Creating a language environment for the training of recycling by the state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Tatarstan. Development Program DO, language environment for preschoolers Tatar language

Conference: Modern kindergarten

Organization: Madou number 401

Locality: Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan

The language that has come down to this time, an infinitely expensive treasure that the miroslery absorbed the wisdom of the people, his traditions, all his spiritual wealth. For each people, the native language is the most expensive and holy wealth. Save and convey this wealth to your children -Dolg everyone.

Creating a language development environment. The role of the educator and his colleagues,

acts as the main tool for creating a language environment).

The educator is a role model and a model of speech behavior of children and adults.

One of the most important forms of learning is a game. The game is a leading activity of children preschool age. It is also the method of learning the Tatar language. During the game, children themselves, noticing himself, assimilate a certain vocabulary, master the language skills, speech skills and thus children develop the foundations of communicative competence. They are trained in the correct pronunciation of words, building their speech. The game is an effective and affordable form of activity in teaching Russian children of Tatar oral speech. Children do not even think that they learn, without noticing, much better absorb Tatar words, phrases, suggestions and on this basis, they work out the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds, a connected statement, fix and activate the Tatar vocabulary

To increase efficiency educational process Information and communication technologies are used, that is, the use of computer, Internet, TV, video, DVD, CD, multimedia, audiovisual equipment, that is, everything that can represent ample opportunities for communication. For example, with the help of a computer, children are given to children (slides, fixing the material passed using various didactic games. For example, "Who is not", "Guess and name", "Who is superfluous?", Calculate, "" Having faces "," Make salad "and many others.

The computer helps to increase the level of teaching, providing visibility, control, a large amount of information, being an incentive in training. The development of computer technology allows you to really individualize the educational process, strengthen the positive learning motivation, to activate cognitive activity, strengthen the creative component of the work as a child and the educator. The computer also helps to organize cartoons view.

A great importance in teaching a child has the questions of the teacher of the child. When the educator puts the question, the child thinks, thinks and picks up a suitable word from his vocabulary. In this way,

we exercise a child in mastering the tongue. Experience shows that skillfully and on time asked questions Change the child's tongue sharply for the better: the choice of the desired word, the logical of speech.

As mentioned earlier, the learning methods are diverse. Their diversity should use the educator to allow the most affordable and interesting for the child by resolving the tasks set. The choice of methods is caused by the age of children and set to solve problems. You need to build training in Tatar language in such a way as to exercise children in speech skills and skills to form their first elementary knowledge about the environment.

Thus, the CMD ensures the unity of educational, training and developing goals and tasks in the process of education of preschool children. It is built on adequate age types of activity and form of work with children. Is also aimed at mutual understanding with family for the implementation of speech Development Children. The use of non-standard methodological techniques contribute to the development of curiosity, activity and creative abilities of each child. Audio and video applications that are aesthetically decorated visual-demonstration and handouts provide the maximum variety of children's activities.

In order for the formation of speech skills and skills to occur faster and more efficiently, it is necessary to correctly organize a training environment. It is in these conditions that speech skills and skills become more durable and flexible.

Based on the purpose of learning children by the Tatar language, it is necessary to take into account that the language environment must have firstly developing in nature, i.e. It is necessary to create a developing language environment. All methodological techniques, learning tools, visual and distribution material, used benefits and equipment must create and maintain the developing and training character of a foreign language environment.

The language developing medium includes both the language environment and the subject. The subject environment attracts a child, causes his interest in tongue. The role of the objective environment in the Dow is very large, because The child is with her in constant contact. The child knows that he can come up, see, in the hands of what he needed, causes his interest. So communication becomes significant for both trainees and training. This medium is interactive. Good to have board games, lotto, domino, thematic tables, algorithms, toys, Tatar's heroes literary works, photos, species cards depicting the main attractions of Kazan and other cities of Tatarstan.

The toy, and most often, the doll becomes an active participant in communication in the Tatar language at our classes, in the regime moments, and the educator communicates with the children with the help of a doll (character) that allows you to manage communication, language environment. A doll or character allows you to introduce, working out lexical units, to provide the volume of language material.

The use of dolls provides strong motivation to the use of the Tatar language, also creates a special benevolent atmosphere in class. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the condition that the character being present should be permanent, possessing its character, habits, etc. For example, coming to us on Cook Alsa is very good, friendly, fun, loves to sing songs and play moving games.

The role of the educator acts as the main means of creating a language environment. It is a role model and a model of speech behavior of children. In order to increase the learning effect of speech, you need to comply with some conditions:

1. Availability of speech

2. Avoiding complex proposals

3. Use of repeats, speech paraphrase

* Using visual benefits;

* Situation description;

* Applying gestures.

These methodological principles help properly organize the communication process in the Tatar language and create a linguistic environment for children.

Literature: Zaripova Z.M. Kidryacheva R.G., "Tatar" say "

Zakirova K.V. "In the clearing glade" .......

Development Program
Concept of bilingual education strategy

preschool children in Do

Purpose and objectives of the strategy:

Improving the quality of education of preschoolers to two state languages \u200b\u200band the formation of communicative skills in preschoolers in Russian and Tatar languages, the development of their communicative, intellectual abilities, the formation of speech skills that ensure equal starting opportunities for school training.


