The owner of the Domodedovo airport, Dmitry Kamenshchik. Dmitry Kamenshchik - “I like the silence Dmitry Kamenshik compromising personal life

]), after which he worked for some time in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting. In 1990, Kamenshchik entered the Faculty of Philosophy at Moscow State University, but dropped out in his second year (according to other sources, he entered and left the faculty in the late 1980s).

In 1990, Kamenshchik created a travel company "Malachite", which was engaged in the organization of shopping tours to China,,,,, (according to other sources, it served Korean tourists). Kamenshik's new business was doing well and he soon rented the first cargo plane for the shuttle business. According to some reports, the scheme proposed by his company allowed shuttles to significantly "reduce the cost of transporting goods and their customs clearance." According to it, the goods were bought back in China by a front company that chartered the plane, and part of the cargo was sent officially and cleared through customs at the lowest price, and some was smuggled, and the plane took off with a significant excess of the declared load. According to the news agency Stringer, by 1992 the company served 80 percent of Russia's trade with China and began supplying household appliances from the United Arab Emirates. The agency also published information according to which, in the early 90s, the activities of "Malakhit" could be associated with an organized criminal group "Uralmash",,. However, Kamenshik himself stated that his company began to engage in international freight transport only at the end of 1993.

In 1992-1993, Kamenshik was the general representative in Moscow of the East Line joint Soviet-Liechtenstein enterprise registered in 1991 in Sverdlovsk (in a number of media outlets it was reported that firms from Liechtenstein were registered in Cyprus only in 1994 year,),,,.

In 1994-1995, Kamenshik held the post of general director of the airline AOZT "East Line", and in 1995 became the chairman of the board of directors of the "East Line" group,,. By that time, the group had gained control over the Moscow international airport "Domodedovo". Some late sources reported that Kamenshik himself became chairman of his board of directors in 1993, but his official biographies did not indicate the exact date.

In 1993-1994, East Line and the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association (DPO GA) created subsidiaries at Domodedovo airport, which took control of the air complex. It was noted that the successful business of Kamenshchik's firm was greatly facilitated by its "good relations" with the regional administration. In 1997, East Line acquired a controlling stake in DPO GA itself. Thus, Kamenshik, the media claimed, became the actual owner of Domodedovo,,,,,,.

In 1997, the East Line Group was created to manage the airport, which included the offshore company Airport Serviсes Development Ltd. and 15 more commercial organizations. Until 2011, Domodedovo remained the only airport in the Moscow hub with an opaque ownership structure, managed through an extensive network of offshore companies, including Airport Management Company Ltd, Hacienda Investments, Copperwood Nominees and FML (the owner of East Line), the head or the representative of some of them was the Bricklayer himself,,,,,,. In 1998, the group received the Domodedovo runway for a 75-year lease with a payment rate of $ 107,000 annually.

According to some reports, the interests of Kamenshchik were defended by Deputy Prime Minister Oleg Soskovets in the 90s. At the same time, Mason himself was considered a non-public figure; he first appeared in front of the press only in 1998,.

By 2000, East Line's fleet consisted of 50 aircraft and was considered the largest cargo airline in Russia. In 2005, Kamenshik joined the Board of Directors of the Airports Council International Europe. As a member of the board of directors of ACI Europe and chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo, he was featured on the organization's website in 2011 as well. In the media, he was mentioned as an adviser to the Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Boris Gryzlov and the Governor of the Moscow Region Boris Gromov, as well as as a member of the Council on Entrepreneurship under the Government of the Russian Federation.

It was noted that the East Line group led by Kamenshchik had invested a lot in the development of the Domodedovo complex; back in 1995, the company began to build a new cargo terminal at the airport. For a long time, the press wrote that Domodedovo is the only modern airport in the Moscow hub. In 2002, the first express trains in Russia were launched to it, and in 2009 Domodedovo became the first Russian airport to receive permission to receive and depart from the world's largest passenger airliner Airbus A380.

In addition to aviation, East Line was also involved in development (the company had several projects near Domodedovo and Sheremetyevo) and mechanical engineering. In 2002, the company bought a number of engineering assets, including the largest manufacturer of electric trains in Russia, Demikhovsky Engineering Plant, and the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant (OEVRZ), but sold them in 2004,. In the same year, the East Line Group sold to Thesis Company its passenger and cargo air carrier East Line in order to concentrate on the management of the airport.

For a number of years, the press wrote that Domodedovo could be taken away from East Line. Rosimushchestvo has repeatedly announced its intention to return Domodedovo to state ownership, trying in the courts of various instances to invalidate the agreement on leasing the runway and the agreement signed in 1997 with DPO GA, according to which the offshore Hacienda Investments Limited received the buildings of the complex. " Domodedovo ". In November 2005, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke out about the conflict with East Line, noting that "the state should not destroy a successfully functioning business." In 2006, an amicable agreement was concluded between East Line and the Federal Property Management Agency, which provided for an increase in lease payments by the management company, and in 2007 the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation terminated proceedings on the claim to invalidate the agreement,,,,,.

In addition to Kamenshchik, the press named his partners Dmitry Shaklein, who headed the Moscow office of the East Line group, the Cypriot company Hacienda Investments Limited, to which all the Domodedovo real estate was registered, and Valery Kogan, about whom they wrote, were named among the ultimate owners of the air complex. that he, unlike Kamenshchik, did not carry out operational management, but was engaged in "solving issues",,. Over the years, other persons were also called the owners of the airport - foreigners Sean Cairns and Jane Peters (Sean Cairns, Jane Peters, co-owners of FML), as well as the son of the Chairman of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation Sergei Stepashin, Vladimir, in 2001, according to some sources, who bought 51 percentage of "East Line",,,,,. According to Moskovsky Komsomolets, since 1991 the owners of Domodedovo have changed 13 times.

The management of Domodedovo was also mentioned in the press in connection with a number of emergencies. So, in December 2010, after a freezing rain, the Domodedovo airport was de-energized for a day, which is why thousands of passengers could not fly out of Moscow. On January 24, 2011, a terrorist attack occurred in the arrivals area of ​​international flights of the airport, as a result of which 37 people died. Partial responsibility for both events was assigned to airport management,,,,. In April 2012, the criminal case on the fact of failure to ensure security, opened after the terrorist attack, was closed: as it turned out, at the beginning of 2011, the transport security system was still unregulated. At the same time, during the investigation of the case, a number of facts of fraud at the airport were revealed, related, inter alia, to the supply of aviation fuel.

