Cheese with cheese fly larvae. Kazu Marzu is Sardinia's controversial brand

A favorite dish of true gourmets. It is appreciated for its rich taste, indescribable aroma and combination with the best wines. It's all about cheese. In many countries, cheese is a gourmet dessert. It is served to well-fed people along with collection wine. Therefore, the delicacy may be worth exorbitant money. But the most expensive cheeses are worth it.

The most unusual cheeses in the world

One of the most original cheeses is Epuas cheese. By the way, this is one of Napoleon's favorite varieties of cheese.It is so smelly that it is even forbidden to transport it on public transport in France. A product with a disgusting aroma is made from raw cow's milk, the cheese crust is washed with apple brandy. Throw out strong-smelling soft cheese if it starts to smell of ammonia. In this case, Epuas simply deteriorated and became inedible.

Another rather original cheese is called Milbenkase. It is made in Würchwitz, Germany using an unusual technology, which makes an unusual delicacy out of the product.

Milbenkeze - made from cottage cheese, which was left to be torn apart by thousands of dust mites. These are small insects and make an original product. The mites secrete an enzyme that makes the cheese "ripe". After a month, it acquires a yellowish tint, after three - a brown color, after a year the cheese turns into a black lump. Some gourmets adore it. The taste of the delicacy is a bit bitter, but it is believed that the cheese has medicinal properties. Some people believe that Milbenkase is preventing house dust allergies from developing. By the way, the mites are absorbed along with the cheese.

The most unusual cheese with mites - manufacturing technology

Halloumi cheese is a traditional product of Cyprus. The cheese has a very high melting point, so it can be fried and grilled. Not a single kebab on the island is complete without halloumi. Surprisingly, the delicacy is often eaten in the warm season along with watermelon. Juicy slices refresh in the heat, while halloumi slices add an extraordinary taste.

By the way, halloumi is included in the Cypriot meze snack set. If, for example, you order beer in a Cypriot bar, then, most likely, they will bring a couple of pieces of halloumi with it.

Cheese traders who sell dairy products from all over the world call very few cheeses "caustic". And the real indicator of causticity is the appearance of a person in a gas mask. So, if a specialist is asked to bring the most pungent cheese in the world, it will most likely be Vieux-Lille. The pungent smell and salty taste can scare away and put on a gas mask for everyone, because this delicacy is not for the faint of heart.

The cheese is called "Puant Macéré" and "Puant de Lille". Translated, it literally means "smelly marinade."

The most expensive cheeses in the world

Very expensive cheese is made at the Swiss farm Moose House. And the process requires moose milk. Moreover, the animal can be milked only at a certain time. Milking itself takes at least three hours. The cost of moose cheese is about one thousand euros per kilogram. And they produce a delicacy in limited quantities.

Expensive cheese is also produced in the Serbian nature reserve Zasavitsa. The delicacy is called Pule. And they cook it from donkey milk. Moreover, an ordinary animal will not work. Milk is taken from old Balkan donkeys. For the preparation of Pule cheese, only natural ingredients are taken.

Experts believe that such a product from the Serbian nature reserve is extremely beneficial for health, because donkey milk has been used for medical purposes since ancient times. To prepare a kilogram of the most expensive Pula cheese, 25 liters of milk are needed. Hence the price - one thousand euros per kilogram.

The most expensive cheese with pieces of gold

It can be assumed that there is little surprise for modern gourmets. It turned out that this is not the case. Anyone's head will be dizzy with the invention of British cheese makers. They invited connoisseurs to try a special cheese, which is decorated with 24-karat gold flakes.

The unusual cheese is called Clawson Stilton Gold. It is made on the basis of quality stilton cheese, edible gold foil and gold liqueur added to it.

The gold cheese is produced by Long Clawson Dairy. It is located in the British county of Leicestershire. Representatives of the company say that there is an increased demand for an elite product. Cheese with pieces of gold is ordered for dinner by some pop stars, as well as sheikhs from the rich countries of the Persian Gulf. They are not even afraid of the price of the delicacy - one thousand dollars per kilogram of product.

Most expensive rotten cheese

Another delicacy from the ranking of the most expensive cheeses in the world. Real gourmets appreciate the Italian cheese "Casu Marzu". This product is only produced in Sardinia. From Italian, the most unusual cheese in the world, Casu marzu, is translated as "wormy cheese" or "rotten". And it contains live insect larvae. To get such a delicacy, in the cheese dairy, they take the usual pecorino cheese as a basis, bring it to a state of decay (it occurs as a result of the vital activity of the larvae of a cheese fly).

