erosion in pregnant women. Erosion and pregnancy: treatment of pathology

From time to time I continue to be observed by my doctor, who treated me with erosion, led our planning for the first child and pregnancy. Now there is no erosion, no warts, no HPV - I'm healthy!

Doctors see erosion of the cervix during a routine examination on the chair as a pale spot with blurry contours.

Of course, the more neglected erosion, the larger and brighter it is. In this photo, erosion is running.

In order to more accurately see and evaluate the erosion of the cervix, the cervix is ​​stained with Lugol's solution and look: if there is no erosion, the cervix is ​​light pinkish-brown in color, evenly colored; if there is erosion, the focus of erosion turns into a bright brown saturated color (see the photo of the stained cervix in the post above).
Condylomas look similarly: colored condylomas acquire a bright brown saturated color.

(In a modern clinic, a doctor will insert a camera for you and show everything on the monitor with detailed explanations - see everything with your own eyes.)

Additional analyzes and procedures will show if this is really erosion or something else; which cells in erosion are malignant or benign, all further treatment depends on it; is there anything else besides HPV, since HPV and erosion are treated last, everything else is treated first, except for HPV, and only then, on a clean body, HPV and erosion are treated to avoid complications.

Now decide for yourself whether your future child needs such an inheritance? If yes, do not treat, wait for the erosion after childbirth to pass by itself ... But keep in mind: boys are born carriers, in general, the disease does not particularly affect their reproductive system, they will only infect their ladies when they grow up ... + warts, because of which they may have pain during intercourse; but the girls ... - carriers + erosion, which can degenerate into cancer, + warts + unpleasant discharge + painful sexual intercourse + long months of treatment and years of observation - all that I went through for the sake of healthy offspring.

(If cervical erosion is left untreated, it can develop into cervical cancer, in which case the cervix, and perhaps the uterus itself, will have to be removed instead of being treated.)

All the best!

P.S. Girls! Before giving someone advice: “Yes, you don’t give a damn about her! I had ... I didn’t treat, I gave birth, I passed by myself ... ”, - it’s better to advise you to find out the cause of erosion, to undergo a full comprehensive examination, since if it is caused by viruses or sexually transmitted infections, it is necessary to be treated before pregnancy!

In general, I think that before pregnancy, if possible, you need to be treated for everything, even if this is not transmitted to the child. On a healthy body, pregnancy is easier, and childbirth proceeds more calmly, and there is less “headache” ...

Very often, the news of pregnancy is overshadowed by the doctor's words about the detection of a woman's cervical erosion. Such a phrase frightens and alarms the expectant mother, because all her thoughts are currently occupied with concern about the health of the unborn baby: will such a diagnosis harm the baby and how will this condition affect the course of pregnancy?

The attending physician will reassure the woman: this phenomenon is observed in almost every pregnant woman and does not promise anything life-threatening to the mother and her child. What is cervical erosion, how should a future mother behave if she has been diagnosed with this?

What do you need to know?

Cervical erosion- violation of its mucous layer. Such a diagnosis is not uncommon for one in five women of childbearing age.

Erosion is detected during a routine gynecological examination, differs from nearby tissues in a granular structure and pink-red color.

Usually, this disease does not manifest itself, and if it is detected during pregnancy, it is unable to harm the health of the future mother and fetus, does not affect the course and outcome of childbirth.

But this does not mean that this defect should be ignored: with untimely treatment, erosion has every chance of developing into an oncological disease of the cervix!


Types of cervical erosion are divided into:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

congenital erosion affects girls and young, nulliparous women.

The cervix has the shape of a cylinder and is normally covered with a flat and cylindrical layer of cells: the first covers the cervix on the outside, the second it is covered from the inside. In young girls, the cylindrical layer is located on the outside, and moves inward with age.

Due to various circumstances most often it is hormonal disorders) this process does not always occur. In this case, doctors talk about congenital erosion and do not recommend treating it until the moment of delivery.

Usually, due to hormonal changes caused by pregnancy, this phenomenon goes away on its own and is not dangerous.

Acquired erosion compared to the congenital is not so harmless. Usually it is detected against the background of inflammatory diseases of the cervix, caused by all kinds of infections: chlamydia, streptococcus, and even the human papillomavirus.

Also, erosion can manifest itself, abortion, imbalance of hormones in a woman's body. This pathology can be detected in women who have a large number of sexual partners and who have sexual relations early.

Acquired erosion in tandem with infectious diseases is fertile ground for the development of cancer of the cervix. It is imperative to treat this type of erosion, and after recovery, visit a gynecologist once every six months.

The main methods of treating erosion not complicated by infections are:

    • cryotherapy- a defect on the cervix is ​​cauterized with liquid nitrogen. The method is painless, does not leave scars and does not cause bleeding. But they can only cure superficial lesions;
    • laser therapy is a very efficient method. It does not cause complications and scarring, it is recommended for use in nulliparous women. Damage is removed under the control of a microscope;
  • radioknife(radio wave surgery) - a suspicious piece of tissue is cut off with a radio knife. The method is the most modern and safe.

It should be noted that none of the above methods is used to treat cervical erosion in women who are expecting a baby. Sometimes they have this disease disappears even before birth.

