Man in modern world essay. Modern man and information


"Remember, life is a gift, the Great Gift, and the one who

she does not appreciate, this gift does not deserve "

Leonardo da Vinci.

Modern - relevant to the present, current time, to this, given epoch (dictionary of the Russian language: in 4-HT. T.4.- M., 1984.- p.177).

Modernity is a multilateral gamma of concepts and feelings that bind people and life. The right to be modern is conquered in the comprehension of this manifold, in his perception, in the development of moral positions. Modern person - above all, morally mature man, therefore, able to be much in response.

Human personality, its value, its essence, its manifestation, its features are neutral from life and time. They are dictated to them, change depending on time, and this connection with time intuitively feels each in everyday life.

And what is "not a modern person", why we, communicating with such a person, feel that he only seems modern.

Note yourself for another, it is not so difficult to seem like others. It is only necessary to formally assimilate something from the rules, how to behave, - without this you will not make an impression; Appropriate - how to dress up, because the clothes not only externally expresses a person, but allows him to acquire the kind of one man is.

Easy to go on this path. Especially in adolescence - when the identity becomes, when the imitation of tastes, manners, behavior is very important. And here, in imitation, two serious, often imperceptible dangers.

The first substitution of the true values \u200b\u200bof the personality of surrogates. Then they grabs for the superficial, allowing it to be modern, and in fact only somehow stay on a fashionable wave.

Second - thoughtless submission to the standard. A person as if he himself takes his personality, the uniqueness of the non-critical imitation of the stamp. The external replaces the inner, the form inhibits the essence, uncommunicating borrowing leads imperceptibly to the loss of its own "I".

The set of means seem modern is available to a certain presence, which means both limited. Everyone met such people: hair length - in fashion, costume - in fashion, walking expressions in a conversation - in fashion, in fashion mention of the names of Kafki, Dostoevsky, Goldsmith, Fellini, comparison of the two - three of our ensembles and popular foreign groups - also in fashion , like the purchase of fashionable discs and books.

Man, clothing, manners, preferences, of course, expresses its inner world. But if he only tries to create it with these means, it is inevitably covered with emptiness, sometimes hiding it from himself, deceiving himself.

In this work, exploring the literature on this topic, having studied youth periodicals, I will try to highlight in detail than a contemporary person differs from not modern, which only seems like that.

Culture of behavior

Culture of behavior is a set of human behavior forms (in labor, in everyday life, in communicating with other people), in which the external expression of moral and aesthetic norms of this behavior are found.

(Dictionary of Ethics.- M., 1981)

Man by nature of his alone, therefore, there are certain objective prerequisites that people with themselves are discomfort. This is superimposed on a constant feeling of time deficit, shortcomings in the organization of trade and service, the crowding and the inability to preserve their "personal territory" in the crowd ... Therefore, it turns out that a banal car "plug", a dirty spoon in a cafe or even just someone Bag in the tram can bring a person to stress, cause aggression. It is important that each member of the society adheres to certain rules of behavior, learned to control negative emotions.

You meet on the street of a completely unfamiliar person, and he attracted your attention to the appearance, restraint of manner, politeness of treatment, proportionate in fashionable clothing, impeccable hairstyle. He has passed before your eyes and left a good impression. You think about the fact that this is a completely modern, decent person. But man is manifested in actions in action.

And this same person comes into the tram, and someone inadvertently pushed him or step on his leg. In the eyes there is a metamorphosis. The restraint disappears, the politeness goes somewhere, nothing remains of attractiveness. Do not be embarrassed in words, a man with an evil expression of the face begins to scold a neighbor. So this person is not modern, but only seemingly as follows.

The lack of culture speech can be a bright characteristic of a modern person. This is more related to youth slang, foul language and frank material.

Control over everyday speech must be constant, because yesterday he heard, today the repeated word will enter the habit and will not be a manifestation of your independence, as it seems to be someone, but on the contrary you will become a slave of a bad word. Hence the unceremonious tone, panibrate, sometimes foul language.

Thus, a truly modern person appearance and essence constitute a single integer.

Harmful habits and healthy lifestyle

One of the serious problems of our society is a sharp increase in alcohol consumption, especially adolescents, as well as smoking, starting from early age and other negative phenomena directly related to these. Here and crime, drugs, and venereal diseases, etc.

