With a lack of some hormone, diabetes is developing. Sugar diabetes: symptoms, treatment, first signs

Diabetes is a chronic disease that develops as a result of absolute or relative insufficiency of the hormone of the pancreas insulin. It is necessary to convey to the body of the body glucose, which enters the blood of food and provides tissues with energy. With a lack of insulin or insensitivity to the body tissues, the blood glucose level increases - this condition is called hyperglycemia. It is dangerously dangerous for all organism systems.


There are two types of diabetes, which, with a certain similarity, have significant differences.

Sugar diabetes of the first type - a condition in which the beta cells of the pancreas is dying. It is these cells that produce insulin, so that their death leads to an absolute deficit of this hormone. Such a diabetes is more often found in children's or adolescence. According to modern ideas, the development of the disease is associated with viral infection, inadequate operation of the immune system and hereditary reasons. But the diabetes itself is inherited, but only the predisposition to it.

Sugar diabetes of second typeUsually develops after 30-40 years in people with overweight. At the same time, the pancreas produces insulin, but the cells of the body cannot respond correctly, their sensitivity to insulin is reduced. Because of this glucose can not penetrate the tissue and accumulates in the blood.

Over time, with a diabete of a second type, insulin products can also be reduced, since a long-term high blood glucose level is adversely affecting the cells that produce it.

Check yourself

There is a simple test that allows you to navigate whether you have diabetes symptoms. Consent even with one of the proposed statements - the reason to consult a doctor-endocrinologist.

1. How much I quench thirst, I can't get drunk.

2. Due to frequent urges to urine, I have inconvenience when you have to leave home for a long time.

3. Dry droplets of urine leave on underwear dense white spots, resembling traces from starch.

4. I have weakness and drowsiness.

5. I note the impairment of vision: the contours of the objects are blurred, as if I look through the fog.

6. Periodically there is a feeling of goosebumps, numbness and tingling in the palms and soles.

7. I can't get rid of acne.

8. I have very dry skin, badly heal the cuts and scratches.

9. Worried skin itching, especially in the crotch area.

10. In recent months, it has dropped (a) 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bor more, without applying the slightest effort;

11. I eat and I can not nourish, constantly experiencing strong hunger.

However, it is important to consider that the classic signs of diabetes described here - thirst, dry mouth, skin itching, an increase in the volume of urine allocated, weight loss, vision - manifests itself not at the beginning of the disease, but only when insulin deficiency is serious. Therefore, according to experts, one identified patient with diabetes in Russia accounts for three to four people who do not suspect the already existing disease.

In order to start the treatment in a timely manner, each person after 45 years is necessary once a year to take the analysis to determine the level of glucose in an empty stomach. If a person is included in the risk group, this analysis should be carried out more often, and in addition to it, it is still a test with food load or a test for glucose tolerance.

Another important analysis is the determination of glycated hemoglobin. He is able to show what was the average level of glucose in the blood in the last three months.

Risk factors

Lead to the development of diabetes can:

  • Hereditary predisposition. In the family, where the father suffers from 1 type diabetes, the likelihood of the development of the disease in a child is 5-10%. If a mother is patient such a type of diabetes, the risk is half less - 2-2.5%. Brother or sister - 5%. When two children are sick, the danger to acquire diabetes for a third child increases to 10%.
    If both parents suffer from 2-type diabetes, the risk of developing the same type of disease in their children after 40 years increases to 65-70%.
  • Overeating and unbalanced food With an abundance of calorie, refined food.
  • Overweight.
  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Chronic stress.
  • Long use of some drugs (diuretic, hormonal, salicylate, cytostatics, etc.).


With a diabete of the 1st type, the most important part of therapy is insulin injections that the patient must do all their lives. In recent years, they have become more convenient thanks to the appearance of metering syringe knobs. Other useful development - insulin pumps of continuous subcutaneous administration, the most modern of which have a warning system about too low or too high blood glucose in the patient and are able to automatically adjust the dose of insulin.

If the lability of the pancreas is not complete, preparations can be used that stimulate the production of patient's own insulin.

When diabetes of the 2nd type, medications are prescribed, which eliminate insulin resistance - immunity of the body to insulin. If the blood glucose indicator exceeds the permissible rate against the background of long-term treatment with maximum doses of such drugs, the patient should receive substitution therapy with insulin drugs.


To avoid the development of a type of diabetes mellitus of the type 2, it is important to normalize the weight, limit the calorie content of the diet, increase the motor activity. Such tactic gives good results not only in healthy people who have risk factors, but also at the prediabet stage, when the disease has not yet come, but the glucose is already poorly absorbed.

If at this time competently build tactics of behavior, in a 50-60% person can avoid the development of alert.

A diet plays an important role in compensation for diabetes mellitus. The choice of products for a person suffering from this disease can be compared with the principle of traffic lights.

Red light - These are products that lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose levels. These include white bread, buns, sweets, beer, kvass, cola, lemonade, sweet juices, fast cooking porridge, white rice, fried potatoes and mashed potatoes. Also in this group includes fatty products. Fat is the coalial component of food, therefore, abusing them, you risk tying weight. And animal fats badly affect the heart, and it is with a diabetes already under the blow.

Yellow light - Products that increase blood glucose levels are not so sharp, they can be used, but in reasonable quantities. It is rye bread and products from coarse grinding flour, beets, carrots, green peas, raisins, pineapple, banana, melon, apricot, kiwi, potatoes.

Green light It was lit for such vegetables as zucchini, cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, for apple and orange juice, cherries, plums, pears, green lettuce, dairy products, boiled meat and fish.


One of the most dangerous states in diabetes mellitus is hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood glucose below 2.8 mmol / l. It may occur if the patient inaccurately calculated the dose of drugs that reduces the level of glucose.

At the very first symptoms (acute feeling of hunger, sweating, trembling in hands or legs, weakness, dizziness) It is necessary to immediately take 20-30 g of pure glucose or other fast-lying carbohydrates.

Therefore, each diabetics, leaving the house even for a while, should have with him 3-4 pieces of sugar or a small juice package.


Remember, self-medication is dangerous for life, for advice on the use of any drugs, contact your doctor.

Despite the fact that diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases on the planet, in medical science there are still no unambiguous data on the causes of the development of this disease. Moreover, in each particular case of diagnosing diabetes, doctors never definitely say that it was caused. You never tell you what exactly caused your diabetes, it can only assume. Consider the main reasons for the development of diabetes, famous for modern medicine.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a comprehensive group of diseases caused by various reasons. Diabetes patients, as a rule, have a high blood sugar level (hyperglycemia).

