Why pulls the lower abdomen in early pregnancy. Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy: are there after IVF, at night

Why does it hurt, ache, prick the stomach, lower abdomen during pregnancy. Why do pregnant women have a stomach ache like during menstruation.

Pregnancy is, in any case, stress for the female body. His reaction is hard to predict. Some people tolerate their new condition perfectly, while others may experience various problems, including pain in the abdomen.
The reasons for the appearance of such pains in expectant mothers are different, and if they arise, you must, of course, consult a specialist who will help establish their true cause.

The first month of pregnancy and in the early stages, the stomach hurts like during menstruation: causes

From the moment of fertilization of the egg and up to the birth itself, processes take place in the body of the expectant mother that can give painful sensations. And although these feelings are not very pleasant for the expectant mother, neither she nor the baby is in danger.

  1. The fertilized egg moves towards the uterus and settles in it. A fertilized egg, penetrating into the endometrium, irritates or slightly damages the mucous membrane of the uterus or even a small blood vessel. This causes slight pain, similar to those that occur before the onset of her menstruation.
  2. Later, in the first month of pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes dramatically. In particular, progesterone is actively synthesized, which is responsible, among other things, for preparing the endometrial layer so that the fertilized egg is fixed in it, and the pregnancy is carried out normally. It may also cause some pain in the uterine area.
  3. During the same period, the woman's ligaments gradually stretch while waiting, the condition of the spine changes, as the center of gravity of the body changes. After all, the uterus, together with the embryo in it, not only becomes larger, but also changes its position in the nutria of the body. Its bottom rises higher relative to the organs, respectively, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched
Pain over the pubic bone shortly after conception may accompany the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Ectopic pregnancy

If a woman in the early stages constantly hurts under the navel, pains that increase in intensity, radiating to the leg, hypochondrium, rectum, the gynecologist, first of all, will send her for an ultrasound scan to make sure that the fetal egg is where it should be, in uterine cavity.

Necessary exclude ectopic pregnancy, which happens if the fertilized egg has not completed its passage to the uterus, but has attached itself outside its cavity - in one of the fallopian tubes, the cervix, etc. The fetal egg grows and develops, bursting the fallopian tube. Pain develops. In the end, if this process is not stopped at the start, an overgrown fetal egg, exceeding the diameter of the fallopian tube, can break it.

An ectopic pregnancy is a serious obstetric and gynecological problem and threatens a woman's health with organ rupture and internal bleeding.

The threat of miscarriage

IMPORTANT: A future mother can also get sick in the lower abdomen due to the threat of a miscarriage

  1. The tone of the uterus increases, which provokes detachment of the fetal egg and its expulsion
  2. At the same time, the pregnant woman aches and pulls over the pubic bone, gives to the lower back. She develops spotting - from slight, pinkish, to bright red-scarlet
  3. If there is a suspicion of a threat of spontaneous abortion, the only solution here is an ambulance and hospitalization. While waiting for the arrival of an ambulance, the woman should be at rest

Cyst of the corpus luteum

Pain in the internal genital organs in a pregnant woman may appear due to a cyst of the corpus luteum.

The corpus luteum is a temporary organ that produces progesterone, its function is to maintain pregnancy, the formation of the placenta.
Sometimes it happens that the corpus luteum grows, its dimensions do not correspond to the norm.

This condition is called a corpus luteum cyst. The cyst of the corpus luteum does not pose a particular threat to the pregnant woman, however, it can give not strong and not sharp, but pain localized in one place. With a corpus luteum cyst, a pregnant woman is recommended to rest and some changes in the behavioral regime, which the gynecologist will tell her about.

Relapses of chronic diseases

There is a tendency that during the period of bearing a child, expectant mothers exacerbate those diseases that they chronically suffered from before pregnancy, and from which the lower abdomen hurts.

Chronic diseases of the abdominal organs during pregnancy often relapse.

For example, if before she became pregnant, a woman had diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or the genitourinary system, then they can become aggravated during pregnancy or due to violations of the regimen.


IMPORTANT: Appendicitis is another possible cause of abdominal pain in a woman who is expecting a baby.

Improper nutrition

Uncomfortable sensations are not necessarily associated with an "interesting position." Everyone knows the whims of future mothers in food when you want a cake, and after it - with half a jar of pickles, then - sweets, and after them - shrimp. Such sharp jumps in nutrition provoke a violation of intestinal motility, flatulence, and the onset of pain. In order for the discomfort to go away, a woman needs to more or less balance her diet.

VIDEO: Why does my stomach hurt in the early stages of pregnancy?

Why does my stomach hurt at night during pregnancy, like during menstruation?

If the expectant mother does not have chronic diseases and does not have any pathologies associated with bearing a child, in principle, she should not have pain, especially such aching and cramping as during menstruation.

Pain can occur due to the reasons described above, or when:

  • overwork
  • prolonged stay of a woman in one position
  • However, there is a real reason to call an ambulance or at least call your doctor if:

    • a woman painfully feels like a shrinking, pulling and aching lump in the lower abdomen
    • if the discomfort increases both at rest (at night) and after physical overload

    The cause of such sensations may be a cramping contraction of the uterus during an impending or initiated spontaneous abortion.

    IMPORTANT: If the uterus is in hypertonicity, it is tense and hurts, regardless of the time of day. Women often experience similar sensations in the first days of menstruation. Starting from the second half of pregnancy, such a pathological preliminary condition must also be monitored by a doctor.

    Why does the lower abdomen hurt during pregnancy?

    Discomfort in the lower abdomen in a woman who is expecting a baby often occurs when:

    • the uterus grows with the embryo in it
    • tense abdominal muscles
    • the growing uterus changes its position relative to other internal organs - the muscles and ligaments that support it can stretch
      violation and changes in the diet of a pregnant woman
    • disruption of the digestive tract, constipation occurs
    • there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or premature birth
    • the embryo implants outside the uterus
    • extragenital inflammation occurs

    Why does the stomach hurt on the left during pregnancy?

    If a pregnant woman has pain on the left side of her abdomen, an urgent consultation with a doctor is needed.

    In the abdominal cavity and pelvic area of ​​a woman, there are a large number of internal organs held by a corset of muscles and ligaments. This explains the fact that if pain occurs, it can not only spread over the stomach, but also be localized in one place or another.

    If it hurts on the left, then it is most likely given by one of the overstretched ligaments that support the grown uterus. Often enough to rest or change the position of the body to feel good.

    There is a possibility of pain syndrome due to inflammation of the organs in the pelvis and abdominal cavity:

    • left ovary
    • left appendage
    • Bladder
    • left kidney

    If the embryo inside the uterus is attached to the left, this sometimes leads to some pain discomfort in the woman due to spasms.

    IMPORTANT: In any case, it is best to ask your doctor about your specific individual reason for such pain.

    Why does the stomach hurt on the right during pregnancy?

    Pain on the right side of the abdomen during pregnancy should be taken more seriously.
    The reasons for it may be:

    1. The fertilized egg is attached to the uterus on the right side, which causes painful spasms in the pregnant woman
    2. Overstretching or pinching of the muscle and ligaments that support the pregnant uterus
    3. The child moves in the uterus on the right side, his tremors for the mother can sometimes be painful for her
    4. The fertilized egg implanted in the right fallopian tube (some symptoms of this: pain in the right abdomen, bleeding, weakness of the woman)
    5. Appendicitis
    6. Infringement of muscles and ligaments, adhesions
    7. Right cyst rupture
    8. Inflammatory processes in the internal organs

    Why does the stomach hurt like during menstruation during pregnancy at 15-16 weeks?

    At 15 - 16 weeks from conception, toxicosis, if it was, disappears. The fruit is actively developing. In a pregnant woman, in the absence of pathologies, it can hurt in the lumbar spine due to the increased load on it. The natural cause of pain, similar to menstrual, may be the growth of the uterus and the restructuring of the musculoskeletal apparatus associated with it.

    Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy in the 2nd trimester at 20-21 weeks?

    In the middle of pregnancy, the belly of the expectant mother may hurt, again, due to natural causes. But it can also signal varying degrees of serious problems with bearing a baby.

    Physiology can be explained if the lower abdomen of a woman is slightly ill and hurts:

    • occasionally
    • when changing the position of the body
    • overexertion of the abdomen, back or legs

    Perhaps there is a threat of placental abruption or spontaneous abortion if:

    • pain syndrome increases
    • the pain doesn't go away for a long time
    • it radiates to the lower back
    • discharge appeared

    In the second trimester, the expectant mother can be tormented by painful uterine hypertonicity.

    Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 30-31 weeks?

    At 30 - 31 weeks of pregnancy, the weight of the baby in the womb, and, accordingly, of the woman, increases. The load on her spine, organs and joints also increases.
    During this period, the stomach should not hurt, except perhaps if a woman ate something wrong and irritated the intestines, causing flatulence.

    Why does the stomach hurt like during menstruation during pregnancy at 33 weeks?

    Overwork, physical overload and training contractions are the causes of abdominal pain in expectant mothers in the last two months before giving birth.

    Perhaps the uterus began to shrink and there is a risk of premature birth.
    Also, training contractions can give some soreness. To make sure that everything is fine, it is better to contact the gynecologist leading the pregnancy, or call an ambulance.

    Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 35-36 weeks?

    If during this period the stomach not only hurts, but also there is a feeling of its petrification, then the tone of the uterus increases, which can lead to premature birth.

    Why does the stomach hurt during pregnancy at 37-38 weeks?

    At 37 - 38 weeks, the expectant mother's stomach may hurt for quite understandable reasons. Her body is preparing for childbirth, the cervix begins to gradually open. This process is accompanied by cramping aching pains. At this point, you need to relax, take a comfortable position or take a shower.

    Drawing pains in the lower abdomen at 38 weeks means that the uterus is preparing for childbirth, coming into tone and relaxing.

    Why does my stomach hurt during pregnancy at 40-41 weeks?

    The pregnancy period has come to an end, and if a woman has a stomach ache, she may have contractions. Contractions may be minor at first, with significant intervals of time between them. Then they become more frequent, and the period of time between them is reduced. Giving birth soon!

    VIDEO: Signs of the beginning of childbirth. When is it time to go to the hospital?

    Pregnancy is a natural physiological process that occurs in a woman's body after conception for procreation. In the fallopian tube, the male and female reproductive cells merge, resulting in the formation of the fetus.

    The duration of pregnancy is 40 weeks from the end of the last menstrual cycle. The whole period is divided into three periods, called trimesters. Each stage is accompanied by its own changes in the body and symptoms. For example, during early pregnancy, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen.

    Starting from the first days of pregnancy, the female body undergoes numerous hormonal changes. This is manifested in symptoms that appear from the first weeks.

    The most important sign of pregnancy is the delay in menstruation. This is the first thing any woman pays attention to. In the first trimester, the fertilized egg begins to develop.

    Associated symptoms

    In the first trimester, the following signs can be distinguished:

    • Breast augmentation;
    • The appearance of fatigue and rapid fatigue;
    • Frequent mood swings;
    • Nausea in the morning;
    • Aversion to certain foods, change in taste sensations;
    • Weight gain or loss;
    • The possibility of constipation;
    • Frequent urination;
    • Heartburn and headache are possible.

    The nature of pain

    Pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy occur quite often. The reasons can be both serious and completely harmless. In the first months, pain can be physiological. The stomach and lower back can hurt.

    A week after conception, the fetal egg begins to take root in the endometrium. At this point, microscopic damage to the mucous membrane may occur, which results in pain.

    In the first days of pregnancy, the hormonal background changes. The amount of progesterone in the blood increases - this can also cause pain. During this period, the center of gravity of the body changes, the ligaments are stretched, which causes pain in the lower abdomen.

    Drawing pains

    During pregnancy, a woman's body produces hormones that affect bowel function. Food begins to move more slowly, constipation may occur. A woman notes dull pains in the lower abdomen, most often on the right, there is increased gas formation.

    To avoid such problems, you need to drink more fluids, consume more fiber, dairy products. A good prevention of constipation can be light physical activity.

    Stitching pains

    Very often, a woman can feel stabbing pains in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy in the uterus. Pulling painful sensations can turn into stabbing.


    • In increasing the tone of the uterine myometrium. It is necessary to lie down, calm down, the pain will subside;
    • If the stabbing pain is accompanied by constipation, flatulence, then this is due to a violation of the functioning of the intestine;
    • When filling the bladder, there are pulling pains that can turn into stitching. This may be the cause of cystitis;
    • Uterine bleeding;
    • Spontaneous abortion;
    • Ectopic pregnancy, if a stabbing pain appears on the left lower abdomen.

    Pain on the right side

    Sudden pain in the right side should be taken very seriously. If the pain continues for more than half an hour, then urgent medical attention is needed.

    On the right side are such organs: the liver, part of the intestine, gallbladder, part of the diaphragm. Disease of these organs can cause pain in the upper abdomen.

    If you are worried about pain in the right hypochondrium, then this is probably a liver disease. Pain can be after eating fatty foods. If the pain in the right side lasts more than 12 hours, and then is localized near the navel, then most likely it is appendicitis. Also, a painful sensation in the right side is possible with an ectopic pregnancy or a sexually transmitted infection.

    If it hurts on the left

    Pain on the left side of the abdomen may indicate intestinal obstruction or pancreatitis. Pain may radiate to the left side.

    Aching pains, as during menstruation

    Such pain occurs at the moment when the egg begins to attach to the walls of the uterus. This occurs between 6 and 14 days after fertilization. A woman feels pulling pains, blood impurities may appear in the vaginal discharge.

    Pain symptoms come and go within 2-3 days, this is normal and nothing to worry about. If the pain does not go away, and their intensity increases and is accompanied by other symptoms, then you need to look for the cause.

    In the early stages, with pain in the lower abdomen, nausea and dizziness appear, this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The pains are sharp, strong, the woman feels weak and may lose consciousness. If the pain is accompanied by bleeding, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Perhaps the reason is the detachment of the fetal egg or the incipient miscarriage. Allocations, in this case, have shades of brown - from light to brown. Red discharge, accompanied by pain, as with menstruation, may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage that has begun.

    Sharp pains in the inguinal folds

    During pregnancy, a woman experiences pain not only in the abdomen, but also in the groin.

    Such pain can be divided into:

    1. Physiological;
    2. Pathological.

    In the first case, discomfort in the groin is caused by increasing physical stress on the body. They are not associated with any disease. Pain appears during the formation of a temporary gland or corpus luteum at the site of a fertilized egg. Its main function is to produce progesterone and estrogen - hormones needed by the body.

    Sometimes a cyst forms in place of the corpus luteum, which can also cause pain. After the formation of the placenta, in the second half of pregnancy, the cyst resolves without leaving any consequences.

    Pathological causes of groin pain:

    • Ectopic pregnancy. The fertilized egg stops in the fallopian tube, begins to grow - this causes pain. Surgical intervention is necessary, in the early stages there is a possibility of saving the tube. If you do not intervene in time, the pipe may burst, and this is fraught with bleeding and a threat to the woman's life;
    • Inguinal hernia. Symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by walking, bulge on one side of the abdomen. The growing fetus presses on the hernia, causing pain. A hernia can be removed only after childbirth, so it is recommended to wear a special bandage that supports the stomach;

    • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. It can occur in the presence of infection, while there is an increase in lymph nodes, the temperature rises;
    • Genitourinary infections, kidney or ureter stones;
    • Genital herpes;
    • Injury in the groin area;
    • Aneurysm of the femoral artery.

    Natural causes of pain

    In the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes various changes. The pains that appear during this period are the result of the physiological restructuring of the body. They do not threaten pregnancy.

    Pain during this period should not be sharp and acute. Aching pain means the introduction of the embryo into the wall of the uterus, that is, a successful conception process.

    Physiological causes

    Physiological causes of abdominal pain can be:

    • Malfunctions in the work of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by bloating, flatulence, constipation;

    Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy, which is of a physiological nature, can be caused by problems in the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, constipation
    • Stretching of the uterine ligaments, under the influence of hormones produced during pregnancy;
    • The growth of the uterus and the rise to the abdominal cavity causes pain in the abdomen, due to muscle strain.

    All these pain symptoms are not dangerous, however, a pregnant woman should report them to a gynecologist.

    Pathological causes of pain

    Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy is not always the result of physiological changes in the body. Sometimes they can be a symptom of a serious illness.

    The most common pathological source of pain is:

    • hypertonicity of the uterus, at an early stage can cause a miscarriage. With increased tone, severe pains appear in the lower abdomen, the lower back aches. The abdomen “hardens”, blood discharge may appear - this is already a sign of an incipient miscarriage;

    • frozen pregnancy;
    • exacerbation of gynecological diseases.

    Frozen pregnancy

    One of the pain symptoms can be missed pregnancy.

    The main signs of a missed pregnancy:

    • spotting (pink, red, brown);
    • pain in the lower abdomen or back;
    • suddenly stopped all the symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.);
    • the chest stops hurting;
    • during the inflammatory process, the temperature rises.

    All of these causes occur in the normal course of pregnancy, as well as in ectopic pregnancy. An accurate diagnosis can only be established by a doctor after additional diagnostics (ultrasound, blood test for hCG). With this diagnosis, a pregnancy test may be positive for a few more days, so this method is unreliable.

    Causes of missed pregnancy:

    1. Genetic - due to a problem with genes or chromosomes, even if both parents are healthy;
    2. Anebryonia. The cells responsible for the development of the embryo stop dividing, and the placenta continues to form;
    3. Hormonal disorders;
    4. Certain types of infectious diseases;
    5. Pathology of the uterus;
    6. Pregnant women who drink alcohol and smoke are more likely to have miscarriages;
    7. Excess or lack of body weight;
    8. Taking certain hormonal, anti-inflammatory and contraceptives;
    9. Intoxication with chemical fumes (necessity associated with work);
    10. chronic diseases;
    11. More often than not, pregnancy with more than one child results in constipation;
    12. For unknown reasons, IVF is more likely to result in miscarriage.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    An ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg stops in the fallopian tube and begins to grow. This happens during early pregnancy.

    During this period, a woman feels pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the rectum and sacrum. As a result, the tube may burst, and profuse bleeding begins. You need to see a doctor urgently.

    Risk of miscarriage

    The diagnosis of "threat of miscarriage" at an early stage is made due to the increased tone of the uterus, the reasons may be the following:

    • Nervous excitement, stress;
    • Increased physical activity, causing tension in muscle fibers;
    • Low production of progesterone.

    Symptoms that a woman feels:

    • Pain in the lower abdomen, similar to menstruation;
    • The stomach becomes "stone";
    • Pain radiating to the lower back and sacrum.

    Sometimes bleeding may appear. If cramping pains appear with an interval of several minutes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

    Cyst of the corpus luteum

    The corpus luteum is a temporary gland that produces progesterone and tarragon, hormones needed during pregnancy. The corpus luteum cyst has a benign basis, it is formed at the site of a burst follicle.

    Usually the cause is poor circulation and lymph in the corpus luteum. It is often difficult to determine the true cause of a cyst. In most cases, the appearance of a cyst does not cause any symptoms.

    Some women report the following symptoms:

    1. The appearance of pain during sexual intercourse or physical activity;
    2. Small bleeding;
    3. Feeling of heaviness in the place where the cyst is located.

    Usually, when a corpus luteum cyst is detected, doctors choose expectant management for 3 months. Nothing threatens either the mother or the unborn child, since in the second trimester the cyst usually resolves on its own.

    Deficiency or excess of hormones

    Low progesterone levels early in pregnancy can lead to miscarriage. In this case, there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. One of the possible reasons is the lack of development of the corpus luteum, which is due to the peculiarity of development against the background of inflammation of the appendages.

    The cause of hormone deficiency against the background of a favorable development of pregnancy may be:

    • Improper development of the fetus;
    • Violation of the formation of the placenta;
    • Frozen pregnancy;
    • Risk of miscarriage.

    A decrease in progesterone levels is possible with an ectopic pregnancy.

    The increased content of hormones is also unfavorable, the reasons are:

    1. cyst of the corpus luteum;
    2. Violation of the placenta;
    3. Pathology of the kidneys, which delays the excretion of hormones;
    4. Adrenal disease;
    5. Taking certain medications.

    The consequences of an increased content of hormones can be fetal pathology or abortion.

    Surgical pathologies

    Pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy may have a different nature. This may be due to disruption of the internal organs and surgical pathologies.

    List of the most common:

    • During exacerbation, the pains are localized in the upper part of the abdominal cavity, but can also be given down the abdomen;
    • Cholecystitis;
    • Cystitis. The woman feels pain in the upper part of the pubis, urination is difficult;
    • Appendicitis. There is aching long-term pain that radiates to the lower back, lower abdominal cavity. Vomiting and fever may occur.

    The true cause of pain in the abdominal cavity can be identified only after special examinations.

    Premature placental abruption

    Premature abruption of the placenta in the first period of pregnancy can cause severe bleeding. This poses a danger to the mother and fetus.

    Main symptoms:

    • Abundant bleeding from scarlet to dark in color, depending on the period of detachment;
    • Pain in the uterus and lower abdomen;
    • Tension of the uterus;
    • low blood pressure, dizziness and weakness;
    • Change in fetal heart rate: increase or slowdown.

    There are several reasons for placental abruption during pregnancy:

    • Regular increase in maternal blood pressure (above 130/90 mmHg);
    • Violation of blood clotting;
    • Increased pressure is accompanied by constant swelling and impaired kidney function;
    • placental insufficiency;
    • Nervous overload;
    • Mechanical impact of the uterus.

    Non-gynecological causes

    Abdominal pain in a pregnant woman may be associated with chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder.

    When to call an ambulance

    In what situations is an ambulance needed for a pregnant woman?

    There are several situations:

    • With the appearance of heavy bleeding;
    • Pain in the abdomen is accompanied by discharge, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, palpitations;

    • Leakage of amniotic fluid;
    • Severe headache, flies before the eyes, high blood pressure, convulsions;
    • Decreased fetal activity;
    • Abdominal trauma.

    First aid

    For pain in the abdomen you need to lie down, relax, eliminate sources of noise. With pulling pains in the abdomen, accompanied by bleeding, you can take no-shpu, papaverine or metacin to relax the tone of the uterus.

    With high blood pressure, you need to take the drugs recommended by your doctor. The best recommendation: wait for a doctor and do not self-medicate.


    At an early stage of pregnancy, a diagnosis is made to exclude Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome, and neural tube defects. This procedure is called biochemical screening.

    Biochemical screening is carried out for:

    • Threat of abortion;
    • The presence of previous miscarriages;
    • The presence of hereditary diseases.

    A test for the analysis of two hormones is carried out at 11-13 weeks. If necessary, at 15-20 weeks, the procedure is repeated for the analysis of 3 hormones.

    Ultrasound examination is performed at an early stage to confirm pregnancy, the size, shape and location of the ovum. With the help of this study, the presence or absence of defects on the part of the central nervous system, pathologies of the spine, Down syndrome, and other anomalies is determined. With the help of ultrasound, the condition of the cervix, placenta, and uterine muscles is determined.

    An invasive diagnostic method makes it possible to verify the normal development of the fetus, to exclude genetic abnormalities and defects.


    In case of involuntary miscarriage, medication is prescribed, possibly in a hospital. The woman is recommended bed rest, hormonal therapy, painkillers and sedatives.

    Frozen pregnancy and ectopic require surgical intervention. With gestosis, treatment in a hospital is prescribed.

    Folk remedies

    During pregnancy, every woman tries to think about the child first. Therefore, in the event of headaches, toothaches and other pains, he tries to avoid taking medications. There are several remedies that can help relieve or relieve some of the pain.

    For example, you can independently remove the increased tone of the uterus. It is given to most pregnant women. The main reason is an active lifestyle. So the most important thing is to give the body a rest. There are exercises, the purpose of which is to relax the whole body, face.

    Exercise 1

    It is necessary to lie down in a comfortable position, completely relax the whole body, breathing should be calm, eyes closed. The muscles of the face are not tense. You need to feel how the energy of the body leaves through the hands.

    Breathing should be even and calm. This exercise must be done in the morning and evening.

    Exercise 2

    Get on your knees, arms bent at the elbows. Lower your head and relax completely. While inhaling, gently raise your head, bending back, linger for a few seconds. As you exhale, slowly take the starting position. Do 4 times and lie down for an hour in a calm state.

    Aromatherapy helps to relieve tension and stress if you are not allergic to herbs. With a headache, tea with the addition of lingonberry leaf helps. The proportion of tea / lingonberries: ½.


    To prevent unwanted complications during pregnancy, you must follow a number of rules:

    • Pass a preliminary examination for infections to both spouses;
    • In the presence of a chronic disease, control it, try not to exacerbate the disease;
    • Exclude any diet, the food should have a sufficient amount of vitamins, minerals;
    • Pregnant women must undergo a multi-stage examination.

    The early pregnancy period is considered the most important. To avoid unpleasant complications, incl. pain in the lower abdomen, gynecologists advise to adhere to a number of rules.

    In early pregnancy, follow these recommendations:

    1. Register as soon as possible;
    2. Adhere to proper nutrition;
    3. To refuse from bad habits;
    4. Favorable emotional background;
    5. It is forbidden to take drugs.

    Article formatting: Natalie Podolskaya

    Video about pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

    Video about pain in the lower abdomen during early pregnancy:

    Pregnancy is a period of waiting for a baby, of course, the joy and happiness of any woman. But, it often happens that pregnancy is accompanied by painful sensations that were not previously manifested in the body. And it is worth listening to such feelings and paying close attention to them, since they can serve as a provocative factor for extremely negative consequences.

    In early pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen can occur for a variety of reasons. All pains in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be divided into physiological and pathological.

    Physiological pain

    Physiological pains, these are those that arise due to the pregnancy itself, do not bring much concern. They do not increase, and are almost not noticed by the woman herself. Sometimes it can cause pain in the lower back. These pains are usually caused by the process of attachment of the embryo to the endometrium inside the uterus (with microscopic damage to the mucous membrane or blood vessel).

    Changes in the hormonal background in a pregnant woman cause pain in the lower abdomen, also refer to physiological pain.

    These painful sensations are not pathologies, should not cause concern, and require medical intervention. With the course and development of pregnancy, these pains disappear on their own.

    Hormonal adjustment

    With changes in the hormonal system of a pregnant woman, pain in the lower abdomen can occur as a norm or be a signal of serious disorders in the body. Most often, it is hormonal changes or restructuring in the hormonal system that is the main cause of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy.

    In this case, the pain is not intense with a periodic, not protracted character. After the completion of the restructuring work in the hormonal system, approximately one and a half to two months after conception, the soreness of the abdomen disappears, the pain disappears.

    Pain in the lower abdomen can also disturb a woman on the expected days of menstruation, if these days were painful for a woman before pregnancy.


    Another cause of pain that can occur in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy is bloating. To avoid this soreness, it is important to adjust your diet.

    A pregnant woman should not get involved in legumes, cabbage and yeast products. You should eliminate from your diet anything that can increase the level of gas formation.

    Pathological pain

    This type of pain includes all other painful sensations that are caused by the presence of diseases or pathological processes: frozen pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, the presence of pathologies and diseases, a corpus luteum cyst, the threat of miscarriage, and other gynecological and non-gynecological diseases.

    Frozen pregnancy

    Pain in the lower abdomen in the first trimester of pregnancy can serve as a signal for very deplorable disorders. If such pains are accompanied by bloody vaginal discharge, nausea and vomiting, fever, such pains are evidence of a missed pregnancy or spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). Usually, shortly before such symptoms, a woman ceases to feel signs of pregnancy - toxicosis disappears, the mammary glands soften, chorionic gonadotropin is not detected in the urine.

    Pain in the lower abdomen, in this case, will be direct evidence of the death of the embryo.

    The fetus can exit the uterine cavity on its own, but often, to prevent inflammation in the uterus and organs of the reproductive system, the so-called cleaning of the uterine cavity is done.

    Sometimes, with timely hospitalization and medical care, it is possible to save the embryo and restore the subsequent normal pregnancy.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Pain in the lower abdomen can signal an ectopic pregnancy. As a rule, such pains are accompanied by spotting bloody vaginal discharge.

    At the same time, it does not give visual positive results of pregnancy, that is, the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus is not detected on the screen of the device. An ectopic pregnancy is treated exclusively by surgery. The operation consists in removing the fallopian tube with a fertilized egg. After that, a woman is not recommended to become pregnant during the first three years.

    Diseases and pathologies

    Often, pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy occurs due to the presence of diseases of the urinary system. (inflammation in the bladder), a disease that is most common in pregnant women. It is also confused with frequent urination during pregnancy.

    Cystitis manifests itself through a frequent feeling of fullness of the bladder and painful urination. Treatment of cystitis is not an easy process. At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed.

    It is much easier than treating cystitis to prevent it. To do this, it is enough to regularly observe and carry out all measures for intimate hygiene, wear warm clothes in the cold season, treat candidiasis in a timely manner, and not expose the body to hypothermia.

    Another cause of pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy can be. These pains will be accompanied by swelling of varying degrees (on the face and throughout the body). A pregnant woman with pyelonephritis is always at risk. Pyelonephritis is also treated with antibiotics and only in a hospital, under the supervision of a doctor. A woman is advised to lie on her side opposite from the diseased kidney and drink plenty of fluids.

    Another cause of pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. In this case, immediate hospitalization and surgery to remove the appendix will be required. For pregnant women in this case, safe anesthesia is used.

    Another cause of pain during the period of bearing a child that occurs in the lower abdomen may be intestinal obstruction. And here, too, surgical assistance may be required. As a rule, such pains are accompanied by nausea, the urge to vomit, and the complete absence of stools.

    Pregnancy, especially in the early stages, as something new for a woman, can provoke itself, due to the changing center of gravity. Such pains are very weak, sometimes just causing discomfort.

    Risk of miscarriage

    Pain in the lower abdomen during the initial stage of pregnancy can occur with and. There is a detachment of the fetal egg. The intensity of pain in this case will depend on the strength of the detachment. And these pains can be accompanied by various symptoms, from smearing slightly brownish discharge to bright red bleeding.

    Cyst of the corpus luteum

    To maintain pregnancy in the body of a woman, immediately after conception, it begins to develop or form. This is a temporary body. Its development occurs at the site of the bursting follicle. The task of the corpus luteum is to produce progesterone (pregnancy hormone). This process continues until the very end of the formation of the placental layer.

    When there is a violation in the development of the corpus luteum, and fluid begins to accumulate in it, doctors speak of a corpus luteum cyst.

    As a rule, there is no danger to pregnancy in this. But pain in the lower abdomen can be periodic and without much intensity.

    The intervention of the surgeon in this case is also superfluous. But, there are a number of recommendations for pregnant women who are diagnosed with a corpus luteum cyst. With a similar diagnosis, a woman during pregnancy should especially protect herself from physical exertion, long walks, playing sports and lifting weights, and sexual intimacy. All this can cause a rupture of the cyst, the manifestations of which will be similar to those of an ectopic pregnancy. And then surgery is required.

    Surgical pathologies

    Surgical pathologies that cause pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy include inflammation of the gallbladder. Pain from the right hypochondrium can spread to the entire abdomen or be localized in the lower abdomen, due to the high level of gas formation.

    In this case, the treatment will be conservative, taking into account all the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.

    Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is a common occurrence that often accompanies the expectant mother. In no case should you ignore pulling pains, especially in the first trimester, it is better to seek help from a specialist. However, there are times when pain should not cause concern. So in what cases, pulling pains are a clear sign of a threat? We will understand in this article.

    Why do pulling pains occur in the early stages

    Practice shows that a variety of signs can indicate the onset of conception. This applies to such phenomena as breast swelling, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headaches, increased sensitivity to odors, and even pulling pains in the lower abdomen. It often happens that in the early stages the lower abdomen pulls as before menstruation. At the same time, many mothers assume that menstruation will soon begin and do not pay attention to this symptom.

    For many women, discomfort in the lower abdomen goes almost unnoticed, so they do not panic and lead a normal life. It also happens that the pain is quite intense and it is simply impossible not to notice it. If a girl has already taken a pregnancy test, such an unpleasant symptom makes her wonder if everything is in order with the baby.

    The nature of pain in the lower abdomen is individual for each woman. For some, the pulling pains are so minor that they do not feel much discomfort and see no reason for concern.

    For others, the stomach in the early stages of pregnancy hurts and pulls quite noticeably, which makes you think about the presence of problems with bearing a baby.

    In any case, experts recognize such sensations in the initial period as the norm, which is explained by changes in the hormonal background. The body of a pregnant woman is adjusted to bear a child, so the restructuring captures all systems.

    When pulling pains do not cause concern for pregnancy?

    Among the safe reasons, causing painful pulling sensations, the following are distinguished:

    • As a result of contraction and growth of the uterine muscles. Ligaments and muscles adapt to an interesting position, hence there is a feeling of heaviness and pulling pain. Certain exercises, postures and relaxation will help solve the problem.
    • The pulling pain that occurs after conception may be one of the first symptoms of pregnancy. Even before the delay, there are sensations similar to the pains accompanying menstruation;
    • Drawing pains can also appear due to a rush of blood in the uterus, as blood circulation begins to increase in it.
    • Intestinal disorder. The hormone progesterone helps to relax not only the muscles of the uterus, but also other smooth muscle organs, including the intestines, food does not have time to be digested in time, which creates stagnation, leading to pulling pains and flatulence, colic, bloating, constipation, etc.

    Such pains are called physiological, they do not cause concern for pregnancy if: during pregnancy, the stomach pulls temporarily, and not permanently (if you rest, the pain will stop); the pain has a pulling character, there are no sharp and cramping pains; in addition to a pulling sensation, there is no bleeding; after taking no-shpa, or using suppositories with papaverine, the intensity of pain disappears; pain can be easily tolerated, there is no increase in pain; there is no sharp decrease in blood pressure, increased heart rate and urge to vomit.

    However, if even such pulling pains cause you fear and anxiety, you can contact a specialist.

    Drawing pains that can threaten the course of pregnancy

    The following symptoms should be paid special attention, since we will consider further pathological pains that often threaten pregnancy:

    • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen, which are accompanied by pain in the lumbar region during physical exertion;
    • Along with this, there are cramping pains in the abdomen and discomfort, which may be accompanied by spotting, which may indicate a miscarriage that has already begun;
    • There is weakness, general malaise and dizziness;
    • Sometimes constantly pulling pains occur due to hypertonicity of the uterus. In no case should they be ignored, as they can also cause a miscarriage. With proper treatment, most similar situations have a favorable outcome;
    • Pulls the lower abdomen, there is pain and pressure in the anus, or difficulty urinating.

    With these additional symptoms, medical attention should be sought immediately. Most likely, this will be followed by hospitalization and a course of preservation therapy.

    In no case do not refuse hospitalization! After all, the doctor should regularly monitor you, the condition of the child.

    Spontaneous miscarriage

    We must not forget that in some cases, pain may indicate a spontaneous miscarriage. Depending on the stage of the process, doctors distinguish three types. Threatened miscarriage - the process has not yet begun, but there is a high risk. The woman feels heaviness in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region and sacrum there are slight pulling pain sensations. With the onset of a miscarriage, the pain intensifies - the stomach hurts unbearably - and spotting joins them. With a miscarriage, these symptoms intensify even more.

    But in these stages, the process is reversible if the woman receives qualified assistance in a timely manner. But if there was a complete miscarriage, the doctors are already powerless, since there is a complete or partial expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. The pain in such a situation is very strong, and bleeding may also begin. Then the stomach abruptly stops hurting, but this is not a reason to relax. In most cases, the doctor decides to curettage the uterine cavity in order to prevent the development of an inflammatory process or infection.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    Also, at an early stage of bearing a child, pulling pain appears due to the fact that in some cases the embryo is fixed in the wrong place (in the uterine tube) - this phenomenon is called ectopic pregnancy. Because only one of the pipes is affected in this situation, it will pull in it - to the right or to the left.

    An ectopic pregnancy is a serious and dangerous pathology, fraught with complications and recurrence, entailing the loss of childbearing function and even a threat to a woman's life. The first symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy coincide with uterine pregnancy: delay in menstruation, the appearance of general weakness, drowsiness, mammary glands swell. Pathological implantation does not manifest itself in the beginning. A woman can also experience toxicosis, nausea, vomiting and dizziness. Later, bleeding from the genitals may appear.

    An interrupted tubal pregnancy is accompanied by symptoms: sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus, legs and lower back; after the onset of pain, bleeding or brown spotting from the genitals is noted; there is a decrease in blood pressure; weakness; frequent pulse; loss of consciousness. It is difficult to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages, but it is important to determine the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, perform surgery and eliminate bleeding.

    Modern diagnostic methods allow using ultrasound equipment and tests to determine the level of progesterone to establish the presence of an ectopic pregnancy. All medical efforts are directed toprotection of the fallopian tube.

    In order to avoid serious consequences of an ectopic pregnancy, it is necessary to see a doctor at the first suspicion of pregnancy.

    Drawing pain during pregnancy, not related to pregnancy

    Sometimes the reasons explaining why the lower abdomen is pulled during a normal pregnancy are not related to gynecology, but at the same time they require no less careful attention, since they are also dangerous for the health of the mother and child. Let's consider the main ones:

    • Problems of the digestive tract - during the bearing of the baby, frequent constipation, chronic dysbacteriosis, flatulence, loose stools and other intestinal disorders may occur. With these complaints, you need to consult a doctor who will help not only adjust the diet, but also, if necessary, choose safe drugs to normalize digestion.
    • Inflammation of appendicitis or an acute condition of pancreatitis. Vomiting and nausea may be present along with it. If the doctor confirms such a diagnosis, then the pregnant woman is operated on, and no harm is done to the health of the mother and child.
    • Violations in the work of the genitourinary system - diseases of the kidneys, bladder. You may experience painful and frequent urination caused by cystitis. Inflammatory damage to the bladder can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus and premature onset of labor. To avoid these problems, you need to contact a urologist. Learn more about cystitis during pregnancy
    • Infectious and inflammatory processes in the ovaries, urethra, vagina and uterus.

    If there is a suspicion of the presence of one or more of these pathologies, the expectant mother should seek the help of specialists, self-medication in this case can only worsen the condition.

    Some rules to avoid pulling pain during pregnancy

    • You don't need to stress too much. Work must be alternated with rest. Also, do not do work that requires a long time to raise your hands, as this may affect the condition of the pregnant woman.
    • If any pain occurs, then you should lie down, relax and raise your legs on the pillow.

    If the pain still appears, you need to lie down, relax, calm down and raise your legs up. Book an appointment with your doctor. If the pain is severe and you cannot reach the hospital on your own, then call an ambulance.

    To summarize what has been written, paying attention to the symptoms in which medical assistance is indispensable:

      • the pains that have arisen in the lower abdomen are not muffled and dull, but sharp and intensifying, not passing after taking a horizontal position;
      • cramping pains of any intensity appeared;
      • there is prolonged nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal upset and lack of appetite;
      • the appearance of any bleeding;
      • after taking no-shpa or using suppositories with papaverine, sensations do not change intensity or do not disappear at all;
      • blood pressure dropped sharply, heart rate increased and urge to vomit appeared;
      • pulls the lower abdomen, pain in the anus, or difficulty urinating;
      • pain is felt in a certain area on the right or left. To dispel fears and anxieties, it is better in this case to do an ultrasound.

    Any discomfort that the expectant mother experiences causes her fear and anxiety, and in fact, as you know, it is extremely undesirable to worry in this position. Therefore, with the appearance of a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to identify the cause of such a painful condition.

    Pathological causes of pain in the early stages

    It often happens that in the early stages of pregnancy, pain occurs on the right or left, radiates to the lower back, and spreads to the entire abdominal region. If at the same time the discomfort is rather continuous and does not go away within a few minutes, the expectant mother should be wary. Conditions in which the pain is constantly increasing are considered especially dangerous. Even if the pain stopped, but then the discomfort returned again, you should immediately go to the hospital. Every minute of delay can negatively affect the health of the mother and the life of the baby.

    This is a fairly common occurrence that occurs at various stages of pregnancy. In this case, the fetal egg, in which the embryo is located, departs from the wall of the reproductive organ. With timely treatment to the hospital, it is possible to save the life of the baby.

    But at the same time, a condition may arise in which the threat of miscarriage and premature birth will persist throughout the entire period. A woman may need hospitalization and constant medical supervision.

    Diseases of the genitourinary system

    Sexually transmitted infections and other infectious pathologies are another reason that can provoke pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages. To exclude such a condition, pregnancy planning is recommended, early registration of the expectant mother. If the infection is detected in a timely manner, there are more chances for its successful cure and the prevention of dangerous consequences for the woman and child.

    Non-developing pregnancy

    According to medical statistics, fetal fading in the early stages is a fairly common phenomenon that can provoke discomfort and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. In this case, the fetus stops its development at a certain time.

    The causes of non-developing pregnancy are very diverse. These can be chromosomal pathologies, viral and bacterial infections, bad habits of parents, and much more.

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    ovarian corpus luteum cyst

    During the onset of pregnancy in the female body, a cyst of the corpus luteum of the ovary can form. This temporary organ is formed at the site of the bursting follicle. It is temporarily responsible for the synthesis of the hormone progesterone until the placenta is formed. Sometimes, with the uncharacteristic development of this temporary organ, a woman may experience uncomfortable pulling sensations. This condition, as a rule, does not pose a danger to the life of the fetus. As soon as the placenta is formed, these unpleasant sensations should stop.

    If, for example, it slightly pulls and colitises the left side, this may indicate that the cyst is located in the left ovary and vice versa.

    Ectopic pregnancy

    A fairly common and dangerous phenomenon is the so-called ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fetal egg is not fixed in the uterus, but in another area, for example, in the fallopian tube. This can happen due to various reasons. Often, the pathological attachment of a fertilized egg is provoked by adhesive processes. A characteristic feature for such a pathology is the increase in pain every day, as the embryo grows.

    If this dangerous condition is not diagnosed in a timely manner, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur, which often even causes the death of the patient.


    If a pregnant woman has pain and aches in the lower abdomen, cramps and frequent urination are observed, this may well indicate a condition such as inflammation of the bladder. This disease occurs in girls against the background of damage to the urinary system by various pathogenic microorganisms due to the structural features of the female genitourinary system. During the bearing of the baby, the immunity of the expectant mother is weakened, so cystitis during this period is a fairly common phenomenon. It is necessary to treat this pathology under strict medical supervision, which will help not to harm mom and baby.

    When to See a Doctor

    Any discomfort that the expectant mother experiences causes fear and anxiety in her, and in fact, as you know, it is extremely undesirable to worry in this position. Therefore, with the appearance of a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy, it is worth visiting a gynecologist to identify the cause of this condition. However, there are symptoms in which a woman should immediately consult a doctor, as delay can cost her health and the life of an unborn baby:

    • pains in the lower abdomen are not muffled and dull, but sharp and intensifying, not passing after taking a horizontal position;
    • cramping pains of any intensity;
    • nausea and vomiting, gastrointestinal disorders, lack of appetite;
    • any spotting;
    • localization of pain in any part of the abdomen, aggravated by pressure.

    Gynecologists advise pregnant women to seek advice at the slightest ailment, even if the alarm turns out to be false. In the case of pathology, timely measures taken often help to save the pregnancy.

    Pregnancy is an extremely important period in the life of any woman. During this period, it is necessary to especially listen to your body so as not to miss important symptoms that indicate possible pathologies or serious illnesses. After all, everything that the body of a future mother experiences can, one way or another, affect the overall development and health of the unborn child.

    The main physiological sign of pregnancy is the growing belly of a woman. With a normally developing pregnancy, the stomach should not hurt. This is the first sign of the general health of the expectant mother and her child. If you experience any nature of pain in the abdomen, you should always contact a gynecologist who observes pregnancy. Leaving this state to chance is extremely dangerous.

    It is the doctor who can see and diagnose serious prerequisites for anxiety. And the sooner the cause of abdominal pain during pregnancy is identified, the better. Timely diagnosis will help to quickly and efficiently cure the disease, relieve a pregnant woman from pain and anxiety for the development of her baby.

    Only a doctor can determine whether there is cause for concern or not. Soreness of the abdomen can occur due to physiological changes in the body of a woman (under the influence of hormonal changes, the ligaments soften, the relative position of the organs inside the abdominal cavity changes, hence pain can occur). Or, the doctor will determine that the pain is caused by serious problems - the threat of miscarriage or.

    Uterine hypertonicity

    Stomach pain during early pregnancy

    Often, abdominal pain during pregnancy in the first trimester can occur due to the threat of a miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. But, most often, abdominal pain in the first weeks of the childbearing period occurs due to changes in the female organs, hormonal changes, or the rapid growth of the uterus.

    In any case, no matter what abdominal pain occurs in a pregnant woman, she should immediately consult a doctor. It is not worth doing self-diagnosis, because the risk of losing a child and terminating a pregnancy is too high in this position. And without the help of a specialist, it is unlikely that you will be able to get rid of pain.