Often you can see how boys and girls on the way to school squeeze some "advanced" or "right" beer, biting a cigarette. For the most part, they drink and smoke at all because they really want.

As it often happens, a teenager, being in the company, hesitates to deny the peers in anything, seeks to come in everything as well as they flatter the opportunity to like the party, in which he found himself, and he agrees to all that he demanded from him or even just offer. As a rule, teenagers want to seem adults, steep, to draw attention to themselves. Teens believe that they are actually very cool and modern.

Psychologically teenager, even the coolest look, always feels some insecurity. His secondaryness, or some defenselessness in an adult world, where everything still belongs to him. And this feeling is hiding under the gestures of the type - and, let's pour that, we are small, or something ... and pour, and drink. As adults. Forgetting that the main priority of an adult, modern person is to be responsible for their lives and health.

Thus, the one who cannot withstand harmful habits is not modern, backward in all respects man.

Often, when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, then this implies the absence of bad habits and sports.

No one will take the courage to deny the meaning of sports in our lives. It is beautiful, fascinating, it is an exciting spectacle. However, I would not put a sign of equality between a healthy lifestyle and sports. It often happens that well-known, outstanding athletes, having completed a career or simply by having achieved loud victories, suddenly unexpectedly sit on alcohol, and even on the needle. Football God Maradonna is the most striking example.

Often in the list of conditions characterizing a healthy lifestyle lack the most important thing - the spiritual component. All sorts of wellness systems (yoga, qigong) are not only physical exercises contributing to healing from various ailments, but also aimed at rehabilitation of mental and spiritual forces. For a modern person, the harmony of spiritual and physical development is very important.

Thus, the physically strong, but weak soul, the poor feelings leaves for the difficulties of modern life. That is, such a person can not be considered modern and successful.

Fashion is fashion

Fashion - 1) Popular, prevalent in a specific area of \u200b\u200btastes, addiction and corresponding models, samples of clothing, furniture, household items, interests in reading, movie, theater art, etc., 2) continuing, fleetic popularity ( A brief dictionary of modern concepts and terms. - M., 2000).

What is the basis of fashion? And lie, definitely, social reasons: the desire characteristic of each person to distinguish itself from others. And at the same time, the desire to emphasize its belonging to a particular layer, the population group. Therefore, fashion variability is more visible in clothes.

And here you manifest two fashion functions. The first gives a person the opportunity to satisfy its need for diversity. Another feature in the opposite: Fashion offers a ready-made standard to save us from chase for a variety in which there is a danger to choke. Here, as it were, the extremes - the latitude of choice and rigidity, limited it.

Each wave use mod services at its discretion. One can reasonably follow the fashion, another chasing it. One will find in it a lightweight, a simple way of self-expression - the desire to stand out: it is worth it unusual. The other will take up the fashion mode as a shield that protects from the excess costs of mental energy and time to orientation in the world of things.

Speaking about fashion, first of all, I want to see the individuality of a person. Each of us needs to ask yourself: what am I, what is my personality, what do I differ from others? Not anywhere to leave the person from Himself, even in the desire to be fashionable.

And the fashion then comes to the aid to everyone and everyone: do not chase me, and adapt me to yourself. From fashion, choose only what is suitable for you, take into account age, character, occupation. Then you will find in her a caring allied. She will teach to hide, mask physical disadvantages and emphasize attractiveness and modernity.

But fashion can make you ugly, vulgar and not at all modern if you forgot about the sense of measure, taste and expediency. This most often belongs to adolescents and young people. For their screaming outfits, it is already impossible to see individuality. Such supermodic does not occur that they are disrespectfully relate primarily to themselves - turn themselves into caricature, which is not acceptable for a mature modern person.

A good education. Modern or not modern?

Education is a targeted learning process and education in the interests of personality, society and the state. Leads to mastering the values \u200b\u200bof culture and moral and emotional attitudes towards the world, experience of professional and creative activities, preserving and developing spiritual and material achievements of humanity. (New illustrated encyclopedic dictionary. - M., 2000. - p. 508)

In the letters of Lord Chesterfield to the Son, the main value of which is to comprehend the moral depths of life, there are such words: "Since you will not launch the foundation of those knowledge that you want to purchase, until eighteen years old, then in all my life these knowledge will not be possessing. Knowledge is asylum and shelter, comfortable and necessary for us in old years, and if we will not put a tree while we are young, then when we are up to us, we will not have a shadow to hide from the Sun "

We live in an eyelid when the pace of development of society, its economic progress and the life of each of us depends on knowledge. Without having them, a person cannot know the nature, mastering it with wealth, to manage modern technician, to manage production, to establish their own business, can not be a harmonious person.