In November 2010, it was announced about the possible withdrawal of shares of the Cypriot company DME Airport Limited - the operator and owner of Domodedovo - on the stock exchange. According to some reports, it was specially created "specifically for the upcoming IPO." Analysts speculated that the IPO could shed light on information about the true beneficiaries of the aero complex. In May 2011, Domodedovo published data on its shareholders. Then it was reported that Kamenshchik is the beneficiary of all one hundred percent of the airport management company, and in this capacity an offshore with a different name was named - DME Limited, registered on the Isle of Man,,. However, a few days later it was announced that Domodedovo was postponing the listing of its shares.

In April 2011, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, commenting on the situation around the airport, said that "commercial structures should be open, and not hide and evade responsibility",,. In June 2011, searches were carried out in the East Line offices, and despite the disclosure of information about the owners of the airport, Kamenshik himself was questioned. It was noted that he gave testimony in order to help law enforcement agencies to help "sort out the issues of ownership of shares in the airport."

On July 21, 2011, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation announced that when Kamenshchik was interrogated as witnesses in the security case at the Domodedovo airport, he said that he was not its owner. Kamenshik also told investigators that he really manages the airport under a contract with Airport Management Company Ltd and is a consultant to this offshore. Both Kamenshik and Valery Kogan, who is also a witness in this case, refused to name the real owners of Domodedovo.

The mason is a laureate of the Peter the Great National Public Prize (2001) and the Person of the Year 2001 award. He was also awarded the Order of Glory to Russia, established by the Museum and Exhibition Center "History of Domestic Entrepreneurship",,.

In 2004, Russian Forbes estimated the fortune of Kamenshik at $ 270 million. In 2011, the same publication noted that his fortune was $ 1.1 billion, and Finance magazine called the businessman the owner of a fortune of $ 1.2 billion.

The bricklayer is married, he has a son,,,. According to media reports, the entrepreneur is fond of sports - martial arts (he has a black belt in chhwegwando), snowboarding, diving and skiing. Pilots sports planes,,.

Used materials

Nikolay Sergeev... There was no reason for the transport security case. - Kommersant-Online, 20.04.2012

Elena Belova... Terrorist attack without regulations. - Gazeta.Ru, 20.04.2012

Sergey Mashkin... Domodedovo airport was not captured. - Kommersant, 21.07.2011. - № 132 (4673)

The Investigative Committee admitted that it did not know the owners of the Domodedovo airport. -, 20.07.2011

Dmitry Kamenshchik was interrogated during the seizure of documents at Domodedovo. - Interfax, 30.06.2011

Bricklayer Dmitry Vladimirovich. - Kommersant-Online, 31.05.2011

Alexey Nepomnyashchy, Anastasia Dagaeva... The bricklayer canceled the show. - Vedomosti, 31.05.2011

Konstantin Arakelov... Domodedovo did not take off. - Pf - Investor community. Author's blogs., 31.05.2011

The owner of 100% of Domodedovo was Dmitry Kamenshchik. - Gazeta.Ru, 18.05.2011

Dmitry Kamenshchik is a man of amazing human properties, often unpleasant in personal communication, of great dignity, capable of working as the brain of a large airport

Reference Information:

  • Date of Birth: April 26, 1968
  • Education: Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov with a degree in Economic Sociology, Candidate of Economic Sciences
  • Business start date / age: 23 years old
  • Startup activity: co-owner of the Moscow branch of "Malachite" (charter air transportation)
  • Current activity: Chairman of the Board of Directors of Domodedovo and East Line Group of Companies
  • Current state:$ 3.6 billion according to Forbes

Bricklayer Dmitry Vladimirovich is a businessman, entrepreneur, billionaire. Its main capital is the DME Group - a holding company consisting of 23 different companies, the main ones being Domodedovo Airport and Aerotropolis. For the last 20 years, his name has been associated with Domodedovo. Although he does not seek publicity, people talk about him a lot and often. Hence, such contradictory characteristics are given - from "King Domodedovo" to "International Adventurer", and the airport itself is sometimes called "Kamenodedovo".

He calls himself a happy person, which is not surprising. Dmitry Kamenshchik is a person for whom the business he has run is not just a way to make money, but a matter of life.

"I have devoted my whole life to this cause and am proud of it."
"I get great pleasure from what I do, so it seems to me that I myself am a happy person."

Even a short biography of Dmitry Kamenshchik is filled with significant events. He does not like to be in public and give interviews. That is why little is known about his personal life, as well as about his business success. Even about the family, the press publishes the most contradictory information. According to some sources, he is married, according to others, he is single, according to others, he has no children, and according to the fourth, information differs: one, four, even five. And only thanks to the well-known trial (about him a little later) it became known for certain that the Kamenshchik's wife is civil, she is also the mother of his four children (born in 1999, 2005, 2007 and 2014), and he himself has been living for 15 years in the village of Odintsovo, GO Domodedovo in a rented house.

What else is known about the personal? His hobbies, some of which are unusual. Dmitry Kamenshchik prefers active rest, but in solitude: snowboarding, kiting, diving, alpine skiing, piloting jet planes, the art of shangi - the oldest school of martial arts in Burma, and even has a black belt in chwegwando.

“I have a peculiarity: I get carried away gradually. Passion does not come to me quickly - it takes time and work. But, having started to study, I do not quit, but, on the contrary, over time I find that the horizon is moving away, dragging me along. "

The loss of self-control is uncharacteristic for him, and not because he is not capable of strong feelings, but because he is convinced: if an emotional reaction is shown, the initiative may be lost.

Childhood and adolescence are wonderful years

Dmitry Kamenshchik was born on April 26, 1968 in Sverdlovsk. The acquaintance of his parents, radio physicists by education, took place while studying at the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). Both (my mother is in a closed enterprise, whose specialization is cartography and geodesy, and my father is in Uralgiprotrans) ran the Computing Centers.

