Indifference and egoism to people. Writing on the topic "How are the concepts of" indifference "and" egoism "?"

"Indifference and responsiveness"

FIII comment: "The topics of this area aims to understand the studies of various types of human attitude towards people and to the world (indifference to others, the unwillingness to spend state forces on someone else's life or sincere willingness to divide with the closest of his joy and troubles, to give him disinterested help). In the literature, we meet, on the one hand, the heroes with a hot heart, ready to respond to other people's joy and misfortunes, and on the other hand, the characters embody the opposite, selfish, personality type. "

As we know, conflicts are divided into two types: internal and external. In this direction, one of the main conflicts of humanity is considered - this is a conflict of man and society.

As part of this area, we will talk about indifference and responsiveness from several positions:

1. Indifference and responsiveness in relation to people (close, friends, other people's people and needing help, those who are less fortunate). This group is closely related to the concepts of "Help", "Mutual" and egoism. Here you can consider indifference to troubles and to someone else's joy. It can be compared, to oppose or compare the heroes (egoists and philanthropists, for example). You can also consider indifference in love

2. Indifference and responsiveness in relation to the world of nature.

3. Indifference and "Responsiveness of the soul" to the world of art and beauty.

4. Indifference and responsiveness as two extremes of the human person.If the extreme of indifference is irrelevant egoism, the extreme of responsiveness is fanaticism. The man, inclined to help everyone, without thinking about himself, is often in a position when the "sits down on the neck." Such examples in the literature can be found a huge quantity (for example, "rational" A.P. Chekhov).

Indifference - Negative spiritual and moral quality of personality, manifested as indifference, peace, coldness, indisciencement, immudence towards any people, actions, events. An indifferent person is calm, impassive, he has no passion and desires to make changes to these relationships. The indifference is a very large vice, the basis of many crimes, misconducts, other vices, and most importantly is a factor that stimulates the birth of vices from the surrounding people. Once in church-Slavic language, this word had another meaning - the meaning of unanimity, i.e. the same state of the soul of people.

Synonyms "indifference": indifference, indifference, indifference, indifference, indifference; Blood sensitivity, impassivity, naughty relationship, coldness, pofigigism, woodenness, coldness, vascularism, lethargy, chill, insension, dofhenism, apoophy, apophey, cold, comprehension, indifference, coolness, indifference, impassivity, insensitivity, apathy, apathetic, phlegmaticism.

Responsiveness- Positive spiritual and moral quality of personality, manifested as a tendency to help those who need, seeing, selflessness, generosity, generosity, the ability to forgive, tolerance. Responsiveness is based on well-developed empathy, emotional reactivity, sensitivity to the behavior of others, altruism, defenselessness, execution and responsibility. The presence surrounded by responsive people instills in many confidence in life strength, in the domination of good. At the same time, excessive responsiveness and concern for others, and even highly estimated by others, can cause a sense of condescending to their wards from the patron woman, the obsession of patronage. In the same, about whom are baked, a dependency may be born from excessive kindness of people

Synonyms "Responsiveness": Softness, soft-hearted, cordiality, sympathy, kindness, software, sympathy, good nature, dignity, kindness, kindness, compassion, attention, attentiveness, participation, sensitivity, mentality, consistency, sensitivity, humanity.

The arguments "indifference are the highest cruelty" will help to figure out what kind of indifference is and how it can affect human life. Examples will demonstrate that indifference affects a person worse than ordinary cruelty.


N. V. Gogol in the story "Shinel" portrayed a society to which there is no case to such a person as Akaki Akakievich Bashmachkin. When the main character steals the sinel, no one wants to help him. People actually leave the man to die, which remained cold in winter without outerwear. The "significant face" refuses to Bashmachkina in help. The hero understands that he remained without a shelter, which he copied so long. The indifference from all the people around the people becomes the cause of the death of a "little man", which was Akaki Akakievich.

"Girl with matches"

An indifferent society is shown in the fairy tale. H. Andersen "Girl with matches". No one from passers-by was affected by a heroine that went on barefoot street. The little girl was forced to walk the cold winter divent to sell matches. She understood that if she did not bring money home, her father would "come up" her. Frozen, the girl tragically dies. However, no frost becomes the cause of her death, but the human indifference. None of the people stopped to ask why a little girl alone walks on the eve of the new year barefoot. No one asked her if she needs help. Nobody took care of the poor heroine. The author shows that indifference leads to a huge tragedy.

"Old Isergil"

The story M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" tells about several fate. The hero, which can be called indifferent to everything, is Larra. It does not matter the opinion of other people. He thinks only about his own interests. Larra does not know how to help other people, compassion them. If he wanted something, it should be. The hero kills the girl who dreamed him to refuse. Your behavior of Larra shows the indifference towards others. For this indifference and selfishness, Larre has to pay: it is doomed to a long life alone.

"Crime and Punishment"

F. M. Dostoevsky In his novel, "Crime and Punishment" pays attention to the psychological portrait of not only Rodion Skolnikov, but also his twins - Luzin and Svidrigailov. Both characters feel their permissiveness, they are completely indifferent to them to people who are near them. Luzhin believes that he should not have anything to anyone that everyone should have his own caftan, which helps others - the weak fancy. Svidrigayov believed that every person can go to everything to achieve their own goals. Both characters do not think over the fate of other people, they are accustomed to thinking only about their mercenary plans.

"Wonderful Doctor"

A. I. Kookin in his story "Wonderful Doctor" shows how to bring indifference to others. Family of the Merzalone Poor, heroes have no livelihood. One child has already died, the other is in a difficult position. Father due to illness lost work. He nowhere to take money to feed his family. The author shows that others do not matter what is happening with the mercal. The doorman, to which children come, is completely indifferent to the fact that a family of five remained without the slightest livelihoods. Understanding the hopelessness of the situation, Emelyan Merzalov thinks of suicide. The indifference of society becomes the executioner of the hero. If not a good act of Dr. Pirogov, the fate of the Merzalov family would be truly tragic.

