Dog dish recipe. What breeds of dogs do Koreans eat?

Probably, there is no person who would not love dogs - our loyal, helpful and cute companions. But Koreans and some other Asian peoples love them in a special way. In South Korea in the early 2000s, there were almost 6,500 dog meat suppliers selling 25 tons of dog meat a day. Now there are fewer of them - but not much. Dog meat is the fourth most consumed in the country after pork, beef and chicken.

The consumption of dog meat has a long history in Korea. It is believed that it came to Korea from China, where eating dog meat originated in the Neolithic period. In China and Korea, special breeds with good taste indicators have been bred: these are the Tibetan mastiff, chow-chow, Taihansky dog ​​(comes from the Taihan mountain range, located in the provinces of Henan, Hebei, Shanxi), sharpei; Mongolian dog; Guangdong yellow dog. One of the oldest "meat" dog breeds is the Hemudu dog, its history goes back 7000 years. If there are no meat dogs at hand, you can use the meat of St. Bernard, Newfoundland, Great Dane, German Shepherd.

Dog meat dishes are served in restaurants and are prepared at home. The methods of preparing dog meat and dishes from it are varied. Dogs are fried, stewed, their meat is used as a filling.

Eating dog meat is associated with certain ideas about its healing and even magical properties. So, on hot summer days, Koreans often order pousinthan soup - in Korea they believe that such a dish increases the courage and sexual potency of men. The recipe for the soup is quite simple: dog meat is cooked with green onions, perilla leaves, dandelion and spices (twenjan, gochujang and perilla seed powder).

In China, dog meat and various internal organs are used as medicines for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, sexual disorders, anemia, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, tinnitus, general weakness, neurasthenia, rheumatism, bone fractures , frostbite, back pain, etc.

In 2005, the Korean government drafted a bill banning the cruel slaughter of dogs. However, this document did not abolish the use of dog meat. It is known that the bill prescribed not to kill dogs in public, not to kill dogs by strangulation, but it did not report on the permitted methods of slaughter.

Modern young Koreans have different attitudes towards the use of dog meat, but there is still a long way to go before giving it up.

What breeds of dogs are eaten in Korea? This question is asked by many European residents. In principle, the negative attitude towards the use of dog meat is understandable. After all, for a Russian person, a dog is more than a friend. In our country, these animals are the main characters of our favorite films, serve as guides and rescuers, and guard the house from intruders. By the way, animal rights activists around the world also consider the actions of Koreans illegal.

However, if you look at it, all people (except vegetarians) eat meat dishes. Pork, beef, rabbit meat, chicken meat - all this also once enjoyed life, basked in the sun, took care of the offspring. So why the only relevant question is what breeds of dogs eat, and not, for example, what chickens or geese? In this regard, the conclusion suggests itself that only vegetarians who do not consume meat at all can condemn the actions of Koreans. For the rest, it is better to understand that the culture and traditions of other peoples should also be respected, no matter how acceptable to us.

What breed of dog do Koreans eat?

One should not think that in Korea all dogs are eaten indiscriminately, and every mongrel can become a hungry homo sapiens dinner or dinner. Not at all, Koreans love their pets very much and will never eat them. For this, there are special food dogs. In addition, you should know that the sale of dogs is officially banned in Korea. This meat is considered a delicacy and medicine, so it won't be sold just like that, let alone served in a restaurant instead of chicken or veal. Asians themselves cannot afford to consume it daily, although they consider it very tasty.

When asked what breeds of dogs are eaten in Korea, many answer: Chow Chow. This is not entirely true, although this breed is also used for food, but much less often. Even in ancient times, dogs without hair, called Scholoitzcuintle, were very popular. Now, dogs are raised on farms for food, just like pigs or cows. They are usually slaughtered at the age of 6 months to a year. It is believed that animal meat during this period has the greatest value.

What kind of dogs are eaten in China? In principle, the same as in Korea. The most meaty breed is the Nureong. They are slightly similar to the chow chow. It should be noted that Koreans do not recommend eating the meat of an improperly eaten dog or meat that is not cooked according to technology. They assure that such a product not only does not have nutritional value, but can also be harmful to health. Therefore, it is very important to understand exactly which dogs are eaten. Suddenly, gastronomic preferences will change in Russia as well.

Health Benefits of Dog Meat

Having figured out what breeds of dogs they eat, you need to understand what is special about dog meat, that it is so highly valued by Asians. This meat is considered a product that can balance digestion, saturate the body with vitamins A and B. Dishes made from dog meat are called food of longevity. used to treat colds, lung diseases, and muscle pain.

Dog Meat Wedding Dish

To prepare an original delicacy for a Russian person, you will need:

  • food dog meat - 3 kg;
  • vinegar - 300 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • tomato sauce - 500 ml;
  • green peppers - 300 g;
  • liver pate - 500 g;
  • pineapple - 1 pc.;
  • water - 1.5 l;
  • black pepper;
  • hot pepper seasoning;
  • salt.

A medium-sized dog is slaughtered, the coat is singed and skinned while it is still hot. Cut the meat from the carcass and chop it into pieces of about 2 cm. Next, make a marinade. To do this, mix vinegar, crushed garlic, black ground pepper and hot pepper seasoning. The meat is poured with the prepared marinade and allowed to stand for 2-3 hours. After the time has elapsed, the meat is taken out of the marinade, squeezed lightly and fried in a large amount of oil over a large open fire. When the meat begins to brown, add onion and pineapple cut into large rings. Continue to fry for a few more minutes until the products are soft. Then add hot water and bay leaves. Cover with a lid. The cauldron is buried in hot coals and left until the meat is tender. At the end, add the pate and stew for another 5-7 minutes. Dog meat in this dish is sometimes exchanged for lamb, but this significantly changes the taste of the dish, and not for the better.