It was not surprising that the son, a "talented and bright" student, who for his character received the nickname "Stone" (according to one of his fellow countrymen), who won school Olympiads, but avoided companies, wanted to become a nuclear physicist and entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute immediately after graduating from school №104. But this is later, but for now ...

Sailing "Caravel"

Yes, Dmitry Kamenshchik is a "Krapivinsky boy", a graduate of the Sverdlovsk group "Caravel", which was created in the early 1960s by the famous children's writer Vladislav Krapivin. The detachment had the status of a pioneer squad, although in reality it became an informal fraternity of adolescents.

And this was quite remarkable in the childhood of the future billionaire.

It had its own press center, even a film studio, not to mention the sailing fleet. Many Soviet teenagers knew and loved Krapivin's books, but only Sverdlovsk schoolchildren were fortunate enough to be in the ranks of the Caravel, go on campaigns, practice fencing, naval affairs, the history of the fleet and remain faithful to the oath of brave, noble people living by the laws of honor:

“I will fight any injustice, meanness and cruelty, wherever I meet them. I will not wait for someone to stand up to defend the truth before me. "

Other famous people also went through this brotherhood:

  • Alexander Shkolnik, currently the head of Multimedia Holding;
  • Dmitry Emelyanov - commander of the special forces of the OMON;
  • Sergey Bobunets - leader of the group "Semantic Hallucinations";
  • Vyacheslav Gulevich - Head of the Yekaterinburg Maritime School;
  • Vera Tarasova is the editor of the magazine “I am buying!”.

"Karavella" is proud of its graduates, many of whom work in the FSB and the military department, occupy high positions. Among them there are many scientific workers, excellent teachers, doctors, and successful businessmen.

More recently, a book about Vyacheslav Krapivin has been published. Honorary Commander and Graduate of Caravel, owner of the Moscow Domodedovo Airport Dmitry Kamenshchik provided substantial assistance in its publication.

After graduation…

For his dream, at the age of 17, Dmitry entered the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. And although he only finished the first year, because the army was waiting, he calls this year one of the most interesting in his life.

He did his military service in the tank forces (1986-1988). He did not return to his studies: having arrived in his hometown, he got a job in the regional committee for television and radio broadcasting, but not for long. Already in 1990, he came to the capital and entered the philosophy faculty of Moscow State University.

Future journalists are studying with him on the same course: Maxim Kashulinsky (now the chief editor of the "Slon") and Yuri Saprykin (now the editorial director of The Moscow Times).

“Somewhere in the fields of the Mozhaisky District of the Moscow Region, a Kamenshik walked through the potato beds, discussing with other first-year students of Moscow State University the poems of Robert Frost from the anthology of American poetry” (Saprykin).

A year and a half later, Kamenshik took the "academician" (only in 2000 he will graduate from Moscow State University). Great things await him.

Towards entrepreneurship

Returning from the army, Mason had to face poverty. So he ended up in business, in his own words, not by design, but to earn a living. Entrepreneurship caused him undisguised skepticism.

“Remember what entrepreneurs were like at the very beginning of the 1990s - criminals in tracksuits. I assumed that the instances I saw were type-determining. I mistook appearance for essence. When I started doing business myself, at first I thought that I would just solve the problem of livelihood and leave. But I began to get intangible pleasure from work and got carried away. "

Since 1992, he has been engaged in the aviation business - it was then that the success story of Dmitry Kamenshchik began.


Dmitry Kamenshchik met Anton Bakov, a 25-year-old entrepreneur from his hometown and owner of the Malakhit travel agency by chance. Their seats were next to each other on the plane. Bykov later recalled:

“He is two years younger than me, but the impression is that he is seven years old. By that time I was already married for the second time, children, my own business, and here with me is either an applicant or a freshman. "

While on the plane, they agreed that Bakov would open a second branch of Malachite especially for Kamenshik, already in Moscow, because Dmitry was eager to work for himself. He was given the "logistics of the Poles": "Malachite" took tourists from Poland to Moscow or to India via Moscow. This direction was taken up by a 23-year-old student of Moscow State University. True, for this he had to leave his studies for a while.

Two years later, it was already an independent company, the main activity of which was the charter transportation of tourists. It was founded by Kamenshik and other employees who left Malachite. Only Mason had to leave because of his disgusting nature.

“Because of his bad temper, the Bricklayer was kicked out of there. He's just a very unpleasant, tough person. If I were his subordinate, I would have hanged myself ”(Bakov).

Owner of the East Line brand

Bakov appreciated this guy's business acumen, and therefore took him as a partner in a new business that grew out of tourism. It was an air charter forwarding company. So Dmitry became the owner of 20% of the company's shares. By mutual decision, the partners began to work at Domodedovo. The company's office was set up in the apartment of the future billionaire, which he rented, there was a telephone in it.

At the very beginning of the 1990s, the airport belonged to the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association (DPO GA), which had about 50 Ilovs at its disposal, flying to the Volga region, the Urals and the Far East.

The partners signed an agreement with DPO GA on cooperation and aircraft lease. Through their efforts, Domodedovo acquired the status of an international airport. At first it was the well-known East Line route to Poland. And with the opening in 1993 of passenger and cargo flights to Beijing, the company receives its first serious money.

At the same time, in 1993, several enterprises were created on the basis of the airport, each of which provided a certain type of service. The joint venture, which brought together East Line and the airport, invested in a cargo terminal. The main cargo flow of all Russian shuttles passes through it.

For a short time Bakov remained a partner of Kamenshchik - at the beginning of 1994 he went out of business. It's all to blame for Dmitry's difficult character, and they did not communicate anymore. In 1994 Dmitry Kamenshchik held the post of general director, and a year later became the chairman of the board of directors of the East Line group of companies.

Through the efforts of the Bricklayer, East Line has become a monopolist in the freight market from China (in detail about the advantages of delivering goods from China by an air carrier). Of course, there were violations.

  1. Overload.
    “In China, the planes were loaded so tightly that the pilot could not get to the cockpit. The things were packed in bags, from which they pumped out air, and then they were tamped with bulldozers "(Oleg Panteleev, Aviaport analytical agency.
  2. Failure to declare a huge amount of goods.

But all the money that was earned on these transportation, Kamenshik invested in the airport.

