Caring for various types of ficus at home. Room Plant Ficus: Description and Rules of growing Types of indoor ficuses

Ficus - A very beautiful plant that is adapted to growing at home. About a thousand of his species are known to science. Ficus (Eng. Ficus) refers to the family of plants of the mulberry. Motherland - tropics, or rather Tropical Southeast Asia, New Guinea, Solomon Islands. For the most part, this is an evergreen plant. Exceptions are only deciduous ficuses (figs - fig or fig tree). These plants can be both trees and shrubs. The leaves at the ficuses are most often whole, up to 70 cm long and painted in a pleasant green color, but there are also species having two-color leaves. Flowers are small with a simplified perianth. Each part of this plant contains the so-called Milky Juice.

In nature, ficuses are trees whose height reaches 40 meters, and the diameter is up to 5 meters. Sometimes they are raging or in love. There are ficuses that begin their lives on other trees, lowering the roots at the bottom. Then they become very durable and increase in volume, reminding the columns. Such powerful roots are needed by fakes to hold a huge tree crown. Sometimes they chose so tightly their owner (the tree on which he grows) is that he dies.

Varieties of indoor ficuses.

Representatives of this plant are very different. There are corrupt ficuses, and there are tree-likes with a variety of shapes and flowers of the leaves. You can give the form of a room plant yourself, for example, if you pinch the upper part of the ficus, the side shoots will begin to grow, and it will become a bush. And vice versa, if the side shoots, the plant will stretch up as a tree. At home, they can reach 2 meters in height.

In crop and amateurs, such types of ficuses are often found:

Ficus rubbing or rubber (lat. Ficus Elastica).

With proper care, this type at home is most often the form of a rather large bush with a lot of shoots. He has very beautiful leaves: dense having the form of an extended oval with pointed tips and reaching 45 cm long. When the leaf only appears, it has a bronze color, but over time it becomes dark green.

Ficus Ali (lat. Ficus Alii).

Because of its long and narrow dark green leaves, this plant is also called Ficus Salicifolia, as well as Ficus Subolata, Ficus Neriifolia var. regularis, etc. The trunk is dark brown with white stripes. Ficus Ali is very hardy and undemanded, but does not like when he is rearranged from place to place.

Ficus Bengal (Lat. Ficus Bengalesis).

This plant can reach 3 meters in height, so for good well-being he needs a spacious room. This type of ficus is very beautiful and has powerful branches, which in nature form powerful surface (air) roots. The leaves of this ficus are green, have an oval shape with sharp tips and reach 25 cm long.

Ficus Benjamin (Lat. Ficus Benjamina).

This plant has the appearance of a small treet or a large bush with thick growing rigid leaves with pointed tips, a length of 3 to 8 cm and having an oval shape. The color of the leaves of this ficus is solid green and motley (a mixture of dark green with light colors, and sometimes even white splashes). It seems to be covered with wax. This ficus is great for homemade cultivation and therefore it is very popular among crops.

Ficus Lire-shaped (lat. Ficus Lurata).

This plant is either a huge shrub, or a small slightly branched tree. Lire-shaped ficus has hard leaves with a length of 25 to 45 cm of bright green color with light veins. Their form is guitar. Like many other types of ficuses, the leaves of this create the impression that they are covered with wax. Because of his extraordinary beauty, it can often be found in apartments and houses of plants.

Ficus dwarf (lat. Ficus Pumila).

This type of plants can be ampelled or liable. The heart-shaped matte leaves of this ficus are thin, small (only 2-5 cm long) and have a green color. The stem of this plant is thin and wireless, constantly gives new chains.

Growing fikuses and care for them.

Homemade ficuses are not pleasant and therefore are one of the most favorite plants grown by flowerfish in apartments and houses. All that they need is stable conditions: good lighting, suitable temperature, lack of drafts and the right timely watering.

Lighting and place for growing ficuses.
Most often, these plants are grown on a well-lit windowel. The main thing is that the window, next to which it grows, went south, west or east. In summer, ficuses are not desirable to enter direct sunlight. If you notice that the sun shines on the leaves of the plant, then you will definitely build the shadow.

Ficuses - light-loving plantswhich in winter suffer because of a long night and a short daylight. If you have the opportunity, then highlight the plant a few extra hours per day.

Often to move or rotate the plant is also not desirable, as this can lead to the appeal of leaves.

Fikuses, growing at home are one of the best air purifiers, eliminating us from inhalation of xylene, benzene and toluene, which are very harmful to health.

Temperature modes for ficuses.
Normal spring and summer temperature for this plant - 23-25 \u200b\u200b0 C, and in the autumn-winter period - 12-15 0 C. But do not worry, the ficuses are perfectly winter and at room temperature in 20-22 0 S. The only thing that he does not Like - it is draining the heat from the batteries.

Watering ficuses.
In the summer, these plants love abundant watering and spraying water temperature. In other times of the year, it is necessary to water them evenly, not allowing to dry out or overwhelming the soil.

If the ficus feels the lack of moisture, then he will yellow and start to disappear leaves. For mellular plants, it is generally deadly.

With excessive irrigation, not only leaves are disappeared, but they bundled roots. This can lead to ficus death.

Washing ficuses.
These plants love the periodic cleaning of the leaves from dust and dirt using the kneading under the small shower or from the watering can with a pitch. In the summer it is necessary to do 2-3 times a month, and in winter - 1-2 times a month. With such a kneading, it is desirable to cover the upper open part of the pot of plastic film, so as notice the top ball of the Earth.

