The problem of the survival of mankind. Global crisis and our everyday reality survival problem

in the works of N.N. Moiseeva


Nikita Nikolaevich Moiseev was born on August 23, 1917 in Moscow. In 1941 he graduated from the Mechanics and Mathematics Faculty of Moscow State University in the specialty "Functional Analysis".

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, since 1964 Corresponding Member, since 1984 Actual member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (subsequently RAS).

The problem of human survival is one of the main directions in the works of N. N. Moiseeva. In addition, this direction is becoming increasingly relevant for humanity. Humanity approached the moment of existence when it is decided: "to be or not to be humanity?". N.N. Moiseev writes: "In my opinion, humanity on the threshold of the XXI century approached this limit in its historical developmentwhich can designate some line, separating a more or less prosperous history of the human race from an unknown and, most likely, a very dangerous future. Dangerous for the fate of our children and grandchildren. I mean, of course, not only in Russian residents. This applies to the entire planetary community. "

Humanity in our time has become the dominant factor in the development of the biosphere. As a result of such an impact, the biosphere goes into a qualitatively new state. This is a new state of the biosphere, which is determined (directed) the activities of the human mind, Le Roa called the Noosphere.

The question of whether the era of the noosphere will come, that is, whether mankind will be able to agree on their customs, its behavior, that is, the strategy of its development with the "strategy" of the development of the biosphere, remains yet open.

Humanity comes to a certain forbidden feature: the potential of civilization is close to exhaustion. For the first time, the question has risen even 200 years ago by Monk Malthus. Now scientists and politicians are also talking about this, but it does not affect the course of life, because the catastrophe is still behind the horizon.

In this paper, 3 directions of problems associated with the survival of humanity will be considered, this is an environmental problem, the problem of society and the problem of war.

Ecological problem.

Humanity has now entered into a new era of its existence, when the potential power of the means of impact on the habitat becomes commensurate with the powerful forces of nature.

So wrote Moiseyev back in 1988. Currently, the HTR led to the fact that the problem of the ecological catastrophe has become even more relevant. The activity of mankind has already passed the border when his anthropogenic load on the biosphere did not exceed the possibility of restoring the resources of the biosphere itself. The reserves of resources, especially energy carriers, is rapidly declining on Earth, and with the pace of acceleration of human development, there are enough reserves for 50 years no more. Now you need to search and implement high-quality sources of energy, while there is still a stock of energy resources. The use of only an atom energy will not lead to a solution to the issue, but only give a little time, because the waste of nuclear power plants needs to be disposed of somewhere. The utilization of waste from the NPP requires high costs, as well as the allocation of places for the disposal. Dedicated places will be lost for many years for a person. Mass use atomic energy Also can lead to a global catastrophe. Until now, an explosion at the Chernobyl NPP, as a result of which a large number of people, agricultural land suffered, and the consequences of which will still be affected by our descendants. Another side of the energy crisis is that electricity consumption is increased by 2 times about every 15 years. And soon there may be a moment when artificial energy will begin to influence the structure of the thermal balance of the planet. This refers to any energy of artificial origin, whether it is the energy of heat plant or the energy of thermonuclear synthesis. Only the use of energy of the Sun, practically does not affect the thermal balance. Thus, an increase in electricity consumption leads to an increase in the temperature of the planet, and with an increase in its 4 -5 degrees, it will lead to an ecological catastrophe. There will be an irreversible melting of glaciers, an increase in the ocean level for many dozens of meters and, consequently, the flooding of the most fruitful plates of the planet. As a result of warming, the climate of the planet will change, and most of the planet will become a dry semi-desert. With a decrease average temperature The planets for 3-4 degrees will lead to a new glacial period. It can happen, for example, when the nuclear war ("winter"). And an increase, and a decrease in temperature will lead to irreversible consequences for humanity.

Another environmental problem is a rapid reduction in soil cover. Over the past 70-80 years, mankind has lost about 500 billion tons of soil, which corresponds to approximately the loss of industrial land treated. And for the formation of a soil layer, 1 cm depth is required about 1000 years. Without agriculture, humanity simply does not survive. At the same time, water pollution came to such a level when natural water does not provide the necessary level of dilution of industrial water drainage.

During the same time, air pollution increased 100,000 times! What can not affect, above all, on human health. Absolutely healthy children appear on the world. And various medical developments require tremendous costs.

