How does citrulline affect the heart. Citrulline: instructions for use

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is used by the body to produce arginine. L-citrulline is important in sports as it promotes increased blood flow to the muscles during intense workouts, causing the muscles to get bigger (pumping effect). On the basis of l-citrulline malate, preparations are made for athletes that increase physical qualities.

Indications for use

This amino acid should be taken to eliminate the symptoms of asthenia, during the recovery period after a protracted illness, and also in old age to increase energy.

The substance, as well as preparations based on it, are indicated for use when athletes have a difficult preparatory period and to prevent overtraining.

The composition of the drug

A gram of powder contains approximately 60% l-citrulline and 40% dl-malate.

Medicinal properties

This dietary supplement is a sports nutrition that has a tonic, adaptogenic, anti-asthenic and metabolic effect. Salts of l-citrulline, entering the body, begin to stimulate the production of the amino acid arginine. In turn, it is a cardioprotector, increases endurance and body defenses.

With the help of l-citrulline in sports, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Filling the muscles with blood (pumping)
  • Faster elimination of lactic acid from muscles
  • Increasing the level of ATP in the body
  • Strengthening immunity.

Salts of l-citrulline are absorbed in the stomach, and at a concentration of 0.18 grams per kilogram of body weight, the concentration of arginine increases by 2 times.

Release form

The average price in Russia is 1000 rubles for a can of powder.

Citrulline malate is sold in powder form, and is also often produced as the basis for sports nutrition (pre-workout supplements, amino acid complexes). It looks like a white powder, homogeneous, small crystals, odorless, has a sour taste. The substance is rapidly soluble in water. The formula of l-citrulline malate is C6H13N3O3. L citrulline is packaged in bags or jars of 100, 200, 500 grams.

Mode of application

Adults and the elderly should take 200 mg of l-citrulline malate 1-3 times a day for no more than two weeks. Children under five are shown to take 200 mg per day, and up to 15 years - 400 mg, divided into 2 doses.

In sports, citrulline is used 5-10 grams before and after training. It is best to drink the amino acid on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not to be used by pregnant women and while breastfeeding.


Products based on l-citrulline malate should not be taken by people who are prone to food allergies or who have a hypersensitivity reaction to this sports nutrition.

Precautionary measures

Sports nutrition with l-citrulline should be kept away from small children in well-sealed jars so that the substance does not crumble.

Cross drug interaction

Sports nutrition, which is based on citrulline, has good compatibility with protein supplements, creatine monohydrate, arginine, carnitine, complexes of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Side effects

In rare cases, citrulline can cause discomfort and discomfort in the stomach or mild allergic manifestations. If allergies and abdominal pain do not go away in a short time, then you should stop drinking sports nutrition with an amino acid.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life is no more than two years, store a bag or jar of amino acid at room temperature in a dry and dark place, away from children.



Solgar Vitamin and Herb Company, USA

average cost in Russia - 1000 rubles per can.

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid for the older population, and an essential amino acid for children. Arginine can be sold in capsules of 500 or 1000 mg of the active ingredient and in the form of a friable powder, odorless and tasteless, white, easily soluble in water. Arginine is useful in that it has cardioprotective properties, promotes better blood circulation in the vessels, increases endurance, which is very important for track and field athletes.


  • Useful substance
  • Can be given to children.


  • Expensive
  • Little-studied biologically active additive.

Modern Health Laboratory, Russia

average cost- 800 rubles per jar.

Levocarnitine is a popular dietary supplement that has cardioprotective, antihypoxic, and metabolic properties. It is used to normalize metabolism, including weight gain or weight loss. It is useful for the hearts to use it as a means that strengthens the myocardium. If you drink levocarnitine and engage in increased aerobic exercise (running, swimming), then it is best to get rid of excess body fat.


  • Proven, effective remedy
  • Can be given to children.


  • Expensive
  • Not suitable for everyone.

