiculed or being a target for gossip. After all, he knows that behind his chic plumage lies a smaller and stronger body than it seems to others, and he is afraid to be a “wet chicken”. The emotions and feelings of the Rooster man are like a mercury ball of a thermometer, which either rises or falls. If a Rooster man is in a good mood, then he is friendly, open and emotional, can sympathize with another, and even help. But if the Rooster man is in a bad mood, then it’s better not to touch him, as he will show all his negative qualities: excessive self-confidence, sarcasm and criticism that can “divide everyone into pieces”.

Choosing a life partner for a male Rooster is not an easy task. In his youth, he prefers to collect his victories, quickly abandoning those girls who got him easily. He likes to feel like a sultan in a harem. Almost everyone admires him, and few can resist his beautiful appearance, all-round development, irresistible charm, assertiveness and perseverance. The Rooster man is fascinated by the very process of courting and conquering the object of his love, but if everything does not go as he expected, he quickly cools. He has been in a state of uncertainty for a long time, because he himself does not know what kind of woman he needs. When he decides and understands that the time has come to start a family, he becomes a typical homebody and is very reluctant to leave the house, where he feels very good. He cares about the well-being and prosperity of his family, becomes a generous husband.

The Rooster man needs a special companion who will love and admire him, please, be patient and flexible, take care of himself and his family. The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort. The wife of a man born in the year of the Rooster should be calm and unflappable, be able to extinguish his rage and relieve irritation until it leads to quarrels. A reliable rear for the Rooster is extremely important. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. If a woman cannot appreciate the Rooster man, then family life will not be easy. This man is prone to outbursts of rage and irritation, and disappointed in his wife, he can leave her without pity or seek solace on the side. Although, it is worth noting that, in spite of everything, in the family life of the Roosters, both men and women, it rarely comes to an official divorce, and it often happens that the Rooster man, having worked up enough, returns to his wife again.

Also, the wife of the Rooster man should remember that he is not inclined to show high emotions even to the one he loves very much. It is difficult for him to express his feelings and he rarely says “I love you”, but he is capable of deep caring and sincere love. Often the Rooster man is very restrained, because he is afraid or embarrassed to express himself, or maybe it's just not in his character. He cannot be called a great romantic, but he is completely devoted to the woman he loves.

In order for the family union to be happy, the wife of the Rooster man should know the specific features of her husband. Firstly, although he is energetic and active, his activity is often chaotic and meaningless. Therefore, a woman must constantly support him morally and try to direct his energy in the right direction. Secondly, we must remember that the Rooster man wants to seem impeccable, so in order to attract his attention, from time to time unobtrusively tell him how interesting you are with him, ask him about himself. Like all conceited people, Roosters love it. Thirdly, the Rooster man loves to dream and fantasize. Support him in this. Build castles in the air together or, say, simulate a vacation for next year. And most importantly, try to be different, change all the time, keep yourself in great shape. Create a good climate for such a man, and he, in turn, will do everything to make you happy.

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Compatibility horoscope: pisces rooster zodiac sign woman characteristic compatibility - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The influence of the Pisces sign makes the Rooster more sensitive and vulnerable. Rooster Pisces are often insecure and cannot relax and be happy until they reach a state of complete financial and personal security. Rooster in Chinese astrology is a bright and demonstrative symbol. Men or women born in the Pisces Rooster combination are people who have great artistic talent. They have a sharp eye and creative imagination. They look at this world from a wider angle than others, they see beauty in things that others cannot see.

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These people are looking for a partner who will also appreciate their love of art and nature. They are quite gullible people and therefore they are easily hurt. They love their privacy and are quite shy. Tend to stay away from crowded public places. These people tend to accumulate things because they do not want to throw them away. They love pets and are responsible for taking care of things. The weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they can be irresponsible. Fortunately, as they get older, this deficiency is lessened.

The rooster of the zodiac sign Pisces is a lover of thoughtful outrageousness. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by chance, inadvertently. The fish rooster does nothing for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself. Outwardly, male and female fish roosters are emphatically businesslike, calm and do not allow themselves unnecessary movements or statements. This feature of the rooster fish is not at all dangerous and does not harm him or his business. These people are peaceful and have a great attitude towards the team. For the sake of others, they are even ready to make some concessions. But they still give preference exclusively to their own opinion.