"After the ball"

In the story of L. N. Tolstoy "After Bala", the colonel is shown indifferent, the father of the girl in which the story is in love. The narrator says that his worldview has changed one case: after Bala, he saw the father of a beloved girl who managed a execution of a soldier. The narrator noted that the Colonel was confident in his own actions, his step was firm. Nothing missed his soul, even pleading of a soldier who asked to "stupid" over him. The girl's father recognized the narrator, but hurried to take his eyes. He performed his work, without thinking at all over what pain is experiencing exhausted soldiers.

"Mad Evdokia"

A. G. Alexin in his story "Mad Evdokia" demonstrated adolescent indifference. Olya's schoolgirl thinks only about his own life, about the realization of his abilities. She is indifferent to his girlfriend, does not notice what classmate is in love with her. To show your superiority, Olya goes to look for the road one. She absolutely did not think that her classmates would be feeling, who would notice the loss than it would turn into a teacher, as their parents react to disappear. All this leads to the fact that the Mother Oli goes crazy when he learns that her daughter did not return from the campaign. The girls are indifference leads to such tragic consequences.

In this article, which will help bring the arguments to the composition "indifference - the highest cruelty," examples of indifference are discussed in the story of N. V. Gogol "Shinel", a fairy tale of H. Andersen "Girl with matches", the story M. Gorky " Staruha Ishergil ", Roman F. M. Dostoevsky" Crime and Punishment ", the story of A. I. Kurin" Wonderful Doctor ", the story of L. N. Tolstoy" After Bala ", the story of A. G. Aleksina" Mad Evdokia ".

The most popular materials of February for grade 11.

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "indifference and responsiveness".

What is dangerous indifference? Can the attentiveness for people save life?

Indifference can cause a person a mental pain, indifference may even kill. The indifference of people was the cause of the death of a little girl, the heroine of the codty story H.K. Andersen. BareA and hungry, she wandered along the streets in the hope of selling matches and bring money home, but the New Year's Eve was on the yard, and people were completely not until the purchase of matches and certainly not to the beggar girl, wandering along the houses. No one asked her why she wanders on the cold, no one suggested her food, passerby the boy even stole her shuffle, which was not in size and fell with her little leg. The girl dreamed only about a warm place where there is no fear and pain, about home food, the flavors that came from each window. She was afraid to return home, and it was unlikely that the attic could be called the house. In desperation, she began to burn matches that had to sell. Each burned match gave her wonderful images, she even saw her deceased grandmother. The mirage was so clear that the girl believed in him, she asked her grandmother to take her with her. They ascended high in heaven with joy on faces. In the morning, people found a little dead girl with a smile on her lips and an almost empty box of matches in her hands. She was killed by a cold and poverty, but human indifference to the troubles of the surrounding people.

Do I need to study sympathy?

So sympathy can and need to learn. The protagonist of Roman J. Sabina "Boy in Striped Pajamas" Bruno is a vivid example confirming my position. His dad, the German military officer hires for children a tutor, who should teach them to understand in modern history, to understand what is right and what is not. But Bruno is absolutely not interesting that the teacher tells, he loves adventures and does not understand completely than some people differ from others. In the search for friends, the boy goes to "explore" the territory close to the house and stumps the concentration camp, where he meets his peer, the Jewish boy of Shmuel. Bruno knows that he should not be friends with Shmuel, so the meetings thoroughly hides. He carries a prisoner, playing with him and talks through a barbed wire. Neither propaganda nor father can make him hate prisoners of the camp. On the day of his departure, Bruno goes back to a new friend, he decides to help him find her father, puts on striped Rob and makes his ways to the camp. The finale of this story is sealing, children are sent to the gas chamber, and only on the remnants of clothes, Bruno's parents understand what happened. This story teaches that sympathy needs to educate. Perhaps you need to learn to look at the world as it makes the main character, then people will not repeat monstrous mistakes.

Not indifferent (indifferent) attitude towards nature

One of the main characters of Roman B.L. Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in the White Swans" Egor Polushkin - a person who has not been delayed for a long time at one job. The reason for this is the inability to work "without a heart." He loves the forest very much, cares for him. Therefore, he is prescribed to the forester, dismissed at the same time unclean on the hand of Byrianova. It was then that Egor manifests himself as a true wrestler for the protection of nature. He boldly comes into fighting poachers who set fire to the forest and killed swans. This person serves as an example of how it is necessary to relate to nature. Thanks to such people like Egor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this land. Against the cruelty of Byrunan should always be good in the face of non-indifferent "half-Russian".

"The man who sled trees" is an allegoric story. In the center of the narrative shepherd Elzear Buffier, who alone decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert terrain. For four decades, Buffier landed trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became similar to the paradise garden. The authorities perceived this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received the official protection of the state. After some time about 10,000 people moved to this locality. All these people are obliged to Buffier their happiness. Elsear Buffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens the love of the world to the readers. A person can not only be destroyed, he is also able to create. Human resources are inexhaustible, purposefulness can create a life where it is not. This told this was translated into 13 languages, he influenced the society and the authorities so much that after reading hundreds of thousands of forest hectares were restored.

It is not indifferent to nature.

The story "" is addressed about the problem of nature. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha detects a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day, it leads a whole squad of pioneers, they all face the ground around the flower. In a year, we see the consequences of such a not indifference. The desert is impossible to know: he "overgrown with herbs and flowers", and "Poultry and Butterfly flew over it". Caring for nature does not always require a man of titanic efforts, but always brings such important results. After spending an hour of his time, each person can save or "give life" a new flower. And every flower in this world on the account.

Indifference to art.

