What can you eat after giving birth for the first time. Nutrition after childbirth

How should a young mother eat in order to quickly lose weight and gain former harmony

The long-awaited baby is finally born! Or even twins or ... Toxicosis and swelling, fears and anxieties are forgotten ... Against the backdrop of the happiness of motherhood, the desire to be a woman - loved and the only one, seems to have flared up with renewed vigor. It is urgently required to lose weight and return the figure to its former shape.

weight after childbirth

All women gain kilograms, and some - ten, and some more than twenty ... During childbirth, up to 7 kg is lost immediately, but there are fat pads that caring mother nature has “overlaid” future mothers with. As for edema, they gradually disappear, as excess fluid is removed from the body.

Breast milk is 87% water. That is why it is very important to drink a lot during breastfeeding: at least 2-3 liters per day. (It is possible that you yourself will be thirsty, especially while feeding the baby).

Make it a rule: early in the morning - if such a concept can be applied to a sleepless night - as soon as you are going to feed the baby, drink a cup of tea with milk. Put a couple of buttered crackers or an apple on a saucer - that's your first breakfast. Quiet music will be a pleasant addition to the meal. In general, you need to eat 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Very convenient, healthy and nutritious curds in 250-gram packages. They are soft, delicate texture, have a beneficial effect on the body and easily lie on the stomach.

Remember the following: for at least six weeks after giving birth, you can not go on a strict diet and generally fight overweight. This is one of the few, almost the only period in a woman's life when she has every right to relax, because she has accomplished a feat - she has given the world a new person. An organism that has given birth to a new life needs time to gain strength and energy. They will come in handy: to raise a child, do housework, and maybe even go to work soon. Enjoy communication with the baby, restore strength, and only then - for the cause.

It's no secret that women often have tears, and stitches create certain inconveniences. In this situation, you need to avoid constipation in every possible way and try to keep the stool regular. To do this, you should include more fiber and dairy products in your diet, but limit starchy and flour products, if possible. Grate carrots - this vegetable has a unique ability to cleanse the intestines, make salads and drink carrot juice. Keep in mind that vitamin A begins to be actively produced if carrots are flavored with vegetable oil or sour cream. It is better to refuse mayonnaise for now.

A separate place is occupied by mineral water without gas (check with your doctor which one is preferable for you; "Novoterskaya healing" is suitable for almost everyone, but first you need it to settle from gas); melt water (there is an excellent ready-made "Arkhyz"); vegetable and fruit juices.

It is advisable to minimize the consumption of fatty foods. Fats should make up no more than a quarter of the total calorie intake. If you stick to the norm of 1500 kcal, then you can get no more than 40 g of pure fats daily. For reference: a liter of 1% kefir, like a tablespoon of vegetable oil, contains 10 g of lipids. And a bar of milk chocolate will "give" you 70 g of pure fat.

Meat and meat products can be eaten once a day, for breakfast or lunch. But try to include fresh, boiled and stewed vegetables without fat in every meal.

Do not give up grain products: cereals with water or skimmed milk, whole bread, brown rice. As for sweets, it should be excluded from the diet. If it’s hard to completely give up sweets and chocolates, try replacing them with dried fruits, honey, jam (naturally, in reasonable quantities).

Put a ban on nuts and seeds. Unbeknownst to yourself, with a couple of handfuls of nuts, you will receive almost half of the daily calorie intake and significantly exceed the fat limit.

Avoid foods that can cause allergies in a child (honey, citrus fruits, strawberries, chocolate, coffee, smoked fish, pickles, canned food, strong meat broth, excess eggs, sausage, especially spicy). All alcoholic beverages, including beer, are strictly prohibited.

It is useful to remember the principle of easy digestibility of products (so that there are no problems with the digestion of food) and do not mix everything that comes to hand. And there is such a danger, especially the first time after discharge from the hospital, due to the catastrophic lack of time and the unusual "semi-military" regime. A good combination that usually goes with a bang: the healthiest and most delicious boiled (or steamed) broccoli, drizzled with olive oil, with an appetizing piece of salmon (not canned!).

Nursing diet

Try daily:

  • drink milk, kefir, curdled milk (at least 0.5 l);
  • there is cottage cheese or products from it (50 - 100 g);
  • eat meat (about 200 g);
  • vegetables (600-800 g);
  • eggs, butter (50 g);
  • fruits (at least 300-500 g);
  • bread (400-500 g);
  • vegetable oil (20-30 g).
  • eat 2-3 servings of dairy products daily (including yogurt, milk, cheeses, cottage cheese);
  • 3-5 servings of vegetables;
  • 2-3 servings of meat, fish, chicken, eggs, nuts;
  • 2-4 servings of fruits (for example, fruit salads);
  • 6-11 servings of rice, other cereals, bread.

Breastfeeding and weight loss

Breastfeeding doesn't magically melt away extra pounds, but it can help. It takes about 800 kcal a day to produce milk. The stores of fat gained during pregnancy provide about 300 kcal per day for milk production, the rest of the kilocalories should be provided by your nutrition. During the feeding period, most women need an average of 2700 kcal per day. When exercising, you may want to eat less. However, doctors warn that consuming less than 1800 calories per day and losing more than 4 kg per month can reduce lactation, and you will not have enough strength to feed and care for your baby.

Movement is a way to lose weight without drastically restricting calories. However, moderate-intensity physical activity - brisk walking or aerobics under a tape - can be entered only when the doctor allows.

If, despite all efforts, there are problems with "dairy production", herbs help well: fennel, alfalfa, nettle and fenugreek. Talk to your doctor about how to use them in your particular case.

And how are they?

The magazine "Mother and Baby" ("Mother and Child") conducted an interesting study among two thousand young British mothers who expressed the following claims to their body:

  • flabby stomach - 83% of respondents;
  • striae (stretch marks) - of various localization - 62%;
  • sagging breasts - 51%;
  • flabby legs - 31%;
  • flabby arms - 23%;
  • saggy buttocks - 20%;
  • swollen ankles - 7%.

The most interesting thing is that 94% of the men surveyed believe that after the birth of the baby, their companions remained as attractive as they were before the birth.