The feeling of fatigue is common to all people. Someone gets tired of constant training in pursuit of results and a beautiful body, for others this condition is associated with clinical symptoms of various diseases. In all these cases, a drug called "Citrulline malate" will come to the rescue.

What is a substance

Citrulline is an amino acid that is involved in the process of ridding the body of lactic acid and ammonia. It is these substances that cause muscle fatigue in humans. The citrulline molecule, binding to the organic salt molecule - malate, forms the substance citrulline malate. At its core, malate is nothing more than malic acid, which the body, through its processing, uses to increase energy.

Citrulline malate is converted to nitric oxide, which allows the muscles to consume more glucose and prevent the accumulation of fatigue. Cellular mitochondria, responsible for energy production, increase in number along with an increase in nitric oxide. As a result, the muscles begin to contract better, receive more blood, which transports the necessary substances and utilizes decay products.

The most important purpose of the substance is the ability to increase the production of arginine, which stimulates the growth of nitric oxide. Hence the focus in the use of the drug to prevent and relieve the syndrome of excessive fatigue.

The composition and properties of the drug

The additive consists only of the components included in its name. Approximately 55-60% is citrulline, the remaining 40-45% is malate. To improve the action, the drug is supplemented with various components:

  • arginine, which stimulates muscle vessels;
  • creatine, which increases muscle mass;
  • carnosine, which eliminates the effect of oxidative processes on muscles;
  • carnetine, which improves heart function;
  • B-group vitamins and zinc, which are a link in all metabolic processes.

The main properties of the substance are:

  • synthesis of arginine in the body;
  • increase in muscle mass and increase its nutrition;
  • increase of energy potential;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining a normal nitrogen balance;
  • improvement of erectile function.

We can say that citrulline malate is a regulator of many metabolic processes in the human body and allows you to make it not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Application in sports

Recently, citrulline malate has been used in the preparation of athletes. Sports nutrition is used in the pre-workout complex in power sports to build muscle. This is bodybuilding, weightlifting, fitness, etc. The use of the substance helps to reduce muscle fatigue by improving blood flow. In aerobic exercises (running, swimming), the drug helps to increase the athlete's endurance. The pressure remains within the normal range.

In 2015, American scientists proved that citrulline malate is able to eliminate protein deficiency in the body without causing hormonal disorders. Experts advise to use the drug with very intense training and increased load. To work with one muscle group, the effect will be negligible.

Application in medicine

Citrulline malate is used medicinally in the treatment of the following conditions:


    metabolic acidosis;

    drowsiness of unclear etiology;

    chronic fatigue syndrome.

The drug is recommended for use in order to speed up recovery after surgical interventions. Also, citrulline malate, reviews of which are mostly positive, is prescribed for the elderly and pregnant women with asthenia.

The drug belongs to the group of tonic and adaptogens. The most famous drug based on citrulline malate is Stimol. It is presented in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Contraindications, except for individual intolerance, were not identified. Of the side effects - only discomfort in the epigastric region at the beginning of the reception.

Dosage and features of use

Experts recommend daily use of citrulline malate, the sporting purpose of which is approved by the Ministry of Health. Half an hour before training, one dose is taken and 1-2 more additionally - after waking up and at bedtime. A single dosage of the supplement should be at least 6 g.

To enhance the effect of the drug, it is advised to take it before meals, preferably diluted with water in proportions according to the annotation. Before use, it is important to study the composition of the supplement so that the dosage corresponds to the minimum amount of the drug. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the reception will be negligible.

For medical purposes, both adults and children are recommended citrulline malate. How to take - described in the instructions for the drug. Usually for adults, the use is limited to a single dose of 200 mg and a frequency of administration from 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 12 days. Children under 5 years of age are prescribed 200 mg once a day. From 5 to 15 years - 400 mg in 2 doses. When using the drug, care must be taken if the patient is on a diet without salt, because the drug contains sodium.

Natural substitutes for citrulline

The highest amount of citrulline malate is found in watermelon. Studies using this particular berry led to the study of amino acids as an energy source, the increased content of which is also characterized by:

  • beans;
  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • onion and garlic.

