Actrapid in bodybuilding dosages. Insulin in bodybuilding - application features, dosage and reviews

insulin in bodybuilding

Insulin is very popular among weightlifters because it is one of the most powerful anabolics.

It several times enhances the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, promotes faster penetration of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids into cells. Other tasks of insulin include:

  1. Inhibition of the breakdown of carbohydrates and proteins.
  2. Increased level of branched polysaccharide in the liver and muscles.
  3. Lowering blood sugar by increasing the absorption of glucose by tissues.
  4. Improving energy metabolism.
  5. Reduction of substrate oxidation and improvement of their recovery.

With the introduction of a large amount of insulin in the body, the blood sugar drops sharply. As a result, the protective reaction of the body turns on - growth hormone begins to be intensively released into the blood, as a result of which the blood sugar level rises again.

Sometimes the level of somatotropic hormone rises five or even more times. As a result, anabolism increases dramatically. Moreover, insulin contributes not only to the release of the hormone, but also to the strengthening of its work.

Side effects of taking insulin in bodybuilding

The speed and time of action of insulins are different. Some of them can lead the athlete into a state of hypoglycemia. It occurs when blood sugar levels drop too low.

Before using insulin, the athlete needs to be aware of the signs of hypoglycemia.

These include: blurred vision, increased drowsiness, severe hunger, dizziness, a sharp change in mood to negative and depressive, increased sweating, tingling in different parts of the body, increased heart rate, fear of light, delirium, anxiety, headache, increased irritability.

If a weightlifter has noticed these signs, he urgently needs to drink any drink that contains sugar. These actions will help prevent hypoglycemia, or, if it has already begun, reduce its negative impact on the body.

However, completely eliminating hypoglycemia is fraught with problems, it is necessary to maintain it at a weak level. Experienced athletes know how to correctly take carbohydrates, as a result of which they have a small effect of hypoglycemia.

Sometimes medical intervention is required after hypoglycemia. The athlete can lose consciousness, stop orienting in space and even die.

Athletes use insulin differently. Many take it immediately after a workout to help lower their blood sugar levels as much as possible. As you know, the less sugar in the body, the better the muscle mass grows. The dosage is simple: 1-2 units. for 5 - 10 kilograms of weight.

For those who have just ventured into taking insulin, it is necessary to start with small doses, gradually increasing them. For the first dose, two units are enough. With each subsequent workout, add two more units. As a result, the daily rate can reach twenty to forty units. This technique will allow the weightlifter to determine the optimal dosage for himself. You can also visit a doctor who can determine what dose is needed.

The dosage of insulin directly depends on the degree of tolerance and the intake of "parallel" drugs. An athlete who takes thyroid and growth hormone must increase the dose of insulin, otherwise the desired effect will not be achieved.

How to administer insulin?

Insulin is administered subcutaneously only through a special insulin syringe.

You can buy them at any pharmacy without restrictions. Using another syringe is dangerous because it will not be possible to correctly calculate the dosage of the drug.

Insulin is injected into the abdominal cavity, while a layer of skin is clamped. For a faster action of the drug, many athletes inject it directly into the triceps or thigh. You can bring insulin with you to the gym. To do this, it must be cooled well, and ensure that it does not heat up in the bag.

Immediately after training, insulin must be injected into the body immediately. After about fifteen minutes, you need to eat something sweet. The level of carbohydrates is determined by the following ratio: 10 grams of carbohydrates are consumed per unit of drug administered.

After an hour has passed, you need to eat food rich in protein. If this is not done, the sugar level will drop significantly, which is fraught with hypoglycemia. Most often, athletes in this case want to sleep, since sleep is one of the side effects.

You can’t go to bed - at this time, the level of insulin in the body reaches the limit. Typically, insulin remains active for four hours, two of which are at peak. This suggests that you can not sleep for four hours. Some weightlifters inject insulin half an hour before the end of their workout and drink a carbohydrate drink immediately after.

However, this method is not entirely safe, despite the more efficient supply of muscle glycogen. Individuals manage to administer the drug before starting a workout, but this is very dangerous and only experienced athletes do this. Someone injects insulin right after waking up in the morning. Then they take a carbohydrate drink and sixty minutes later they start eating breakfast. What is interesting is that insulin cannot be determined during a doping test.