The company is gaining momentum, expanding its aircraft fleet, and becoming a leader.


So it was built

The first to appear was a large cargo terminal. In 1998, an agreement was reached with Domodedovo, and where the old airport was located, a new modern terminal appeared.

At the same time, Kamenshik rented an airfield for 75 years. So everything that belonged to the airport was transferred to the East Line for the same 75 years. Kamenschik himself became the chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo airport. A year later, the company that owned the old airport building went bankrupt, and Kamenschik bought it out at auction. So he became a full-fledged owner.

The international airport provided a high level of service and services, so very soon most airlines from Russia and abroad were based in Domodedovo.

  1. 2008 - German airline Lufthansa became the 28th foreign airline. In total, 74 airlines operated international and domestic flights from the airport. Sheremetyevo ceded the title of the first airport in the country in terms of passenger traffic to Domodedovo for 7 years.
  2. 2010 - the airport discloses financial statements for the first time: it becomes clear that it is able to compete with the best airports in the world, such as London Heathrow, Aeroports de Paris, which manages all Paris airports, Fraport, which manages the airport in Frankfurt.

The company became more and more transparent, the real owners of Domodedovo were still not included in the documents. The name of Dmitry Kamenshchik, chairman of the board of directors and owner of the airport, is known to many, but the documents pointed to offshore companies in different countries. What is the reason? In an effort of many to select the only private airport in the capital.

Bricklayer System

He created a whole system at Domodedovo.

  1. DME Live is a stimulant, business game with a set of all kinds of situations from the life of the airport, in which the regulatory authorities intervene. Kamenshik considers it important to simulate situations: airport employees should be able to solve emerging problems, no matter how difficult they may be.
  2. "Acts of the corporation" is an automated information system with a description of almost all known and ongoing organizational processes in the company. Any task can be solved using a specific sequence of actions. It contains the Knowledge and Skills Requirements (KS) for each person in a position.
  3. Arbitration - anyone who does not agree with the instruction or the penalty has the right to challenge this through the arbitration system. Arbitrators in decision making are always on the side of the Law (federal, international or corporate rule), whether they consider situations related to theft, abuse of office, corruption, waste, alcohol in the workplace, non-medical drug use, perjury in an official investigation, refusal to testify.

“Our corporation is not a product of successful privatization. What we have achieved is the result of the efforts of tens of thousands of people, very significant investments and technologies in terms of the scale of the industry, worthy of a kind word. "

How they tried to take away Domodedovo

The Federal Property Management Agency (Rosimushchestvo) judicially annulled the documents, according to which the Domodedovo airfield complex was received on a 75-year lease in the early 1990s. "East Line", according to the documents - the owner, was deprived of the opportunity to send and receive aircraft.

Then Dmitry Kamenshchik invites Valery Kogan, the founder of the large financial and industrial group Yugtrastinvest and a reputable person who "decides questions", to head the supervisory board of East Line.

The result of such a tactical move was an amicable agreement between the airport and the Federal Property Management Agency, according to which the rent almost tripled from $ 1.2 million a year and now amounts to $ 3.5 million.

A new appeal of the Federal Property Management Agency to the court with a statement on the nationalization of the air terminal building due to the violation of the law by the Kamenshchik during the privatization of the old one, in the place of which a new air terminal appeared. Journalist Vladimir Soloviev became the main public defender of Domodedovo. Non-public was Viktor Cherkesov, the predecessor of the head of the Federal Drug Control Service Ivanov. It took a year for the parties to reconcile.

The idea of ​​merging Moscow airports was born in the Ministry of Transport. They also tried to force the owners of Domodedovo to sell the asset. Among the applicants were named:

  • Oleg Deripaska with his Basel Aero;
  • Viktor Vekselberg with Renova;
  • Roman Trotsenko with Novaport;
  • Ziyavudin Magomedov with the Summa group;
  • Vitaly Vantsev - co-owner of Vnukovo with partners.

However, no one managed to advance in the negotiations beyond the investment division of A1 Alfa Group, owned by Mikhail Fridman. A1 offered Kamenshchik $ 3 billion was offered for the asset, but the deal never came to fruition.

The terrorist attack took place on January 24 in the international arrivals hall of Domodedovo, when 37 people were killed. Simultaneously with the investigation, the authorities took up the owners of Domodedovo. But they could only point to Hacienda Investments Limited (registered in Cyprus, manages airport property). The ownership structure could not be established.

True, after the statement about Alexander Buksman, the deputy prosecutor general, in the State Duma, Domodedovo posted a message on the London Stock Exchange, where it announced that the airport was controlled by the chairman of the board of directors Dmitry Kamenshchik.

In February, Kamenshik and several top managers of the company were detained on charges of the Investigative Committee. The case of the terrorist attack continues. Accusations were brought that the services provided by the company did not meet safety requirements and resulted in the death of people as a result of the 2011 terrorist attack. For more than 4 months, Domodedovo lawyers continued to prove the innocence of their clients. They were released from arrest in July, and in September the case against the top management of Domodedovo was closed without evidence of a crime in the actions of Kamenshchik and his managers.

“I still want to work and live in Russia, ... what has happened to us over the past 20 years, only confirms the correctness of the strategy - do not panic, invest in your country, do not count on any advantages, strictly follow the laws, but also not to use difficulties as an excuse for weakness. "

Kamenshchik himself spoke at a briefing about the airport's position, the technologies working here in connection with the terrorist attack and the accusations brought against him personally and the top managers of Domodedov:

But not only Domodedovo ...

Dmitry Kamenshchik also had a political career in his life. He was a member of the Council on Entrepreneurship under the Government of Russia in 2000-2004, served as an advisor to the chairman of the State Duma and advisor to the governor of the Moscow region.

One of the important tasks that Kamenshchik set himself was to reduce the shortage of electric trains. To this end, he bought about 99% of the shares of Demikhovsky Mashzavod, and then Tsentrosvar and the Oktyabrsky Electric Car Repair Plant. He even created NPO Transmash, a design bureau for transport engineering.

About the state of the oligarch

2017 year. Forbes magazine publishes a list of the richest people in Russia. On the 29th place with a fortune of 3.6 billion dollars - Dmitry Kamenshchik, chairman of the board of directors of the Domodedovo international airport, is a genius, because only such a person could carry out the reconstruction of a huge airport without stopping it for an hour or a minute.