In diabetes, the metabolism is broken - the organism transformation into energy received by the body.

Food entered into the digestive tract is splitting on glucose - the shape of sugar, which falls into the bloodstream. With the help of hormone insulin, the cell cells are able to obtain glucose and use it to produce energy.

Sugar diabetes develops when:

  • the body does not produce a sufficient amount of insulin;
  • the cells of the body are not able to effectively use insulin;
  • in both cases described above.

Insulin is produced in the pancreas - the organ located behind the stomach. Pancreas consists of accumulation of endocrine cells, called islands. Beta cells in the islands produce insulin and produce it into the blood.

If beta cells do not produce insulin or the body does not respond to insulin, which is present in the body, glucose begins to accumulate in the body, and not to be absorbed by cells, which leads to prediabet or diabetes.

Prediabet is a condition in which the blood glucose level or the level of glycosylated hemoglobin Hb A1C (the average blood sugar level over the past months) is higher than the norm, but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. In diabetes mellitus, the cell cells experience energy hunger, despite the high blood sugar level.

Over time, the high level of glucose in the blood damages the nerves and blood vessels, which leads to complications, such as: heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, blindness, teeth disease and lower limb amputation. Other complications of diabetes can be expressed in high susceptibility to other diseases, loss of mobility with age, depression and pregnancy problems.

Nobody is sure that the processes causing diabetes are triggering, but scientists believe that in most cases the causes of diabetes are the interaction of gene and environmental factors.

There are 2 main types of diabetes - and. The third type is developing only during pregnancy. Other types of diabetes are caused by defects of specific genes, diseases of the pancreas, some drugs or chemicals, infections and other factors. Some people show signs of diabetes 1 and 2 types at the same time.

Causes of type diabetes mellitus

Type 1 diabetes occurs due to the lack of insulin due to the destruction of the producing insulin beta cells of the pancreas. When diabetes 1 type - autoimmune disease - the body's immune system attacks and destroys beta cells. Usually, the immune system protects the body from infection by identifying and destroying bacteria, viruses and other potentially dangerous foreign substances. But with autoimmune diseases, the immune system can destroy their own cells of the body.

With diabetes mellitus 1, the destruction of its own beta cells can occur over several years, but the symptoms of the disease are usually developing for a short period of time.

Type 1 diabetes is usually found in children and young people, although it may appear at any age. In the recent past, type 1 diabetes was called youthful diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Hidden autoimmune diabetes in adults (Lada-diabetes or 1.5-type diabetes) can be a slowly developing type of type 1 diabetes. The diagnosis is usually placed after 30 years. With LADA, as in type 1 diabetes, the body's immune system destroys beta cells. At the time of the diagnosis, patients with LADA-diabetes can still produce their own insulin, but still most of them are needed insulin injection or insulin pump to bring blood sugar to normal.

Hereditary predisposition

Modern diabetology believes that hereditary predisposition is the most likely cause of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Genes are transmitted from a biological parent to the child. Genes carry instructions for the manufacture of proteins that are necessary for the structure and functioning of the body. Many genes, as well as interactions between them, affect the susceptibility and occurrence of type 1 diabetes. Key genes may differ in various populations. Changes in genes in more than 1% population group are called a gene option.

Some gene options that carry instructions for the manufacture of proteins are called human leukocyte antigen (HLAS). They are associated with the risk of development of type 1 sugar diabetes. The proteins obtained from HLA genes can help determine whether the immune system recognizes the cell as part of the body or perceives it as an alien material. Some combinations of HLA-gene variants can predict whether a person will be undergoing higher risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

While the human leukocyte antigen is the main genome for the risk of the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus, there are still many additional genes and gene regions of such risks. Not only are these genes help to identify the danger of type 1 diabetes in humans, they also provide important prompts with scientists to understand the nature of diabetes mellitus, as well as to determine potential directions for therapy and prevention of the disease.

Genetic testing can show which types of HLA-genes are contained in the human body, and can also reveal other genes associated with diabetes. However, most genetic testing are still made at the research and development level and are not available to a conventional person. Scientists study how the results of genetic testing can be used to study the causes of development, prevention and treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Autoimmune destruction of beta cells

In diabetes type 1, white blood cells, called T-cells, destroy beta cells. The process begins long before the symptoms of diabetes appear and continues to develop after the diagnosis is established. Often type 1 diabetes is not diagnosed until most beta cells are no longer destroyed. At this stage, the patient to survive should receive daily insulin injections. Search for ways to change or terminate this autoimmune process and preserving the function of beta cells is one of the main directions of current research.

Recent studies show that insulin itself can be a key cause of the immune attack on beta cells. Immune systems of people susceptible to the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus react to insulin as an extraneous body or its antigen.

To combat antigens, the body produces proteins called antibodies. Antibodies to insulin produced by beta cells are in people with type 1 diabetes. Researchers study these antibodies to help reveal the increased risks of the disease. Type testing and levels of blood antibodies can help determine if a person has type 1 diabetes, lada-diabetes or another type of diabetes.

Unfavorable environmental factors

Adverse environmental factors such as contaminated atmosphere, food, viruses and toxins may cause the development of type 1 diabetes mellitus, but the exact nature of their role has not yet been established. Some theories suggest that environmental factors cause autoimmune destruction of beta cells in people with genetic predisposition to diabetes. Other theories suggest that environmental factors play a constant role in diabetes mellitus, even after diagnosis.

Viruses and infections

The virus cannot cause the development of diabetes by itself, but sometimes people diagnosed with type 1 diabetes sick them during or after a viral infection, which indicates the relationship between them. In addition, the development of type 1 diabetes is observed more often in winter when viral infections are more common. Viruses, possibly associated with type 1 diabetes, include: Coxica virus, cytomegalovirus, adenovirus, rubella and epidemic parotitis. Scientists described several ways when these viruses may damage or destroy beta cells, and which may cause an autoimmune response in susceptible people.

For example, antibody antibodies were found in patients with congenital rubella syndrome, cytomegalovirus infection was associated with damage to a significant amount of beta cells and the occurrence of acute pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas. Scientists are trying to determine the virus, which is the cause of type 1 diabetes, so a vaccine can be developed to prevent the viral development of this disease.