Advice! Before using insulin, you need to learn how to use it correctly. But when you carefully monitor your body's reactions to the drug, nothing bad should happen. While taking insulin, you need to take breaks, otherwise, over time, the body will stop producing its own insulin. This is fraught with atrophy of the pancreas. To do this, you need to take the drug for two months, and rest for four months.

Should I take insulin?

Insulin is a dangerous drug. However, athletes operate with the fact that with its help they managed to build up just piles of muscles.

Whether to take insulin or not is up to you. But don't run for speed. Muscles will grow even without this drug, it will just take more time. But health will remain normal and at an older age there will be no problems with it.

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Compiles and conducts personal training programs for physique correction. Specializes in sports traumatology, physiotherapy. Engaged in sessions of classical medical and sports massage. Conducts biomedical monitoring.

Many professional athletes use insulin to improve the breakdown of glucose and its absorption by the muscles. The effectiveness of this method has been proven repeatedly, but it is worth remembering the precautions.

A person who is professionally involved in sports and dreams of high results cannot use only physical activity. This is especially true for weightlifting, arm wrestling and other similar sports.

important hormone

Representatives of bodybuilding, for example, have long used insulin, a hormone produced in the pancreas and having a peptide nature. Its influence on metabolic processes in all organs and tissues is difficult to overestimate. The main role is to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood.

Thanks to this hormone, glycogen is converted from glucose in the liver and muscles. It also affects the transport of glucose to the so-called insulin-dependent tissues - muscle and fat. In addition, the synthesis of proteins and fats increases, and the action of enzymes that break down these substances is suppressed.

The effectiveness of insulin action

In bodybuilding, such a property as a significant anabolic effect is actively used, which is as follows:

  • cells absorb amino acids more actively;
  • protein biosynthesis increases dramatically;
  • ions of important chemical elements are delivered to cells faster;
  • the processes of synthesizing fatty acids increase;
  • accelerates the formation of triglycerides from glucose.

For athletes, anti-catabolic action is also important, including inhibition of protein hydrolysis, that is, a decrease in the processes of their degradation, a decrease in the release of fatty acids into the blood.

Insulin Helper

Experienced athletes draw the attention of everyone who decides to use this hormone in bodybuilding that it is recommended to use insulin that has a short or ultra-short period of action.

Approximately 30-40 minutes after the introduction under the skin, the effect of insulin of the first type (short) begins, therefore it is so important to take food half an hour before. The maximum effect of the administered hormone occurs after 2 hours, and finally it is eliminated from the body after 5 hours.

The action of insulin of the second type (ultrashort) begins even faster, that is, after a 15-minute period of time from entering the body. Within 2 hours, the effect increases, then a decrease begins, 3-4 hours after administration, it disappears from the body.

This insulin is considered more physiological, when using it, you do not need to track the time of eating, but enter it just before eating. The second option is immediately after the end of the meal.

Among the advantages of ultrashort insulin are a significant anabolic effect, availability, high quality, non-toxicity, and an extreme rarity of side effects. Ultra-short-acting insulin does not interfere with the functioning of the liver and kidneys, as well as potency.

Among the positive aspects is the ability to combine such insulin with other means used in bodybuilding, for example, anabolic steroids.

As in any sport, you should move from smallest to largest, carefully monitoring your well-being. It is necessary to carefully approach the study of dosage, rules of administration, side effects and methods of medical care, especially when hypoglycemic coma occurs.

It is recommended to start with a dose of 2 U, injecting insulin under the skin. Then the dosage can be gradually increased, each time by 2 units, bringing the total to 20 units. At the same time, to constantly monitor the state of health in general and individual organs.

A sparing regimen, every other day, is recommended to everyone without exception. The most important thing is the time when insulin enters the body, it is injected immediately after the end of the workout. Taking insulin in this way provides the maximum anabolic effect.

At the same time, catabolic processes are suppressed, which are inevitable, since the athlete's body experiences physical stress during power loads during training.

The duration of the course of insulin use is about two months. In some cases, if you want to achieve high results, athletes perform insulin injections daily and even twice a day. But such a regimen requires a reduction in the duration of the course to 1-1.5 months.

You also need to remember about the "friendship" of different types of insulin with food:

  • a short-acting hormone is injected 30 minutes before eating;
  • ultrashort-acting insulin - before a meal or immediately after it.

Moreover, it is also important that the food is rich in carbohydrates, experts note that for every 2 units of insulin there should be at least 10 grams of carbohydrates.

