Fallout 4 blueprints. Your buildings

The game Fallout 4 has a large number of diverse and very exciting quests, which can be either plot or side. The storyline is the most engaging and has missions that are truly mind-blowing. In this article we will talk about the quest called “Molecular Level” in the game Fallout 4. Here, your final goal will be teleportation to the base of the Institute - the faction responsible for the development and creation of synths, that is, androids that cannot be distinguished from ordinary people.

However, to achieve this goal, you have to go through a long and difficult path. And if you have any difficulties, then you can refer to this article, since the passage of this quest in Fallout 4 will be described in detail here. “Molecular level” is far from the simplest, but extremely exciting and important for further completing a task that will not only advance you further along the storyline, but will also bring you closer to the opportunity to join the Institute as a full member of the faction.

Hunter chip

In Fallout 4, The Molecular Level is a quest given to you by Dr. Amari after you complete the previous Hunter/Hunted quest. As part of it, you had to go to the ruins of the Boston Commonwealth Institute of Technology, where you had to track down the synth hunter and eliminate him by obtaining a chip. With this chip, you need to go to Doctor Amari in the hope that she can help you organize teleportation to the Institute base.

It is with a conversation with Amari that the game “Molecular Level” begins in Fallout 4 - a task that will require a lot of time and patience from you, but at the same time it will not make you bored for a second.

Conversation with Amari

Many gamers believe that one of the most difficult quests in the game Fallout 4 is the “Molecular Level”. This quest is challenging to complete, so you may want to consult this guide as you progress along the quest line.

So, when you, having obtained the hunter's chip, turn to Amari, she will not be able to help you. As it turns out, even though she is a scientist, she has never worked with such devices in her life, so she cannot do anything for you. However, it cannot be said that Amari turned out to be absolutely useless - the woman gives you a tip to the Underground. which has been fighting the Institute for many years, so its representatives may be familiar with technologies of this level. Therefore, you will need to meet Desdemona of the Underground to continue the "Molecular Level" of Fallout 4.

The quest has only just begun, and the hardest part is ahead of you.

How to decrypt the chip?

Thus, you need to decrypt the hunter's chip in order to continue the mission "Molecular Level". Fallout 4 is a game that always gives you different paths to complete many of the quests, but in this case it's pretty linear so far, you'll have to wait until the second part of the quest to be able to choose. For now, you just need to decrypt the chip, and this can only be done using the Underground.

If you have not yet encountered this faction during your playthrough of the game, then you will have to complete a quest line called “Freedom Path”. He will lead you to Desdemona, with whom you can make a deal - you give her the hunter's chip, and in return she will give you its decryption. If you have already completed the “Path of Freedom” before and met with the Underground or are even a member of its ranks, then everything will be much simpler - all you have to do is talk to Desdemona.

However, there is another option - because by the time you complete this quest, the Underground may already be destroyed. In this case, you will have to find Technician Tom's terminal and decrypt the chip there yourself. In any case, you get the decryption you need, with which you can further advance through the plot of the game Fallout 4.

The “Molecular Level” mission, of course, does not end there - now you need to analyze the data received and find a way to build a teleport.


What needs to be done in order to complete the Fallout 4 quest “Molecular Level”?

The underground has done everything it can for you, so you need to find the mutated scientist Virgil, who is ready to analyze the data, but in exchange will ask you to bring him a serum that he himself invented and now wants to test on himself. You can spend some time finding this serum (then after a few days you can meet Virgil already in human form, and he will tell you that he is now going to develop a serum for different types of viruses in order to return mutants to human form).

Or convince him that nothing will help him - then you will have to shoot him after he gives you the drawings. With their help, you can build a device that will serve as a teleporter and allow you to move to the Institute’s base - exactly what you wanted.

Gradually, you begin to understand more and more about how to complete the “Molecular Level” in Fallout 4.

Choosing a specialist

Now the moment has come when you can make a choice, unfortunately, it will have little effect on anything. The essence of the choice is that to create the device you will need the help of a specialist who can be assigned to you by any of the three factions. If you contact the Brotherhood of Steel, you will receive a very experienced technician Proctor Ingram, the Underground will be able to assign you the character Technician Tom (the one on whose terminal you decrypt the chip, if the faction has already been destroyed - naturally, in this case you will not be able to contact them for help), but from the Minutemen you will get Sturges. Each of these characters will help you create a teleport, and only a few little things will differ that do not affect the overall plot. Therefore, you can choose any specialist, depending on which of them you like best and which faction seems more attractive to you.

Construction site

In this game, you get the opportunity to build a wide variety of buildings and structures, but you have to do this exclusively on the territory of your settlements, which you create and fill with other survivors encountered during the passage. To create a teleport in this mission you will need a lot of construction slots, so choose a settlement that either has a lot of space or has few ready-made buildings.

If you do not have the opportunity to build in your settlements, then it is recommended to take Proctor Ingram as your assistant, since in this case the Brotherhood of Steel will provide you with a separate site for building a teleport.


So, you have drawings of the teleport, as well as an assistant who will help you in its construction. The next step is to obtain the elements necessary for construction. Fortunately, you can see in the workshop menu everything that will be useful to you when building each of the four parts of the device. Among the elements you can find both fairly common ones, such as copper or steel, and rare ones, such as a military circuit board or a biometric scanner. But don't worry - your Pip-Boy will indicate the location of all the missing elements, so you can quickly collect them and move directly to the building process.

Construction of a teleport

Once you have all the necessary elements, you can begin construction. You need to start with the first part, with the reflector platform. After you complete its assembly, your assistant will contribute, and you will be able to assemble any of the remaining three parts. You need to build an emitter, dish and console to obtain all the necessary components of the device. Their location is not particularly important, but there is one very important point - the emitter must be on the top of the reflector platform, otherwise your device will not function. But that's not all - the fact is that the device requires an impressive amount of energy, namely twenty-seven units. Therefore, you will need to supply your structure with electricity.

Energy supply

Powering the structure is the final step of the Fallout 4 quest "The Molecular Level". How to connect a teleport to the network? To do this, you first need to create this network, which must consist of at least three generators - the most powerful of them is capable of producing ten units of energy, so in any case you will need at least three. After that, you need to select each of the generators, enter workshop mode and connect the wires from the generators to parts of your structure. When this procedure is completed, you will be able to proudly look at the fruits of your labor - a fully functioning teleport that will allow you to be transported to the Institute’s base.


