English stand-up comedian. The most famous stand-up comedians

American comedian, actor and writer, winner of numerous awards and stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his contribution to the development of theater. George Carlin is one of the pioneers of the genre and the founders of modern stand-up comedy. Comedians' track record is measured in specials - full-length concerts in front of a wide audience. With them, artists go on tours, they are released on various media and shown on TV. The first such concert of Karlin is dated 1977, since then he has produced more than a dozen specials.

Throughout his creative career, Carlin ridiculed the vices of Americans, such as the cult of celebrities, the consumer society, and hypertrophied religiosity. He died in 2008 at the age of 71 from heart failure.

2. Dylan Moran

Dylan Moran is an Irish stand-up comedian who is also best known for his starring role in Black's Bookstore. Many of Moran's jokes are built on stereotypes about the Irish, and some of the performances are accompanied by the ingestion of whiskey (probably tea) and smoking cigarettes. Dylan Moran does not try to be scandalous, his stage character is a kind and sloven Irishman, always in a melancholic mood. In addition, Moran is one of the few foreign stand-up artists who performed his show in Russia. The artist has six specials and a dozen movie roles.

3. Bill Burr

Bill Burr is a master of bold statements like "the world needs a new plague" and "there was nothing special about Steve Jobs." This is followed by black humor and cold argumentation. Burr's speeches amuse some, arouse hatred in others, and someone is forced to reconsider the existing system of values. Burr is now one of the most influential figures in American stand-up: many call him the new Carlin, and comedian Anthony Gesellnik prophesied him the title of "the next big comedian" after Louis C. Kay.

4. Louis CK

One of the most popular, quoted and productive stand-up comedians of our time. Rarely goes beyond the comedy of observation: describes situations from personal experience, exposes the shortcomings of family life, talks about sex, fatherhood and relationships with people. Louis CK does not hide his shortcomings, his performances are full of self-irony. The audience empathizes with the comedian and, of course, recognize themselves in the monologues.

5. Dara O'Brienne

Irish comedian Dara O'Brienne is a master of improvisation. A significant part of his performances is based on communication with the audience. The artist cannot be won in the exchange of witticisms, but Dara does not set the task of humiliating the interlocutor. His jokes highlight both him and the object of ridicule. The comedian's performances are distinguished by a lively and energetic presentation, and his humor is often based on ridicule of human stupidity. Especially often goes to psychics, astrologers and all kinds of charlatans.

6. Stuart Lee

Stuart Lee is a writer and intellectual, one of the most respected stand-up comedians. Connoisseurs of his work are advised to watch the performances in the original or with subtitles: not only the content is important in them, but also the intonation. Stuart Lee's jokes are funny, but according to fans, not for everyone. The comedian leads the story in a special manner: it all starts with a monotonous entry, repeating the same phrases, and ends with an emotional climax and a powerful final thought.

7. Tim Minchin

British Australian comedian, actor and musician. Minchin himself describes his performances as "funny cabaret shows", he considers himself first of all a musician, and only then a comedian. In monologues and songs, it touches on taboo social topics, such as religion. On his shows, he usually appears in front of the viewer barefoot, with protruding hair, lowered eyes and in a tailcoat. Thus, he emphasizes the difference between a real person and a stage image, simultaneously discrediting himself as one of the modern "icons".

The stand up genre was born many centuries ago, but it gained its popularity relatively recently. Today we want to tell you about the funniest stand up comedians in the world.

Chris Rock is an American comedian, actor, screenwriter and director. He gained his popularity thanks to another famous comedian Eddie Murphy, who saw talent in young Chris. Now Chris Rock is one of the five funniest comedians in the world according to Comedy Central.

American stand up comedian who has had several popular shows. In addition, George has starred in 16 films, wrote 5 books and won 4 Grammy awards. Basically, all of Karlin's performances were imbued with black humor and ridicule of all life values, such as religion, family and children. The comedian died in 2008 at the age of 71.

Dave Chappell

A stand up comedian whose career began back in 1993. In addition to comedy shows, Dave has starred in 23 films and TV series.

Kevin Hart

Another great American stand up comedian who makes millions of people laugh. In addition to performing in the comedy genre, Kevin has starred in films. He has starred in over 37 films to date.

Jimmy Carr

An English stand-up comedian and comedian who is famous for his dark humor and sharp remarks. Jimmy began his career as a comedian in 2000, after quitting a marketing company. Jimmy Carr currently has 7 comedy awards.