Beans are a plant source of citrulline. In watermelon, there is especially a lot of this substance in peels and seeds.

The use of citrulline malate both in sports and for medical purposes has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole: it allows you to relieve the symptoms of fatigue and achieve excellent sports performance, while strengthening the immune system.

Citrulline (Citrulline) is a sports supplement that promotes the formation of. The latter is a nitrogen donator that improves blood flow in muscle fibers. Also, the product provides a good pumping, increases the level of endurance, delivers nutrition to the muscles. Due to it, immunity is strengthened, the boundaries of energy accumulation are expanded, and a positive nitrogen balance is maintained.

Application in sports

Citrulline is very popular with bodybuilders. It is worth buying to ensure performance growth, help efficient recovery and improve blood supply to muscle tissue.

Citrulline malate in bodybuilding is actively involved in the utilization of the urea substance. This is the chemical compound "urea". The supplement provides a quick removal of toxins from the body. Slags that appear during protein metabolism, strength activity, catabolism interfere with recreation and reduce the athletic performance of an athlete. To prevent this from happening, you should use L-citrulline.

Scientists have determined that the substance is able to replace arginine. This is due to the process of inversion of matter from one species to another. The product allows you to increase the production of growth hormone and creatine, helps to increase the synthesis of insulin. With a daily intake of 6 grams, muscle fiber fatigue decreases, ATP production increases by 34%. After physical effort, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

Thanks to the listed qualities, citrulline can rightfully be called a powerful restorative and energy remedy. Representatives of strength disciplines take it to improve their athletic performance. The compound helps to reduce the recovery time after physical activity, gives high intensity classes. Reduces the risk of overtraining. The supplement can also be used in case of aerobic exercise.

Many athletes believe that taking citrulline is more effective than arginine. It is optimally absorbed, not destroyed in the liver, when it has gone through the process of absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid neutralizes enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. Perhaps a combination of citrulline with arginine.

The maximum effectiveness of the product is noticeable at the beginning of the third week of use. The first results of a positive influence can be found on the third or fourth day at the beginning of the course. The course of admission should last one to two months. It is allowed to take the supplement on an ongoing basis without interruption.

Rules for taking citrulline

It is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach, half an hour before training. Additionally, you can drink the supplement before bedtime and after waking up. The effects that appear after taking it are provided by a rise in the level of arginine. To achieve the desired result, you need to consume at least 6 grams of citrulline per day.

Side effect

In clinical trials, no side effects from taking citrulline have been identified. Those who practice taking the remedy do not report any deviations or disturbances in the functioning of the body.

To increase the effectiveness of the supplement, you can combine its intake with other sports nutrition products. This increases the positive effect of citrulline on the athlete's body.

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid found in some protein foods. It has many beneficial synergistic effects with other sports supplements such as BCAAs.

Citrulline is found naturally in watermelon. It is an important topic in matters of diet and sports nutrition.

Physiological role of citrulline

Citrulline has many physiological functions, but the main one is to increase the production of nitric oxide.1 In the liver, citrulline can be created from other amino acids. It is an essential component of the urea cycle, which is of particular importance for the removal of ammonia and other nitrogenous toxins from the blood, most of which in mammals are found in the liver. Nitrogen degradation products are formed during the consumption, assimilation and metabolism of protein.

Oral intake of citrulline has been shown to increase plasma arginine concentrations and thus increase the production of arginine-derived metabolites (nitrite, ornithine, creatinine, etc.).2 When interacting with citric acid, aspartic acid, and magnesium, citrulline promotes the elimination of nitrogen metabolites.

A rare human disease called citrullinemia leads to increased levels of ammonia in the blood.

However, studies show that zinc supplementation can help convert liver-based citrulline to arginine, thereby lowering ammonia levels.3

In addition, pyridoxine (vitamin B6) activates transaminases (enzymes that convert one amino acid to another) during the urea cycle. If you suspect a malfunction in the liver, taking pyridoxine can be very effective (however, you must first consult with your doctor).