But if erosion is caused by an infection, causes discomfort and interferes with a normal existence, it is permissible for pregnant women to prescribe suppositories with methyluracil or.

If erosion is accompanied by an inflammatory process, then the doctor will most likely prescribe antiviral drugs or an antibiotic. Always remember that the dosage and frequency of a particular drug is prescribed only by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics and history of the pregnant woman, and also weighing the appropriateness of this appointment!

Not recommended during pregnancy, douching, in any case, without consulting a doctor, this procedure should not be performed: herbs, no matter how harmless they may seem, can cause unwanted allergic reactions (even if they have not been observed before).


The best prevention of cervical erosion is disease prevention. Visit the gynecologist twice a year, take all the necessary tests and follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Elementary observance of the rules of intimate hygiene will also help prevent the disease. Never leave unattended spotting between periods: this is not necessarily erosion, but a reason to see a doctor.

Don't have sex with casual partners and if it does, use a condom. Plan a pregnancy, do not allow abortions, as they also serve as one of the causes of cervical erosion.

Lead a proper, healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, be outdoors at any time of the year and in any weather: by tempering, you strengthen your immune system. And this means that you are not afraid of any infection and neoplasms.

So, erosion of the cervix - changes in its mucosa. There is congenital and acquired. It lends itself well to modern methods of treatment.

Unfortunately, almost always does not manifest itself in any way, but it is desirable to detect it before pregnancy: during it, you can not use all known methods of treating erosion.

For pregnant women, this disease is not dangerous., sometimes goes away by itself, but it is very important for the expectant mother to monitor the nature of the discharge from the vagina and consult a doctor for any changes in them.

Lead a healthy, measured lifestyle, visit a gynecologist once every six months - this way you will prevent the disease and be able to properly prepare for pregnancy. Be smart and healthy!

Erosion of the cervix during pregnancy is the destruction of a separate section of the mucous membrane of this organ. The epithelium undergoes changes as a result of inflammation, trauma, the action of chemicals, and infectious diseases. Experts believe that such a violation does not pose a danger to the fetus and the health of the woman, if it is not complicated by infection.

General characteristics of the phenomenon

Erosion is an ulcerative violation of a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mucous membrane that lines the vaginal part of the cervix. Outwardly, it represents areas of bright red color that can be visualized using special mirrors.

There are two types of deviation:

  • true erosion. The reason for the violation of the integrity of the epithelium is a damaging factor, due to which the upper layer of the mucosa is exfoliated, and an inflammatory process begins at the site of damage. Erosion of this type is often localized on the lower lip of the cervix. The size of the lesion is about 1 cm. True erosion often bleeds.
  • False, or pseudo-erosion. This type of pathology occurs when the epithelial cells are replaced by a cylindrical epithelium. In other words, pseudo-erosion is a modified area of ​​the cervical epithelium without signs of damage, the appearance of which is associated with improper healing of true erosion. Outwardly, pseudo-erosion looks like a rounded area of ​​bright red color. Its surface is smooth and does not bleed, in contrast to the true form of pathology. With this type of violation, there is a high risk of infection.
  • Congenital. Erosion of this type is diagnosed in childhood or adolescence. The phenomenon is associated with a displacement of the boundaries of the cylindrical epithelium beyond the cervical canal lined by it. This happens even before the birth of the child, during the period of intrauterine development, which led to the name of the pathology.

What is the danger of pathology during pregnancy?

If the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​exposed to ulcerative disorders, then this can pose a danger to the health of the woman and the development of the fetus. This phenomenon is fraught with the following potential threats:

  • violation of the physical and mental development of the fetus: it is possible if, in parallel with erosion, an infection was detected in a woman - human papillomavirus, herpes, chlamydia;
  • damage to the endometrium in the first trimester, which is fraught with the likelihood of miscarriage;
  • complications during childbirth (premature delivery, early discharge of amniotic fluid);
  • infection of the genital tract and transmission of the virus to the child, which provokes the development of such pathologies as otitis media, pneumonia, conjunctivitis.

With a running pathological process, there is a risk of malignant degeneration of the affected area.

Also, probable complications of erosion can be chronic inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, infertility in the future.

Risk factors

The formation of ulcerative areas on the mucous membrane of the cervix may be associated with the following factors:

  • Early onset of sexual activity (16-18 years). At an early age, the epithelial layer of the cervical canal is not fully formed, therefore, during sexual intercourse, it is damaged. This can be the impetus for the subsequent development of erosion.
  • Decreased body defenses. In pregnant women, especially against the background of chronic diseases and frequent worries, immunity is significantly reduced. This can provoke an inflammatory process that spreads to the mucous membrane of the cervix.
  • Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.
  • Injury to the uterus during a previous birth or abortion.
  • Infectious diseases that are sexually transmitted. A woman can become infected with them while already pregnant, or not fully cure them during pregnancy planning. Trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, chlamydia can cause cervical erosion.
  • Long-term use of hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy.
  • Inflammatory processes of the genital tract (cervicitis, vaginitis).
  • A certain role in the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cervix is ​​played by the factor of heredity. According to statistics, in women whose close relatives suffered from this pathology, the risk of erosion increases by 1.5-2 times.

