Repeated referendum in the Crimea? Why not? Repeated referendum.

The number of British who advocate for the second referendum to exit the EU exceeds the number of voting opponents by 16%. Such numbers were obtained as a result of one of the largest nationwide polls of public opinion.

The ICM study conducted within the framework of the Guardian project showed that 47% of the British would prefer to say their last word on Brexit after its conditions are known. Anti-re-referendum is 34% of respondents.

If you do not take into account about one fifth of respondents who do not have certain views on this issue, approximately 58% of the population agrees to a repeated referendum against 48% opposing, which indicates a growing interest in this idea in society against the background of recent negotiations in the government.

The survey demonstrated:

Increasing doubts in the feasibility of exiting the EU, and 43% of voters are concerned that Brexit will have a negative impact on the Great Britain's economy. Part of the respondents believe that it will have a negative impact on the "British Lifestyle";

Signs that supporters of Laborians can become more open to rethinking the idea of \u200b\u200bBrexit, while 9% of the exit supporters changed their mind to the opposite, and now prefer to remain in the EU. And most in support of the second referendum are representatives of unqualified workers;

Strengthening demographic rupture due to Brexit attitude. 17% more youth than before, supporting the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying in the EU, while people aged in 65 in most cases support Britain's yield;

Expansion of geographical rupture in opinions. While voters in Scotland are likely to support the idea of \u200b\u200bstaying in the EU, the intention of the EU exit remains strong in Wales and some parts of England, such as Midlands (Midlands).

The consequences of reviewing the results of the referendum are difficult to predict, since the country is still divided into two parts, and there are signs that both camps reinforce their positions.

The survey was supported by the Guardian journalists communicating from different ends of the country that they find enhancing support for the exit from the EU in Mensfield (Mansfield), while supporters of Labor Players are responsible for the second referendum in Bristol. Older voters in Torbay continue to support Brexit, and participants in surveys in Leeds respond negatively to the country's yield from the European Union.

In general, ICM survey conducted in mid-January confirms a small, but constant shift towards the conservation of the country's position in the EU in recent months, 51% of them express the opinion that they now speak to remain in the EU.

We will remind, recently in the bank of England they told about.

Previously, the second referendum has had a limited number of supporters. Another GUARDIAN / ICM survey in December showed that 45% of voters would like the UK to leave the EU, regardless of the results of the negotiations, 32% of the population was expressed for the second referendum and 10% in favor of voting in parliament.

What happens if the parliament dismists the Brexit plan remains unclear, but many supporters of the country's place in the EU increasingly claim that the voting can be formulated in such a way as to give the population of Britain a chance to change their opinion about the exit from the EU if they do not like the offered For this condition.

The procedure for holding a referendum (and measures for its preparation) is similar to the elections - this is the same vote. Therefore, the norms dedicated to these types of voting are combined in the law on the guarantees of electoral rights.

However, by targets, tasks, periodicity of these are various forms of direct democracy. The referendum is a vote on draft regulations (solving issues), and not on candidates. It is not associated with the election of persons, is not periodic and mandatory (depends on the rare exception, from the subjects of the initiative of the referendum).

Referendums in the Russian Federation are carried out at different territorial levels - federal, regional (subjects of the federation) and local.

The procedure for conducting a federal referendum (national voting of citizens of the Russian Federation on state importance) is established in the Federal Constitutional Law of 28.06.2004 No. 5-FKZ "On the referendum of the Russian Federation"; Other types of referendums - in the law on the guarantees of electoral temper and in regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

The referendum referendum refers to the competence of the public authorities of the relevant territorial level. There are a number of issues subject to mandatory referendum. For example, the issue of education as part of the Russian Federation is submitted to a referendum in stakeholders. The International Agreement concluded by the Russian Federation may provide a compulsory issuance of a draft regulatory act or a question for a nationwide referendum. In general, in the framework of the competence of public authorities, a corresponding referendum may actually be issued any question until the adoption of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation.

If the people are a source of power, his right to directly resolve any question cannot be limited. However, in practice, the legislator has consolidated the list of issues and circumstances for which the referendum is impossible. A guarantee of democracy in this case is a closed and due to considerations of the general benefit of a list of such issues and circumstances.

In particular, issues related to the election, early termination or extension of the term of office of the President of the Russian Federation, deputies of the State Duma, persons replacing the civil positions of the Russian Federation, organs formed in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, cannot be made to a nationwide referendum.

The federal referendum is not carried out on issues of changing the status of the subject (subjects) of the Russian Federation, enshrined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation; on the personal composition of federal state bodies; On making emergency and urgent measures to ensure the health and safety of the population.

On the referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation, the local referendum can also not be made the indicated issues with amendment to the regional (local) level of power. Not taken to the regional and local referendum and questions about the adoption or change in the relevant budget, execution and changing the financial obligations of the subject of the Russian Federation, the municipality. Regions are not limited to the right to submit a referendum to a change in the status of the subject of the Russian Federation.

The circumstances at which the referendum is not held:

  • - in the conditions of a military or emergency, introduced throughout the Russian Federation or in its individual locations, as well as for three months from the date of the cancellation of a military or emergency (for all types of referenda);
  • - In the last year of the powers of the President of the Russian Federation, the State Duma, as well as during the election campaign, carried out simultaneously throughout the country. This provision does not apply to a referendum conducted under the new Constitution or as a result of international obligations (for the federal referendum).

Conducting a re-federal referendum (one by the same (in meaning or content) the issue) may after two years since the official publication of its results. For regional and local repeat referendums, the specified period cannot exceed two years.

Conducting a federal referendum can be initiated:

  • - at least 2 million citizens of the Russian Federation, eligible for participation in the referendum (provided that there is no more than 50 thousand of them on the territory of one subject of the federation or in conjunction outside the territory of the Russian Federation);
  • - by the Constitutional Assembly - in the event of the development of the draft new Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 3 of Article 135 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  • - federal government bodies - in cases stipulated by the International Treaty of the Russian Federation.

The initiative of other types of referendums belongs to persons entitled to participate in the relevant referendum. Citizens need to form an initiative group but to conduct a referendum in the amount of at least 20 people for the referendum of the subject of the Russian Federation (for example, for a referendum in Moscow - at least 300 inhabitants) and at least 10 people - for a local referendum (from 50 to 100 people in Depending on the number of referendum participants registered in the municipal formation of Moscow).

The referendum should be not only initiated, but also appointed. The national referendum appoints the President of the Russian Federation. Previously, the head of state appeals to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request for the compliance of the initiative of the referendum on the proposed issue of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The positive decision of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation is a prerequisite for appointing a referendum.

The referendum of the Directory of the Russian Federation is appointed by the legislative (representative) authority of the state power of the respective region. The local referendum is appointed by the representative body of the municipality, and in the absence of the specified body or violation of the decision of the decision - by the court. Compliance of the issue submitted to the regional or local referendum, the legislation verifies the authorities appointing a referendum.

After the referendum is appointed, the procedure for its implementation as a whole corresponds to the procedure for holding elections and is based on the same principles.

To recognize the referendum, the results of the results are valid for the number of voter voting.

The federal referendum is recognized as held if more than half of the citizens entered in the lists of referendum participants voted. The decision is recognized as accepted if more than half of the votes of citizens who came to the referendum were given for him.

The decision of the referendum acts directly, is generally obligatory (throughout the Russian Federation or in a separate area, depending on the level of the referendum) and the NA requires approval by public authorities.

It should be noted that the Institute of the Referendum did not receive development in the Russian Federation. Regional referendums conducted on the association of subjects of the federation are more related to the legislative procedure as with the people's initiative. After the adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993, not a single referendum was conducted at the federal level. They were held in 1991 and 1993 "in the crisis moments of the development of the state. In this connection, it can be argued that this institution in Russia is used when representative power does not cope with its tasks. At the moments of stable dominance, it does not find applications.

  • The Constitutional Assembly has the right to bear the draft of the new Constitution of the Russian Federation (part 3 of Art. 135 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation) for a popular vote.



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Crimean peninsulaIn the spring of 2014, the Russian Federation still remains in the center of disputes of the international community and the cause of political and that Russia experiences. Despite the fact that the question of seems already solved and final, the West and Ukraine is unlikely to just leave him without attention. After graduation, the Kiev authorities will undoubtedly decide to attempt to return to their control cherished peninsula, referred to as many Russian azure coast. So, they call even concrete time - the Crimea is calculated to return for 3 years - by 2017. By the decision of the Nabolev

the question may be a repeated referendum, which will be held in Crimea with the consent of the Ukrainian authorities and in the presence of international observers.

Re-referendum to be?

This initiative was born in the West and was voiced by some European diplomats and politicians who experience comprehensive pressure on economic losses that are carrying European companies due to sanctions and countertices. I liked the idea to some Russian politicians - she was supported by the "Apple" party.

Expert View

The reporter of the information agency "Business News" discussed a proposal with an independent expert in the field of international relations by Anton Perov. According to the interlocutor of "Business News", the idea of \u200b\u200bholding a new referendum will help the Ukrainian authorities save the face and not to be mired in a major international conflict due to the lost lands.

Everyone is interested in solving the issue

DN: How relevant the problem of the Crimea remains?

Anton Perov: The Crimean Question is still relevant, since it was from him that the West campaign against Russia began - after entering the Russian Federation, two new enterprises of Europe and the United States introduced sanctions, after which economic problems began. The question is also relevant for the reason that the Kiev authorities will continue to try to return the peninsula, at least rhetorically. So before its settlement, it is not possible to talk about the normalization of relations with Ukraine. The West is also not interested in bringing Russia to the accession of the Crimea from the hands, since Russia first demonstrated its determination and strength and violated the Games established by the West.

Referendum - Probable Scenario of Situation

DN: Does Russia have a referendum profitable and how likely he is?

Anton Perov: It seems to me that it would be reasonable to agree on holding a new referendum, since the normalization of relations with the West and Ukraine is important tasks for the leadership of Russia. It makes no sense to be bored if you can resolve the question. As for the probability of its holding, then it is worth repelled from the moods of Crimeans. The authorities will certainly consider the prospect of his holding and will be engaged in monitoring social sentiment. If it is clear that supporters of the entry of the peninsula in Russia will win with a large margin, it may well be spent. I think that they will win just supporters, so he has every chance of becoming a reality.

Normalization of relationships is not far off

DN: Is the normalization of relations with Ukraine and the West possible after settling the issue?

Anton Perov: I think that everyone already tired conflict, but no one wants to make concessions and take the first step. Here it is possible to get out of the situation beautifully and remove contradictions. A completely healthy idea, after which the dialog can be established. Without Russia, the normal functioning of the world economy is impossible - we are a rather strong energy, political and economic player, the loss of which is not beneficial to the West, which has already allowed the rapprochement that directly harms the strategic interests of the West.

For some reason, we are very afraid of a re-referendum in the Crimea. It is clear why: the presidential administration does not trust his own people, and even in a situation where mass beliefs completely coincide with what she does, it prefers to simulate people's will, instead of simply implementing something objectively. Top in vain!

What would happen if Russia had suggested a repeated Crimean referendum? Never mind! Crimea would vote for Russia. Suppose Ukraine would not agree with such a question: their public figures claim that all Ukraine should vote. Excellent! However, since the Crimea is going to join in Russia - it would not be superfluous to vote and the Russians. There is a wonderful, absolutely new "geopolitical" (we love this empty word) Reality: For the first time in 25 years, the peoples of the disintegratedled USSR shall decide some questions.

It is interesting here not only the referendum itself, but the consequences that will arise when preparing and conducting. Russia will receive an excellent absolutely legal opportunity to directly appeal to citizens of Ukraine, bypassing all mediators in the face of the Ukrainian authorities. Resources that are meaningless to 3 Tank of Armatians and 2 aircraft, it could be used in this direction - and to achieve what Melners with automata and beech can be achieved. For example, the first thing that comes to the head is the direct sale of Gazprom Gaza to the population of Ukraine, taking advantage of the same norms on the independence of transportation and sales, which Gazprom is oppressed in Europe. Just offer - this will already be more than enough! You can promise any indirect payment, but anything you can! There is a creative field, in contrast to the situation, when the entire creative is limited to how imperceptibly technique across the border.

Of course, Ukraine will also get the opportunity to act in Russia. And on health! Let them come to us Schusters, Kiselev, Ganapolsky - that we do not know them, or what? Yes, they left us there and left! Let them bring their Lyashko, Tymoshenko, Klitschko, and even Saakashvili. The Ukrainian independence vector is based on extraction from Russia, an attempt to Russia "to grow": there are objective reasons for it. So let them come to us and tell why they need to be independent of us! And we will tell them why we must be together! Only, of course, without spiritual crack, since quite quite practical aspects of the economy.

The next argument that Ukraine could lead - and why only the Crimea? Let's, then, we will raise the question of the Krasnodar Territory and the Voronezh region (they have some substantiation of claims to these regions). And let's! Only - in accordance with how usually referendums are held: let them go and gather in these regions of the signature to initiate such a referendum. Only, then, then, and we will be able to collect such signatures in Kharkov, Kherson, Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk. Yes, in the same Donetsk and Lugansk! The fact that in Crimea is a significant group of citizens who are advocated for the union with Russia, there is no doubt. Are there any citizens with such moods in Kherson and Voronezh - you must first find out. However, Russia wins in any case: the more regions will be involved in the need to re-evaluate the relationship between the two peoples - the better.

The most funny here is what to do anything, most likely, do not have to. It is unlikely that our Ukrainian, European and American partners will agree: since they are not worse than us, than such a referendum will end. But we will have a powerful argument in international politics! We will spoke in their language, the volume that is imposed on the international community: the language of democracy! Churkin, instead of swearing and get out, it will be enough with all his fervor "to blame" this referendum - and there will be nothing to say. Russia will finally receive an idea, in addition to the spirits of the ancestors: we save democracy from those who patented it and takes advantage of it. Immediately it will be easier to work to work our intelligence, lobbyists, agents of influence. If now, they justify their claims only with money, in the future it will be possible to put an idea in the first place - any scout knows that in the subtle case of the recruitment is the most important factor!

If still, before the referendum, it will come to the referendum - let them send their observers. How many want, where they want! Only we, they will come to Ukraine. And here we have an advantage: to close the whole of Russia observers are practically unrealistic, and we, on the contrary, are quite young "activists", which almost every governor breeds.

In the worst case, we will lose the Crimea. That's certainly stupid questioning! Not "We will lose," and citizens will express their will. In principle, the Crimea today only aggregates the budget, and in the conditions of the ambiguity of its "geopolitical" position, this situation cannot be changed. However, I can't imagine what people should have voted for the return of the Crimea to Ukraine. In any case, today's ambiguity is a greater threat than a repeated referendum. Or, very important: than definitely expressed The idea of \u200b\u200bthe re-referendum.