Benefits of Taking a Sports Nutrition Containing Citrulline Malate

Taking citrulline malate results in numerous physical improvements. In addition to its participation in the urea cycle, citrulline has the following beneficial effects on the human body.

  1. Increases intracellular production of nitric oxide, which has a positive effect on vasodilation (relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels) and blood flow.2
  2. Increases absorption of essential amino acids during exercise.1
  3. Accelerates post-workout recovery by reducing muscle soreness.4
  4. Improves elimination of toxic nitrogen metabolites.2
  5. Increases post-workout growth hormone levels relative to those receiving placebo instead of citrulline.1
  6. Lowers plasma insulin levels after high-intensity exercise.3

Possible side effects of taking citrulline malate

Luckily, citrulline is a fairly safe supplement with no dangerous side effects. The only one that can be called relatively common is indigestion, but it only occurs when taking this sports supplement on an empty stomach.

Citrulline should be taken:

  • bodybuilders;
  • athletes involved in aerobic or anaerobic sports;
  • powerlifters;
  • those who wish to achieve more pumping during training.

When is the Best Time to Take Citrulline?

The optimal time to take citrulline is 15-30 minutes before training. But if desired, it can also be taken after it.

Useful article: "Sports nutrition - 5 main products for gaining muscle mass"

Common questions about taking citrulline

Can I just eat watermelon instead of taking citrulline?

Most of the citrulline is found in the rind of a watermelon, so getting the right amount of citrulline from a watermelon is difficult.

Is it true that citrulline improves libido and cures impotence?

This is one of the benefits of taking citrulline. Increased nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and improves blood flow (which, among other things, helps improve erections).

Is it true that citrulline should be taken on an empty stomach?

To avoid possible stomach upset, it is best to take citrulline with food.

How long does it take to feel the effect of taking citrulline?

This is very individual, but some important effects, such as the removal of toxins, will begin to occur after the first dose. But, for example, it may take several weeks to feel an increase in strength and a decrease in pain in the muscles after strength training.

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Citrulline: instructions for use

Latin name: citrulline malate ATC code: A16AA07 Active ingredient: citrulline malate Manufacturer: Prima Force, USA Pharmacy dispensing condition: Without a prescription

Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is used by the body to produce arginine. L-citrulline is important in sports as it promotes increased blood flow to the muscles during intense workouts, causing the muscles to get bigger (pumping effect). On the basis of l-citrulline malate, preparations are made for athletes that increase physical qualities.

Indications for use

This amino acid should be taken to eliminate the symptoms of asthenia, during the recovery period after a protracted illness, and also in old age to increase energy.

The substance, as well as preparations based on it, are indicated for use when athletes have a difficult preparatory period and to prevent overtraining.

The composition of the drug

A gram of powder contains approximately 60% l-citrulline and 40% dl-malate.

Medicinal properties

This dietary supplement is a sports nutrition that has a tonic, adaptogenic, anti-asthenic and metabolic effect. Salts of l-citrulline, entering the body, begin to stimulate the production of the amino acid arginine. In turn, it is a cardioprotector, increases endurance and body defenses.

With the help of l-citrulline in sports, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Filling the muscles with blood (pumping)
  • Faster elimination of lactic acid from muscles
  • Increasing the level of ATP in the body
  • Strengthening immunity.

Salts of l-citrulline are absorbed in the stomach, and at a concentration of 0.18 grams per kilogram of body weight, the concentration of arginine increases by 2 times.

Release form

The average price in Russia is 1000 rubles for a can of powder.

Citrulline malate is sold in powder form, and is also often produced as the basis for sports nutrition (pre-workout supplements, amino acid complexes). It looks like a white powder, homogeneous, small crystals, odorless, has a sour taste. The substance is rapidly soluble in water. The formula of l-citrulline malate is C6h23N3O3. L citrulline is packaged in bags or jars of 100, 200, 500 grams.

