Abstract Node Physical development for the senior group. Abstract Node in physical development in the preparatory to school group "Journey to the country of fairy tales

Municipal Preschool Educational Institution

"Kindergarten №40"

Oktyabrsky district of Saratov


continuous educational activities

by physical Development

in the senior group


Event V.V.


Age group: Senior.

Education area: physical development

Purpose: Strengthening the health of children, creating conditions for attracting interest in physical culture.


  1. Wellness

- continue to form the right posture in children;

- Create conditions for positive emotions during the event.

  1. Educational

- improve walking with each other with a pace change and the transition to a soft, seven step;

- To form skills and rebuilding skills.

  1. Developing

- to develop the ability to comply with the equation when walking on the bench with the withdrawal steps;

- Improve the skills of subject to arc in the way to roll from foot to the leg, flaunting;

- Secure the skill of an energetic repulsion and landing on semi-bent legs.

  1. Educational

- to educate interest in physical culture through the plot in educational activities;

- follow the rules of the game.

Type of activity: Game, Muscular, Communicative.

Form of organization: Group, game with speech accompaniment.

Equipment: bench, arc, hoops.

Preliminary work: Children played in a variety of moving games for a walk, in everyday activity, perform daily morning gymnastics.

Move node

Organizing time. The educator proposes to go on an interesting trip, where many obstacles should be overcome on the way (main movements), but children are strong, bold and certainly overcome them.

I. The authority. Building in a car one by one. Walking with each other with a change in the pace. Running usual with the transition to a small seed step. Walking and rebuilding three in three columns in one.

II. The source.

  1. Rising hands up.

Source position is the main stand, hands down.

1-hand forward


3rd sides


  1. Turns to the sides with breeding hands.

Source position - standing on the knees, hands on the belt.

1.3 turns to the right - left

2.4 - initial position.

  1. Tilt forward

Source position - sitting on the carpet, hands on the belt.

1.3 - tilt forward, hand touch socks

2.4 - initial position.

  1. Lifting alternately

Source position - sitting, hands in the stop behind.

1.3 - Raise the right, left leg.

2,4- initial position.

  1. "Bike"

Source position - lying on the carpet, hands along the body. Feet bent in the knees and pressed to the stomach. On the signal "Go!" Children perform their legs, imitating riding a bike.

  1. Jumping with alternation of breathing exercises.

Source position - Main rack

1.3 - Jump to the right, left.

2.4 - return to its original position.

Rebuilding in the column for each other.

The main types of movements.

  1. Walking on the bench with the Power Pitch. Purpose: maintain a steady balance.
  2. Denuction under the arc. Purpose: Perform the subject to roll from one foot to another, rushing and not touching the arc.
  3. Jumping on two legs from a hoop into the hoop. Purpose: to vigorously repel and land on semi-bent legs.

Movements are performed in a stream in each other.

Children go one on the bench with an appropriate step, are then subject to arc and perform jumps on two legs with advancement. Then rise in the end of the column.

Movable game "Sun Fox". Purpose: act across the signal, develop attention, running.

III. Incusional part. Walking in the column one with the performance of exercises. Reflection. The result in accordance with the goals.

Abstract Node for Physical Development in the Elder Group

"To visit the gnomes behind the secrets of health"

Prepared educators

senior group

Konotheva Elena Viktorovna

Goal: Create conditions for development motor activities Children.


Exercise in walking and running with the execution of tasks on the tutor signal;

To form ideas that healthy health is useful.

Develop the speed of the reaction, a sense of equilibrium, dexterity and skill; Secure the ability to jump through obstacles on two legs, landing on semished legs; Crawling on the stomach by a gymnastic bench, pulling up on my hands, headed, looks forward, legs together, bent in the knees, running "snake"

Give children knowledge about benefits exercise, about the need for their implementation;

Rhythm a sense of rhythm, self-confidence.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children about a healthy lifestyle, reading Chukovsky "Moydodyr.

Minutes of health.