1. Improving the level of professional skill of pedagogical workers

2 Development and implementation of new methods of bilingual learning.

3. Development and use in the educational and educational process of gaming interactive, multimedia resources for preschool children.

3. Creating a system of working with talented and gifted children.

4. Creating conditions for the communication of children in two state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Tatarstan in Do.

5. Education of preschoolers in the spirit of tolerance, respect for the traditions and customs of their and other peoples.

6. Providing conditions for the formation of moral and physically healthy personality.

Key principles of building strategy

The basic principle -Implementation of the right to educate and educating preschoolers, including in the native (Tatar) language.

The principle of education under bilingual conditions.

Bilingual and dialogue of languages \u200b\u200band cultures. This principle is implemented through the organization of the vital activity of children in the space of Tatar and Russian culture, in its regional and territorial manifestation.

Principle "Efforts of all employees to achieve a common goal"

By organizing work in the DOW on the bilingual education of preschoolers, it is necessary to combine the efforts of all employees and teachers to create a language environment, the formation of communicative advocate skills. Only so you can achieve a positive result. This is the whole team.

Principle "An objective assessment of the professional activity of all participants in the educational process"

The quality criteria for the professional activity of all participants in the educational process should be assessed by the combination of quality of education in relation to the main goal of this strategy. These criteria should be understood, transparent and objective.

Principle "Competition of participants in the educational process"

It increases the need to fight for the pupil and his parents, attract them to their institution with the quality of education and the uniqueness of the program. This will lead to healthy competition and, as a result, to improve the quality of education.

Principle "Transparency and openness"

Work on the implementation of this strategy should be open and transparent, with the broad participation of society, to assume a number of projects aimed at informing the public to promote the importance and need for bilingual education and education, raising the role of each parent in its development and development of their children.

Principle of personal approach in education

Each pupil is a person that is respected and accept. The DOW provides psychological comfort of pupils, which involves the removal of stress-forming factors, the creation of an emotionally positive atmosphere, a success orientation.

Principle of activity approach

The presenter of the activity of the child is a bastard - a game. Interaction with the child is based on the recognition of its previous development, accounting for its personal experience, preferential use of game techniques. Building an educational process on the principles of partnership relations and cooperation with children

Recognition of the implicitness of the preschool period.

Preservation and development of psychophysical health of preschoolers.

Education of children at minimally sufficient material, excluding children's overload.

Freedom of selection of programs and technologies.

Basic concepts and terms of strategy

Strategy impact object: Children 4-7 years old.

Thing: Development of content and methods of bilingual education of preschool children: methods of teaching the native language and culture of their people on the basis of modern methodological and software products.

Bilingual development activities are Socio-organized by adults and arising from the initiative of children Activities, which:

Methodically close to natural conditions,

Recreates a real communicative situation

Includes children in environmental development.


Bilingual education involves the creation of an effective educational language environment, provided that:

Two languages \u200b\u200bare trained and familiarization with two cultures in the social environment of the child in operational form throughout the entire time of the child's stay in kindergarten by all educators;

Children's education in two state languages \u200b\u200bprovides for the creation of socio-pedagogical conditions aimed at developing communicative competencies in a child;

The socio-pedagogical potential of microsocium is taken into account;

The participation of teachers of additional education in the educational process of kindergarten is envisaged.

Conditions for the implementation of the Strategy

The main task of a kindergarten team - creating conditions for efficient work According to the bilingual education of preschoolers:

  1. The use of new pedagogical technology (CMD), modern methodological and technical aids that will allow all educators to combine efforts and work purposely and consistently.

  2. Organization of the language environment for teaching Russian-speaking preschoolers Tatar language in the DOW of all employees of the kindergarten. Formation of motivation to speech communication of children in two state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Tajikistan.

  3. Communication should be held in such a way that the child becomes a direct member of communication. The motive of joint activities in the second language will be the pleasure of communication, from interaction with adults and peers. The second language performs its function - becomes a means of communication.

  4. Using the second language in any accessible form of activity of the preschooler, and above all in the game.

  5. The creation of an objective development environment corresponding to the modern tasks of development of preschoolers is of particular importance in teaching preschoolers, visibility, bright didactic material, Modern didactic games, a variety of gaming benefits, workbooks, information and communication resources (availability of interactive boards), computer office.

  6. Increasing the level of pedagogical skill of teachers DoO, the formation of a competent stable team of like-minded people.

  7. Coordination of the efforts of teachers and parents.

  8. Creating a cultural language environment that will contribute to the introduction of children to another culture with the help of the NRK.
Organization of the pedagogical process

1. Organization OOD 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes in the middle, senior and preparatory to school groups in the first half of the day in accordance with Sanpin -2013.

2. Integration educational space. The integrated approach to the organization of training is considered as the formation of a set of ways to cognition and cognitive motivation, transferring methods for knowledge from one type of activity to others. The leading attention is paid to the development of the integrative qualities of the child in different types Activities that complement each other are combined into a single holistic pedagogical process.

3. Studying the Tatar language in a game form with children from 3-4 years through direct communication,

4. FREE use on its own choice of games, toys, illustrated material, wall-printing games. Listening to tales records in free joint activities with a teacher, poems using the CMD. View animation plots and cartoons UMK,

5. Organization of the speech environment for teaching Russian-speaking preschoolers by Tatar language in groups: during the mode of breakfast, dinner, the violent fees for a walk.