Mode of application

Adults and the elderly should take 200 mg of l-citrulline malate 1-3 times a day for no more than two weeks. Children under five are shown to take 200 mg per day, and up to 15 years - 400 mg, divided into 2 doses.

In sports, citrulline is used 5-10 grams before and after training. It is best to drink the amino acid on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Not to be used by pregnant women and while breastfeeding.


Products based on l-citrulline malate should not be taken by people who are prone to food allergies or who have a hypersensitivity reaction to this sports nutrition.

Precautionary measures

Sports nutrition with l-citrulline should be kept away from small children in well-sealed jars so that the substance does not crumble.

Cross drug interaction

Sports nutrition, which is based on citrulline, has good compatibility with protein supplements, creatine monohydrate, arginine, carnitine, complexes of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Side effects

In rare cases, citrulline can cause discomfort and discomfort in the stomach or mild allergic manifestations. If allergies and abdominal pain do not go away in a short time, then you should stop drinking sports nutrition with an amino acid.

Terms and conditions of storage

Shelf life is no more than two years, store a bag or jar of amino acid at room temperature in a dry and dark place, away from children.



Solgar Vitamin and Herb Company, USA

The average cost in Russia is 1000 rubles per can.

Arginine is a conditionally essential amino acid for the older population, and an essential amino acid for children. Arginine can be sold in capsules of 500 or 1000 mg of the active ingredient and in the form of a friable powder, odorless and tasteless, white, easily soluble in water. Arginine is useful in that it has cardioprotective properties, promotes better blood circulation in the vessels, increases endurance, which is very important for track and field athletes.

  • Useful substance
  • Can be given to children.
  • Expensive
  • Little-studied biologically active additive.


Modern Health Laboratory, Russia

The average cost is 800 rubles per jar.

Levocarnitine is a popular dietary supplement that has cardioprotective, antihypoxic, and metabolic properties. It is used to normalize metabolism, including weight gain or weight loss. It is useful for the hearts to use it as a means that strengthens the myocardium. If you drink levocarnitine and engage in increased aerobic exercise (running, swimming), then it is best to get rid of excess body fat.

  • Proven, effective remedy
  • Can be given to children.
  • Expensive
  • Not suitable for everyone.

Download instructions for use

The drug "Citrulline"Download instructions "Citrulline" 67 kb


The building protein for muscles consists of amino acids, among which citrulline is not listed, but it is important for the athlete's body. The substance is involved in various physiological processes. It takes part in the metabolism of urea, and is also an intermediate metabolite in the utilization of ammonia, which is toxic. The amino acid was obtained in 1930 from watermelon, the Latin name of which Citrullus was given to the isolated compound.

Biological impact

Citrulline is an amino acid that is capable of:

  • form arginine, which is the main nitrogen donator that improves blood flow in muscle tissues;
  • ensure a good pumping;
  • increase endurance and improve muscle nutrition;
  • strengthen the immune function and expand the boundaries of the accumulation of energy reserves;
  • maintain a positive nitrogen balance.

The compound is present in some enzymes. It is found in the epidermis, hair, sheath of nerve endings.

Citrulline in sports

The amino acid is very popular in sports. Bodybuilders use the supplement to boost performance, speed up recovery, and improve blood flow to muscle fibers.

It is produced as citrulline malate, takes an active part in the utilization of urea - a chemical compound known to many as "urea", helps to quickly remove toxins from the body (lactic acid and urea). Slags are formed during the course of protein metabolism, catabolism, and physical activity. They impair recovery processes and reduce the physical performance of athletes.

Citrulline has been identified by scientists as an alternative to arginine. This is due to the inversion of an amino acid from one form to another. The compound increases the production of creatine and growth hormone, increases the synthesis of insulin. In the course of studies, it was found that a daily intake of 6 g of citrulline malate can reduce muscle fatigue, increase ATP production by 34%, and after training, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

These properties have turned citrulline into a powerful energizer and restorer. It is taken by powerlifters, bodybuilders and representatives of other strength disciplines to improve the results achieved. It helps to shorten the recovery period after training and make training more intense. This amino acid reduces the risk of overtraining, which allows you to successfully use the supplement for aerobic exercise - cycling, swimming, running.