The only thing that is constant for the rooster fish is the rejection of long-term and monotonous work. He is anyone, but not an accountant and not a leader in assembly line production. Monotony is not his way of life. Sexually, both female and male rooster fish seem amusingly bizarre. Having inexhaustible potential like a cock, they pretend that this is not so. Why? They themselves do not know the answer to this question ...

Rooster Combination

Pisces Rooster Woman

Pisces is a calm and friendly sign, and the birth of a woman in the year of the Rooster adds to the personality structure. straightforwardness and diligence. A woman is considered a good diplomat, she knows how to find ways to resolve conflicts. She can be called a compliant person, but when it comes to principles, she will defend her standards of morality and morality.

The representative of the signs is elegant and has good taste. She knows how to choose beautiful clothes and accessories. Her appearance can be called impeccable, and her character allows succeed in many professions. She will be successful as a stylist, consultant, any creative specialty is close to her.

Feminine, soft and gentle - the Pisces-Rooster woman becomes a muse for many men. She don't make scandals, lady not prone to unreasonable whims and weaving intrigue. If a man meets her requirements and reciprocates, then the lovers form a happy union.

Caring mother, wonderful hostess. The woman embodies picture of the perfect woman. She does not like to command, she likes to take care of the house, children, improve the atmosphere of the family.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

The nature of women Roosters - Pisces: They attract all the most unusual, mystical into their lives. Their main goal is education. They can be busy with work, family, but at the same time they will always find time to replenish their knowledge. Because of their this feature, others consider them lost, unhappy people. But this is only an outward manifestation. In fact, they feel comfortable being in thought and reflection.

These are complex extraordinary personalities who have willpower. However, determination and determination in them is manifested when they want to learn something. Usually this is the type of scientists who can make great discoveries. They are secretive, do not try to build relationships with others. Their friends and entourage are those women who share their hobbies and desires. In this case, they can be happy doing what they love and surrounded by like-minded people.

Rooster Women - Pisces in Love and Relationships: Love relationships are not important to them. They may have a romance, but it doesn't take him much. He gives an important role to his research. They are masters of detail, so they always see the flaws of the other half. Their fatal mistake is the inability to see the positive in a loved one. They should see not only the bad, but also the good, as this is the basis of any relationship. And you can make them harmonious only by going through development.

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Rooster Women - Pisces in Finance and Career: Career plans for them do not matter. They will certainly achieve good results, but if it suits their interests. Otherwise, they may be overboard career elevations. The financial side of life does not occupy them. They can be content with the bare minimum. However, with the advent of a family, they may begin to strive to earn money. Usually they get such an opportunity from fortune.

Women Roosters - Pisces in the family and marriage: The family relationships of these women will resemble a swing. On the one hand, they are caring and attentive. On the other hand, they cannot give loved ones what they want. This is full attention, care. Most of the time they are absorbed by their research, the desire to achieve something better in life. But over time, they understand the value of family relationships and achieve harmonious relationships.

Advice to women Roosters - Pisces: These women are encouraged to pay attention to the general, as the little things do not allow them to see the big picture. It is worth letting go of life, giving it the opportunity to control them. The resulting feelings and experiences will make them feel happier. It is worth learning to respect other people, as this will help them establish communication. It is also worth learning diplomacy, not expressing all your thoughts out loud.

Pisces - Rooster: Characteristic

Pisces Man - Rooster

This person is endowed with a rich imagination, sociability, the ability to understand people and subtly feel someone else's mood, and he is also characterized by sociability, tenderness and talent in the field of art.

Often afraid of marriage and strive for change. It can be difficult to persuade him to marry, but, having married, he is truly happy, although he cannot decide to take this step for a long time.

Pisces Woman - Rooster

It has a refined taste and a pronounced creative charm. Knows how to please men, love, but often experiences indecision and cannot always decide on her own in life.

Pisces Rooster - man and woman, horoscope and characteristics of the year

  • Years 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    Pisces Rooster - a characteristic of the compatibility of the sign and the year

    This position is contradictory: the peace-making world of Pisces illusions in the fight against the attacking logic of the Rooster. But Pisces can get along with anyone! The rooster gives the combination realism and self-sufficiency. He believes that he is already good for everyone, and strives for social achievements and personal success: career, fame, recognition.