In other words, now around a person has problems that need to be solved, and the faster, the better. The approaches that exist at the moment are not suitable, due to the fact that they cannot change the situation as a whole. For example, raising the crop is now due to an increase in energy resources, which leads to an increase in energy consumption. The solution to the problem, in my opinion, must be solved by complex methods.

The problem of society.

One of the main problem, along with the problem of ecology, which is closely related to it, is the problem of society or the human problem as such.

The increase in humanity is now in geometric progression. Despite the 2 destructive wars that took a huge many people, the population in the XX century for last years It has increased from 2 billion to 6 billion. The development of humanity occurs with such a speed, the volume of knowledge in all directions increases at such a speed that a person simply does not have time to go normally. This indicates that we have a colossal gap between external opportunities, development conditions, and our inner spiritual world.

New technologies that are distinguished by a sharp increase in the complexity of the implementation, which prevent super-inflammable requirements for technology require workers with a new level of education and discipline. For them we need new structures of organizational activities. Moreover, changes must be a planetary scale.

Local, national economies began to integrate into a single generally plane organism with their self-regulating system. Transnational campaigns (TNC) began to play a leading role in the development. They formed a certain system that covered all the planet. "This set of TNK represents a certain unified network, a single system that owns the third of all productive planet funds, producing more than 40% of the generallylanet product that carries out more than half of the foreign trade turnover, more than 80% of the highest technology trafficking and controlling more than 90% of capital export. For the last A couple of decades, the volume of foreign trade increased not by 2-3 times as the volume of industrial production, but 10 times "

Now you can see a noticeable tendency to work out. There was a tendency to relieve the boundaries between states (countries of Europe). All this leads to the emergence of one state, and the borders will be purely symbolic, but many problems, such as the problem of the "golden" billion "problem, the conservatism of views can lead to the fact that this state is never formed. A strong polarity between states is already noticeable. , such as USA, England, France on one pole and developing states on the other. All this leads to the fact that the direction does not appear to the emergence of wars, but to the emergence of the dictatorship of the first states when they begin to interfere with the affairs of other states under the pretext of establishing The world and their activity resembles punitive raids. A recent example in Yugoslavia only confirms this. Now few people realize that the era of democracy flows into the era of dictatorship with elements of the colonization system. Under the pretext of the help of developing countries, money is offered. First, loans support the economies of countries from the oversupply of the money supply, and the retention of their economies (the delivery of chicken Korokov in Russia is in such a pace only because in America the oversupply of meat goods and selling to Russia does not give the market to start the fall and the ruin of farms, as well as due to the fact that the crook is the most unclaimed meat.) And in exchange for developing countries, resources are selected and in exchange for developing countries. Local wealth. On the other hand, this market is very simultaneous as soon as possible monopolies to the benefit. As a result, anything can happen. It may be collapsed by the entire financial system due to the huge excess of financial transactions, over trade in real goods (1988: $ 12 billion trade in real goods; 420 billion financial transactions) Financial bankruptcy of Mexico, makes it clear that the collapse of the entire economic system is excluded It is impossible. And if such a situation has occurred, it is difficult to predict the behavior of humanity. Most likely, there will be massive ruins and the appearance of large foci of "uprisings".

Another problem is the problem of "Golden Billion". The term "golden billion" appeared quite recently. It is understood that on earth can live only one billion people. Already, the principle is already beginning to act: "What is permissible for us, it is prohibited to them." Already now there is a duality of laws that work only in one direction. These laws ensure the protection of the markets of the Golden Billion countries from the cheaper goods of other countries. On the other hand, they protect their domestic markets from the overaffect of goods. And when trying to protect the goods of the "Golden Billion" countries by the rest of the funds mass media The first countries are raised by hype, allegedly erends a new "iron curtain". This problem now has not yet become such a pressing, only because most of the governments of developing countries live, without worrying about their people, and if the people begin to raise an uprising, then, depending on the government's loyalty to the countries of the Golden Billion, "help will come Either to the government, or to the people who try this government to overthrow. But in the near future, when in developing countries there will be resources to approach the end of the Golden Billion Countries, the dellae will be able to maintain life in these states or throw them on the mercy of fate. With the current state of affairs, the second option looks most preferable. The final consequences will be difficult to predict, but it will begin, in my opinion, everything is again with the uprisings.