Practice feeding babies

Some studies have shown that food factors can also increase or reduce the risk of type 1 diabetes. For example, breast babies and infants receiving vitamin D additives have a reduced risk of type 1 diabetes, while early acquaintance with cow milk and grain proteins can increase risk. Additional research is needed to find out how baby food affects the risk of type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Damage or removal of the pancreas

Pancreatitis, cancer, and injury can damage all pancreatic beta cells or worsen insulin production, thereby calling diabetes. If the damaged pancreas is removed, then diabetes will develop due to the loss of beta cells producing insulin.

Endocrine diseases

Endocrine diseases affect the organs producing hormones. Cushing and acromegaly syndrome - examples of hormonal disorders that can lead to the development of prediabette and diabetes, causing.

  • Cushing syndrome It is characterized by excessive products of cortisol - sometimes this disease is called "stress hormone".
  • Acromegaly It occurs when the body produces too much growth hormone.
  • Glucagon - Rare pancreatic tumor, can also lead to diabetes. The tumor causes the body to produce too much glucagon.
  • Hyperthyroidism - Disorder that occurs when the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, can also increase blood glucose levels.

Autoimmune diseases

Rare violations of the functioning of antibodies may disrupt the effect of insulin, which may also be the cause of the development of type 1 diabetes. This reason is often associated with the development of various autoimmune diseases, such as systemic red lupus.

Medicines and chemical toxins

Some medications, such as nicotine acid, some types of diuretic products, anti-drugs, psychotropic drugs and drugs for the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) can lead to a deterioration in the functioning of beta cells or impair the effect of insulin.

Pentamidine is a drug appointed for the treatment of pneumonia, can increase the risk of pancreatitis, damage to beta cells and diabetes.

In addition, glucocorticoids are steroid hormones, which are chemically similar to naturally produced cortisol, may worsen the effect of insulin. Glucocorticoids are used to treat inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, lupus, and ulcerative colitis.

Some studies show that high consumption of nitrogen-containing chemicals, such as nitrates and nitrites, can increase the risk of sugar diabetes.

Arsenic is also actively studied for possible relations with diabetes.


The main causes of type 1 diabetes mellitus are, first of all, gene and hereditary factors. Also, diabetes can develop due to the autoimmune destruction of beta cells, the presence of adverse environmental factors, viruses and infections, feeding practices in infancy, various endocrine and autoimmune diseases, as well as as a result of receiving certain types of drugs or chemical toxins.

To date, it is not treated, and can only be supported by the normal functioning of the body (insulin injections, blood sugar control, etc.). Scientists of different countries of the world are actively studying these diseases, develop modern means of treating and controlling diabetes, and also try to find a means that fully healing this disease.

According to the materials of the American National Institute of Diabetes, Gastrointestinal and Renal Diseases // Nih Publication No. 11-5164, SEPTEMBER 2011.

Many are wondering: "What is diabetes from?"

Anxious interest is quite explained, because this pathology is characterized by a variety of types and amazes people of different ages.

According to global statistics, almost 7% of the world's population suffers from it.

Causes of sugar diabetes

Drain diabetes is called pathology, in which the concentration of glucose in the blood increases.

This is due to the absolute or relative deficiency of insulin - protein hormone, synthesized by the special structures of the pancreas - beta cells.

Under the influence of various internal and external factors, the functionality of these cells suffers and develops a lack of insulin.

There are several varieties of pathology.

1 type

Type 1 diabetes - endocrine disorder, often arising due to autoimmune problems in the body.

It is due to insulted insulin production due to the destruction of the beta cells of the pancreas, which causes an increase in blood glucose and urin.

This type of diabetes is characterized by rapid development and is insulin-dependent.

This means that a person requires constant hormonal support to the injections of the appropriate drug. The need for such therapy is caused by the fact that due to damage to the structures of the pancreas endocrine body, the production of its own insulin over time is completely terminated.

Possible reasons for the development of type 1 pathology include the presence of factors such as:

  • Genetic predisposition. The risk of child's birth is especially great with insulin-dependent diabetes, if both of his parents suffer from such a disorder of health.
  • Viral infections. The immune system, protecting the body, can fail and start developing antibodies that, along with malicious cells, will destroy the structure of the pancreas. Destructive changes may be asymptomatic for many years and manifest only after death up to 80% of beta cells. The insulin insulted insufficiency is diagnosed as - "absolute".

Type 1 diabetes, as well as other types of "sugar" pathology, can develop from the effects of so-called risk factors.

2 types

Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an insulin-independent pathology associated with violations of carbohydrate metabolicism.

As a result of developing body dysfunctions, the blood sugar is increased - it occurs.

This is due to reduction (up to complete loss) of tissue susceptibility to insulin.

In addition, the synthesis of the hormone itself is reduced, forming its relative deficit.

2 Type of diabetes suffer 4 times more people than similar type 1 disorder. They do not need constant insulin support. Therapy is based on glucose-aligning drugs, as well as on the stimulation of the pancreas to develop a sufficient number of own insulin.

The greatest probability of the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus is present in those who:

  • has a genetic predisposition to similar health violations, that is, among close relatives there are diabetics;
  • suffers from other pathologies of the pancreas and other endocrine organs;
  • "I crossed" the threshold of the 45th anniversary. With age, the risk of formation of endocrine deviations increases;
  • has a metabolic syndrome (it is also insulin resistance syndrome) and excess body weight;
  • complains of increased blood pressure and other problems with the heart and vessels;
  • checked the level of cholesterol, and it turned out to be abnormally high;
  • moved during pregnancy. Women who, during the child tooling, was made such a diagnosis, is definitely included in the risk group of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What does gestational diabetes develop from?

Gestational diabetes differs from other types of similar pathology in that it is first revealed during pregnancy, when the analysis states the elevated blood glucose level.

After 20 weeks, the number of insulin is growing in pregnant women.

This is physiologically due to the action of placental hormones that preserve pregnancy, but block its work. As a result, insulin resistance is produced.

To maintain normal glucose concentration, the pancreas endocrine organ must increase insulin production. If this does not occur, relative insulinode deficiency is formed, which is essentially means the development of gestational diabetes (GSD). With the birth of a child, all biochemical processes related to the development and action of hormones are returned to the norm.

Endocrine disorders are not found in all women. Their development largely depends on the congenital predisposition and the presence of risk factors.

Risk factors related to the emergence of diabetes

Such a problem as diabetes mellitus, occurs for various reasons.

In addition to the main circumstances, contributing to its formation, the influence of risk factors is great.

They play a secondary role, but often become a starting point and give rise to pathological changes in the body.

So provoke type 1 diabetes capable of:

  • irregular and unbalanced nutrition, especially if the share of products and dishes with a high content of harmful carbohydrates and fats in the dietary diet;
  • stressful states.

