The meaning of the word lead. Lead Translation and Transcription, Pronunciation, Phrases and Offers

English-Russian translation for LEAD

1) Chem. lead

2) Sokr. from Black Lead Graphite (only as material for pencil rods); Griffel


graphite, Plumbago.

3) SL. bullet (Dzh. Cold LEAD)

hail of Lead - hail of bullets

to Get The Lead - Be Slamping

4) Dial. tank, boiler; Large open vessel for cooking beer and other operations

a) mor. Lot

to Heave The Lead, Cast The Lead, Arm The Lead - Mor. throw a lot; Measure a lot of depth

b) Georgic, plumb

6) MN. lead stripes for roof cover; pork-covered roof; flat roof

7) MN. ; Polygr. Shponov.

Swing The Lead.


lead Pipes - Lead Pipes

lEAD BULLETS - Lead Bullets

1) those. swine

2) Polygr. lead

a) leadership; management; initiative

to Assume The Lead, Take The Lead - Take the initiative to make the initiator; take on guide (in)

to Build Up One "S LEAD, Increase One" S Lead - Strengthen the leading position

to Give Up, Lose, Relinquish The Lead - to give up leadership

to Hold, Maintain The Lead - keep leadership

commanding Lead - Guiding Initiative

precedence, Precedence, Advance, First Place

b) example, sample; Directive, indication

Most of the Lead Of The Governor. - Most legislators followed the governor's example.

to Follow The Lead Of - follow the example of smb.

to Give A Lead - Show Example

guidance, Model, Example, Direction, Indication, Leadership

c) the key (to the rays of which); pointer, hint

to Run Down, Track Down A Lead - find a solution

The Police Haven "T A Single Lead." The police have no single hook.


d) journals. a summary of the newspaper article (placed in front of the article itself); The first (most important) message in the summary, information message, etc.

2) first place, place ahead; sport. Advantage, advantage

Each of Our Porters Took The Lead in Turn. - Each our porter in turn took a place at the chapter (detachment).

The Black Horse Took The Lead. - The black horse came forward.

Your Candidate Has a Slight Lead. - Your candidate is a bit ahead.

to be in the lead - lead

to Gain The Lead, Have the Lead - take first place

3) (what leads to ")

a) Artificial Vodokanal (Person. Leading to Melnice)

b) divorce (in ice), pass (among the ice field)

c) path; Alley

d) leash, chain (on which dogs water)

4) cards. The first move (when bribes are taken); Map or suit with which go

to return one "s partner" s lead - having received a hand, walk with the same suit that partner

5) First blow (of two or series of blows in boxing)

b) golden sand (apparent deposits of gold along the line of ancient rivers; DEEP-LEAD, Great-Blue-Lead)

7) Theater. ; movie

a) the main role

female Lead - Home Women's Role

male Lead - Home Male Role

to Play The Lead - Play Main Role

leading Role, Star Part

b) Artist (Nitsa)

8) MUZ. The most striking part of the play, executed by the orchestra, in Perse. jazz-gang; soloing performer or tool; The initial part of the passage executed by a soling tool

9) The concert, given in favor of the in need, a sick person with his friends; ellipse. From Friendly Lead.

10) EL. Submarine

a) ahead, premium (steam intake, etc.)

b) step (spiral, screw), stroke (piston)

c) booster

12) Military. Preference, bringing fire (on a moving goal)

front; advanced, leading

a Lead Article - Advanced Article

Ahead, The Lead Horse Whinnied. - Ahead of the running horse quietly rushed.

3. ch. ; POST. BP. and good. POST. BP. - LED

a) lead, accompany, be a guide; lead (by hand, on a leash, etc.); military. lead the army and send traffic

She Led The Group from The Bus To the Auditorium. - She spent a group from the bus to the audience.

The PRISONERS WERE LED INTO THE COURTROOM. - Prisoners introduced into the courtroom.

to Lead A Child By The Hand - Keep your hand

to LEAD A HORSE by The Bridle - lead a horse under the coat

to Lead (A Bride) to the Altar, to Church - lead (bride) to the altar, marry

tO LEAD TROOPS AGAINST THE ENEMY - Keep troops against the enemy

He Longed to LEAD HIS Men On to Victory. - He dreamed of taking his troops to victory.

LEAD by the nose


b) aim (proactive moving object)

I LED HIM by Roughly Two Feet and Prased the Trigger of the Luger. (D. Hamilton) - I took the control of two feet and lowered the trigger.

2) bring, influence, incline, convince

The Candidate "S INTEGRITY AND STRENGTH LED THE VOTERS TO SUPPORT HIM. - The honesty and power of the candidate bowed voters to provide him with support.

She Knew The Colonel Was Easily Led. - She knew that the Colonel was easily convinced.

There Was Nothing in The Prospectus to Lead Him to Such a Conclusion. - There was nothing in the avenue that could lead him to such a conclusion.


a) lead (about the road, etc.); serve

The Path Leads Down To the River. - The path leads to the river.