If the kneading under the shower or from the watering can be impossible, then periodically rub the leaves of the ficus first with a soft dry cloth, and then wet.

For rubbing these plants from dust, some rabbies use a solution consisting of water with ordinary mayonnaise. After such a procedure, the leaves acquire a bright saturated green color. For wiping, you need to dial 0.5 glasses of water and dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of mayonnaise. Then, moisten a soft cloth and wipe the leaves to completely remove dust and dirt.

Feeding fikuses.
In the summer, the feeding should be carried out every 10 days. For this, alternately use organic and mineral fertilizers.

In winter, the feed rate is reduced, and sometimes even comes down to zero, but at the same time, for a good feeling of the ficus, it can be pumped by tea leaves. To do this, make small wells in the soil, pour out the leaves of black tea and suck them out. It will be enough for the ficuses to feel great in winter.

Soil for ficus.
These magnificent plants feel fine in weakly acidic or neutral soil (pH \u003d 6.5-7). Best of all, they grow in a specially prepared mixture consisting of equal parts of deciduous, delicate lightweight and turf heavy ground with the addition of sand and humus. Also here you can add overworked manure and compost flour.

If there is no possibility or desire to make such a soil yourself, then you can buy already ready in a flower shop. At the same time, you definitely specify whether it is suitable for fakes.

Ficus transplantation.
Old plants are rarely transplanted - once a few years. It is necessary to update the smoother and scorched soil. Young ficuses because of their constant growth and pulling out of the ground of all useful substances, need an annual transplant.

At the same time, at the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to make a good drainage. It will protect the plant from the convergence. For transplanting it is advisable to use the above mentioned soil mixture.

Reproduction of ficuses.

Most often, these plants are breeding with cuttings, seeds and glasses. We will consider only the first two ways, as they are simpler and most often used.

The reproduction of ficuses with stem cuttings.
This breeding method is the most common. It is carried out like this: in the spring, the shoots with 2-3 leaves are cut off with a slash under the lower node. The bottom sheet of the cutting is usually removed. After that, warm water from the wounds of a young ficus washed away the allocated juice and placed in water or in wet sand. Then the cuttings must be ached and covered with a cap, which is used as a cropped transparent plastic bottle. In this form, the ficus is placed in a shaded warm place for rooting, periodically opening for ventilation. Do not put a cutlery in the sun, as the straight sun rays are destructive for him. As soon as you notice that the plant began to increase in size, boldly disembark it into a pot with the usual soil for ficuses. From that moment on, the plant must be placed in a warm and well-lit place, for example, on the windowsill.

The drawing of ficuses can be carried out and with the help of a large sheet cut with a "heel". It is rooted in wet sand or peat, having previously rolled into the tube and installing a clodder for stability. Then the sheet spray and covers the flask, removing it from time to time for venting, watering and spraying. As soon as the plant leaves the roots, it must be planted in a pot with the usual soil for ficuses.

Reproduction of ficuses seeds.
In the spring of this plant, this plant is laid out in flat cups - a plane, and fall asleep with soil mixture consisting of deciduous land and a small part of river sand. Then the crops are well watered and covered with transparent flasks, cropped plastic bottles or glass. This allows seeds to be in a constantly wet environment. To avoine seedlings you need half an hour 1-2 times a day, removing for this "covers". As soon as they appear the first sheets, young ficuses need to be divened, that is, to transplant into a separate pot with the soil of the same composition. Then, as they grow, they are transplanted into large pots.

Figius formation.

These plants can be grown in different shapes and sizes. The same look can grow both a bush and a tree. The formation usually occurs in early spring (in March).

So that Ficusa believes the bush to remove its upper shoots. In this case, it will grow in width.

So that Ficus has a tree shape and grow in height, remove its side shoots.

Thus, rabbing gives them almost any forms and sizes.

Pests of fikuses and the fight against them.

The most common pests of ficuses are:

  1. Cellic ticks - insects, from 0.3 mm long to 2 mm with a rounded body. When they appear, you will notice on the leaves and branches the appearance of shallow web;
  2. Mathematical Cherweans - sucking juice plant insects, 3.5-5 mm;
  3. TRIPS - small dark (often black) insects with an elongated body;
  4. Shields and spoors - sucking insects with a length of 0.5-0.9 mm.

To combat these pests, it is necessary to periodically (repeatedly!) Inhabit the stems and leaves of the ficus, after which we rinse with cool water. To avoid soap getting into the soil, it is necessary to close the film. This procedure continues to the complete destruction of insect pests.

Problems of growing ficuses and solutions.

1. What to do with the yellowing and feast of the leaves at the ficus?
Most often, this is due to lack of nutrients. To solve this problem, it is necessary to transplant the plant into a new nutrient soil.

2. Did the leaves dropped, they appeared yellow specks, the edges wishes or prematurely disappear?
Most often this is due to excessive wet soil. To solve this problem, a moderate watering is needed, after which the Earth should humble time.

3. Leaves of ficus dried and wrinkled.
This is due to the drying of the soil, too dry air or during sunburn. To eliminate these problems, normalize the frequency of irrigation, moisten the air or remove the plant from the sun.

4. The appearance at the edges and tips of the leaves of brown spots.
Most often, this is due to the plant recaller fertilizers, insufficient feeding, with too dry air or elevated room temperature.

5. Appeal of ficus leaves.
The reasons for this may be several:

  • frequent turning or shift places;
  • drafts;
  • incorrect lighting;
  • excessive watering.