The risk factors for the appearance of type 2 diabetes mellitus are considered:

  • the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • hypodynamia;
  • pathology of vessels in history;
  • transferred gestational diabetes mellitus.

By the way, with regard to the likelihood of the development of gestational diabetes of pregnant women, the risk group includes women having:

  • close blood relatives suffering from type 2 diabetes;
  • signs of obesity;
  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • carbohydrate problems;
  • age category 30 years and older;
  • obstetric history, burdened by concomitant pathologies;
  • toxicosis of pregnancy;
  • born children with a mass mass of more than 4 kg;
  • established gestational diabetes in past pregnancy;
  • the problem of chronic unbearable (3 and more spontaneous miscarriages in 1 or 2 trimesters);
  • multi-way and cases of the birth of dead children, as well as offspring with defects.

Summing up, it is worth saying that one way or another the risk of diabetes mellitus largely depends on the hereditary factor. The influence of secondary reasons is also not worth discounting, although their role in this matter is somewhat lower.

To minimize the likelihood of endocrine pancreatic dysfunctions, it is important to conduct a healthy lifestyle and closely monitor the condition of its own body. This is especially true of those who are familiar with the problem of diabetes on the example of loved ones.

- This is a violation of the exchange of carbohydrates and water in the body. The consequence of this is the violation of the pancreas functions. It is the pancreas producing a hormone called insulin. Insulin is involved in the process of sugar processing. And without it, the body cannot transform sugar in glucose. As a result, sugar accumulates in our blood and is excreted in large quantities of the body through the urine.

In parallel with this, water exchange is disturbed. Fabrics cannot hold water in themselves, and as a result, a lot of defective water is excreted through the kidneys.

If a person has a sugar content (glucose) in the blood above the norm, then this is the main sign of diabetes mellitus. In the body of a person for the production of insulin correspond to the cells of the pancreas (beta cells). In turn, insulin is a hormone that is responsible for the glucose to be supplied to the cells in the desired quantity. What happens in the body with diabetes mellitus? In the body, an insufficient amount of insulin is produced, while the content of sugar and glucose in the blood is increased, but the cells begin to suffer from lack of glucose.

This disease metabolic disease can be hereditary or acquired. From a lack of insulin, wenna and other skin lesions are developing, teeth suffer, develop, breast toad, hypertensive disease, kidney suffer, nervous system, impaired vision.

Etiology and pathogenesis

The pathogenetic foundations of diabetes mellitus depend on the type of this disease. There are two types of its varieties that are fundamentally different from each other. Although modern endocrinologists call the separation of diabetes mellitus very conditional, but still the type of disease is important in determining therapeutic tactics. Therefore, it is advisable to stay separately on each of them.

In general, diabetes mellitus refers to those diseases, in the essence of which there is a violation of metabolic processes. At the same time, the carbohydrate exchange is most suffering, which is manifested by a persistent and constant increase in glucose blood content. This indicator is called hyperglycemia. The most important basis of the problem is to distort the interaction of insulin with tissues. It is this hormone that the only one in the body contributes to the drop in the content of glucose, by carrying out it in all cells as the main energy substrate to maintain life processes. If there is a failure in the system of interaction of insulin with tissues, then glucose cannot be engaged in normal metabolism, which contributes to its constant accumulation in the blood. These causal relations are called diabetes.

It is important to understand that not any hyperglycemia is true diabetes, but only the one, which is due to the primary impairment of insulin!

Why distinguish two types of disease?

Such a need is mandatory, since it completely determines the treatment of a patient, which in the initial stages of the disease is radically different. The longer sugar diabetes occurs, the greater the separation of it on types is formal. Indeed, in such cases, treatment practically coincides with any form and origin of the disease.

Type 1 diabetes

This type is also called insulin-dependent diabetes. Most often, this kind of diabetes suffer from young people, under the age of 40, thin. The disease occurs it is hard enough, insulin is required for treatment. Cause: The body generates antibodies that exterminate pancreatic cells that produce insulin.

From the diabetes of the first type, it is almost impossible to fully impossible, although there are cases of restoration of the pancreas functions, but this is possible only in special conditions and natural raw nutrition. To maintain the body, it is necessary to introduce insulin into the body with a syringe. Since insulin is destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, then the insulin is impossible in the form of tablets. Insert insulin along with the welcome. It is very important to comply with a strict diet, completely easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, sweets, fruit juices, sugar-containing lemonades) are excluded from the diet (sugar, sweets).

Type 2 diabetes

This type of diabetes is insulin-dependent. Most often, type 2 diabetes suffer from elderly people, after 40 years, fat. Cause: loss of cell sensitivity to insulin due to the oversupply of nutrients in them. The use of insulin for treatment is not necessary to each patient. Only a qualified specialist can prescribe treatment and dose.

To begin with, a diet is assigned to such patients. It is very important to fully follow the recommendations of the doctor. It is recommended to reduce weight slowly (2-3 kg per month), to achieve a normal weight that needs to be maintained throughout life. In cases where diets are not enough, sugarpponent pills are used, and only in a very extreme case is prescribed insulin.

Symptoms and symptoms of diabetes

Clinical signs of the disease in most cases are characterized by a gradual flow. Rarely diabetes manifests the lightning form with the lifting of glycemia (glucose content) to critical numbers with the development of various diabetic com.

With the beginning of the disease, patients appear:

    Constant dryness in the mouth;

    The feeling of thirst with the inability to quench it. Sick people drink to several liters of daily fluid;

    Increased diuresis - a noticeable increase in the portion and total urine allocated during the day;

    Reduction or sharp increase in weight and fat deposits;

    The appearance of the smell of acetone from the patient;

    Permanent consciousness.

The appearance of characteristic signs of diabetes or the development of its complications is an alarm, which speaks about the progression of the disease or insufficient drug correction.

Most significant causes of diabetes are such as:

    Heredity. You need the remaining factors that affect the development of diabetes are not reduced.

    Obesity. Actively deal with overweight.

    A number of diseases that contribute to the defeat of beta cells responsible for the production of insulin. Such diseases include the diseases of the pancreas -, pancreas, diseases of other glands of internal secretion.

    Viral infections (, epidemic and other diseases come here). Infection data are starting for the development of diabetes. Especially for people who belong to the risk group.

    Nervous stress. People who belong to the risk group should avoid nervous and emotional tension.

    Age. With age for every ten years, the risk of harsh diabetes is doubled.