Their Road Led Them Through A Little Copse. - The road led them through a small grove.

b) lead, lead (about motifs, conditions, circumstances)

Chance Led Him to London. - The case brought him to London.

Instinct Early Led Him Into The Political Arena. - Natural flair for early led it to the political arena.

4) lead, conduct (about lifestyle)

He Leads a Full, Active Life. - He lives a complete saturated life.

Lead A Depraved Life




5) head, lead, manage, command

to Lead A Campaign - Head Campaign

to Lead A Band, An Orchestra - Lead an orchestra conducted by the orchestra

The Vice Chairman Will LEAD The Meeting. - The meeting will lead the Deputy Chairman.

The Quarterback Leads The Football Team. - The defender heads his team.

Of the Causes Pneumonia Led The List. - Pneumonia heads a list of all diseases.


direct, Moderate, Conduct, Manage, Preside Over, Control, Head, Command, Domineer

6) be the first to be discovered (in the competition); have an advantage

As a Teacher He Leads. - As a teacher, he surpasses all others.

7) to act as a chief lawyer in the case, head (defense, accusation)

8) cards. walk first to have a hand; Start a game or a circle with (specific card or suit)

LEAD ORIGINALLY FROM Your Strongest Suit. - First you go with a suit that you have the most.

I led the king of trumpps. - I put the trump card.

9) those. Ozeri

LEAD SMB. a chase



English-Russian Dictionary of General Lexicon. English-Russian dictionary on general vocabulary. 2005

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Even the meaning of the word and the translation of the LEAD from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian to English in Russian-English dictionaries.

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lEAD ORE - Lead Rud

lead Plate - Lead Plate

lead Plating - Waste

lEAD SPAR, LEAD VITRIOL - min. lead cunery, english

red Lead - Lead Surick

white Lead - Lead BELIL

sheet Lead - Leaf Lead

aS Heavy As Lead - Very heavy

2. 1) Georgic, plumb

2) mor. lot

3. sl. bullet, bullets; nine grams of lead

4. pL (sets)

1) lead strips for roof coating

2) lead covered roof; flat roof

5. graphite; Pencil Griffel

6. polygr. lead, Garth ( tZH. hard Lead)

7. pL (sets) polygr. shponov.

8. dial. butter, boiler ( from lead )

example, sample Synonyms: Guidance, Model, Example, Direction, Indication, Leadership

key (to a randration of something); pointer, hint Synonyms: CLUE, HINT, GUIDE

the main role Synonyms: leading Role., star Part.

lead, accompany, be conductor; lead (by hand, on a leash); military. lead the army and send traffic Synonyms: CONDUCT, GUIDE, show The Way., Steer, Draw, Direct, Head, Pilot

influence, incline, convince Synonyms: INFLUENCE, PERSUADE, INCLINE, INDUCE

lead (lifestyle) Synonyms: PASS, CONDUCT, PURSUE, EXPERIENCE, LIVE

head, lead, manage, command Synonyms: Direct, Moderate, Conduct, Manage, Control, Head, Command, Domineer, pRESIDE OVER

Synonyms: LEAD V.
1 CONDUCT, ESCORT, Usher, Guide, Show The Way, Pilot, Steer: If You LEAD, I "LL Follow.
2 Cause, Influence, Prompt, Bring, Incline, Induce, Persuade, Move, Dispose, Convince: What LED You to Suspect The Butler?
3 Head (Up), Direct, Government, Command, Supervise, Superintend, Preside, Take The Lead, Take or Assume Command (of), Manage, Captain, COLLOQ Skipper: The Orchestra Would Like You to Lead. Who is Going to LEAD THE MEN INTO BATTLE? Nicole Leads a Weekly Discussion Group on Alcoholism.
4 Come or Be Or Go First, Excel, Surpass, Exceed, Precede, Be Ahead (of), Outstrip, Distance, Outrun, Outdo: The LEAD The World in the Production of Sugar.
5 LIVE, EXPERIENCE, SPEND, PASS; While Away: He Is Leading A Life of Ease On The Frhench Riviera.
6 Be Conducive To, Create, Engender, Cause, Contribute to, Result In, Bring on or About, Produce: Your Stubbornness CAN LEAD Only to Frustration.
9 LEAD ON. a See
7, ABOVE. B Lure, Entice, Seduce, Beguile, Inveigle, Tempt: They Led Me On With Offers of a Huge Salary.
10 Lead Up to. A Prepare Or Pave or Clear (The Way), Do the groundwork or spadework, Precede: The Events Leading Up to the OverThrow of the Government May Never Be Known. B Approach, Broach, Bring Up, Present, Introduce, Work Up or Round or Around To, Get (Up) to: I Should LEAD UP TO THE SUBJECT DELICETELY, IF I WERE YOU.