Among those whom British young mothers would like to be like in terms of figure, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Victoria Beckham are in the lead.

Doctors believe that almost all visible consequences of pregnancy can be eliminated within nine months. But you don’t have to strive to fit into your school jeans immediately after giving birth. The task of a young mother is to breastfeed her child, since it is mother's milk that is the best food for a newborn.

Recharge items:


During pregnancy and lactation, a woman needs calcium. The recommended daily dose for a nursing mother is 1600 mg (which indicates the need to eat 3-4 servings of dairy products daily). Calcium is also found in broccoli and ordinary white cabbage, oranges (remember about allergies), almonds, sardines (do not experiment with canned food), tofu cheese.

You can additionally take preparations containing calcium, however, we pay attention to the fact that it is well absorbed only with vitamin D, magnesium and zinc.


With a daily intake of fruits and vegetables, your body will receive the vitamins it needs. For the development of the child, vitamin D plays a special role, which is found in fish, milk, eggs and butter, so do not neglect these products during lactation.


For the first time after the baby is born, until you get used to the new regimen, try to keep light, fast food on hand. For example, homemade cheese, fresh fruits, frozen vegetables, crackers, fruit salads, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, mousses. And you will have to give up fast food and “soups from a bag”, because you have two tasks: to feed the young tribe and not to crawl further in width ... With certain juggling skills, you can quickly “starve a worm”, while changing diapers, heating dill water, singing a children's march of his own composition and attentively listening to how her husband's working day went.

We wish you to be happy, healthy and attractive during this most beautiful period of your life!

After childbirth, the diet of a nursing mother should consist only of properly selected dishes. Every woman should know what a nursing mother can eat in the first month after giving birth. It is on what a breastfeeding mother eats that the life and health of the child will depend. When choosing a menu for a nursing mother in the first month after childbirth, one should not count on luck. At this time, the digestive system of the newborn is most exposed to external factors.

In the first week, a woman's nutrition is extremely limited. Doctors recommend eating more cereals cooked with milk or water (buckwheat, corn, oatmeal), fermented milk products, vegetarian soups and plain water.

Starting from the second week, a woman can carefully eat baked or raw green apples without peel (it is better to grate), seaweed and boiled eggs in small quantities (to check the reaction, you need to eat the yolk and protein separately on different days).

It is worth considering that the first weeks are the time when a woman must eat up to 2.5 thousand calories a day, adhering to a strict diet, due to the high energy costs for milk production, body recovery after childbirth.

What can breastfeeding mothers eat from 0 to 3 months

Gradually, with the growth of the child, a woman will be able to significantly diversify her diet.

After 10 days, you can choose from a wider list of products, which includes:

  • cereals - buckwheat, oatmeal, corn. It is best to give each type of cereal a separate day so that you can trace the reaction of the baby's body. The first portion of cereals should be equal to 1 tablespoon, a little later it will be possible to eat 100-150 grams each;
  • fish - your preference should be given to lean sea or river fish, including pollock, pike perch, cod, sea bass, carp, bream, river perch, pike or burbot. They contain the least number of allergens and are best absorbed. It is worth considering that the reaction of the body may depend on the method of preparation of fish. To get all the nutrients, it needs to be cooked for about 15 minutes;
  • meat - you need to choose lean or dietary meat, for example, rabbit, turkey, chicken. Eating beef or pork is allowed;
  • vegetables - cabbage (only cauliflower), potatoes, zucchini, broccoli. Carrots are recommended to be consumed in small quantities;
  • fruits - at first, it is best to give your preference to green baked apples, avoiding other types. This is due to the fact that the digestive system of the crumbs is not yet able to fully perceive normally all types of seasonal fruits.
  • dairy and sour-milk products - low-fat kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, cheeses, yogurts that do not contain artificial flavors and additives;
  • flour - bread from bran, wheat. Rye bread is allowed in small quantities.

In order not to mix different dishes, it is best to make a table with which you can diversify your menu and reduce the risk of negative reactions.

How to avoid allergies

To prevent allergies, you need to carefully monitor all the products that will be consumed during the day. You can’t try several new products at once. This will only aggravate the whole situation, and also will not allow you to understand what exactly was the negative reaction.

The introduction of a new food should be gradual, starting with a small bite. If by the evening there are no negative reactions, then you can re-take the product in a small amount. Only after a few days the amount of new food can be increased.

If you notice signs of allergies in your baby

If you find the first signs of an allergic reaction (rash, redness), you should immediately abandon the products consumed in the morning, since they could provoke its appearance.

If, even after the exclusion of allergen products, the allergy does not go away, then you should immediately consult a doctor for help, otherwise this may lead to complications.

Diet for mother figure

After the birth of a child, a woman's body changes significantly. The first months are not suitable for actively engaging in your figure, but properly selected nutrition will help to correct it.

To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • You need to eat in moderation, without overeating. All food should be balanced, contain the entire list of essential vitamins, minerals;
  • for the whole day you need to eat 5-6 times. At the same time, 3 meals should be the main ones, containing the highest energy value, and the remaining ones should be light;
  • any product should be administered cautiously at intervals of 2 to 5 days. It is recommended to eat a small piece of a new product in the morning, and then observe the baby's reaction all day. If there are no negative consequences, then the portion can be increased;
  • when the first symptoms of an allergy appear, you should immediately refuse the food taken before. It is best to try again only after 4 weeks;
  • for the first time, you need to completely abandon fried foods, replacing it with boiled or stewed. All vegetables should be steamed;
  • all purchased finished products must be replaced with self-made ones;
  • your preference should be given to plain water, and not compotes or fruit drinks because of the likelihood of an allergy to the fruits from which they are made.

It is worth remembering that a woman after childbirth should not exhaust herself with diets, as this will only lead to exhaustion of the body, and the child will not be able to get the right amount of nutrients. At first, any diet should be based on the rejection of allergen products, the preparation of a balanced diet, the use of the right amount of calories.

A special case

Nutritional adjustments should be made based on the condition of the child and the mother. There are many diseases in which it is forbidden to eat certain types of foods.