Some are of the opinion that it is better to take citrulline than arginine. It is better absorbed as a nitrogen donor, it is not destroyed in the liver after the process of absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid is able to inhibit nitric oxide-degrading enzymes. Combining citrulline with arginine is a great option.

The maximum return of citrulline brings on the fifteenth day of use. The first positive results come on the third or fourth day after the start of the course. The optimal duration of citrulline intake is from one to two months. You can take the supplement on an ongoing basis without any interruptions.

How to take citrulline

This amino acid is recommended to be consumed on an empty stomach twenty to thirty minutes before training. Additionally, citrulline is permissible to drink before going to bed and in the morning. The effects obtained from the supplement are due to the rise of arginine. This makes the usage specifics similar.

Optimal doses of citrulline

In order for citrulline to bring results, you need to consume at least 6 g of the substance per day. In a number of ongoing studies, the optimal dosage was increased three times, which led to a dramatic improvement in results. It should be borne in mind that the concentration of this amino acid in many types of sports nutrition is quite small, so it will not work to get the maximum benefit from the compound if it is part of another product.

Possible side effects

Clinical trials have not revealed any side effects as a result of the use of citrulline. There are no complaints from those who take this supplement.

How and with what supplements is citrulline combined?

To increase the effectiveness of the amino acid, the substance is taken with other supplements. This allows you to improve the potentiating and synergistic effect of citrulline. It is best to combine an amino acid with:

  • Carnosine. Thanks to the buffering of lactic acid, it allows you to expand the anaerobic threshold, protect muscle tissue from oxidative stress.
  • L-carnitine. Involves fats in metabolic processes, which allows you to expand your energy potential, and in addition to improve physical data, protect the cardiovascular system.
  • Creatine. Provide an increase in muscle volume and strength.
  • Arginine. Improve the nutrition of muscle groups due to nitric oxide, which leads to an increase in the synthesis of insulin, as well as growth hormone.
  • Minerals and vitamins. These elements are necessary for the flow of any metabolic process. The best combination of citrulline is zinc and B vitamins.

Sports nutrition with citrulline

  • Xtend by SciVation
  • NO-Xplode by BSN
  • Nano Vapor by MuscleTech
  • Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump250
  • NO Shotgun by VPX

Citrulline malate: use to eliminate fatigue:

The feeling of fatigue is common to all people. Someone gets tired of constant training in pursuit of results and a beautiful body, for others this condition is associated with clinical symptoms of various diseases. In all these cases, a drug called "Citrulline malate" will come to the rescue.

What is a substance

Citrulline is an amino acid that is involved in the process of ridding the body of lactic acid and ammonia. It is these substances that cause muscle fatigue in humans. The citrulline molecule, binding to the organic salt molecule - malate, forms the substance citrulline malate. At its core, malate is nothing more than malic acid, which the body, through its processing, uses to increase energy.

Citrulline malate is converted to nitric oxide, which allows the muscles to consume more glucose and prevent the accumulation of fatigue. Cellular mitochondria, responsible for energy production, increase in number along with an increase in nitric oxide. As a result, the muscles begin to contract better, receive more blood, which transports the necessary substances and utilizes decay products.

The most important purpose of the substance is the ability to increase the production of arginine, which stimulates the growth of nitric oxide. Hence the focus in the use of the drug to prevent and relieve the syndrome of excessive fatigue.

The composition and properties of the drug

The additive consists only of the components included in its name. Approximately 55-60% is citrulline, the remaining 40-45% is malate. To improve the action, the drug is supplemented with various components:

  • arginine, which stimulates muscle vessels;
  • creatine, which increases muscle mass;
  • carnosine, which eliminates the effect of oxidative processes on muscles;
  • carnetine, which improves heart function;
  • B-group vitamins and zinc, which are a link in all metabolic processes.