In the delicacy, larvae (worms) of 8 millimeters in size settle, their number reaches several thousand. The acid of the worms accelerates the breakdown of cheese fat, as a result the delicacy becomes soft and filled with liquid. If the larvae in the cheese have already died, then such cheese is unsafe to eat, so the product is served with live white worms. Some connoisseurs take them out before a meal, some absorb them with larvae. For those who dare to try this cheese, connoisseurs issued a warning: you need to be more careful while eating, disturbed insects can jump and get into the nose and eyes. They are able to jump to a height of 15 centimeters.

By the way, the most unusual and expensive "rotten" cheese is prohibited in Italy. But in some cheese dairies in Sardinia, a piece of the delicacy is always hidden away.

The most expensive cheese ever sold in the world

The most expensive cheese in the world, according to evaluators, is created from sheep's milk at the famous cheese factory of Jesus Ansola Huaristi. A half-kilogram head of cheese went under the hammer at an auction in Spain for a record 6.3 thousand euros.

Such a record can be considered significant considering the fact that such cheeses are priced at a maximum of 80 euros per kilogram. The most expensive cheese in the world was bought by the owner of a Spanish restaurant. He thought it would be a great advertisement for his restaurant.
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Our choice: Provoletta affumicata cheese - has a pleasant appearance, creamy taste and inviting aroma.

Cheese is one of the main products produced on the island of Sardinia.

Holidays in Sardinia without gastronomic discoveries? This does not happen! Every tourist who comes to this island understands that Sardinia is not only very beautiful, but also very tasty! But let's talk about serious stuff like cheese. In addition to traditional Italian cheeses, there are many unusual and even exotic cheeses on the island of Sardinia. Therefore, when you come to the island of Sardinia, be sure to taste all the variety of local Sardinian cheeses produced from sheep and goat milk... Mine gastronomic tour in Sardinia start with soft cheese Dolce sardo(Sweet Sardinian) with a delicate creamy flavor, go to cheese Provoletta(provoletta),made in the form of a pear, this cheese has a creamy, slightly salty flavor. Butespecially tasty cheese Provoletta affumicata(provoletta affumikata) is a creamy smoked cheese. A particular Pecorino sardo cheese is the national pride of Sardinia(Pecorino sardo) is a hard cheese made from sheep's milk. Pecorino cheese has a fairly strong taste and tart smell, especially this smell is enhanced in aged, so to speak, adult Pecorino cheeses stagionato(stagionato from the word stagione - season). Sardis love their local cheeses, eat them in kilograms, washed down with red wine. Cheese is often added to various dishes. But if in the continental Of Italy in many recipes they use grated Parmiggiano cheese(parmigiano - parmesan), then in Sardinia they prefer grated Pecorino... It is more piquant, its taste is more pronounced, and the smell is more tart and rich. Pecorino scent , in fact, it is very specific, and not everyone is happy :) But then who is used to anything, because since ancient times the main food of the shepherds on the island was Pecorino sheep cheese, which was eaten with Carasau bread and washed down with wine from local grape varieties. Centuries have passed, but now in every family, on every table Sardinia islands be sure to eat local sheep cheese, bread Carasau and red wine Cannonau.

And where is the exotic ???

The national treasure of Sardinia is cheese with worms!