6. Organization of excursions in order to meet the culture, history of the Russian Federation and RT.

7. Joint participation in dramatization, dramatization games, role-playing games, in the elements of theatrical activity.

9. Organization of joint activities with parents to motivate preschoolers to study the language, demonstrating the results of work on the study of two state languages.

10 Creative meetings with guests, carriers of national cultural values \u200b\u200band traditions (poets, writers, creative teams)

The educational process is designed based on the gradually accurate tasks of the child's speech development of the child, on the activity approach and principles of integration.

The use of the educational and methodological kit, the introduction of a learning task contributes to the development of educational elements: the ability to take the task, act according to the instructions, control itself. But it is important not to exaggerate the role of organized learning. Due to the characteristics of the age, children are much closer to the observation of real events, actions with specific objects, the activity of a game and competitive nature.

Motivation of children to the study of a non-standard language

The whole process of comprehending the non-standard language is built:

As the process of satisfying the personal, cognitive, game needs of the child;

As the process of meeting the needs of the child in interesting communication with adults and children.

It is important to build a process of communication, taking into account the characteristics of memory development. It is important to build relationships in a game form most rationally, taking into account the psychophysical possibilities of preschoolers (memory, performance, fatigue, the need for alternating various activities). The game is an effective and affordable form of activity in teaching Russian children of Tatar oral speech.

The use of an integrated approach to the design of the educational process has obvious advantages: developing and educational tasks become the core of a meaningful-semantic field, which increases the motivation of children's activities, ensures a decrease in psychological loads on children when the developing effect is increased. It helps to strengthen the degree of independence and activity, the formation of holistic ideas about the environment.

The main components of the implementation of the strategy

Using the CMD to study two state languages

Implementation of the CMD includes:

1. In Russian-speaking groups, a kit for teaching Russian children by Tatar language (educational and methodological manuals, workbooks, demonstration, handouts for classes, a collection of artistic works for reading children in Tatar, animation plots) (author Z.M. Zaripova) . The project "speak in Tatar" (socio-communicative development) consists of three parts:

- "Mine ө" (for the middle group),

- "Eya-eared үsәbez" (for the older group),

- "MәTәPKә Iltә Yullar" (for the preparatory for school of the group).

The volume of the vocabulary in the new CMD is 4-77 years old for children, which corresponds to the age-related state of the preschooler. The volume of words is available for the assimilation of children 4-7 years, aims to communicate children, and not only to increase the vocabulary stock.

National - Regional Component

The most important component of national culture is the National language. It is it that allows you to maintain a nation, its originality and self-relief. The mentality of the people, the level of his national self-consciousness, his self-esteem, dignity, is manifested primarily in relation to its language, which acts as the main defining factor in spiritual culture language is such a symbol of culture that is indispens to any other symbol, which implies the absolute nature of the language, as Interest value.

The national-regional aspect of the strategy is ensured by the implementation of the program "MәTәPKәchә YaktәGelәr әLiffbasy. Avazlarenna Uynatyp: Methods Kullanama: MәTәPKә әzerlek Tөrkemendә Eschlәche TәrbiychelәR is (author R.K. Shahekhova).

The program reflects the content of education of children from 3 to 7 years, formable by participants in the educational process, taking into account the climatic, national cultural, demographic, socio-economic and sociocultural conditions of the Republic of Tatarstan. The program is aimed at enriching children's development by attachment to the origins of national culture, local history, the study of the Tatar (Russian) language.

Language Wednesday in Dow

The study of the Tatar language in a preschool institution can be successfully implemented if the language will act not only as a subject of study, but will be regularly actively used by children in their daily life and activities. The educator should be remembered that the children of preschool age, studying the Tatar (Russian) language, master it under conditions of artificially created language media. The language environment should have a developing nature. Learn to speak in Tatar (Russian) language - it is not only to learn the words and expressions, but also learn to live in another cultural space. The study of another language is acquainted with another culture, with holidays and customs of another people, fairy tales, children's games and folklore. Thus, the concept of the language medium should be clarified by adding the word cultural. This environment not only reports to children new knowledge, but also helps them to learn their culture better, as the learning process is in comparison.

One of the main means of creating a language environment is speech activities in the Tatar language of adults in a preschool institution. Training character should manifest itself not only in special training speech situations in classes, but in the process different species Children's activity and in regime moments. Such natural emerging dialogues are a model of speech behavior for children and a role model.

The concept of a language development environment includes both the properly linguistic environment (language environment) and the subject-developing environment of the child.

An indispensable condition for building a developing medium is a support for a personal-oriented model of interaction between children and adults.

The strategy and tactics of the construction of the language medium is determined by the features of a personal-oriented model of education. Her main features are:

  1. Affiliate style relationship "Not near, Not Over, and Together!"

  2. Promoting the formation of a child as a person

  3. Methods of communication - understanding, recognition, the adoption of the child's personality, the founded adult ability to become the position of the child, take into account his point of view, do not ignore his feelings and emotions.

  4. Communication tactics - cooperation. The position of the adult is to proceed from the interests of the child and the prospects for its further development as a full member of society.
Building a language environment in the DOO involves the fulfillment of GEF requirements for an objective and developing medium, including a developing bilingual environment: a developing subject-spatial environment must be: a substantial-saturated, transformible, polyfunctional, variable, affordable and safe.