6. The appearance of dark spots on the leaves of the ficus.
The plant urgently needs to transplant. At the same time, damaged roots are removed, and the sections of the sections sprinkitate finely compound charcoal. In a new pot, be sure to install drainage, plant a plant and well. The following soil moisturizing should be only after driving the upper layer. Before that, you can only spray the leaves of the ficus.

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Ficus Ficus - evergreen trees, shrubs, lianas with small flowers and decorative leaves containing milky juice.


The genus is an ancient Greek name of the fig tree.

Fikuses are one of the most popular plants in flower growing, as due to the variety of forms and sizes, you can always choose an instance suitable for your interior.

Types and varieties of ficus

Rod includes about 800 species of trees, shrubs and lien growing in the tropics and subtropics of both hemispheres.

Ficus Benghalensis)

Evergreen tree, in nature up to 30-40 m height. The cort is grayish brown, smooth, fat. Large leaves, leathery, oval up to 10-30 cm long, are located on the helix.

Ficus crog (Ficus Pumila)

Evergreen swallowing or climbing shrub. Shoots are long, thin, equipped with numerous apparent roots. A characteristic feature of the species is the variability of its leaves with the age of the plant. In young creeping shoots, it is small (2 cm long, 1 cm wide) asymmetric leaves. In adult plants, large rigid leathery leaves of the correct oval form appear on shoots.

Popular varieties of tiny ficus:

« White Sani."- leaves with a wide creamy border;

« Dourt"- leaves of a beautiful shape with golden splashes;

« Sani."- leaves with intermittent cream border.

Ficus Karika, or figs, fig tree, wine berry, fig tree (Ficus Carica)

Fall tree or shrub, in nature with a height of 5-12 m. Top shoots, low-consumable. Falcupy leaves, less often - solid, with a coarse-drying surface. Inflorescences of spherical or pear shape, hollow. On the inner wall of the scaled color are small flowers, the so-called syclical. Siconia are three types: men's, female with short columns and female with long columns. Plants dioarm. Pollination is produced by insects.

Ficus Binnendica (Ficus Binnendijkii)

Evergreen tree, in nature up to 20 m in height. The bark of young plants is dark brown, in adults - light gray with white strokes. Leaves are long and narrow, up to 25 cm long, leathery, glossy, pointed. Sheet plates are slightly concave on the central alcohol.

Popular varieties of ficus Binnendian:

- Widespread variety with dark brown trunk with white strokes;

« Amstel Quen"And" Amstel King»- Sheet plate reaches 7 cm, dark brown trunk with numerous white strokes;

« Variagrata"- Peppercut variety.

Mulkoliste species and varieties of ficus, for example, ficus of bendjamine, can be formed in the form of geometric shapes. For simple forms, sufficient trimming, for complex sculptures, a wire frame is used.

Ficus Benjamina (Ficus Benjamina)

Evergreen tree in nature with a height of up to 10-20 m. The shoots are thin, the air roots deploying down from them. Leaves are regular, shiny, up to 5-10 cm long, 2-5 cm wide. Steady or single, in diameter 1.2 cm. There are spelling forms.

Popular Benjamin Fikus Varieties:

« Hawaii»- Leaves with white spots;

« Golden King»- leaves with whitish edging and gray-green spots;

« Naked"- Narrow slightly wavy leaves, side shoots partially disrupting;

« Israel»- Leaves with a strong gloss, large, gray stems, running down shoots;

« Dwarf gold"- small leaves are green, with age gray, the edges of white leaves;

« Starlight»- Dark green leaves with white border;

« Exotic"- leaves with a strong gloss, in young shoots and along the central veins brown coloring.

Ficus Rubbone (Ficus Elastica)

Evergreen tree height 20-30 m. It has air roots. Oval leaves, 20-30 cm long, 10-20 cm width, dark green, shiny, leathery, with a pronounced average vest. Young leaves twisted into the tube and covered with reddish strips. In culture there are voyage forms.

Ficus Lirelike (Ficus Lyrata)

Evergreen tree with a height of 10-12 m. Leaves up to 60 cm long and 30 cm width, lovoid, with a wavy edge, dark green, leathery. There are no air roots.

Ficus Bunk (Ficus Retusa)

Evergreen tree with air roots. Looks like a ficus of Benjamin. From the latter is distinguished by horizontally outstretched uncompaired shoots and more dense leaves.

Ficuses are widely used as large solites, in pots, as ampel, as well as for vertical design.

Ficus care

Ficks are unpretentious and shadowing, except Ficus Karika. Some of them (for example, Ficus Lovyoid and Ficus dwarf) We need high humidity. The temperature in the winter is maintained within + 10 ... + 15 ° C. Watering in spring and summer abundant, winter is moderate. Plants will not tolerate earthen coma. It should be regularly sprayed a plant with soft water. In the warm season, they are conducting feeding every 2-3 weeks.

Plants easily carry cropping and need to form a crown. The cropping of the ficus is produced to rejuvenate the plant, giving it a certain shape, warning from tree species of the trunk, causing branches in the right place, changes in the direction of growth of branches and under health purposes. It is not recommended to simultaneously trim and transplant, as it can weaken the plant. In addition, unplaced and painful plants should not be subjected to forming trimming.

Pereparing ficuses in the spring: young plants annually, adults - every 3-4 years. Preference should be given to spacious containers, 1/4 filled with drainage material. For large copies, crushed stone is used as a drainage material. It provides a container stability by weighting it bottom. The soil mixture of the turf, compost, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 1) is used. When moving and transplanting large ficuses, it is necessary to ensure that the most developed part of the crown remains facing the greatest lighting, as it was before the permutation.