Around the world, people strive for the maximum reduction of environmental pollution, also Russian Federation Adopted, for example, the Criminal Code, one of the heads of which is devoted to the establishment of punishment for environmental crimes. But, of course, not all the ways to overcome this problem are solved and we should independently take care of the environment and maintain that natural balance in which a person can exist normally.
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The process of interaction between society and nature has reached such a quantitative and qualitative border when the phenomenon of the interaction of all human society with all the nature of the planet. Scientifically

the technical revolution led, on the one hand, to the formation of a comprehensive system of knowledge and technologies in humanity, on the other, to an increase in anthropogenic impact on nature. Complex economic systems have been formed, the influence of which applies to the whole world. As a result, the relationship and interdependence of the economic life of the countries and the nature of the world is growing. The essence of these processes and phenomena generates global problems relating to all mankind. They cover all aspects of relations between the states of the world community, between society and nature, the formation of the living conditions of humanity. Global problems require global solutions. This requires broad cooperation and coordination of the efforts of all mankind in various fields: political, economic, scientific, educational.

Scientists have several dozen problems that can be considered global in their inclusion.

Modern public interest in demographic problems is due to the shifts that have occurred in the last 100-150 years. The conditions of demographic being changed in a radically and will never be such as they were until that time. The scale and importance of these shifts are not yet enough to be a scientific thought and public glances. Meanwhile, every year more and more new connections of the economic, socio-political and cultural development of countries with demographics problems appear.

In 1998, the US National Geographic Society published a world map called "Earth in danger." Danger number one on this map is the pressure of the population. The fact is that from the middle of the century there is an incredible increase in the number of world population. Homo Sapiense is a reasonable person as a kind of living beings, the top of the creation of life forms on Earth exists on the planet about 100 thousand years, and only about 10 million people began to appeal on Earth. The number of earthlings grew very slowly until they lived with hunting and gathering, the nomadic lifestyle. But with the transition to sedentary agriculture, new forms of production, especially industrial, the number of people began to increase and in the middle of the XVIII century amounted to almost 800 million. Then the period of accelerating population growth on Earth has come. Approximately in 1820, the number of earthlings reached 1MLD. In 1927, this magnitude doubled. The third billion was recorded in 1959, the fourth after 15 years in 1974, and in just 13, on July 11, 1987, the UN "Day of the birth of a 5-billion person" was announced. The sixth billion entered the planet in 2000.

According to UN experts, by 2025 the population of the world will reach 8.3 billion people. On the globe More than 130 million people are born annually, 50 million is dying, thus the population growth is about 80 million people.

Low growth rates are expected only after 2075, and the stabilization of the population is even later - after 2100. UN demographs suggest that by 2010 the population of the planet will be distributed in this way: about 1.5 billion - in developed countries and more than 5 billion - in other countries. To feed all this mass of people, you need at least twice the production of grain crops. By the way, according to some estimates of experts, in 2010, the global deficit of the protein will be 25 million tons.

In this regard, some specialists believe that there are some borders of the population, the excess of which threatens humanity to death, due to the exhaustion of all types of life resources.

At the same time, according to other settlements on Earth, about 50 billion people can normally live if the production of food everywhere will reach the level of industrially highly developed countries. However, how will the issue with pollution of the natural environment and the depletion of energy resources will be resolved., Unknown.

The reproduction of the population, of course, is considered as a bіosocyal process. At the same time, it is understood that the physiological mechanism of human reproduction is created by nature and is subject to its laws, but the social life of a person imposes its imprint on it. Regulation The reproduction of people at the oadindi-dual level, at the level of the population as a whole, is the result, above all, economic and socio-cultural processes.

An important side of demographic processes is that the quantitative characteristics that reflect certain sides of the processes are always the total, integral indicators of the action of most nature factors: biological, social, cultural, ethnic, ethnic, socio-psychological and others.

No less relevant connection exists between the growth of the world population and such global problems as providing humanity by natural resources and environmental pollution. The rapid growth of the rural population has already led in many developing countries to such a "pressure" on natural resources (soil, vegetation, animal world, fresh water, etc.), which in some areas blew their ability to self-heal. Global environmental problems have economic, social and technical aspects. This applies to, for example, the problems of rational use of mineral resources in the industry, the development of energy, the use of land resources and the production of food, the use of worldwide resources.