How to inject

It is important to remember that injections are given after training and a few hours before bedtime. Insulin in bodybuilding is administered only subcutaneously, the first stage is hygiene (washing hands), the presence of a disposable syringe.

The second stage is the introduction, that is, with the left hand, you need to collect the skin in a fold in the abdomen, insert the needle at an angle of 45 °, inject the drug and safely remove the needle. The injection site does not need to be kneaded, rubbed, for the next injection, choose another area of ​​the abdominal surface.

Steroids and insulin

The use of insulin by professionals is not limited to. Steroids, which are characterized by an anabolic effect, are also included in the diet of athletes.

Experts note that since the mechanism of action is different, it is quite acceptable to combine them. The use of insulin and steroids allows you to reduce the level of physical activity to achieve the same results.

Insulin and risks

This coin also has a dark, reverse side - uncontrolled, irregular use of insulin in bodybuilding can provoke severe hypoglycemia.

It is not easy to find a person who has not heard about the effectiveness of insulin in high blood sugar. But this is by no means its only property. Due to the pronounced anabolic action of the hormone, insulin is used everywhere in bodybuilding.

Insulin is a peptide, synthesized by the beta cells of the pancreas. Protein plays an important role in metabolic processes and at the same time inhibits the activity of the components that are necessary for the rapid burning of fat. Athletes should know how to properly use insulin to build lean body mass without gaining weight.

From benefit to harm

The main advantage of insulin is its ability to transport and optimally distribute nutrients throughout the cells of the body. The drug prevents the breakdown of protein molecules, after which the process of decay of adipose tissue slows down and lipids almost do not enter the bloodstream.

In bodybuilding, insulin is used:

  • Short action. Administer subcutaneously before breakfast. It begins to act after 30 minutes, and the complete cessation of the transport function occurs after 6 hours.
  • Ultra short action. The injection is performed before meals or after. Works about 3-4 hours.

The tool has a lot of advantages: it does not have a toxic effect on the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, does not affect the potency and quality of seminal fluid, does not cause dependence. The peptide can be combined with steroid anabolics, in addition, pharmacy chains sell the drug of exceptionally high quality and at an affordable price.

Side effects:

  1. Hypoglycemia. Its main features include tremor of the limbs, tachycardia, severe weakness, impaired coordination and orientation in space, an irresistible feeling of hunger. Usually, a pathological condition occurs with prolonged use of the drug, water or tea with sugar, sweets, chocolate and other sweets will help restore glucose levels.
  2. Slight redness, burning in the injection area. Local allergic reaction. Passes within a few minutes.
  3. Decreased production of your own insulin. At the end of the course, endogenous protein secretion slows down, and if you inject large doses, this threatens to completely stop insulin production.

When taking the drug, the production of your own insulin decreases.

Regardless of the sport, the use of insulin is often accompanied by significant body fat, especially when the injection schedule is incorrectly drawn up or the allowable dose is exaggerated. Remember that an overdose of the drug enhances adverse reactions and leads to serious consequences. Numerous studies and reviews of athletes have shown that a dose of 100 units is a threat to human life.

Admission course

The course lasts no longer than 1-2 months. Next, in order to restore secretion, you need to take a break. For 60 days, athletes gain from 5 to 10 kilograms of muscle mass. It is recommended to start insulin courses with small doses. Namely, 2 units of insulin subcutaneously with a gradual increase to 15-20 units. In no case do not sharply increase the dose, otherwise a side effect will appear, and the effect of the drug will come to naught. You should also not go beyond 20 units, despite the advice of enthusiastic bodybuilding colleagues who are literally soaked through with a huge amount of the hormone.

But how often do you inject insulin in powerlifting and bodybuilding? The safest option is 1 injection every other day. Sometimes in sports practice, the dosage is increased to daily injections or even two per day. If an experienced bodybuilder takes a lot of insulin, then no undesirable reactions of the body will occur, but a beginner should not take such risks.

The hormone is usually administered after a workout and before a heavy meal. The fact is that physical activity leads to a natural decrease in the concentration of glucose in the athlete's blood, and in combination with hypoglycemia caused by the introduction of artificial insulin, the body begins to actively produce growth hormone.

Short-acting insulin is used on training days and short-acting insulin on rest days. Novice athletes are shown the most sparing schemes (about 3 injections per week) and the duration of the course is 1 month.