Dmitry Kamenshchik, the current chairman of the board of directors of the Domodedovo Airport joint-stock company, earned billions by doing a business uncharacteristic for most Russian oligarchs ─ logistics services. In recent years, his capital was estimated at about $ 3 billion, which allowed him to confidently be in the top 3 richest people in Russia. He is not one of those businessmen who exploited natural resources for their own benefit, once again confirming the wretched reputation of Russia as an exclusively raw material appendage for the economically developed countries of the world.

Dmitry Kamenshchik started in logistics from absolute zero and, step by step, stubbornly mastered the science of efficient organization of air transportation. Interestingly, at the same time with him, another Russian was engaged in the same business, who gained worldwide fame after a decade and a half. His name is . In 2012, he was sentenced to a long term in the United States as the world's largest illegal arms dealer and an enemy of all mankind. The business history of Dmitry Kamenshchik and Viktor Bout has many similar features, but completely different endings.

Dmitry Kamenshchik graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, after which, after serving the due time in the tank forces, he got a job at the Sverdlovsk Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting. Victor Bout from an early age chose the path of a career soldier. He learned to be a military translator, but he was more attracted to the sky. In 1991 Dmitry Kamenshchik got a job as the general representative of East Line in Moscow. Simultaneously with him, Viktor Bout took up air transportation, opening a company in the Netherlands and starting to lease Russian transport planes.

"Firm" East Line "will be engaged in the lease of transport aircraft IL-76 from the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association only in 2 years. In 1994, Kamenshik bought it for a rather ridiculous amount, even for those penniless times, of $ 10 thousand from the former owner of the Sverdlovsk businessman. According to the documents, the founder of East Line was from the very beginning the Luxembourg company Lexadmin Trust reg.

The strategic directions of the Kamenshik and Bout will diverge greatly by that time. Booth will begin to conquer Africa with all his might, starting to transport any cargo indiscriminately, including weapons, and Dmitry Kamenshchik will focus on routes and goods that the "arms baron" had previously fully worked out. East Line was involved in the organization of charter flights to China, the Far East and the countries of Southeast Asia, transporting Russian shuttles and their consumer goods.

Ural lads

At the start of the business, Viktor Bout still looked somewhat more independent than Dmitry Kamenshchik. Nobody helped him. The successful introduction of Kamenshik into the topic of cargo transportation did not take place without outside help. First of all, he was assisted by his own father ─ the deputy head of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Sverdlovsk Region.

During the perestroika years, the formation of one of the first large organized criminal groups ─ was successfully completed in Sverdlovsk. The far-sighted part of the criminals immediately understood the need for further transition to legal business. Moving huge flows of imported goods, fueling numerous retail markets in the country, could have generated good profits.

Now it is no longer possible to determine from whom the initiative came, but the Ural lads sent an authorized representative to the capital, who was obliged to follow the step-by-step implementation of the approved business plan. Kamenshchik's patrons provided the business, which had begun to develop rapidly, with money for operating expenses.

Usually, such a term in their midst was called bribes to officials. By the joint efforts of the head of the company, his patrons and lobbyists from the bureaucratic environment, the transportation of goods using the East Line company has become economically profitable for the shuttle traders. In addition to the fast processing of documents at the customs office, Kamenshchik's company was provided with a preferential tariff of customs duties.

Murder will out. Several planes, leased by the company, were arrested by FSB officers, but after a call from above, the investigation, which began to gain momentum, died out.

Privatization of Domodedovo

Dmitry Kamenshchik was quickly not satisfied with the position of an ordinary criminals assistant. He decided to start his own solo part. He was attracted by the infrastructure of the Domodedovo airport, where he gradually began to be implemented. The airport itself had the status of a strategic facility, which made it very difficult to take it under full control. In 1998, Dmitry Kamenshchik rented the runways and taxiways of the airfield for 75 years, but this was only the beginning. Further, the entire economy of Domodedovo was split into 8 subsidiaries. Their privatization, guided by the status of the object, was prohibited by the Federal Property Management Agency, but the subordinate structure Mosoblimushchestvo chose to violate the decision of the higher authority and gave the go-ahead to transfer to private hands.

After several successive moves, the first private-owned airport appeared in the Moscow transport air hub. In 2004, Dmitry Kamenshchik allowed Oleg Soskovets, a former member of the Russian government, to buy out most of the shares of East Line, which allowed him to fully focus on the land business.

In 2002, in order to accelerate the development of the railway network of Aeroexpress trains carrying passengers, Dmitry Kamenshchik decided to acquire a 98% stake in the Demikhovsky Machine-Building Plant, which produces cars for high-speed trains of electric trains. Then he organized a group of 23 companies that ensure the life of the airport and united in a single pool ─ DME.Ltd, also wholly owned by him. The ultimate goal of the transformations initiated by the owner of Domodedovo was the creation of an industrial cluster in the district called Aerotropolis. In 2004, the Federal Property Management Agency, recalling the earlier decision to ban privatization, tried to challenge the Kamenshchik's right to property. The court examined this issue and left everything as it is.

Rarely does a Russian oligarch manage to avoid public scandals and unpleasant questions from law enforcement agencies. This fate did not escape Dmitry Kamenshchik, and the reason for initiating a criminal case against him turned out to be rather unusual. In January 2011, organized by terrorists from the criminal organization "Imarat Kavkaz". The organizers of the attack were identified by the FSB and convicted after more than 2 years.

It seemed a sad page in the history of the airport was closed forever, but absolutely unexpectedly, the Investigative Committee had a lot of questions for its sole owner. In February 2016, Dmitry Kamenshchik even came under house arrest, which lasted a total of 5 months. The investigators charged him with the charge that he was responsible for performing work that did not meet safety requirements, which inadvertently resulted in the death of 2 or more persons.

As a result of the explosion of the "suicide belt" in Domodedovo, 37 Russian and foreign citizens were killed, and another 172 people were injured of varying severity. The reason for such severe consequences of the explosion, according to experts, lay in the fact that security measures were weakened at the airport. Specifically, the management of the company, represented by Kamenshchik, ordered a reduction in the number of security personnel. As a result, the terrorists were able to calmly get inside the airport terminal with an explosive device. The airport security guards simply could not physically cope with the incoming flow of passengers. Speech about their negligence did not even arise.