What would be so exotic to try in Sardinia? Try it Casu Marzu sheep's cheese with worms! Such advice can often be heard from the islanders, who welcome their guests with open arms and lavishly laid tables. Already only translating from the Sardinian language the words "Casu Marzu" unpleasant sensations can arise because "casu marzu" translates to "rotten cheese"! For the preparation of Casu Marzu, Pecorino sheep cheese is aged longer than usual and, thus, increasing the stage of fermentation, the regular cheese is brought to natural rotting caused (Oh horror!) By the digestive activity of the larvae of the cheese fly. These larvae accelerate all the processes of breakdown and decomposition of fats contained in the cheese, softening the cheese mass. The cheese becomes soft and creamy, and at the moment of decomposition, a liquid is released from the cheese mass, which the sardis call "lagrime", which in translation from the Sardinian dialect means "tears" (lacrime - Italian). Cheese fly larvae are such small white worms, the size of which reaches 5 - 8 mm in length. These are very mobile and tenacious creatures, and if disturbed, they are able to jump at a distance of up to 15 cm. Therefore, everyone who dares to taste kazoo marzu is advised to cover the cheese with his hand and protect his eyes while eating. Many sardis prefer to remove the moving larvae from the cheese mass before eating, while others enjoy eating this delicacy along with the larvae. The taste of this Sardinian delicacy is quite peculiar, spicy, piquant, very rich and unlike other cheeses. They eat it spreading on bread, including traditional Sardinian bread cakes Carasau(karazau) or Guttiau(guttiau). It should be noted that even NOT rotten sheep cheese Pecorino (pecorino) has a rather strong specific smell, let alone rotten! So before you taste Casu marzu I recommend sniffing it first, and if that didn't scare you off, then Buon appetito and welcome to the thrill club! But beware, Casu Marzu can cause allergic reactions and severe stomach upset, which means there is a risk of larvae infecting the intestines. After all, live larvae may not be digested in your stomach (gastric juice is not always able to kill them!) And will stay in your intestines for a while. Since these creatures are very tenacious and mobile, they may make an attempt to drill the intestinal walls, then even more serious health complications may arise, such as abdominal pain and diarrhea with blood, a feeling of nausea and even vomiting. Not too long ago on the territory Europe and Italy sale Casu marzu was banned because it poses a health hazard and is considered a contaminated product. But the Sardinian traditions are so strong and deep that they cannot be prevented by any forbidding law and in Sardinia this prohibition has always been violated, and the cheese was sold illegally. In 2010 Casu Marzu cheese, fortunately for the Sardinian shepherds, was still recognized cultural heritage of the island of Sardinia and again allowed for sale, but only on the island. Its value is several times higher than the price of regular Pecorino sheep cheese, and there are always thrill-seekers who are ready to taste cheese with live worms.

We are already accustomed to the fact that everything that is useful is not always as tasty as we would like. But it is very, very difficult to imagine that for the sake of replenishing the offspring, improving potency and hair growth, people eat products that are not very pleasant-looking. Below are eight of the most disgusting-looking food products for the most extraordinary gourmets on the planet.

Kopi Luwak Coffee

The most elite and most expensive coffee in the world is a product released from the intestines of a predatory animal of the civet genus. The "seeds" of the seeds are taken from the excrement of palm civet trees, washed and dried in the sun. The processed food of the small predatory animal's digestion has a pleasant chocolate aroma.

Price: $ 600 per pound (about 500 g)

Swiftlet bird nests

One of the most important delicacies in China is the nests of the swiftlet birds, whose males work all day for several months on their construction, building them entirely from their saliva. Due to the long time it takes to build one nest, the cost for them is quite big. The nests themselves are considered tasteless, but they are often added to soups, and most importantly, they have many medicinal qualities. This delicacy is served by tons of gourmets from different countries.

Price: from 1,000 to 10,000 dollars per kg

Argan oil

Moroccan wild goats have learned to climb trees to extract the wonderful fruits of the argan tree. The animal eats the fruit, and farmers can only collect the digested bones in their droppings. The result is a golden brown oil known for its medicinal properties. In addition, cosmetologists often add oil to various creams: for smoothing wrinkles, moisturizing, strengthening hair roots and against burns. In a word, not only doctors and cosmetologists were convinced of its merits, but also goats, who learned to climb trees for the sake of the fruits of the cherished argan.

Price: $ 120 per liter

Kasu marzu cheese

It is an Italian delicacy from Sardinia, where its production is illegal. Casu Marzu is translated from Sardinian as "rotten cheese", and it got this name for a reason. Casu marzu is aged longer than the usual fermentation stage, bringing to a state of decay. In this state, cheese flies are taken for it, laying their larvae in it. The larvae are almost a centimeter long worms that, moving along the cheese, secrete special enzymes that give it an even sharper smell, rotten taste, and a soft, creamy texture. Often people love to pamper themselves with decomposing cheese at weddings or other family gatherings.