Prestige knowledge, prestige of education is becoming more and more high. Neither education nor education can be given in the finished form. Becompleged-knows it to achieve this on its own, self-voltage, its own activities. For a modern person, the formation process lasts all his life.

And young people look at all modern people who do not want to learn anywhere who dilute their youth in bars and kabaks. They will not have a building material to create the future that will belong to them. This is known to many of the truth, but few people can live in accordance with her.


In order to seem modern, enough "shape", and so that it is necessary to be content.

From the grain "seem", which has fallen into the soil, which has not formed, not established personality consciousness, grow two varieties of primitive life of life. The first - "intellectual mothers", "spiritual tastors", perceiving the outer-ostentatious - side of culture. The second - "center boys and girls", "hips" ignorats, prone to "Ballendja".

Their "modernity" flies at the first serious life test: they do not withstand strength tests. The ability to overcome difficulties, to deal with the shortcomings, to take the initiative in a critical situation - to take the responsibility for themselves simply not forces.


1. Budkin A. What pier sail? // We.-2004.- №4.-S.80-90.

2. Gaidai N. The direction in which we are moving // We.- 2003.-№11-12.-S.58-64.

3. Zhukhovitsky L.A. Help your fate. - M., 1987

4. How to build your "I". - M., 1991

5. Brief dictionary of modern concepts and terms.- M., 2000

6. New Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 2000

7. Beelis V. How to find yourself: Encyclopedia in three books, which will help you become stronger, smarter, better. - M., 1989

8. What is the personality begins. - M., 1983

9. Dictionary on ethics. - M., 1981

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What is "modernity"? If you open a sensible dictionary, you will learn that "modernity is the reality of the modern era, what happens now." It means that the modern person - who lives in the present time and stands at the level of his century, that is, not retreating from him. So, it is necessary to report a lot of effort to keep up with our such time. But how? In our city, many fashionable salons, boutiques, where you can dress up to your head, of course, if there are no problems with finance. You can make a fashionable hairstyle, lean the ear earring - and you will have a whole modern look. Or can this person be considered modern? I also forgot about the mobile phone, player and computer. Modern this person? I will give myself to proliferate the word "as if so." Since it is too simple, having money (more often parent!), Provines itself to a person from a magazine cover. What should I remember?

First, fashionably dressed man is only the outside side of the case. So,

It's easy to contact him: an elegantly dressed person predisposes the surrounding people. After all, it is not for nothing that the man's clothes are met, but the defendant is the same in the mind.

Secondly, you need to be able to competently talk, as the ability to lead a conversation, any conversation will immediately give to understand whether we are dealing with a modern person who knows the price.

Thirdly, being a brought up man is also an indispensable attribute of a modern man. Be polite, benevolent, it is appropriate to respond, without interrupting the interlocutor. And all this in any boutique can not buy, you will not acquire a hairdresser or tailor for help.

Modern person is the state of the soul, lifestyle, the composition of thoughts. It is purchased through persistent training, continuous operation. Of course, the basis; A modern person is laid by the parents, and then acquired at school. It is here that we all acquire the initial amount of knowledge and an idea of \u200b\u200blife. Some of my peers report a lot of effort to be modern in let the present sense of the word. I believe that those who seek to discover something for themselves, and there are modern people.

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The world is constantly changing, for the best or worse, but together with him, the person is constantly changing. Each generation of people is different from the previous one for many signs. Now the most common idea that generation is changing every 25 years. I agree with this, because this age is the beginning of maturity, man and his worldview have already been formed. Each generation, in addition to external signs, is primarily characterized by values, views on the world and to society, how thinking. This is the main reason for constant misunderstandings between parents and children.

Modern man received many changes, and they were sharp enough. Our life was easeed on the one hand. First of all, it is a rapid automation of labor, especially in everyday life. Now a person is not necessary to survive among wildlife, work a lot to create a minimal comfort for life. Household appliances assumed a lot of work. Of course, fashion concepts changed, externally differ from previous generations. But the main changes occurred in our head - in the worldview and in the image of thinking.