The main hero of Romana I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Evgeny Bazarov is completely deprived of interest in art. He denies him, recognizing only the "art of making money." A decent chemist considers it more important than any poet, poems calls "nonsense." The painter Rafael, in his opinion, "is not worth a copper penny." Even music for - "frivolous" occupation. Eugene is proud of "the lack of an art meaning" in his nature, although it is not bad familiar with the works of art. The denial of generally accepted values \u200b\u200bis most important for him. For the idea of \u200b\u200b"need" should prevail in everything: if he does not see the practical benefit in something, it means that it is not very important. It should be taken into account his profession. He is a doctor, and therefore a zealous materialist. All that is subject to reason, for is of interest, but what is in the sphere of feelings and has no rational justification, for him is equivalent to danger. What he can not understand, scares it most. And as we know, art is something that cannot be explained by the terms, it can only feel the heart. Therefore, the bazaars show the deliberate indifference to art, he simply does not understand him. Because if you understand, you will have to abandon everything that he believes. This means to recognize your wrong, "change the principles", to appear to all followers of a person who says one thing, and does another. And how he could refuse his ideas after he defended them, bringing a degree of boiling in a dispute to the maximum.
His profession also played an important role. A person who knows the body's anatomical structure well is difficult to believe in the existence of the soul. A doctor who sees death denies a miracle and believes in force of medicine, it is difficult to imagine that the soul also needs a medicine - and this is art.

Another example illustrating the indifference to art can serve as a doctor of smoke from the story "" A.P. Chekhov. His wife Olga Ivanovna imposes him one drawback, namely the lack of interest in art. What the smoke is responsible that he does not deny the art, but just does not understand him, he studied his whole life, and he had no time. Osip claims that if some smart people devote all their lives to art, and other smart people pay for the work of huge money, then they are needed. Partly indifference to art is associated with his activities, partly with what he had to work for several works so that Olga Ivanovna could afford to "live in the world of art" and rotate in the society "sublime" people. Perhaps the smoke did not understand the false art, the love of which Olga tried to instill so diligently. The narrative, flattery, snobbery were satellites of art people who visited Olga Ivanovna techniques. It can be said that the smoke was indifferent not to genuine art, but to false, because sad motives that played his friend on the piano, his heart touched.

What does the indifference lead to? What is dangerous indifference?

For Onegin, indifference turned out to be poison, which destroyed it over the years. His inability to strong feelings played a dick joke with him. When Tatyana admitted to Eugene in love, he was deaf to her impulses. At that stage of his life, he simply could not do otherwise. To defend the ability to feel, he needed years. Unfortunately, fate did not provide him with a second chance. However, Tatiana recognition can be considered an important victory, the awakening of Eugene.
The attitude of a person to parents, indifference to relatives. What does the indifference bring to loved ones? Do you agree with the show: "The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but the indifference, here is the true top of inhumanity" do you agree with the statement: an ungrateful son is worse than someone else: this is a criminal, since the Son has no right to be indifferent to the mother "

Indifferent attitude to loved ones.

Very often, children forget about their parents, plunging into their concerns and affairs. So, for example, in the story K.G. Paustovsky "" shows the relationship of his daughter to his aged mother. Katerina Petrovna lived alone in the village, while the daughter was busy with his career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya saw his mother 3 years ago, letters wrote extremely rarely, once every two or three months sent her 200 rubles. This money was little worried Katerina Petrovna, she reread a few lines that daughter wrote along with the translation (that there is no time not only to come, but also to write a normal letter). Katerina Petrovna was very good for his daughter, listened to every rustle. When she became completely bad, she asked her daughter to come to see before her death, but Nastya did not have time. There was a lot of things, she did not perceive the words of the mother seriously. This letter followed the telegram that her mother dies. Only then Nastya realized that "no one loved her like that, like this shallow, abandoned by all the old woman." She understood too late what nobody is more related than mom in her life has never been and no longer be. Nastya went to the village to see his mother last time in his life to ask for forgiveness and say the most important words, but did not have time. Katerina Petrovna died. Nastya did not even have time to say goodbye to her and left with the awareness of "irreparable guilt and unbearable gravity."

What is dangerous indifference? How are the concepts of indifference and egoism? What person can be called indifferent? How do you understand the words of Suvorov: "How do you like indifference to yourself?"

The indifference is a feeling that can manifest itself not only towards other people, but also to life in general. , the central character of the Hero of Our Time, is shown by M.Yu. Lermontov as a person who does not see the joys of life. He is bored all the time, he quickly loses interest in people and places, so the main goal of his life is the search for "adventures". His life is infinite attempts to feel at least something. According to the famous literary critic, Belinsky, Pechorin "Mainly chasing his life, looking for it everywhere." His indifference comes to the absurd, turning into indifference to itself. According to the sign of the Pechistan himself, his life "becomes an empty day by day." He sacrifices his life in vain, it is started in adventures that do not bring benefits to anyone. On the example of this hero, it can be seen that indifferences spread in the soul of a person like a dangerous disease. It leads to the sad consequences and broken the fate of both the surrounding and indifferent person. An indifferent person can not be happy, because his heart is not capable of love for people.

Hero of Our Time Analysis
Not indifferent to the profession.

The role of the teacher in human life is difficult to overestimate. The teacher is the one who is able to open an amazing world, reveal the potential of a person, help determine the choice of life path. The teacher is not only the one who conveys knowledge is, above all, a moral landmark. Thus, the protagonist of the story of M. Gelprin "" Andrei Petrovich is a teacher with a capital letter. This is a person who remained faithful to his profession even in the most difficult times. In the world where spirituality moved to the background, Andrei Petrovich continued to defend eternal values. He did not agree to betray his ideals despite the bad financial situation. The reason for such behavior lies in the fact that for him the meaning of life is to transfer knowledge and share them. Andrei Petrovich was ready to teach anyone who would knock on his door. Particular attitude to the profession - the key to happiness. Only such people can make the world better.