The teleport is built, the power is connected, and you are ready to go to the very heart of the Institute's base. To do this, you need to talk to your assistant, who will tell you that you need to stand in the very center of the reflective platform. He himself will take a place at the console and will be responsible for starting the teleportation process. If your assistant is Proctor Ingram from the Brotherhood of Steel, then the procedure will be successful and you will be teleported to the Institute. If one of the other two experts helped you, then when you first start the device, one of the power cables will come off, thereby turning it off. You will have to reconnect it, after which you will still be sent to the Institute building via teleport on the second attempt. In parallel with this, you will receive a task in which you will need to download a scanning virus into the faction’s computer.

Weapons are one of the highlights. The fact is that here you can find the most unrealistically cool guns. They don't just differ in appearance - they work differently and have effects that you won't find in more than one fantasy game. But this is all nothing compared to the fact that there are a huge number of improvements available in Fallout 4! And the most different and most amazing ones. These upgrades can increase the enemy's bleeding, or give all 220V when hit.

Hundreds of hundreds of ways to modify weapons only “fuel” interest in the game. But even that’s not all. The fact is that the world of Fallout 4 is full of different mysteries and interesting places, so you can find a lot of different weapons. If you are looking for a complete collection of weapons in, or are looking for an effective weapon against a particular enemy - come to us!

Here you can find a complete collection and description of each weapon in Fallout 4. Here you will find a collection of modifications and simply the most unique weapons. In addition, only here you can find the location of unique weapons in Fallout 4! All modifications and all weapons are only with us!

Blaster Prischeltsev

Do you want to find a miracle weapon from space, but don’t know where, then this guide will help you find it! But first you need to complete the main task, which is related to Vault 75. The fact is that this cool blaster can only be obtained when a flying saucer falls to the ground, and it falls only under certain conditions!

But let's take things in order. First, deal with the Vault 75 quest, which is located near Malden High School. Next, using fast travel, get to the Forest Grove, which is located in the Western part of the Wasteland.

From there we move along the road until you notice a broken down red truck. As soon as you pass this broken truck, you will hear a noise. At this moment, you immediately need to look at the sky, because a flying saucer will fly over you. Here you need to be careful, since you need to look where exactly the “plate” falls. Once you find the ship, look for green blood near it. The blood will lead you to the cave next door. Inside you will be greeted by an alien, killing whom you will receive the “Alien Blaster”!


Damage - 50;

Speed ​​- 100;

Range - 119;

Accuracy - 73;

Cost - 1551.

Shotgun "Justice"

This is perhaps the most powerful shotgun in Fallout 4. And especially if you mod it well. And what’s most interesting is that you can find this shotgun at mid-levels. It appears randomly, but you definitely won’t miss it. By the way, you can also buy it, and you definitely won’t regret the purchase. It costs around 1400 caps. So be careful and don't miss this formidable shotgun!


Damage - 105;

Speed ​​- 20;

Range - 35

Accuracy - 28;

Weight - 15.5;

Cost - 1076.

Sword "Revenge of General Zhao"

This is the coolest and most luxurious sword in the game. You can get this sword in the Drumlin's restaurant (Drumlin's diner location) from the game character. The restaurant is located in the south-eastern part of the Freedom Museum. And be extremely careful if you are visiting this place for the first time - there will be a massacre. If you want to buy this sword, then try to make sure that the girl in the massacre remains alive.


Damage - 47;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 775.

Mini-launcher "Fat Man"

Friends, it's done! After all, the legendary “Fat Man” was able to even get to Fallout 4! And now, together with him, you can continue to kick the asses of your enemies who dare to contradict your word. In general, “Fat Man” will not be alone in the game, so there will be many places, but among all, there is the most easily accessible one. For example, a robot dump, which is located in the north-eastern part of your home, or go to a town called “Good Neighbor” and there, in one of the shops you can steal “Fat Man”, and it will be quite easy to steal + there there will be one shell for it!


Damage - 468;

Speed ​​- 1;

Range - 117;

Accuracy - 63;

Weight - 30.7;

Cost - 512.

Launcher "Hlamotron"

This gun may not be powerful enough to be on the list of the most powerful guns, but it is so exotic that it is impossible not to mention it in Fallout 4. The point is that only this weapon uses garbage in your inventory (all sorts of toys, bottles and much more). Well, isn't that cool? The weapon can be found after you complete the "Call to Arms" mission in the Jet Control Center.


Damage - 40;

Speed ​​- 20;

Range - 119;

Accuracy - 75;

Weight - 29.9;

Cost - 285.

Laser rifle "Righteous Sovereign"

This wonderful and powerful gun can only be obtained after you complete a series of tasks for the Brotherhood of Steel faction. Although this rifle looks like a rather weak weapon by the end of the game, due to its uniqueness, it should proudly take its place among the “pack” of unique weapons (you can get the weapon by completing the “Call to Arms” quest).


Damage - 36;

Speed ​​- 50;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 76;

Cost - 326.

Cryo-gun (Cryolator)

And the best weapon is located at the very beginning of the game - in Vault 111. True, getting this magnificent weapon will not be so easy, since you will have to break into a very complex lock, for which you will need to learn the corresponding perk. But once you get this gun, no one will be able to stop you on the way to your goal.


Damage - 20;

Speed ​​- 90;

Range - 71;

Accuracy - 66;

Weight - 13.2;

Cost - 302.

Vicious Power Knuckles

To get this unusual weapon, you will have to go to a location called “Swan Pond”. This place is located in Boston Cammon (not far from the Park Street location). In general, there you will need to defeat the Swan. And by the way, before the battle it is better to have a good supply of explosives. You'll have to keep your distance to bombard your opponent with explosives. After you kill the “Swan”, you can take the same “Furious Power Brass Knuckles” from him. Although the damage from weapons will already be enormous, by leveling up the Iron Fist perk, you will deal colossal damage. In particular, this is due to the fact that the peculiarity of this weapon is to increase damage with each attack on the same target.


Damage - 62;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Price - 545.

Grognak's Ax

You can find this awesome Grognak ax in the Hubris Comics display case. It's not too difficult to get an ax, but you shouldn't relax either. The main feature of this ax was the increased chance of stunning and the ability to cause bleeding. The weapon itself looks quite exotic in the Wasteland.


Damage - 52;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 100.

Kellogg pistol

You can only get this huge Magnum if you kill a certain Kellogg during the “Reunion” mission. The most important feature of this weapon is that in the event of a critical hit, all your AP points are quickly restored.