The basic principles of building a developing bilingual environment:

1. The zoning of space is carried out by mobile means - the arrangement of furniture and equipment

2. One of the main factors that determine the possibility of implementing the principle of activity - the creation of a gaming environment that provides the child with the ability to move.

3. Dynamicity is implemented using sliding partitions, shirm. Element stability - "home zone" with upholstered furniture, coffee table, etc.

4. Principle of emotionality of the medium is implemented by the creation in a group of certain traditions:

Completion of certain details of the interior of children.

The inclusion in the interior of large characters toys.

Places where paintings are posted, photos of children, their parents, brothers, sisters.

5. Incinition of openness Society is the functional integration of the preschool institution by other social and cultural institutions: children's theaters, musical and artistic teams that act directly in children's garden.

Group corners "Mine җire Tatarstan".

It is necessary to create a corner in the group "Mine җ, Tatarstan". One of the main tasks - familiarization with the culture of the peoples of the Volga region, where should be presented in accordance with the age of children : symbols of the Russian Federation and RT (coat of arms, flag), information and visual material about the hometown, Republic of Tatarstan, the capital of Kazan. Information material about Russia, Bashkortostan, Chuvashia: (samples of national ornaments for artistic activities, Didactic, moving games of the Peoples of the Republic of Tajikistan). Also in the corner must be presented materials for the training of children of the Tatar nationality to the native and Russian language and the consolidation of the material on the CMD "speak in Tatar": illustrations, paintings to the UMC; Didactic, verbal, ICT games (developed by educators) in UMC. Drugs should use additional material to ensure the modern level of organizing preschool children with state languages \u200b\u200bof the Republic of Tajikistan and familiarization with the culture of the populations of the Volga region:

Cooperation with parents

The main goal of cooperation: the revival of traditions family education and family involvement in the educational process

Tasks of cooperation:

  1. establish partnerships with the family of each pupil, combine efforts for bilingual education and education of children;

  2. increase the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents in the field of bilingual education; Maintain confidence in your own pedagogical capabilities.

  3. create an atmosphere of community of interests, emotional interference and cooperation, to acquire parents to participate in the life of the Dow;

  4. studying and propaganda of the best family experience.
The system of working with parents includes:

Familiarization of parents with the content of the work of the DOW, aimed at the bilingual education and education of the child;

Participation in the preparation of plans for sports and cultural events, the work of the parent committee;

The active participation of parents in the pedagogical process of the DOO through the organization and execution of the roles of characters in creative, physical culture and festive events.

Training with specific techniques and methods of bilingual education and development of the child in various types of children's activities at workshops, consultations and open classes.

Strategy Implementation Performance Indicators

The main indicators of the efficiency of the DOW as a holistic educational system will be the following:

1. Rising growth and skills of children.

2. The presence of diagnostic materials that state the dynamics of the development of children's abilities.

3. Creating conditions that provide optimal bilingual education and education of children.

4. Data of survey confirming the satisfaction of all participants in the educational process by the work.

5. The presence of the desire of children and parents to continue learning languages \u200b\u200bin elementary school.

The implementation of the Strategy will improve the quality and ensure the conditions for obtaining educational services for all categories of families and pupils, regardless of social and property status, the state of health in the conditions of innovative DO development regime.

At the same time, the unity of many relevant directions in the educational process will be ensured:

Mastering efficient methods and techniques for working with children;

Creating a developing language environment;

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The study of foreign languages \u200b\u200bis becoming increasingly popular and parents want their children as early as possible languages. Knowledge of a foreign language makes it possible to get better work in the future, and become more successful in life.

Children learn quickly - the sooner, the better and faster. Scientific research confirm this is increasingly and more often.

Especially in the period up to 6 years, children are especially susceptible and ready to learn. They learn through the game and passing. For this reason, more and more kindergartens are expanding their services for teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bof children with early age. There are even bilingual kindergartens.

Foreign classes in kindergarten are a good basis for further studying the language of the future schoolboy. From the very beginning, children receive their linguistic training skills through joint cooperation in the children's institution. Garden classes are built in accordance with the age of kids. First, children teach statements and oral texts. Looking through various situations. Preschoolers learn to understand, then try to build their phrases. As a result, prescription, productive and interactive skills of the oral foreign language speech are purchased.

Young children always have a need for communication. The language on which they say does not play a special role. If you teach a child to pronounce the phrase by opposing the relevant actions, the child will not even pay attention to which language is pronounced or phrase.

Communication needs to speak and proclaiming themselves and is encouraged by an adult.

In cooperation with peers and adults, children acquire their linguistic skills, their knowledge of the language is systematized increasingly.

The world around us is an important key to mastering the language. In turn, the language helps children expand the knowledge of the world. Peace and language, knowledge about them is closely related to each other.

An adult demonstrates to children the beauty of the language studied, reinforcing emotionally pronounced phrases, stimulates the independent use of words. These objectives contribute to various forms of communication, including using the favorite literary heroes. This also uses books, media files at the study.

Teaching and training in foreign language preschoolers

Teaching foreign languages \u200b\u200bin kindergarten pursues the reflection emanating from the child containing questions. Dialogues with a child in a foreign language increase language competence at the preschooler. The kid has a language consciousness.

By learning a foreign language, children's interest in language, communications on it develops. Children with joy coming with each other in cooperation in a foreign language. Intercultural competence increases.