Dmitry Kamenshchik justified himself by the fact that Domodedovo adopted a new screening technology that meets all international security standards. No initiative came from him. In addition, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs were attached to each point of the initial screening, who, according to the legislation in force in Russia, have exclusive rights to conduct personal searches of citizens. The blame, if there was any, must be divided between its own security service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In September of the same year, after some deliberation, the RF IC stopped further investigation.

Dmitry Kamenshchik himself believes that they tried to put pressure on him by house arrest, trying to get the consent of the airport owner to participate in the project of integrating all 3 Moscow airports into a single complex. The first step on this path was to happen the reprivatization of Domodedov, which could not suit its owner. Dmitry Kamenshchik argued that he periodically had to repel attacks on his property. In the fall of 2011, shortly before the terrorist attack, he was even morally ready to sell his brainchild, but there was a hitch with the buyer, and then an explosion thundered, somewhat distracting attention from the deal.

Dmitry Kamenshchik's experience in managing a large airport, and especially the profits gained from this lesson, prompted the Russian oligarch to pay attention to another Moscow airport, Sheremetyevo. It is possible that he will become the second air gateway to the capital, owned by a private person. In an unspoken competition between two domestic merchants who put their stake on logistics, the more cautious Dmitry Kamenshchik took the upper hand, at some point in his life returned from heaven to earth. Victor Bout took a risky path and lost.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Domodedovo Airport, owner of DME Ltd., the airport's holding company, which unites 23 companies. In the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia, published in April 2015, according to Forbes magazine, it ranks 27th with a fortune of $ 3.8 billion.


Born in Sverdlovsk in a family of radio physicists. His parents met while studying at the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). They worked as heads of computing centers: their father - in "Uralgiprotrans", mother - in a closed enterprise connected with geodesy and cartography.

After school he entered the energy-physics faculty of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. From 1986 to 1988 he served in the tank forces, after which he worked for some time in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee on television and radio broadcasting.




Deputy Chaika sent a letter to the head of the TFR in defense of the Mason

Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Malinovsky demanded that the ICR eliminate violations in the case of the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik. He insists that there were no grounds for bringing charges against the top management of the airport.

Without a causal relationship

RBC got acquainted with the letter demanding to eliminate violations in the investigation of the case against the management of Domodedovo, which on February 24, Deputy Prosecutor General Vladimir Malinovsky sent to the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin. Denis Dodonov as Nekrasova.

SKR and Kamenshik disagreed in assessing his monthly income

The monthly income of the owner of the Domodedovo airport, Dmitry Kamenshchik, is 62 million rubles. Such figures were announced by a representative of the Investigative Committee during a meeting of the Basmanny Court, where today the issue of a measure of restraint against Kamenshchik is being considered, the RBC correspondent reports from the courtroom.

The topic of Kamenshik's income was raised during the consideration of the issue of posting bail for his release. “He receives 62 million rubles. a month, and offers only 15 million in pledge. I am categorically against it. Only arrest, only house arrest, ”the investigator said.

Kamenshik's lawyer Mikhail Kolpakov at the trial denied the statements of the investigator. He clarified that Kamenshchik's income is not 62 million rubles, but 10 million rubles.

Kamenshchik's lawyers offered to post a bail of 15 million rubles in court.

The lawyers of the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, offered to post a bail of 15 million rubles in court. for the release of the businessman, the RBC correspondent reports from the Basmanny Court, where a petition for a measure of restraint is being considered.

The lawyers also insist that there are no grounds for any preventive measure against Kamenshchik.

The bricklayer called it a matter of honor to prove his innocence

The owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, said in court that he intends to prove his innocence and the innocence of the airport employees. He is also not going to hide

The actual owner of Domodedovo airport Dmitry Kamenshchik made a short statement during the trial, which is considering the issue of preventive measures.

“I have dedicated 22 years of my life to this airport - I have been working there since 24. For me, it is a matter of honor - to bring this matter to an end and show the public that neither I myself nor the airport employees are guilty, - said the businessman. “I’m definitely not going to hide.”

The court sent the Bricklayer under house arrest

The owner of the Domodedovo airport, Dmitry Kamenshchik, has been placed under house arrest. The court rejected the request of the Prosecutor General's Office to release the businessman in the courtroom, as well as the offer of lawyers for a bail of 15 million rubles.

The Basmanny Court of the capital on Friday placed the owner of Domodedovo Airport Dmitry Kamenshchik under house arrest for two months. Until April 18, Kamenshik will be in his country house in the village of Odintsovo near Moscow, the RBC correspondent reports from the courtroom.

The court also imposed standard restrictions on communication: it forbade the use of mail, telephone and the Internet and negotiate using communications with someone without the permission of the investigator. The accused can only communicate with close relatives, lawyers and the investigation team.

The prosecutor will appeal against the court decision on the house arrest of Dmitry Kamenshchik

The prosecutor will appeal the decision of the court, which sent the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, under house arrest. The lawyer of the victims, Igor Trunov, told reporters about this, RBC correspondent reports.

On Friday, the Basmanny Court decided to send the Mason to house arrest. He was charged under Article 238 of the Criminal Code (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, which inadvertently resulted in the death of two or more persons). This criminal case was opened after the terrorist attack in Domodedovo, which killed 37 people in 2011.

The bricklayer was detained the day before. At the same time, the ICR reported that they had filed a petition with the Basmanny Court to arrest the owner of Domodedovo. However, during the meeting, the investigation withdrew the arrest petition. The prosecutor also asked to release Kamenshik.

The investigation has withdrawn the petition for the arrest of Kamenshchik

The investigator withdrew the request for the detention of the owner of Domodedovo airport Dmitry Kamenshchik and asked to put him under house arrest. On the eve of the ICR reported that it would ask the court to send the Bricklayer to a pre-trial detention center

The investigation withdrew the petition for the arrest of the owner of the Domodedovo airport, Dmitry Kamenshchik, and asked to choose a measure of restraint for him in the form of house arrest. This was stated by a representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia, speaking at a meeting of the Basmanny Court, where a petition for a measure of restraint for Kamenshchik is being considered, the RBC correspondent reports.