Damage - 50;

Speed ​​- 6;

Range - 119;

Accuracy - 70;

Cost - 449.

"Big boy"

Another type of rare weapon that can be purchased from a merchant. But you can only buy it at the Diamond City market. There you will need to find Arturo Rodriguez. The price of the weapon, of course, is steep - you will have to pay 13,700 caps to get this weapon! What kind of weapon is this and how can you reduce the price? "Big Boy" is almost the same weapon as "Fat Man", but with a more pleasant bonus - you can fire two projectiles at the same time. Before buying, you can reduce the price only thanks to your improved trading skills, but you shouldn’t count on much.


Damage - 486;

Speed ​​- 1;

Range - 117;

Accuracy - 39;

Weight - 30.7;

Cost - 5012.

"True friend"

This gun can also be purchased from Arturo Rodriguez. Again, you have to shell out a very large amount - 2500 caps. But even this weapon has a very nice bonus. The essence of the bonus is that this gun deals double damage to enemies. And if you add a couple of useful perks to this gun, then you get a very powerful weapon.


Damage - 29;

Speed ​​- 50;

Range - 71;

Accuracy - 71;

Cost - 929.

Shem Drawn's Sword

You can get this sword only after completing the quest “The Gilded Grasshopper”. The sword is made in a fairly old style for the Wasteland. Although the sword is a little behind in comparison with some other copies, it has a very nice bonus - the enemy that is hit with this sword takes damage from radiation. Isn't that cool?


Damage - 22;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 250.

Rockville Boxer

Another unique and rare item that can be found in Diamond City. In general, there you can buy this unusual baseball bat. So, on the left side of Arturo Rodriguez's shop there is a shop of a certain Mo Cronini. It is from him that you can buy this formidable bat for 1064 caps. The bonus of this spiky bat allows you to spend 40% less action points.


Damage - 44;

Speed ​​- Slow;

Cost - 387.


And again, another weapon that is bought from a merchant. But this gun is no longer bought in Diamond City, but only in “Good Neighbor” (a small town) from a certain KL-E-O (robot). “Singing” was a real gift, albeit not free, as we would like. In general, this weapon is very effective against people, because the bonus deals 50% damage to people. The price, of course, is steep as usual - 12,500 caps, but you can always improve your trading skills and bargain.


Damage - 150;

Speed ​​- 2;

Range - 191;

Accuracy - 107;

Weight - 28.5;

Cost - 4822.

Special survival kit

Getting this gun is not so easy, since you need to be a member of the Brotherhood of Steel faction. And also complete a couple of tasks. You can get the gun only after completing the task: “The Lost Patrol.” You can get it in three ways: steal, kill, or persuade a certain Brandis to return. As for the bonus, it’s quite interesting. In general, the bonus is that it increases your damage, depending on the health lost.


Damage - 26;

Speed ​​- 44;

Range - 47;

Accuracy - 42;

Cost - 340.


You can get this unique and interesting pistol only after you complete the task: . You can take this task only from the Deacon, who is a member of the “Underground” (faction). In addition to the fact that the pistol matches the style of a real secret agent or killer, the unique feature of this pistol allows you to increase the probability of hitting in the “V.A.T.S.” mode, while also reducing the cost of action points by as much as 25%! The Savior uses 10mm ammo, so stock up on that.


Damage - 25;

Speed ​​- 66;

Range - 53;

Accuracy - 67;

Cost - 774.

"Press and Pray"

Are you a fan of gangster submachine guns? If so, then this weapon is perfect for you. But acquiring it is not so easy. First, you will need to find a traveling merchant named Cricket (yes, the name is strange). Most often she hangs around Vault 81. If she’s not there, then I recommend sitting down on some bench and waiting for her to arrive.


Damage - 31;

Speed ​​- 127;

Range - 77;

Accuracy - 69;

Weight - 19.0;

Cost - 1084.

Special offer from technician Tom

An excellent weapon for those who like to fight the enemy at long distances. This weapon's bonus increases accuracy in V.A.T.S. mode. at the very beginning of the battle. And if you, for example, have well-leveled stealth perks, then you will take advantage of this wonderful bonus every time. As for where you can get this weapon, everything is simple. You need to find Tom the technician in the Underground and maintain good relations with him so that he sells you this weapon. It’s not for nothing that the weapon is called a “special offer.”


Damage - 77;

Speed ​​- 3;

Range - 185;

Accuracy - 112;

Weight - 16.7;

Cost - 709.

2076 World Series Baseball Cue

One more bat. You can find a store with this valuable product in an abandoned village called “Jamaica Plain”. But that’s not all, since you still have to get to the church that is located there. The doors will be locked, so you shouldn't go straight to them. It is better to go from the church to the building on the left side. Using this building you can get inside the church through the roof. There will be a corpse sitting on the benches in the church. After searching it, take away all the unique things, including the key. After this, you need to go to the local city hall (a huge yellow building facing the monument). On the lower floors of the city hall there is a basement. Go inside and move all the way to the vault. Inside this vault you can find a room with a terminal, and right there on the left side on the display case there will be that same bat. The unique bonus of this bat is that you can randomly knock your opponent into the air when you hit them.


Damage - 33;

Speed ​​- Slow;

Cost - 325.

Virgil's carbine

The weapon is so unique that it can only be obtained if old Virgil dies. You can attack him without any warning, or say that you allegedly did not find the necessary serum (but only with a high level of charisma - aka eloquence). If you managed to say that you did not find the serum, then the mutant will ask you to simply kill him. Either way, the unique bonus of this weapon is that you can deal 50% more damage to super mutants.


Damage - 32;

Speed ​​- 66;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 92;

Cost - 348.

"Reba II"

You can get this valuable rifle after you complete a simple task from one of the residents of the village of Salem. The person who gives out the task is called Barney. Finding him will not be problematic, since anyone who visits this place will with 100% probability hear his angry screams and fire at the attacking swampmen. Having taken the task and completed it, he will open a room for you, which is located in his basement. It is there, on the table, that the Reba II rifle will lie. A unique bonus of the rifle is that with it you deal 50% more damage to mires and insects!


Damage - 89;

Speed ​​- 4;

Range - 215;

Accuracy - 92;

Weight - 15.5;

Cost - 306.