There was more freedom, more opportunities to realize themselves. It is only a desire, desire for action. Unfortunately, a modern person with motivation is bad. This is noticeable for a large mass of various courses, books, video films created for motivation to action. But we forget that before this was not and people did without it, overcoming much harder life difficulties. The fact is that a person appreciates only, the fact that it is difficult to get and difficult to be achieved. Now much is easily accessible to us, but we do not see in this sense.

But the biggest tragedy of a modern man I consider the information boom. With the invention of the Internet and other technologies, information began to spread with the speed of the virus. She pours on a modern man from everywhere and it is impossible to confront this if you live in society. Of course there are great advantages: for example, free access via the Internet to entire libraries of valuable literature, remote communication and so on. So thought when the Internet was only included in our lives. Today, the Internet has already sustainably entered our life, and this is what we see not exactly what was expected. Free and shared access to knowledge not only did not raise the level of education of the population, but even devalued knowledge. Here, again, the fact is that a person appreciates only it is inaccessible. Knowledge are of great value if they are similar to secrets that are difficult to reveal.

A modern man still did not learn to live in the modern world, so having changed and quickly changes. Very much we need to think about, weighing and solving. I believe in a person and believe that she will master these difficulties.

It should be noted that today many scientists from this area believe that a modern person has contradictory features: on the one hand, he is the Creator of the great achievements of our time, and on the other, the usual consumer who does not think about the need for self-development.

Of course, in every culture there are outstanding personalities that contribute to the development of progress, and also inactive people, however, if you submit a modern person as a collective image, the picture certainly looks conflicting.

Contemporary man: cult of success and morality

Today, common to representatives of different cultures is the desire to achieve success. It is interesting that before the person considered the manifestation of heroism (period of 50-200 years ago), the creation of strong family bonds and the birth of a healthy offspring, i.e. Social realization without taking into account material goods.

Now the measure of success (in most cases) is money, and the pursuit of them is sometimes aimed at the destruction of the environment, and sometimes self-destruction.

It can be said that the spiritual in understanding of a modern person merge into the concept with one meaning, material, while earlier people would have given great differences.

However, in society still pay great importance to such concepts as mercy, kindness, sympathy: it is indicated by various organizations created for the material support of the poor.

Therefore, we can say that a modern person has a polar: examples of both altruistic behavior and selfishly.

and technology

Another distinctive feature of modernity is the reinforced pace of introducing new technologies and devices. And this is what the life of a modern young man is distinguished, it is inextricably linked with the technique.

Electronic devices began to play great importance for many modern people, they become not only part of everyday life, but even form it only to imagine the day without a computer and the Internet. Some without them work cannot be organized, while others will simply won't find, and still turn to other technical devices: telephone, radio, television. 200 years ago, people existed without these devices, and now life without them very complicated.

Therefore, it can be said that the life of modern people is very closely related to the technique, its quality depends largely on technical capabilities.

Modern man and the problem of freedom

Earlier, the issue of freedom did not stand so acute as now. The man learned to defend his rights, appreciate the extended opportunities and respect someone else's freedom. This is a positive feature of our time: almost everything is given the highest possible freedom of development, which allows you to show your talents. This contributes to the development of progress and indicates the humanity of the worldview. Equal rights are important and useful for society. And the fact that they are now implemented are a positive trait of our time.

What should be a modern man

The historian and sociologist Boris Porshnev brought such a thing as the Neoantropropus, under which he understood the type of a person of the future, but he pointed out that his representatives could be found at present. This person has such features:

  • free, non-infertable alien suggestion (developed self-consciousness);
  • abstract thinking, developed will and the ability to Suggestia are used only in creative purposes;
  • the desire to the life balance of society (the absence of revolutions);
  • kindness.

According to a scientist, such people will be able to bring society to prosperity and reduce the number of conflicts that destroyably affect all areas of life.

The inhuman world in which a modern person lives, forces everyone to conduct a permanent struggle with external and internal factors. What is happening around an ordinary person sometimes becomes incomprehensible and leads to a feeling of permanent discomfort.