Louis C. Kay

Louis began his career as a stand-up comedian back in 1984 at the age of 17. That year, the young comedian made the short film Trash Day. The art school liked this film and they offered Louis to become a director, but he refused, deciding to become a comedian once and for all. And it was the right decision, because now he is the favorite of millions of people.

Eddie Murphy

This comedian is known to many as one of the best comedians. He has more than 40 films on his account. However, Murphy began his career as a stand-up comedian. In his speeches, Eddie most often ridiculed various social groups, as well as gay people.

Jim carrey

Ever since childhood, Jim Carrey knew that he would connect his life with comedy, because his favorite pastime was antics and parodying of popular people. Now everyone knows Jim as a great comedian who starred in such films as: "Dumb and Dumber", "The Mask", "Bruce Almighty" and others. But Kerry began his career with stand up performances in a small club, until comedian Rodney Dangerfield noticed him. After this fateful meeting, Jim Carrey got on television and became a real star.

Ricky Gervais

English stand-up artist Ricky Gervais closes the list of the most popular comedians in the world. During his 56 years, Ricky wrote 31 scripts, starred in 39 films, produced 22 programs and directed 9 television series. He still performs on stage in the stand-up genre and for this he is adored by hundreds of thousands of people.

“The tragedy of comedians is that the only thing they need is to please the audience. We're desperate for approval. It's like a personality disorder that can be earned. "
(Jimmy Carr)

- this is stand-up. As a rule, stand-up comedians perform with material prepared in advance, that is, there is practically no place for improvisation. , show tricks, draw. It is safe to say that stand-up performance is limited exclusively by the imagination of the person himself. Here are ten of the best Western stand-up comedians according to a survey conducted on a website dedicated exclusively to the global stand-up environment - https://standup-sreda.ru/
1 George Carlin - rating 9.0

The acclaimed American comedian of all time. New Yorkers after his death even asked the authorities to rename the quarter in which George lived in his honor. Due to the fact that one of the houses on the street is a Baptist church, only a part of the street will bear the name of Karlin, the noises of which Karlin so loved to listen to before going to bed.

2 Louis CK - rating 9.0

One of the most famous and sought-after American comedians of the 2010s. His first significant success was built on the demonstration of the self-destructive routine of family life, accompanied by often indecent situations. He is a master of the comedy of observations, demonstrating everyday situations with a transition to the existential level.

3 Stewart Lee - rating 9.0

One of the most popular underground comedians in England. He is often called a comedian for comedians because of his love of complex sentences. That is, for those who are seriously engaged or interested in stand-up, its program is a must-see. He is highly respected among his colleagues.

4 Doug Stanhope - 9.0 rating

Stand-up comedian of modern America. His performances are not for those who consider stand-up entertainment. Its themes are the dictatorship of modern capital, the media, that is, a kind of acute social concert.

5 Jim Jefferies - rating 9.0

Australian comedian Jim Jeffries is a very charismatic, but rather peculiar type - as a rule he acts drunk, a supporter of porn and cocaine, lies a lot, etc. The first one, which was recorded sober, came out only at the end of 2012 - "Fully Functional".

6 Reginald D. Hunter - rating 9.0

Black-skinned Anglo-American. Performs in a stand-up in the style of postmodernism. It surprisingly combines the features of a comedian that attract many fans with a sanguine temperament.

7 Dylan Moran - rating 8.9

Anglo-Irishman Dylan Moran acts in the style of absurd, surreal humor. His image is a tipsy, melancholic and kind person. By the way, comedians often use the tradition of the absurd to demonstrate a variety of images and fantasies.

8 Tim Minchin - rating 8.9

A slightly eccentric Australian comedian performs with a rock star haircut (because he always dreamed of becoming one) and with obligatory makeup, because he plays amazingly with facial expressions. Another "trick" of his stage image is performing barefoot for an unknown reason. For all the shocking image, he demonstrates ironic and often touching songs about love and loneliness.

9 Dara O'Briain - rating 8.8

The cheerful Irishman Dare captivates the audience with his good-naturedness in accusing the many different phenomena and social groups. At the same time, he is very intelligent in his demonstrations - not a single insult. One of his main "tricks" is communication with the audience during performances.

10 Jimmy Carr - rating 8.7

This popular English stand-up comedian is best known as a master of one-liners, that is, short jokes. Often, his humor is based on offensive topics. For example, he was convicted by the public for joking about Down syndrome patients.

Their humor is loved all over the world, they are called idols and in some ways they are even imitated by modern Russian comedians. If you have never watched an English-language stand-up in your life, we recommend starting your acquaintance with these guys from the selection. Believe me, their stand-up performances are a great alternative to TV shows.