"Big Jim"

What doesn't happen in the Wasteland? Considering the kind of weapons you sometimes come across, it is not surprising that you will find an adjustable wrench. The wrench's bonus is quite logical: it increases the chance of damaging your opponent's leg by 20%. So, finding this unique adjustable wrench is not so easy. First, go to a place called Walden Pond. Upon arrival, head to the large lake where you will find a drainpipe. You will have to walk along it and at the very end clear the cave from raiders. There, in the room with the stairs, that same “Big Jim” will lie. The adjustable wrench is near the toolbox, so try not to miss it!


Damage - 27;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 150.

Experiment 18-A

This is a real Beast. Devil of the Wasteland. I don’t even know what else to call it, since it’s simply impossible not to appreciate such a gun! Moreover, it is not so easy to get it. The gun cannot be bought or knocked off someone. It can be exchanged, and not at some merchant or even in some Diamond City (oh, how long it took). It can only be exchanged with a synth who is located at the Institute. As for the exchange, let it be a real surprise for you! As for the bonus, this gun increases the rate of fire by 25% and speeds up reloading by 15%.


Damage - 24;

Speed ​​- 136;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 140;

Cost - 1809.


Surely many people liked this model. Now you can get a better model, slightly modified. You can find the revolver in the north-eastern part of Finch's farm. A pumping station will be located there. In general, go down to the remote control with buttons and dial the following combination of numbers there: “1 - 0 - 4 - 5 - 1”. As a result of typing these numbers, the doors will open for you, and the “Winner” will immediately lie in front of you. The unique bonus of "Winner" is that the target takes 15 points more damage from fire.


Damage - 48;

Speed ​​- 6;

Range - 119;

Accuracy - 74;

Cost - 468.


If you have not yet killed everyone in the Alliance, or have not yet revealed their secret, then look for a certain Penny Fitzgerald there (it’s not difficult to find her, the whole settlement will be “buzzing” about her). In any case, as soon as you find her, ask her to show you the goods and buy “As you deserve.” The unique bonus of this gun is that in battle you get a chance to stun the enemy after a successful attack.


Damage - 105;

Speed ​​- 20;

Range - 35;

Accuracy - 28;

Weight - 15.5;

Cost - 1076.

"Le Fusil Terribles"

An interesting weapon because it adds +25% to damage and limb damage + increases recoil. So, you can find this weapon in a location called “Libertalia”. There you have to find an improvised tower, which was built on the wreckage of a long-sunk ship. In general, you will have to go upstairs, where you will find the captain's cabin. And here, inside on a wooden box, that same shotgun will stand.


Damage - 121;

Speed ​​- 20;

Range - 59;

Accuracy - 44;

Weight - 19.9;

Cost - 475.

Gun Lorenzo

You can get this unique weapon only after completing a series of tasks from the Cabot family. More precisely, after their last task: . Moreover, during its execution, you need to kill Lorenzo and not take his side (or rather, vice versa). After the conditions are met, return back to the Cabots in a week (you will receive an invitation from Jack) and then Jack will give you this cool weapon.


Damage - 25;

Speed ​​- 66;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 69;

Cost - 753.

"Wastelander's Friend"

Another weapon that deals increased damage to limbs, and this time not by 15% more or even by 25%, but by as much as 50%! As for searching, you can simply buy it. You don’t have to take it away from someone, kill for it, steal it, etc. Go to a place called “Bunker Hill” and find a certain Deb there, from whom you can buy yourself a wonderful friend.


Damage - 27;

Speed ​​- 46;

Range - 83;

Accuracy - 76;

Cost - 776.


Another unique melee weapon that is truly worth your quest. It’s just not so easy to get this fiery toy, since it is found in the possession of a Boss named Slag, who lives at the Sagos Ironworks Factory. Moreover, getting to Slag is not so easy, since you have to kill a whole “pack” of raiders who are armed with flamethrowers. As for the unique modifier, it’s a fiery sword, just like in fairy tales and science fiction films, only homemade.


Damage - 23;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 200.

Nail gun

You can find so many things in the Wasteland, even the Cluttertron. The only thing missing is one more weapon that will shoot garbage, right? So, in the Wasteland there is also a Nailgun and it shoots with something clear, I think. You can find weapons, as expected - in a landfill. The place is called "Long John's Landfill". As soon as you find the location (or arrive), look for a blue trailer that has a hatch in the floor. After that, open the local map and find the entrance called “Shelter”. And one more thing: it will not be possible to open the hatch right away, since the electricity supply will need to be restored. Once you do this, follow the wires from the hatch to the generator. Eventually you will reach a switch - pull it. And when you finally manage to restore the power supply, after all the actions, go inside and on the table you will find the long-awaited Nail Gun! I think it’s already clear what kind of bonus this weapon has?


Damage - 140;

Speed ​​- 10;

Range - 119;

Accuracy - 69;

Weight - 14.4;

Cost - 290.

Pickman's Blade

Great fighting knife! Pickman's Blade can be found in a location called Pickman's Gallery. Of course, you won’t be able to get it that easily, because in this place you will be met by a huge pack of raiders of all stripes, so get ready for a tough rebuff. In any case, you should do several things: clear the catacombs, save Pickman and, in the end, get the key to the safe. But inside the safe you can finally take that same combat blade. The bonus of the knife is that opponents will receive 25 points more additional damage from bleeding. In addition, this is one of the few melee weapons that has a high attack speed.


Damage - 31;

Speed ​​- Fast;

Cost - 143.

Another cool shotgun, and with a sniper rifle scope! A unique bonus is that an additional charge is released while firing. You can get this weapon from Alexis Combs, who lives in Vault 81. Of course, you'll have to buy it, what did you think?


Damage - 55;

Speed ​​- 90;

Range - 109;

Accuracy - 76;

Weight - 15.7;

Cost - 1268.

"Kremv's Tooth"

Getting this blade is not easy, because you have to really try. First, go to the quarry called “Dunvic Drillers” and clear this place of the raiders who live there. Once the clearing is successful, move into the very depths of this mine. You have to reach a dead end where there will be a small lake. At that point you should have a scripted scene with a vision. After it, you will need to jump into a small lake, but do not forget to remove your power armor before jumping if you are wearing it. The fact is that you will not be able to get out of the water if you are wearing power armor. In any case, at the very bottom you can find the long-awaited “Kremv’s Tooth” and a couple of nuclear charges. The bonus is this: the target bleeds and gets sent. In addition, the damage from this weapon is called “exceptional”.


Damage - 39;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 50.