11 Front, Vanguard, Van, Lead Or Leading Position or Place, Advance Or Advanced Position: The Horse That He Had Bet On Was In The Lead Coming Down The Home Straight.
12 Advantage, Edge, Advance, Supremacy, Margin, Priority, Primacy, Pre-Eminence: She Has The Lead Over All Her Competitors. Our Team Had A Two-Point Lead AT Half-Time.
13 Direction, Guidance, Leadership, Precedent, Example, Model, Exemplar, Pattern, Standard: We Decided to Follow His Lead.
15 Leash, Tether, Restraint, Cord, Chain: The Dog Fetches His Lead Himself When HE Wants To Go Out.
16 PROTAGONIST, HERO OR HEROINE, LEADING OR STARRING ROLE OR PART, LEADING OR LADY ACTOR OR ACTRESS, LEADING LADY OR MAN, MALE OR FEMALE LEAD, PRINCIPAL; Prima Donna, Diva, Prima Ballerina, Premire Danseuse, Premier Danseur: She Has The Lead in The New Production Of Giselle.
17 Wire, Cable, Brit Flex: Connect This Lead To the Power Source.

18 Leading, Foremost, First; Main, Chief, Principal, Premier, Paramount: The Lead Climber Fell When The Rope Broke. The Lead Story in Today "S Paper Is About An American Take-Over Bid for the Longest-Standing British Car-Manufacturing Company.


lead (LED)

1. N.

1) lead;

aS Heavy As Lead Very heavy

2) graphite, stylus

3) mor. Lot;

to Heave ( or to Cast) The LEAD MOR. throw a lot; Measure a lot of depth

4) PL lead strips for roof cover; pork-covered roof; flat roof

5) PL polyg. Shponov.

6) Georgic, plumb


8) ATTR. lead Hail of LEAD hail bullets;

to Get The Lead Be Slamping

2. V.

1) those. swine

2) Polygr. lead

lead (Li: D)

1. N.

1) manual; initiative;

to Take The Lead take the initiative to make the initiator; lead

2) example; instructions, directive;

to Follow The Lead of SMB. follow Example;

to Give SMB. a ( or The) LEAD to encourage example "

3) the first place leading place in the contest;

to Gain ( or To Have) The Lead take first place;

to Have A Lead Of Three Metres (Five Seconds) augin three meters (five seconds)

4) Sport. The gap between the leader and the runner going beyond him

5) the key (to the solution of which); hint

6) leash, binding

7) EL. Submarine

8) Theater. , Cinema The main role or Her performer (Nitsa) "

9) newspaper information placed in a prominent place

10) a brief introduction to the newspaper article; Input part

11) cards. move;

to Return SMB. "S LEAD

a) go to the suit;

b) support chi-l. Initiative

12) pipeline; channel

13) Divorce ( in ice)

14) those. ahead, premium ( parantine etc. ) "

15) those. step ( spirals, Screw); move ( piston)"

16) those. Arrow, Ukrina

17) Geol. lived; Golden sand

18) military. Precision ( when conducting fire on a moving target) Blind Lead Tupik

2. V (LED)

1) lead, bring;

to Lead A Child By The Hand to keep a child by hand;

the Path Leads To The House Road leads to the house;

chance Led Him to London The case brought him to London

2) lead, manage, command, head;

to LEAD An Army Command Army;

to Lead for the ProSecution (Defence) JUR. lead the accusation (protection);

to lead an orchestra lead the orchestra

3) lead, carry out;


4) be the first to go, alert ( in contest); exceed;

he Leads All Orators he is the best speaker;

aS A TEACHER HE LEADS It is better than all other teachers.

5) cards. walk

to Lead Hearts (Spades, etc.) walk with worms (with peak, etc.)

6) bring ( to);

to lead nowhere

7) bring, to incline ( to), to force;

to Lead SMB. to do smth. make to do something.;

what Led You to Think So? What made you think so?;

cURIOSITY LED ME TO LOOK AGAIN Curiosity forced me to look again

8) Sport. strike in boxing)

9) Hunt. lead

10) Place in a prominent place in the newspaper

11) those. Ozeri LEAD AWAY MUITW, MANTER;


a) start, put the beginning; open believe, Ball);

b). lose temper;

lEAD ON. lure, enthrall; "

lEAD OUT OF. come out about rooms);

lead To. to lead to wow results;


a) gradually prepare;

b) make a conversation on be To lead by the nose to drive; keep in submission;

to Lead SMB. A (Pretty) Dance to make smb. torture; to take the nose, indulgence

to Lead SMB. Up the Garden Path to mislead; lure;