    Pisces give this rather frank desire a somewhat mystical and purposeless meaning.

    Such a person can go to the goal in unusual ways, which, in fact, are incomprehensible even to himself. The vague world of fantasy and the immaterial ideals of Pisces are classified and ranked by the Rooster. Moreover, he is trying to get considerable dividends for his idealism and talents. This is how a realist, prone to fantasies, and a pragmatist, mired in daydreaming, turns out, and this is how a gentle bully, a strange fighter and a mystic with a technical bias turn out.

    Pisces-Roosters show a penchant for an “art history” lifestyle, love for external effects, inner nobility and fighting qualities. The closest path to fame is a stage and a military career, but "public" art forms are even more attractive.

    Pisces-Rooster man's horoscope

    The founder of anthroposophy, theosophist, philosopher Rudolf Steiner was a very strange mystic. Since childhood, he loved mathematics and was fond of technology, and the first spiritual insight came to him while thinking about a geometric problem.

    Steiner called his mystical insights or "visions" life facts. His idea of ​​the world was realistic, the richness of imagination and daydreaming were also not traits of his character. Steiner came to the conclusion that all the thoughts of people and their ideas have their origins in spiritual Beings, that is, he “ripped off” the main idea from Plato. Steiner studied hard and earned a degree in mathematics. Then he began to feel a spiritual kinship with already dead people and summarized his experience in the "Philosophy of Freedom".

    In short, these same Beings and past incarnations constantly influenced him and people. This was the main reason for the development and the meaning of human life. At first, Steiner went up the theosophical service ladder, but became disillusioned with this "science". His career is as follows: in 1902 Steiner became head of the German branch of the Theosophical Society, in 1925 he ceased to be a Theosophist and founded the Anthroposophical Society. Then he tried to develop the concept of human integrity and gradual evolution.

    He sought to turn Theosophy into an experimental science to reveal the "secret" powers of man through meditation and other exercises, but his "techno-mystical" ideas proved unviable. Although who knows.

    Enrico Caruso is an outstanding opera singer of all times and peoples with an expressive manner of performance. "His beautiful strong tenor, combining virtuosic technique and instinctive dramatic sense of drama, created a superb artistic whole." Caruso / (he made his debut in Naples, performed throughout Italy, London and New York. Caruso knew a lot about not only singing, but also business, and putting his talents on a commercial basis, received huge royalties for records. Published he has about 250 titles.With the money from concerts and records, Caruso bought a castle and lived in luxury.

    And here are a few more characters from the Pisces-Rooster group. Malcolm Campbell is a racing driver who once held speed records both on land (9 times) and on water (3 times). His car and boat were called "The Blue Bird". For his accomplishments, Campbell was knighted. The “father of the Russian theater” Fyodor Volkov is a myth: he created the theater, but it was immediately disbanded, Volkov became more famous as a comedy actor, and Sumarokov himself wrote the roles especially for him.

    Agnelli Giovanni is the head of the richest and most influential capitalist family in Italy and the Fiat concern, he is a senator for life, co-owner of the Stampa newspaper and the Juventus football club.

    Pisces-Roosters love a military career, among them are a lot of generals. But we will only mention Marshal Leonid Govorov, since the rest are little known to non-specialists in the field of military affairs. Among Pisces-Roosters there are also many politicians, but more by birth, and not by merit, for example: Frederick HI - King of Denmark and Norway; Joseph I - Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire; Ferdinand I - king of Bulgaria; Pavel Gagarin - senator, head of the Committee of Ministers of Russia; Wilhelm Frick - Nazi, Minister of Foreign Affairs; terrorist Nikolai Sablin.

    Pisces-Rooster directors shoot everyday or adventure films: Evgeny Ginzburg (“Island of Lost Ships”), George Miller (Mad Max TV series), Bob Reifelson (“Five Easy Pieces”). Of the actors in this astrological group, the most famous is Michael Caine with two Oscars (“Inveterate Scammers”, “Hannah and Her Sisters”), from domestic ones we will mention Viktor Filippov (“Stove-shops”, “Velvet Season”).