Powerful sword of a Chinese officer

An analogue of the sword “Revenge of General Zhao”. Moreover, it is also a little weaker than the original. And the bonus is different: damage increases by 25%. In terms of loot, I find it much easier to obtain simply because it can be dropped rather than bought. It drops from almost every legendary monster, but most often from the legendary wild ghoul-devourer. In particular, they are armed with such swords.


Damage - 42;

Speed ​​- Medium;

Cost - 250.

Prototype UP77 "Unlimited Potential"

The main beauty of this gun is that it has endless charges. It’s not for nothing that they called it “Unlimited Potential.” But keep in mind that you won’t be able to get this weapon just like that. To do this, first of all, you will need to upgrade lockpicking to the maximum and there is no other way at all! So, in any case, go to a location called “University Point”. There you will find the University Credit Union. Inside you will need to hack the terminal and go through the doors. Thus, you will find yourself in a room with safes. Your goal: a safe with a difficulty level of "Very Hard". If you do everything correctly, then inside you will find a button, pressing which you will open the passage to the secret room. And in this room there will be “Unlimited Potential” with endless ammunition, which, by the way, is a unique bonus of this weapon.


Damage - 18;

Speed ​​- 90;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 72;

Cost - 329.

"The Last Judgment"

This Gatling laser is owned by Elder Maxson. So you can get it in two ways: either for winning on the side of the Institute, or for winning on the side of the Brotherhood of Steel army. It's up to you to choose. As for the bonus, your rate of fire will increase by 25% and your reload speed will increase by 15%.


Damage - 14;

Speed ​​- 340;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 48;

Weight - 19.3;

Cost - 3804.

"Good intentions"

To begin with, I would like to note that although this is a rare weapon, it has an extremely strange bonus: critical hits enrage the enemy. You can find this miracle gun in a camp called “Quincy Ruins”. After filling this place with raiders, find a Boss named Clint. This particular enemy will have “Good Intentions” with him, so by killing him, you will acquire a new unique weapon.


Damage - 26;

Speed ​​- 113;

Range - 194;

Accuracy - 74;

Cost - 387.


This gun does not have a unique bonus, but I think that it is not needed, since this weapon is like an 18th century naval cannon! To get this “baby”, go to the location called “Constitution” and complete the following task there: . Once you complete this task, you will receive a "Volley".


Damage - 108;

Speed ​​- 2;

Range - 203;

Accuracy - 63;

Weight - 27.4;

Cost - 245.


So, to get this weapon, first talk to the sentient ghoul named Bobby. So you will receive the task: . After completing this task, you will receive the same Ashbringer minigun as a reward. Bonus: The target takes 15 more fire damage.


Speed ​​- 272;

Range - 131;

Accuracy - 35;

Weight - 27.4;

Cost - 1582.

"Eddie's World"

And another weapon that deals increased damage to limbs, as much as 50% more. You can receive weapons only after you complete the task: . The task is taken from Nick, and only after you complete the main story task, which involves viewing Kellogg’s memories. In addition, keep in mind that a bug sometimes arises, as a result of which Nick may not issue the task, so the command will help you in this matter: “setstage ms07c 0”.


Damage - 48;

Speed ​​- 6;

Range - 83;

Accuracy - 81;

Cost - 454.

"Weasel Wintsoke"

The second weapon that has endless ammunition, but you can only get it if you have completed the main task of the storyline. You will need to approach Sean. He will ask you to bring him a bunch of different rubbish. You, in turn, will have to do what he asks. Having brought him all the “ingredients”, wait another day and after that, the child will give you a rifle with endless ammunition.


Damage - 70;

Speed ​​- 50;

Range - 191;

Accuracy - 85;

In Fallout 4, construction is a long and painstaking process that requires constant user attention. Becoming a leader and attracting people is not all there is to it. You will have to take care of the settlers, think about the availability of the necessary resources and organize protection.

general information

The developers introduced construction in Fallout 4 as an additional game feature, but it has become incredibly popular. Thousands of players built real megacities and took care of them all day long. To get started, the player will have to fully upgrade his character, familiarize himself with the workshop interface (call key - E) and collect enough resources. Things labeled “junk” should not be thrown away, because they will be used as building materials. It is convenient to store them in storage cells, because from there they will be automatically consumed when using the workbench. First, blocks of materials are created, and they, in turn, are transformed into certain basic objects.

Selecting a location

Before starting construction in Fallout 4, the user should choose a location. In total, the authors have provided 30 sites where this can be done. Some will open after missions, others are available immediately, but experienced gamers recommend two of them. The first is the clean island of Spectacle Island, which lies off the southeast coast. The only obstacle will be high-level ravines, and therefore it is not recommended for unleveled characters to go there.

The second such place is a dilapidated castle with a large territory for a settlement, but its walls are broken, and it will be difficult to defend because of this. The problem can be eliminated by the simple method of erecting a fence. Do this somewhere in a free area, and then move it manually to where there are gaps in the walls. After this, you can safely begin to use your imagination and come up with the style of a future settlement in a world that survived a nuclear war.

Overcoming the limit

The authors of the game were meticulous in the process of creating their small towns. That is why there is a construction limit in Fallout 4, which often prevents all users from realizing their dreams. It is worth noting right away that it is impossible to remove this ban using modifications and codes, but there is a way to significantly expand it. The problem is that every pile of garbage, some kind of junk and any debris - all of this affects the limit and significantly reduces it. That is why players should carefully examine the site before starting to build buildings. Clear it as much as possible, and then questions regarding how to remove the building limit in Fallout 4 will not arise. It is especially worth taking a closer look at small objects, such as a dog bowl, some plants, the remains of the foundation of a house, and the like. They can often be overlooked in Fallout 4 and will take up the space of a bed or wall in future high-rise buildings.

Resources. Part 1

In Fallout 4, building a shelter involves providing the population with all the necessary resources. This list primarily includes food. The player will have to allocate areas for planting crops and assign people to care for the plants. One farmer produces approximately six units of food, which equates to twelve conventional crops. If there are unoccupied areas with vegetables, then the arriving settlers automatically become farmers and get to work.

It is equally important to provide people with sleeping places, in other words, beds. One settler can rest on one such piece of furniture. It is better to place them under cover, although the workshop allows you to install them anywhere on the site. The user can assign settlers to sleeping places themselves. If this is not done, then people will independently look for accommodation for the night and occupy beds for themselves. There is no need to get hung up on this; it is enough to simply provide them all with the required number of places.