Ficuses poorly carry the crown rotation relative to the light source. Exception is Ficus rubbing - It should be rotated relative to the light source to form a symmetric crown.

Reproduction of ficus

Split with cuttings in the spring. Milky juice released from cut escapes washed with water, after which the cuttings are planted into a wet mixture of peat and sand (1: 1), rooted at a temperature of +25 ... + 30 ° C with high humidity.

Ecology of housing

Substances that distinguish between these plants are biologically active and serve as a source of enhancement of the habitat, which is positively affected by the human body. Creating "clean air", the ficus contributes to improving performance, overcoming stress, sleep normalization. But the ficus has other amazing properties. It belongs to filter plants, its leaves are able to absorb formaldehyde to 10 Mt / hour. This colorless gas is often contained in the air and kitchens in the air (it is released from chipboard, plywood, foam and other polymeric materials used when finishing the premises). This invisible pest causes irritation of the respiratory tract, permanent headache, sometimes - nauseous. Place 2-3 ficus indoors on the area of \u200b\u200b16-20 kV. m, which will significantly improve the environmental situation.

One of the best air purifiers in the apartment - Ficus Benjamin. Due to the thick location of the dust on the leaves, it carries out intensive gas exchange with the surrounding air medium, absorbing many harmful compounds, such as poisonous benzene, trichloroethylene and phenols for humans, and turns them using special enzymes in amino acids and sugars.

Medical properties

Ficus dwarf, or melo-Choir, known as Ficus creeping, widely used in folk medicine. The leaves are used to treat dysentery, hemorrhoids. Dried leaves and stems - with furunculese, rheumatism, ulcers in the larynx. The juice from the stem is recommended for skin diseases, and the stem itself and the skin of the nozzles - with pain in the back, cancer, disorders of digestion, dysentery, gonorrhea, hernia, etc. In Eastern Medicine, the plant is considered to increase sexual opportunities, in any case, male potency . The use of this plant inside removes pain in the heart and prevents the risk of cancer.

From therapeutic point of view is interesting and Ficus Karika (fig tree, figs). In medicine, all the plant is used as an anti-cancer. Leaf decoction is effective with pain and helps to reduce hemorrhoidal nodes, warts. Spelling is a means of promoting digestion and lactation in nursing women.


Ficus works like a vacuum cleaner, cleansing the space from the dust of our alarms, doubt, experiences. Sorrow and anxiety weaken the energy of our apartments and violate the vibration equilibrium, which affects the state of the atmosphere as a whole. And this is especially characteristic of houses that are located in the city center. Ficus as it would take fire on itself, absorbing negative energies and transforming them into positive.

There is a belief that Ficus contributes to the conception and birth of children, although confirming or refute such a statement is quite difficult. But on the energy balance of the ficus really affects: he relieves irritability, acting as an immune psychotherapist, gives man his condition of peace, equilibrium, feeling the stability of life. He extends aggression from hot-tempered people, and decisiveness and purposefulness attaches insecure.

Today, about 1000 types of ficus are known to science, but only some varieties are adapted to breeding at home. Separate varieties of ficus with photos and names will be presented in this article - they are most often used for home content. This evergreen representative of the Family Family has to do with many flowers. It is easy to care for decorative-deciduous ficuses, it is only necessary to observe certain conventions relating to a separate type. Thanks to low care requirements, along with external attractiveness, ficuses decorate the interior of the dwelling, the atmosphere of any office, shopping center or cafe.

Rubbone melanie

All representatives of this family have a well-developed root system, leaflets have a dense structure, bright green color (individual varieties can be specks, edging), different shape.

The plant can be decorated as a house village, falling ampel form or miniature bonsai. The natural growing environment allows them to achieve huge sizes, become full trees. Domesticated representatives of the Fikuse family are suitable for the room, they grow slowly.

Ficus - where is growing and where is his homeland? He prefers tropical countries, the coast of the Pacific, Indian Oceans, Mediterranean, South Africa. It is also common in the Crimea, in the South Caucasus, Central Asia, China, India. Wet tropical forests of Malaysia, Philippines, where grow, fruit ficuses - the birthplace of the plant.

Ficus - views, photos and titles

Representatives of the Fikuse family, we often grow at home, moreover - they are among the most beloved. Bushes of different varieties are not always similar, but they are united by almost the same methods of growing and care requirements.

Benjamin variety - Lavli

One of the most popular varieties is Ficus Benjamin, has universal sizes, resembles a small tree.

Photo Starlight (Benjamin)

This variety has several subordinates that differ in the form of leaves. The egg shape of a leaf of Benjamin has a slightly pointed tip. They can be a saturated green shade, have white splashes, edging (volatile varieties). For giving a beautiful shape, a frequent trimming is recommended. Trunks can be weaving: Gardeners often use this technique to achieve an unusual decorative effect. For this, several seedlings together or the types of ficus benzyine are used to create Bonsayev.

Stock Foto Midnight Lady (Benjamin) - photo Alla Cold, Simferopol

Ficus rubbing, he elastic (elastic) is the most common variety for potted growing. Buddhists will honor him, consider the sacred. In his homeland (northeast of India, south of Indonesia), it can reach a 30-meter height. This grade forms branches as it grows, and also forms air roots, especially with high humidity. Thanks to this structure of the root system, the ficus elastic is also called the "snake tree".

At home, it does not give color, the leaves are rather large, oval shape with a sharp tip. Melanie variety received its name due to the milk juice of white, which sometimes stands out on the surface of the sheet. The juice contains latex, which is why not so long ago this variety was used to obtain rubber on an industrial scale.