    Pisces-Roosters also love the stage, music, compose and sing. This is due to the fact that the Bull, Snake, Rooster group has a sense of rhythm, and Pisces, as a rule, are musical. Genre? Certainly popular, intelligible. About Caruso has already been said, now it's time to list others: singer, composer, songwriter Yuri Antonov ("Sea, Sea"); singer, leader of the group "Lube" "military" Nikolai Rastorguev; bard, poet and academician Alexander Gorodnitsky; musician Roger Daltrey ("The Who"); composer-songwriter Boris Mokrousov ("Lonely Accordion"); Georg Telemann - composer, author of 40 operas.

    In all other respects - "confusion and vacillation", it seems doubtful to single out any qualities or predilections. So you have to do a simple enumeration: Jean Houdon - sculptor (statue of Voltaire, busts of Mirabeau, Rousseau), Lev Rudnev - architect (high-rise building of Moscow State University), Brian Laudrup - football player, David Livingston - explorer of Africa, discoverer of Lake Victoria.

    Pisces-Rooster woman's horoscope

    Surprisingly, in this group of women I have only singers and actresses. Although they should not be considered ephemeral creatures of an angelic type. Don't put your finger in their mouth. They know how to give change. And they also know how to achieve the necessary, and go to the goal stubbornly, despite the obstacles.

    Actress Tatyana Dogileva, wife of Mikhail Mishin ("Blonde around the Corner", "Fiance from Miami", "Forgotten Melody for Flute", "Pokrovsky Gates"). The heroines of the actress and director Tatyana Dogileva show all the "cock" qualities: outstanding vitality, optimism, sense of humor, prudent mind.

    Tamara Karsavina is the prima ballerina of Diaghilev. Singers: Tatyana Bulanova, former soloist of the group "Summer Garden" Nina Simon. Actresses: Giulietta Mazina, Fellini's wife ("Nights of Cabiria", "Ginger and Fred"); Cynthia Rothrock, five-time world karate champion (Dragon Lady, Honor and Fury, Tiger Claws); Teresa Russell ("Black Widow"); Valentina Ushakova (“Moscow does not believe in tears”); Cecilia Mansurova is the leading actress of the Vakhtangov Theatre. Model and actress of erotic films, Playboy star Shannon Tweed.

    Gwen Stefani - the vocalist of "No Doubt" with the hit of all times and peoples "Don't Speak" - has been singing since childhood and began performing in a group while still at school. As she herself says, both music and pleasure from the process itself are important for her. At first, the group was not successful. Gwen had to earn extra money as a salesman in a department store. But art required sacrifice. Then the group found its own style, or rather, “a crazy patchwork quilt sewn from a variety of musical pieces,” and things went smoothly. Although Gwen is accused of being secondary, her style of performance cannot be confused with anyone else, and the main thing in her is energy and femininity.

    Gradually, Gwen became not only the face of the group, but also its leader. And the leader most of all experiences the burden of fame and difficulties in relationships with partners. She even had to undergo a course of psychotherapy, so as not to "go astray." She still feels guilty about her brother who committed suicide. From excitement and heavy loads, Gwen began to have attacks of allergic sore throat. The disease has become chronic, and now, as soon as she gets nervous, Stephanie loses her voice. But Gwen has a fighting spirit, she is used to holding her own in public and following the cruel rules of show business. Therefore, now she is a rock star and a sex symbol.

    See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

    Horoscope Pisces-Rooster

    According to the horoscope, Pisces-Roosters are highly dependent on the opinions of other people. They are easy to offend and hurt to the quick. They are not always confident in their abilities, so success does not come immediately. They need to feel independent, both morally and financially.

    It is very difficult to bring the Fish-Rooster to justice. True, over the years this minus in character is eradicated. He is a shocking person, so he loves to charm and surprise the audience. Pisces-Roosters love to be the center of attention. They purposefully act to be in the right place at the right time.

    They do not like scandals and squabbles. They like a calm and friendly atmosphere, both at work and at home. Pisces-Roosters will sacrifice the most precious for the sake of a loved one without any problems.

    They only consider their opinion. It is difficult to convince them or impose other views on life. Many consider the Rooster fish to be a little extravagant and wayward. His actions and statements are not approved by everyone.

    Pisces-Roosters hate to do tedious and unpromising business. Such work is very tiring for him. Everything monotonous and boring in life frankly annoys him.