Various topics and content in the actions and interactions of preschoolers open children the world, form communicative competence. Thus, they achieve greater susceptibility of the interlocutor's speech.

Senior preschool children in oral speech are able to understand a brief descriptive and narrative texts in a foreign language.

Short dialogues and statements are taken from famous simple voice resources, such as popular cartoons. They are much faster to remember when using gestures and facial expressions.

Training of preschoolers in foreign languages \u200b\u200bis carried out in stages. First, they demonstrate the colorful illustrations of individual items, they call them words. Then go to the designation of the quality of these items and accompany them short phrases. Only then make up brief proposals, showing what can be done with this item.

Similar items are found in the game corner, they ask for children to choose called certain actions with them.

Preschool children easily study through gaming activities. The learning process in the form of a fun game should be carried out with the participation of an adult. Any game in the course of training in a foreign language and familiarity with new words is accompanied by audio material, as well as video fragments.

Foreign languages \u200b\u200bfor children and means of learning in Dow

Required learning elements:

  • listening to poems and phrases that determine individual grammatical structures;
  • you can offer a child role-playing games. With their help, a small person acquires manners, intonation of the language studied.
  • inclusion in the game dialogs, short descriptions;
  • viewing bright illustrations, listening to funny songs;
  • application of game tasks;
  • use of computer programs and other multimedia forms;
  • calls to the toy phone.

All this will speed up the learning process and make it easier.

There are still interesting and effective methods. They combine elements of the game, songs and poems.

Also, children like to watch these or other telecast. By broadcasting them in classrooms in kindergarten, you can fascinately explaining the events on the screen. But it often does not have to do this. Because the children are quite understandable to all what is happening, even if they are accompanied by foreign phrases.

To explore parts of the body or face, you can use the following material.

Pictures with a cartoon hero, for example, Mickey Mouse hang on the board. Each picture is missing some part of the face.

At the bottom, the missing part is signed.

First, children show a picture where there are eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Let them repeat all parts of you. Then the children look at another picture and think what is missing in the picture. So continues with all the pictures, each there is no part of the face.

Children must say which part is absent.

You can ask for children to show all the parts on your face.

What training methods are useful to teach children a new language?

Songs and poems are often used in kindergarten, because they are very well rhyme. Children can easily bind words together and fill up their language dictionary.

Such phrases like "How are you?" And others can be used situationally quite often. This will help children correctly apply such expressions.

It is most often necessary to use words, most common in children's conversations. The names of animals, colors and toys are those words that can be used often and in different cases. The use of such words gives children a lot of fun.

Language Wednesday in Children's Teaching Tatar language Language environment in teaching children by Tatar language In order to fully reveal the topic of speeches, let's consider to start the concept of "language environment". What is it? By definition, a linguist's guideline-certificate, the language environment is the form of a communicative space in which communication is implemented. Since in our republic, two state languages, then mastering the second (or Tatar or Russian) language is a means of communication in order to social interaction in society, expressed: 1) in the assimilation of the elements and the structure of the language; 2) speech rules; 3) stereotypes of speech behavior, which implies the introduction of a new educational set. In preschool children, certain difficulties of mastering the second language arise. In preschool age, there are still no real motives for mastering the second language. The natural language environment sufficiently stimulates the process of mastering the second language. The goals that we put in front of the child are abstract for him, so the process of mastering we must build in order to meet the educational, gaming, personal needs of the child. Psychological barriers may have psychological barriers in connection with the unusual sounds of Tatar speech, unfamiliar and strange words and phrases emerging associations with their own speech. Success allows, on the one hand, the use of a personal-oriented approach to a child involving individual work, the application of a system of encouragements, attracting children to success in their activities; On the other hand, the creation of a foreign language developing medium. Children of preschool age, studying the Tatar language as a foreign, master it in conditions of artificially created language media. This means that they have the opportunity to hear and use Tatar language not only in the immediate educational activities, but also in communicating with the educator and with other children. Therefore, the atmosphere surrounding the child in kindergarten should encourage the use of the Tatar language and, if possible, approach the natural language environment. Thus, the educator, using the Tatar language as a means of communication, should create an input language space. Domestic teachers have repeatedly emphasized the importance of creating a language learning environment in teaching children by a foreign language. According to the teacher of S.A. Amonashvili, such a medium "launches" natural speech mechanisms that in preschool children are flexible and plastic. In order for the formation of speech skills and skills to occur faster and more efficiently, it is necessary to correctly organize a training environment. It is in these conditions that speech skills and skills become more durable and flexible. Based on the purpose of learning children by the Tatar language, it is necessary to take into account that the language environment must have firstly developing in nature, i.e. It is necessary to create a developing language environment. All methodological techniques, learning tools, visual and distribution material, used benefits and equipment must create and maintain the developing and training character of a foreign language environment. The language developing medium includes both the language environment and the subject. The subject environment attracts a child, causes his interest in tongue. The role of the objective environment in the Dow is very large, because The child is with her in constant contact. The child knows that he can approach, see, take in the hands of what he needs, causes his interest. In this regard, real communication in the Tatar language is stimulated within the subject matter. Such communication becomes significant both for trainees and for training. Productive activities as part of the surrounding environment of the surrounding child in kindergarten, acts as a specific form of cognition of reality, it is of great importance for the assimilation of the speech standards of the Tatar language by a child. The first step in the development of the understanding of the Tatar language in productive activity is to master the nominative (called) function of the word: everything that is around the child is, everything that he does and how does it be called and pronounced in the language studied. In order for the word-name to transfer to the wording, it is necessary to master the numerous conventional connections, including motor. What successfully contributes to all types productive activity . Productive activities are of great importance due to the variety of visibility. Speech material will be absorbed faster and more fully when using natural objects as a visual support. All items created by children as a result of productive activities are in turn a visual support for speech exercises when learning a language. It is important that the child in productive activities is based on several analyzers (tactile perception, vision, hearing), which also has a positive effect. Also not forget about the meaning of physical attacks that are consonant with the topic of classes they can be: folk games, songs, sweatshops, speakers, finger games, etc. All folklore and folk material is of great importance in the development of the child's speech. Also in the process of productive activities provides for the conditions for the implementation of the close relationship of the word with action. And it happens naturally, since all the actions here the child performs independently. It is in productive activities that children well assume the sequence of actions and causing various actions and phenomena. It should be especially noted that the actions of children accompanied by a speech in the process of visual activities are becoming more perfect, meaningful, targeted, regulated and rhythmic. Rationally use of shaped comparisons, poetic texts, mysteries that help to create characteristics of objects contribute to the development of figurative perception and enrichment of speech by expressive means. Thus, certain positive aspects of productive activities have a great influence on the assimilation of the elements and the structure of the language, speech norms. In the process of playing the plot and the implementation of practical actions, a continuous conversation is underway with children, an adult emotionally comments on what is happening in the classroom. The playing organization of children's activities increases their speech activity, causes speech imitation. First of all, the speech of the adult should be considered as a sample to follow, i.e. It must be accessible, expressive, from well-built proposals and contain pauses to understand the listened. It is advisable to use the same words in various combinations and suggestions, the role of the Tatar language teacher acts as the main means of creating a language environment. It is a role model and a model of speech behavior of children. In order to increase the learning impact of speech, some conditions must be observed: - the availability of speech is the avoidance of complex proposals - the use of repetitions, perfection of speech - uninterrupted semantization Creativity activates the process of mastering the second language: developing in the process of creativity initiative, independence and activity encourage children to develop knowledge , skills, skills, form their ability to self-educate and self-development.


