Cream with lifting effect. Face lifting cream: properties, composition, review of the best

Collecting reviews for lifting facial cream, every women tries to choose for themselves the best tool to painlessly and safely extend beauty and youth. What you need to know about such a simple and at the same time a very complex cosmetic agent as a cream with a lifting effect?

The face care of the face should begin with the youth itself. This does not mean that you need to run through beauty salons and make all sorts of procedures, which until a certain point are completely useless. It is also not necessary to apply tons of caring cosmetics on a young face. After all, it needs only in carefulness and maintain balance.

Caring for beauty using anti-aging means is starting exactly when you notice the unpleasant changes in your appearance:

  • "Goose paws" around the eyes;
  • wrinkles and omission of the corners of the lips;
  • skin Signs on the face;
  • blurry oval;
  • second chin formation;
  • too chubby cheeks with "balls";
  • dry and dull skin.

To combat all these manifestations, every woman sooner or later has to look for their lifting cream. And how to make a choice correctly?

Any cosmetics is a "bouquet" of components, each of which performs a specific function. In lifting cream, active ingredients are assembled in such a way that they influence the whole range of problems provoking the aging processes of epidermis and dermis.

Without going into the details of the chemical analysis of the components, we alternate only those substances that are in anti-aging cosmetics should be at the same time:

  • vitamin complexes improve the condition of the skin, activate intracellular processes;
  • antioxidants - to protect against harmful factors of the external environment;
  • vitamin C strengthens the vessels, stimulates the bloodstream, contributes to the removal of toxins;
  • organic acids to maintain skin tone;
  • peptides to equalize the relief and stimulation of regeneration processes;
  • coenzymes (in particular Q10) - to combat signs of aging;
  • hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin - to stimulate the production of own substances and replenishing stocks;
  • extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils, other useful ingredients.

Not all of the above components will be present in each lifting of the cream - yes it is not required. It is important that there are several "representatives from the list" in sufficient concentration. Only in this case, you can count on the desired effect.

Select and use good cream with lifting effect Experts recommend women aged after 35 years. This is a number of average, which does not indicate a unambiguous answer to the question.

Each person has its own individual characteristics that are inherited, acquired during life, arise due to various reasons (external and internal). All these nuances postpone the imprint on appearance. That is, signs of aging can occur both before and later.

It is necessary to use anti-aging cosmetics with a lifting effect when time manifestations are already visualized. Previously, it is not necessary to resort to the services of such funds, because in the skin and so in sufficient quantities are produced all necessary for maintaining the normal state of the substance. No need to "present on a saucer" what should be given through "Labor". Otherwise, they will provoke the slowdown in all processes.

Best cream with face lifting effect with reviews

What choose the most effective face cream with lifting effect? We pay special attention to the reviews that the stars leave. But they can afford to use drowned brand cosmetics. However, the fame of funds does not guarantee its exceptional efficiency. The market presents the goods of this segment with democratic prices and no less effectiveness. And we will focus on them.

You can watch an overview of face cream lifting 40+:

The well-known line of anti-viper cosmetics with hyaluronic acid, proxulated, vitamin complexes and vegetable extracts. Reviews about the effectiveness of conflicting, which is absolutely normal.

Olga, 42 years old, Saratov

"I use the daily cream of Loreal Revitalift for about a year. Initially, the result was invisible, only the peeling disappeared. After about a month of regular use, visible improvements were noticed - the grid of wrinkles became less, the skin was smoothed, it became even more

Lyudmila, 39 years old, Rostov-on-Don

"Looreal Revitalitalift is in vain spent money and time. The effect of zero, just lubricate the face nice smelling cream. But so you can also use or any other. "

As part of hyaluronic acid, collagen, urea and clay. Products The product is positioned as a means with a instant tightening effect.

Tatiana, 48 years, Moscow

"The tool really works. I tried at the girlfriend, it was necessary to urgently put the face before the responsible event. At first did not believe, but still put the cream on the face. And, about a miracle, after half an hour, I felt right how the skin began to "pull up". I bought myself without thinking "

Marina, 35 years old, Ramenskoye

"It's absolutely no secret for me that Maxiilyift is a great remedy for age wrinkles. I already use three years, making little breaks - so I was advised by a beautician. Says the skin is not used to "

Representative of the line of expensive cosmetics. Among the components of alcohol, dimethicone, glycerin, water, hyaluronate and vegetable extracts. With regular use guarantees excellent results.

Natalia, 38 years old, St. Petersburg

"Yes, expensive. Yes, it is difficult to find the original product. But the result is worth it. Do not save on yourself, expensive young lady, otherwise you do not see you of admiring views and do not see yourself young and beautiful. "

Victoria, 42 years old, Magnitogorsk

"I want to tell you that this cream has a lot of advantages and one significant drawback is a rather high price. If there is a financial opportunity, it is quite possible to use. But there are cheaper funds giving a similar result "

Positioned as a substitute for Botox. The composition includes vegetable and animal peptides, vegetable extracts, hyaluronic acid, vitamins. Representative of the average price segment.

Valentina, 45 years old, Samara

"The cream is good. Moisturizes the skin, pulls the oval, removes wrinkles around the eyes. I saw all this from my girlfriends and experienced it. Even a handful alternative to even the most expensive French creams "

Oksana, 52 years old, Kazan

"For me, this cream is a little weak in terms of eliminating wrinkles and leveling the facial tone. But the effect is still there - the skin is moisturized, pleasant to the touch, quite elastic. And all other defects in my age need to be corrected by more radical means. "

Natural agent based on natural ingredients. Manufacturers guarantee the achievement of visible results in a week of regular use.

Elena, 36 years old, Syzran

"Immediately surprised the texture of the cream - very dense, even seemed heavy. But when applied, a miracle occurs - the cream seems to be enveloped the skin, absorbing instantly, does not leave the fatty gloss and the sticky film. The face becomes smooth, shining, taut. Wrinkles smoothed. But it is necessary to use regularly, and not from the case of the case "

Alla, 30 years old, Kostroma

"I have very dry skin. Many funds tried, but they did not give the desired effect. They absorbed very quickly, and the face again became dry and peeling. With Natura Siberica everything changed. I am just one use in the morning and one evening to keep moisture in the skin, cut wrinkles around the eyes and mouth - there are no other yet. "

the whole line of popular anti-aging tools, which is represented by day, night and lifting cream for the eyelids. The composition contains vitamin and peptide complexes, hyaluronic acid, plant extracts. Products relate to the average price segment.

Carolina, 34 years old, Saratov

"Garnier is my favorite leaving cosmetics. I have been using it for a long time, only with time on the boxes are changing numbers. It is very nice that the husband marks my age only on these numbers, and not in appearance "

Vera, 42 years old, Ivanovo

"When there are so many means for the" ladies of Balzakovsky age "in stores, it is very easy to confuse abundance. I did easier and listened to the consultant. She advised Garnier, and the entire series. I bought, I hurt for half a year and do not regret. The effect is noticeable. "

Enjoying the special love of the women's audience of different ages. Contains coenzyme Q10, keratin and other components that provide a rejuvenating effect. It can be used at any time, but the most effective will be applied to the cleansed skin for the night.

Anastasia, 38 years, Moscow

"I will not sing the diffilams to the most beloved cream of many of my girlfriends. I am not delighted with him. He moisturizes, nourishes - there are no questions. But with wrinkles and flabbiness is fighting absolutely "in no way"

Tamara, 52 years old, Samara

"Neva for me is the best tool that was invented by cosmetologists. I use it for a long time and the results have always been pleased with the results. "

A series of anti-aging tools, including daylight, night and lifting cream, for the area around the eyes and for the eyelid. It has a ruler for different ages. But the use of cream lifting is recommended after 46. Good moisturizes, softens the skin, aligns the tone.

Valentina, 47 years old, Tver

"I use the" black pearl "for a long time and regularly. Only age-related indicators are changed. With my tendency to allergies, it is very difficult to choose the desired cream. This same approached perfectly. I am satisfied with the result - the face is fresh, the skin is soft, wrinkles are present, but they are small and smallness "

Ilona, \u200b\u200b44 years old, Kazan

"In the creams" Black Pearls "like everything - from smell to texture. A little bit upset one fact - the lifting effect is not so pronounced, as I would like "

Day cream Lifting Complex. Positioned as a means with an instantaneous effect. The unique lifting of the "Margo +" formula contributes to the structuring of oval, smoothing wrinkles, improving the skin turgora. The active ingredients protect against the influence of free radicals, UV radiation, brake aging processes at the cellular level.

Anna, 45 years, Moscow

"I use this cream about six months. If I knew about its performance, I would begin to apply even earlier. All that manufacturers promise - pure truth "

Kira, 39 years old, St. Petersburg

"Alas, but I started using lifting creams for another 35 years on the advice of your cosmetologist. I have such heredity. But the lifting cream of Margarita helps to cope with signs of aging on the face. Wrinkles smoothed, tone smooth, leather elastic and moisturized "

The cream has a black color to which the presence in the composition of extracts of marine algae. You do not need to be afraid of this fact, since the traces of black does not remain as soon as the means absorbed into the skin. The effect is observed in the first week of regular use. For the skin around the eyes there is a Le Soin Noir Yeux Eye Cream of the same line.

Kristina, 45 years old, Novosibirsk

"First, the black color alert a little - what will remain on the skin, because the cream is then day?! But after applied, all doubts were dispelled. Almost immediately felt the skin on his face as if she was cutting, or something. I use cream only two months, and while I am pleased with

Varvara, 49 years old, Omsk

"Livests are always associated with quality, safety and efficiency. And with this cream not happened. He really works as promised manufacturers. Do not be afraid of black, the face after use does not become gray or dim, very vice versa »

Choosing a face cream, do not forget to navigate your skin type and age.

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Applying lifting creams can be used after 35 years as basic care. Previously, by age, such funds are not necessary. You can even harm the skin, running the "Cancel effect". All because lifting products stimulate the formation of collagen, resulting in a natural skin update process resumes.

Advantages of the use of lifting creams

The cream lifting makes it possible to improve the condition of the skin, its tone, make a more elastic, taped. Cosmetic means of this type are well moisturized by fading skin, so it looks younger.

The cream with the lifting effect must be tested on an allergic reaction. For this purpose, you can take a probe in order not to buy a whole jar immediately.

When using lifting creams, it is necessary to consider the initial state of the skin of the face, its type and other nuances. A rich assortment of rejuvenating products allows you to find your means of youth and beauty, but often the search is built by the method of samples and errors. This is explained by the fact that the skin of each person has its own, and therefore, it is necessary to find an optimal solution, focusing on the efficiency of the contents of the cherished jar for you. You do not need to use the means that the neighbor advised, the right way out will be consulted with a beautician.

The action of the lifting cream cannot be estimated instantly, but the first signs of improvement of the miracle means are given after 3-4 weeks of use. You can choose night and daytime creams, products with gel texture. You need to apply the means on massage lines.

Secrets of using lifting creams

The lifting effect when using special creams is ensured by incorporating useful substances. This is vitamin A, or retinol promoting collagen production, hyaluronic acid that restores the epidermis, powerful antioxidant vitamin E and other components. The skin during fading should receive maximum power.

Often using lifting creams are recommended after chemical peeling, grinding to restore the skin. The recipe of these funds may contain medicinal extracts. And so that the rejuvenating action was noticeable - reflective particles.

Special attention specialists recommend to devote the skin of the chest, neck and age, it is these places that are the most vulnerable and gentle, so it is necessary to pick up lifting facilities for such zones.

When using lifting creams, it is necessary to remember that the gel agent is optimally suitable for oily skin, and the right choice for dry skin will be the usual cream. You can use the cream only before cleaning the skin. Permanent use of lifting cosmetics helps to align skin tone, make large wrinkles less noticeable and remove a small mesh.

Age changes negatively affect the state of the skin of the face and body. In the body after 35-40 years, the production of collagen fibers, which ensure the elasticity of the epidermis are significantly reduced. As a result, the first wrinkles appear, sought eyelids, the corners of the mouth are lowered. The lifting cream performs a face tightening, improves its contours, skin cover becomes smoother, the pores are taped, other age defects are adjusted.

Modern cosmetic firms represent a wide range of products aimed at eliminating age-related changes, suspenders. They contain vegetable extracts, useful amino acids, hyaluronic acid, coenzymes.

Creams and serum with lifting effect

1. Anti-aging cream lifting ShangPree Energy Resilience reduces moisture loss, restores regenerating properties, has a tonic effect. It is used to prevent and eliminate wrinkles on the epidermis of any type. Brightened age-related pigment spots, prevents the formation of dark circles under the eyes. As a result of regular use, skin tightening occurs, its irritation, inflammation and peeling are removed, extended pores decrease. The ShangPree preparation costs about 2000-3000 rubles.

2. Natura Siberica Caviar Lifting cream is designed based on black caviar rich in collagen and natural proteins. Organic cosmetics contains vegetable extracts that tone the skin, saturated with its useful trace elements and vitamins, protect against negative environmental impact. Siberica's nature contains a D-panthenol that contributes to narrowing the extended pores, the exhaust of the oak bark removes inflammation and irritation. Soapyanka extract stimulates the natural production of collagen fibers. It is used at any age for suspended and rejuvenation of the epidermis.

3. Anti-aging serum Bielenda Professional Therapy Hyaluron Wolumetria Nici 3D Serum is made according to an innovative formula that contributes to the rapid effect of rejuvenation. Collagen contained in a cosmetic agent reduces deep wrinkles, improves skin structure. Intelligent retinol capsules create a protective film on the surface of the epidermis, which prevents the loss of moisture, it reduces the risk of dehydration and deterioration of the elasticity of the cover. As a result of the use of Bielenda serum, the skin is 90% moistened, the pronounced lifting effect is noticeable, the face lift occurs, even deep wrinkles are smoothed. The cost is 1000-1500 rubles.

4. Face cream with Vichi LiftActiv SUPREME lifting effect is used to correct wrinkles, restore elasticity, skin elasticity. The active ingredients penetrate the deep layers of the epidermis, pushing the defects from the inside. Antioxidants are removed toxins, protect against the negative impact of external factors. Caffeine tones fabrics, removes the swelling of the face. The unique 3-D formula of Vichy allows you to perform instant optical correction, suspender. The cost of the drug is 1500-2000 rubles.

5. Cream with a lifting effect of Botox Bark helps to get rid of deep wrinkles. Its effect is based on peptides of plant and animal origin, hyaluronic acid, extracts of healing herbs, a vitamin complex. The result of use is not inferior to mesotherapy. The bark provides a quick face suspender, smoothes wrinkles, restores the water balance. The structure of the epidermis is improved at the cellular level. Price - 500 rubles.

6. DMAE DAEESS SESDERMA Facility Lifting Prevents Dry Skin Debanity, deeply moisturizes and feeds epidermis, brightens pigmentation. Botox effect is noticeable immediately after applying. The active substance is glycolic acid and dimethylaminoethanol. The price of this series is from 3500 rubles.

7. Lifting cream with a botox effect for PIEL REJUVENATE BOTOLIFTER BOTOX-EFFECT LIFTING CREAM Face Lifting Cream It is recommended to apply from 30 years to prevent the appearance and elimination of mimic wrinkles. With regular use of the means, natural restoration of collagen fibers occurs, elasticity, elasticity is improved. A special peptide, which is part of the muscle relatives, which are responsible for the formation of mimic wrinkles. The effect of the drug is based on natural herbal extracts, hyaluronic acid and collagen.

The cost of one jar PIEL - 2000 rubles. Select the cream is necessary individually, given the type of skin, age. Preferences should be given by hypoallergenic facilities on a plant basis, with protection against photoregments, which has a vitamin complex. The elasticity of the epidermis returns hyaluronic acid, with traces of fatigue and swelling, fruit peptides are fighting, panthenol, caffeine, collagen.

Review of reviews for the use of lifting-cream for face

"I nano Cream Cream Siberica for skin suspenders. He smoothes wrinkles well, has a rejuvenating effect, relieves irritation and inflammation. Apply the drug constantly, I must say that for your age I look very good! The effect of lifting is obvious. "

Natalia, Moscow.

"Good afternoon, and I picked up a good cream with a lifting effect for a suspended face, most liked the Swiss PIEL tool. The result is instantaneous immediately after applying, the tone and elasticity of the skin increases, it looks much better, younger. Reviews are positive, I advise you to try to those who want to get rid of wrinkles. "

Elizabeth, St. Petersburg.

"Noted that after 30 skin covers began to sign, goose paws appeared. I read on the Internet good reviews about Vichi LiftActiv, studied the description of the composition of active substances and decided to try. The result is noticeable immediately after applying, the skin looks much better, wrinkles smoothed. The tightening agent really liked it, now I use it constantly. "

Elena, Yekaterinburg.

"Cosmetics, stress and age have a negative impact on the state of my skin, in their years I looked older than peers. Girlfriends advised the cream with a Piel Botox Effect for tightening contours. The result was practically instant, the focus has improved, pigment stains disappeared, the pores narrowed, wrinkles are not so deep. Now he is constantly in my cosmetic bag, also bought the drug for the eyelids. Reviews only positive. "

Catherine, Nizhny Novgorod.


Is your age inexorably approaching 40? Do you think in the morning with quiet sadness thinking overnight wrinkles? Noticed the accusation of the eyelids and joy? All this can be removed from equilibrium, but you should not panic. Salvation becomes a cream lifting for a person, not so long ago appeared on the market, but has already managed to decline the incredible popularity among the weak sex representatives. What he fascinates so much?

High efficiency

Over time, the skin on the face becomes drier and thin, the color deteriorates, the contours are changed, as the muscular tone is reduced, the wrinkles are deepened, they begin to schedule the eyelids and cheeks. With these age changes, the cream with lifting cream is struggling, which is capable of being unrecognized to transform the face even without special cosmetic procedures. With the right and continuous use of this, it is possible to achieve simply stunning results:

  • the skin is returned to have elasticity and elasticity;
  • fabrics are strengthened;
  • improve the contour of the face;
  • small wrinkles smoothed;
  • deeper become not so pronounced;
  • fat sediments in the form "" are eliminated.

In a word, pulling the lifting cream for face and neck significantly rejuvenates the skin, slowing down the aging process and masking your true age. With it, it is possible for a long time to remain truly young and beautiful, as the skin will be less susceptible to age-related changes. And all this becomes possible, thanks to the latest developments and research in the field of cosmetology.

From the history of the name. The word lifting has an English origin (formed by lifting) and translated as lifting (i.e., the cream pulls up the age folds).

Get acquainted with the composition

After such flattering characteristics, you will probably want to purchase the best cream lifting for the face to win over time. You can do it, after appreciating the chemical composition of your funds you like. The more in it will be rejuvenating, pull-up components, the better the result will be. As a rule, in such elixirs of eternal beauty include the following ingredients:

  1. (Stimulates the formation of collagen fibers, maintains the skin hydrobalance at the desired level), C (removes radicals, protects against ultraviolet, strengthens the vessels), E (improves the texture and relief of the skin, warns photobores).
  2. Hyaluronic acid must be in the lifting of the cream: it softens and moisturizes.
  3. Alpha lipoic acid improves skin density, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates cosmetic defects.
  4. Acetyl hexapeptide-3 relaxes muscles, and wrinkles are becoming less noticeable.
  5. Alpha Hydroxykislota As part of a cream lifting exfoliates the dead cells that have already spent its own age, stimulates the production of collagen fibers, eliminates age-related pigmentation, softens.
  6. Peptides make the skin more elastic, healing microtraums, reduce the depth of wrinkles.
  7. Coenzyme Q10 slows the aging.
  8. Kinetin holds moisture, levels color, protects from photoregation.

If you want to purchase the best lifting of a face cream, pay attention to whether the components are in the means. It is they who provide the necessary suspender of fading skin. There is another little secret that will allow you not to make a mistake in the choice. The list of ingredients in the first place is a substance, the percentage of which in this cream is the highest.

Curious fact. Coenzyme Q10 (in a different way, it is called ubiquinone) is a vitamin-like substance that is in all cells of the human body, but especially a lot of it in the heart and liver. It is he who gives the cream lifting effect.

Rating the best

To date, most cosmetology brands already have in the line of their faces of face care of the face lifting creams. To navigate in the variety of products offered, you can first view the rating of the most popular of them and perfectly proven themselves.

  1. Resilience Lift (Sustained Lifting) from EsteeElauder (France).
  2. A Peel Dmae (Elixir of Eternal Youth) from Pharmaskincare (USA).
  3. JOUR EFFET LIFTANT (daily lifting effect) from Margarita Biarritz (France).
  4. Face One from CNC (China) is the best and fairly expensive lifting face cream with hyaluronic acid (the price begins from 3,500 rubles).
  5. cream OVALE LIFTING (lifting of contours of the face) from Yves Rocher (France).
  6. Q10 (Coenzyme) from Nivea Visage (Germany).
  7. BEAUT DU TEMPS from SAMPAR (France).
  8. elevator-asset cream from Vichy (France).
  9. Genistein (lifting) from Swisscode (Switzerland).
  10. Le Soin Noir (Night Cream Lifting) from Givenchy (France).

If all of the above for you is too unattainable because of high prices, you can always purchase a budget lifting of a domestic facial cream (clean line, black pearls, Planeta Organica, Natura Siberica and others). They are inexpensive, but in quality it is often not inferior to their foreign competitors.

If the case is not at all in the cost of the goods, but in its too chemical composition, think about cooking a cream lifting for a person at home from natural components. And you can do it with your own hands, in your own kitchen.

Home Laboratory: Recipes

Note that, despite its 100% environmental friendliness and safety, homemade facial creams with lifting effect will be far from so effective as the store. Yes, and the consistency of such mousses is characterized by high fatty and density, in contrast to light, air foam, which has come down from the conveyor. However, an increasing amount of modern women prefer them. Choose a recipe for yourself and enjoy a natural suspender that will definitely not cause irritation on the skin or side effects.

  • Sea buckthorn

List in a blender of 3 tablespoons of scraping sea buckthorn boiling water. Add to the resulting puree 1 teaspoon and royal milk. Lastly, retinol and tocopherol are poured last.

  • Cocoa Cream Lifting

On the water bath, melt 15 grams of bee wax, dilute it with water (teaspoon). Without taking off the baths, mix with 50 cc cocoa oil and 80 ml of unrefined vegetable oil. Cool. Add fresh uterine milk (no more than 10 ml). Be a blender.

  • Iodine

Mix the melted honey (tablespoon), unrefined olive oil (2 tablespoons), Vaseline (as much). Finally, add iodine (3 droplets).

  • Night

Pour the chopped zest of one lemon with a glass of melting water, leave for 7 hours. 50 ml of the resulting infusion mixed with a tablespoon of unrefined olive oil and a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Add 2 tablespoons of the most oily cream, 10 ml of any cologne, 20 grams of crushed rose petals. Whole whole lot of blend.

Any lifting creams (home and shopping) are aimed at slowing the processes of aging and the effects of PTOs. So it's not for nothing in women there is a question, from what age they can be used. As soon as you notice the first signs of wilting (accusations, wrinkles, the second chin), you can start a suspender. But cosmetologists do not recommend using such funds up to 35 years, so that the skin can produce collagen fibers as long as possible.

Creams and serums with lifting effect may delay many cosmetic anti-aging procedures associated with invasive techniques. And the individually selected texture of the means in combination with competent self-massage can create wonders comparable to the result of an expensive procedure in the cabin. What active substances and advanced complexes are responsible for anti-age components of modern lifting care products - in the Beauty-review website

One of the most popular and concentrated in the formulas of lifting-cream components is coenzyme Q10. This enzyme with an excess is in the young skin, but over the years, the cells reduce its development and the first, which is affected by this age process - the slowdown in the growth of new collagen fibers responsible for the tour, elasticity and appearance of the skin. It is known that the best time for stimulation and regeneration is the night. Nivea night lifting not only reduces small wrinkles, but also increases the level of both Coenzyme Q10, and stimulates the production of natural creatins responsible for instant lifting. With all the democratic price - Nivea's night lifting cream from Nivea is not well-deserved.

CRèME BEAUTÉ DU TEMPS from the newly officially appeared in Russia, the French brand SAMPAR, is intended for the prevention of problems, starting from 35 years. CRèME BEAUTÉ DU TEMPS can be applied as a universal means - both in the morning and in the evening. The basis of its action is the effective ingredients used in modern anti-age formulas: peptides, walnut extract, shea oil and jojoba, endorphine mint and sugar probiotics. This global moisturizing complex acts as a kind of antidote and is shown as a lifting agent at the first age signs of the loss of turgora and elasticity.

Most brands recommends a sufficiently long period of using anti-agents for visible results, and this is understandable - 21 days of the lunar month - the minimum term for transformation. But Vichy's learned laboratories refute this figure and offer to see the real result after 4 days! The unique active component of the Ramunosis, protected by 7 patents and the last 7 large-scale studies, suggests not about anti-aging care, and the restoration of the skin of the skin - wrinkles are becoming less pronounced, and the oval of the face acquires an accurate circuit. It sounds almost fantastic, but this is an accurate calculation of Vichy scientists - with competent effects on the papillary layer of the dermis, new cells are created, in the dermis - new fibers, and the most important processes in the dermo-epidermal compound are activated.

The spectacular black cream contains a complex of marine components: black seaweed concentrates capable of surviving in extreme conditions are supplemented with nutritional qualities of golden and brown algae. The 10-year study of this complex in the brand laboratory revealed its activity in relation to the keratinocytes of the epidermis and the restoration of the respiratory function of the mitochondrial cells. In combination with light smoothing movements from the chin in the direction of the forehead, this cream launches the processes for structural, reducing and protective processes in skin cells and provides an instant lifting effect.

This popular serum from the Swiss swisscode brand works at the expense of the high concentration of soybean isoflavones - one of the most effective plant components used in cosmetology - isoflavones belong to the group of phytoestrogen, similar to human estrogen. Regular use of Genistein serum guarantees the result compared to the effect of high-tech cosmetic procedures. Serum for an error correction is effective not only to restore the contour of the face and the leveling of small wrinkles, but also for the correction of complex wrinkles, "goose paws", and the accumulation of phytoestrogen leads to strengthening the contour of the face and a powerful lifting.

This lifting cream is shown by combined and oily skin with signs of fatigue and fading. Lab DERMALAB S.A., developing unique products for Swiss Line, set itself the task to offer clients of the brand not only high-class prolonged lifting, but also a long-term matting effect - as it is known, the maturing components applied to lifting tools weaken the visual effect of the suspender. Behind the first corresponds to the patented total lift-complex, which is responsible for instant lifting and smoothing wrinkles of mature skin, for the matting effect - a special powder. As a bonus, the cream has soothing qualities and removes local irritation inherent in oily skin.

The novelty from Estée Lauder is a unique modeling and recovery dual-action elixir Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond combines the energy of the valuable extract of black truffle and revolutionary skin care technologies. Re-Nutriv Ultimate Diamond uses all possible components to achieve unsurpassed lifting: a complex of phyto extracts, marine algae extracts and bioenses that help activate SIRT-1, SIRT-3 and SIRT-6 in the skin. The combination of ingredients stimulates the natural production of collagen and elastin, as well as over time increases the density and elasticity of the skin. In addition, purified 24-carat gold and anti-inflammatory components contained in the elixir are softened and calmed the skin.

Oh, youth, like you are speedless! Here is a beautiful young woman, dressed with a needle, festive makeup, the whole life is ahead .. How I want to sometimes stop the moment and stay forever young. With the same thick hair without a promine, elastic leather and ruddy brushes.