Errors and Precautions

So, why and how to take insulin in bodybuilding, we figured it out. Now let's talk about the features of its use and the most common mistakes athletes make.

Insulin should not be taken before bed and exercise

Inject only subcutaneously. To avoid discomfort and irregularities in the subcutaneous fat (lipodystrophy), inject the substance into different parts of the body. Never knead the injection site; it is also not necessary to treat it with an antiseptic.

Do not use insulin:

  • Before bed or before training. Taking the remedy before the start of physical activity can provoke a hypoglycemic coma.
  • During the classic drying of the body, as well as a carbohydrate-free diet. When losing weight, the amount of carbohydrates in the body of an athlete decreases, while 1 ED of the drug needs 10 g of carbohydrates. The calculation of the dosage is easy to do on your own.
  • Several courses in a row (without a break). Prolonged use of a protein substance can cause endocrine pathology in the form of diabetes mellitus.

In sports, a steroid course is regularly combined with insulin injections. Anabolics have different mechanisms of action, so this combination is justified and allows you to get excellent results. But with hypoglycemic agents, you need to be extremely careful, they affect the production of insulin, eventually depleting the function of the pancreas.

Practice and reviews of bodybuilding athletes show that insulin for weight gain works better on ectomorphs and mesomorphs. If the athlete is inclined to be overweight, then endogenous protein will only worsen the situation. Building muscle mass without gaining fat tissue is almost impossible.

The drug has long won a place of honor in bodybuilding and sports in general. Carbohydrates transported by the hormone provide the athlete with the necessary energy, increase his endurance, proteins are responsible for muscle growth, giving the athlete an attractive, sculpted body. If you want to always be in good shape, efficiently, and most importantly, safely build muscle mass, then insulin will help you!

Insulin is a very strong hormone, but it is widely used by athletes in bodybuilding. In this article, we will consider how it affects the body of bodybuilders and how to use it correctly.

What is insulin

Insulin is a transport hormone produced in the beta cells of the pancreas. Its main purpose is to lower blood sugar.

The abundance of this hormone in the blood allows the cells of the body to receive more useful substances, which fully justifies its use in bodybuilding.

Did you know? In an adult, there are approximately 5 grams of the hormone insulin in the body.

Impact on the athlete's body

Each food intake provokes the release of insulin into the blood. Its action on athletes can be divided into metabolic, anabolic and anti-catabolic effects:

  1. Metabolic- Insulin paired with another pancreatic hormone - glucagon - form a balanced regimen for human metabolism. It is responsible for lowering glucose levels, while glucagon has the opposite effect and increases glucose if its level is insufficient for normal functioning. This harmonious union of hormones allows you to keep the level of sugar within the required norm for bodybuilders.
  2. Anabolic- due to the accelerated penetration of the drug into the blood, other nutrients and the fluid required by the body are also absorbed faster. A fast metabolism leads to the growth of muscle tissue cells.
  3. Anticatabolic- the hormone has the ability to reduce the amount of fatty acids in the blood. This allows you to better maintain muscle mass, since fatty acids inhibit the breakdown of fats.


Prok for bodybuilding from the transport hormone is to quickly and effectively build muscle mass.

But there are also additional factors that are beneficial for the athlete's body:

  • promotes the acceleration of metabolism;
  • reduces the level of glucose in the blood;
  • slows down the oxidation process, and this leads to a rapid recovery of cells after physical exertion;
  • produces protein in excess, due to which muscle tissue grows.

Side effects

With the wrong dose of injection, there is a risk of developing hypoglycemia (lack of glucose in the cell).

The main symptoms of hypoglycemia:

  • tremor of the limbs;
  • profuse sweating;
  • loss of coordination;
  • clouding of consciousness;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • strong feeling of hunger.

To raise the level of glucose in the blood, you need to eat a product containing glucose, that is, something sweet. In addition to the obvious symptoms, there is a risk of a chronic decrease in the production of one's own insulin, especially with long-term use of the drug.

Important! The hormone is not toxic to the liver and kidneys, does not cause disorders of the reproductive system.

What insulin is used in bodybuilding

Bodybuilders use two types of insulin: short-acting and ultra-short-acting.

Half an hour after application, short-acting insulin begins to show its effect and is in the blood for 5-6 hours.

Ultrashort-acting insulin begins to function within fifteen minutes and is excreted from the body after 3-4 hours. It should be administered immediately after a meal.