Ficus elastics can not be moistened, especially with the onset of winter.

Rubbone (Elastik) - Belize

Very interesting from dwarf varieties - creeping ficus. It has curly sharpening shoots, roots with suction cups that can cling to any surface.

Dwarf creeping - Milan Green Sunny

It grows well on the lit plans lit, very loves moisture. Ficus creeping has small leathery oval leaves (2-2.5 cm long, 1-1.5 cm wide - macrophylla) or even smaller (0.5-0.7 cm - minima). The stems of this soil grade are prone to weeds. In bright lighting (but not with direct sunlight), the motley drawing of the leaves becomes even brighter, and when it has a shortage it can become just green.

Another name - Pumil Ficus Pumila (Ficus Pumila), the most popular for home dilution are varieties: Sunny (with uneven white cabin on the edges of the sheet),

Dwarf Creeping - Pumilla Sanny

White Sunny (with continuous white or cream border), Dorte (with white specks on the sheet). The dwarf creep equally comfortably feels in the suspended pots (like an ampel plant) and conventional pots.

Dwarf Creeping - Pumile White Sunny - Photo Alla Cold, Simferopol

The dwarf ficus can be wrapped around special decorative stories, setting the necessary direction to the shoots.

Ficus BalchatiTipula (Ficus Cyathistipula). He also has one name - cyatipula. This is perhaps one of the most unpretentious plants from the Fikuse family. One of the distinguishing features is a strong branching and close to the leaves. Hence the view that causing admiration - he always looks lush.

Balcontospheric leaf large, leather, elongated: length up to 20 cm, width no more than 7-8 cm. The top of the sheet is rounded, and the tip is pointed. The sheet with the front side is dark green, and with the reverse light. Interestingly and unusually looks like the back side of the sheet: in the form of a mesh.

Photo reverse side of Cyatispula sheet:

And one more sign: brown scales. In the photo above it is clearly visible. Scales always appear at the ends of the branches. They play the role of protecting young leaves from external factors. Over time, fall, but hold on the branches long enough.

The name Ficus Lire-shaped received precisely because of its leaves, which reach 50 cm of length (25 cm width), have wavy edges. This variety boasts the largest wavy leaves. From it grows the village of rather large sizes, which does not like the neighborhood, preferring to stand separately from others. To banyanam (plants with air roots) it does not apply. It has a reprehensive trunk, characteristic leaves with green veins on a dark green background. In their form, expanding to the top of the leaves, resemble a violin.

Ficus Lovyoid

Ficus with the female name Natasha refers to the subordorts of Benjamin.

Natasha (Benjamin)

This is an evergreen long-term shrub, which can grow to 2 meters in room conditions. A bush has many subtle shoots with thick growing small leaves, which are the most small among the other varieties of Benjamin. The leaflets themselves have a leathery structure, an ellipsis form with a pointed tip. The color of the leaves can be varied from the white-green gamma to a saturated green shade.

Stock Foto Fikus leaves Natasha and cypress - for comparison

Ficus Natasha does not like drafts, direct sunlight, frequent movements, prefers to grow on one permanent place. Loves irrigation (twice daily), regular crown shaking (for venting into lush foliage).

Photo microcharp retouch

The microcarp variety is very similar to one of the varieties of Benjamin. It is characterized by accelerated rising root system, so it is often used to create Bonsayev. Microcharp leaves can be of different shapes: elongated, elongated, oval. On the shelves of our flower shops, you can often see this variety, grown by a special way, in which the roots are becoming visible, resembling rhizoma ginseng. On a label that attached to the pot is written - Ficus MicroCarpa Ginseng (Ficus Microcharp Ginseng).

To achieve such a form of roots, you need to make complex agrotechnical work using hormonal additives corresponding to fertilizers. In natural conditions, this plant reaches 25-meters altitudes, he is also called the "scenario" due to the tendency to wrap the trunks near the growing trees, to impede their further growth, development. Ficus Ginseng is used as a blank material for the subsequent formation of the plant to get the bonsai style.

Photo Microcharp - Bonsai Style

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the formation of bonsai - miniature trees, which their appearance repeat large fellows (roots and crown). Translation from the Chinese "Bonsai" is "grown in a tray." For the workpieces, varieties of conventional trees or bushes are used, but with the use of cunning technologies for cutting, dragging the stems with a wire, a special irrigation technique is created by amazing mini-gardens. For the cultivation of bonsai, the ficus is optimally suitable - it has all the required characteristics that are important for this direction.

Ficus Bonsai is created from varieties:

Robust variety belongs to rubcoming ficuses.

Robust (Elastik) - Robusta - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk

In natural conditions, it can grow to 50-60 meters altitudes (but more often there are copies of 30-40 m), is the highest representative of this family.

This is one of the most unpretentious species. Not very experienced flowers, fake lovers, recommend starting their activities from him. Ficus Robust has fleshy large leaves (approximately 30 cm long), which can be both monochrome (dark green) and white or yellow patterns.

Stock Foto Robusts with leaves of different colors

It looks great in outdoor capacities, loves frequent, but moderate watering, not too demanding to light.

The next representative of the variety of Benjamin - Kinki.

Picture of Kinki (Benjamin) - Photo of Yulia Semenyuk (Mirinka), Krasnoyarsk

This is a dwarf ficus with small narrow leafs of light green and cream edging along the edges. Light lighting, preferring scattered lighting, does not like hot air (do not put near batteries or heaters), as well as drafts. It is extremely unwanted to move from one place to another (can reset the foliage). It will feel comfortable with a moderate regular watering, irrigation.