Among other global environmental problems It is advisable to highlight the greenhouse effect and the climate warming associated with it. Billions of tons of carbon dioxide are hourly falling into the atmosphere as a result of burning coal and oil, natural gas and firewood, millions of tons of methane rise to the atmosphere from gas development, with rice fields of Asia, water vapor fluorochloroevugolets are thrown. All this is "greenhouse gases". As in the greenhouse, the glass roof and walls flow solar radiation, but do not produce heat and carbon dioxide and other "greenhouse gases" are practically transparent for sunlight, but delay the long-wave thermal radiation of the Earth, they do not allow him to get into space. The "energy boom" of the last century increased the concentration of CO2 in an atmosphere by 25% and methane by 100%. Forecast for the future (2030-2050) provides for a possible increase in temperature by 1.5-4.5 ° C. Such conclusions came the International Conference of Climatologists in Austria in 1988.

The problem of the ozone layer arose in 1982, when the probe launched from the British station in Antarctica, at an altitude of 25-30 km discovered a sharp decrease in the ozone content. Since then, over the Antarctic, the ozone "hole" of variables and sizes is registered all the time. According to the latest data, it is 24.7 million square kilometers. Later, the same "hole" was discovered over the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, over Svalbard, and then in different places Eurasia, in particular above Voronezh.

The depletion of the ozone layer is a much more dangerous reality for all living on Earth than the fall of any particularly large meteorite, because ozone does not allow dangerous radiation to the surface of the Earth. In the event of a decrease in ozone, humanity threatens at least the outbreak of skin cancer and eye diseases. In general, an increase in dose of ultraviolet rays can weaken the human immune system, and at the same time to reduce the crop fields, reduce the already narrow database of the Earth's food supply. It was found that many ozone is destroyed by rocket engines of modern aircraft flying at large altitudes, as well as when launching spacecraft and satellites.

One of the reasons for the death of forests in many regions of the world is acidic rains, the main perpetrators of which are power plants. Sulfur dioxide emissions and transferring them over long distances lead to the fallout of such rains away from emission sources. In Austria, in the east of Canada, in the Netherlands and Sweden, more than 60% of sulfur, vipudy on their territory, fall from external sources, and in Norway even 75%. Other examples of the transfer of acids over long distances is the loss of acid rains on such remote islands in the Atlantic Ocean as Bermuda, acid snow in the Arctic. In developed countries, acid rains caused damage to a significant part of the forests: in Czechoslovakia - 71%, in Greece and the United Kingdom - 64%, in Germany - 52%.

Over the past 20 years, the world has lost almost 200 million hectares of forest arrays. A particularly important ecological threat represents the depletion of tropical forests - "light planets" and the main source of the biological diversity of the planet. About 200 thousand square kilometers of forests are burned annually or burned, and, accordingly, it means that 100 thousand species of plants and animals disappear. Especially quickly this process goes in the richest rainforest regions - Amazonia and Indonesia.

Under the influence of living organisms, water and air on the surface layers of the lithosphere, the most important ecosystem, thin and fragile, is a soil, which is called "Skin Earth". This is a keeper of fertility and life. The handful of good soil contains millions of fertility supporting microorganisms. To formed a layer of soil with a thickness of 1 centimeter, a century is required. It may be lost in one field season. According to geologists estimates, before people began to engage in agricultural activities, the mouth of cattle and break the lands, the rivers demolished about 9 billion tons of soil annually into the world ocean. Now this quantity is estimated at about 25 billion tons.

Especially severe situation occurs when not only the soil layer is demolished, but also the mother breed, on which it develops. Then the threshold of irreversible destruction comes, anthropogenic (that is, created by man) the desert.

One of the most terrible, global and fleeting processes of modernity is expanding desertification, fall and, in the most extreme cases, the complete destruction of the biological potential of the Earth, which leads to conditions similar to the conditions of the natural desert.