Resources. Part 2

Building a settlement in Fallout 4 is impossible without water, otherwise members of the community will begin to die. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide access to clean liquid. Two devices can extract it - pumps and pumps. The former can be built on free land, while the latter can only be built in water. Pumps do not require energy, because they work on their own, and the pumps are powered by electricity. The advantage of the latter is that they can immediately produce clean bottled water, which is immediately placed in the warehouse.

Producing energy is simple. It is enough to build generators in the required quantity. If the equipment is connected to the same network, then electricity is produced in total. You can check the amount of resources in the workshop. All you have to do is enter the settlement, open the interface, and all the numbers will be written at the top. Check this level regularly to ensure the settlement functions properly.

Protection and well-being

In Fallout 4, construction is made as realistic as possible, and therefore in the post-apocalyptic world, the settlement will often be attacked by bandits and raiders in search of loot. For this reason, the player will have to worry about defense. At first, take a dog, and that will be enough. Next, build a fence, set up turrets and assign settlers to security posts. If there are not enough people for all the places, they will regularly monitor the perimeter and move around it at certain intervals.

When everything is in order with the defense, it’s time to start worrying about the well-being of the settlement. People won't be happy if their home has bare walls. The workshop allows you to create various items that will decorate the interior. Among them are all kinds of accessories, paintings, furniture, household appliances and other things that increase the level of happiness. It is also important to build a radio tower to attract new people to your own settlement.

Codes to make things easier

It is worth noting that in Fallout 4 codes for construction are not separately allocated, but it is possible to get any item directly through the console. The developers have created a special command player.additem, where there must be a unique item number in square brackets. Thus, the player will be able to get literally any necessary thing, regardless of where he is.

This opportunity will be useful for those who do not want to hunt for building materials, but want to immediately realize their fantasies about construction in the game. In this way you can get purified water, parts, resources, metals, glue, oil, turpentine and much more. The total list of items includes 31 units. Another useful code is the setownership command, which makes any stolen item your own. This will allow you to steal something incredibly valuable without worrying about it being found.

This article provides console commands for unlocking robot parts Automatron And Nuka-World in Fallout 4.

Below we have provided a string of console commands that will help you unlock various parts for creating a robot in Fallout 4. The list contains commands for both Automatron and Nuka-World. These commands should not cause any problems in your game, but we cannot give 100% guarantees.

How to unlock robot parts

The easiest way to unlock robot parts is to edit the .bat in Fallout 4, what you need to do for this:

Create a regular text file.txt in the main Fallout 4 folder (the same place where the .exe is located, and not the data folder where there are mods.) Then name the file as it is, so as not to lose it.

Copy all the lines you want to unlock into a text file.

After which, you will need to go into the game, open the console and type bat, and then, separated by a space, the name of the file that we created before. This will call your text file.

Automatron robot parts

Below are the console commands to unlock Automatron robot parts in Fallout 4:

set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Assaultron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Protectron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_RoboBrain_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Arm_Sentry_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Hand_LightningGun_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Assaultron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Protectron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Head_RoboBrain_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Head_Sentry_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Assaultron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Protectron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_RoboBrain_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Legs_Sentry_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Assaultron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_MrHandy_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_MrHandy_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Protectron_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Robobrain_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Robobrain_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_RoboBrain_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Armor_Construction_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Armor_Wasteland_Global to 1
set co_DLC01Bot_Torso_Sentry_Global to 1

Robot parts Nuka-World Parts

Below are the console commands to unlock Nuka-World Parts in Fallout 4:

Set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_Sentry_Autolaser_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_Nukatron_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_Nira_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Torso_MisterHandy_Armor_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Legs_Sentrybot_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_Protectron_Weap_Lasergun01_Global to 1
set co_DLC04Bot_Hand_MrGutsy_Weap_Laser_Global to 1

Well, that's all, now you know how to quickly assemble a robot Fallout 4, if you know any other secrets, write about it in the comments.

Settlements Transfer is a mod that allows you to simply export your settlements to external files called BLUEWAYS, and also allows you to import those blueprints back into your game, using them in any of your game saves with any character. Similar to the Looksmenu or Bodyslide customizations, this mod also opens up a new option for sharing these files in the form of settlement blueprints that anyone can download and use with this mod.

There are 2 topics on the forum in which you can exchange your drawings:
- post-war lore buildings
- pre-war settlements

Update: 1.58

  • 1.10.138 And F4SE 0.6.17

Update: 1.57

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.130 And F4SE 0.6.16
  • - Added option to disable power grid check when entering workshop mode

Update: 1.56

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.120 And F4SE 0.6.15

Update: 1.55

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.114 And F4SE 0.6.13
  • - Fixed an issue with detecting the built-in power supply when entering workshop mode

Update: 1.54

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.114 And F4SE 0.6.13
  • - Settlements Transfer now automatically fixes broken power grids for your settlements when entering workshop mode

Update: 1.53

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.114 And F4SE 0.6.13

Update: 1.52

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.111 And F4SE 0.6.12
  • - Removed time dilation settings from the MSM menu.

Update: 1.51

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.106 And F4SE 0.6.11.

Update: 1.50a

  • - The mod hasn't changed, it's just me finally I found an adequate swf file editor and translated the widget into Russian:

Update: 1.50

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.98 And F4SE 0.6.10.

Update: 1.49

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.89 And F4SE 0.6.9 (and 0.6.8).

Update: 1.48

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.82 And F4SE 0.6.7.
  • - Pets from the Creativity Club can be exported and imported as farm animals.
  • - Improved stability and performance. Import can be three times faster.
  • - Importing a blueprint to a remote location teleports the player to the map marker, not to the workshop object.
  • - New in Import Options: "Import Elements from Scratch" sorts elements by Z, X, and Y coordinates before importing.
  • - New hotkey to cancel export can be configured in MCM.
  • - You can import a drawing into a settlement that does not belong to the player.
  • - HUD widget can be seen in workshop mode.
  • - New log file \Documents\My games\Fallout4\Logs\Script\User\TransferSettlementsImport.0.log to show performance warnings when importing a blueprint.
  • - New error popup to display details about a specific performance error when importing a drawing when the import process hangs for more than a minute.
  • - New fields in the drawing: isAssignable, isFood, isWater (convenience feature for Sim Settlements - Rise of the Commonwealth).
  • - Turrets can be imported with changed X or Y angles (inverted turrets are now a fact).
  • - Fixed an issue with the import and electrification steps where the process would get stuck on certain items.
  • - Fixed a rare issue with some settlers disappearing during settlement preparation/explosion (most notably the two original settlers in Tenpines Bluff).
  • - The radio tower in the Castle is no longer destroyed.
  • - Merchant stands in Bunker Hill are no longer destroyed.
  • - Items marked as quest items will never be destroyed.
  • - Fixed a rare animation bug when exiting the Pip-Boy - this would occur when you entered the Pip-Boy from a third person view before initiating an export or import.
  • - Fixed a rare issue where the Settle Boy's click animation would consume the Stealth Boy from your inventory.
  • - Fixed a rare issue with importing some wired connections.