Price: $ 100 per pound (500 gr)

Snake wine

This Vietnamese delicacy is made in front of the restaurant's guests. A snake breeder with a cobra approaches the visitor, followed by an assistant with a metal tray, a small bowl, a decanter of rice wine and a pair of garden shears in hand. After the general meeting, the process of killing the reptile follows, more precisely, cutting the belly with scissors. The dark blood of the snake is mixed with rice wine and offered to the visitor as such. "Ru thiet ren", snake wine, the gourmet should take a bite of the still beating heart of the cobra. This whole procedure is accompanied by tasting the remaining insides of the evil snake. Locals believe that snake blood has healing properties and contributes to replenishment in the family.

Price: $ 21 per glass

Puffer fish

Tasting puffer fish sashimi in Japan takes a fair amount of courage and excitement. Under the seemingly harmless name fugu, there is a fish mortally dangerous for humans with a huge amount of poison inside. Therefore, only cooks who have special licenses for this and are able to measure out exactly as much poison as a person needs for drug intoxication are allowed to cook it. The peculiar sensations after taking the fugu cost the visitors a pretty penny.

Price: $ 300 per kg


Balut is an essential part of every Filipino's daily diet. This dish is not only credited with miraculous properties, but also a very real effect on potency. What determines the demographic situation in the Philippines? Balut is simply a duck egg boiled in salted water. Only now a fully formed duck embryo with plumage and a barely traced beak will be cooked. In addition to the Filipinos, this dish is also practiced in other countries of Southeast Asia. An egg is best eaten with vinegar, as the boiled duck has a very specific taste. To tell the truth, this is not a sight for the faint of heart, although Filipino husbands enjoy looking at the rudiments of feathers and crunching pleasantly with the barely formed bones of a small duck. Some are so impatient to eat balut that they eat the egg raw, seasoning the dish with a fair amount of salt and pepper.

Price: $ 40 per pound (500 grams)

Dairy products are the basis of a balanced diet for every inhabitant of the Earth. Cheese is especially popular among the "milk". Knowing this, cunning cheese makers not only produce a great variety of varieties, but also experiment with recipes, sometimes even going beyond human understanding.

Your attention is invited to the TOP of the most unusual, expensive and inexorably smelly cheeses in the world!

The most expensive cheeses


Moose House Swiss cheese is one of the most precious and therefore the most expensive cheeses, as it requires moose milk to create it. Not only is the female elk the main character in the cheese making process, but the milking of the animal takes place at a strictly defined time and lasts at least three hours! Such an amazing approach to business pays accordingly: one kilogram of moose cheese costs about one thousand dollars.



Unlike their Swiss counterparts, Serbian cheese makers prefer to milk donkeys. The Pule cheese produced in the village of Zasavitsa requires more than just donkey milk: it takes about twenty-five liters of milk from special Balkan donkeys to make one kilogram of the delicacy. The price of the finished product bites no less strongly than an animal irritated by milking - over three thousand dollars per kilogram.


It would seem that British producers of elite cheese do not practice in the extraction of sophisticated raw materials. However, they have something to surprise wealthy gourmets: the traditional white cheese Clawson Stilton Gold contains edible flakes made of 24-carat gold! A cheese called Long Clawson Dairy, which is particularly popular at American pop star parties and Persian sheikhs, falls into the same category. The cost of such a delicacy is from $ 900 per kilogram.


Casu Marzu cheese with worms is the most expensive of all the unbearably disgusting cheeses in the world. The reason for such an honorable status lies in the extremely original composition of the product. To make cheese, not only trivial milk is used, but also the larvae of cheese flies! The long fermentation period of this cheese allows insects to boldly lay the larvae, which later turn into disgusting white worms swarming in rot. Oh, yes ... Nevertheless, these worms allegedly give the cheese an exquisite smell and taste so appreciated by extreme gourmets. Some of them do not hesitate to eat Casu Marzu along with its, so to speak, indigenous people ... The popularity of this rotten cheese with fly larvae was so high that the Italian authorities were seriously concerned about the well-being of citizens and banned the production of Casu Marzu for some time. However, in some secluded corners of Sardinia, it can still be purchased for $ 200 per kilogram.


Finally, the most expensive cheese of all time was recognized as sheep's cheese produced at the Spanish factory Jesus Ansola Juaristi. One kilogram of this delicacy costs about 13 thousand euros!

The stinkiest cheeses

The most smelly cheese is the Frenchman "Epuiss". It has probably the wildest aroma of any product in this category. And this is not surprising, because unpasteurized cow's milk, as well as apple moonshine, is used for its production! The spirit of Epuass is so strong that the French authorities even banned the transportation of this cheese on public transport. It's funny that after the expiration date "Epuassa" begins to emit a sharp ammonia stench.