The main properties of the substance are:

  • synthesis of arginine in the body;
  • increase in muscle mass and increase its nutrition;
  • increase of energy potential;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining a normal nitrogen balance;
  • improvement of erectile function.

We can say that citrulline malate is a regulator of many metabolic processes in the human body and allows you to make it not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Application in sports

Recently, citrulline malate has been used in the preparation of athletes. Sports nutrition is used in the pre-workout complex in power sports to build muscle. This is bodybuilding, weightlifting, fitness, etc. The use of the substance helps to reduce muscle fatigue by improving blood flow. In aerobic exercises (running, swimming), the drug helps to increase the athlete's endurance. The pressure remains within the normal range.

In 2015, American scientists proved that citrulline malate is able to eliminate protein deficiency in the body without causing hormonal disorders. Experts advise to use the drug with very intense training and increased load. To work with one muscle group, the effect will be negligible.

Application in medicine

Citrulline malate is used medicinally in the treatment of the following conditions:


    metabolic acidosis;

    drowsiness of unclear etiology;

    chronic fatigue syndrome.

The drug is recommended for use in order to speed up recovery after surgical interventions. Also, citrulline malate, reviews of which are mostly positive, is prescribed for the elderly and pregnant women with asthenia.

The drug belongs to the group of tonic and adaptogens. The most famous drug based on citrulline malate is Stimol. It is presented in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Contraindications, except for individual intolerance, were not identified. Of the side effects - only discomfort in the epigastric region at the beginning of the reception.

Dosage and features of use

Experts recommend daily use of citrulline malate, the sporting purpose of which is approved by the Ministry of Health. Half an hour before training, one dose is taken and 1-2 more additionally - after waking up and at bedtime. A single dosage of the supplement should be at least 6 g.

To enhance the effect of the drug, it is advised to take it before meals, preferably diluted with water in proportions according to the annotation. Before use, it is important to study the composition of the supplement so that the dosage corresponds to the minimum amount of the drug. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the reception will be negligible.

For medical purposes, both adults and children are recommended citrulline malate. How to take - described in the instructions for the drug. Usually for adults, the use is limited to a single dose of 200 mg and a frequency of administration from 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 12 days. Children under 5 years of age are prescribed 200 mg once a day. From 5 to 15 years - 400 mg in 2 doses. When using the drug, care must be taken if the patient is on a diet without salt, because the drug contains sodium.

Natural substitutes for citrulline

The highest amount of citrulline malate is found in watermelon. Studies using this particular berry led to the study of amino acids as an energy source, the increased content of which is also characterized by:

  • beans;
  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • onion and garlic.

Beans are a plant source of citrulline. In watermelon, there is especially a lot of this substance in peels and seeds.

The use of citrulline malate both in sports and for medical purposes has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole: it allows you to relieve the symptoms of fatigue and achieve excellent sports performance, while strengthening the immune system.

From this material you will learn everything about the amino acid Citrulline Malate. We will talk about its advantages and possible disadvantages.

citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that is not encoded in human DNA, but is still present in some types of protein. Citrulline has been observed to have many synergistic effects with other popular supplements, especially BCAA(amino acids with branched side chains).

Citrulline is produced in the rind and pulp of watermelon and is gaining popularity as a performance enhancing supplement.

The physiological role of citrulline in the body

Citrulline performs many physiological functions in the body, but the most important of them is increase in nitric oxide. Citrulline is produced from many other amino acids in the liver and is an important component of the urea cycle, the urea cycle helps eliminate ammonia and others nitrogenous slags in blood. Nitrogen metabolites are released during digestion, absorption and metabolism of proteins.

Adding citrulline to the diet has been proven to increase plasma arginine concentration, which in turn increases the production of metabolites derived from arginine(nitrite, ornithine, creatinine and etc.).

As mentioned above, this is very important for the synthesis and excretion of urea, which is the removal of toxic nitrogen metabolites from the human body.

Citrulline works together with citric acid, aspartic acid And magnesium to improve the excretion of nitrogen metabolites.