Innovative approaches to the expansion of the language environment in teaching preschoolers Tatar

G.M. Muginov, tutorial training tatar language

MBDOU "Kindergarten of the overall view of №10 Leninogorsk"

MO "Leninogorsk Municipal District" RT

In the context of a new language situation in the republic, the formation of a person occurs under the influence of two national cultures, traditions, two systems of ethical standards of speech and non-behavior. Teaching children in Tatar language in kindergarten is one of the most complex methodological tasks. The younger than the child, the more chances he has a second language in the highest possible amount and with a natural pronunciation.

Questions related to teaching the Tatar language of children of preschool age are rather controversial. On the one hand, early childhood is considered by experts as the most favorable period for mastering the second language. On the other hand, in preschool children, certain difficulties of learning the second language arise, since it is not a reasoned activity. In preschool age, there are still no real motives for mastering the second language. In addition, for Russian-speaking children, and for some children and from Tatar families - Tatar language is essentially a foreign language.

Here, a properly organized language environment can come to the rescue. Natural language environment is enough to stimulate the processes of mastering the native language.

The goals that we put in front of the child are abstract for him, so we must build a learning process in order to meet the cognitive, game, personal needs of the child. Psychological barriers may have psychological barriers in connection with the unusual sounds of Tatar speech, unfamiliar and strange words and phrases emerging associations with their own speech.

Success in teaching children allows, on the one hand, the use of a personal-oriented approach to a child involving individual work, the application of a system of encouragements, attracting children to success in their activities; On the other hand, the creation of a tatar-language developing medium.

Children of preschool age, studying the Tatar language as a foreign, master it in conditions of artificially created language media. This means that they have the opportunity to hear and use Tatar language only in classes, in communicating with the educator and with other children. Therefore, the atmosphere in classes should encourage the use of the Tatar language and, if possible, approach the natural language environment. Thus, teachers and the surrounding baby adults, using the Tatar language as a means of communication, must create a special tatar-language space.

Based on the purpose of learning children by the Tatar language, it is necessary to take into account that the language environment must have firstly developing in nature, i.e. It is necessary to create a developing language environment. All methodological techniques, learning tools, visual and distribution material, used benefits and equipment must create and maintain the developing and training character of the Tatar-speaking environment.

The language developing medium includes both the language environment and the subject. The subject environment attracts a child, causes his interest in tongue. The role of the objective environment in the Dow is very large, because The child is with her in constant contact. The child knows that he can approach, see, in the hands of what he needs, causes his interest. In this regard, real communication is stimulated within the subject matter. Such communication becomes significant for both children and a teacher. This medium is interactive.

It should be emphasized that learn to speak in Tatar language means not only to learn the words and phrases, but also to educate the tolerant attitude towards the culture of the Tatar people. This means that it is necessary to create a cultural language environment that will contribute to the introduction of children to Tatar culture. To this end, we spend holidays and entertainment, prepare the staging of fairy tales in the Tatar language, we organize watching video and training cartoons. It follows that the important task of teaching preschoolers Tatar language is the creation of an adequate tatar-language medium, which is a cultural, educational and interactive.