Clinical picture

Erosion of the cervix causes such manifestations:

  • discharge from the genital tract, which is brownish in color and usually appears after sexual intercourse, exercise or taking a hot bath;
  • discomfort, pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which can appear and disappear arbitrarily;
  • itching in the genital area;
  • thick white discharge from the vagina: this symptom indicates the onset of an inflammatory process or the presence of a latent infection.

Erosion does not manifest itself in severe symptoms for a long time, and in some cases, signs of pathology do not make themselves felt.

Diagnostic methods

To confirm the diagnosis, the following measures are prescribed:

  • standard visual examination of the vagina using mirrors that allow you to detect changes in the mucous membrane;
  • smear on flora;
  • biopsy if a malignant process is suspected;
  • blood tests for viruses and infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis);

After identifying the pathology and the degree of development of the lesion, the specialist selects the appropriate method of treatment.

Features of the treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy

The principle of treating pathology in pregnant women depends on how developed and complicated the pathological process is.

Medical therapy

The anomaly is treated in the following ways:

  • With abundant secretions from the genital tract, topical preparations are prescribed that suppress the development of infection. A woman may be prescribed Hexicon, Fluomizin. After 16 weeks of pregnancy, you can use other local preparations - Terzhinan, Neo Penotran Forte.
  • With severe itching, sea buckthorn suppositories are recommended, which also have a healing effect.
  • In order to increase immunity, the use of immunomodulators is prescribed. During pregnancy, rectal suppositories with an immunostimulating effect are shown, for example, Viferon.
  • To restore the microflora of the vagina, local agents are recommended - Laktagel, Vagilak.

Surgical intervention

Surgical treatment of pathology during pregnancy is not carried out. This is due to the fact that after treatment, a scar remains on the affected area, which prevents normal delivery. A full-fledged radical treatment of pathology is recommended to be carried out no earlier than 2 months after childbirth.

After childbirth, the anomaly can be treated with methods such as:

  • Cryotherapy (cauterization of the formation with liquid nitrogen). The affected tissue area is treated with liquid nitrogen, which has an extremely low temperature. Under the influence of such a substance, tissues die. Nitrogen is applied pointwise so as not to harm healthy tissues.
  • Laser coagulation. This method consists in a non-contact effect on the affected areas with a laser. The beam evaporates fluid from the cells. Subsequently, scabs form at the site of erosion, which are rejected by the body a week after the operation.
  • Chemical coagulation. The area affected by erosion is treated with special preparations that destroy diseased cells.
  • electrical coagulation. In this case, an electric current is applied to the affected area, due to which the tissues die and are rejected, and then a new healthy tissue of the mucous membrane grows.
  • Excision of overgrown tissues using a special loop.

Within a month after cauterization, certain recommendations must be followed in order to prevent the development of complications. It is necessary to avoid lifting heavy objects, refuse sexual intercourse, do not take a bath with hot water.

If the listed types of operations were performed, then it is recommended to plan the next pregnancy 12 months after surgery.


Folk methods are also known with which you can get rid of erosion, but it should be borne in mind that during pregnancy they can only be used after consulting a specialist.

The folk methods of treating cervical erosion include the following:

  • Infusion of calendula for vaginal douching. This remedy also serves as a prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Tampons with honey. You need to take a teaspoon of natural honey, pour it onto a sterile bandage folded in several layers, roll it into a tampon and tie it with a thread. Insert it into the vagina as deeply as possible. Leave the tampon to work all night.
  • Tampons with pumpkin. You should take fresh pumpkin pulp, chop it. Wrap the raw material in several layers of gauze, secure with a thread and gently insert into the vagina. Do this procedure before going to bed.
  • Aloe juice. It is recommended to insert it into the vagina, after which you need to lie down for 20 minutes.

Treatment of pathology during pregnancy by any means must be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Prevention methods

To minimize the risk of erosion on the cervical mucosa, it is recommended to do the following:

  • regularly visit a doctor and undergo the required examinations;
  • carefully observe the rules of hygiene;
  • timely treat inflammatory and infectious processes;
  • avoid stressful conditions;
  • strengthen general and local immunity.

Before pregnancy, it is necessary to adjust the hormonal background, to avoid promiscuity. Surgical termination of pregnancy should be abandoned, since such surgical interventions negatively affect the condition of the uterus.

Is it possible to get pregnant with erosion?

Erosion does not prevent pregnancy, but conception should be planned only after the pathology has been cured. This is due to the fact that the pathological process reduces the immunity of a woman and creates conditions for the penetration of infections into the body.

Erosion can prevent the onset of pregnancy with a pronounced degree of damage to the mucous membrane of the cervix, since under such conditions this department copes worse with its functions.

If a woman is planning her first pregnancy, erosion is not recommended to be treated by cauterization. This is due to the fact that such a method of treatment leaves scars on the neck, the presence of which can complicate fertilization and the process of delivery. In addition, after such interventions, the diameter of the cervix decreases, that is, its patency decreases.

Erosion of the cervix after childbirth

Often this pathology develops after childbirth. The reasons for this phenomenon are the following factors:

  • gaps that occur when the child passes through the birth canal;
  • hormonal disorders in the body that occur during pregnancy;
  • penetration of the infection into the body.

Treatment in this case is determined by the attending physician, depending on the general condition of the patient and the presence of concomitant complications.

Erosion of the cervix during pregnancy does not always threaten the health of the woman and the condition of the fetus. The danger is present only if, in parallel with this pathology, the woman has an infectious process. Radical treatment is recommended only 2 months after the birth of the child.

Cervical erosion is a defect in the mucous membrane that occurs under the influence of hormonal changes and other factors. Pathology is often found in young women, including those planning to conceive a child. In this case, gynecologists advise to undergo erosion treatment before gestation in order to avoid possible problems during this crucial period.

Often, in women preparing to become mothers, cervical erosion is first detected only during pregnancy. And after visiting a doctor in the early stages of bearing a child, the expectant mother is tormented by numerous questions: where did everything come from, will it harm my baby and should it be treated? Let's try to figure everything out.

What do you need to know about erosion?

It should be said right away that erosion is an outdated concept. To date, gynecologists around the world distinguish several pathological conditions that occur in the cervical region. This is true erosion - a traumatic or inflammatory defect of the epithelium, and dysplasia - deep tissue damage, and some other deviations. - displacement of the boundaries of the cylindrical epithelium to the outer part of the cervix. Uncomplicated ectopia does not belong to diseases and does not need therapeutic measures, but is a physiological feature of the body of some young women.

The cervix is ​​a muscular tube, the entrance to the uterus. When a doctor inserts a speculum into the vagina during a gynecological examination on a chair, he sees the vaginal part of it, or the exocervix. This is where change occurs. In the center of the visible part of the neck there is a hole - the external pharynx. It opens into the vagina.

The cervix opens into the uterine cavity with an internal os. These two muscle rings are interconnected by the cervical (cervical) canal.

The cervix is ​​a kind of connecting channel between the uterine cavity and the vagina.

Outside, the exocervix is ​​covered with a stratified squamous epithelium that performs a protective function. Stratified epithelium is like skin for the human body. On examination, an unchanged healthy neck has a pale pink, smooth, shiny or glossy surface.

The cervical canal is lined with another type of epithelium - cylindrical, which has a bright red color.

These two types of epithelium are joined together. The joint zone can be located at the level of the internal pharynx. In this case, bright red cylindrical cells will not be visible. On examination, the doctor will find only stratified squamous epithelium.

If the cylindrical epithelium comes out of the cervical canal, then the doctor will see a bright red spot around the external pharynx.

On a note

It is this cylindrical epithelium on the surface of the vaginal part of the cervix around the external os that used to be called erosion, and is now defined as ectopia in international medicine. This condition is most often described as "cervix eroded."

In the prenatal period and after the birth of a girl, the transition zone between the two types of epithelium is located outside and is visible to the naked eye. Thus, all little girls (future women) already have ectopia (aka erosion in the “common people”).

As they grow older (for someone earlier, for someone later), the junction zone moves deep into the cervical canal and becomes invisible.

So, we have determined that ectopia is not a disease, but a variant of the norm. Wherever the junction zone is located, it is physiological in different age periods of a woman's life. It's like the color of the eyes: gray or blue. Both of them are the norm.

Ectopia of the cervix does not require treatment. However, the delicate cylindrical epithelium is more vulnerable to pathogenic microorganisms that can cause an inflammatory process in the cervix.

What happens to the cervix during pregnancy?

What changes occur on the surface of the cervix in pregnant women? Authoritative scientists state that so-called physiological ectopia often appears during gestation. Cells of the intracervical epithelium are sensitive to hormonal changes that accompany gestation. The cervix also reacts to the hormonal surge - it increases in size and structural changes occur in it, necessary to prepare the body for childbirth. As a result of such transformations, the cervical epithelium rushes to the outer surface of the exocervix. And the pregnant woman can again say the notorious: “You have erosion!”

When you hear this, you don't need to be scared. It has already been absolutely proven that erosion is not a pathology, not a sentence for its mandatory transition to cancer. Uncomplicated ectopia is a harmless condition. And it is considered as such until infection occurs.

In addition to hormonal changes, other factors can contribute to the occurrence of erosion:

  • natural decrease in immunity;
  • structural changes in the neck itself, necessary to prepare the body for childbirth;
  • sexual infections (chlamydia, herpes, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, HPV infection);
  • early onset of sexual activity;
  • abortions preceding the onset of pregnancy;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the cervix;
  • stressful situations;
  • smoking.

With stress loads on the body during pregnancy, the risk of cervical erosion increases.

What are the symptoms of ectopia in pregnant women?

If it is a small-sized (no more than 1 cm in diameter) uncomplicated ectopia, then it behaves asymptomatically. The pregnant woman learns about the presence of erosion after a gynecological examination on the chair.

But sometimes, with a large area of ​​​​ectopia, complaints may appear after sexual intercourse or examination (mirrors, vaginal). There are also abundant whitish discharge from the vagina. These symptoms should alert the pregnant woman and should be reported to the doctor.

Why is it bleeding? The cylindrical epithelium lining the cervical canal, in contrast to the stratified squamous, is more delicate. With ectopia, being out of place, it can be damaged because it falls into other conditions of life. The environment of the vagina is different from that of the cervical canal. In addition, trauma to the cervix occurs during sexual activity. Therefore, often after sex, a woman notices that she first bleeds from the vagina, and then the discharge becomes brown. You may also bleed after a vaginal examination.

If a large ectopia manifests itself as postcoital (after sexual intercourse) bleeding, then the doctor will recommend sexual rest until the end of pregnancy. Do not ignore this advice, otherwise the consequences in the form of copious bleeding are inevitable.

Why do there appear abundant discharge from the genital tract? This is due to the fact that the function of the cylindrical epithelium is to produce mucus, which serves as a protective plug and prevents the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms from the vagina into the uterus. Accordingly, when the cylindrical epithelium is located on the cervical surface, the secretion of mucus occurs in the vagina and the discharge becomes more abundant.

If a woman complains that she has a lot of white discharge, the gynecologist will offer to take a smear for the pathogenic microflora of the vagina. With a negative result, such symptoms are not dangerous, and the woman can be calm: her erosion in this state of affairs does not affect pregnancy.

If the results of the analysis show signs of inflammation, then you will have to undergo local treatment with antimicrobial vaginal suppositories and creams. The doctor will prescribe therapy taking into account the pathogen.

The presence of an inflammatory process greatly complicates the erosive process in the cervix, so the attending physician will definitely prescribe a course of antimicrobial treatment.

Is erosion dangerous during gestation?

This is the main question that worries a woman when she finds out about her pathology.

On a note

The very fact of cervical erosion does not mean anything bad. Physiological ectopia does not affect the course and outcome of pregnancy. It is not dangerous for the child, does not cause premature birth. It is not forbidden to give birth if it is available through the natural birth canal.

During pregnancy, physiological changes occur in the cervix. Increasing uterine blood flow, necessary to maintain the growth and development of the fetus, causes plethora in the cervix. And an increase in the level of estrogen hormones leads to an increase in its size due to the growth of fibromuscular elements.

Due to the increase in the diameter of the neck, the intracervical epithelium is everted outward. Such an eversion of the cervical epithelium during pregnancy is considered a variant of the norm. It is noticed that this condition is more pronounced in the first pregnancy than in the second.

It's important to know

Bloody discharge during pregnancy is not dangerous only if it is really caused by ectopia. They must be clearly distinguished from bleeding with a miscarriage or placental abruption. Therefore, if even meager bloody secretions are found, it is necessary to inform the doctor about this!

Tactics of managing the patient in case of detection of changes on the neck during pregnancy

The doctor can see the pathology of the cervix during a routine examination in the mirrors. But the eyes of a doctor are not a microscope, and seeing is not enough. It is necessary to evaluate the quality and structure of the cells of the altered cervical surface. And this can only be done when examined with a microscope (colposcopy) and a mandatory cytological examination of the smear for atypical cells.

Cytological analysis is a fast informative method for diagnosing diseases of the vagina and cervix. It is necessary to ensure the health of a pregnant woman.

When registering for all pregnant women (regardless of the presence or absence of ectopia), the following is carried out:

  • PAP test (cytological examination of smears from the outer and inner parts of the cervix);
  • Detection of genitourinary infection by PCR diagnostics;
  • Human papillomavirus testing;
  • Colposcopy (according to indications).


If, according to the results of the PAP test, the structure of the cells is normal, then the woman is healthy, her ectopia is not dangerous and does not require any treatment.

If abnormal deviations are found according to the PAP test, then the woman will be prescribed an additional examination.

Indications for colposcopy during pregnancy are:

  • abnormal Pap test results;
  • Detection of human papillomavirus based on the results of PCR diagnostics;
  • Frequently recurring bleeding, including postcoital bleeding (with the exclusion of other causes: placenta previa or abruption, miscarriage that has begun);
  • Any mass found on the cervix when examined in the mirrors or during vaginal palpation (palpation).

The main goal of colposcopy is to exclude the malignancy of processes occurring on the surface of the cervix. In other words, distinguish cervical erosion from precancerous processes and cancer. With an atypical cytological and colposcopic picture or suspicion of cancer, a biopsy is taken from the most suspicious area.

When registering, I was found to have erosion. They took a smear for cancer cells and did a colposcopy. When the test results came, I calmed down: there was no cancer. The pregnancy went well, and so did the delivery. The baby was born healthy. There weren’t even neck ruptures that scared me so much. And after giving birth, when I went to my doctor, they told me that my cervix was “clean”. The analyzes confirmed this.

Marina, 24 years old, Krasnodar Territory

Treat or not treat cervical erosion?

As mentioned above, ectopia with a normal structure of epithelial cells (when there are no deviations in the results of the PAP test) is not a disease. This is the norm. In this case (in the absence of complaints), no treatment is prescribed.

An obstetrician-gynecologist, who observes a woman during pregnancy, in each trimester examines the changed area on the neck, takes swabs for infections. If there are no signs of inflammation in the analysis, then erosion does not threaten complications for either the mother or her baby. If an infection is detected, the vagina is sanitized.

If a pregnant woman has urogenital infections, then there is a high probability of penetration of pathogens into the uterus, which can be transmitted to the fetus.

It's important to know

Infection of the genital tract can affect the course of pregnancy and provoke miscarriage or premature birth. And inflamed erosion can lead to unwanted changes in epithelial cells. Therefore, treatment is necessary here. But not the erosion itself is treated, but the inflammatory process of the vagina to prevent complications.

Some women who have studied numerous publications on this topic on the Internet come to the conclusion that erosion during pregnancy can be treated, while thinking that there will definitely be no harm from them. Traditional medicine usually includes the use of various tampons, herbal ointments, douching. What is not recommended: honey, propolis, mummy, pumpkin pulp, decoction of oak bark, aloe juice.

For your information

Obstetrician-gynecologists and WHO experts do not share these views and do not recommend turning to alternative medicine, because ectopia is not a disease, but a variant of the physiological norm. It does not require treatment, but dynamic observation.

Of course, it happens that after a colposcopy or a cytological examination, a woman is diagnosed with precancerous processes or cancer. In this situation, management should be control-and-expectant, with definitive cervical treatment postpartum.

Mandatory in this case is:

  • Biopsy with histological examination;
  • Cytology control and colposcopy 1 time in 3 weeks (as a rule, the lesion does not progress);
  • Follow-up treatment (performed only after delivery).

It's important to know

Cauterization of erosion or the use of other surgical methods during pregnancy is not practiced. This can cause bleeding and lead to its interruption. The final treatment is carried out only after delivery.

In rare cases, treatment for precancerous conditions or cancer is prescribed during pregnancy, after which patients are at high risk for complications (miscarriage, bleeding).

The prognosis for ectopia is generally favorable. It has been proven that in itself it does not increase or reduce the risk of developing precancer or cervical cancer, does not cause premature birth and other complications. Ectopia also does not affect conception.

What to do with pathology after childbirth?

Most likely, . This happens quite often. Therefore, 6-8 weeks after childbirth, it is necessary to re-evaluate the state of the cells of the cervical epithelium, that is, take a smear for cytology (PAP test). If the results of the analysis are good, the cells have a normal structure, then you can say goodbye to your doctor until the next scheduled examination, which is usually scheduled after 6-12 months.

There are three situations when ectopia needs to be treated:

  • Frequently recurring postcoital bleeding: when there is a large area of ​​erosion, damage to the superficial vessels occurs during sexual contact, which leads to the release of blood from the vagina;
  • The overgrown cylindrical epithelium produces too much mucus, and the woman complains that she has copious white discharge;
  • Dysplasia and cancer are treated necessarily.

The method of treatment is chosen by the doctor. Preference is given to the radio wave method.

The radio wave method of treating cervical erosion is carried out by the Surgitron apparatus. A stream of high frequency waves is directed to the affected area. Erosion is removed completely and, as a rule, irrevocably.

In all other cases, such a state of the cervix is ​​​​simply observed and an annual cytological analysis is carried out.

Is it possible to prevent the onset of the disease?

Prevention of the appearance of erosion may consist in the following simple rules:

  • Do not strive for an early onset of sexual activity;
  • Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Use modern methods of contraception and avoid termination of unwanted pregnancies by abortion;
  • Timely treat inflammatory processes of female organs;
  • Observe the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • Love the annual preventive examinations of the gynecologist.

Summing up, let us clarify once again that ectopia is not a terrible disease, but a physiological norm, especially during pregnancy. If there are no complicating moments, then it is observed for a long time, and treatment is started only in extreme cases. Ectopia is not dangerous during pregnancy, does not adversely affect the fetus and does not lead to complications.

An interesting video about how cervical erosion affects pregnancy. Does she need to be treated?

Expert opinion on the treatment of cervical erosion during pregnancy

Diseases of the internal genital organs can lead to the development of quite dangerous conditions for the fetus during its intrauterine development. Inflammatory processes that occur on the cervix are common causes leading to the development of bleeding in the first half of pregnancy.

What it is?

Doctors note that cervical erosion is a fairly common pathology that occurs among women. This condition can develop both in a woman who has given birth and in a woman who has not given birth.

Cervical erosion experts call damage to the integrity of the mucous membranes in the cervical canal.

The significance of undergoing regular examinations by a gynecologist only increases erosion: the danger of this pathology is that it leads to vulnerability to various infections.

Women living in large industrial cities and in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions, according to statistics, have a higher chance of having it.

According to studies, in almost every woman during her life, doctors find signs of cervical erosion.

This is a more vulnerable surface than the rest of the mucosa. Any infectious agent (virus, bacterium) entering the vagina can easily injure it.

For unclear conditions of the cervix a gynecologist may recommend that a woman undergo special tests, the most important of which are:

  • colposcopy;
  • PAP test (smear analysis for atypical cells).

Doctors consider pathological erosion to be the replacement of the normal epithelial lining of the cervix with a cylindrical epithelium. Numerous factors influence the development of this pathological transition. Many of them act on the female body for quite a long time.

However, there are often situations when signs of erosion are first detected by doctors during pregnancy. In this case, all the adverse symptoms are enhanced by the altered hormonal background, which is associated with an increased concentration of many hormones.

According to statistics, erosion is more often detected in young girls who have not yet celebrated their 25th birthday, which is due to the fact that this condition is not a disease or a defect, but physiological displacement of the intracervical epithelium to the surface of the cervix. In this case, it is not necessary to treat erosion.

Why the presence of erosion as the presence of a normal cylindrical intracervical epithelium on the surface is the norm and why it is not related to cervical cancer or myoma, will tell in the next program of the program “Live healthy!” obstetrician-gynecologist, WHO expert, professor and doctor of medical sciences Rogovskaya Svetlana Ivanovna.

Erosion can develop at any age. Gynecologists note that this pathology is recorded for the first time even in women over 40 years old.

Experts say that it is not always necessary to treat the erosive process, but if necessary, the treatment is quite complicated, has many complications(for example, stenosis of the cervical canal and the occurrence of problems with subsequent pregnancy) and requires mandatory time for rehabilitation - at least 3-4 months. Some women may take up to six months to fully recover.

That is why, before agreeing to cauterize erosion, it is worth passing all the necessary tests (colposcopy and PAP test).

During a gynecological examination, doctors reveal red spots that are located on the inner lining of the uterus. The process can be single or multiple. The sizes of formations also vary. Massive processes, as a rule, are accompanied by the appearance of rather pronounced adverse symptoms.

The erosive area of ​​the mucosa is quite vulnerable. Pathogenic microorganisms easily penetrate into such a damaged area. This leads to the development of a local and then a systemic inflammatory process. The most dangerous penetration into the place of erosion of microorganisms that are sexually transmitted.

The risk of infection with HIV infection and parenteral hepatitis in women suffering from the acute form of this disease is very high.


To date, scientists have not established a single cause of the development of this condition. Every year, researchers offer new theories for the development of erosion in the cervical canal to the medical community. However, they have not been able to establish a single cause of the development of this disease.

Experts believe that the following reasons contribute to the development of this pathological form.

  • Too much early onset of sexual activity- earlier than 20 years. Scientists believe that at an early age, the epithelial lining of the cervical canal has not yet fully formed. This leads to the fact that during intercourse it is damaged, which subsequently leads to the development of erosion on the cervix.
  • Depleted immunity. Women suffering from severe diseases of the internal organs or having oncological pathologies are at risk of developing erosion on their cervix. The reduced functioning of the immune system simply cannot cope with infections that can cause local inflammation on the mucous membranes of the genital organs.
  • dishormonal disorders. Such conditions, as a rule, are secondary and arise due to various pathologies. Look for the cause of their appearance should be throughout the body. The development of an imbalance of female sex hormones can lead to diseases of the pituitary gland, ovaries, thyroid gland, as well as other endocrine organs.
  • Lately treated infections sexually transmitted. Pathogenic microbes, getting on the inner lining of the uterine cavity, quickly lead to the development of inflammation. Unprotected intercourse and neglect of hygiene procedures contribute to the development of erosion on the cervix in women.

There are other possible reasons as well.

  • Long-term use of hormonal oral contraception. Especially often this situation develops if the drugs to protect against unwanted pregnancy were chosen incorrectly. In this case, an imbalance of the genital organs is formed in a woman, which contributes to the development of erosion in her.
  • Previous abortions or spontaneous miscarriages. In this case, the impact on the neck is complex. Detachable areas of the fetal egg and hormonal disorders contribute to the appearance of erosion. Doctors note that sometimes even one abortion is enough for the development of an erosive process.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners. The development of erosion on the cervix in this case occurs due to trauma to the mucous membranes. Too intense sexual intercourse can also lead to erosion in a woman.
  • HPV. Every day more and more scientific studies are being published, suggesting that human papillomavirus infection can lead to the development of erosion on the cervix in women. Scientists have identified several oncogenic subtypes of the human papillomavirus, which can lead to the development of various pathological conditions on the mucous membranes of the genital tract.
  • Heredity. If the mother, grandmother or sister of a pregnant woman is diagnosed with cervical erosion, then the risk of developing the same pathology in her increases by 1.5-2 times. This form of the disease is often congenital.


Numerous reviews of women who had erosion during pregnancy indicate that they did not feel any uncomfortable signs of this pathology. They also had no pain in the lower abdomen.

However, such a "silent" course of cervical erosion is not always the case. Some women do develop symptoms. Their severity is largely determined by the volume of damaged tissue.

If there are many areas of erosion or they are large, then the symptoms appear much brighter and bring the patient severe discomfort.

In many women brown discharge appears. Most often, they are released from the vagina after intercourse. Also, such discharge may appear after a hot bath or sports. Lifting weights can trigger the appearance of this symptom in a woman.

Usually, discharge during the acute period of this pathology is dark scarlet or brown. If erosion is actively bleeding, then they can become red in color. This symptom is extremely unfavorable. Its appearance is a significant reason for an immediate appeal to your doctor.

During bleeding from erosion, a woman may experience discomfort or "Drawing" pain in the lower abdomen. Such a symptom can also be triggered by sexual intercourse, physical exertion, or weight lifting. Moderation of the pain symptom is usually insignificant. It usually lasts several hours. The pain may come and go.

Erosion is quite rarely manifested by any disorders of general well-being. The expectant mother practically does not feel mood changes or other adverse symptoms associated with this pathology. In some cases, women can only get tired faster and feel very drowsy.

Such manifestations are associated with anemia of the body due to regular blood loss.

Consequences for the fetus

Active erosion of the cervix can be dangerous for both the mother and her baby. During bleeding, blood is released from the damaged area. If this process is regular, then it can contribute to a pronounced anemization of a pregnant woman.

In this case, in her blood a significant decrease in hemoglobin concentration, which is necessary for the full growth and development of the fetus. Hemoglobin transports dissolved oxygen to the baby's body.

Anemia caused by frequent bleeding from erosion adversely affects the intrauterine development of the baby as a whole. Usually, anemization of a woman is moderate, and hemoglobin does not fall below 90 g / liter. More severe conditions require complex treatment.

High risk of infection of "bare" eroded areas can provoke the development of many infections in the fetus. Some of the diseases can even cause abnormalities and malformations of internal organs.

It is especially unfavorable if erosion occurs in early pregnancy during fetal organogenesis.

The eroded areas of the uterine mucosa lose their normal density. They can easily tear even with mild to moderate external impact. This situation is possible when a large fetus passes through the maternal genital tract during childbirth. Women who have a narrow cervical canalare at increased risk for the possibility of developing such gaps in them. In this case, doctors try to avoid natural childbirth and use a caesarean section.

The presence of active erosion on the cervix can even lead to the onset of premature birth in a woman. Some pregnant women have cases of early discharge of amniotic fluid. This situation is extremely dangerous for the fetus and requires urgent obstetric care.


Unfortunately, it is impossible to determine erosion using only any analyzes. Such tests are only used to establish the possible cause that contributed to the development of this condition.

The diagnosis of cervical erosion is established during the procedure. extended gynecological examination. If the doctor, during such a study, found some red spots on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal, then he will offer the woman a colposcopy.

This research method is more accurate. It uses a special instrument called a colposcope. With the help of the device, you can get an enlarged image, which helps the doctor to qualitatively examine all parts of the cervical canal and identify pathologies.

During such a study, you can also take several sections of damaged tissue for biopsy. This study will show the morphological picture of the existing changes.

It is after a biopsy that a correct diagnosis can be established. Also, this study is necessary to exclude the transition of erosion to precancerous conditions.

A biopsy is performed in a special laboratory. This study may take several days to complete. If the laboratory is busy, the duration of the test can be a week or more.

If an erosive process is detected on the cervix, the doctor will definitely recommend that the woman pass a set of tests for sexually transmitted infections. Such studies necessarily include tests for the detection of chlamydia, gonococci, pale treponema, herpes viruses, various subtypes of papillomaviruses, HIV.

During an extended gynecological examination a swab is required. It serves as a specific cellular diagnostic. With the help of such a study, atypical cells can be detected, which are markers for the development of neoplasms.

In this case, an extended diagnosis will be carried out and a complex of treatment will be prescribed.


Does it always need to be treated?

Erosion therapy is not required if it is physiological, that is, it appeared as a result of the development of the mucosa.

With age, the body will close this vulnerable area with a more complete protective squamous epithelium, which will gradually gather to the center of the cervical canal and go inside (this process begins to occur in almost all women after 30 years).

With the development of pathology, there are different methods of therapy, many of which have many complications, so they should be decided in exceptional cases when treatment is really necessary.

Cauterization by radio waves

One of the most popular methods is cauterization of the erosive area with radio waves. Sometimes it is carried out for girls who do not yet have babies.

The method is used in case of chronic recurrent inflammation. Quite often, a scar remains on the neck after such cauterization. This section of the fabric is practically not stretched.

During natural childbirth and when the baby passes through the birth canal, such a pathology can become a significant threat to normal delivery. It is for this reason that doctors are trying to reduce the possibility of using radio waves to cauterize erosion during pregnancy.


A few years ago, gynecologists treated with electric current. This technique is very aggressive and traumatic. It quite often leads to the development of scars and scars on the cervix, which are large in size. Such treatment is now being carried out less and less, as new modern techniques have appeared.


Another method that is used by specialists for cauterization of erosion is called nitrogen therapy. In this case, the damaged area is treated with liquid nitrogen. With the right technique, the risk of scarring on the cervix is ​​negligible.


Many gynecologists prefer an alternative method of therapy that involves the use laser techniques. This technique is less aggressive and less likely to cause scarring on the treated neck, as well as scars. Specialists resort to the use of such treatment only in the exceptional case when the pathological process is significantly pronounced.

It is undesirable to treat erosion during pregnancy. Such therapy is carried out only under strict medical indications.

Other Methods

Many doctors try to avoid cauterization of erosion. In this case, they prescribe medicines to expectant mothers that have an effect on the cause that led to the development of this pathology in them. Successfully used in treatment restorative therapy which aims to boost the immune system.

In medical practice, cases are often recorded when cervical erosion goes away on its own after childbirth. This situation is quite understandable if the erosion had a physiological origin. Also, its development is possible if hormonal disorders have led to the occurrence of damage to the mucous membrane. After pregnancy, the levels of hormones in the blood of a woman are normalized, which leads to the epithelialization of damaged tissue areas.

Many mothers are interested in when they can plan their next pregnancy after cauterization of erosion. Doctors recommend doing this 10-12 months after the cauterization of the affected area. This period is necessary for the body to complete rehabilitation and recovery.

Since the area of ​​erosion is vulnerable, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene and wash properly, to prevent E. coli from entering the vagina.

During intercourse, it is worth using protective equipment (condoms, spermicides).