Natural deserts and semi-deserts occupy more than 1/3 of the earth's surface. About 15% of the world's population lives on these lands. Desert - Natural Education, What Play

philosophy mythology law denial knowledge

Biological theory and practice proved that they survive the most adapted to the surrounding conditions. It refers to the adaptation in a broad sense as the development of increasingly advanced funds, ways to match and interact with their surroundings due to the restructuring of the internal organization of living forms. If we consider the human society in the first approximation as (bad, but) an organized system, then the need for its self-preservation in changing habitat dictates the production of more advanced ways to coordinate and interaction both inside and natural environments. In this regard, the internal organization of the Company becomes extremely relevant. From the standpoint of common sense, it is clear to everyone that, in order to rebuild and improve something, it is necessary to know how it is arranged and in which direction can be improved.

Advanced thinkers of all time set themselves the task of knowledge of the laws of the formation and development of the life of human society and as they solved it. But only in the works of K. Marx for the first time, the problem of organizing the life of society was scientifically set up and systematized the knowledge of the life of people and the processes of its development.

Recognizing the priority of K. Marx in the scientific formulation of the organization of the organization of society and systematic consideration of the patterns of the formation and development of its capitalist formation, modern sociologists rightly emphasize the one-sidedness of the approach K. Marx to the interpretation of the conditional formation of the superstructure by production relations that constitute the society's economic basis.

Of course, it is important to understand that the primary in the organization of society is the system of measures and methods of human interaction with nature in his adaptive activity. It is also important to make aware that the superstructure, having a secondary nature, historically acquired a certain role in organizing the life of society, having received hypertrophied development and turning into a ruthless press for those who, creating and constituting the basis of public life, turned out to be disadvantaged and humiliated, hostage Systems of power management society. But at the same time, in no case cannot be reduced only to the analysis of processes and patterns of development of these "production relations" and to seek the reasons for the provisions of cases in society, witnesses and participants we are.

Following K. Marx and most of the modern sociologists from various methodological approaches and at different levels, selflessly engage in the analysis of the processes, the structures and organization of society's life, its attitudes towards nature, to man and man to him. All this, of course, is interesting and you need to know. But it is necessary to remember initially that the true knowledge of the laws of the organization of the life of society can be developed only under the condition of its substantiation in the process of finding the main reason for such a course of history, such a result of the development of society, such a state - how to solve the problem of indigenous contradiction within human society - the main driving force His development.

You can describe and explain the various phenomena of social life, justify or criticize the activities of individuals, groups, parties, etc. Until infinity, but it will not promote us to solve the practical problems of improving the organization of the life of society until the agenda is raised as a priority problem - the problem of the main cause of all these phenomena and their nature. But the formulation of this problem is not an end in itself, it is only a means, and its decision is the main result of the effort, the desired goal. Each researcher is clear that to solve any task defining the adequacy of the method: you can not make a violin, it is impossible to tilt a lace pattern, you need a corresponding tool everywhere.

The results of the research in order to identify the patterns of development of humanity, by analyzing the actual stroke of events at various stages of its existence, leads authors to the formation of the essence of the right idea that development goes through the accumulation of internal contradictions and their removal through crisis. But this pattern is observed in all other forms of motion of matter where there is a development process, i.e. in mechanical, physical, chemical, biological. Since the formal logical method works when identifying patterns in all forms of motion of matter, starting with mechanical, then it is essentially a mechanical method. So, so far, all types of research are conducted from a mechanical point of view, even the phenomena of biological and social life - by means of formal logical analysis and the corresponding synthesis. Of course, this method can be successfully used in knowledge and biological, and social phenomena of life, when they are considered as physical phenomena in their mechanical interaction among themselves or with surrounding phenomena. And in general, where natural forces work and determine the course of the development of mechanical movement processes, such a method of knowledge of the laws underlying these processes is adequate. This is most convincingly shown in the systematized consideration of all phenomena of the world from an organizational point of view.

But with the occurrence of the biological form of motion of the matter, new patterns that control the processes of vital activity appeared. Unlike mechanical patterns, where formally logical analysis and synthesis in knowledge are the main tool, new patterns can be called systemic, or integral. And because the main tool in their knowledge is the one that ensures the establishment of links and the integration of various phenomena and processes in the formation of expedient activities, i.e. organized and managed movement to the goal - systemic analysis and the corresponding synthesis.

With the emergence of the social form of motion of the matter, undoubtedly higher patterns that manage the processes of vital activity at the social level appeared. The cognition of these patterns on the phenomenological level to date is carried out by philosophy.