In a natural environment, a characteristic feature of the Bengal Ficus is Banyan - a special form of the structure of the root system, in which one plant from the side looks like a forest from a variety of trees growing nearby.

Bengali - Banyan Tree

Bengali ficus has large (up to 20 cm long), slightly velvety leaves, coats for several years to twist up to 2 meters. It loves good lighting, sunlight, although you need to diatense to avoid burns on the leaves.

Photo by Andre (view of Bengali)

The light is the main component of the harmonious development of this flower. If natural lighting is scanty, then the installation of an additional source of artificial light becomes relevant. It is recommended not too active watering.

Melanie's grade belongs to the fraud family, once it was used to obtain rubber, but now is a full-fledged decorative plant.

Photo of Melanie (rubber)

Melanie ficuses are neat bushes with a volume crown, they equally harmoniously look in the cabinets, home interior. This variety is unpretentious in care, loves frequent spraying, but prefers moderate watering, from too bright lighting begins to root. It has glossy leaves of the leathery structure (12-15 cm long), an elegant trunk that is well suited to form a crown. Allergies should seek to this class before the institution, as its milky juice is toxic, can cause allergies.

Ficus moclama is a high bush with a neat compact crown.

Photo Microcharp Moklaim (Moklama) - Photo Daria Cherephenchuk, Orenburg

The shoots of this plant are directed up, the oval leaflets of saturated green color have a very dense structure - slightly resemble plastic. This flower loves scattered lighting. When lacking light, the leaves mooclama pale, and with sufficient lighting, a rich shade is acquired. This variety requires moderate watering and irrigation (especially in the summer).

Fikuses in the house - Signs

Ficuses are live plants like all creatures, they carry the energy charge. How it is: positive or negative - it is worth finding out. Sometimes on the relevant forums, you can read the fears of the owners, discussions about whether the ficuses are worth keeping at home.

If we consider signs, it is worth identifying several basic, most frequently mentioned:

  • If you are experiencing a sudden gust purchase this plant, it is likely that the family is waiting for you soon. However, that this sign began to "work", the ficus you must give a positive, pleasant person for you.
  • If a girl or a woman wants to marry, then she should speak the ficus from a small pett. It should only care for the plant, it is also recommended to directly communicate with a flower, that is, the layering of a favorable energy on it.
  • If you arrange a pot with a flower in the kitchen, then the financial situation of the family will improve, and the revenues will grow. If you sleep badly or stay in a state of stress, then put it in your bedroom.
  • This plant attracts good luck, sets the atmosphere to a favorable way, optimizes the energy in general.

According to biological studies, it was proved that the presence of a ficus purifies the air of the room, saturates with oxygen (highlights phytoncides). This plant is able to absorb a variety of self-harmful compounds (phenol, formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, others). Special enzymes that contain plant leaves can transform separate poisonous elements in sugar and amino acids.

There is information on the use of ficus of the Folk Medicine of the Eastern Countries: With it, they cure skin, oncological, intestinal diseases. However, you should not experience little-known treatment methods, and it is best to consult with a competent doctor.

The plant can cause harm only if the person has an allergy to it. Separate types of ficuses, the same rubbing, isolated juice, which can have a detrimental effect on the well-being of people suffering from asthma. This juice cannot taste, it is also undesirable his contact with skin cover.

Be doubly careful if you have small children, curious pets - contact with this plant may not best affect their health.

As we see, the positive qualities of the ficus are much larger than possible prohibitions to its content of the house.

This is a beautiful evergreen plant, which will not require a lot of time from you or some of the currency conditions of content. Any representative of this family can decorate your home with its decorativeness. We hope that the varieties described here are a variety of photos and names will help you make the right choice and to settle at home at home of a new greenery.

Below - varieties of ficuses - photos and names of varieties:

Anastasia (Benjamin) Lavli (Benjamin) Midnight Lady (Benjamin) - photo Alla Cold, Simferopol Daniel (Variety of Benjamin) Baroque (Variety of Benjamin) - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Starlight (Benjamin) Nina (Benjamin)
Baft (Benjamin) Irene (Benjamin) - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Regked (Benjamin variety)
Safari (Benjamin) - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Photo de Dumbbell (Benjamin) - Photo Darya Cherephenchuk, Orenburg Lakia (Benjamin) Photo Ali (Variety of Binnendik) - photo Alla Cold, Simferopol
Amstel Gold (Variety of Binnendic) - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk Picture of the opposite - one of the species of figs
Dwarf - Pumile White Sunny - Photo Galina ღღ, Lugansk
Benjamin variety - Midnight Lady Stock Foto Esther (Neon) - Variety of Benjamine
Deltoid Ficus - Photo
In the deltoid ficus, a leaf of a triangular shape, narrows to a stalk
Deltoid (Variant) Ficus with a sheet of triangular shape

To raise a healthy plant in an apartment, you need to know how to care for the ficus.

Motherland of Fikus - Tropical Forests of East Asia, in which there are more than 750 species of this flower. At home, it is impossible to grow everything, however, room ficuses are tens of varieties. They can differ far from each other by appearance - type of trunk, shape and structure of leaves.

Ficus is not only a room plant, it benefits the fact that it cleans the air indoors from benzenes and phenols, and also gives its positive energy. The peculiarity of this flower is that it prefers a permanent place and reacts poorly to frequent movements. Therefore, before purchasing a ficus, you need to choose a place for it, considering its preferences in lighting and temperature.