George Carlin

When we talk about modern stand-up comedy, we usually mean George Carlin. A lot of excerpts of his speeches are circulating on the Internet, and people share scathing quotes, without even knowing whose words it is. For example.

“Religion is like a penis. It's okay when you have it. It's nice if you are proud of him. But please don't reach for it or wave it in public. And please don't try to slip it on my children. "

George Carlin is one of the genre's pioneers, actor and writer, winner of four Grammy awards and a Mark Twain award. He shared his insightful observations with the audience, joked about politics, religion, sex, ridiculed the vices of Americans, and they applauded him for this.

“I was wondering why people are getting older and more and more actively reading the Bible. And then it dawned on me: they are preparing for the final exam. "

Karlin started as a DJ at a radio station, then put on comedy numbers in nightclubs, was a frequent guest on various TV shows. His popularity grew like a snowball. Most of his jokes were, in one way or another, a form of ironic social criticism. But the real popularity came to Karlin with the release of his monologue "Seven Words You Will Never Say on Television." Not only fame then fell on the comedian, but also a lot of criticism. But the court did not begin to punish for such an extraordinary monologue.

Karlin has released 14 full-length stand-ups (one and a half to two hours of humor). The last It’s Bad for Ya was filmed four months before his death. Karlin died at the age of 71 (2008) from heart failure.

Louis C. K.

The main American comedian of our time, the heir to the grumpy style of George Carlin is Louis C. Kay. He started by writing texts for other comedians and TV presenters. Success came to him when Louis was already over 40. The theme of a midlife crisis turned out to be a golden mine, CK exploits the image of an irritated man who is divorced, brings up two daughters and eats immoderately. Humor may seem very cynical, but it's worth seeing HOW he pronounces his monologues, and you understand that everything he said is saturated with love for people.

“I never judge other parents. You know, this is the moment when you see your mom at McDonald's or somewhere else and she yells at the child: “Shut up! I hate you". And people stand and look with condemnation: "God, what a terrible mother!" So that you know: these people are not parents, they have no children. Because any parent in their place would think, “What did this little asshole do this ?! Poor woman!"

From 2010 to 2015, Louis personally created a television sitcom with his own name "Louis" - perhaps the best series in the "sitcom about stand-up comedian" genre.

Dylan Moran

When they stumble upon a YouTube video of this Irish comedian, most people will probably think, "Hey boy, you had a fun night out on the road." Spiky hair, sloppy clothes, a cigarette in hand, and often a glass of wine. Dylan Moran is one of the best comedians in the world, funny, in places feigned ridiculous, but does not leave anyone indifferent. His humor is essentially a classic observation comedy.

“I don’t use drugs. I don't need it anymore. I have grown old, and if I need a parish now, I just need to get up unexpectedly from my chair. "

At the same time, Moran tries not to spread about his personal life and simply hates to be interviewed. He began his career as a comedian at the age of 20, at 24 he became the youngest winner of the Perrier Comedy Award, and at 25 he went on his first tour of the UK. In the early 2000s, he created the cult sitcom Black's Bookstore, where Moran plays Black himself - a bookstore owner who drinks, smokes and hates everyone in the world.

Moran is still in films now, but he tours most of the time. By the way, he has performed in Russia more than once.

Eddie Izzard

The most famous transvestite in stand-up comedy and seems to be the only one so far. He came to success in the early 90s, when he appeared on stage exclusively in women's dresses, on stiletto heels and with full make-up. Now he is more restrained: men's shirts, ties and suits - however, the eyelids, heels and painted nails remained. Despite the stage image, he was and remains a heterosexual man.

Izzard has dyslexia (selective violation of the ability to master the skills of reading and writing while maintaining a general ability to learn), it is rumored that it is because of her that he does not prepare for performances. Therefore, the impression may arise that he jumps from place to place and the events of his monologue are incoherent. But this is the peculiarity of Izzard's humor: bringing to the point of absurdity, improvisation and unusual views on things. For example, Izzard said, how Jesus preaches to the dinosaurs.

Eddie Izzard is one of the rare comedians who uses pantomime and parody with might and main, and he is also a man of unprecedented erudition, often jokes about historical events, ballet and space programs.

You might not know him as a comedian, but you definitely noticed him in movies or TV shows. Appears in "Hannibal", the role of the crime expert in "Ocean's Friends", the main role in the film "Lost Christmas". He's really damn talented.

Jimmy Carr

Carr is English to the core. Dry British presentation, theatrical breaks and ... a minimum of emotions. His sharp jokes and black humor are not to everyone's liking (Jimmy had problems because of jokes about people with Down syndrome), which Carr takes calmly, saying that people have the right to be offended, but he also has the right to joke freely about what wants.