Wordwork: Soft, on semicooched legs, head raised, looks forward, vegetables, fruits.

Equipment: Pictures of dwarves, hoops 4 pieces, 1 bench, landmarks for O. R. W. Mulyai vegetables.

Node move:

Shange getting!

Hello guys! See how many guests here are today. Let's say hello to them.

River: Hello!

You have fun hurray, cheers!

We are a healthy family.

Morning - Open eyes

And sneakers shovel.

Step, running and jumping

AT kindergarten gathered with you

With physical education, we are friends,

You have a hy-hurray, hurray!

Guys, spring came, and many begin to sneeze, urge. And I heard that in distant magic country Little gnomes who know the secrets of health and never get sick. Let's go to visit them and ask how they remain healthy at any time of the year.

Then listen to my team! On left.

Behind the guides around the hall step march!

Walking in a circle in the column one by one (under music Music. Employee)

1 walking on the narrow path "turn into the dwarves" - on semi-bent legs, hands on the knees;

2 walking on a wide path "turn into giants" -n socks, hands at the top;

3 in front of obstacles, step their walking, raising your knee high;

4 "Caution, ahead of the puddle" jump over-ups on two legs with advance, hands on the belt.

5 "Ahead of the river, float" - a wide step, with alternate circular movements of hands;

6 "transplanting machines", we include the first speed of the slow run;

7 Second speed-run at an average pace;

8 Third speed - fast running;

Breathing restoration exercise.

Hands on the sides are inhale, lowered.

Building to a column. In place, stand time. TWO,

On left. So we got to the country of the Dwarfs. And here they are. We are celebrating the gnomes of purely and fastening. This was named purely because it always keeps the rules of personal hygiene. And why do these rules need? What rules do you know?

And the fortress was called because he likes to do charging.

And we can!

Let's show the gnomes as we do exercises.

For the right. For guides rebuilding in 3 columns.

1. Exercise "Head slopes". Alone, under my account, the exercise with the right start.

I.p. -Nogi together, hands on the belt

1-slopes of the head to the right;

2nd initial position.

3.-To tilt the head left;

4- initial position. (8 times)

2. Exercise "Mahi Hands, through the sides for the head" Start Exercise.

I.p. -nogi on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt.

1-hand to the sides; 2-hours per head;

3-ways to the sides; 4Close position. (6 times)

3. Exercise "Mahi Hands through the sides up"

Exercise with me in the right side start.

I. P-laughs together, hands on the belt.

1-step to the side, hands to the sides;

2-legs together, cotton over head;

3-step to the side, hands to the side

4-initial position. The same left. (6 times)

4. Exercise "Cotton under the knee" follow the smooth legs.

I. p. - Feet on the width of the shoulders, hands on the belt.

Alternating cotton under the right and left knee

1 MAX right foot forward, cotton under the knee;

2-initial position.

3 mm left foot, cotton under the knee.

4-initial position. (6 times)

5. Exercise "Mill" Exercise with me start.

I. P-legs width shoulders, hands on the belt.

1-hand to the sides;

2-lean, touch the right hand, left sock.

3-straighten, touch your left hand, right sock. ;

4-initial position

6. Exercise "Jumping on two legs with alternating walk in place" Exercise with me to the right side.

I.p. -Nogi together, hands on the belt.

jumping on two legs with cotton in your hands in front of yourself and behind the back on account 1-8, alternating with walking, in place.

Well done!

To always be healthy, the gnomes work a lot, engaged in physical labor. They are in a magical country round year Collect harvest. Let's help them harvest. To do this, listen to my team for the guides, in 1 column step march, building near the reference point.

Main types of movements: (for musical accompaniment)

And so that it was correct and with health benefits,

Sofia will show how to do it right.

1. "Jump over the ravine"

1. To do this, you need to jump out of the hoop in the hoop, with on two legs with the promotion of the forward landing on the semitted legs (2-3 times)

2. "Swamp through the river"

In order to twist the river, you need to lie on the bench with the belly, pulling up your hands

Head is raised, legs together, bent in the knees.