In this list, these diseases are not made in which diabetes or hyperglycemia is secondary in nature, being only with their symptom. In addition, such hyperglycemia cannot be considered true diabetes until the deployed clinical manifestations or diabetic complications are discouraged. Diseases that cause hyperglycemia (sugar increases) include tumors and hyperfunction of adrenal glands, chronic pancreatitis, increasing the level of contrincing hormones.

The state preceding type 2 diabetes is called prediabet. It is diagnosed prediabet if the level of glucose is above 6.1 mmol \\ l, but does not yet exceed 7.0 mmol \\ l. It is important that with the right approach - prediabet can be reversed and prevented the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Changing lifestyle - regular exercise, power control and reception of certain preparations can lead to a decrease in glucose levels. An efficient preparation for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus is Long glucophage. It is enough to take the drug once a day, with an evening meal to ensure a resistant reduction in glucose levels to normal values. The drug does not reduce the level of glucose below its normal level! Slow release of the active substance significantly reduces the risk of side effects of metformin.

In addition, the long-term use of metformin has a beneficial effect on fat exchange, reducing the level of triglycerides and general cholesterol in blood serum. This was the reason why Metformin was used to normalize body weight.

Diagnosis of diabetes

If suspicion of sugar diabetes, this diagnosis must be either confirmed or refuted. For this, there are a number of laboratory and instrumental methods. These include:

    The study of blood glucose content is the definition of the glycemia of an empty stomach;

    Test of glucose tolerance - definition of the relationship of Torshkova glycemia to this indicator at the incident of two hours after receiving carbohydrate components (glucose);

    Glycemic profile - the study of the figures of glycemia several times during the day. It is performed to assess the effectiveness of treatment;

    General urine analysis with determination of glucose levels in urine (glucose), protein (proteinuria), leukocytes;

    Study of urine on the content of acetone - with suspected ketoacidosis;

    Blood test to the concentration of glycosylated hemoglobin - indicates the degree of violations that are caused by diabetes;

    Biochemical blood test - study of hepatic renal samples, which indicates the adequacy of the functioning of these organs against the background of diabetes;

    The study of the electrolyte composition of blood - is shown in the development of severe diabetes forms;

    Rebarg's test - shows the degree of kidney damage during diabetes;

    Determining the level of endogenous insulin in the blood;

    Study of the Eye DNA;

    Ultrasound examination of abdominal organs, heart and kidney;

    ECG - to estimate the degree of diabetic myocardial damage;

    Ultrasonic Doppler, Capileuroscopy, the renowms of the vessels of the lower extremities - assesses the degree of vascular disorders during diabetes;

All patients with diabetes must necessarily be consulted by such specialists:





    Surgeon (vascular or special pediatrician);

The fulfillment of the entire complex of these diagnostic activities will be able to help clearly decide on the severity of the disease, its degree and correctness of tactics for the medical process. It is very important to carry out these studies not once, but to repeat as many times as a specific situation requires.

Blood sugar level with diabetes

The very first and informative method of primary diagnosis of diabetes mellitus and its dynamic assessment in the process of treatment is the study of blood glucose (sugar) level. This is a clear indicator, from which all subsequent diagnosis and therapeutic measures should be repelled.

Specialists were revised by normal and pathological numbers of glycemia several times. But today the clear their values \u200b\u200bare established that shed true light on the condition of carbohydrate metabolism in the body. They should be guided not only endocrinologists, but also other specialists, and patients themselves, especially diabetics with great experience of the disease.

As can be seen from the above table, diagnostic confirmation of diabetes mellitus is extremely simple and can be carried out in the walls of any ambulance or even at home in the presence of a personal electronic glucometer (device to determine the blood glucose indicator). Similarly, criteria for assessing the adequacy of diabetes therapy by those or other methods are developed. The main one is the same level of sugar (glycemia).

According to international standards, a good indicator of diabetes mellitus is the blood glucose level below 7.0 mmol / l. Unfortunately, in practice it is not always done, despite the real efforts and the strong desire of doctors and patients.

A very important rubric in the classification of diabetes is its separation of gravity. The basis of such a distinction is the level of glycemia. Another element with proper formulation of diagnosis of diabetes is indication of the process compensation. This indicator is based on complications.

But for the simplicity of understanding what is happening with patients with diabetes, looking at records in medical records, you can combine severity with the stage of the process in one rubric. After all, it is natural that the higher the blood sugar level, the harder the diabetes is the number of its formidable complications.

Sugar diabetes 1 degree

Characterizes the most favorable course of the disease to which any treatment should strive. With such a degree of process, it is fully compensated, the glucose level does not exceed 6-7 mmol / l, there is no glucosuria (glucose release with urine), the indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin and proteinuria do not go beyond normal values.

In the clinical picture there are no signs of complications of diabetes: angiopathy, retinopathy, polyneuropathy, nephropathy, cardiomyopathy. It is possible to achieve such results with the help of diet and therapy and reception of drugs.

Sugar diabetes 2 degrees

This stage of the process speaks of partial compensation. There are signs of complications of diabetes and damage to typical targets: eyes, kidneys, hearts, vessels, nerves, lower extremities.

The glucose level is raised slightly and is 7-10 mmol / l. Glucosuria is not determined. The indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin are in normal limits or slightly elevated. There are no heavy violations of the organs.

Sugar diabetes 3 degrees

This course of the process speaks of its constant progression and the impossibility of drug control. At the same time, the level of glucose fluctuates in the range of 13-14 mmol / l, there is a resistant glucose (isolation of glucose with urine), high proteinuria (the presence of protein in the urine), explicitly detailed manifestations of target organs during diabetes mellitus.

Progressively decreases visual acuity, severe (increase in blood pressure) remains, sensitivity decreases with the appearance of strong pain and numbness of the lower extremities. At a high level, the level of glycosylated hemoglobin is held.

Sugar diabetes 4 degrees

This degree characterizes the absolute decompensation of the process and the development of the hardest complications. At the same time, the level of glycemia increases to critical figures (15-25 and more mmol / l), it is poorly corrected by any means.

Progressive proteinuria with loss of protein. It is characterized by the development of renal failure, diabetic ulcers and gangrenes of the limbs. Another of the criteria 4 of the degree of diabetes is the tendency to the development of frequent diabetic companies: hyperglycemic, hyperosmolar, ketoacidotic.

Complications and consequences of diabetes

Sugar diabetes itself does not bear the threat of a person's life. His complications and their consequences are dangerous. It is impossible not to mention some of them, which are either often found, or carry the immediate danger of the patient's life.