Insulin course

To gain weight of 3-10 kg per month, you need to follow the following course:

  1. Start taking the drug with a small dose - 2 units.
  2. Pay attention to how your body reacts to injections.
  3. With each subsequent dose, increase the dose by 2 units.
  4. Further, if there are no side effects, you can increase the dose to 10-15 IU. However, it is not worth administering more than 20 units, as there is a risk of an overdose of the drug and a sharp decrease in blood glucose levels.
  5. Injections can be given daily, but for a gradual effect of gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to administer the drug every other day.
  6. The duration of the course is from one and a half to two and a half months (depending on the frequency of taking the hormone). The more often you inject, the faster you will get the desired result and the shorter the course of administration.
  7. Products must be taken at the rate of 1 unit per 10 g of food.

Important! For best results, eat a carbohydrate-rich diet and do strength training.

The use of insulin in bodybuilding: video

How to prick

The rules for administering insulin are as follows:

  1. Disinfect the injection site with an alcohol-based liquid.
  2. Draw the required amount of the drug into a sterile syringe.
  3. After that, enter the contents of the ampoule under the skin, into the fold in the abdomen, after grabbing this place with your hand.

The injection syringe is used every time a new one. You also need to change injection sites to avoid irritation and infection in the wound. Ampoules should be kept well chilled.

Main mistakes in reception

If you are just starting an injection course, avoid the following mistakes:

  1. Do not inject insulin at night.
  2. Do not use the drug immediately before training.
  3. Do not inject the drug intramuscularly - the hormone must be injected under the skin.
  4. Do not exceed the amount of the administered drug.

Did you know? The record for biceps volume - 77.8 cm - in bodybuilding belongs to Denis Sester, USA.

Insulin injections among bodybuilders are very popular, not least because of the pricing policy. Knowing the precautions and correctly calculating the course of taking the drug, you can gain additional muscle mass in a short time.

Insulin for pumping, is it worth it: video

Insulin is a peptide hormone produced by the beta cells of the pancreas. Its function is to lower blood glucose levels.

This substance has a fairly pronounced anabolic effect, due to which it is used in bodybuilding. But besides this action, insulin also has an anti-catabolic effect, because it activates glycolysis enzymes, stimulates the formation of glycogen from glucose in the muscles and liver, and also enhances the production of proteins and fats. In addition, this hormone can reduce the activity of enzymes that stimulate the breakdown of fats and glycogen. This is its anti-catabolic effect.

It must be remembered that for beginner athletes, insulin in sports is not entirely suitable, because it is a very powerful and serious drug. If it is used illiterately, it can harm the body and even lead to death.

The main advantage of insulin is that it is a transport hormone, that is, it delivers nutrients to the cells. First of all, we are talking about glucose (carbohydrates), but also amino acids (proteins) and triglycerides (fats) depend on the work of this substance. To understand what is the essence of the activity of insulin, you need to decide what the above three groups of compounds are for.

The transport of carbohydrates by insulin leads to an increase in energy processes, the transport of proteins leads to muscle building, and fat to fat growth. Based on this, it becomes clear that insulin is an assistant both for gaining muscle mass and for gaining body fat. Which effect will prevail depends on two factors:

  1. - diet - the more protein the diet contains and the less carbohydrates, the better;
  2. - genetics - it determines the type of physique. The more fat a person has, the more harmful insulin will be for him.

Insulin in bodybuilding is able to transport everything, but the emphasis can be placed in different ways: either the path of anabolism, that is, muscle growth, or an increase in fat mass will prevail. Moreover, it is impossible to achieve one goal, completely abandoning the other path. In any case, both a set of fat and an increase in muscle mass will occur.

If a person is by nature an ectomorph (has thin bones and little fat), then insulin will help him more than harm him, because his insulin resistance is lowered. If a person is an endomorph (has a stomach, easily gains fat, has thick bones), then he has a high resistance to insulin, which means that it makes no sense to use it.

Effects of insulin

This hormone has a versatile effect, but the main directions are anabolic and anti-catabolic effects, as well as metabolic function.

Anabolic effect

Under the action of insulin, muscle cells begin to intensively absorb amino acids, especially leucine and valine. There is also an increase in DNA replication and protein biosynthesis, the penetration of magnesium, potassium and phosphate ions into cells is activated, the formation of fatty acids and their further esterification into adipose tissue and the liver are accelerated. Insulin also catalyzes the conversion of glucose into triglycerides. If this hormone is not enough, then, on the contrary, the mobilization of fats begins.