Update: 1.47

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.75 And F4SE 0.6.6.

Update: 1.46

  • - Compatible with game version 1.10.64 And F4SE 0.6.5.
  • - Greater performance optimization;
  • - Opening a project is 6 times faster and more stable overall;
  • - Opening the same project twice or initiating an import is super-fast compared to previous versions because all JSON data is cached in memory after the first time the player opens the blueprint.
  • - Ability to turn off all generators when turning on power in a settlement to significantly increase productivity, especially with Vault 88 blueprints;
  • - Ability to turn off all generators before blowing up a settlement to increase productivity;
  • - Ability to temporarily disable the artificial intelligence of all NPCs when importing a settlement to improve performance;
  • - Ability to separately turn on/off the electrical effect when turning on the power;
  • - Option to autonomously explode the nearest settlement without having to import another one;
  • - New DEFAULT preset - a smart balance between the Cinematic and Speed ​​presets - it disables animations and generators to improve performance during import, but otherwise retains most of the mod's features.
  • - There is a new preparation phase before blowing up a settlement to properly take care of the necessary events before removing items and, if necessary, shutting down generators;
  • - After importing elements, a new stabilization phase occurs, and before turning on the settlement, in order to properly take care of events, all necessary scripts are run, and problems with conflicts and navinterferences are also handled;
  • - The stabilizing phase should automatically take care of collision, navmesh and settler issues - your settlement should be ready to use immediately after importing it.
  • - Elements or parts of elements no longer appear near the workshop;
  • - Mannequins must be exported and imported properly;
  • - Ceiling fans must be imported and operated correctly;
  • - Yader-Mir arcade machines must be imported properly;
  • - Castle Radio should no longer be exported/duplicated;
  • - Turret diagnostics in Workshop terminals should no longer contain unnecessary characters;
  • - DLC elevator buttons should now work after import.

After installing the mod, a holotape called [Settings] Transferring settlements, which can be found in the Pip-Boy menu -> Items -> Miscellaneous. Use the holotape and follow the instructions in the game.

Export settlement

Load up the holotape while in the settlement you want to export and select Exporting this settlement to a drawing. On the next screen, select a drawing slot from the list. These slots are numbered folders in your blueprints folder, which is located in your game folder:
So, for example, the data file for the drawing in the first slot would look something like this:
So selecting a drawing slot here determines the drawing folder you want to use to export that drawing. Please note that any pre-existing blueprints in this selected folder will be overwritten automatically, so make sure you back up your blueprint files to another location if you want to export more settlements than the number of available slots.

After selecting one of them, you can configure the export options:

Export original items (not created by the player)
Enables the export of original items associated with the settlement workshop, but not created by the player. Think of Sean's crib in Sanctuary as an example. This is useful if you have previously deleted these items and want to return them to your game. But in most cases, you'll probably only want to export the elements you created.

Exporting DLC ​​elements / Exporting elements added by mods
Disabling the export of DLC or modded items means that you do not want these types of items to be exported to the blueprint. By default, these options are enabled because the import process handles missing DLC ​​or mods just fine.

Export of pets (dogs, cats, brahmins)
The ability to export pets allows you to export dogs, cats, and brahmins to your drawing. Please note that unique animals such as Macy the cat or Clarabelle the Brahmin at Abernethy Farm will never be exported.

Exporting tamed creatures
The ability to export tamed creatures allows you to export various tamed creatures added to your settlement by cells from the Wasteland Workshop DLC or from mods that work in a similar way.

Export markers
Marker-based objects are settlement objects that are represented by markers in Workshop mode. To successfully export such objects, Settlement Transfer can now additionally work in Workshop mode, providing the ability to fully simulate manual settlement construction. This was tested with Settlement Objects Expansion Pack v1.6.4 from ccmads and Build Your Own Pool v4.0 by Akarnan, but should be compatible with any mods that work in a similar way.

Export Wired Power Connections
This feature requires F4SE And ObjectReference.pex from F4SE. Adding wiring data to your drawing will require a new export using Settlement Transfer 1.42 or later. When you enable this option, data about all wired connections in your settlement will be saved.

Exporting Sim Settlements Items
Sim Settlements. By checking that Sim Settlements schedules can be exported, construction plans and upgrade stages are also planned, so you will be able to import the same lot with the same building with all of its currently exported upgrades.

Note that all of these options are available before importing the blueprint, so even if the file contains all the exported elements, animals and creatures from different DLCs and mods, you can always turn off these options before importing the blueprint, just like you can turn them off here. In other words, you won't have to import these optional assets from the drawing if you don't want to, but choosing not to export unnecessary items can result in a faster operation during both export and import.

Closes the Pip-Boy and starts the export process.

First, the settlement will be checked to ensure that the objects comply with the export settings.
- Blue highlight = objects being checked
- Yellow highlight = objects you rejected
- Red highlight = objects that cannot be exported, such as settlers or unique animals.

After the scanning process is completed, the program begins to export the remaining objects, which are still highlighted in blue. The color changing to green means that the object is saved in an external drawing file. Once the export process is completed, you can read the project details report. It is highly recommended to take a screenshot of the report if you want to publish your settlement, as it will show you the required plugins for your settlement.

Drawings are in JSON format, which is an open standard format that uses text to store/transmit data. These files are located in the game folder in the folder
where each non-empty drawing slot has a numbered folder with a JSON file. So for example, if you export a settlement to slot 1, you will find the blueprint file in the Data\F4SE\Plugins\TransferSettlements\blueprints\1\ folder

Import settlement

Download the holotape, but this time your location doesn't matter. Select Importing a settlement from a drawing.
On the next screen, select the drawing you want to import based on the folder number you copied or exported earlier.