3. We will pass through the forest thicket, we collect the crop.

let's go back and stand at the end of the column.

It's not a snake with a snake. Take one item and return, put in the basket.

Well done, helped the gnomes to collect a harvest.

What have we collected? (vegetables)

Gnome Hohutun with friends is always in a good mood. They are not only working, but also love to play and have fun.

And we love to play. Let's show the gnomes how we can play the moving game "Who is faster."

Let's play and we will play.

Movable game "Who is faster"

Run around the hoop under musical accompaniment, when stopping, time to take the item. Who remained without the subject leaves

Relaxation and self-massage.

Dwarves really liked our game and they prepared a gift for you, but it is not simple, but a magical, you can only feel it. Close your eyes and imagine how health fills your body. Hands and legs have become strong. The heart beats exactly. Breathing calm. Make yourself on your head, massage your ears, intend your hands and legs. You are healthy! You are beautiful! Are you happy! Open your eyes.

The educator makes a basket with apples at a time when children with eyes closed.

Children! Look, the gnomes gave you another gift. What is it? And what is the benefit of fruit? And vitamins are also necessary to be healthy. Our trip ended.

It's time for us to return to the gym. Let's say thanks to the gnomes, goodbye!

Wrap yourself around yourself, finding yourself in the gym!

Outcome Node (reflection)

Did you like our journey?

What did you like most?

And what was the hardest thing?

And what was the easiest?

Let's remember. What helps the gnomes to be always healthy?

(Children's responses) - expect charging, work, be always in good mood, eat vitamins.

You are well done! Now we have to go back to the group, say our guests "Goodbye!". Built in the column one by one. On the road, friends! The shortest road.

Final Node for Physical Development "Flower of Health"

(senior pre-school age)

Compiled by: Instructor on Physical Culture Radchenko Olga Alexandrovna S. Alksandrovskoe November 2015. Municipal Preschool Educational Institution "Kindergarten № 2" Jubilee "

Software content: I exercise children in walking with movements in a circle and through items, in walking the side with a side panel, crawling on the bench on the palms and knees; Fastening the loading into the hoop straight, not touching the edge of the hoop and not touching the floor with his hands, step over the barriers of different height; raise the level of physical and motor preparedness of children in the gaming atmosphere; Develop physical qualities: Attention, speed, dexterity, skills; form the right posture in children while walking, running and performing exercises; bring up a sense of responsibility for the assigned task; maintain interest in node in physical culture; Create a favorable setting on directly educational activities.

Material: gymnastic bench, rope, sand bags, barriers of different heights, cubes, pictures of fruits and vegetables, hoops, ball.

Prior work:

  • drawing up abstract NOD

Production of attributes to node.

Integration of educational areas:

Education area "Physical development" :

Exercise in preservation of equilibrium on reduced support area

Improve crawling technique in hoop without help

Promote the development of agility, mobility and speed

Maintain interest in physical culture as the basis of successful learning in kindergarten

Maintain and strengthen the physical health of children

Education area "Socio-communicative development" :

Develop gaming activities Children

Attach to generally accepted standards and rules of relationships

Education area « Artistical and aesthetic development" :

Bring to musical art

Node move:

FC instructor:

They say there is a magic flower - a flower of health. Who will find and sniff him, will be the strongest, most dexterous, and most importantly in the most healthy person. It grows this flower in the country "Nebolic" . Getting to it is not easy. As if I wanted to smell this magic flower at least once to always be healthy. Do you want?

FC instructor:

So, maybe, do this journey?

FC instructor:

Then let's not waste time - on the road! Music sounds.

I part. Children walk along the hall, performing movement.

FC instructor:

The walkway stood up

Together sugared.

Walking ordinary.

Narrow bridge ahead

We got up on the socks.

Walking on socks with arms raised up.

We walk, we walk,

Above legs raise.