What person can be called indifferent? What is dangerous indifference? What does the indifference lead to? Can indifference to hurt? How are the concepts of indifference and egoism? Is it possible to call a selfish person?

What can be given indifference?

In the artistic literature, the theme of indifference is also reflected. So, E. Zamyatin in the novel "We" shows us a certain model of life, as well as the consequences of the silent consent of both individual individuals and the whole society as a whole. Before the eyes of the reader arises a terrifying picture: a totalitarian state in which people are deprived of not only individuality, their own opinions, but also morality. But if you try to understand the causes of what is happening, then you come to the conclusion: each society receives such a leader, which it deserves, and the inhabitants of a single state are allowed to control the bloodthirsty dictator. They themselves enter the "slender series" of robot-like, on their feet are sent to the operation on "removal of fantasy", which is deprived of themselves to fully live.
However, there were units that could say "no". For example, the main heroine of Roman I-33, who understands the absurdity of this world. She created a coalition of resistance, because he firmly knew that no one had to deprive the human freedom. She could live, immersed in a comfortable hypocrisy, but chose a protest. On her shoulders lay great responsibility not only for themselves, but also for many people who did not understand the horror taking place in the state.
D-503 did the same. This hero was dominated by the authorities, held a high post, lived in a calm indifferent-mechanical condition. But the meeting with I changed his life. He realized that the ban on feelings is immoral by its nature. No one dares to take away from a person what life is granted. After he experienced love, he could no longer be indifferent. His struggle did not bring the result, since the state deprived him of his soul, destroying the ability to feel, but his "awakening" cannot be called in vain. Because the world is able to change for the better only due to the brave and not indifferent.

What is the danger of indifference? Do you agree with the statement: "Fear of indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but it is from their silent agreement that there is a betrayal and murder on earth?"

In the novel "Cloud Atlas" David Mitchell We encounter examples of indifferent attitude towards people. The effect of the novel occurs in the anti-dustopic state of the NI-SO-Copros, which developed in the territory of modern Korea. In this state, society is divided into two groups: purebred (people born natural way) and manufacturers (clone people grown artificially as slaves). Slaves do not consider people, they are destroyed as broken techniques. The author is the heroine of Sonmy-451, which will be the case involved in the fight against the state. When she finds out the terrible truth about how the world is truly arranged, sleeps cannot be silent more and starts to fight for justice. This becomes possible only due to the non-indulgered "purebred", which understands the injustice of such a division. In a fierce fight, her comrades and a loved one kill her comrades, and sleeps sentenced to the death penalty, but before his death she managed to tell her story "Archivast". This is the only person who heard her confession, but it was he who then changed the world. The moral of this part of the novel is that while there is at least one not indifferent person, hope for a fair world will not fade.

What person can be called responsive? Are there people unworthy sympathy?

A responsive person can be called what he thinks about others more than about himself, is always ready to help in need, and also takes close to the heart of the experience of other people. A truly responsive can be called the hero of the Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Idiot" Prince Lion Nikolayevich Myshkina. Prince Myshkin - a representative of a notable kind, early orphaned, who spent 4 years abroad for the cause of nervous disease. The surrounding it seems strange, but interesting person. He is striking people in the depth of his thoughts, but at the same time shocks his straightness. However, everyone celebrates openness and kindness in it.
Her responsiveness begins to manifest themselves shortly after exploring the main actors. He finds himself in the epicenter of the family scandal: the sister of Gani Ivigina in protest against his marriage spits him in his face. The prince of Myshkin stands for her, for which he gets slap from Ghani. Only instead to get angry, he regrets Ivigin. Myshkin understands that Ghana will be very shameful for his behavior.
Even Lev Nikolayevich believes in the best in people, therefore appeals to Nastasya Filippovna, claiming that she is better than trying to appear. The ability to compassion, like a magnet, attracts the surrounding people to the Myshkin. In love with Nastasya Filippovna and, later, Aglaya ..
A distinctive feature of Myshkin is a pity for people, he does not approve of their bad actions, but always compets, understands their pain. Finding in love with Aglaja, he cannot marry her, because it regrets Nastasya Flippovna and can not leave her.
He's a pity even the robber Rogozhkin, who subsequently kills Nastasya.
Myshkin's lion compassion does not share people on good and bad, worthy and unworthy. It is aimed at all of humanity, it is definitely.

How do you understand the words of Suvorov: "How do you like indifference to yourself"?

Indifference to themselves is a heavy burden, which pulls a person to the very bottom of life. An example confirming the above, a hero of the same name Roman I.A. Goncharova Ilya. All his life is a geometric progression of indifference to itself. It begins with small: from his appearance, to whom Ilya Ilyich does not make any meaning. He is wearing an old shot robe, sneakers. In these things there is no individuality and beauty. In his room everything is broken, dusty. In his financial affairs - collapse. But most of all the manifestation of indifference can be considered the failure of Oblomov from the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness with Olga. He is so indifferent to himself that he deprives himself to fully live. This leads him to the fact that he converges with a woman who does not love, only because of the fact that it is convenient.

Direction " Indifference and responsiveness"Included in the list of the final essay for 2017/18 academic years.

Examples and additional materials will be presented below to develop the topic of indifference and responsiveness in the final essay.

FIPI comment on the writings in the direction of "indifference and responsiveness"

Topic directions "indifference and responsiveness" Orienses schoolchildren to awareness of the diversity of forms of human attitude towards the people around him and to the world as a whole.

These relationships can be expressed in the form of indifference to the surrounding, unpretentiousness to pay attention and sympathy for someone else's person or vice versa - in the form of a frank empathy for someone, the ability to sincerely enjoy someone's successes and achievements.

In the literature, both hypostasis of human relations are presented. On the one hand, we meet dedicated heroes, ready to respond to other people's adversity and joy, and on the other hand, self-sufficient and indifferent characters concerned about only their own fate.