Once you select one, you'll see some brief information about the file (in picture or pop-up message format, depending on your settings), and then on the next screen you can configure your import options.

Show drawing information
You can check the drawing information again.

Importing original items (not player built)
Includes the import of original items that were originally associated with the settlement workshop, but were not created by the blueprint creator. For example, mole and watermelons on the Abernethy farm. Of course, if the drawing does not contain such elements, this parameter has no meaning.

Importing DLC ​​Items / Importing Items Added by Mods
If you don't want to import DLC items or those added by mods, you can disable them. Please note: if you do not have DLC or mods installed, the script will skip items regardless of these options.

Import of pets (dogs, cats, brahmins)
You can leave this disabled if you don't want the animals to be imported from the blueprint.

Importing tamed creatures
You can leave this disabled if you don't want creatures tamed by tiles from the Wasteland Workshop DLC to be imported from the blueprint. Note that if the blueprint contains this type of creature, they will be hostile until you turn on the Beta Wave Emitter.

Import or destroy markers
Marker-based objects are settlement objects that are represented by markers in Workshop mode. To successfully import or destroy such objects, Settlement Transfer can now additionally work in Workshop mode, providing the ability to fully simulate manual settlement construction. This was tested with Settlement Objects Expansion Pack v1.6.4 from ccmads and Build Your Own Pool v4.0 by Akarnan, but should be compatible with any mods that work in a similar way. To destroy such objects in an existing settlement, you also need to select the "Destroy settlement before import" option.

Importing Wired Power Connections
This feature requires F4SE And ObjectReference.pex from F4SE. If the settlement was exported using Transfer of settlements v1.42 or later, it will most likely have data about connected objects. Enabling this option recreates these wired connections in your settlement.

Restoring connected power connections
For F4SE And ObjectReference.pex from F4SE. This connects the power connections added to Workshop Contraptions And DLC Vault-Tec Workshop such as conduit and shelter sections. Importing/restoring these non-wired connections will be automatic, the script will automatically detect connected objects and restore the binding, so there is no need for a new export from Transfer of settlements v1.42 or newer for this to work. By enabling this option, this connection type should be restored, even if you are importing a blueprint that was exported with an older version of the mod.

Importing Sim Settlements plots
This option requires installation Sim Settlements. This option will only restore areas without plans or building upgrades.

Importing Sim Settlements buildings
This option requires installation Sim Settlements. This option will only restore lots and buildings without actually updating.

Import Sim Settlements Buildings + Upgrades
This option requires installation Sim Settlements. With this option, the plot type, building type and all achieved upgrades will be restored instantly.

Destroy a settlement before importing
Undoubtedly the most interesting feature Transfer of settlements is to erase your previous home in this spectacular style! Don't worry, the explosions are harmless. Like. :)

Closes the Pip-Boy and starts the import process. Automatically teleports you to the settlement if your character is too far away.

The import process will begin with the destruction of everything in your settlement, if you chose this option earlier.

Importing the drawing is also quite fun, as the script animates the objects in such a way that each element rises from the bottom with some effects. The player emotionally comments on the progress of construction.


Main settings

The purpose of this menu is to give you the opportunity to disable everything you want in my mod. Usually to solve performance problems or to speed up the mod.

Select objects during export
You can disable blue, yellow, red and green effect shaders during the export process.

Speak scanning during export
You can turn off scan, skip, error, and success sound effects during the export process.

Play comments during import
You can disable player cheers during the import process.

Explosions during the destruction of a settlement
By disabling explosions, destroying a settlement will simply cause items to disappear rather than explode.

Animation during import
When animation is enabled, items will move into place during the import process, and electrical sound effects, sparks, and lightning will indicate the activation of the electrical connection. Turning this option off will cause all items to simply appear and power will be quietly returned to the settlement.

>>> Elements appear from underground
Animation of the appearance of elements from below.

>>> Elements are falling from the sky
Animation of elements appearing from above.

Temporary storm to start electricity
Regardless of this option, electrical sound effects, sparks, and lightning will indicate the activation of the electrical connection. With this option you can cause a temporary storm, unless you are in an inner cell of course. Yader Mir, Far Harbor, True Storms and Vivid Weathers are automatically detected and new storm types are automatically added to this feature.

Drawing information in drawing style
As of version 1.11 there is a new paper drawing style view. By selecting this option, the blueprint information can be treated as a book type object that looks like the actual blueprint with 37 images embedded to match the 37 vanilla and DLC settlements. If you disable this, the drawing information will be shown in a simple popup window.

Multi-threaded execution script
Moving settlements usually works with a multi-threaded process. This means that the script does not wait for a certain operation to complete before moving on to the next element to initiate the same operation. Disabling multithreading may resolve performance or crashing issues if you are having trouble using the mod, however it will significantly slow down the import and export processes. Please note that you should never disable this feature when using a mod with animations enabled!

Click on Settle Boy to start export/import
The Pip-Boy now simply closes and a new animation appears: you can watch the player press the Settle Boy instead of the black loading screen when you start exporting or importing. By disabling this option, the player will simply close the Pip-Boy without additional animation.

Show progress widget in Pip-Boy style
The HUD widget can additionally be visible in Pip-Boy mode (which is quite useful since exporting is usually much faster while your Pip-Boy is open).

PRESET: Stable
This preset slows down the execution of the export and import script, and disables all animation, shader and sound effects, as well as multi-threaded execution of scripts. You should try using this preset if you are having problems exporting or importing settlements.

PRESET: Speedy
This preset disables all animation, shader and sound effects, but uses the maximum possible multi-threaded script execution. You should use this preset if your goal is to export or import settlements in the fastest way possible.

PRESET: Cinematic
This preset includes all animation, shader and sound effects. This is the default preset for the mod and you should use this if you have never had any problems using the mod.

In order to fix all navmesh and furniture markers added by scripts, and in general MAKE THE NEW SETTLEMENT STABLE Please always give your settlement some time to set up! Traveling to places that are far away from this will ensure that this cell will be reloaded when you return. Come back after a couple of in-game days and you'll be able to assign settlers, build new facilities, or modify existing ones.
, so download only from Nexus, already in a translated version. Download the already translated Transfer Settlements mod on this page (in the MAIN FILES section) and install it into the game (use a mod manager, for example, Nexus Mod Manager). Activate TransferSettlements.esp using the manager or manually.

Make sure these lines appear in your files ...\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Prefs.ini or ...\Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Fallout4Custom.ini:
