Presentation - beliefs of the indigenous population of America. Population of South America

Indigenous peoples of America

Parhomets I.Yu., Teacher Geography, Lugansk

Indian tribes

Indians are indigenous people of North and South America. They received this name because of the historical mistake of Columbus, who was sure that he sailed to India. There are many tribes of the Indians, but in this rating the most famous of them are collected.

This tribe lived in the United States and Canada. Abenaki were not settled, which gave them an advantage in the war with people. They could silently dissolve in the forest and suddenly attack the enemy. If there were about 80 thousand Indians before colonization in the tribe, then after the war with Europeans there were less than one thousand. Now their number reaches 12 thousand, and they live mainly in Quebec (Canada).

One of the most militant tribes of the southern plains, numbered once 20 thousand people. Their courage and courage in the battles made the enemies treat them respectful. Comanches are the first who intensively use horses, as well as supply them to other tribes. Men could take several women's wife, but if the wife was trimmed in treason, she could kill her or cut her nose. Today, there are about 8 thousand people left, and they live in Texas, New Mexico and Oklahoma.

Apacocci is a nomadic tribe, towed in Rio Grande, and then moved to the south, in Texas and Mexico. The main occupation was the hunt for buffalo, which became a symbol of the tribe (totem). During the war, the Spaniards were almost completely exterminated. In 1743, the Leader of Apaches concluded a truce with them, putting his ax in the pit. Hence the winged phrase went: "Easy the ax of war." Now approximately one and a half thousand descendants of Apache live in New Mexico.

Numerous tribe (50 thousand), inhabited by the slopes of Appalach. By the beginning of the 19th century, the Cherokee was one of the most culturally developed tribes of North America. In 1826, the Chief of Sequoia created a slight alphabet of the Cherokee language; Free schools were opened, teachers in which were representatives of the tribe; And the richest of them owned plantations and black slaves. One of the largest Indian groups in the United States. Live in eastern Oklahoma.

Gurons - a tribe, which number in the 17th century 40 thousand people and those who lived in Quebec and Ohio. They first entered trade relations with Europeans, and thanks to their mediation trading between the French and other tribes began to develop. To date, about 4 thousand gurons live in Canada and the United States.

Mogican - once a powerful association of five tribes, about 35 thousand people. But at the beginning of the 17th century, as a result of bloody wars and epidemics, there are fewer thousands left. They were mainly dissolved in other tribes, however, a small handful of descendants of the famous tribe lives today in Connecticut.

This is the most famous and militant tribe of North America. Thanks to the ability to study languages, they successfully led trading with Europeans. A distinctive feature of the Iroquois - their mask with a hooked nose, which were called upon to defend the owner and his family from diseases. About 80 thousand Iroquoke live in the United States, in Canada - about 45 thousand.

Inca is the mysterious Indian tribe of the Language Family of Kechua, who lived at an altitude of 4.5 thousand meters in the mountains of Colombia and Chile. It was a highly developed society that created the irrigation system and the sewer used. Until now, it remains a mystery, as the Inca managed to achieve this level of development, and why, where and how suddenly the whole tribe disappeared. About half of the population of Peru - 47% - the Indians of Kechua, the descendants of the Inca.

Aztecs differed from other Central America tribes with a hierarchical structure and rigid centralized management. At the highest stage there were priests and the emperor, on the lowest - slaves. Human sacrifices were widely used, as well as the death penalty, and for any provinces. The number of modern NASA (Aztecs) is over 1.5 million people. Descendants of the Aztec live in the province of Guerrero (Mexico).

Maya is the most famous highly developed tribe of Central America, famous for unusual works of art and cities, entirely carved from stone. They were also excellent astronomers, and it was they who created the sensational calendar ending 2012. Currently (2015) the territory at which the development of Mayan civilization occurred is part of the states: Mexico (Chiapas states, Campeche, Yucatan, Kintana-Roo), Guatemala, Belize, Salvador, Honduras (Western).

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Australia's indigenous beliefs on the mainland of Australia is a very dry and hot continental climate. The main territory of Australia has little settled. Most of the population lives in cities. Aborigines, wild tribes, once inhabiting Australia are indigenous people of this continent. Now they make up only 1% of the total population. Australian aborigines settled the young continent of 40-64 thousand years ago. Scientists believe that they arrived here from Asia. Wild tribes of Australia, its indigenous people, in our time they received a part of the territories in the property. For part of the territories to tourists, the entrance is prohibited. In their tribes, they lead an ancient primitive way of life, like their ancestors a lot of centuries in a row. They created a very deep and interesting system of mythology and the associated art. The works of Aboriginal Australia are mostly domestic utensils and objects of cult. The original Australian invention for hunting is boomerang - a weapon that always returns to its owner. It enjoys in the aborigales with special reverence. The coloring of the boomerangs is important, which is invested with symbolic meaning. Boomerangs were used not only as a weapon, but also as an attribute of a religious ritual. Overhton Australian tool Dijirid is one of the most ancient wind instruments in the world. It is closely crowded into the mythology of Australian Aboriginal, symbolizing the image of the Rainbow Snake Yurlungur. The game on it accompanies the rituals of the Corrobori and immerses into the trans. Traditionally, the Didgerid is made by nature itself - termites eaten the soft core of the eucalyptus, as a result of which the cavity is formed inside the barrel. Australian aborigines find such trunks, cut down, knocked out of them and make a bee wax mouthpiece. The tool itself is painted, covered with sacral and totem images. The length of the tool varies from 1 to 3 m.
For Australians, Aboriginalov was especially characterized by totemism - one of the earliest forms of religion. Australia received widespread among the indigenous population and faith in magic. There were also faith in the spirits and souls, fetishist ideas. Most of the Australian tribes dominated the idea that in remote times (the so-called "time of dreams"), lived fantastic semi-semi-semi-digestible - Men-Emu, kangaroo men, women birds, from which the population of Australia then occurred. These progenitors hunted, fought, married, arranged holidays. Traces of their feet and the results of actions turned into trees, waterfalls, hills, stars. Australian mythology suggests that the ancestors leave in nature the traces of their presence in the form of trees, stones and sources. A person retains a special connection with the sacred place where he was born, symbolically connected with any animal, a plant or an atmospheric phenomenon, which he is in a dream and gives advice. Many chapecological myths about the appearance of people retained Australian aborigines. One of them says that a long time ago, in the "times of dreams", the moon and sulk ointment were people. They fought among themselves, and the moon was fatally injured. Dying, Summer Oposusum said that henceforth all people will die. The moon in response objected that he was eternal, but since the Oposatsum is cropped prophecy, then for the rest it will come true. Since then, people have become mortal. An evil inhabitant of the Australian marshes of the Australian Bunipa can be called a monster with many "persons". If you believe the Australian Aboriginal, the Bunyip prefers to live in a swamp and devours any live creation that will credit in his possession. This monster loves to clean his lungs and publishes terrible shouts at night. The continent's guardians are so afraid of the Bunyp, which they talked about the monster very reluctantly, and in a whisper, frightened looking around. They seemed to be afraid that the monster would be able to hear them and immediately punish the non-extent words about him. Buniphe appeared for them a kind of demon, on which all misfortunes could be dumping - sudden deaths, diseases, disappearance of supplies or property .. If you believe the creators of boomerangs and kangaroo hunters from the Varramung tribe, then in the very center of Australia, the gigantic lives are deeply underground Snakes named Vallunk. Turtle. In ancient Iran, many have been convinced that the land created a snake with the turtle. Australia's aborigines believe that only the turtle "asked" the Earth. And even know the name of this turtle - bad. In the myths of the northern tribes of Australia, the image of the old mother of Mother Klia-Rin-Kiari is traced. It symbolizes fertility. Insvolving the symbolic image of the rainbow-snake or the image of the "Universal Fatheratel Fathene" image, which is known in the testes under the names of Viral, Koni and Nurunder, is present with it in myths. Rainbow Snake - Australian Aboriginal Patron Character, Patron Sky, Water, Rain, Fertility, Shamans and Varkharai.
Forest sculptures (Australian Reserve William Ricketts) For several years, William Ricketts sculptures from burnt clay, which are harmoniously combined with a direct forest. The ricketts rickens scream from the mythology of the Aborigines, as well as from the eastern religions.

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The territory of the United States in antiquity inhabited Indians. The ancestors of modern Indians moved to America from North-East Asia. The term "red-skinned", common as the designation of the Indians in the mass culture, has nothing to do with the natural color of the skin of the Indians (from white to dark). It comes from the custom of the breeding tribe to paint the ocher both face and clothing.

All the Indians have common features that bring them closer to Asia's population. They have a yellowish or reddish brown skin shade, hard straight hair on the head, a weakly developed hairpin on the body, a wide face and protruding cheekbones. But unlike the Mongoloids, the Indians there is no Mongolian fold of the century, a relatively large smooth nose.

About 400 tribes of the Indians lived in North America. They all spoke in different languages \u200b\u200band did not have written. However, in 1826, the choleka choking tribe tribe (George Gess) created a sludge alphabet of the Cherokee, and in 1828 he began to make the "Cherokee Cherokeys" newspaper in the Cherokee language.

Steppe Indians enjoyed pictographic letters. There were also inter-bargain jargon, which include the overall trade language "Mobile". Some tribes widely used the "signals" or "language of gestures". The main tools of the signals of the signals were the conditional movement on foot or riding, mirrors. Vampima, who served them, if necessary, were used for communication.

All clothes of men and women were made of the selected bison skins. Men and women worked out in moccasins, richly decorated with spoffed needles .. Martial shoes, decorated with scalp, worn only leaders and the most famous warriors of the tribe. This solemn outfit came and a raincoat on which the feats of its owner were often depicted.

But the most magnificent decoration of the Indians was a naked bandage with eagle feathers. Each bird feather in the bandage meant some courageous act wearing this decoration. The main tool of hunting and weapons of the Indians Prairies remained the bow, which they preferred even before firearms.

The Indians were engaged in hunting, collecting, agriculture. In the northern regions, the Indians hunted on the marine beast. With the advent of Europeans on the continent, the Indians appeared horses and firearms, which made a hunt for bison and fast and fast. The Indians grown agricultural cultures and diluted with domestic animals of which home turkey and guinea pig are widespread.

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The history of the peoples of the American continent before their meeting with Europeans in the XVI century. Developed independently and almost without interaction with the history of the peoples of other continents.

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The tribes of most of the North and South America were on different steps of the primitive-commission building, and the peoples of Mexico, Central America and the Western part of South America, class relations have already developed at that time; They created high civilizations. Spanish conquerors in the XVI century. destroyed their states and culture and enslaved them.

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Peoples of South America to European conquest

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Central America - Maya, Toltec, Olmeki, Aztec, Kiech South America Inca (Kechua, Aimara), Guarani, Mapuche, Shipibo, cone

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Firemensels were among the most backward tribes of the world. Three groups of Indians lived on the archipelago, the Fire Earth lived: Selknam (she), Alakalufy, Yaman (Yagans). Firemensel - the general name of the Indians ARH. Fire Land: Alakaluf (about. Wellington), she (about. Fire Earth) and Yagans (about. Navarino). Close to disappearance. Languages \u200b\u200bisolated.

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Selknam lived in the northern and eastern part of the fiery land. They hunted Lama-Guanaco and harvested fruit and root plants. Their weapons were onions and arrows. On the islands of the western part of the archipelago dwell

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Alakalufa, engaged in fishing I collect mollusks. In search of food, they spent most of their lives in wooden boats, moving along the shores. A smaller role in their lives played hunting for birds with a bow and arrows.

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Yaman lived collecting mollusks, fishing, hunting on seals and other marine animals, as well as birds. They were bones, stone and shells. In the community did not exist a bundle, the oldest members of the group did not use the authorities over the relatives. Special position was occupied only the zhars, who were attributed to the ability to influence the weather and heal from diseases.

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By the time of the invasion of Europeans, the Indians Pamppa were hiking hunters. In the middle of the XVIII century, the inhabitants of Pamppa (Patagonians) began to use horses on the hunt. The main object of hunting and the source of food was Guanako. Permanent settlements in the hunters Pamppa did not exist;

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In the religious representations of the Indian Pamppa, animistic beliefs occupied a significant place. Patagonians inhabited the world spirits; The cult of deceased birth was especially developed.

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Lived in the southern part of the Central Chile. They were engaged in agriculture and divorced Lam, stretching fabrics from lama-guanako wool, pottery and silver processing. The southern tribes were engaged in hunting and fishing. Araucans became famous for the resistance, which they provided European conquerors for more than 200 years.

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The group's tribes that dwell on the territory of Eastern and South Brazil - Botokudi, Caulla, Kayyapo, Svantes, Caering and others, smaller, were mainly engaged in hunting and gathering, making transitions in search of game and edible plants.

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In the initial period of European colonization in the northeastern and central part of South America, numerous tribes lived, which belonged to different language groups, mainly to Aravakov, Tupigurano and Karaibam. They were engaged in mostly with extinct agriculture and lived settled.

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For fishing, boats made of wood bark and dolbubykodnodnoilovka were built. Pole web, sackets, tops and other gear. The fish beat the Ostroga, shot it from the onions. Indians of the Tropical Forests of South America, humanity is also obliged to the discovery of therapeutic properties of the cortex of the crucible tree and the vomit root of the hypyakuana.

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Tropical forest tribes were engaged in retaining agriculture. The landing time was determined by the stars. Women loosen the land with succulent sticks or sticks with shovel bones of small animals planned on them, sinks. They grown root manica, corn, butat, beans, tobacco, cotton.

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The artistic creativity of the described Indian tribes was expressed in dances performed under the sounds of primitive musical instruments (horns, swirls), in games that imitated animal and bird chants.

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The love of decorations was manifested in the coloring of the body with a complex pattern through vegetable juices and in the manufacture of elegant clothes from multicolored feathers, teeth, nuts, seeds, etc.

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Primitive farmers cultured potatoes, and from cereals, a film was especially widespread. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Andes is the only one in America, where animal husbandry developed. Lama and Alpaca, giving wool, skins, meat, fat were tamed. Milk residents of the Andes did not use.

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The Indian tribe is essentially an union of tribes, as well as the language of this tribe. Inhabited Amazon Selva on the territory of modern Peru. Basic classes - agriculture in the floodplains of rivers and fishing, cooking beer, transportation of transportation by rivers.

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The Schiobo-Konibo tribe is famous among other Indian tribes with their shamans, a famous Peruvian artist Pablo Amaryngo came out of their numbers.

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Chives BCU, MUYA SKA or my SKA is one of the highly developed civilizations of South America in the XII-XVI centuries. Among the cultures of Ancient America, Chibcha stand in one row with Maya, actek and inkam. Chibic themselves called themselves mouishers, that is, "people."

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The history of the peoples of the American continent before their meeting with Europeans in the XVI century. Developed independently and almost without interaction with the history of the peoples of other continents.

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The tribes of most of the North and South America were on different steps of the primitive-commission building, and the peoples of Mexico, Central America and the Western part of South America, class relations have already developed at that time; They created high civilizations. Spanish conquerors in the XVI century. destroyed their states and culture and enslaved them.

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Central America - Maya, Toltec, Olmeki, Aztec, Kiche South America - Inci (Kechua, Aimar), Guarani, Mapuche, Shipibo, Convibo

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Firemensels were among the most backward tribes of the world. Three groups of Indians lived on the archipelago, the Fire Earth lived: Selknam (she), Alakalufy, Yaman (Yagans). Firemensel - the general name of the Indians ARH. Fire Land: Alakaluf (about. Wellington), she (about. Fire Earth) and Yagans (about. Navarino). Close to disappearance. Languages \u200b\u200bisolated.

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Selknam lived in the northern and eastern part of the fiery land. They hunted Lama-Guanaco and harvested fruit and root plants. Their weapons were onions and arrows. On the islands of the western part of the archipelago dwell

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Alakalufa, engaged in fishing I collect mollusks. In search of food, they spent most of their lives in wooden boats, moving along the shores. A smaller role in their lives played hunting for birds with a bow and arrows.

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Yaman lived collecting mollusks, fishing, hunting on seals and other marine animals, as well as birds. They were bones, stone and shells. In the community did not exist a bundle, the oldest members of the group did not use the authorities over the relatives. Special position was occupied only the zhars, who were attributed to the ability to influence the weather and heal from diseases.

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By the time of the invasion of Europeans, the Indians Pamppa were hiking hunters. In the middle of the XVIII century, the inhabitants of Pamppa (Patagonians) began to use horses on the hunt. The main object of hunting and the source of food was Guanako. Permanent settlements in the hunters Pamppa did not exist;

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In the religious representations of the Indian Pamppa, animistic beliefs occupied a significant place. Patagonians inhabited the world spirits; The cult of deceased birth was especially developed.

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Lived in the southern part of the Central Chile. They were engaged in agriculture and divorced Lam, stretching fabrics from lama-guanako wool, pottery and silver processing. The southern tribes were engaged in hunting and fishing. Araucans became famous for the resistance, which they provided European conquerors for more than 200 years.

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The group's tribes that dwell on the territory of Eastern and South Brazil - Botokudi, Caulla, Kayyapo, Svantes, Caering and others, smaller, were mainly engaged in hunting and gathering, making transitions in search of game and edible plants.

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In the initial period of European colonization in the northeastern and central part of South America, numerous tribes, belonged to different language groups, mainly to Aravakov, Tupi-Guarani and Karaibam. They were engaged in mostly with extinct agriculture and lived settled.

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For fishing, boats made of wood bark and Dolublovka-single Rooms were constructed. Pole web, sackets, tops and other gear. The fish beat the Ostroga, shot it from the onions. Indians of the Tropical Forests of South America, humanity is also obliged to the discovery of therapeutic properties of the cortex of the crucible tree and the vomit root of the hypyakuana.

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Trem of tropical forests were engaged in lighted fire farming. The landing time was determined by the stars. Women loosen the land with succulent sticks or sticks with shovel bones of small animals planned on them, sinks. They grown root manica, corn, butat, beans, tobacco, cotton.

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The artistic creativity of the described Indian tribes was expressed in dances performed under the sounds of primitive musical instruments (horns, swirls), in games that imitated animal and bird chants.

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The love of decorations was manifested in the coloring of the body with a complex pattern through vegetable juices and in the manufacture of elegant clothes from multicolored feathers, teeth, nuts, seeds, etc.

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Primitive farmers cultured potatoes, and from cereals, a film was especially widespread. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Andes is the only one in America, where animal husbandry developed. Lama and Alpaca, giving wool, skins, meat, fat were tamed. Milk residents of the Andes did not use.

Clade 21.

The Indian tribe is essentially an union of tribes, as well as the language of this tribe. Inhabited Amazon Selva on the territory of modern Peru. Basic classes - agriculture in the floodplains of rivers and fishing, cooking beer, transportation of transportation by rivers.

Clade 22.

The Schiobo-Konibo tribe is famous among other Indian tribes with their shamans, a famous Peruvian artist Pablo Amaryngo came out of their numbers.

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Chi BCH, MUE SKA or MO SKA is one of the highly developed civilizations of South America in the XII-XVI centuries. Among the cultures of Ancient America, Chibcha stand in one row with Maya, actek and inkam. Chibic themselves called themselves mouishers, that is, "people."