Not a small role in the choice of a woman's diet is played by childbirth. Nutrition should be built depending on what they were (natural, caesarean section), whether they caused complications. In each case, an individual menu is selected, which will contain plenty of products with the necessary set of trace elements.

If the child has diseases, the mother's menu is compiled after a full examination, only with a specialist. In this case, self-compilation of the diet can only harm.

Sample menu for the week by day

At first, it is best not to experiment with recipes. It is recommended to consume vegetables and fruits only after heat treatment. After strengthening the child's digestive system, a woman can make some specific menu for the week, which can be followed, for example:

  1. Monday
  • Breakfast - buckwheat boiled in milk, steamed vegetables, fermented baked milk;
  • Lunch - vegetarian soup, a piece of boiled fish, a dry type of biscuit, weak tea;
  • Snack - cottage cheese with dried fruits, green tea;
  • Dinner - boiled potatoes, steamed chicken breast, kefir.
  1. Tuesday
  • Breakfast - wheat porridge with bran bread, kefir, drying;
  • Lunch - light fish soup, baked rabbit meat, tea, dried fruits;
  • Snack - ryazhenka, baked apple;
  • Dinner - potatoes baked with beef, dried fruit compote, cottage cheese.
  1. Wednesday
  • Breakfast - a few boiled eggs, steamed broccoli, cheese, tea;
  • Lunch - soup on a secondary meat broth, stewed chicken cutlet, banana, tea;
  • Afternoon snack - light oatmeal cookies, kefir;
  • Dinner - lean pork stew, boiled potatoes, baked apple;
  1. Thursday
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, compote;
  • Lunch - stewed vegetable stew with chicken and potatoes, rye bread, tea;
  • Snack - low-fat yogurt;
  • Dinner - durum wheat pasta, boiled rabbit meat, low-fat milk.
  1. Friday
  • Breakfast - cottage cheese with the addition of dried fruits, grated apple;
  • Lunch - chicken meat baked with vegetables, boiled potatoes, compote;
  • Snack - yogurt, banana;
  • Dinner - corn porridge, a small piece of cheese, kefir.
  1. Saturday
  • Breakfast - cheesecakes cooked in the oven, kefir;
  • Lunch - vegetable stew, boiled buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • Afternoon snack - baked apple, kefir;
  • Dinner - baked fish with zucchini, banana, tea.
  1. Sunday
  • Breakfast - a few boiled eggs, a piece of cheese, drying, tea;
  • Lunch - fish soup, peeled apple, compote;
  • Afternoon snack - cheesecakes cooked in the oven, tea;
  • Dinner - rabbit meat stewed with potatoes, oatmeal cookies, kefir.

Each woman should independently draw up her own menu, excluding from it those products that have a negative reaction. Gradually, the diet should expand with new products.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month is a moot point and largely depends on the child himself, the course of pregnancy, childbirth. Before eating new foods, you should consult your doctor. It will help to correctly compose the menu, especially for the first time, when the digestive system of the crumbs is still too weak.

Nutrition after childbirth for a nursing woman has many features and prohibitions. After all, the composition and amount of breast milk directly depends on this. The whims of the baby due to poor health, short sleep, constipation - all these are the consequences of non-compliance with the diet by a nursing mother. So what should you eat to keep your baby healthy and calm?
Nutrition in the first months after birth should be light, but frequent, new foods should be introduced carefully, observing the reaction of the child. Do not forget about the restrictions on junk food. Consider the basic principles of menu formation for a young mother.

Proper nutrition of the mother after childbirth will ensure successful lactation, good health and health of the newborn baby.

Everything that the mother ate enters the body of the baby with breast milk and can provoke negative consequences:

  1. Flatulence of the intestines and severe colic.
  2. or vice versa, diarrhea.
  3. Allergic manifestations in the form of a rash may occur on some products.
  4. Foods that have a strong taste and aroma impair the taste of milk, and the baby may refuse to breastfeed.
  5. Improper nutrition of a nursing mother after childbirth can have an exciting effect on the baby's nervous system.

Adhering to a diet, a woman will also provide herself and her family with a good rest. After all, a baby who does not suffer from colic or constipation sleeps better, eats well and gains weight.

Such a child grows and develops calmly, without suffering from allergic itching and from constant pain in the tummy, and the mother is not nervous, trying to calm the baby. In addition, a balanced and regular diet, excluding fried and fatty foods, will help a woman get rid of extra pounds gained during childbearing.

Much depends on the mother's eating habits during pregnancy. If a woman used to constantly consume persimmons, apples, plums, then after childbirth you can also add these products to the diet. However, if the mother did not eat these fruits before, and after giving birth she was carried away by their consumption, then it is quite possible that the child will develop an allergy.

The menu must be designed so that the daily diet contains:

  • proteins - 20%;
  • fats - 15-20%;
  • carbohydrates - 60%.

Nutrition in the first three days after childbirth

The issue of following a certain diet should be considered by a woman not only after the birth of a child, but also during pregnancy. If the tests are bad, the doctor may advise her to limit the use of certain foods so as not to provoke a worsening of the condition.

A few days before the birth, it is better to give up such excesses as:

  • chocolate;
  • nuts;
  • coffee, strong tea, cocoa;
  • strawberries, tomatoes, red fish;
  • smoked or salty dishes;
  • citrus fruits and various exotic foods.

It is also better to reduce the consumption of dairy products. So, you will save a newborn baby from appearing immediately after birth.

Nutrition on the first day after childbirth should consist of freshly prepared and light meals, without spicy and fragrant seasonings. After all, during this period, a woman is getting better at lactation and accustoming a child to the breast.

It is better to limit yourself to cereals on the water, a boiled egg or a piece of lean meat, you can eat lean soup without frying. From sweets, a baked apple, a banana and a simple biscuit cookie are allowed.

There is an opinion that in order to increase milk, a woman needs to drink plenty of water. This is not the case, as drinking large amounts of liquid can lead to flushing and stagnation of milk in the breast. After all, a newborn baby eats very little.