Descriptively explanatory philosophy methods could not meet the life practice of people, as a result of it a special branch of knowledge was allocated - sociology. However, so far, it has not been able to develop adequate methods of cognition of laws that manage social livelihoods. It still enjoys either with explanatory qualitative methods from philosophy, or more accurate, but mechanistic - analysis and synthesis by formal logic, even if from system positions.

The systemic analysis, which developed by biological science and is successfully used in a number of areas of knowledge, still not mastered sociology. There are separate breakthroughs of intuitive system analysis and in sociological researchBut this has not yet become a professional mastering method of knowledge of social phenomena, and the main thing is the patterns underlying them. If it were different, the sociology would have already been able to develop ways, methods and forms of the rational organization of society's life, ways to enter humanity on new level Development and disposal from the global-biosphere crisis rolling into us, prepared by unreasonable, destructive human activity. Based on the description and analysis of these phenomena, there are a number of proposals aimed at changing the state of affairs, on the resolution of the crowned contradictions. But no partial, half, not substantiated on the objective patterns of organizing people's life measures will not help resolve these contradictions. To do this, we need fundamentally new methods and methods that would be based on the knowledge of the objective reasons for the development of mankind, which the story presented to us.

The tragic fact for the communist teaching was that in the study of the driving forces of the development of human society, inaccuracy was admitted to the definition of primary contradictions and its parties. Apparently, this happened due to the fact that his founders did not put their task to find the indigenous contradiction of society as the initial driving force of its development. They took into an analysis for the initial present state of the state of affairs: "In the public production of their lives, people enter certain, necessary, from their will not depending relations - production relations that correspond to a certain level of development of their material productive forces. The combination of these production relations is the economic structure of society, the real basis on which the legal and political superstructure towers and which corresponds to certain forms of public consciousness. The method of manufacturing material life causes social, political and spiritual processes of life at all ... At the well-known stage of its development, the material productive forces of society come in contradiction with existing production relations, or ... with the relationship of property, within which they still developed ... then the era of the social revolution comes . With a change in the economic basis, a revolution in all huge add-in is less quickly. " Clarification, the concretization of these provisions we find in another work: "Production and exchange are two different functions. Production can be made without exchanging, and the exchange - cannot exist without production ... From the method of producing a historically specific society and the historical prerequisites of this society depends on the method of distribution of products ... The distribution in the main features is always the necessary result of the production and exchange relationship in this society " .

It is true that the combination of productive forces and production relations is a way of production. But the production relations were called a set of relationships on the production, exchange and distribution of production products, and all this is equal, ultimately, to the economic structure. Those. In production relations, relationships were included in the production relations, and relationships about the distribution as drawn, inseparable.

From our position, such mixing and summing up various and multi-level phenomena under one definition seems to be unacceptable because it leads to incorrect conclusions, which means that the distortion of truth leading to the misconceptions in the subsequent consideration of phenomena based on these conclusions. In addition, the production relations were awarded the importance of the "economic structure of society", which is a "real basis", in which property relations are recognized by the main, defining in the formation of the nature of social relations. This needs to be understood.

If it is true that in the primitive blessing period of the existence of humanity material valueswho mined or created a community belonged to the entire community, it means that the means of production were public, therefore, the property relationships did not exist. There are attempts to approve the concept of public property. But in fact: if the public, it means a note, it means inseparable, it means consistent and therefore does not generate opposites that can interact, i.e. be in a relationship. Therefore, with public property there is no relationship about property. Then it is impossible to assume that property relations are determining, main in the formation of public relations.

Nevertheless, the productive forces and the production of a social product, without which the existence of a person and human community is impossible, existed. So, there were also production relations that can be characterized as organizational and coordination relations and the interaction of people about the production of social product. Well, since something was produced, it was probably consumed after the corresponding distribution. Consequently, there were relationships about the distribution and consumption. So, the sequence arose: the productive forces "Production relations" Production "Product of production" distribution ratio "Distribution" Consumption relationship "Consumption. Episodically, and then systematically, after the distribution and before consumption, relations arose about the exchange of products, because someone did not It has satisfied monotony, quality or amount of product obtained in personal consumption.