all Roads Lead to Rome All roads lead to Rome

Lead.Translation and examples of use - offers
22. Welcomes The Report of the Secretary-General On The Visit of His Special Envoy to Myanmar, A / 55/509. Endorses The Appeal of The Special Envoy for The Initiation of A Process Of Dialogue That Would lead. to National Reconciliation, and Supports His Efforts to Achieve Such A Dialogue;22. Welcomes the report of the Secretary-General on the visit of his special Messenger to Myanmar / 55/509., Joins the call of a special envoy to start the dialogue process, which would lead to national reconciliation, and supports its efforts to establish such a dialogue;
(b) to Fulfil Its Responsibility to Ensure The Full Protection of the Human Rights of the Population In Its Territory, As Well As to Take A lead. ING PART IN EFFORTS TO PREVENT CONDITIONS THAT MIGHT lead. to Further Flows of Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees within The Democratic Republic of The Congo and Across Its Border;(b) To fulfill its duty to ensure the full protection of the human rights of the population on its territory, as well as take over the lead in efforts to prevent the emergence of conditions that could lead to a further increase in the flow of persons displaced within the country and refugees within the Democratic Republic Congo and over its borders;
(F) to Implement Fully Its Commitment To the Democratization Process, In Particular The National Dialogue, As Stipulated in the Ceasefire Agreement, And To Create, In This Context, Conditions That Would AlloW for a Democratization Process That Is Genuine and All-Inclusive and That Fully Reflects The Aspirations of All People In The Country, Including by Lifting Restrictions on Political Parties and Their Activities and Ensuring Political Pluralism, In Order To lead. The Way for the Holding Of Democratic, Free and Fair Elections;(f) To fully show its commitment to the democratization process, in particular, the national dialogue, as provided for in the cease-fire agreement, and create conditions in this context for the development of a genuine and comprehensive democratization process, fully reflecting the aspirations of all residents of the country, including On the basis of the abolition of restrictions on the activities of political parties and ensure political pluralism in order to pave the path for democratic, free and fair elections;
48. Takes Note of The Report of the Secretary-General On the Multilingual Development, Maintenance and Enrichment of United Nations Web Sites, A / AC.198 / 2000/7-A / AC.172 / 2000/4. encourages the Secretary-General to continue his efforts to develop and enhance the United Nations web sites in all the official languages \u200b\u200bof the Organization, and requests him to continue to develop proposals for consideration by the Committee on Information at its twenty-third session, keeping IN MIND THE BUILDING OF MODULAR PARITY, Which Should ultimately lead. To Achieving Full Parity Among The Official Languages \u200b\u200bof the United Nations;48. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the development, maintenance and updating of the United Nations websites in all languages \u200b\u200b/ AC.198 / 2000/7-A / AC.172 / 2000/4., Calls on the Secretary-General to continue its efforts to Developing and improving the United Nations websites in all official languages \u200b\u200bof the organization and asks it to continue to prepare proposals for consideration by the Committee on Information at its twenty-third session, meaning the achievement of modular parity, which should ultimately lead to the achievement of full parity between official United Nations languages;
Concerned That Activities of the United Nations System In The Field of the International Trade Law Without Coordination with the Commission Might COORDITION WITH THE COMMISION MIGHT lead. To Undesirable Duplication of Efforts and Would Not Be In Keeping with the Aim of Promoting Efficiency, Consistency and Coherence In The Unification and Harmonization Of International Trade Law, Asted in Its Resolution 37/106 Of 16 December 1982,being concerned that the activities carried out by other United Nations authorities in the field of international trade law without coordination with the Commission may lead to undesirable duplication of efforts and will not meet the goals of improving efficiency, consistency and interconnectedness in unification and coordination of international trade rights as It is indicated in its resolution 37/106 of December 16, 1982,
Welcoming Also Resolution AG / RES.1733 (XXX-O / 00), Adopted by The General Assembly of the Organization of American States at Its Thirtieth Regular Session, by Which It Declared 2001 As The Inter-American Year of the Child and the adolescent and Related EFFORTIN IN THE AMERICAS TODRESS EMERGING ISSUES FOR CENTURY IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY, DURING lead. -Up to the Special Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations in 2001 for Follow-Up to the World Summit for Children,aG / RES.1733 (XXX-O / 00) of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, adopted at its thirtieth regular session, in which it proclaimed 2001 by the inter-American year of the child and adolescent, and the efforts made in this connection in the American states solving emerging problems in the interests of children in the 21st century at the stage of preparation for the implementation of the Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly following the World Summit for Children,
Convinced That Thera Conflict and That Only A Political Settlement Aimed At The Establishment Of A Broad-Based, Multi-Ethnic and Fully Representative Government Acceptable To The Afghan People Can lead. To Peace and Reconciliation,being convinced that the conflict in Afghanistan does not have a military decision and that only a political settlement aimed at creating a wide-based multi-ethnic and fully representative government acceptable to the Afghan people can lead to peace and reconciliation,
15. Encourages The International Community to Support Themselves on their Main Needs and Their Future Through Democratic or Traditional Means by Developing A Framework for Institution and Capacity-Building That Could lead. To the Eventual Structure for a Broad-Based Government;15. Calls upon the international community to support the Afghan people in implementing his right to express their opinion regarding their main needs and its future through democratic or traditional funds, creating a framework for organizational construction and increase potential that could ultimately lead to the formation of a structure for Governments on a wide basis;