    Even intimately, Pisces-Roosters behave in a peculiar way. They have rich experience, which for some reason they carefully hide. What for? You won't even find the answer.

    Pisces combination horoscope with other eastern signs:

    Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

    horoscope for January 2018

    Pisces Rooster Man

    Love is something unusual, invented by higher powers. Male Rooster - Pisces all his life to strive for everything unknown. The search for his love for him is one of the meanings of life. The main thing is that the representative of the beautiful half of humanity should suit him, i.e. they were highly compatible in love.

    Characteristics of a Pisces man - Rooster

    Pisces Man - Rooster will never occupy an uninteresting place. Routine work is certainly not his. He needs something out of the ordinary. The way it will be the most difficult, almost impossible. The main thing is that until now, unknown to any of the people.

    Male Rooster - Pisces never lives in stability. True, he does not suffer from this. At least in his youth he does not need it. In adulthood, he becomes more constant, but still he has periods when he is immersed in some kind of research.

    Pisces man - Rooster in his youth often lacks something. Its impracticality is to blame for everything. Only in adulthood does he more or less become more certain with finances. His life can now be called prosperous.

    The character of the guy of this zodiac sign is kind. This is a cheerful and easy-going person. If there is no company, but you really want to go with someone, then you can safely contact him. He will never refuse, unless, of course, he is busy at the moment with something exciting.

    A representative of this zodiac sign will never go to work in a routine position just to improve their well-being. This guy agrees to live in poverty, but will always do what he likes. If a male Rooster - Pisces is lucky, and he finds a good and exciting profession, then he will immediately, as they say, "kill two birds with one stone." And the work will be interesting, and his financial income will immediately begin to grow.

    Compatibility in love men Pisces - Rooster

    Pisces man - Rooster is considered a closed person regarding feelings for the opposite sex. He will open only to the girl whom he loves very much. The beauty of his inner world can also be recognized only by a loving heart. Such can be searched among such signs of the zodiac as the Ox, the Rooster and the Snake. But with the ladies, who are considered Rabbits, Goats and Pigs, happiness does not shine for them. That is, relations with them are unlikely to last long. They are too different from each other.

    A family for a person is a place where you can open up with both heart and soul. However, this does not apply to the Pisces man - Rooster. He doesn't tend to talk about his feelings. He is unlikely to do this in the family circle. Such a husband and father will remain a mystery to close relatives for life. He always has such secrets that relatives can only find out about after the death of a person.

    The wife of a man Rooster - Pisces must have great patience and understanding. Otherwise, she simply will not be able to live with this person. She will not tolerate the fact that he has some kind of personal life, secrets. She won't understand why he's holding her back. It will seem to her that he does not trust her, and even worse, does not love her at all. Although this is absolutely not true. Pisces man - Rooster just needs his personal space. And this does not mean that he does not love someone, does not respect.

    Astrologers advise the Pisces-Rooster man to look for the golden mean between his personal space and the outside world. His position on these points is too extreme. Because of this, he may have various problems with people and society as a whole. Even the closest and most loving people will not understand him.

    If a Pisces-Rooster man opens up to his beloved woman, he will feel how the power of their love is growing stronger.

    fish rooster zodiac sign woman characteristic compatibility

    Rooster on the bell tower. Shoots high. Full of ideas!

    Zodiac horoscope: Pisces sign

    The influence of the Pisces sign makes the Rooster more sensitive and vulnerable. Rooster Pisces are often insecure and cannot relax and be happy until they reach a state of complete financial and personal security.

    Rooster in Chinese astrology is a bright and demonstrative symbol. Men or women born in the Pisces Rooster combination are people who have great artistic talent. They have a sharp eye and creative imagination. They look at this world from a wider angle than others, they see beauty in things that others cannot see.

    Rooster Pisces have a friendly nature, try to be helpful and kind to other people. They enjoy communication, but only on their own terms, the way they like it. These people often have good taste in clothes. They have a sharp mind, but nevertheless it is difficult for them to focus on everyday tasks. They can often be caught daydreaming when they should be working.

    These people are looking for a partner who will also appreciate their love of art and nature. They are quite gullible people and therefore they are easily hurt. They love their privacy and are quite shy. Tend to stay away from crowded public places. These people tend to accumulate things because they do not want to throw them away. They love pets and are responsible for taking care of things.