Daily Sprint

Psychologists and psychiatrists of all stripes note a sharp surge of anxiety, insecurity and a huge number of different phobias in the ordinary representative of our society.

The life of a modern man takes place in a mad rhythm, so time to relax and distract from numerous household problems, simply not. A vicious circle consisting of a marathon distance on the sprint speed forces people to run against themselves. Intensification leads to insomnia, stress, nervous breakdowns and diseases, which has become a fundamental tendency in the post-informational age.

Informational pressure

The second task that modern person cannot decide is considered an abundance of information. The flow of various data is collapsed for each at the same time from all possible sources - the Internet, mass media, presses. This makes it impossible to critical perception, since the internal "filters" do not cope with such pressure. As a result, the individual cannot operate with real facts and data, since it is not able to separate the fiction and false from reality.

Degumanization of relationships

The person in modern society is forced to constantly face the alienation, manifested not only in workers, but also interpersonal relationships.

Permanent manipulations with human consciousness from the media, politicians and public institutions led to the dehumanization of relations. The zone of alienation, formed between people, prevents to communicate, look for friends or a second half, and attempts to bring from unfamiliar people very often perceived as something absolutely inappropriate. The third problem of the society of the 21st century - dehumanization - is reflected in mass culture, language environment and art.

Problems of social culture

The problems of modern person are inseparable from deformations in society itself and create a closed spiral.

Cultural Iloboros makes people closed to themselves and move away from other individuals. A typical expression of the processes of the degradation of public self-consciousness can be considered modern art - literature, painting, music and movies.

Films and books are about anything, musical works without harmony and rhythm are presented as the greatest achievements of civilization, full of sacred knowledge and deep meaning, incomprehensible to the majority.

Crisis of values

The value world of each particular individual may vary several times for life, but in the 21st century this process has become too fast. The result of constant changes becomes constant crises that do not always lead to Happi-Ence.

ESChatological notes, slipping in terms of "crisis of values", do not mean a complete and absolute end, but are forced to think about the direction in which it is worth laying the path. A modern man is in the permanent state of the crisis from the moment of growing up, since the world around us changes much faster than the presentations of it.

The person in the modern world is forced to hold a rather miserable existence: thoughtless followed by ideals, trends and certain styles, which leads to the impossibility of developing their own point of view and its position in relation to events and processes.

Widespread chaos and entropy reigning around should not scare or be the cause of hysteria, since changes are natural and normal if there is something unchanged.

Where and where does the world roll from?

The development of a modern person and its main paths were predetermined long before our time. Cultural studies are called several turning points, the result of which the modern society and man in the modern world became.

The creationism has fallen in an unequal battle under the head of the ADEPT of the Atheology, the creationism brought very unexpected fruits - the widespread fall of the morals. Cynicism and criticality, which have become the norm of behavior and thinking since the Renaissance times, are considered peculiar "good tone rules" for modern and the most famous.

Science in itself is not the meaning of the existence of society and is unable to answer some questions. To achieve harmony and equilibrium, the adepts of the scientific approach should be humane, since unresolved tasks of modernity cannot be described and deciding as an equation with several unknown.

Rationalization of reality sometimes does not allow to see something more than figures, concepts and facts that do not leave places in many important things.

Instincts against mind

The legacy of distant and wild ancestors, once who lived in the caves, it is customary to be the main motives of the Company's activities. Modern person is also attached to biological rhythms and solar cycles, like a million years ago. Anropocentric civilization just creates the illusion of control of the elements and its own nature.

Payback for such a hoax comes in the form of personal dysfunction. It is always impossible to control each element of the system everywhere, because even your own body can not be ordered to stop milling or changing proportions.

Scientific, political and public institutions in need of new victories, which will certainly help humanity to grow blooming gardens on distant planets. However, a modern man, armed by all the achievements of the last millennium, is not able to cope with a banal runny nose, like 100, 500 and 2000 years ago.

Who is to blame and what to do?

Nobody is fault in the substitution of values \u200b\u200band everything is not guilty. Modern human rights are also complied with and are not respected thanks to such a distortion - it is possible to have an opinion, but it is impossible to express it, you can love something, but it is impossible to mention it.

Stupid Uroboros, a permanent one's own tail, someday eaten, and then the universe will come full harmony and peace world. However, if this does not happen in the foreseeable future, the future generations will at least hope for the best.