22. Notes That Debt Relief Alone Will Not lead. to poverty reduction and economic growth, and, in this regard, emphasizes the need for an enabling environment, including sound economic management as well as an efficient, transparent and accountable public service and administration, and stresses the need to mobilize financial resources from all sources , in Addition to Debt-Relief Measures and Continued Concessional Financial Assistance, in Particular to the Least Developed Countries, In Order to Support Their Efforts for Achieving Economic Growth and Sustainable Development;22. Notes that the relief of the debt burden in itself will not lead to a reduction in poverty and economic growth, and therefore pays particular attention to the need for the formation of favorable conditions, including effective management of the economy, as well as effective, transparent and accountable public service and Management, and emphasizes the need to attract financial resources from all sources in addition to measures to facilitate debt burden, as well as further increasing financial assistance on preferential terms, especially least developed countries, to facilitate their efforts to achieve economic growth and sustainable development;
10. Urges the strengthening of international assistance to developing countries in their efforts to alleviate poverty, including by creating an enabling environment that would facilitate the integration of developing countries into the world economy, improving their market access, facilitating the flow of financial resources and implementing FULLY AND EFFECTIONELY ALL INITITITIVES ALREADY LAUNCHED REGARDING DEBT RELIEF FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, AND EMPHASIZESES THAT THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY SHOLD CONSIDER FURTHER MEASURES THAT WOULD lead. to effective, equitable, development-oriented and durable solutions to the external debt and debt-servicing problems of developing countries so that they can share equally in the benefits of globalization, cope with its negative effects, avoid being marginalized in the process of globalization and ACHIEVE FULL INTEGRATION INTO THE WORLD ECONOMY;10. It urges to intensify international support for the efforts of developing countries to combat poverty, including through the creation of favorable conditions that would contribute to the integration of developing countries into the world economy, expanding their market access, promoting the influx of financial resources and full and effective implementation of all Initiatives to facilitate the debt burden of developing countries, and pays special attention to the fact that the international community should consider the possibility of adopting additional measures that led to the development of effective, fair, development-oriented issues of developing countries in the field of external debt and maintenance Debt so that they can use the benefits of globalization on equal benefits, to deal with its negative consequences, avoid marginalization as part of the globalization process and achieve complete integration into the world economy;
7. REAFIRMS ITS Decision That The Use Of Remote Interpretation SHOLD NOT AFFECT THE QUALITY OF INTERPRETATION OR IN ITSELF lead. to any Further REDUCTION IN LANGUAGE POSTS, NOR WILL IT AFFECT THE EQUAL TREATMENT OF THE SIX OFFICIAL LANGUAGES;7. Reaffirms its decision that the use of remote interpretation should not affect the quality of oral translation and in itself should not be the reason for any further reduction in linguistic posts, and should not affect the equal use of six official languages;
4. Calls upon all States, the relevant international organizations and competent organs of the United Nations to respect the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of all States and the inviolability of international borders, to continue to take measures in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, As Appriate, To Eliminate Threats to International Peace and Security and To Help to Prevent Conflicts Which Can lead. to the violent disintegration of states;4. Calls upon all States that relevant international organizations and the competent authorities of the United Nations to respect the principles of territorial integrity and sovereignty of all states and non-heins of international borders, continue to take appropriate measures in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations in order to eliminate the threats to international peace and security and contribute to preventing conflicts that can lead to violent disintegration of states;
8. Calls for Steps to Be Taken by All Nuclear-Weapon States That Would lead. To Nuclear Disarmament In A Way That Promotes International Stability and, Based Upon The Principle of Undiminished Security for All, For:8. Calls upon the implementation by all states with nuclear weapons, steps leading to nuclear disarmament, through the consolidation of international stability, and on the basis of the principle of non-sanation damage to all, including:
5. Designates The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization AS The lead. Agency for coordinatings of the United Nations System to Promote A Culture of Peace, As Well As Liaison With The Other Organizations Concerned in this Matter;5. Appoints the United Nations Education, Science and Culture to the leading agencies of the Decade, which is responsible for the coordination of the activities of the United Nations system organizations on the promotion of the culture of the world, as well as communications with other organizations dealing with this issue;
2. Expresses Its Full Support for the ongoing peace process Which Began in Madrid And The Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements of 1993, A / 48/486-S / 26560, Annex. As WELL AS The Subsequent Implementation Agreements, Including The Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement on the West Bank And The Gaza Strip of 1995A / 51/889-S / 1997/357, Annex. And The Sharm El-Sheikh Memorandum of 1999, And Expresses The Hope That The Process Will lead. To The Establishment of A Comprehensive, Just and Lasting Peace in the Middle East;2. Declares its full support of the current peace process, launched in Madrid, and signed in 1993, the Declaration of Principles on Self-Government / 48/486-S / 26560, annex., As well as subsequent implementation agreements, including Israeli-Palestinian temporary 1995 agreement on the West Bank and Gaza / 51/889-S sector / 51/889-S / 1997/357, annex., and the 1999 Sharm-Shah Sheikh Memorandum and expresses the hope that this process will lead to the establishment of a comprehensive, equitable and lasting world in the near East;