Those who gave birth by way should not eat foods rich in fiber: raw vegetables and fruits, black bread, bran. On the first day after the operation, it is better to limit yourself to water without gas.

End of the first week after birth

A breastfeeding woman should not starve. Nutrition after childbirth in the first days should be frequent and fractional, ideally, after each feeding, you should eat some light food and drink warm tea or compote.

At the end of the first week after the birth of the baby, the mother can:

  1. Warm sweetened tea, cranberry juice, dried fruit compote, herbal decoctions.
  2. Stewed vegetables: beets, zucchini or eggplant, carrots, pumpkin with a couple of drops of vegetable oil.
  3. You can make croutons for tea or soup from black or rye bread.
  4. Introduce a few pieces of low-fat sea fish into the diet, observing the well-being of the baby.
  5. Some good quality mashed potatoes or pasta.
  6. Lean boiled beef.
  7. Dairy products (no more than 300 g per day).
  8. Once a day, be sure to eat low-fat soup or borscht without cabbage.
  9. Carefully introduce nuts and hard cheese into your menu.
  10. Eat one banana and two baked apples a day.

Introduce new foods into your diet carefully, in small portions, carefully observing the reaction of the baby's body to them.

Portions should be small so that mom does not gain extra pounds.

Nutrition in the first 4 weeks after childbirth

A few weeks have passed since the birth of the child, the baby has grown a little, and it would seem that mom can return to her usual diet, but no. Nutrition in the first month after childbirth is as important as in the first days.

During this period, a nursing mother is allowed:

  • all cereals on the water, except for rice, corn and wheat;
  • you can put a little butter in porridge;
  • lean pieces of boiled beef or poultry;
  • milk, yogurt;
  • baked fruits, raw green vegetables.

You can make cheesecakes and casseroles from cottage cheese, adding dried fruits or berries there. It is allowed to add a little sour cream to the dishes.

When introducing new products into your diet, you should be guided by a number of rules:

  1. Eat a new dish in the morning, but it is better in the morning, and carefully observe the reaction of the child.
  2. Add only one new product per day.
  3. If a child has rashes or has become nervous and capricious, then it is better to refuse to eat a new dish. For ease of observation and systematization of information, you should keep a food diary.
  4. Introduce new products to your menu in small pieces. With a good reaction of the baby, the portion can be increased at the next meal.

breastfeeding period

Of course, nutrition in the first month after childbirth is very limited, but after 8-12 weeks it can be significantly expanded.

At this stage, it is allowed to add to the mother's diet after childbirth:

  1. Some sweets (marshmallow, marmalade, natural marshmallow). Choose a product with a minimum amount of dyes, without extraneous chemical odors, with a short shelf life.
  2. Dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates). They can be eaten in their natural form, as well as added to various dishes. Do not forget to wash dried fruits well before use, and even better - pour boiling water over them.
  3. Diversify the menu with other types of fish.
  4. A little boiled corn and young peas, not forgetting to note the condition of the child after the introduction of new products.
  5. Fresh fruits in season (peaches, apricots, plums, non-red apples). Of the berries - honeysuckle, blueberries, white currants and gooseberries.
  6. Four months after giving birth, you can add freshly squeezed juices to your menu, but it is better to dilute them with boiled water and drink no more than one glass a day.

Dietary restrictions for breastfeeding mothers

With what you can eat after childbirth, we figured it out. But these products are strictly forbidden to be used by a woman when breastfeeding a baby:

  1. Alcoholic drinks and food from fast food restaurants. It is better to exclude them at the stage of pregnancy in order to avoid health problems.
  2. Citruses are strong allergens, they must also be removed from the diet of a nursing mother. In the autumn-winter period, it is better to give preference to rosehip broth or sauerkraut, they also have a lot of vitamin C.
  3. Store-bought cakes, cream puffs, and alcoholic candies should be replaced with plain cookies. If you really want to, you can bake the cake yourself by making custard from low-fat milk.
  4. Many women drink tea with the addition of milk, considering this drink to be beneficial for lactation. But it's not. Whole cow's milk is also considered an allergen and should be consumed very carefully, in small quantities. And it is even better to replace the goat.
  5. Fatty, fried, smoked and salty foods are prohibited not only for a nursing mother, but also for a pregnant woman.

In the first days after childbirth, the nutrition of a woman is very limited, this is necessary for the well-being of the woman in labor and the baby. Healthy food will help to improve the functioning of the newborn's digestive tract and avoid such unpleasant problems as colic, bloating and constipation. Later, the mother's diet will expand, coming to the one that was before pregnancy.

Sample menu for the week

A nursing mother can eat many foods, the number of meals should be at least 4 per day. If a woman wants to lose weight, then food should be divided into small portions, but you need to eat 6-7 times a day. You should remember the rules for the heat treatment of food, raw fruits, greens should be eaten in small quantities, while making sure that the child does not have problems with the digestibility of milk.

Sample menu for the week:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerafternoon teaDinner
MondayOatmeal porridge on the water, stewed vegetables, fermented baked milkVegetable soup, boiled potatoes, boiled chicken breastChamomile tea, biscuits, bananaPasta, stewed mushrooms, dried fruits
TuesdayBoiled egg, stewed broccoli, bread and butter, teaBoiled fish, rice porridge, cottage cheese with pear, compoteKefir, apple charlotte, cookiesVegetable casserole, steamed meatballs, yogurt
WednesdayBarley porridge, boiled zucchini, dried fruits, kefirPasta, stewed veal, salad with vegetables, sweet teaBaked apple, drying, ryazhenkaFish soup, boiled egg, bread and butter, compote
ThursdayCottage cheese with sour cream, cookies, teaCorn porridge, boiled vegetables, poultry meat, fermented baked milkBiscuits, dried fruits, kefirSoup with meatballs, rice with vegetables, compote
FridayBuckwheat porridge with beef goulash, cheese sandwich, kefirVegetable stew, baked rabbit, tea with biscuitsRice casserole, drying, compoteVareniki with cottage cheese, fruit puree, milk
SaturdayBaked fish mashed potatoes, natural yogurt, bananaOatmeal with butter, poultry meatballs baked apple, compoteHomemade fruit casserole, juice or compoteCheesecakes with sour cream, salad with vegetables, tea
SundayRice porridge with apple, ryazhenka cheese sandwichFish soup, beetroot salad (small amount), steamed cutlets, teaCookies, cottage cheese, green teaCasserole with meat and potatoes, boiled egg, dried fruit compote

If we consider the various variations of the menu, we can see that they do not have sweets, coffee, chocolate. Products that contain a large amount of sugar are harmful in this case, sweets can be replaced with marshmallows, homemade jams, marshmallows, pastries, etc.