An example of a final essay on the topic indifference and responsiveness

You can live your life differently. To go through the rifle step on the heads of enemies, friends, other people's eyes. Or set to help his relatives, attention to one way, to ridden for the house, for the street, for the city ... and, of course, for their country.

Being an egoist, about myself only a stake - or feel, maintain, empathize? Despite the evidence of the answer, everything is somewhat more complicated than it seems.

Science has been proven to be absolutely indifferent and not to feel pity for another can only psychopath - a person with an obvious psychiatric disorder. These people in principle do not understand feelings. Gradually, they master the language of spiritual sensations, moods and emotions. But for them, this language is "awkward", it is needed only to manipulate other people. Even their own children and parents have no spiritual value for the suffering from psychopathy of personalities. And this is perhaps the most exhaustive and absolute manifestation of indifference.

In real life, indifferent people, of course, do not have such radical traits character. Miden indifference is egoism, indifference, indifference of man. This is a concentration exclusively on their own interests, its benefit, its opinion. Such people do not want to help, sympathize, maintain or approve.

In my opinion, the main problem of the ratio of indifference and responsiveness categories is that these character traits have a deep subconscious context. An indifferent person can be explained to sympathize, maintain and help other people - this is good, positive, creation and love. All this is understandable for an indifferent personality, but it is managed by completely different thoughts and motives - achieving their own goals, ensuring personal comfort, obtaining their benefits. An indifferent person accepts all previously listed synonyms of responsiveness only if he himself will be beneficial. It is such an attitude to others, such animate of thinking and constitutes a basis of a selfish personality. It is almost impossible to change such a person.

Antipode indifference is responsiveness. This is a character trait that is manifested in compassion, sympathy, sympathy, goodness and attentive attitude towards the life of others. A responsive person will not be able to pass by the need of help. His soul is open, he sincerely competes and rejoices for friends, relatives and loved ones. And it brings him true satisfaction and fills him with spiritual forces.

Responsiveness is a positive and creative personality property. It is an integral component of social interaction and progressive development of society. This is one of those most important features, thanks to which human civilization progresses.

Returning to the previously voiced thesis on the low probability of eradication of indifference, it is worth recognizing that responsiveness is much less stable and unstable person. Under the nest of life adversity and disappointments, malice and aggression of the surrounding - sensitivity of the soul crops, sincerity and frankness is replaced by distrust, and sympathy - hypocrisy. That is why it is so important to form and incessantly improve the responsiveness in our heart, practicing good things, and in thoughts - openness, sensitivity and empathy.

Abstracts and arguments for an essay on the topic of indifference and responsiveness

1. Indifference and responsiveness to people (easel or close; friends or opponents; just to those who need help or support). It will be appropriate to consider indifferent attitude towards someone's troubles and indifference to successes. Interesting will be a comparison and comparison of the heroes of literary works - philanthropists and Misanthropov, egoists and good-natured sensitive characters).

Separate attention deserves the theme of indifference in love. Indictions and undivided feelings - a favorite plot of popular fiction.

2. Indifference and responsiveness to the surrounding world, lively and inanimate nature.

3. Indifference and "Responsiveness of the soul" to aesthetic values, art and beauty.

4. Indifference and responsiveness as two extremes of human nature. Here you can analyze the forms of the extreme manifestation of these properties: indifference - in fatal egoism and indifference, and responsiveness - in fanaticism. The prone to help a person in a row, forgetting about himself, often literally "puts himself on the neck" the object of his concern. In the artistic literature, as in life, there are plenty of examples. (For example, the "clever" A.P. Chekhov or even a fairy tale of fish and fish A.S. Pushkin).

Topics of final essay in the direction of "indifference and responsiveness"

An exemplary list of the compositions in this direction.

What does it mean to be "responsive"?

What does it mean to be "indifferent"?

What is the danger of indifference?

As you understand the words A.V. Suvorov: "How do you like indifference to yourself!"?

Do not do good - you will not get evil. Can the responsiveness lead to disappointment?

Do you need to learn responsiveness and sympathy?

Is it possible to call a selfish person?

How do the concepts of kindness and responsiveness correlate?

Do you agree with the statement that "healthy egoism" is useful?

What life lessons help develop responsiveness?

Do you always need to be responsive?

What does an indifferent attitude towards nature?

Do you agree with the fact that the indifference "corps the soul" of a person?

Is it worth dealing with injustice?

What is stronger - indifference or responsiveness?

Responsiveness to himself involves indifference to others?

Lying responsiveness and sincere indifference.

Self-challenging responsiveness and dependency.

Approval, admiration, support or hypocrisy?

Is it possible to make a responsive person from an indifferent person, and from the responsive - indifferent?

Indifference - is it just selfishness and indifference or is it also a heartlessness, mallance and ill-gratefulness?

Indifference - is it already misentropy or just opportunism?

Quotes for the final essay in the direction of "indifference and responsiveness"

It is said that philosophers and true wise men are indifferent .. not true, indifference is paralysis of the soul, premature death. | Author quotation: A.P. Chekhov |;

Do not sympathize yourself. Only primitive people sympathize with themselves. | Author quote: H. Murakami |;

Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case they can kill you.

Do not be afraid of friends - in the worst case they can betray you.

Fear indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but only with their silent consent exists on earth treachery and murder. | Author quote: B. Yasensky |;

The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but indifference; That's true peak of inhumanity. | Author quotes: Bernard Show |;

Sympathy is indifference to an excellent degree. | Author quotes: Don amine Address |;

Indifference to painting - the phenomenon is universal and incredit. | Author quotes: Van Gogh |;

How painfully indifference to yourself! | Quotation author: A.V. Suvorov |;

I always suppose and I will be supposed to continue that indifference to injustice is betrayal and meanness. | Author quote: O. Mirabo |;

Do not be indifferent, for the indifference is deadly for the soul of man. | Author quotes: Maxim Gorky |;

The coldness is a consequence of not only sober conviction in its rightness, but also unprincipled indifference to the truth. | Author quotation: Ch. Lam |;

When a person is so hired that it is unable to show generosity, in these moments it especially needs sympathy and support.