1. (LED) n.

1. chem.lead

~ ORE - Lead Rud

~ Plate - Lead Plate

~ Plating - Washing

~ Spar, ~ Vitriol - min.lead cunery, english

red ~ - Lead Surik

white ~ - Lead Belil

sheet ~ - Leaf Lead

aS Heavy As ~ - Very heavy

2. 1) Georgic, plumb

2) mor.lot

to Cast / to Heave / The ~ - throw a lot, measure the depth of the lot

3. sl.bullet, bullets; ≅ nine grams of lead

~ Poison - Death from bullets

a HAIL OF ~ - Grad lead

to get the ~ - be shot; kill

4. pL

1) lead strips for roof coating

2) lead covered roof; flat roof

under the ~ s - in the attic, under the roof

5. graphite; Pencil Griffel

6. polygr.lead, Garth ( tZH.hard ~)

7. pL polyg.shponov.

8. dial.butter, boiler ( from lead)

to Swing The ~ - mor. , military. from work by simulating the disease etc.

~ Balloon - amer. sl.failure; failure

the Joke Was A ~ Balloon - This acuity did not reach ( to public)

to Have ~ In One "S Pants - amer. sl.a) move as a turtle; potter; b) to be to the

get The ~ Out of Your Pants! - Stir!, Strangle!, Sweese!

2. (LED) v.

1. those.swine

2. polygr.split veneers, laying the veneers; Pick up with sponsors


1. (LI: D) n.

1. 1) Guide; initiative

to take the ~ - take on the leadership, show the initiative

to Follow The ~ of SMB. - follow whom-l. Example

to Give SMB. A ~ in smth. - show to someone sample For its example

3) indication, directive

4) key ( to the solution of); hint

5) departed subtitle, abstract ( before Article.)

6) introductory part

7) first sentence or The first paragraph of the information article

8) newspaper information placed in a prominent place

2. 1) Championship, first place

in The ~ - headed ( procession, etc.)

to Have / To Gain / The ~ In a Race - Take the first place in the contest

2) preim. sport.advantage, advantage

to Have A ~ of Several Metres - to get ahead of a few meters (seconds, glasses)

to Have An Enormous ~ In Conventional Weapons - Have a huge advantage in ordinary weapons

3. Leash; leash

the Dog Was On The ~ - The dog walked on a leash

4. theatre. , movie

1) the main role

2) performer or Performed leader

5. kart.

1) move; First stroke

wHOSE ~ IS IT? - Whose move?

iT IS Your ~ - your move; You start

2) card, suit ( with which start)

to return one "s partner" s ~ - a) go to the suit; b) support chi-l. Initiative

6. 1) .track, Tropinka

blind ~ - deadlock

2) artificial channel ( leading to Melnice)

3) Divorce ( in ice); pass ( among drifting ice)

7. 1) el.submarine

2) pLoshinovka, wiring

3) pipeline; channel

8. those.step or move ( screw or worm)

9. those.tire block

10. sport.hit

~ For the Body (for the face) - a blow to the torso (face) ( boxing)

11. those.centering chamfer

12. those.ahead, premium ( paper intake, etc.)

13. military.preference, bringing fire ( for moving goal)

~ Element - military.head division

14. geol.core, residential field

15. geol.golden sand

16. those.arrow; Ukrose

2. (LI: D) v (LED)

1. News; Show path

to ~ by the hand - lead by hand

to ~ A Blind MAN - keep blind

to ~ a horse - lead a horse in

to ~ The Way - a) Show the way; to lead; b) take the first step, managing the initiative

to ~ for Landing - av.go to landing

2. Lead, head; to govern

to ~ An Army - Command the army

to ~ An Expedition - Lead Expedition

to ~ A Mutiny - stand at the head of the inside

to ~ a choir - control choir

to ~ The Fashion - to be a mod lawmaker

to ~ for the ProSecution (Defence) - yur.lead the charge (protection)

to ~ The Conservatives - Being a Conservative Party Leader

3. 1) take first place; be ahead

to ~ The Advance - military.move in the head of the upcoming troops

a BRASS BAND LED THE REGIMENT - Ahead of the shelf walked a spirit orchestra

2) sport.go first ( in contest); lead run), lead

the Big Chestnut Was ~ Ing By Three Lengths - Big Big Grooming Horse Ahead of others on three cases

3) sport.lead on points; have, score more points

4) exceeding

aS An Actor He Certainly ~ S - as an actor he undoubtedly has no equal

4. News ( what Lifestyle)

to ~ A Good Life - Maintain the right / approximate / lifestyle

to ~ a miserable existence - to hold a pitiful existence

to ~ a Double Life - live a double life

5. 1) lead, bring

where does this road ~? - Where does this road go?

chance Led Him to London - the case brought him to London

2) (Out of) go out, report ( about room)

a bathroom ~ s out of the bedroom - bathroom adjoins the bedroom

6. 1) lead, serve a wire or canal

2) to bring ( to); call be); be the cause of ( wow), have a result

to ~ nowhere - do not lead to anything to be unsuccessful

to ~ to illness - to end the disease

to ~ to a Poor Result - give minor results

fear Led Him to Tell Lies - fear forced him to lie

this Led to Disaster - this led to a catastrophe; It was the cause of disaster

this HAS LED ME TO EXPECT (SMTH.) - It gave me reason to expect ( be)

7. 1) convince, incline ( to); Move, influence

hE MAY BE LED BUT HE WON "T BE COOERCED - You can convince him, but you can not force

what Led You to Think So? - What made you think so?