After the birth of a baby, a woman, it would seem, can forget about the prohibitions that surrounded her throughout her pregnancy, but it’s too early to relax, because now you have become a mother, moreover, a nursing mother.

This means that the postpartum period will require even more control and various restrictions, including your diet. Particular attention should also be paid to diet if the birth was not natural.

In order for a newborn child to be healthy, develop normally and receive all the nutrients or vitamins he needs, even at the stage of pregnancy, you need to think about what you can eat after childbirth.

Mom's daily menu should be as complete, balanced and varied as possible.

But when looking at the list of prohibited foods, one gets the impression that you can’t just eat anything from the usual food. Where, then, to take those same vitamins and how to restore strength and health to a young mother after pregnancy and childbirth?

Why can't you eat everything?

First, it should be understood that doctors impose a taboo on certain products for a reason. Yes, your baby is no longer connected to you by the umbilical cord, but now he receives breast milk from you, which is produced by your body.

Thanks to the wise design of nature, even if you do not eat well, the body will still be engaged in the production of milk - of course, to the detriment of itself. And this will immediately affect your well-being, appearance and health. Therefore, you need to provide the right diet to replenish energy, nutrients and nutrients without depleting your body when feeding.

Secondly, it is necessary to adhere to a certain diet in order to avoid all kinds of allergic reactions and digestive problems in a child. Based on this, the doctor will recommend eliminating certain foods and establishing a diet that is ideal for you and your child.

It is very good if an individual diet is developed, taking into account the immunity of the crumbs, the tendency to allergies, the child's stool, the condition of his skin (the skin of the baby is hypersensitive, so it can react to unsuitable products with irritations, peeling and rashes on the cheeks, shins, behind the ear area, on the knee and elbow folds).

What can a nursing mother eat after childbirth?

However, the period of breastfeeding will come only a few days after birth, usually milk fully appears on the third or fifth day.

At this time, the issue of nutrition for a young mother should also be approached with special attention, moreover, the diet in the immediate postpartum period is slightly different from the lactation diet.

Depending on how the delivery process was and how the birth went, you will receive appropriate instructions and advice from your doctor.

What food is suitable for a woman in labor in the hospital: a list of food

  1. liquid food

After natural but difficult childbirth, with tears, incisions, suturing or other surgical intervention, doctors recommend eating only liquid food for the first few days: milk or liquid cereals boiled in water, light vegetable soups or broths.

  1. Refusal of foods with coarse fiber

So that there is no pain and the seams do not open, it is better for a woman in labor to refrain from eating foods high in coarse fiber - bread, bran, raw fruits and vegetables. You can eat different porridges - oatmeal, buckwheat, millet, corn, but rice should be removed from the menu for now so that there are no problems with the stool.

Try to eat in small portions, almost half of what you are used to. It is better to eat fractionally, but often. Don't eat for two.

  1. Forget about fatty, salty, fried foods for now.

If you want to eat a meat dish, then it can only be boiled veal or poultry, but you can treat yourself to a fish, even boiled, only a few weeks after giving birth, and even then - in small quantities.

  1. You should also be careful with dairy products.

Give preference to foods with a low percentage of fat and remember small, even limited portions.

  1. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that all food is thermally processed.

It is better to adhere to this rule for at least another month after childbirth.

  1. It is necessary to exclude from the menu any products-allergens.

Chocolate, caviar, citrus fruits, honey, red fruits, eggs, mushrooms, etc.) and junk food containing preservatives, dyes and other chemicals.

  1. Strong drinks, including even tea and coffee, are also completely useless to you after childbirth.

It is believed that a young mother should drink plenty of fluids (preferably even milk) so that milk arrives faster and more.

But if you do not control fluid intake in the first days after childbirth, then this can lead to breast swelling, besides, many women are allergic to milk, or they suffer from individual intolerance, so try to approach this issue without excessive fanaticism.

In general, eating in the hospital after a normal birth, your menu may include the following products:

  • boiled veal or chicken;
  • buckwheat or oatmeal cooked in water (you can add a little vegetable oil and lightly salt);
  • diet bread or grain bread;
  • hard cheese;
  • fermented milk products (one percent kefir - no more than one glass a day, a little cottage cheese or yogurt without any fruit or flavor additives);
  • low-fat broths, vegetable light soups without seasonings and spices;
  • mashed potatoes;
  • from fruits you can baked apples (the main thing is that the fruits are not red) and bananas (no more than one per day);
  • drinking (weak tea with milk, mineral water without gas, dried fruit compotes, uzvars, it is better not to rush with juices so as not to cause food allergies).

Of course, such a diet seems very scarce, but you will only have to stick to it for the first few days, and then gradually, if everything is in order, you can add other dishes to the menu, expanding your diet already in accordance with the recommendations for nutrition of a nursing mother. .

The main features of the nutrition of women in labor after cesarean section

If for some reason the birth did not take place naturally, but, then the woman's body will need more time to recover. In addition, since this operation is a strip operation, it means that it should be remembered that it will take at least several days to resume bowel function.

Diet must also be followed in order not to overload the intestines. In this case, the digestive organs will not put pressure on the reproductive organ, due to which they will grow together better.

To normalize its functions in a day, a woman is given a cleansing enema, and if problems with the stool do not disappear, laxative suppositories are prescribed.

When the intestines work again and you can empty yourself, the postoperative menu can be replaced with a menu for breastfeeding.