A rare disorder in humans called citrullinemia, can lead to the accumulation of ammonia in the blood, this occurs when there is a lack of enzymes necessary in order to catalyze the reactions of the urea cycle. Research shows that adding zinc in the diet, the processes of conversion of citrulline to arginine in the liver may improve, which in turn will lead to a decrease in the level of ammonia in the blood.

In addition, if you suspect liver problems, it will not be out of place to add pyridoxine(vitamin B6), which activates the enzymes responsible for converting one amino acid to another. But in any case, if you suspect any health problems, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

Key Benefits of Citrulline Malate

As a rule, an additive is common in a sports environment citrulline malate, which is a regular citrulline with the addition of malic acid. According to many sports nutritionists, malic acid can speed up and improve the absorption of citrulline.

Many studies have shown that citrulline malate has many beneficial properties that enhance the performance of athletes. In addition to playing an important role in the urea cycle (as discussed above), citrulline also improves health and physical performance:

  1. Increase in intracellular production of NO (nitric oxide), which has a positive effect on the process vasodilation(relaxation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels) and blood flow in the muscles
  2. Increases efficiency of use essential amino acids(primarily BCAAs) during exercise
  3. Decreasing time recovery post-workout by reducing muscle pain
  4. Gain elimination(eliminate) toxic nitrogen metabolites
  5. Level up growth hormone after exercise to a higher extent than those who do not take citrulline malate (the study compared the group taking citrulline and the group taking placebo)
  6. Decreased (inhibited) level increase insulin in plasma, which usually occurs after intense exercise


Many of the company's products Rocket Nutrition contains citrulline malate. We know about all its beneficial properties and have selected the optimal ratio of taking this amino acid.

Also, citrulline is added to the BCAA Aminoblast product formula, where, in addition to containing a large dosage of essential amino acids and citrulline-malate, you will find a large amount of glutamine.

Side effects of taking citrulline

Fortunately, citrulline is a safe amino acid and side effects, even if they occur, are not serious.

The most common side effect for people taking citrulline is gastrointestinal disorder, but this can be avoided by not taking citrulline on a full stomach, and even better on an empty stomach. The disorder is not observed in everyone, so it may not affect you.

In general, no other side effects were identified.

Why do you need Citrulline Malate?

  1. If you want to improve your fitness
  2. If you are an athlete and participate in aerobic and anaerobic sports competitions
  3. If you want to improve blood flow to your muscles while exercising
  4. citrulline you not needed if you have citrullinemia as it may exacerbate the problem

The optimal time for taking citrulline is 15-30 minutes before training. You can also take it during your workout. The recommended daily dosage is 6-7 grams, it can be divided into several doses.

By the way, as part of various formulas, citrulline-malate works in synergy with other additives ( arginine, BCAA, beta alanine and others), so the content of citrulline in them may be less, but this does not mean that its effectiveness is reduced from this.

For example, 1.5 grams of citrulline is added to the Energy BCAA formula, but due to the presence beta-alanine And BCAA this dosage is equivalent and even more effective than taking citrulline alone at a higher dosage.

Frequently Asked Questions About Citrulline Malate

Can I just eat watermelon instead of taking citrulline?
Most of the citrulline is found in the rind of the watermelon, not the pulp. I don't think you'll be able to eat that not-so-tasty part of it every day...

Is it true that citrulline improves libido and fights impotence?
This is actually another benefit you can get from taking citrulline as the increase in nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to most organs. Therefore, citrulline can improve your erection.

I have heard that citrulline is best taken on an empty stomach. It's true?
This recommendation may have been based on the fact that citrulline causes stomach upset in a small number of people. If so, then it is best to take it on an empty stomach. If you tolerate citrulline well with food, then this recommendation does not apply to you.

How long to wait for the effect of taking citrulline?
It all depends on your individual characteristics. But the first effect will be after the first dose. Effects such as increased strength or decreased DOMs(delayed muscle pain) should appear within about two weeks of starting.