Judge Elena Lenskaya decided to consider not the first petition of the investigator to place Kamenshik in a pre-trial detention center, but to immediately make a decision on the election of house arrest.

The session of the Basmanny Court began with a delay of one and a half hours: the court gave the lawyers of the accused and representatives of the victims time to get acquainted with the arrest materials.

The mason was brought into the hall by a reinforced convoy's outfit. He looked calm, did not answer journalists' questions. At the beginning of the hearing, the judge explained his rights to him, and then said that the court received materials from the investigator, in which he asked to withdraw the motion for arrest and elect the accused to house arrest.

Putin was informed about the arrest of Kamenshchik

Russian President Vladimir Putin is aware of the arrest of the owner of Domodedovo airport Dmitry Kamenshchik. The Kremlin explained that before the court ruling, they proceed from the fact that Kamenshchik is not guilty of anything.

Vladimir Putin was informed about the detention of Kamenshchik, the press secretary of the president Dmitry Peskov told reporters. “In this case, of course, since this is quite high-profile news - this is reported to the President, and this was reported as well. It is, of course, impossible to comment on this somehow, given that we are talking about investigative actions. We proceed from the fact that until the court has proven otherwise, Kamenshchik is not guilty of anything, ”said Peskov.

Answering a question from journalists, Peskov stressed that he did not know that Putin and Kamenshchik knew each other. “I have never seen a Kamenshik at presidential events. And I have never seen Kogan (chairman of the supervisory board of Domodedovo - RBC) either, ”he said.

Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs calls to release the Bricklayer on recognizance not to leave

President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin believes that for the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, it is necessary to choose a preventive measure not related to imprisonment. In an interview with RNS, he said that it could be a recognizance not to leave or other measures, and added that this is the position of the entire RUIE. Shokhin recalled that the arrest is carried out for more substantive crimes.

The bricklayer was detained on February 18 in the criminal case of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo in 2011. The Investigative Committee promised to seek his arrest. The Basmanny Court is to decide on the measure of restraint on February 19. He has already been taken to court, court press secretary Yunona Tsareva told TASS.

Mason's case may be considered by a group on interaction between business and law enforcement agencies

The criminal case of Dmitry Kamenshchik, chairman of the board of directors and owner of Domodedovo airport, may be considered by a working group on interaction between business and law enforcement agencies, press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov said today.

“In theory, yes. If this topic is raised by representatives of the business community or representatives of law enforcement agencies, then why not, ”Peskov told reporters, answering the relevant question. President Vladimir Putin signed an order on the formation of a working group to monitor and analyze law enforcement practices in the field of entrepreneurship on Wednesday.

Domodedovo considers the detention of Dmitry Kamenshchik unreasonable

The Moscow airport "Domodedovo" considers the detention of Dmitry Kamenshchik unreasonable. The legal position on the merits of the charge, previously published on the airport's official website, remains unchanged. This is stated in a press release from the company.

“Moscow airport“ Domodedovo ”continues its normal operation. We look forward to an objective review of the current situation by the authorized state bodies, ”the statement reads.

The owner and chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, was detained on February 18 by the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) in a criminal case of the terrorist attack at Domodedovo in 2011. He was charged with committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence). The maximum sanction under Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code - imprisonment for up to ten years.

Domodedovo owner explained his unwillingness to flee Russia to investigators

The owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, detained during interrogation, explained to the investigator why he did not try to hide abroad. He said that there was no need for this, since "the truth is on his side," Kommersant reports.

The interrogation of the owner of Domodedovo airport Dmitry Kamenshchik, who was detained on February 17 in connection with the provision of services that did not meet security requirements, which led to the death of people as a result of the terrorist attack, lasted about six hours, Kommersant writes, citing sources close to the investigation.

During this time, he was first interrogated as a witness, then he was charged with committing a crime under Part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, which inadvertently resulted in the death of two or more persons), and after that he was also interrogated as the accused.

Peskov allowed the involvement of the working group in the Kremlin in the case of the Mason

The issue of the criminal case against the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, can be discussed by a new working group at the Kremlin, which deals with disputes between business and security officials. Press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov told the journalists about it.

“If the topic is raised by representatives of business or law enforcement agencies - why not,” he said, RBC correspondent reports.

On the eve, the investigating authorities detained the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik. He was charged under Article 238 of the Criminal Code (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, which inadvertently resulted in the death of two or more persons). This case was initiated after the terrorist attack at the airport, which killed 37 people in 2011.

Domodedovo owner Dmitry Kamenshchik detained

The TFR charged him in connection with the 2011 terrorist attack, yesterday Kamenshchik said that he did not see corpus delicti

The owner and chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik, was detained by the investigation department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR) in a criminal case of the terrorist attack in Domodedovo in 2011, the ICR said.

The Domodedovo representative does not answer calls.

The bricklayer was charged with committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in the death of two or more persons by negligence). The maximum sanction under Part 3 of Art. 238 of the Criminal Code - imprisonment for up to ten years.

According to the investigation, Kamenshchik, together with the former head of the Russian representative office of Airport Management Company Limited Svetlana Trishina, Managing Director of ZAO Domodedovo Airport Aviation Security, Andrey Danilov, Director of the airport complex Vyacheslav Nekrasov, introduced a new system of screening at the entrances to the airport has led to an increase in the vulnerability of the airport and, as a result, the provision of civil aviation services inadequate to safety requirements ”. As a result, in January 2011, Magomed Yevloyev freely entered the Domodedovo building with an explosive device hidden under his clothes, the TFR believes.

Domodedovo airport owner Dmitry Kamenshchik arrested

Investigators detained the owner of Domodedovo, Dmitry Kamenshchik. The day before, the businessman himself admitted that he could become accused in a criminal case of a terrorist attack at the airport, which took place in 2011.

The owner of the Domodedovo airport, Dmitry Kamenshchik, was detained by employees of the first investigation department of the Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia. This is stated in the message of the TFR received by RBC.

The bricklayer was detained as part of a criminal case against former top managers of the airport - Svetlana Trishina, Andrey Danilov and Vyacheslav Nekrasov. According to the interlocutor of RBC in law enforcement agencies, Kamenshchik was detained during interrogation.