However, it is necessary to indicate that constant contact with the "living" language and its carriers does not guarantee the acquisition of knowledge and communicative skills. Positive result It will only give a systematic approach to the study of the Tatar language using direct educational activities. And here the role of an educator for teaching Tatar language acts as the main means of creating a language environment. It is a role model and a model of speech behavior of children. In order to increase the learning effect of speech, some conditions must be observed:

Availability of speech

Avoiding complex proposals

Using repeats, speech rephrase

Uninterruptible semantization, i.e.:

A) the use of visual benefits;

B) a description of the situation;

C) an explanation in a foreign language;

D) Applying gestures.

In order for the Tatar language to become a means of communication, the educator seeks to create a uniastoneial environment in which the principle of "one person is one language" is observed. In class, compliance with this principle is expressed in the fact that children enjoy the Tatar language when communicating with heroes or characters talking only in Tatar; When learning the Tatar folk games. The child is forced to use Tatar, because He knows that he will simply not understand him in a different way. Thus, when implementing the principle of "one person - one language" in the conditions of artificially created language medium, a conscious, forced and continuous use of the Tatar language is carried out when communicating with a toy, a character of a literary work.

At the moment we get great opportunities for expanding the language environment in teaching the Tatar language. Currently, in the kindergartens of the Republic of Tatarstan, an educational and methodical kit has been introduced, which includes the collections of artistic works for educators and parents, as well as the kits of audio and video materials in Tatar and Russian languages. Especially for the new program was developed: 5 cartoons in the Tatar language, 45 animation plots, 8 cognitive programs. In addition, 8 popular cartoons were translated into Tatar, a set of 3 disks with musical tales and children's songs was created.

In our DW, a specialized office has been created for Tatar language, as well as mini-cinema hall for viewing video. The office contains board games, lotto, domino, thematic tables, algorithms, toys, heroes toys of Tatar folklore and literary works, photos, species cards depicting the main attractions of Leninogorsk, Kazan and other cities of Tatarstan. The national composition of the pupils of the Dow is characterized by the presence of tatar-language children by only 20%. For 80% of children, Tatar language is not native. The situation is complicated by the fact that even of these 20% of the tatar-language children, less than half can rightly be proud of what they are or rather their families are carriers of the Tatar language. This is evidenced by the results of our monitoring: only 30% of tatropy-speaking families speak at the Tatar language, 65% do not speak 5% - sometimes. All this significantly complicates the situation in teaching the Tatar language and requires additional efforts from teachers, finding innovative forms of work.

So, in order to create and expand the tatar-language development environment, the educators should be directed, first of all, for continuity in working with an educator for teaching the Tatar language. This work in our DW is paid quite serious attention, various forms of work are used. First of all, in the framework of thematic planning and design algorithm of activity, the teacher is always up to date with the activities of an educator for the training of the Tatar language, since in the preparation of a plan, all specialists of the Dow are interacting. In this regard, educators, continuing the work of a specialist, lead special notebooks, in which the dictionary of Tatar words studied by children in the Tatar language classes in which the Tatar tutorial teacher enters various recommendations and practical advice to help educators to continue and deepen it to work in various regime moments.

Another form of work is methodical hours, Pedagogical Minutes, Workshop Workshops, Training and Viewing Presentations, which are systematically organized by a specialist with educators. As a result, teachers produce a single policy of actions when teaching children by Tatar language.

Educators in teaching children of Tatar spoken Speech Trying to bring to the consciousness of the child, that learn to speak in Tatar language is not only to learn the words and expressions, but also learn to live in another cultural space. The study of the Tatar language is also an acquaintance with culture, with holidays and customs of the people, fairy tales, children's games and folklore. To do this, the Tatar corner has been created in each group, with dolls in national costumes, utensils, didactic games, national costumes. Children, in the game of the game, with great pleasure can feel all the subtleties of Tatar culture.

In work on education in children of preschool age, love and respect for the national traditions of the Tatar people, I use Tatar folklore and children's national literature. Preschoolers of younger and middle age well perceive the fun, songs, folk games with a spectative. Children love fairy tales. Tatar folk tales Reveal the traditions of the people, its foundations: deep respect and responsiveness, compassion to the neighbor. I introduce children with household fairy tales and fairy tales about animals: "Sarans and Yumart", "Tails", "Three daughters", etc.; With the wonderful fairy tales of the founder of Tatar children's literature, the Tuek "Shuraile", "Water", "Tale of the goat and the Barane". The moral of these folk works is the celebration of resourcefulness, courage, courage - is available to understanding children.

Artistic literature gives a rich material for moral education, makes it brighter and deeper to worry about moral actions, feelings of heroes. In the process of learning, children teach and tell the poems of Tatar poets, like Galiyev, M. Jalill, S. Galiev, F. Yarullin, and others. Meet the national fairy tales, the stories of Tatar writers, like A. Alish, N. Fattah, A. Bikchantaeva et al.

With the aim of introducing children to Tatar national culture, we hold national holidays: "Sabantuy", "Sammele", "Kaz Emes", "Navruza", "Karga Botasa".