Walking with a high knee lifting.

Ran down, ran,

No one was overtaken.

Easy running.

Step march, slowly

How the weather is good.

Children stand in one rang.

The instructor shows signs with pointers:

"Go left - get to the sleepy kingdom" .

"Right go directly - find health" .

"Go rightly - you will find sweets" .

FC instructor: What road do you choose?

Children: Will we go straight?

FC instructor: Or maybe you will sleep or drink or drink?

Children: No.

Instructor for FC: then forward.

II part. Children are built in three columns.

Outwatching exercises with cubes.

1. And, P.: Main rack, cube in the right hand.

1-hand to the sides;

2- Hands up;

3-shock the cube into the left hand;

4-lowered hands down, return to its original position.

The same left hand (5-7 times).

2. I. P.: Legs on the width of shoulders, a cube in his right hand.

1-raise right bent leg;

2- Transfer a cube under it in the left hand;

3- Hands up;

4-return to its original position.

Also shifting the cube into the right hand (6 times).

3. I. P.: Legs on the width of the shoulders, a cube in his right hand.

1-sit down, hands forward;

2- Walk the cube into the left hand;

3- Hands to the sides;

4- Return to its original position (5-6 times).

4. I. P.: Sitting, legs straight apart, cube in hand.

1-2 do with his hands to the right leg;

3-4- Danged hands to the left foot.

Performed at an average pace (5-6 times).

5. I. P.: Main rack, cube in the right hand.

1-2 days on the right leg;

3-4 equipment on the left leg (3-5 times).

Main movements:

  1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on palms and knees
  2. Walking on a rope sideproof pitch, hands on the parties
  3. Walking with overwhelming through hemps of different heights, hands on the parties
  4. Walking with a bag on the head on a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt
  5. Jumping on two legs by holding a bag between the legs, moving forward, hands on the belt
  6. Tearing through two wrap straight, holding a bag with sand in the hands and not touching them by the floor.

FC instructor: Well done, all obstacles overcame. I think the magic flower "Health" Already quite close.

Movable game "Vitamins"

Hall (human organism). In children in the hands, a picture of a fruit or vegetable. You know that our fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and we eat them to the disease, during the disease and after the disease, to strengthen our body, t. E kill the microbes within us. These vitamins (vegetables and fruits) Located around the hall. And I will be a microbe. You guys find your vitamins during music. As soon as the music ceases to sound, the microbe immediately caught you and take the kingdom of disease. The rules are clear to everyone, and now we will find out who the most clever, fast, attentive. Once, two, three are the beginning of the game !!!

FC instructor: Well done. I feel something. This is a flower "Health" dismissed. Yes, not one, here is a whole glade of wonderful colors. (Shows flowers made from under the containers of the kindersurprise in which the pieces of garlic are embedded). Smoke them! (Children take flowers, sniff). What smells of health flowers?

Children: garlic.

FC instructor: The smell of garlic scares away from these wonderful colors of all microbes and not a single cold will not fit close to you.

Small mobility game "Sweet, sour" .

Children stand in a circle pass the ball to the music as soon as the music stops sounding, who in his hands the ball calls the instructor a sweet or sour fruit on the team.

FC instructor: Our lesson approached the end.

What did you like?

What was hard?

Practice at home and next time everything will be able to succeed

And I really liked that you were active, tried. Thank you all, to new meetings.

Sections: Work with preschoolers

goal: Formation of motor skills and child skills in accordance with its individual features and the need for careful attitude towards their health in a variety of muscular activities.

Integration of educational regions: "Health", "Security", "Communication".


1. Wellness:

  • help strengthen the musculoskeletal system;
  • form and fix the skill of correct posture;
  • develop the mobility of the fingers of the hands.

2. Training:

  • improve the technique of execution: rolling the ball (push the ball with two hands symmetrically, giving the right direction to move), walking on a gymnastic bench while maintaining equilibrium (hands on the belt or sides), landing on semi-bent legs. Fasten the rules of safe movement in the gym.