I am LED From All I Hear to Agree With You - around what I heard / learned /, I am inclined to agree with you

what you say ~ s me to refuse - what you say makes me refuse

2) (INTO) involve ( be on)

and ~ US Not Into Temptation - bibleand do not enter us in temptation

8. yur.ask leading questions ( witness)

9. kart.go

to ~ Hearts (Spades) - walk with worms (with peak)

10. those.ozeri

11. military.expect

12. schotl. yur.testify; submit ( evidence, etc.)

to ~ SMB. a Fine / Pretty / Dance - make smb. (pour), indulge

to ~ SMB. By The Nose - on occasion; keep In full submission

all Roads ~ to Rome - ambassadorall roads lead to Rome

to ~ Almost Exclusively with One "S Left - sport.act almost elbow

to ~ SMB. Up the Garden Path - to deceive smb.; led for nose

Which is Heavier, lead. OR GOLD?
What is heavier, lead or gold?

Does This Path. lead. To the Train Station?
This path leads to the station?

This Road Will. lead. You to the Station and the City Center.
This road will lead you to the station and the city center.

Ambiguous Phrases in General lead. to amusing interpretations.
The ambiguous phrases are generally leading to funny interpretations.

IT "S Possible for a Ball of lead. to Float on Water.
Lead ball can swim in the water.

You can bring the horse to water, but you can not make it drink.

Lead. IS Easily Bent.
Lead is easily bent.

Not any police investigation necessarily leads to the detention of the suspect.

Where Does This Street lead. to?
Where does this street lead?

Lead. Bends Easily.
Lead is easily short.

Masturbation. leads. to Insanity.
Masturbation leads to madness.

BECAUSE IT INFLAMES UPPER-AIRWAY TISSUESS, SMOKING OFTEN leads. to Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Alcohol and sedatives can Worsen APNOEA AS Well; Acting As Muscle Relaxants, They Make The Airway Smaller.
Since it causes the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, smoking often leads to obstructive apnea during sleep. Alcohol and soothing means can also worsen apnea - acting as muscle relaxants, they narrow the respiratory tract.

He. leads. An Active Life.
He leads an active life.

This Road. leads. to the river.
This road leads to the river.

He. leads. A Hectic Life.
He leads a stormy life.

This Road. leads. To The Station.
This road leads to the station.

IT "S SIMPLY SURPRISING, How A MODEST ATTEMPT by a Foreign to Compose A Russian Sentence Ultimately leads. To Two Russian Speakers Engaging in a Lively Discussion About their Native Language.
It's just amazing how a modest attempt to foreigners make a Russian proposal in the end, can lead to the fact that two Russian-speaking people enter the lively discussion about their native language.

This door leads. To The Garden.
This door leads to the garden.

His Wife. leads. Him By The Nose.
His wife leads him behind his nose.

The Street Which leads. To The Hotel Is Narrow.
Street leading to the hotel is narrow.

He. led. A Hard Life After That.
He had a hard life after that.

I. led. Him by The Hand.
I led him by the hand.

MOREOVER, THE SWEEPING CHANGE BROUGHT by Modernity and Globalization led. Many Muslims to View The West As Hostile to the Traditions of Islam.
In addition, rapid changes that appeared in our time due to globalization led to the fact that many Muslims began to consider the West hostile to Islamic traditions.

His Troubles. led. HIM TO DRINK.
His difficulties led him to drunkenness.

What led. You to this conclusion?
What led you to such a conclusion?

Chocolate cake led her in temptation, although she sits on a diet.

THE POPULARITY OF THE TELEPHONE HAS led. to Fewer People Writing Letters These Days.
The popularity of the phone led to the fact that these days there are fewer people write letters.

The Couplele led. a Happy Life.
Couple led a happy life.

Your Advice. led. Me to Success.
Your advice was useful for me.

The Parade Was. led. By An Army Band.
Parade headed the military orchestra.