    The weakness in the personality of these people is that at times they can be irresponsible. Fortunately, as they get older, this deficiency is lessened.

    The rooster of the zodiac sign Pisces is a lover of thoughtful outrageousness. He likes to expose himself, but not openly, but as if by chance, inadvertently. The fish rooster does nothing for nothing, all his actions are subordinated to one thing - to attract as much attention as possible to himself.

    Outwardly, male and female fish roosters are emphatically businesslike, calm and do not allow themselves unnecessary movements or statements. This feature of the rooster fish is not at all dangerous and does not harm him or his business. These people are peaceful and have a great attitude towards the team. For the sake of others, they are even ready to make some concessions. But they still give preference exclusively to their own opinion.

    The outlook of the rooster fish differs from the generally accepted one, and judging it according to the usual norms is a useless exercise. Therefore, his actions seem mostly wrong and sometimes even devoid of meaning and logic. The most difficult thing about this rooster is its unusual coordinate system.

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  • The characteristic and compatibility of the Pisces-Rooster man is different in that such a person is always tuned in to new and unusual discoveries.

    He prefers vivid and unexplored impressions to routine and monotonous affairs.


    Since the Pisces-Rooster man is always chasing something new and unusual, it is extremely difficult for him to achieve stability, both in business and in life. Fortunately, in adulthood they do it well, but only thanks to the ability to do several things at once. Despite the constantly arising difficulties, Pisces-Rooster one way or another come to a prosperous life. Men of this zodiac type are cheerful, kind and easy-going. They try to solve the problems that arise in the most extraordinary ways. Despite the sociability and good nature of the Pisces-Rooster, he is very secretive.

    Unfortunately, with all his positive qualities and the presence of a strong character, such a man can be extremely unlucky. His mistakes, as a rule, are due to the fact that he is not able to direct all his strength and energy towards the realization of his goals. Perhaps he should move in the right direction in stages, without leaving the path. In the characterization of the Pisces-Rooster man, such qualities as optimism, sincerity and spontaneity also appear. Such individuals try to actively express themselves in various areas of life, they are attracted by adventures and vivid impressions.

    The originality, spontaneity and courage present in their character help to gather around them many like-minded people. Often they manage to become leaders in their company. The optimism of the Pisces-Rooster is just a mask: he can perceive situations very sharply and experience stress. Men born under these signs sometimes tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses, which is why they often make annoying mistakes. They manage to overcome life's troubles only thanks to their willpower and determination, as well as the support of relatives and friends.

    Compatibility in love

    Elusive and fickle - this is how you can describe the behavior of a Pisces-Rooster man in a love relationship. It is sometimes difficult for them to understand their feelings and sympathies, for the time being they hesitate. Meanwhile, in maturity, the family and constancy in relationships acquire a special value. Most often, they pay attention to spectacular and extravagant girls. The compatibility of the Pisces-Rooster man in love will become possible only when he meets his ideal.

    A bright and attractive man of this iconic combination never remains without female attention. Women always give him different signs of attention, but he is used to not attaching much importance to them. All thoughts of the Pisces-Rooster are busy searching for true and sincere love. In a relationship with a woman, he wants the partner to show her care, love and attention to him. Instead, a man is not able to give his beloved the same thing. He prefers to only take, but never gives anything to his partner in return. Perhaps it is for this reason that he has been unable to find his soul mate for a long time and establish harmonious relations with her. It is impossible not to notice that in love the Pisces-Rooster man is very vulnerable, as a result of which he is prone to resentment and discontent if something does not go the way he would like. But if everything goes according to his desire, he becomes an affectionate and attentive partner.

    Work and money

    Art and everything connected with it is exactly the area in which Pisces-Rooster is able to realize all his skills and talents. A rich imagination helps men of this type constantly generate a lot of original ideas. As a rule, they are very useful and relevant. In the Pisces-Rooster team, he is respected, although sometimes he may be considered too arrogant. The owners of this iconic combination often experience a creative crisis, so they should combine work in art with activities in another industry. Pisces-Rooster does not regard career as the only goal in his life, therefore, they try to use their business qualities and talents in other areas of life as well. The ability to concentrate on monotonous work and prudence allows such a man to achieve incredible success in the bosom of his career. And, as a rule, he succeeds in financial stability, although for him this is rather the norm than an achievement.