Ficus (lat. Ficus)

This plant prefers light and fresh air, if possible, in the warm season it is preferable to place on the veranda or balcony.

Attention! When placing a ficus it is necessary to consider that it does not tolerate drafts. The plant reacts very violently to the inconvenience - resets the leaves.


Ficus is a light-loving plant, but it is necessary to have it in place, protected from direct sunlight. Those varieties of a flower that have dense dark leaves can be put in less illuminated places. Views with light foliage need more intensive lighting, in the winter it is recommended to include additional lamps with daylight lighting.

If the light is not enough, the ficus can relieve the leaves, slows down the growth of the plant. Poor reacts to the change of lighting mode. During the period of active growth and flowering, the ficus is needed more light than during the rest. Views with motley foliage may lose their decorative color due to lack of light.


Ficus heat-seeing, the perfect temperature regime is in the range of + 22 + 28 ° C in summer and + 15 + 21 ° C in winter. Varieties of ficus with motley leaves poorly tolerate cold temperature and drafts.

Important! Too high temperature will cause fading the leaves if the flower is cold, it will begin to reset the leaves.

If the plant stands on the spot, which does not match its temperature regime (blossomed windowsill or floor), it should be transferred to heat to heat or put it on the stand.

In summer hot days to provide a flower an acceptable temperature, it is recommended to perform spraying from the sprayer.

Air humidity

If the variety of ficus has large dense leaves, the humidity of the air does not matter much, this plant will feel good at normal indoor conditions. To create ideal conditions, flowers with small leaves are recommended to spray in the summer. For these purposes, water needs to be upset 2-3 days or apply rain.

Ficus Benjamin prefers increased humidity of the air, it must often spray, and put in the pallet with a wet pebbles. From lack of air humidity The plant will begin to reset the leaves.

Ficus prefers a regular moderate watering with a slight drying of an earthen koma in a pot. For proper irrigation, it is necessary to adhere to some rules:

You can water the room plant with the upper way (under the root) and the pallet. In the pallet, water is poured for 30-40 minutes, then the residues are drained.

If watering is carried out through the top, it is necessary to pour water to the root until it starts to flow from the drainage hole. Put the pot into the pallet and drain the remnants of excess water in 20 minutes.

In winter, watering is reduced, the mooring of the soil in the pot can threaten the flower's death. If the ficus is in close proximity to the heating radiator, it is necessary to water more often. On hot days, bathing under the shower can be used as watering plants. Periodically, the soil must be disappeared to circulate air and better moisturizing.


Knowing how to care for ficus at home , You can grow some kinds of up to two or three meters. But for active growth of the plant requires periodic feeding.

Begin to feed the ficus after a period of rest early in the spring, and do it throughout the summer, capturing September. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers can be purchased in specialized stores, they are needed so that the plant increases the crown. Apply them in the spring and at the beginning of summer, this is not done in the fall, otherwise the shoots will be thin and pale.

At home, the fertilizer for soil can be prepared by themselves. For this, wood ashes are stirred with tantomic nettle. Several times you can use a korovyan. It is not recommended to apply various food feeders, they will cause soil scum.

Mineral and organic fertilizers are used for proper feeding of ficus. Compared to other plants, the ficus does not require frequent nutrition, but it should be abundant. To understand that the indoor plant needs feeding, it is necessary to navigate the following factors:

  • the flower stopped her growth or significantly slowed him;
  • the shoots became subtle and stretched out;
  • the leaves began to lose the tour and became pale;
  • ficus drops the leaves or they started yellowing;
  • spots began to appear on the leaves;
  • the plant begins to hurt;
  • pests attack a weakened flower.

Tip! The feeder should be made after the treatment of a plant or treatment with pests, otherwise the flower will not be ascended by the nutrients. And after the transplantation, the soil does not fertilize for at least three weeks.

Types of pets

The most common among indoor varieties of fikuses are considered:

  • rubberous (,);
  • Benjamin (Natasha);
  • lying-shaped;
  • dwarf;
  • bengal.

All these ficuses are very different from each other, have cardinal differences between their homework and those growing in wildlife.

  • Ficus Benjamin has thin flexible stems with small leaves of a dense structure. The color has them from a saturated green color to a light, almost white shade. At the same time, they are not monophonic, but motley. This species needs intense lighting, frequent watering and feeding. With insufficient care, Ficus Benjamin can lose its motley color, become pale and monophonic. The most popular varieties are Natasha, Daniel and Midnight Lady.

  • Rubbone ficus is considered the largest among indoor varieties. Rubboneficus at home It can grow more than 2 m. The plant is unpretentious enough, it looks like a tree with a reprehensive barrel. The leaves are large, oval with a pointed end, have a dense structure and glossy surface. The flower is well tolerates a half, is not demanding at the temperature and humidity of the air, it can cost a long time without feeding. The most common species are Robusta, Melanie, Belize, a black prince, Tineke.

  • The dwarf ficus is a crawling shrub that can step on the ground or marvel on the next support. Stems are very thin, can grow up to 3-5 m. Leaves have a heart-shaped and monotonous or motley color. Dwarf ficus grows slowly, mainly in the warm season.

  • Lire-shaped ficus has leaves, similar to the form for a musical instrument. Usually there are dark green, dense structure, leathery. Lirectid Ficus

    The trunk of this type of ficus is rough, has a gray-brown color. It is sufficiently demanding for humidity, it does not tolerate too bright sunlight and a sharp change of temperature.