You love everyone, but love everyone - it means not to love anyone. You are all equally indifferent to you. | Author quote: O. Wild |;

Where moderation is a mistake, there are indifference - a crime. | Author quotes: Lichtenberg |;

There is no more dangerous man who is alien to human, who is indifferent to the fate of the native country, to the fate of the near. | Quote Author: M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin |;

An ungrateful son is worse than someone else's: this is a criminal, since the Son has no right to be indifferent to the mother. | Author quote: Gi de Maupassan |;

One very talented writer in response to my complaint to the fact that I don't find sympathy from criticism, wisely answered me: "You have a significant drawback, which will close all the doors in front of you: You can't talk to the fool for two minutes, without letting He understand that he is a fool. " | Author quotation: E. Zola |;

Indifference is a serious soul disease. | Author quotation: A. de Tokvil |;

The Eagle's view of the passion penetrates into the foggy abyss of the coming, indifference is blind and stupidly from birth. | Author quotation: K. A. Gelving |;

It is easy to hide hatred, difficult - love, and most difficult - indifference. | Quote Author: K.L. BURN |;

The most unforgivable sin in relation to its neighbor is not hatred, but indifference. Indifference is the essence of inhumanity. | Author quote: J. Show |;

Egoism is the root cause of the soul cancer. | Quotation author: V. A. Sukhomlinsky |;

Egoism Family hard egoism personal. A person who is ashamed to sacrifice the benefits of another one for himself, considers it his duty to enjoy misfortune, the need of people for the benefit of the family. | Author quotation: L.N. Tolstoy |;

Indifference - there is the highest cruelty. | Author quotation: M. Wilson |;

Calm is stronger emotions.

Silence - louder scream.

Indifference - the worst of war. | Author quotation: M. Luther |;

The path needs a satellite, in life - sympathy. | Author quote: Proverb |;

Pledge of family happiness in kindness, frankness, responsiveness ... | Author quotation: E. Zola |;

All arguments for the final essay in the direction of "indifference and responsiveness".

What is dangerous indifference? Can the attentiveness for people save life?

Indifference can cause a person a mental pain, indifference may even kill. The indifference of people was the cause of the death of a little girl, the heroine of the codty story H.K. Andersen. BareA and hungry, she wandered along the streets in the hope of selling matches and bring money home, but the New Year's Eve was on the yard, and people were completely not until the purchase of matches and certainly not to the beggar girl, wandering along the houses. No one asked her why she wanders on the cold, no one suggested her food, passerby the boy even stole her shuffle, which was not in size and fell with her little leg. The girl dreamed only about a warm place where there is no fear and pain, about home food, the flavors that came from each window. She was afraid to return home, and it was unlikely that the attic could be called the house. In desperation, she began to burn matches that had to sell. Each burned match gave her wonderful images, she even saw her deceased grandmother. The mirage was so clear that the girl believed in him, she asked her grandmother to take her with her. They ascended high in heaven with joy on faces. In the morning, people found a little dead girl with a smile on her lips and an almost empty box of matches in her hands. She was killed by a cold and poverty, but human indifference to the troubles of the surrounding people.

Do I need to study sympathy?

So sympathy can and need to learn. The protagonist of Roman J. Sabina "Boy in Striped Pajamas" Bruno is a vivid example confirming my position. His dad, the German military officer hires for children a tutor, who should teach them to understand in modern history, to understand what is right and what is not. But Bruno is absolutely not interesting that the teacher tells, he loves adventures and does not understand completely than some people differ from others. In the search for friends, the boy goes to "explore" the territory close to the house and stumps the concentration camp, where he meets his peer, the Jewish boy of Shmuel. Bruno knows that he should not be friends with Shmuel, so the meetings thoroughly hides. He carries a prisoner, playing with him and talks through a barbed wire. Neither propaganda nor father can make him hate prisoners of the camp. On the day of his departure, Bruno goes back to a new friend, he decides to help him find her father, puts on striped Rob and makes his ways to the camp. The finale of this story is sealing, children are sent to the gas chamber, and only on the remnants of clothes, Bruno's parents understand what happened. This story teaches that sympathy needs to educate. Perhaps you need to learn to look at the world as it makes the main character, then people will not repeat monstrous mistakes.

Not indifferent (indifferent) attitude towards nature

One of the main characters of Roman B.L. Vasilyeva "Do not shoot in the White Swans" Egor Polushkin - a person who has not been delayed for a long time at one job. The reason for this is the inability to work "without a heart." He loves the forest very much, cares for him. Therefore, he is prescribed to the forester, dismissed at the same time unclean on the hand of Byrianova. It was then that Egor manifests himself as a true wrestler for the protection of nature. He boldly comes into fighting poachers who set fire to the forest and killed swans. This person serves as an example of how it is necessary to relate to nature. Thanks to such people like Egor Polushkin, humanity has not yet destroyed everything that exists on this land. Against the cruelty of Byrunan should always be good in the face of non-indifferent "half-Russian".

"The man who sled trees" is an allegoric story. In the center of the narrative shepherd Elzear Buffier, who alone decided to restore the ecosystem of the desert terrain. For four decades, Buffier landed trees, which led to incredible results: the valley became similar to the paradise garden. The authorities perceived this as a natural phenomenon, and the forest received the official protection of the state. After some time about 10,000 people moved to this locality. All these people are obliged to Buffier their happiness. Elsear Buffier is an example of how a person should relate to nature. This work awakens the love of the world to the readers. A person can not only be destroyed, he is also able to create. Human resources are inexhaustible, purposefulness can create a life where it is not. This told this was translated into 13 languages, he influenced the society and the authorities so much that after reading hundreds of thousands of forest hectares were restored.