All Roads Lead to Rome All roads lead to Rome Lead to be, to go first, distinguish (in the contest); exceed; He Leads All Orators he is the best speaker; AS A TEACHER HE LEADS It is better than all other LEAD Lead teachers; AS Heavy As Lead Very Heavy Lead Military. Preference, bringing fire (on a moving goal); Blind LEAD Ceance Led Him to London Case LED His in London Curiosity Led Me To Look Again Curiosity made me take a look again Lead example, instructions, directive; to Follow The Lead (of SMB.) To follow (whose) Example LEAD first place leading place in the competition; To Gain (or To Have) The Lead take the first place LEAD ATTR. lead; Hail of LEAD hail bullets; To Get The Lead to be shown to Give (SMB.) A (or The) Lead encourage, pickle (smb.) An example of LEAD ATTR. lead; Hail of LEAD hail bullets; To Get The Lead to shoot to Have A Lead Of Three Metres (Five Seconds) to get three meters (five seconds) Lead to be, to go first, ahead (in the contest); exceed; He Leads All Orators he is the best speaker; AS A TEACHER HE LEADS is the best of all other LEAD ME teachers. Lot; To Heave (or to Cast) The LEAD MOR. throw a lot; Measure the head of the Helix Lead lot of the head of the head of the Lead first move (in the game); IT IS Your Lead You start LEAD to be the first to be ahead (in the competition); exceed; He Leads All Orators he is the best speaker; AS A TEACHER HE LEADS It is better than all other LEAD Teachers input lead, carry out; To Lead A Quiet Life to keep quiet life Lead (LED) lead, bring; To LEAD A CHILD by The Hand to keep a child for the head of Lead lead Lead head head Lead output LEAD Theater., Cinema The main role or its performer (Nitsa) Lead Lead LEAD Georgot, plumb the LEAD Directive Geol. lived; Golden sand to Lead (SMB. To do smth.) To make (smb. do something); What Led You to Think So? What made you think so? Lead Make Lead Lead Initiative Contact Lead Brief Introduction to the newspaper article; The introductory part of the LEAD MOR. Lot; To Heave (or to Cast) The LEAD MOR. throw a lot; Measure the depth of the LEAD Lot Sport. Direct the head (in box) Lead Tech. ahead; LEAD AWAY MANTER, WILL TO WILL LEAD TE. Ahead, premium (pair intake, etc.) Lead Lead advance. Savinkate, cover lead Lead Championship Lead First place leading place in the competition; To Gain (or to Have) The Lead take first place Lead first move (in the game); IT IT Your Lead You start LEAD LEAD Silver Lead, Live Lead Email. Lead liner lead, to incline (something), to force the Lead example, instructions, directive; To Follow The Lead (of SMB.) Follow (whose) Example Lead Wire LEAD Explorer Lead Divorce (in Ice) LEAD Polygr. Divide the Lead Sports veneers. The gap between the leader and the runner, going after Him Lead lead, manage, command, head; To LEAD An Army Command Army Lead Lead Lead Guide; initiative; To Take The Lead take the initiative to make the initiator; Lead Lead Guide, Lead Initiative Lead Lead Guide; AS Heavy As LEAD Very Heavy Lead Lead PL lead stripes for roof cover; pork-covered roof; Flat roof Lead Tech. booster, drive LEAD pipeline; Channel LEAD Specifying Lead Driving Lead Military. Preference, bringing fire (on a moving goal); Blind Lead Still LEAD Maps. LEAD card move. walk To LEAD Hearts (Spades etc.) walk with worms (with peak, etc.) Lead hunt. aim in the flying bird LEAD those. Step (Spiral, Screw), Stroke (Piston) Lead Pl Polygr. LEAD (LED) veneers lead, bring; To Lead A Child by The Hand to conduct a child by the hand of Lead lead, spend; To LEAD A QUIET LIFE Watch a quiet life Life: Lead Lifestyle; To Lead A QUIET LIFE to keep quiet life; Stirring Life Active life, employment; Life of Movement Life on Lead Wheels Lead, Driving, Command, Head; TO LEAD AN ARMY COMMODEL TO LEAD AN ORCHESTRA ARCHESTER LEAD ATTR. lead; Hail of LEAD hail bullets; To Get The Lead to be shot by Lead Tech. ahead; LEAD AWAY MANTER, HAVE TO LEAD BY THE NOSE LIVE MORE; keep in submission; To Lead (SMB.) A (Pretty) Dance to force (smb.) To suffer; To take the nose, indulgent (smb.) to Lead for the ProSecusion (Defence) JUR. Head the charge (protection) Lead cards. walk To LEAD Hearts (Spades etc.) Walk with worms (with peak, etc.) to LEAD Nowhere to do not lead to the LEAD OFF start, put the beginning; Open (debate, ball) LEAD ON lure, enthusiastic Lead Out of Lead to enter (about rooms) Lead To lead to Lead To give (to some results) Lead Up Preparation, Introduction to Lead (SMB.) Up the Garden (PATH) misleading; LEAD UP TO CONTROL CONTACT (for something) LEAD UP TO Gradually Prepare The Path Leads To the House Road leads to home Red Lead lead Surik to Return (SMB. "S) Lead to support (whose) Initiative to Return (SMB. "S) Lead Go to the Maste of Lead Guide; initiative; To Take The Lead take the initiative to make the initiator; Lead to Lead (SMB. to do smth.) To make (smb. do something); What Led You to Think So? What made you think so? White Lead Lead Belil