Coma with diabetes mellitus. The symptomy complication increases lightning, regardless of the type of diabetic coma. The most importantly threatening feature is the perisage of consciousness or extreme patient inhibition. Such people in urgent order should be hospitalized into the nearest therapeutic institution.

The most frequent diabetic coma is ketoacidotic. It is due to the accumulation of toxic metabolic products that have a sponging effect on nervous cells. The main criterion is the resistant smell of acetone with the breath of the patient. In the case of hypoglycemic coma, consciousness is also praised, the patient is covered with cold abundant, but at the same time the critical reduction in the level of glucose is recorded, which is possible in insulin overdose. Other species com, fortunately, are less common.

Edema with diabetes mellitus. Extracts to wear, both local and widespread, which depends on the degree of concomitant heart failure. In fact, this symptom is an indicator of renal dysfunction. The more the swelling is expressed, the hardest diabetic nephropathy ().

If the edema is characterized by asymmetrical distribution, capturing only one shin or stop, then this indicates the diabetic microangiopathy of the lower extremities, which is supported by neuropathy.

High / low pressure during diabetes mellitus. Indicators of systolic and diastolic pressure also act as criteria for the severity of diabetes. It can be regarded in two planes. In the first case, judge the level of general blood pressure on the shoulder artery. Its raising speaks of progressive diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage), as a result of which they will have a substance that increases pressure.

The other side of the medal is to reduce the blood pressure in the vessels of the lower extremities, determined with ultrasound dopplerography. This figure indicates the degree of diabetic angiopathy of the lower extremities ().

Pain in the legs with diabetes mellitus. may indicate a diabetic angio or neuropathy. You can judge this in their character. Microingness is characterized by the appearance of pain in any physical exertion and walking, which causes patients to stop for a short time to reduce their intensity.

The emergence of night and peaceful pain speaks of diabetic neuropathy. Usually they are accompanied by numbness and reduced skin sensitivity. Some patients note the local burning in certain places of the leg or foot.

Trophic ulcers with diabetes. are the next stage of diabetic angio and neuropathy after pain. The appearance of the wound surfaces at different forms of the diabetic foot is different, as their treatment varies. In the current situation, it is extremely important to correctly evaluate all the smallest symptoms, since it depends on the possibility of preserving the limb.

Immediately it is worth noting about the relative favorableness of neuropathic ulcers. They are determined by a decrease in the sensitivity of the stop as a result of damage to the nerves (neuropathy) against the background of the deformation of the foot (diabetic osteoarthropathy). In typical skin friction points in places of bone protrusions, natoptes arise, which patients do not feel. The hematomas with further fit are formed under them. Patients pay attention to the foot only when it is already red, edema and with a massive trophic ulcer on the surface.

Gangrena with diabetes mellitus. Most often is a consequence of diabetic angiopathy. To do this, there must be a combination of damage to small and large arterial stems. Typically, the process begins in the area of \u200b\u200bone of the fingers of the foot. As a result, there is severe pain in the foot and redness. Over time, the skin becomes blue, edema, cold, and then covered with bubbles with muddy content and black spots of skin necrosis.

The changes described are irreversible, so the limbs cannot be saved under any circumstances, amputation is shown. Of course, it is advisable to perform it as low as possible, since the operations on the foot do not bring any effect in the gangrene, the optimum level of amputation is the shin. After such an intervention, it is possible to restore walking with good functional prostheses.

Prevention of sugar diabetes complications. Prevention is complicated in the early detection of the disease and adequate and correct treatment. This requires the doctors of clear knowledge of all the subtleties of the flow of diabetes, and from patients with strict implementation of all dietary and therapeutic recommendations. A separate heading in the prevention of diabetic complications is to highlight the correct daily care for the lower limbs in order to prevent damage to them, and if they are detected, immediately apply for help from surgeons.

To get rid of the diabetes mellitus of the second type, the following recommendations must be performed:

    Go to a low carbohydrate diet.

    Refuse to receive harmful pills for treating diabetes.

    Start receiving an inexpensive and harmless drug for the treatment of diabetes mellows based on metformin.

    Start playing sports, improve your motor activity.

    Sometimes to normalize the blood sugar levels in the blood may require injecting in low doses.

These simple recommendations will allow control of blood sugar and abandon the reception of drugs that give multiple complications. It is necessary to eat right not from time to time, and every day. The transition to a healthy lifestyle is an indispensable harness from diabetes mellitus. A more reliable and simple way to treat diabetes at the moment has not yet invented.

Video: Dr. Evdokimenko - how to cure type 2 diabetes: 7 steps. Simple but effective tips:

Drugs applied in diabetes

In type 2 diabetes, saccharifying drugs are used:

    Preparations for stimulating the work of the pancreas, which makes it produce more insulin. These are preparations derived sulfonylurea (glyclaside, glycvidone, glypisid), as well as meglitinides (repaglitinide, natelegitinide).

    Preparations that increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin. These are biguanids (,). Biguanides do not prescribe to people who suffer from the pathology of the heart and kidney with the pronounced failure of the functioning of these bodies. Also drugs that increase the susceptibility of cells to insulin are Pioglitazone and Avandy. These drugs belong to the group of thiazolidindions.

    Preparations with incremental activity: Inhibitors of DPP-4 (Wildagliptein and Sitagliptin) and agonists of GGP-1 receptors (Liraglutide and Exenatide).

    Preparations that do not allow glucose to be absorbed in the organs of the digestive system. This is a drug called Akarbazz from the group of alpha-glucosidase inhibitors.

6 common misconceptions about diabetes

There are common beliefs about sugar diabetes that need to be dispelled.

    Diabetes develops from those people who eat a lot of sweets.This statement is not entirely true. In fact, the use of sweets can provoke a weight gain, which is a risk factor for the development of a diabetes mellitus. However, a person must have a predisposition to diabetes. That is, two key points are needed: excess body weight and burdened heredity.

    At the beginning of the development of diabetes, insulin continues to be produced, but fat deposits do not allow it normally absorbed by cells of the body. If such a situation is observed over the years, the pancreas will lose its ability to develop sufficient insulin.

    Sweet use does not affect the development of type 1 diabetes. In this case, pancreatic cells simply die due to antibody attacks. And the body itself produces them. This process is called an autoimmune reaction. Today, science has never found the causes of this pathological process. It is known that type 1 diabetes is rarely inherited, about 3-7% of cases.

    When I start diabetes, I immediately understand it.To learn that a person develops diabetes mellitus immediately, if only he manifests a type of type 1. This pathology is characterized by a rapid increase in symptoms, which are simply impossible.