It becomes obvious that the basic, or primary, are relations about the production and, their complementary, relationships about the distribution, and their derivatives - relationships about consumption and exchange, i.e. Relationship relations. Therefore, all these types of relationships can not be put in one row, one level. Obviously, at the first level there is a set of relations of production and distribution. The first without second is meaningless, the second without the first is impossible, and together they constitute a basic economic process, on the basis of which the property relationship arises; personal - for consumption, exchange; Private - for reproduction, exchange and accumulation.

With the emergence of relations about the property, both transitional from the basic, the relationship of exchange and public consumption arise, i.e. Revolutionary relations that constitute a set of social relations that complement basic economic relations. Using the terminology of the founders of historical materialism, now the combination of production relations and distribution relationships is called an economic basis. Nevertheless, the rest of the relationship about the exchange and social consumption can be rightfully attributed to the superstructure, which arises as germ based on property relationship. Further development of society made it necessary for the emergence of legal and political additions, as a way of protection of ownership, i.e. The emergence of political legal relations.

Of course, the nature of the add-in, relationship about the redistribution of life benefits is very important. In this soil, contradictions may arise, which determine the direction of the development of society at the appropriate stage and therefore are the driving force of its development, but only at this stage.

The results of research on the development of social relations from the standpoint of historical materialism on the basis of the contradiction between social production and private assignment are well known and do not represent interest in this work. In order to solve the task of finding a native contradiction in the formation of human society, which served as the beginning of its development, we have already dismantled in detail the necessary initial facts. But you need to put the point in this business.

From the standpoint of dialectical logic, the moving principle of all development is the unity and struggle of opposites. In human society, such unity is two sides of human activity: production and distribution. Interaction, they are dialectically removed in the occurrence of property, and relationships about the property generate relationships on the exchange and consumption, i.e. Public relations of redistribution, which are consistent with personal and private property. Personal property provides in the process of consumption reproduction of human forces, private - reproduction of the surplus product.

Not to deal with further intercourse in the process of development of society, we note that, on the basis of the indigenous and first derivatives of contradictions in society, many different contradictions arose. Periodically allowed, they arose in new form And accumulated at the new level, because neither one of them was not allowed a native contradiction, which is the source of all new forms of its manifestation. Due to this, society continues to develop through the accumulation of all new internal contradictions, which have so far beyond the framework of the internal and turned into biosphere, i.e. Internal contradictions of society have spawned antagonism between human activities and nature.

In any crisis, social, ranging into the transformation of the organization of the organization of society, researchers consider the urgent contradictions and the dynamics of their permission, "removal" of these contradictions and exit society to a new stage of development. The specificity of the modern crisis is that its center or determining contradictions are contradictions between humanity and the whole environmental. Global contradictions. In them, the active party is humanity with its internal contradictions, which brought it by "conquering nature" to the antagonism with it and the emergence of the problem of the survival of humanity, since the most vulnerable party, ultimately, the "conqueror" itself turns out. Because too, ascended and forgot, where he came from, what grew up and what he lives that the grace of nature is not infinite.

There is no need to prove that modern global problems are generated by the natural development of humanity. If humanity could earlier go along the path of intelligent, organized, managed formation of his life, it would not make the emergence of global problems, while correcting their attitude towards nature in a timely manner, and would be in complete agreement with the environment. Since this did not happen, humanity went through natural development on the basis of differentiation and discrepancies between different layers and groups to accumulate internal contradictions and relieve them through crises - revolutions. By virtue of this, at this stage, humanity was contradicted with its living environment and turned out to be a choice: to continue this path of unreasonable, predatory, destructive attitudes towards nature, deepening global contradictions to explosive, spontaneous permission. Or, urgently mobilizing the entire positive intellectual-volitional potential for the resolution of the indigenous internal contradiction of humanity, proceed to the principles of a reasonable organization of society's life and to get out of global contradictions in order to create harmonious interaction with nature so that it remains and further our nursing mother.

With the collapse of the camp "Socialism", the elimination of the opposition of two ideological systems not only did not make it easier for the situation, but even more aggravated the internal contradictions of humanity, since a huge mass of people was brought to despair by the Nishchensky Regulations in which it was due to its robbery in the conditions of an uncontrolled transition of the broken system in LONO of market relations. Moreover, with the crash of "communist regimes" at a simple, oppressed and disadvantaged people of the planet, the hope disappeared that someday their descendants would be able to live a worthy human life. After all, the overall level of education, awareness of people is currently quite high, everyone understands that society cannot stand still, and its peaceful development without changing the principles of the organization of public life always increases the differentiation of people in their social situation. And this means for disadvantaged further worsening their position and hope for their descendants.