The first day after CS: the most important nuances

Despite the fact that the operation was left behind, and you have already become a young happy mother, you will need to spend the first day (or day) after it in the intensive care unit.

You can’t eat anything at this time, but you won’t want to, because all the necessary nutrients and nutrients (vitamins and trace elements) will enter your body through droppers, which are often placed after a cesarean section.

It is allowed to drink only water, and even then in small quantities. You can take mineral, but without gas, and if you wish, add a little lemon juice to it (about 1-2 tablespoons per 1 liter).

Second day after CS

On the second day, if the condition of the young mother has stabilized and there are no complications, she will be transferred to the postpartum department.

Recommendations for organizing nutrition after a caesarean section are similar to diets after other band surgeries. Since the work of the stomach cannot yet be complete, which means that it does not perform its necessary functions, the products must be introduced gradually.

First, the doctor will advise adding low-fat broth to the diet (only beef or poultry is allowed, but not pork). In addition, the broth must be cooked on the third water (boiling water will need to be drained twice, and on the third add some vegetables to it). One serving should not exceed 100 ml, and you can drink such a broth 2-3 times a day. If the doctor allows, treat yourself to a piece of boiled meat, or rather ask your relatives to make a portion of meat soufflé out of it.

You can also try to eat mashed potatoes or some kind of porridge, except for rice (cook with water). Sour-milk products are also allowed in small quantities: a few tablespoons of fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of natural yogurt.

You can drink fruit drinks, compote, weak tea, water, rosehip broth.

Third day after CS

On the third day, your body will already begin to gradually return to normal, and the diet can be slightly expanded. However, do not forget that food should still be low-calorie and dietary. Eating or overeating is also not worth it, because the intestines may not be able to cope yet. It is better to eat several times (up to 5-6 meals a day), but in small portions.

Some women are happy to introduce baby food into their menu: meat or vegetable puree in jars.

You can also continue to cook broths and vegetable soups (excluding vegetables that can cause flatulence and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract), mashed potatoes and cereals on the water.

To diversify the diet, try a steam cutlet or meatballs, a piece of boiled fish fillet. Sour-milk products, cheese (low-fat) and even baked apples are allowed. If you really want something sweet, you can drink tea with sugar. Make sure all food is just warm, not hot or cold.

Further, the diet will be the same as after natural childbirth. The only point that doctors still pay attention to after CS surgery is the emphasis on the use of products that can positively affect intestinal motility (dried fruits and compote from them, beets, rosehip broth).

What can and can not be eaten after giving birth to a nursing mother

As a rule, on the fourth day, a young mother's breasts are already beginning to swell. Your doctor may recommend that you reduce your fluid intake slightly to reduce soreness and improve lactation.

Now you will need to keep your food diary, recording the introduction of each new product and noting the child's reaction to it. Your main task now is health - both yours and your baby's, so all food should be freshly prepared and natural.

You may have to change your habits and taste preferences, give up your favorite foods and treats for a while, because the health, immunity and well-being of your crumbs depend on what you eat.

All the rules and precautions that relate to nutrition are preserved, as in the postpartum period, and you can gradually add to the menu:

  • boiled meat (not only poultry and veal, but also rabbit, turkey), fish and dishes from them - soufflé, mashed potatoes;
  • steam dishes (meatballs, meatballs without the use of onions or garlic);
  • a few eggs a week (it is better not to boil, but to make an omelette);
  • pancakes or pancakes (can be sweet, or vegetable - from pumpkin, beets, carrots, zucchini);
  • vegetable stew;
  • soups and broths;
  • cereals on water and milk (carefully with rice);
  • baked apples, bananas, pears (no more than one per day);
  • a little light honey;
  • nuts and dried fruits (be careful with dried apricots);
  • mashed potatoes;
  • bran bread;
  • dry cookies, condensed milk, marshmallows, marshmallows, crackers;
  • fermented milk products (cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir), milk and cheese;
  • drink - fruit drinks (lingonberry, cranberry), uzvars, compotes, kissels, tea and cocoa with milk.

It is believed that if a woman really wants something: a piece of pickled cucumber or milk sausage, or even a cake, then it is better for her to eat a little bit than to torment herself. But be careful and do not forget about products that are categorically not recommended during lactation:

  • legumes (may cause bloating);
  • strong tea and coffee;
  • raw eggs;
  • dark chocolate;
  • garlic and onions;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • raw or half-cooked dishes (sushi, uncooked meat, etc.);
  • red and black caviar;
  • red fruits (tomatoes, radishes, strawberries, pomegranates, cherries, sweet cherries and other berries);
  • exotic fruits and citrus fruits;
  • fresh cabbage and cucumbers;
  • kvass and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • semi-finished products;
  • preservation and everything salty, sour, pickled, pickled;
  • muffins and pastries;
  • alcohol;
  • mushrooms;
  • sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise;
  • smoked, fried and fatty foods.

Your proper nutrition will help set up the child's digestive system, strengthen his immunity and protect against various diseases or.

To make up for the lack of vitamins and nutrients, as well as increase lactation, you can use special products for nursing mothers (teas, juices, drinks, etc.).

Be sure to monitor not only the quantity, but also the quality of breast milk.


Even if at first it seems that all these rules and restrictions are too onerous, trust that time will fly by quickly. The baby will grow up and you will be able to expand your diet, and then stop breastfeeding altogether, which means you will return to the usual menu.

In the meantime, try to adhere to the rules of a complete and balanced diet in order to restore your own strength and energy, and also to give your child the necessary immunity with mother's milk.

A balanced diet after childbirth is important not only for nursing mothers, but also for babies, so the diet must be approached responsibly. The correct mode will help to avoid many problems in the first months of a baby's life.

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month

An important issue on which the health of the child primarily depends is the nutrition of a nursing mother. In different periods of growth of the baby, the diet is different: the most stringent nutritional conditions are observed in the first 4 weeks, then the menu gradually expands.

The basic principles of the diet after childbirth

When preparing to feed a baby, it should be borne in mind that a woman needs to consume more calories than usual. On average, the body needs about 2,800 kcal per day to get a boost of energy and provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. With malnutrition, the amount of milk will decrease sharply. However, overeating can negatively affect both the child and the mother. In the first case, a severe allergy may develop, and in the second case, excess weight will appear.

It is worth considering that proper nutrition does not mean the amount of food eaten, but its quality indicators. Experts recommend keeping a diary in which you need to mark the menu every day, the time of eating and the reaction of the crumbs to food.

The best option for mom's diet is simple meals that need to be consumed at least 4 times a day, and snacks should consist of only one product. It is important to observe the drinking regimen. In the first week after childbirth, the amount of liquid should be limited to 1 liter. At first, it is allowed to drink only kefir, fresh fruit drink and weakly brewed tea. Restrictions are introduced to prevent stagnation of milk in the glands.

In the first weeks, it is useful to add fermented milk products to the menu. Doctors explain this by their ability to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as replenish calcium losses. If you want to eat with benefit, and at the same time lose a few extra pounds, it is important to eat not 1 or 2 times a day, but, on the contrary, more often. Thus, metabolic processes are activated, and the baby will receive everything he needs in sufficient quantities.

Dr. Komarovsky says that full, frequent meals will protect the baby from frequent colds and many other diseases. The main thing is to exclude all foods that can cause intestinal disorders, colic and serious allergies.

As food additives, you need to eat bran, which differ not only in useful properties, but also in hypoallergenicity. The diet should consist of fresh high-quality products without artificial additives, a large amount of liquid: mineral still water, black weak tea and fruit drinks.

Allowed and prohibited foods immediately after childbirth

The amount of milk produced can be improved by eating more protein foods, drinking kefir, decoctions of herbs and vegetables, water (about 1.5 liters), tea and, of course, soups.

  • dry biscuits and crackers;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and kefir;
  • fresh seasonal fruits (not red and those that are not allergic);
  • stewed or boiled lean meat and fish;
  • boiled vegetables (except cabbage and beets);
  • dried wheat bread;
  • pasta.

The total amount of daily fluid drunk should be at least 2.5 liters. However, exceeding this figure can lead to the appearance of edema in a woman, a significant decrease in the quality of milk.

It is strictly forbidden to eat the following at the first stage of feeding:

  • spices and seasonings;
  • any coffee;
  • rye flour bread;
  • all members of the legume family;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • all smoked and deep-fried;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • sweet and flour;
  • rice side dishes and porridge.

It is also worth limiting the intake of seafood, all pickled. Caution should be taken when taking fruits, which can contribute to the occurrence of abdominal pain in the baby.

An example of a menu for nursing by day - table

The nutrition menu of a nursing mother after childbirth should be correctly compiled. Any violation can cause serious harm to the child. Below is a variant of the diet for 5 days.

Day 1:

  • secondary chicken broth (about 200 g) with the addition of bran crackers;
  • a small piece of boiled veal;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • buckwheat with the addition of vegetable oil (150 g);
  • cracker;
  • 50 g of cheese;
  • weak tea with sugar.

Day 2:

  • porridge without oil (not from rice);
  • mineral water;
  • steamed vegetables (200 g);
  • rosehip decoction;
  • any lean meat (no more than 150 g);
  • vegetable soup without spices;
  • baked apples.

Day 3:

  • oatmeal cookies + a glass of kefir;
  • a slice of wheat bread with hard cheese;
  • a plate of oatmeal with milk;
  • buckwheat + chicken cutlet (portion 250 g);
  • 1 banana (if allowed);
  • dried fruits compote;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • Apple.

Day 4:

  • natural yogurt;
  • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream (150 g);
  • not red fruits + compote;
  • stewed vegetables with meat (250 g);
  • not a rich bun with kefir;
  • low-fat baked fish (no more than 200 g);
  • porridge with tea.

Day 5:

  • porridge with the addition of a piece of butter;
  • apple compote (or plum);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • boiled fish meat (no more than 180 g);
  • dry cookies and kefir;
  • hard cheese (maximum - 30 g).

Do not forget to consume the daily norm of products in 4-5 doses. In the future, the menu can be gradually expanded by adding products to which the child's body will not react negatively.

Features of the nutrition of a nursing mother by months

Mom's nutrition in the period, starting from the second month, with breastfeeding becomes more diverse. The child's body needs nutrients, which he must receive from milk without harm to health.

Main Rules

The expansion of the list of foods acceptable for consumption after 1 month is due to the fact that the child has postpartum problems with the intestines, in particular, constipation. Doctors are allowed to include rice cereal and some rich pastries in the diet. You can drink whole milk in moderation, eat raw vegetables, the intake of which is not prohibited in individual cases.

It is worth considering that when introducing a new product, you need to carefully look to see if the crumbs will have allergies. The reaction can begin a day after taking a new food, so you should be careful.

Over time, it is allowed to eat smoked dishes, canned food and sweets, but these products should not be abused. The drinking regime includes the intake of a large amount of liquid, which will ensure good lactation. Be sure to introduce new dishes in small portions and one by one. This is necessary not only to identify possible unpleasant consequences, but also so that the child has time to get used to an unusual diet.

Doctor Komarovsky's advice in the field of mother's nutrition in the postpartum period from two months to one and a half years includes several rules. A well-known pediatrician recommends that women carefully consider the diet until the end of breastfeeding.

Important principles of nutrition:

  • It is better to refuse a dish, the use of which there is doubt.
  • You can eat a little of the forbidden product in order to avoid a breakdown and not harm the baby.
  • Avoid overeating, it is better to eat often, but little by little.
  • Drink vitamin and mineral complexes.
  • You can not eat before a night's rest.
  • You can return to the usual diet when the child is one year old. However, this does not mean that you need to pounce on everything fatty, eat 1 time per day and not monitor the nutritional value of the diet.

A healthy menu is not only a guarantee of well-being of the baby, but also of the mother herself. Therefore, even after a year, a nursing woman should monitor her eating habits and not abuse junk food.

Nursing food in subsequent months

Despite the opportunity to change your diet after the first month of feeding, it is still forbidden to eat fruits and vegetables that can cause fermentation in the intestines of a child. This is primarily white cabbage, peas, grapes. You can not eat foods that belong to the group of strong allergens or cause diathesis: milk chocolate, oranges, tangerines, pistachios.

If the baby has no problems with the tummy (colic, bloating, constipation), you can include rice, flour, lightly salted, etc. in the menu little by little. Do not forget about the prohibition of alcoholic beverages, convenience foods, "fast" food and caffeine.

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first months must be balanced. You can eat almost everything, but in small quantities, mono-nutrition is welcome. In case of a shortage of milk, pediatricians advise drinking more fluids. If this problem does not arise, then water volumes should not be abused. From the optimal drinks during this period, boiled milk, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed juices are distinguished, and you can also gradually start drinking baked milk, grape juice, weak green tea.
Mom's nutrition table by month

Mom's diet after the first 4 weeks implies the inclusion of more products in the menu compared to the initial stage.

Second month


  • seedlings of grain crops;
  • increasing the percentage of raw vegetables consumed;
  • lean borscht based on tomato juice;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

Water can be drunk more than in 1 month - up to 2.5 liters, especially if there is a problem with the consistency of breast milk (too viscous).


  • coffee and any caffeinated drinks;
  • wine;
  • hot spices;
  • white cabbage and other previously prohibited products.

third month


  • nuts other than peanuts and pistachios;
  • homemade jam or jam from cherries and apples;
  • Butter biscuits and buns (in limited quantities).

From drinks, you can add more vegetable and fruit juices, if there are no negative reactions from the child's body, you can try a drink from red fruits.


  • smoked;
  • oversalted;
  • pickled;
  • milk chocolate.

fourth month

You can eat:

  • millet and barley porridge in unlimited quantities;
  • semolina;
  • squash caviar;
  • dried spices;
  • a little onion;

It is allowed to add freshly squeezed pumpkin and carrot juices from the liquid, as well as rich blueberry juice (or blackcurrant).


  • alcoholic drinks;
  • garlic;
  • desserts with cream and lots of butter;
  • spicy seasonings and spices.

Fifth month


  • medium fat sour cream;
  • any homemade jam;
  • walnuts;
  • any cereals and cereals.

The drinking regime for the 5th month remains unchanged (tea, almost all juices and fruit drinks, mineral water).

You can not eat in addition to the previous prohibitions:

  • fast food;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • fatty cow's milk;
  • seafood.

sixth month


  • seafood;
  • all representatives of legumes;
  • red fruits;
  • soft wheat bread.

The drinking regimen implies the use of everything that was previously allowed + you can try tropical fruit juices.


  • grape;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats;
  • hot and spicy dishes.

seventh month


  • lightly fried foods;
  • some exotic fruits;
  • chocolate (preferably dark).

You can drink everything that was permissible in previous months.


  • citrus fruit;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked sausages.

eighth month

You can eat:

  • garlic;
  • any fish (except red);
  • sweet with a little cream;
  • any berries;
  • natural dry wine (half a glass is rare).

Drinking regimen: if there are deviations, drink more water and any drinks with the exception of caffeine.


  • peppered dishes;
  • fat meat;
  • "fast food.

ninth month


  • fresh and salted tomatoes;
  • red fish;
  • pickled cucumbers and mushrooms.

From drinks other than coffee and alcohol, there are no restrictions, as in the following months.

It is forbidden:

  • fatty meats and foods with a lot of oil;
  • oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tangerines;
  • smoked sausages and sausages.

tenth month


  • natural seasonings (basil, dill, parsley);
  • sweet paprika;
  • some lemon.


  • mayonnaise;
  • pasta from 2 grades of flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • refined sugar.

11-12 months

You can eat:

  • legumes;
  • milk chocolate;
  • fried food;
  • milk sausages;
  • flower pollen.

From restrictions:

  • margarine;
  • processed cheese;
  • fast food;
  • mayonnaise sauces.

Experts believe that from this period, you can gradually switch to the usual menu for a woman, but with the utmost care.

Frequently asked Questions

To avoid many misunderstandings and problems when compiling a menu during lactation, you should familiarize yourself with the frequently asked questions that bother many women after pregnancy.

Can you eat chocolate after giving birth?

Are apples and pomegranates allowed?

You can eat apples, as well as apricots, pears, if there are no contraindications. You need to be careful with pomegranate: tropical fruits are not completely digested, load the liver, and can cause a severe allergic reaction in an infant.

Can a nursing mother eat watermelon in the first month after childbirth?

During this period, any red berries (pulp, peel) are prohibited. However, starting from 4 months or six months, doctors recommend eating watermelon regularly.

Can I eat bananas and persimmons when feeding?

In order not to provoke an allergy, it is better not to eat these fruits in the first 3 months of lactation. After this period, bananas and persimmons can be consumed both fresh and as ingredients for dessert.

Are breastfeeding mothers allowed to drink coffee?

Coffee is one of the strictly prohibited foods during lactation. This prohibition applies not only at the initial stage, but throughout the entire breastfeeding.

How much water can you drink while feeding?

The drinking regime at different stages varies. Doctors advise not to drink a lot (up to 1 liter) in the first week. After this, liquids should be consumed in large quantities - about 2-2.5 liters per day, so that the milk is not excessively viscous.

Is it okay to drink wine while breastfeeding a baby?

No, alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited. They negatively affect the development of the crumbs (physical and mental). Plus, the functionality of all systems of the child's fragile body is significantly reduced.

Can you eat seeds and nuts?

If an allergy is not detected in a child, then nuts with seeds are acceptable. You should not risk and include them in the first month of feeding.

Is it possible to drink kefir, apple juice after childbirth?

Sour-milk products are an obligatory component of the menu for lactation. Juice is allowed, but it is better to choose a drink from green rather than red fruits. Kefir should be taken high-quality, if possible - cooked at home.

A healthy and balanced diet after childbirth will help not only strengthen the baby’s immunity, but also restore the woman’s strength, give her vigor, and most importantly, form healthy eating habits. A new lifestyle will allow you to always be in good shape, devote a lot of time to raising crumbs and enjoy its full growth.