Anti-catabolic effect

Insulin reduces the breakdown of proteins by inhibiting their hydrolysis, and also reduces the transport of fatty acids into the bloodstream (weakens lipolysis).

metabolic effect

Insulin promotes the activation of the main enzymes of glycolysis, increases the uptake of glucose by muscle cells, accelerates the formation of glycogen and other compounds, and also reduces the formation of glucose in the liver (gluconeogenesis).

The use of insulin in bodybuilding

Insulin in bodybuilding is ultra-short, short and prolonged action. In bodybuilding, the first two types are used.

Short acting insulin. The action of this type of hormone begins thirty minutes after subcutaneous injection. The injection should be done half an hour before meals. The maximum effect begins two hours after the injection and completely disappears after five to six hours.

Ultrashort insulin begins to act almost instantly, after five to ten minutes, the peak of action also occurs after two hours, and the hormone is completely eliminated from the human body after three to four hours. This type of drug can be taken immediately before meals (5-10 minutes before) or directly taken immediately after meals.

Pros and cons of insulin

The benefits are:

  • - affordable cost of the course;
  • - guaranteed high quality (insulin, unlike anabolic steroids, is practically not counterfeited);
  • - ease of acquisition, you can safely buy at a pharmacy;
  • - has a pronounced anabolic effect;
  • - little chance of side effects;
  • - there are no consequences from the application;
  • - weakly expressed rollback;
  • - possible sharing with steroids and other compounds;
  • - does not have an androgenic effect on the body;
  • - there is no toxic effect on the kidneys and liver, and there are no problems with male sexual function.

Insulin deficiencies can be displayed in three points:

  1. - can cause hypoglycemia;
  2. - during the course, the fat mass increases significantly;
  3. - complex injection scheme.

Side effect

A decrease in blood sugar, which is manifested by sweating, begins to shake hands and feet, clouded consciousness, there are difficulties with the orientation of a person in space and coordination of movements, there is a strong feeling of hunger. It is very important in the development of hypoglycemia to drink glucose in any form or eat something sweet as soon as possible in order to prevent further consequences, and bring it to the desired level must be constantly maintained.

Itching may occur at the injection site.

An allergic reaction is extremely rare, but it can still occur in some people.

Decreased production of insulin by the pancreas. This may be in those athletes who use this drug for a very long time and put themselves in large doses. Also, prolonged types of insulins (for example, protafan) can have such an effect.

Insulin course

The duration of the use of this drug is from one to two months, after which it is necessary to take a break. Compliance with this rule is vital, as it allows you to restore your own secretion of insulin. During the course, a set of muscle mass is from 5 to 10 kg.

Large doses are not recommended. In order not to harm health, it is important to start using small dosages and inject two units subcutaneously. Gradually, the dose can be increased to 15 - 20 units, a larger amount is not recommended.

It is very important to follow the rule of small doses, you can not immediately enter, for example, 5 or 10 units, and immediately increase the amount of insulin to 20 units at the next workout. It is still recommended to use . Doing so is by no means permissible, because it is dangerous to health.

Another principle that requires strict observance: no matter what anyone says, one cannot go beyond the dosage of 20 units. Some argue that nothing terrible will happen, even if you inject 50 units of the drug, but in fact, in this case, the consequences for the body can be very serious.

Injections are best done every other day, although there are options for daily injections, and some people use insulin even twice a day, it is also recommended. But in this case, the course should be reduced to 30 days. When using the drug once every two days, the duration of use can be 2 months.

It is best to inject insulin after a workout, and then you should eat plenty. It is this use of the hormone that is justified by the fact that insulin has an anti-catabolic effect, which means that it is able to block the catabolism processes that occur during physical exertion during training.

There are also some other benefits of using insulin after sports: when training with weight lifting, there is a physiologically determined decrease in blood glucose concentration (due to increased consumption of energy resources). The introduction of insulin from the outside also leads to the appearance of hypoglycemia.

These two effects overlap and lead to an active release of growth hormone into the bloodstream. It is not advisable to administer insulin at other times of the day, but if training takes place every other day, then it makes sense to inject in the morning before meals on days when there are no classes. In this case, it is recommended to use short-acting drugs (for example, Actrapid) and eat food half an hour after the injection. On training days, insulin is administered only after the workout is completed.