    At the same time, type 2 diabetes develops for a long time and is often absolutely asymptomatic. This is the main danger of the disease. People learn about her already at the stage of complications, when the kidneys were injured, heart, nerve cells.

    While the treatment prescribed on time could stop the progression of the disease.

    Type 1 diabetes always develops in children, and diabetes type 2 in adults.Regardless of the type of diabetes, it can develop at any age. Although children and adolescents are like more often than type diabetes mellitus. However, this is not a reason to believe that the disease cannot begin at high age.

    The main reason that leads to the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus is obesity, but it can develop at any age. In recent years, the issue of children's obesity in the world is quite acute.

    However, type 2 diabetes most often diagnose people over 45 years old. Although practicing doctors begin to beat the alarm, pointing out that the disease has grown up.

    In diabetes, it is impossible to eat sweets, special products for diabetics need to be eaten.The menu will definitely have to be changed, but it should not completely refuse ordinary food. Diabetic products can replace familiar sweets and favorite desserts, but using them in food, you need to remember that they are a source of fats. Therefore, the risk of a set of excess weight is preserved. Moreover, products for diabetics are very expensive. Therefore, the easiest solution will be the transition to a healthy eating. The menu should enrich proteins, fruits, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and vegetables.

    As recent studies show, a comprehensive approach to the treatment of diabetes mellitus allows to achieve significant progress. Therefore, it is necessary not only to take medicines, but also to lead a healthy lifestyle, and also eat right. Insulin needed to prick only in extreme cases, it causes dependence.

    If the injection of insulin refuses a person with type 1 diabetes mellitus, then this will lead to his death.If the patient suffers from type 2 diabetes, then in the early stages of the development of the disease, the pancreas will still produce some amount of insulin. Therefore, drugs in the form of tablets are prescribed patients, as well as injections of sacrarifying drugs. This will allow your insulin better to digest.

    When the disease progresses, insulin is produced less and less. As a result, this moment will come when it will simply fail to refuse his injection.

    Many people with caution belong to insulin injections, and these fears are not always substantiated. It should be understood that when the pills are not able to produce the desired effect, the risk of developing the complications of the disease increases. In this case, insulin injections are a mandatory measure.

    It is important to control blood pressure and cholesterol, as well as take preparations for the normalization of these indicators.

    Insulin leads to obesity.Often you can observe the situation when a person who is in insulin therapy begins to gain weight. When the blood sugar level is high, the weight begins to decline, because together with the urine, excess glucose is derived, and therefore extra calories. When the patient begins to receive insulin, these calories are moved along with the urine. If the change in lifestyle and diet does not occur, it is quite logical that the weight will begin to grow. However, it will not be insulin.

Unfortunately, not in all cases can affect the inevitability of the appearance of the first type of diabetes. After all, its main reasons are the hereditary factor and small viruses that every person faces. But the disease is far from all. And although scientists have been established that diabetes is much less likely in children and in adults who were on breastfeeding and treated respiratory infections with antiviral drugs, it cannot be attributed to specific prophylaxis. Therefore, there are really effective methods.

Today, the possibility of full cure from diabetes is very ambiguous. The complexity of the situation is that it is very difficult to return what is already lost. The only exception is those forms of second type of sugar diabetes, which are well controlled under the influence of diet and therapy. In this case, normalizing power and physical activity modes, you can completely get rid of diabetes. It should be borne in mind that the risk of repeated occurrence of the disease in the event of a violation of the regime is extremely high.

According to official medicine - the diabetes mellitus of the first type and the resistant forms of the diabetes of the second type cannot be completely cured. But constant drug treatment can be prevented or slowing down the progression of diabetes complications. After all, they are dangerous for a person. Therefore, it is extremely important to engage in regular control of blood glycemia, controlling the effectiveness of therapeutic measures. It must be remembered that they should be lifelong. It is permissible to change only their volumes and varieties depending on the state of the patient.

However, there are many former patients who were able to cure from this incurable disease with the help of medicinal starvation. But forget about this method, if you can not find a good specialist in your city, which could control you and not give a situation from under control. Because there are many cases when experiments end in resuscitation!

As for the operational methods for eliminating diabetes mellitus with the implantation of a peculiar artificial pancreas, which is an instrument that analyzes the level of hyperglycemia and automatically distinguishing the required amount of insulin. The results of such treatment are impressive with their effectiveness, but also are not extended substantial deficiencies and problems. Therefore, so far no one has yet been able to replace the natural insulin of a particular person with a synthetic analogue, which is not in everything can be sick with diabetes.

Development continue to be carried out in the field of synthesis of insulin, which will consist of identical components specific to each patient. And although it still remains a distant reality, each person exhausted by the flow of diabetes believes that the miracle is happening.

What doctor to contact?

About the doctor: From 2010 to 2016 The practitioner of the therapeutic hospital of the central health part number 2, the city of Elektrostal. Since 2016, it has been working in the diagnostic center number 3.

Disruption of carbohydrate metabolism with the absence of insulin hormone and an increased amount of glucose leads to the development of diabetes.

In 7% of the world's population, the disease was diagnosed with a disease, and about 10% are not aware of the existing glucose exchange violation.

What is diabetes

Sugar diabetes is a disease, as a result of which the level of glucose in the blood is increased - hyperglycemia. The disease is hereditary, so if in the family there were cases of SD, the risk of development increases. According to WHO statistics, if there is a disease in one of the parents, then the fetus in 90% of the CD has a congenital form.

Glucose blood performs a large number of functions in the body, but the main thing is to maintain energy. The biochemical processes occurring in organs and tissues are carried out under the action of ATP and with its allocation. Exceeding admissible negatively affects the tissues and organs, the blood system suffers.

Glycemia has a negative impact on the processes of fats, proteins and minerals. Also affects renal filtering and urinary system as a whole. In severe cases, it becomes the cause of death.


Soul experiences, stress and depression negatively affect the state of the nervous system. A persistent depressive violation entails a failure in the work of nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. Many processes are slowed down and violated, including carbohydrate. The absorption of glucose into organs and tissues is converted, and the accumulated glucose damages nerve cells and brain vessels.

In diabetics, brain activity is broken, and during serious condition, encephalopathy with a long degradation period is developing.

A strong shock or sharp excitement excites the nervous system so that the functions of the internal organs are disconnected or their activities are disturbed. Insulin produced by the pancreas - loses activity, corrugated in cells, sometimes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract is violated.

A strong stress can be:

  • the news of the death of a loved one;
  • finding a conflict or war in the zone;
  • finding in captivity;
  • terrorist attack or natural disaster.

Psycho-emotional violation is more often diagnosed in women, less often in children. Men This factor is bypassing, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Preceding diseases

Infectious and inflammatory processes, hypertension and diseases of the digestive organs - lead to damage to target cells and a significant reduction in insulin hormone. Diseases are prerequisites for the development of severe illness. More than the predecessors of the SD are:

  • radioactive irradiation;
  • trauma gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas;
  • hepatitis, including viral;
  • atherosclerotic disorders;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • impaired adrenal operations;

Infectious processes, such as rubella or chickenpox - are not provocative reasons, but increase the risk of diabetes. This is mainly related to those who have relatives with such pathology.


Sugar diabetes is a whole group of endocrine diseases. There are several types that differ from each other causes of occurrence and symptoms.

1 type - insulin-dependent

The hardest type of diabetes. It is impossible to cure from this form. Pathology is inherited in 99% of cases. The insulin-dependent type is directly related to acute insulin deficiency. In the insulin-dependent diabetes, hyperglycemia develops, the renal system is affected. A person exudes the smell of acetone, because the release of acetoxus acid occurs. Sometimes this feature is determining.

1 Type of diabetes is different called "young", as it is found until 30 years of age. Women are heavier - diabetes mellitus is a contraindication when carrying a kid.

2 Type - Insulin-dependent

Diabetes "Starikov". Each third-party elderly age is fixed. Clinical manifestations are similar to the first type, but are more sparing. Hyperglycemia does not exceed 10.5 mmol / l, when the type of readings increases to 28-30 mmol / l.

Insulin-dependent type develops due to improper lifestyle and obesity of any extent. Overweight leads to loss of insulin sensitivity to glucose at the level of fat metabolism. Glycemia is formed for a long time.

Healing disease is impossible, but supporting therapy is effective. It should be noted that in the elderly people, hyperglycemia is expressed in a worsening of memory.

Gestational diabetes

It occurs during the baby tooling. It is autoimmune, that is, the placenta synthesizes hormones that are perceived by pathogenic agents. Insulin emission is not broken, but its number is reduced. Increased formation of carbohydrates due to the needs of additional energy is not inactivated by the hormone.

The state is temporary, and after the birth of the baby and the kindergarten disappears. However, there is a risk of developing an insulin-dependent type SD.

An independent disease that is not the result of a violation of the work of the endocrine system or pancreas. In insulin is synthesized as usual. A common feature is a persistent hyperglycemia. The development of non-soldering diabetes is associated with violation of the nervous system after transferring operations or injuries. It is extremely rare.

If you submit the types of SD in percentage, then it will be approximately as follows:

  • 14-15% of type 2 type;
  • 6-8% - 1 type;
  • 20% - gestational;
  • 2-3% - unacceptable.

Indicators are average and may vary in the most side.

The share of gestational type of pathology accounts for a large part, due to the fact that the ailments of each third pregnant are diagnosed.

Degree of diabetes

In addition to classification types, distinguish the degree of pathology:

  • 1 degree. Clinical manifestations are absent, sometimes glucose in blood reaches 6.0 mmol / l, at a rate of 6.2. Sugar can be adjusted when changing the mode and type of power.
  • 2 Degree - moderate. The primary signs of the pathological process appear. The work of the heart, urinary and nervous system is disturbed. Worsen eyesight. At 2 degrees of sugar in the blood, an empty stomach rises to 7.0 mmol / l, and after meals, it prevails for a mark of 10 mmol / l. The degree is characteristic of gestational type.
  • 3 degree - heavy. Hyperglycemia is up to 15 mmol / l. Correction is difficult. A typical sign of 3 degree is deteriorating - diabetic encephalopathy and inhibition.
  • 4 Degree - extremely heavy. Polyorgan deficiency develops, hyperglycemia reaches 25-30 mmol / l. Perhaps the loss of consciousness and sign into the comatose state. A severe degree is distinguished by the nature of the flow: glucose is waving a waveway to the limit indicators, the diabetics exudes the smell of acetone. 4 degree can lead to a fatal either from the underlying disease or from developed complications.

The nature of possible complications and treatment depends on the degree of diabetes.

Symptoms and signs

You can diagnose the disease only by blood test, but there are primary symptoms that the therapists pay attention to:

  • increase in body weight;
  • constant;
  • need for large volumes of fluid;
  • dry cracked skin palms.

Symptoms of 1 type

The clinical picture of the insulin-dependent form is diverse, but a peculiarity is a pronounced flow:

  • thirst;
  • dryness;
  • vision impairment;
  • elevated appetite, but the absence of a weight gain;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • cracks on lips and feet;
  • non-wounds;
  • mood difference;

With 1 type, characteristic features and symptoms are always developing. If glycemia reaches high indicators, the loss of consciousness and an unpleasant sour smell joins. The amount of urine increases, in which acetone is detected - the product intoxication of the body.

Signs of 2 types

Complaints, disturbing diabetics with 2 types of pathology:

  • increased fluid consumption (up to 4.5 liters per day);
  • fast fatiguability;
  • fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes (oral cavity, genitals, thrush in women);
  • moderate;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • next to aggression and nervousness.

In men - hair loss, teeth and peptic education, mainly on the legs. Another symptom is an increased appetite and excessive sweating.


The effects of diabetes can be sharp, late and chronic. Chronic develops with 2 types of disease. The most dangerous are the sharp disorders in the insulin-dependent form:

Diagnosis at the doctor

The diagnosis of pathological phenomenon (regardless of the type) is engaged in an endocrinologist. Primary appointment is a blood test on an empty stomach. In the future, TTG is carried out, and additionally analysis on insulin and. If necessary, the ultrasound of the pancreas.

Mandatory is urine analysis with high-quality and quantitative determination of glucose.


The main treatment is insulin therapy, which is subcutaneously introduced (at 1 form), and orally. Inserted insulin is associated with blood sugar and reduces its activity. The dosage is established individually. Hypoglycemic drugs contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes and reduce blood sugar concentration.

Secondary diseases are treated in a specific way: with nephropathy with diuretics, with hypertension - adrenoblockers.

Treatment is accompanied by power correction with strict calorie counting. Throughout the therapy, it is necessary to control the level of sugar with the help of a healthy and monitor urine acetone.

If there is a predisposition to diabetic pathology, then it is difficult to adjust the state, but possible. To do this, it is necessary to carefully monitor the diet and play sports. If suspected the disease - contact the endocrinologist.