The owner of Domodedovo was charged with committing a crime under Article 238 of the Criminal Code (performance of work or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, which inadvertently resulted in the death of two or more persons).

Dmitry Kamenshchik: “I don’t know if they will jail me or not”

The chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo airport explained why inspections by the state were beneficial to the airport

After a four-year break, Dmitry Kamenshchik, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Domodedovo Airport, held a press conference. Almost 100 journalists came to it, the conversation lasted three hours. “I don't like any mention in the press,” admitted Kamenshik. - I don't like public events. I do not like everything that is associated with fame, in any form. I like the silence, the limited circle of faces. "

Nevertheless, after a 30-minute story about the prospects for the development of the airports of the Moscow air hub, Kamenshchik answered all questions, including the question of a Vedomosti correspondent whether he would be jailed or not.

The owner of "Domodedovo" Dmitry Kamenshchik did not rule out that he could become the accused

The chairman of the board of directors of the airport believes that the investigators have such powers

Dmitry Kamenshchik, chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo, did not rule out that he could become a defendant in the case of the provision of dangerous services, which was initiated in August 2015 by the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). “Investigators have such procedural powers,” Kamenshchik said. The bricklayer noted that the investigators during the interrogations did not say that he could be charged. “There were no threats to me,” said Kamenshik.

He stressed that, according to Domodedovo, its employees are not guilty. The investigation, in presenting charges, is guided by the norms of the law, which were not in force at the time when the terrorist attack took place.

The Domodedovo airfield will be handed over to Kamenshchik's structures until 2073.

The Russian government allowed the transfer of the Domodedovo International Airport company (the airport operator owned by Dmitry Kamenshchik) some federal airfield infrastructure facilities. The corresponding order, signed by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev on May 28, 2014, was published today on the official Internet portal of legal information.

The bricklayer got the third lane in Domodedovo

Several years ago, Sheremetyevo and Domodedovo airports tried to prove which of them needed the new runway. There was no money in the budget for the implementation of their projects. As RBC wrote in 2010, Domodedovo was ready to spend 2.4 billion rubles. from his own funds to buy out land for construction - this is how Kamenshik tried to convince officials of the need to build a strip from him.

Dmitry Kamenshchik prepares for departure from Domodedovo

The co-owner of the largest Russian airport Domodedovo Dmitry Kamenshchik continues to negotiate the sale of the airport business for 4.5-4.7 billion dollars. According to the source of RBC daily, the buyer of the passenger business is Novaport, and the refueling complex (TZK) - the structure of Rosneft ...

A bricklayer can sell a business in Domodedovo

The bricklayer is considering the possibility of selling the business in Domodedovo for $ 4.5-4.7 billion. The terminal may go to Novaport, and the refueling business to Rosneft, a source told RBC daily. Novaport has not yet commented on this information. In Domodedovo, RBK daily did not confirm the fact of negotiations on the sale.

Domodedovo disclosed its owner

Beneficiary of the largest airport in Russia - Dmitry Kamenshchik

The bricklayer declassified himself

Domodedovo Airport, from which the authorities have been demanding for several years to disclose the beneficiaries, again met them halfway. “Enterprises that carry out airport activities in Domodedovo in accordance with national certificates and licenses are in Russian jurisdiction, and their ultimate owner is a citizen of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kamenshchik,” the airport said yesterday. Domodedovo officials did not clarify the names of the companies in question.

Dmitry Kamenshchik was born on April 26, 1968 in the city of Sverdlovsk. After school he entered the energy-physics faculty of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. From 1986 to 1988 he served in the tank forces, after which he worked for some time in the Sverdlovsk Regional Committee on television and radio broadcasting.

After the army in 1990, he entered the philosophy faculty of Moscow State University, and a year and a half later went on academic leave. In 2000 he graduated from the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, specializing in economic sociology. In 2003, at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, he defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of economic sciences.

In 1991 Anton Bakov, a Yekaterinburg businessman, registered the East Line JV to organize air transportation. Dmitry Kamenshchik is the general representative of the company in Moscow. In 2013, Anton Bakov, in an interview with Kommersant, called himself the founder of the East Line JV and claimed that he went out of business in early 1994, having sold his share to Kamenshchik for 10 thousand dollars.

In 1992, Domodedovo received the status of an international airport. Since 1993, East Line has rented Il-76 aircraft from the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association to provide transportation: the company has established charters to Europe and Asia. The bricklayer created the airline of the same name, which is gradually increasing its own aircraft fleet, becoming the leaders in the cargo transportation market.

Since 1994, East Line, together with the Domodedovo Civil Aviation Production Association, based at Domodedovo Airport, has created several specialized enterprises responsible for various types of airport activities: onboard catering, cargo complex, handling and others. As part of the cooperation, the airport provided worn-out, worn-out property, and East Line assumed the responsibility for the complete reconstruction of both the infrastructure facilities themselves and the management system.

In 1998, the property of the airport, not subject to transfer to private ownership, was transferred to East Line for a long-term lease for 75 years. As a result, the process of changing the owner of airport assets was completed, which took place through the implementation of a number of capital-intensive investment projects. In the same year, Kamenshik became the chairman of the board of directors of Domodedovo airport.

Along with the airport activities, Kamenshchik's holding company DME Ltd. develops one more direction - the synergistic conurbation "Aerotropolis". An industrial cluster is planned around Domodedovo, including coordinated logistics and transport hubs, shopping centers, business areas and hotel complexes

From 2000 to 2004 - member of the Council for Entrepreneurship under the Government of Russia, in the past he was an advisor to the chairman of the State Duma, adviser to the governor of the Moscow region.

In April 2015, Forbes magazine estimated the fortune of Dmitry Kamenshchik at $ 3.8 billion, which corresponded to the 27th place in the ranking of the richest businessmen in Russia. It was reported that over the year the state of the owner of "Domodedovo" in monetary terms grew faster than all of the hundred members of the rating.

In 2016, on February 18, Dmitry Kamenshchik was arrested on charges of violating part 3 of Article 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in the case of the 2011 Domodedovo terrorist attack. In September, the criminal case was closed due to the absence of corpus delicti in his actions.