It is not indifferent to nature.

The story "" is addressed about the problem of nature. A positive example is the behavior of children. So, the girl Dasha detects a flower that grows in terrible conditions and needs help. The next day, it leads a whole squad of pioneers, they all face the ground around the flower. In a year, we see the consequences of such a not indifference. The desert is impossible to know: he "overgrown with herbs and flowers", and "Poultry and Butterfly flew over it". Caring for nature does not always require a man of titanic efforts, but always brings such important results. After spending an hour of his time, each person can save or "give life" a new flower. And every flower in this world on the account.

Indifference to art.

The main hero of Romana I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Children" Evgeny Bazarov is completely deprived of interest in art. He denies him, recognizing only the "art of making money." A decent chemist considers it more important than any poet, poems calls "nonsense." The painter Rafael, in his opinion, "is not worth a copper penny." Even music for - "frivolous" occupation. Eugene is proud of "the lack of an art meaning" in his nature, although it is not bad familiar with the works of art. The denial of generally accepted values \u200b\u200bis most important for him. For the idea of \u200b\u200b"need" should prevail in everything: if he does not see the practical benefit in something, it means that it is not very important. It should be taken into account his profession. He is a doctor, and therefore a zealous materialist. All that is subject to reason, for is of interest, but what is in the sphere of feelings and has no rational justification, for him is equivalent to danger. What he can not understand, scares it most. And as we know, art is something that cannot be explained by the terms, it can only feel the heart. Therefore, the bazaars show the deliberate indifference to art, he simply does not understand him. Because if you understand, you will have to abandon everything that he believes. This means to recognize your wrong, "change the principles", to appear to all followers of a person who says one thing, and does another. And how he could refuse his ideas after he defended them, bringing a degree of boiling in a dispute to the maximum.
His profession also played an important role. A person who knows the body's anatomical structure well is difficult to believe in the existence of the soul. A doctor who sees death denies a miracle and believes in force of medicine, it is difficult to imagine that the soul also needs a medicine - and this is art.

Another example illustrating the indifference to art can serve as a doctor of smoke from the story "" A.P. Chekhov. His wife Olga Ivanovna imposes him one drawback, namely the lack of interest in art. What the smoke is responsible that he does not deny the art, but just does not understand him, he studied his whole life, and he had no time. Osip claims that if some smart people devote all their lives to art, and other smart people pay for the work of huge money, then they are needed. Partly indifference to art is associated with his activities, partly with what he had to work for several works so that Olga Ivanovna could afford to "live in the world of art" and rotate in the society "sublime" people. Perhaps the smoke did not understand the false art, the love of which Olga tried to instill so diligently. The narrative, flattery, snobbery were satellites of art people who visited Olga Ivanovna techniques. It can be said that the smoke was indifferent not to genuine art, but to false, because sad motives that played his friend on the piano, his heart touched.

What does the indifference lead to? What is dangerous indifference?

For Onegin, indifference turned out to be poison, which destroyed it over the years. His inability to strong feelings played a dick joke with him. When Tatyana admitted to Eugene in love, he was deaf to her impulses. At that stage of his life, he simply could not do otherwise. To defend the ability to feel, he needed years. Unfortunately, fate did not provide him with a second chance. However, Tatiana recognition can be considered an important victory, the awakening of Eugene.
The attitude of a person to parents, indifference to relatives. What does the indifference bring to loved ones? Do you agree with the show: "The worst sin in relation to the neighbor is not hatred, but the indifference, here is the true top of inhumanity" do you agree with the statement: an ungrateful son is worse than someone else: this is a criminal, since the Son has no right to be indifferent to the mother "

Indifferent attitude to loved ones.

Very often, children forget about their parents, plunging into their concerns and affairs. So, for example, in the story K.G. Paustovsky "" shows the relationship of his daughter to his aged mother. Katerina Petrovna lived alone in the village, while the daughter was busy with his career in Leningrad. The last time Nastya saw his mother 3 years ago, letters wrote extremely rarely, once every two or three months sent her 200 rubles. This money was little worried Katerina Petrovna, she reread a few lines that daughter wrote along with the translation (that there is no time not only to come, but also to write a normal letter). Katerina Petrovna was very good for his daughter, listened to every rustle. When she became completely bad, she asked her daughter to come to see before her death, but Nastya did not have time. There was a lot of things, she did not perceive the words of the mother seriously. This letter followed the telegram that her mother dies. Only then Nastya realized that "no one loved her like that, like this shallow, abandoned by all the old woman." She understood too late what nobody is more related than mom in her life has never been and no longer be. Nastya went to the village to see his mother last time in his life to ask for forgiveness and say the most important words, but did not have time. Katerina Petrovna died. Nastya did not even have time to say goodbye to her and left with the awareness of "irreparable guilt and unbearable gravity."

What is dangerous indifference? How are the concepts of indifference and egoism? What person can be called indifferent? How do you understand the words of Suvorov: "How do you like indifference to yourself?"

The indifference is a feeling that can manifest itself not only towards other people, but also to life in general. , the central character of the Hero of Our Time, is shown by M.Yu. Lermontov as a person who does not see the joys of life. He is bored all the time, he quickly loses interest in people and places, so the main goal of his life is the search for "adventures". His life is infinite attempts to feel at least something. According to the famous literary critic, Belinsky, Pechorin "Mainly chasing his life, looking for it everywhere." His indifference comes to the absurd, turning into indifference to itself. According to the sign of the Pechistan himself, his life "becomes an empty day by day." He sacrifices his life in vain, it is started in adventures that do not bring benefits to anyone. On the example of this hero, it can be seen that indifferences spread in the soul of a person like a dangerous disease. It leads to the sad consequences and broken the fate of both the surrounding and indifferent person. An indifferent person can not be happy, because his heart is not capable of love for people.

Hero of Our Time Analysis
Not indifferent to the profession.