Like Epuiss, the famous Camembert soft cheese is made from raw cow's milk, which gives the product a characteristic smell of unwashed feet. Nevertheless, Camembert is one of the gastronomic symbols of France and a world famous brand.

German cheese Limburger is perhaps the most famous "flavored" cheese that is fermented with brevibacteria. To get a little idea of ​​the spirit of this delicacy, you can find the dirtiest and sweaty T-shirt in the laundry basket and breathe in its thick smell from the heart ... However, many Limburger lovers immediately forget such distinctive features, as soon as they put a piece of this delicious cheese into their mouths.

"Smelly Bishop" - the name of this ancient cheese speaks for itself. Oddly enough, "Bishop" is brewed from pasteurized milk of Gloucester cows, which can in no way be the source of the "appetizing" smell. What, then, makes cheese so smelly? Features of national English cheese making! Bishop's fermentation period is approximately two months, during which time the cheese is soaked twice in pear cider. After these manipulations, the product not only acquires a stickiness and an orange tint, but also a pungent stench. However, when the cheese crust is removed, the ambergris disappears and the cheese becomes completely ready to eat.

Pont-l ’Eveque


The smell of French cheese "Pont-l'Eveque" is comparable only to the most inhuman development in the field of chemical weapons. If a person wants to try this cheese monster for the first time in his life, most likely he will have to wear a gas mask with progressive air filtration. However, it is enough to remove the peel from Pont-l'Evec and throw it into the deepest trash can, and you can enjoy this soft cheese with nutty and fruity tints.

If you have the opportunity to try at least one of the above cheeses, be sure - you are living your life for a reason!

It is believed that the most unusual and strange dishes are prepared only in exotic countries. But this is not the case. For example, in Italy, blue cheese is considered a delicacy. However, compared to other dairy products, it will seem like just flowers. A more disgusting product is cheese with worms. No, it is not spoiled. It is specially prepared and eaten with great pleasure.

Usually people, without hesitation, throw rotten foods into the trash bin, and even more so with live "stuffing". And this one is used voluntarily, and even money is paid for it. However, the Ministry of Health warns about eating such a specific delicacy. But first things first.

Let's go deeper into history

The delicacy with the larvae itself is called kasu marzu. The birthplace of cheese is the island of Sardinia, which is part of Italy. Apparently, a special love for fermented milk delicacies has developed in this country. Who originally came up with this unusual dish, history is silent. One can only assume that one day a farmer accidentally left a piece of cheese infected with fly larvae to ripen. Then he felt sorry for throwing away an expensive product, he tried it and advertised it. Be that as it may, wormy cheese has become a traditional dish in Sardinia, which locals and even tourists are not averse to feasting on.

For the production of this delicacy, farmers performed a lot of work. It all started with the milking of the sheep and ended with the transportation of the finished product. Often the endurance depended on the time the shepherd spent on the field, because the delicacy was made outside of their home. It is noteworthy that the cheese with cheese fly larvae was made exclusively for their family. It was rarely taken for sale, and only if something remains. Each farmer called his product "my cheese" and could recognize it among other heads not only by its taste, but also by its appearance. This was due to the fact that each family had a special recipe for cooking.

Cooking technology

Today, wormy food is made on the basis of a Sardinian variety that is cooked from a semi-finished product, cut and exposed to fresh air, where flies instantly flock to it to lay several thousand eggs. This is what the farmers need. When the future cheese with worms is sufficiently infected, it is removed to the shelf in the storage.

After hatching, the larvae feed on an unprepared delicacy and produce waste products that accelerate fermentation - the decomposition of fats. Due to the accelerated disintegration in texture, the cheese becomes very soft, and a liquid begins to flow out of it, which the locals conventionally call tears. Readiness is determined by eye - according to the degree of activity of the worms and their number. There can be several thousand of them in one head!

In terms of time, the whole process takes on average three months. The finished product turns out to be really rotten, with a pronounced odor and a greenish-brown tint. It turns out that kasu marzu is a cheese with live larvae that do not stop crawling while being eaten. This is why the strange Sardinian delicacy is popular. The cheese produced in Piedmont is a bit like it. Only the head, after laying the eggs, is soaked in a mixture of white wine, grape juice and honey. This is done to prevent the larvae from hatching.