The world of the child is significantly different from the world of adult: it is not worse and no better, but simply - the other. For a long time, the child does not speak sufficient ways to communicate and resolve the problem situations offered by adults. He is just not ready for them. The most fully baby feels his feelings and experiences and transmits through the game. The game is a natural form of children's existence. And the most direct way to achieving mutual understanding with the child lies through a gaming action. For example, a large and versatile influence of the theatrical games on the identity of the child, on its development of speech allows them to use them as a strong but unobtrusive pedagogical agent in learning the language, because the baby has been relaxed during the game, freely, without even noticing that it is doing a very important thing . Participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around the images, paints, sounds. The teacher should be remembered that it is possible to support interest in the game only while maintaining a positively painted emotional background in the classroom. For this, children in classes should feel comfortable: not to be tired; be limited; keep interest.

At the very first stage of work, you can include playing exercises aimed at developing facial expressions, gestures and pantomimics, which is a kind of prologue to future theatrical games, at the same time to acquaint children with new words.

Gaming exercises for the development of the Mimici:

"Little" ("Kechkenә") - children smile, make the gesture with a big and index finger.

"Big" ("zur") - raise eyebrows, wide open eyes, hands are bred to the sides.

"Tasty" ("Tәmla") - smile, head sloping to the side.

"Sour" ("ә ә") - children are frozen, mashed with hand.

"Bad" ("Beginner") - children shifted eyebrows.

"Afraid" ("Smoke") - raise eyebrows, wide open eyes, open the mouth, lift shoulders.

"Sly" ("xәylәkәr") - blink then right, then left eye. Etc.

The game is an effective and affordable form of activity in teaching Russian children of Tatar oral speech. Children do not even think that they learn, without noticing themselves, much better absorb Tatar words, phrases, suggestions and on this basis they work out the correct pronunciation of specific Tatar sounds. So, children play different national moving, horovoysaccompanied by text in the Tatar language.

In the senior and preparatory group, knowledge on topics are expanding and deepened. In children form skills:

Distinguish between Tatar and native languages;

Understand the speech in the Tatar language within the above topics;

To ask questions;

To express a request, desire, needs, the need for something;

Retell small texts in volume;

Make a story in the picture and observations;

To tell the poem, read, sing songs, fairy tales.

In addition, special attention is paid to such areas of work as:

Education in children of love for native edge, to her nature and careful attitude towards her;

Improvement of interest in the historical past of the native land;

Upbringing patriotic feelings in children, pride and respect for the past and true native land;

Acquaintance of children with interesting historical events, labor activity, culture, life and holidays of the Tatar people;

Acquaintance with historical monuments and sights of the capital - Kazan and Leninogorsk.

In the senior groups, I tell about the fact that our country is multinational. Let's bring children to understand that every people have their own folklore. In class I often use Tatar proverbs and sayings about work, about honesty, friendship, kindness. For example, "Friendship and Brotherhood is more expensive than wealth", "Friendship in Assistant Affairs", etc. Skillfully selected and applied in the appropriate situation, the situation - proverbs and sayings have an impact on education in children of love and respect for the national traditions of the Tatar people: forms a sense of partnership, honesty, kindness and hardworking, and the image imagery and brightness contribute to the development of children's speech .

The history of the republic, its state symbols are very interesting to children. They will learn about the state flag, state coat of arms and state hymn. Introduction to the state symbols of the Native Republic is not so much the transfer of knowledge as the formation on their basis of love for their homeland. In these classes, the preschooler forms concepts - love for his homeland, devotion to her, responsibility and pride for her, the desire to work for her blessing, take care and multiplying her wealth - the sense of patriotism awakens. It is impossible to raise a feeling of self-esteem, self-confidence, and, consequently, a full-fledged person without respect for the history and culture of their homeland, to its state symbolism. In all its elements (coat of arms, flag, hymn), the deepest meaning is laid: they reflect the history of the state of the state, its structure, goals, principles, national traditions, the features of the economy and nature.

Good learning results appear only when the efforts of teachers and parents are consistent. An important role in teaching children of Tatar conversational speech is played by the family. Defendants of children depends on the relationship of parents to their native language.

So, after the survey, it turned out:

1. All parents know that the RT has two state languages, but only one family owns two state languages. All parents want their children to communicate with people of other nationalities as equal, as they indicate their respect to their native land, the Republic of Tatarstan and the native city.

2. In addition, the results of the survey indicate that parents know the tatar tutorial educator, have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of its professional activities, see the results of its work on their children.

3. However, the question "Does your child say at home (or use individual words and phrases) in the Tatar language?" Yes - answered 17%; no - 13, 22%; Sometimes - 15, 25%. It is understandable, after all, on the question "Are the members of your family in the Tatar language talking about?" yes only 28% of parents answered; no - 70%; Sometimes - 2%.

How to be in such a situation? Of course, in our kindergarten for parents created information stands, conversations, consultations, round tables are held, individual consultations etc. However, we consider the most spectacular forms of work that allow you to move away from words to practical actions. Today, all parents understand the importance of learning two state languages. However, they need to help with a simple understanding (which is a passive position) to go to practical activities (active position). Parents need to encourage to plunge into the atmosphere of childhood, to visit the role of a child. What is it, to teach the Tatar language, which you need to know the most child, and that they, adults, i.e. Attract the Tatar language learning skills to mastering the skills. Such an approach allows not only harmonizing parent-child relationship, but to solve our problem to expand the tatar-speaking environment.

Thus, the methodological principles described by me help properly organize the process of communicating in the Tatar language and create an adequate developing language environment for children.