  • Bengali Ficus is an evergreen tree and rooted at the expense of air roots. Oval shape leaves, bright green with lighter veins. At home, it grows quickly and reaches 3 m. Loves light, heat-seeking and needs regular irrigation, especially during the period of active growth.

Fikus transplantation

Ficus care includes a timely transplantation for the normal development of the plant. This is necessary if there are following factors:

  • the roots of the flower go into drainage holes, the plant is clearly closely in this pot;
  • ficus just purchased in the store;
  • the soil in the pot is depleted and the plant opted his height;
  • drainage replacement required;
  • if you need to reproduce the flower.

Important! Timely transplant contributes to the growth of the flower, if this is not done on time, the ficus will reset the leaves and stop the growth.

Plants whose age is no more than 4 years old, it is necessary to transplant every year. More adult ficuses are transplanted less often, once every 3-5 years. The appropriate time for transplant is early spring.

Fikus transplantation

Considering that the ficus does not tolerate cardinal changes, immediately after the transplant it can reset the leaves, but usually for the summer season, the plant comes to himself and feel good for winter.

  • The pot needs to be chosen in accordance with the growth of the plant. If the growth of the ficus is 125 cm, the pot must have a diameter of no more than 23 cm, the plant prefers close space. The root ficus system is formed long enough, until it goes off all over the earthlings. And only then the flower begins to grow in height.
  • The bottom of the pot must have drainage holes to avoid water stagnation. Soil is better to choose a neutral composition or weakness. It should be loose so that the air can circulate. You can mix the soil yourself: take sand, peat, ground and humus in equal parts or buy ready-made soil for ficuses. At the bottom of the pot surely need to pour drainage.
  • The plant is neatly taken out of the old pot, inspect the roots, if there are damaged, removed with a sharp knife. Ficus is placed in a new pot with drainage and fall asleep with soil, not blocking the root neck.
  • The flower is watered with stealing warm water and installed on its constant location where there is no direct sunlight and drafts. The next time it is necessary to water it after the upper layer of the soil gets no less than 2-3 cm.


Ficus reproduces four ways:

Diseases Fikus

Diseases Fikus

Important! In order to avoid diseases and damage to pests, it is necessary to periodically wash the leaves and process the plant with special compositions.

Main diseases and pests of ficus

To avoid the spread of diseases, it is necessary to periodically inspect the plant, remove damaged leaves and provide the necessary care. Need to knowhow to care for ficus To avoid disease and death of the plant.


The trimming of the ficus is carried out to give a kusta an aesthetic type and removal of unnecessary processes. In order for the plant to grow and had a fluffy crown, it is necessary to pinch new shoots by 1 cm from the top.

Pickling do as needed several times a year. Pruning is produced in spring, on bare stems in 2-3 weeks, young leaves will appear. Thus, you can form a ficus crown shape.

Fuccus flower - decorative-deciduous plant from the mulberry family. In the apartments, large tree of the individuals have taken root. They are not capricious and not demanding in care.

Less frequently on the windowsill meet tropical ficuses. They are called ampel, and they are famous for their capricious character.

Ficus love for its special energy - it is able to absorb all the negative, in return, giving positive energy.

Varieties of Ficus Plants

Varieties of fikuses many many. Let us list only some of them:

  • Ficus Bengali. Plant with widespread leaves, with stupid tips, leathery, having yellowish bodies.

  • Ficus Benjamin. A small village of up to 2 m in height with highly developed branches. Leaves are long, pointed, leathery and shiny. More often green, but the motley individuals meet.
  • Ficus cherry-shaped. Shrub with orange escapes and elongated leaves in the form of an ellipse. From above dark green gloss, and below - with a light green fluff.

  • Ficus rubbing. The most common type of ficus for growing at home. Evergreen tree, reaching height to half a meter. The most unpretentious appearance, which can grow even in the highest possible rooms.

  • Ficus tiny, ampel

Ficus care

Ficus care at home requires minimal effort.

  • Moderate lighting is preferable for the plant. On the one hand, the ficuses are not bad to carry the shadow, but they far from the source of the light of their krone is pulled out, acquiring an unsightly look.
  • Ficus loves water, so you should produce uniform abundant watering in summer and a little reduced in winter.
  • The level of atmospheric humidity for such colors is not very important. When the cuttings are just allowed the roots, they must be sprayed. Adult plants spray depending on the weather (it will not hurt hot summer days). The main thing is to do it away from the light, otherwise you can provide a favorite to the beloved of the leaves.
  • Modify the ficus can be stabbed and leaf cuttings. Wood-like time you need to adapt to the new environment and go to growth.

Video: How to care for ficus at home

Fux flower reproduction

The best time for drawing fikuses is spring or early summer. When the cutlets were cut, you need to wash the cut with clean water and give time to dry.

It is very important to use a worried cutting section. Cut better upper sections, retreating 10-15 cm.

When the cuttings are ready, lower it into the water and create a similar greenhouse like. So you will be able to see new roots faster.

Video: how to propagate the ficus

How to transplant flower ficus

The transplant is required when the pot becomes small. It can be seen on the roots that tightly soaring the whole earth com. Transplant plants in spring or summer. To do this, optimally use leaf, delicate and greenhouse land with sand.

The young ficus is transplanted annually with a gradual increase in the volume of the pot on 2-3 cm. The plant is watered, remove the top layer of the Earth, and then immersed in the pot. From above the new land is poured.

Video: Fixed Fikus House

Video: Fikus transplant from store

Ficus will probably become a pet and bring your house a lot of positive energy.