“The most widespread superstition in the world is belief in horoscopes. And there is a name for people who believe in horoscopes, they are called single women. "

Having received a good education and starting to build a career in an oil and gas company, Jimmy suddenly drastically changed his professional future, in 2000 he moved into the field of stand-up comedy. Now he is constantly touring, performing at comedy evenings and festivals. By the way, Carr is a master of "oneliners" (short jokes), he even wrote a book about this.

Having earned a good reputation in the stand-up environment, Carr began working as a television presenter.

Bill Burr

© tochka.net

For the Ukrainian audience raised on KVN, the popular genre of stand-up, where artists perform solo, actively improvise and communicate with the audience, remains something exotic. But not for fans of the Irishman Dylan Moran. The eternally disheveled and hungover grouch from the Black Books series, which is consistently ranked among the most popular stand-up artists, tomorrow with his show Yeah! Yeah! Before his tour, website has collected 10 of her most beloved representatives of the genre, from which Woody Allen, Eddie Murphy and Jim Carrey once grew.

Aziz Ansari

One of the youngest members of the list today is also one of the most popular stand-up comedians in the United States. Despite his name, Aziz has lived in the States since birth and does not even speak with his signature Indian accent. However, in the arsenal of his jokes, mainly monologues about racism, Indians, black rappers. Stand-up fame gave him a ticket to American TV and Hollywood: today he is one of the main characters of the popular TV series "Parks and Recreation Areas", voiced by the cartoon Ice Age 4.


George Carlin

When we talk about modern stand-up, then, in most cases, we mean exactly George Carlin. The language does not dare to say that he is no longer with us, but there are at least thousands of videos of his performances on YouTube with millions of views. This brutally honest American liked to joke about his compatriots, religion, sex, gays, blacks, throwing another well-known substance on the fan. Once, his speech was even heard in the US Supreme Court.


Louis C.Kay

Louis, like George Carlin, is a child of the city. He was born in Washington DC and spent his childhood in the capital of Mexico. He was brought up by a multicultural family, where there seems to be blood from all over the world. Maybe that's why CK does not hesitate to joke on any topics that are forbidden in the United States: racism, gays, feminism, equality, etc.


Eddie Izzard

The most unusual of our dozens of comedians for their performances, as a rule, dresses up in women's clothes. This is not just the British sacrifice for the sake of success: he really is a transvestite. Eddie always asks not to be confused with gays because he likes women and calls himself a lesbian man. Izzard, like all stand-up comedians, takes the stage without a hard-core script. But in this parameter Eddie is generally unique: he suffers from dyslexia, because the comedian simply cannot remember anything longer than three sentences. The artist uses the method of the stream of consciousness. I must say, a very intellectual and devastatingly funny stream.


Russell Peters

The very usual name and surname for a Canadian is, apparently, an attempt by Russell's parents, Indian immigrants, to hide his origin and make life easier for the child. However, Peters is now constantly emphasizing his origins on stage. His best monologues are those where he ridicules various racial and cultural stereotypes, and also makes fun of the accent, principles and order in his family. All this together makes him the most popular modern stand-up master: several years ago Russell Peters gave concerts in halls, where he was watched by more than 10 thousand spectators.


Dave Shappell

The first black comedian on our list more than others has the moral right to joke about his brothers in the skin, which he succeeds with success. To all this is added banter over pop culture, politics, white people, monologues about drugs. Chappell is a welcome guest on the ceremonies and tours of the most famous rappers in the United States. The great 70s comedian Richard Pryor, who passed away in 2005, once named him his heir.


Chris Rock

Chris Rock loves to joke about the same topics as those of Chappell, Karlin and Pryor. He, however, is distinguished by a special eccentricity and energy on stage. To his stand-up career, he also adds small film roles, participates in television shows, and in 2005 Rock successfully held the Oscar ceremony.


Robin Williams

Williams is now widely recognized as an eminent actor, but even now he sometimes continues to take the stage, giving live solo performances. Despite his often very phlegmatic film characters, Robin is a real hurricane on stage.


Jim carrey

In order to understand how one of the best comedians of the 90s got into big cinema, it is enough to look once at the recording of his live performance. Kerry made his way to Hollywood precisely through stand-up, and spent more than 10 years on a solo career in clubs before he was called to star in the film.


Dylan Moran

An Irishman who became widely popular after the sitcom Black Books or Black Books was released. There he plays himself as the audience usually sees him during stand-ups: a disheveled misanthrope, a grump who constantly drinks wine and smokes one cigarette after another.