The role of the teacher in human life is difficult to overestimate. The teacher is the one who is able to open an amazing world, reveal the potential of a person, help determine the choice of life path. The teacher is not only the one who conveys knowledge is, above all, a moral landmark. Thus, the protagonist of the story of M. Gelprin "" Andrei Petrovich is a teacher with a capital letter. This is a person who remained faithful to his profession even in the most difficult times. In the world where spirituality moved to the background, Andrei Petrovich continued to defend eternal values. He did not agree to betray his ideals despite the bad financial situation. The reason for such behavior lies in the fact that for him the meaning of life is to transfer knowledge and share them. Andrei Petrovich was ready to teach anyone who would knock on his door. Particular attitude to the profession - the key to happiness. Only such people can make the world better.

What person can be called indifferent? What is dangerous indifference? What does the indifference lead to? Can indifference to hurt? How are the concepts of indifference and egoism? Is it possible to call a selfish person?

What can be given indifference?

In the artistic literature, the theme of indifference is also reflected. So, E. Zamyatin in the novel "We" shows us a certain model of life, as well as the consequences of the silent consent of both individual individuals and the whole society as a whole. Before the eyes of the reader arises a terrifying picture: a totalitarian state in which people are deprived of not only individuality, their own opinions, but also morality. But if you try to understand the causes of what is happening, then you come to the conclusion: each society receives such a leader, which it deserves, and the inhabitants of a single state are allowed to control the bloodthirsty dictator. They themselves enter the "slender series" of robot-like, on their feet are sent to the operation on "removal of fantasy", which is deprived of themselves to fully live.
However, there were units that could say "no". For example, the main heroine of Roman I-33, who understands the absurdity of this world. She created a coalition of resistance, because he firmly knew that no one had to deprive the human freedom. She could live, immersed in a comfortable hypocrisy, but chose a protest. On her shoulders lay great responsibility not only for themselves, but also for many people who did not understand the horror taking place in the state.
D-503 did the same. This hero was dominated by the authorities, held a high post, lived in a calm indifferent-mechanical condition. But the meeting with I changed his life. He realized that the ban on feelings is immoral by its nature. No one dares to take away from a person what life is granted. After he experienced love, he could no longer be indifferent. His struggle did not bring the result, since the state deprived him of his soul, destroying the ability to feel, but his "awakening" cannot be called in vain. Because the world is able to change for the better only due to the brave and not indifferent.

What is the danger of indifference? Do you agree with the statement: "Fear of indifferent - they do not kill and do not betray, but it is from their silent agreement that there is a betrayal and murder on earth?"

In the novel "Cloud Atlas" David Mitchell We encounter examples of indifferent attitude towards people. The effect of the novel occurs in the anti-dustopic state of the NI-SO-Copros, which developed in the territory of modern Korea. In this state, society is divided into two groups: purebred (people born natural way) and manufacturers (clone people grown artificially as slaves). Slaves do not consider people, they are destroyed as broken techniques. The author is the heroine of Sonmy-451, which will be the case involved in the fight against the state. When she finds out the terrible truth about how the world is truly arranged, sleeps cannot be silent more and starts to fight for justice. This becomes possible only due to the non-indulgered "purebred", which understands the injustice of such a division. In a fierce fight, her comrades and a loved one kill her comrades, and sleeps sentenced to the death penalty, but before his death she managed to tell her story "Archivast". This is the only person who heard her confession, but it was he who then changed the world. The moral of this part of the novel is that while there is at least one not indifferent person, hope for a fair world will not fade.

What person can be called responsive? Are there people unworthy sympathy?

A responsive person can be called what he thinks about others more than about himself, is always ready to help in need, and also takes close to the heart of the experience of other people. A truly responsive can be called the hero of the Roman F.M. Dostoevsky "Idiot" Prince Lion Nikolayevich Myshkina. Prince Myshkin - a representative of a notable kind, early orphaned, who spent 4 years abroad for the cause of nervous disease. The surrounding it seems strange, but interesting person. He is striking people in the depth of his thoughts, but at the same time shocks his straightness. However, everyone celebrates openness and kindness in it.
Her responsiveness begins to manifest themselves shortly after exploring the main actors. He finds himself in the epicenter of the family scandal: the sister of Gani Ivigina in protest against his marriage spits him in his face. The prince of Myshkin stands for her, for which he gets slap from Ghani. Only instead to get angry, he regrets Ivigin. Myshkin understands that Ghana will be very shameful for his behavior.
Even Lev Nikolayevich believes in the best in people, therefore appeals to Nastasya Filippovna, claiming that she is better than trying to appear. The ability to compassion, like a magnet, attracts the surrounding people to the Myshkin. In love with Nastasya Filippovna and, later, Aglaya ..
A distinctive feature of Myshkin is a pity for people, he does not approve of their bad actions, but always compets, understands their pain. Finding in love with Aglaja, he cannot marry her, because it regrets Nastasya Flippovna and can not leave her.
He's a pity even the robber Rogozhkin, who subsequently kills Nastasya.
Myshkin's lion compassion does not share people on good and bad, worthy and unworthy. It is aimed at all of humanity, it is definitely.

How do you understand the words of Suvorov: "How do you like indifference to yourself"?

Indifference to themselves is a heavy burden, which pulls a person to the very bottom of life. An example confirming the above, a hero of the same name Roman I.A. Goncharova Ilya. All his life is a geometric progression of indifference to itself. It begins with small: from his appearance, to whom Ilya Ilyich does not make any meaning. He is wearing an old shot robe, sneakers. In these things there is no individuality and beauty. In his room everything is broken, dusty. In his financial affairs - collapse. But most of all the manifestation of indifference can be considered the failure of Oblomov from the idea of \u200b\u200bhappiness with Olga. He is so indifferent to himself that he deprives himself to fully live. This leads him to the fact that he converges with a woman who does not love, only because of the fact that it is convenient.