3. Developing:

  • develop physical qualities: force, speed, endurance, dexterity, flexibility;
  • develop the coordination of movements based on the experience already accumulated by children.

4. Educational:

  • bring up a sense of empathy, mutual assistance, goodwill to peers;
  • rail a conscious attitude to their health contribute to the formation of positive

Methods and techniques:

1. Visory:

  • vite-visual techniques (showing the technique of physical exercise, the use of visual benefits and physical education equipment, visual guidelines).

2. Wonderful:

  • explanations, explanations, instructions;
  • submission of commands, signals;
  • questions for children and search for answers;
  • verbal instruction.

3. Practical:

  • performing and repetition of exercises unchanged and change;
  • performing exercises in the game form;
  • self-performing exercises in the free game.

Inventory: balls (diameter 15cm), 2 gymnastic benches, handkerchiefs (two each child), hat "chicken".

Hardware: Tape recorder.

Software: Audio recording for mobile game.

Implementation of federal state educational standards:

  • using gaming situationscontributing to the effective process of receiving children
  • knowledge, skills and skills when conducting directly educational activities;
  • implementation of the health of saving technologies

Structure occupation

I. Introductory part (3-4 min.)

Building, Easy, checking posture. Walking into one column is ordinary around the perimeter, on the socks, lifting the hands up, on the tops - the hands are omitted, palm to the side, with a change in direction, building in the rank. Run a swarming with finding your place in the rank after the team "in places!"

II. Main part (12-15 min.)

Outwatching exercises with handkerchiefs.

1. I.P. - Leg rack on the width of the feet, handkerchiefs in both hands. Hands forward, up, waving handkerchiefs, to the sides, return to its original position (4-5 times)

2. I.P. - Stand on the width of the shoulders. Rotate to the right hands to the parties, return to its original position, turn to the left hand to the sides, return to its original position (3 times in each direction)

3. I.P. - Stand on the width of the foot. Sit forward, stand up to lower your hands (4-5 times)

4. I.P. - Rack of legs on the width of the shoulders, tilt forward, wave up with handkerchiefs to the right and left, straighten up, return to its original position (4-5 times)

5. I.P. - The legs are slightly placed, handkerchiefs lie on the floor. Jumping on two legs in place in alternation with a small pause. (On the account of the teacher at the expense of 1-8, repeat 3 times.

Major movements.

1. Rolling the ball in pairs (distance 2 m from each other). Source position Rack in the kneel stop (10-12 times)

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench (go through the hand bench on the belt, take your hands back, slightly sit down, jump off the benches for semitted legs). 2 times.

Movable game "Chicken and Chickens" (Presenter - Educator)

III. Final part (3-4 min.)

Walking in a column one in a circle, breathing exercises.

Elena Ivanova
Abstract Node "Physical Development" in accordance with GEF

goal: Formation elementary representations about sports and values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle in class physical Development.



1. Fasten the skill in walking and run in the column one by one; skill perform movements in according to music.

2. Fasten the motor skills children: bouncing on two legs with moving forward; crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach; Holding the ball with one hand and transfer the ball with two hands from the chest; Maintaining the ball right (left) Foot around items.

3. Fasten knowledge about sports.


1. Develop physical Quality through exercises: bouncing on two legs, crawling on a gymnastic bench, keeping and passing the ball and game "Find your home".

2. Contribute to strengthening the health of children.


1. Relieve the ability to perform collective actions, form the skills of positive and creative communication.

2. Educating positive emotions.


1. To form the right posture while walking, running, exercises and games.

Integration of educational regions:

1. Socially communicative development - Support for communication and the interaction of the child with adults and peers, the formation of independence and activity.

2. Cognitive development - Development of Children's Interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation.

3. River development - Enrichment of the active dictionary and speech possession as a means of communication.

4. Artistic - aesthetic development - promote the perception of music.

5. Physical development - acquisition of motor experience in motion activities related to exercises aimed at development of physical qualities, Performing major movements, mastering rolling games with rules. Support healthy lifestyle.