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    Sincerity, spontaneity, ambition and optimism - all this is inherent in people born in this period. Pisces-Roosters actively manifest themselves in different areas of life, love adventure and strive for vivid impressions. They behave extraordinary, boldly and unpredictably.

    Personality Traits of Pisces of the Year of the Rooster

    Such men are predisposed to creative pursuits - art and everything connected with it interests them most. A rich imagination allows Pisces-Roosters to come up with creative ideas, which often turn out to be useful and appropriate. They usually get along well with colleagues, but in the team they can be considered a little arrogant. The owners of this combination can work not only in the field of art, but also in other industries, especially if they have a creative crisis.

    The character of the Rooster-Man of the sign Pisces

    With friends, such people are very friendly, like to talk heart to heart with like-minded people. Pisces-Roosters often become leaders of companies, usually they have many acquaintances. Despite the ostentatious optimism, they can acutely perceive life's problems, experience stress for a long time. Pisces-Roosters sometimes unrealistically evaluate what is happening, make annoying mistakes. They overcome difficult situations thanks to willpower, the support of acquaintances and determination.

    Personal life of Pisces-Roosters Men

    For the time being, for the time being, they are fickle in their sympathies, it is difficult for them to understand mixed feelings. Pisces-Roosters are wayward, they are not easy to please, but they are still happy with any attention. In adulthood, family values ​​​​take on great importance for them, they pay attention to spectacular and unusual women. Having once met their ideal, Pisces-Roosters can become devoted and very caring spouses.

    This Rooster is charm itself. For all its brightness, it is not demonstrative and seems to be modest ... However, this is a misleading impression. Rooster-Pisces wants to be seen, seeks fame, but is not inclined to direct action in this direction. He is not intrusive and very pleasant!

    Rooster-Pisces has excellent business qualities. There is no hustle and bustle in his work. He knows how to work in a team, and if necessary, he can become a good boss - responsible, fair and democratic. This is a wonderful organizer who is not afraid to take on any work if he sees a perspective.

    The character of the Rooster-Pisces

    In this person, depth and emotionality are felt, sometimes there is a certain illogicality of actions. The Rooster-Pisces is inclined to live with feelings, but not for long - the practicality of nature always prevails, therefore the Rooster-Pisces is always "on the crest of a wave" in life. Simply, with all his liveliness, he knows the measure in everything and will always find a way to put things in order in his affairs - no matter what happens!

    In love, the Rooster-Pisces is very peculiar. For him, love is an exciting game that can absorb him completely. True, gaining experience in this matter, the Rooster-Pisces tries to control his feelings and maintain a balance between personal life and social life. In the family, this person is not too serious, but he is deeply attached to loved ones and spares no effort, providing a comfortable life.

    Rooster Pisces Man

    To find yourself, it is not at all necessary to look for one job or one hobby for a lifetime. You need to have several areas of activity and let them all be the main ones. It's just that one replaces the other, then the third, and so on. Even during the day, different work can be alternated. It is clear that we are talking primarily about a free profession - a profession that involves a flexible schedule and self-organization.

    An important place in this regard can be assigned to any creative activity. Pisces are prone to creativity in its most diverse manifestations. Pisces men are no exception ... The Pisces-Rooster man may well turn any creativity into a real activity that will generate income. It is important for him to achieve mastery in his field - this is an essential nuance. Only after reaching the desired level, you can take on something else ... Or, as it was written above, constantly combine different interests.

    Rooster-Pisces Woman

    It is much easier for women of this combination of signs to find themselves in life, because the lion's share of her time will be occupied by family and loved ones. She can become a housewife, which is quite acceptable and even desirable, but there is one “but”. The Rooster-Pisces woman should not be isolated on her husband, children and relatives. She definitely needs her own interest, her own hobby, a business that will inspire and develop her creativity.

    Working women Rooster-Pisces are also quite wealthy and easily achieve prosperity. However, all the same, it must be remembered: such a woman needs to have a personal creative hobby - one or more - it does not matter. She needs a way out of the routine and the usual pace of life in some other areas where harmony, beauty and endless love reign ...