A little about cheese flies

These flies are very tiny, on average, their narrow body reaches four millimeters. Agile, they usually live near fisheries, smoking factories, grocery stores, and cheese factories. During the mating season, these flies lay 40 to 120 eggs. And they do it for fresh, smoked or salty food: ham, lard, cheese, caviar, fish and other products that will attract them. But people do not hide the Kasu Marzu from them at all.

The laid eggs thrive in the heat, and the hatched larvae are incredibly viable. So, they can easily exist in a strong salt solution and up to thirty hours in kerosene. It is not surprising that these tenacious insects are common all over the world.

If the worms penetrate the digestive tract, then this can result in the destruction of individual sections of the mucous membrane, pain in the stomach and typhoid-like diseases. As you can see, cheese with cheese fly larvae can turn into health problems. Everywhere people exterminate these insects by all kinds of means, but not in Sardinia.

The consequences of eating cheese

People, eating a Sardinian delicacy, put themselves in great danger. What can such experiments lead to?

  • Allergic reactions.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • Stomach ache.
  • Vomit.
  • Bloody diarrhea.
  • Infection of the intestine, which results in damage to internal organs.

It is difficult to disagree here that such consequences are too high a price for a piece of delicacy. However, the locals themselves claim that when eating cheese, the larvae must be alive, then everything will be fine.

Have you changed your mind about eating? Then cover your eyes, not your nose!

Sardinian worm cheese is rightfully considered the most dangerous in the world. But poisoning is not all the larvae can do. The fact is that they move not only by crawling, but also by jumping. Moreover, they can jump 15 centimeters in height. That is, right in the face of an extreme eater. Often worms do this out of fear, and not out of a desire to deliberately harm. Be that as it may, to avoid damage to the eyeball, it is recommended to cover the eyelids or wear special goggles.

The taste of unusual cheese

It is actually very difficult to describe how Kasu Marzu tastes. Some note a very delicate, viscous, creamy consistency, the second emit spicy, bitter notes, for the third the delicacy is too sharp and burning, like a fire in the mouth. Fans of the same unusual food claim that the wormy dish tastes like the most ordinary macaroni and cheese. Some Sardinian residents honestly say that this delicacy is not so tasty to try and eat worms. But there is no dispute about tastes, because everyone has their own addictions in food.

With or without larvae?

Many inhabitants of Sardinia eat cheese directly with the larvae, but there are always squeamish people. Therefore, there are several ways to eat a wormy delicacy. Brave eaters wear special goggles, cover their eyes with their hand, or simply do not bend low to the table at all.

To get rid of the live filling, the piece is wrapped in a dense sheet, depriving the worms of oxygen. They start jumping and smash against the paper walls with a characteristic crash. When everything calms down, the larvae are considered dead, and then the meal begins. However, cheese with worms that have died should not be eaten, as they become toxic.

It is impossible to simply remove a thousand larvae. Therefore, cheese makers act more cunningly. They put the head in a plastic bag and tie it tightly. From a lack of oxygen, the worms leave their home, all that remains is to shake off the excess inhabitants.

Features of eating a dish

The crust of cheese is not eaten, it is customary to eat only its inner soft part. Divide the delicacy into small pieces or cut off the top. Cheese pulp with larvae is taken out with a spoon or fork. Some Sardinian people prefer to do this with traditional local flatbread. Cheese is spread on one piece of bread, and the other is covered so that the worms do not jump out into the eyes. Such an unusual dinner is necessarily accompanied by a glass of strong red wine (cannonau), which residents also prepare themselves.

Kasu marzu cheese: price and points of sale

The cost of the delicacy is quite high - two hundred dollars per kilogram. Worm cheese is usually sold in tightly closed containers in small pieces of two hundred grams. However, this does not soften the situation much. After all, it costs about two thousand rubles to taste the delicacy!

You still need to try to find cheese with larvae. Previously, it was officially banned for sale, but since 2010, the dish has nevertheless received the title of cultural heritage. The delicacy is not sold in stores, it can be found in the market or ordered from local cheese makers.

If you have an unusual taste and someday will be in Sardinia, then grab a piece of bread and go in search of casu marzu. Just remember about the dangers of this delicacy and think carefully about the consequences.