Types of children's activities and form work:

1. Motor (Movable game with rules, exercises)

2. Game (moving game, finger gymnastics, massage)

3. Communicative (conversation, situational conversation, solution situation)

4. Music and Creative (musical and rhythmic movements)

5. Cognitive (conversation about sports)

Preliminary work: conversation with children about sports, about famous athletes; Heading finger gymnastics, greetings, self-making in poetic form.

Forms of organization of children: group, subgroup, individual.

Type of node: plot-game, training

Teaching methods: verbal (conversation, dialogue, story, visual (demonstration of material, practical (game, showing exercises)

Location: gym.

Amount of children: 14 people.

Equipment and inventory: Gymnastic benches, small balls, hoops, racks, basketball balls, soccer balls, cards with sports, musical accompaniment, prizes, gymnastic ribbons.

Music design: "Funny song" (Words Vadim Borisov, Alexander Yermolov's music, performs the theater of children's song "Mascot"); "Beauty will save the world" (Music Vladimir Mikhailov, performs a vocal instrumental ensemble).

Move directly - educational activities:

Preparatory (4-5 minutes)


Welcome correctional a game: "Hello!"

Psychological game "You and I have a Cape of you friends"

The appearance of the hero of Step - Sabollabin.

Musical accompaniment: "Funny song"

Walking in the column one:

on socks, hands up.

on the heels, hands behind the back.

- Jumping with the task:

legs together - apart, hands on the belt, side gallop right and left sideways.

Running in the column one by one with a change in direction.

Walking in the column one by one

Rebuilding in two columns:

Children enter the hall and are built.

-Instructor FK.:

Hello, girls! (Teacher waves hand)

Hello! (girls mashed with hand above his head)

Hello, boys! (Pedagogue welcomes boys)

Hello! (boys make hand over her head)

Sun, hello! (all raise hands up)

Hello hello! (clap your hands)

Guests, hello! (stretch straight hands forward)

Hello Hello! (clap your hands)

Good under the sun we grow! (on socks, hands up, stretch above)

He is becoming healthy every day! (hands to shoulders and sides)

-Instructor FK.:

Guys, attention to you to inform you

Today on the journey

I want to invite you!

Behind the seas, behind the forests.

There is a sports country

Olympic Village is called. Only athletes live in this village. And what should be an athlete? (Strong, bold, dexterous.) Right. Want to go to this village? (Yes)

Today you will be athletes and I am your coach

But my friends can go with me, are you friends? (Yes) And the educator you friend? (Yes)

-Instructor FK.:

Hello boy, who are you?


Zabolikin Step I, only my friends are sick.

I have a dull look, very head hurts

Lomit back, rolling side

Need a doctor, he helped me b.

-Instructor FK.:

Stop okuhat and roar, the boy is silent.

Come to our kindergarten

Here you know from the guys

How healthy, strong to be

How to live without sadness

True, children, we can,

Wrong, help?

You're stacking to get up

For the guys, everything repeat

You will learn to be brave, strong, dexterous and skillful

You will learn a lot and you will not suffer.

Going on the road going

For health go.

Take yourself! Namri!

To the right, left step march!

Back straight looking forward

Stomach draw

I breathe nose, landing on socks

We look through the left, right shoulder

- "Running march!".

Observe the distance, breathe a nose

-Instructor FK.: Take ribbons.

Long we guys walked

In the Olympic village came

We start training

Come on to workout!

Main part (15-16 min.)

Music - Rhythmic Gymnastics "Beauty will save the world"

(See Appendix No. 1)

Building in scattering

Fingering gymnastics "Porridge"

(See Appendix No. 2))

OWD: (subgroup form of the organization of children)

1. Task "Basketball players"

(keeping the ball with one hand to the guideline, the transfer of the ball with two hands from the chest)

2. Task "Gymnasts"

(crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with two hands for the edges of the bench (grip hands from sides); Bouncing on two legs with moving forward).