Whatever it was with the awareness of the simple people of their prospects and the situation, in general, with the subjective moments in society, objectively before humanity in full growth, the problem of survival was unequivocal. Whoever does not understand this and does not feel, resides in a complacent location and continues to direct its activity on the "Improvement" of life, he objectively brings humanity to the tragic finale by deepening and exacerbating global problems.

After all, there are also religious issues. It is no secret that in sects take the most advanced, developed, smart people. The sects do not need weak and stupid people. Consequently, part of the "advanced" population will be in the mass of the idea of \u200b\u200bsects that are based mainly on the enslavement of the people entering it. Most recently, in India, there was another "live god", which carries only good and peace into the world. All these religions will develop only in a weak society, making it more dictatorship. Among the sets of sects will be radical. All this will not give the world more stability.

It is now necessary to find solutions to these problems. Solving the problem of "Golden Billiona" I see the following:

The first decision: a high war, which will go under the sign of the suppression of dismissal peoples, in order to introduce the spirit of democracy. The strongest states will first be subject to an economic attack. As a result, it may happen that the winners will not be in it.

The second solution: the development of space technologies, and the relocation of the population to other planets, or creating the appearance of such relocations to simply get rid of nations to send them into eternal space.

The third solution: a fundamental change in all economic, human benchmarks that should be aimed at survival of all mankind.

All these questions have at least one common answer, this is an application power methods. This method is the easiest way to solve the problem and start the "sunset" of the era of humanity. It is already clear that it is impossible to leave these questions without an answer. And it is better to find answers on them, as long as the relevance of the issues is not high.

The problem of war.

Most. simple way Solving all conflicts is the use of force. In the light of the approaching environmental problems, solving issues with the help of weapons is the easiest. But, applying weapons you need to be very neat, as weapons are enough to destroy life on the ground dozens of times.

One of the main impact methods is the use of nuclear weapons. Although the consequences of the use of nuclear weapons were investigated and published back in 1983. "Whatever the first blow, in which area of \u200b\u200bthe planet it happened, there would be a retaliatte blow or not, in any case, no one will be able to survive a catastrophe. And the one who presses the starting device, is waiting for the same fate as well as The inhabitants of the cities who were attacked. The same fate is also prepared by those countries that will not participate in the war will not receive "7.

Even knowing all these consequences, a person can apply a fatal for himself and everything alive on earth weapons. The biosphere is still preserved on earth, but not suitable for human life it will be hundreds of thousands of years. Therefore, the beginning of the nuclear war for a person will mean the end of his era. The demographic problem of increasing the number of population leads to an increase in the occurrence of conflicts and, consequently, to an increase in the likelihood of solving them by force by force.

Any conflict pays the danger of the emergence of a chain reaction. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the conflict only in a peaceful way. To destroy France, just just a squadron of bombers armed with ordinary bombs. But there are also chemical and bacteriological weapons, which can also be discounted.

A full-scale war is more, most likely, will not, but the solution of many issues will be accompanied using punitive effects of impact (Iraq, Yugoslavia and many other foci).


For survival in the current situation, a person needs to fundamentally change his views on life. The era of humanity is good, only then when the help of other weak brethren will not lead to the complete extermination of man. At the same time, it is impossible to roll to the level of animals, going to the introduction of the rule of force, who is stronger and survived, because in this struggle it will be almost impossible to survive the person himself will disturb. And the remaining people, if such remained, will quickly become degraded and the gradual gathering of a person from the arena will come, on which he was the strongest for several millennia.

While the possibility of changing the world is still poorly visible, and the solutions offered are very controversial.

N.N. Moses in his works did the main thing, he asked questions to which the answer should be searched. In each of his last books, the question of the problems of the survival of mankind is raised. Existing problems have many solutions, many of the solutions of dead-end. The main task of us is a fracture of views. Put these questions to the fore, stepping the enrichment, power, etc. into the background, in the face of all people. And only together, using the general mind, the general will, the achievements of science and technology, we will have a chance to solve the problem of human survival on the planet Earth. And only then the person will be able to adequately meet the 22nd century and do not go into oblivion.