One of the most common Korean foods made from dog meat, the dish has a long history in Korean culture, but has been criticized both inside and outside Korea in recent years for concerns about animal rights.

Dog meat is a traditional Korean dish, the first mention of which dates back to the period of the three states (57 BC - 668 AD). There used to be a great variety of recipes, but today cooks only prepare soups or dishes from boiled and fried meat.

In this episode, you will see pictures of the preparation of dog soup (posingthan) in one of the restaurants in Seoul. Traditionally, Koreans eat it on the hottest summer days. Eating dog meat is believed to give strength, energy and health.

At the end of the 90s. there were about 6.5 thousand suppliers of dog meat in the republic. They sold an average of 25 tons of dog meat every day, which amounted to approximately 8.4 thousand tons per year.

In reality, its consumption by the inhabitants of South Korea is much higher and reaches about 100 thousand tons. All in all, there are more than 20 thousand dog meat trade outlets in the country, including unregistered suppliers.
Dog meat ranks fourth in South Korea for food consumption after pork, beef and chicken

Animal rights advocates often find eating dog meat unacceptable. Proponents of eating dog food do not understand why it is considered permissible to eat cows and pigs, but it is wild to eat dogs.

For several years now, there has been a heated debate in South Korea about whether it is possible to combine Western ethics with the traditions of Korean cuisine.

In 2005, the government of the Republic of Korea prepared a bill. It does not abolish the tradition of eating dog meat, but prohibits resorting to cruel methods of slaughtering dogs. According to the Chugan Joseon weekly, in particular, it will not be possible to kill a dog in public, so as not to cause unpleasant sensations in anyone. It will not be possible to resort to such methods of slaughter as strangulation. However, what methods are permitted is not specified in the publication.

As a punishment for violating the animal welfare law, imprisonment in labor camps for up to six months and a fine of about $ 2,000 will be provided. to prevent the sale of meat from sick, homeless, or medical animals. To do this, all enterprises selling dog meat will be required to undergo checks 4 times a year.

Dog soup (; 補 身 湯) or kejunguk (개장국)) is a soup of the national cuisine of Korea that includes dog meat as its main ingredient. This soup is said to increase courage.

The preparation method is as follows: the dog meat is cooked with vegetables such as green onions, perilla leaves, and dandelions, and spices such as twenjan, kochujang and per seed powder.

It is difficult to establish exactly when the dog became "man's friend". But it can be assumed that the domestication of dogs took place about 10,000 years ago, in the middle of the Stone Age. In some parts of the world, for example in South America and Asia, the dog was primarily a source of food for humans, although most people appreciated the ability of these animals to hunt and protect the family.

Today, dogs are primarily pets. However, in some Asian countries, dog meat is considered a common food. Dogs are eaten in China, Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Congo, Ghana.

Cooking methods

Now in Asian countries they eat dogs specially bred for this purpose, which differ from breeds of "domestic" dogs. They are grown on special farms, like pigs or cows. It is mass produced and these dogs have no names. They are usually slaughtered at the age of 6 to 12 months, focusing on the optimal size and nutritional properties.

Dog meat by its nature is not much different from pork and beef. It is delicious and rich in digestible proteins. Despite the large number of dogs, their meat is expensive and is considered a delicacy. If the dog ate properly, then its meat will not be sinewy, and the dish will turn out to be juicy and tender. There are many recipes for preparing dog meat. Many Asian restaurants offer rich dog meat soups, meat stews in pots, grilled over coals and a variety of side dishes. It turns out delicious steamed dog meat.

Chopped meat with a variety of spices is often prepared. The dog meat, wrapped in leaves, is served as a snack. You can also make a variety of dishes from the intestines, ribs and internal organs of dogs. The wine is used to prepare a kind of sour dog meat curry served with noodles. Dog meat can be prepared for future use by withered and slightly smoked.

The most expensive dog meat dish is soup with bamboo shoots. It is customary to eat it only in the second half of the lunar month: it is believed that during this period it helps to strengthen health, tones the body, strengthens male potency and, in addition, wards off misfortunes.

There is also such a recipe for cooking dog meat. It requires a small dog, weighing no more than 6 kg. Its meat is carefully cleaned and cut into small pieces. Then it is stewed with the addition of spices: ginger or saogol. When serving, sprinkle with vodka and pour over bean curd broth.

Beneficial features

High quality dog ​​meat is rich in nutrients. It strengthens the kidneys, protects against hypothermia, and improves digestion. Dog fat contains substances that successfully relieve and treat lung diseases. However, it is believed that the meat of stray dogs or dogs living on the street has the most healing properties, since they have strong anti-tuberculosis immunity.

Interesting Facts

The ancient Aztecs often sacrificed animals, for which they bred a special breed of dogs - Chihuahuas. In these dogs, even in adulthood, the opening in the skull - the “fontanelle” - is not tightened, so the Aztecs believed that Chihuahuas have a “direct connection with the gods”.

In China, contrary to popular belief, purebred Chow Chows were not eaten - hybrids were used for food. And purebred Chows guarded the house and were used to hunt big game.

Calorie content of dog meat

Calorie content of dog meat - 110 kcal.