4. Task "Footballers"

(keeping the ball right (left) foot around the items).

Movable game "Find your home"

(See Appendix No. 3

We remove the ribbons.

-Instructor FK.: Guys, let's take a little rest and eat delicious porridge, will help us with a finger gymnastics.

Instructor FK: Well done with training you coped, and now we are waiting for real sports tasks.

We share two teams.

I will show you a tip card, you have to say what kind of sport we will deal and only then get the task.

Movement is performed correctly, we do not hurt high quality and anywhere.

Power method.

-Instructor FK.: When driving, do not raise the ball above the belt, watch the ball, when passing the ball, we transmit from the chest in a straight line.

Power method.

-Instructor FK.: When crawling

proper grabs with hands, when leaping landed soft on socks, hands on the belt.

Power method.

-Instructor FK.: Watch the ball.

Play came to play

Do you agree to the defense?

Final part (4-5 minutes.)

Back massage: "Friendship"

(see Appendix No. 4)


Summing up the classes and presentation of prizes.

Children under music Music design overlook the hall.

Instructor FK.:

And now we will rest

And the massage will soon begin

Hear hands together

In the circle are more likely to become.

Instructor FK.:

Guys, well, ends

our training in the Olympic Village.

It's time to bring us a sports result,

Excellent all children coped with the task

And this sport helped us unconditionally.

Step, did you like our training?


I'm not at all sick

I am pleased with training

All thank you friends

Now I will be athlete.

Instructor FK.:

Well, we are time to say goodbye

In kindergarten return

Appendix No. 1.

MRK "Beauty will save the world":

Introduction and 1 part purchate: Building in two columns - girls and boys, ribbons on the sides.

2 part 1: cramped ribbons on the right side, then in the left, leg aside on the sock (2 times in each direction).

Chorus: Mahi ribbons over her head, alternately flexing legs; Turn around yourself on socks, ribbons up (repeat 2 times); squats "Spring", alternately cramped ribbons back and forth.

2 verse: rebuilding in 2 circles - boys form a circle in the center, girls - around boys, ribbons on the sides; "Tower" - Boys face in a circle, ribbons up, girls fit to boys, ribbons up; Girls back back, tapes omitted (repeat 2 times).

Chorus: The same, only in a circle.

Loss: Rockproof, "Firework" - sit down, cramped with ribbons from the bottom up (repeat 3 times).

Appendix number 2.

Fingering gymnastics "Porridge"

As in the pan porridge, the children will lead the right hand on the palm of the left (cook porridge)

And spiked, and puffers,

We wanted to the plate. Press the palm to the edge to each other and stretch them forward.

We will give oil to the caress, clap one palm on the other.

All familiar treats. Stretch hands forward.

Prepare spoons, alternately bend fingers to each name.

Masha and Antoshka,

Valerka and Polinka,

Mixing Irinka. With a bow stretch hands ahead.

Appendix number 3.

Movable game "Find your home"

goal: Teach children imitate the movements of athletes by sports, navigate the space without pushing at each other and follow the rules of the game.

Description: Children are divided into four sports teams, stand on different sides of the hall. To the music of the team begins to imitate the actions of athletes in sports. By team or stop music, players must find their home. At home can vary in places. The game is repeated several times. At the end of the game summarizes.

Appendix No. 4.

Back massage "Friendship"

(standing in a circle, face to back)

Adult: All children in the circle gathered.

Children: I am your friend and you are my friend.

Adult: We will rest a little,

And the back massage will begin.

Stand straight like oskins

Children: And we have direct backs (I smit back palms from above - down)

We knock on the back (tapping the edge of the palm)

Foresting trying (finger pads up - down)

Pry, praise (Palms on the back)

Fur, swell (tapping cams)

And we know exactly

We are not terrible diseases! (Children pull the left hand in the center of the circle, last

word throws hands up)