How marketing differs from advertising. Advertising, PR and proper marketing - what's the difference? What is advertising and what is it for

Let's start with marketing.
Marketing can be described as a set of actions and activities aimed at retaining and acquiring partners and customers.
There is also a broad definition of marketing by Regis McKenna: "Marketing is everything, and everything is marketing." Indeed, even the words you say to the waiter / chef in the restaurant contain a bit of marketing, and vice versa. For some reason, only one side is often remembered.
Those. marketing is an all-encompassing concept.

  1. "Advertising is done for money, and PR is done for love." Why? The ad screams "Buy me, I'm a great solution to your pain!" And PR does not shout anything - he knows that actions mean more than words, and the image built up by years of hard work will allow you to make the right choice;
  2. "Advertising is a tactic, PR is a strategy." Why? As I already wrote, PR forms the image of the company, and advertising simply drives the message into the head. And if this is done rather mediocre, then as soon as advertising disappears, sales will also disappear. A competent PR ensures constant sales;
  3. One funny note: “If you are a public relations professional, you will never explain to your grandmother what you do at work. Now, if you were shooting an advertisement, everything would be much simpler and clearer. "
    All in all, marketing = advertising + PR + a bunch of other key ideas and directions.

The shortest and most accurate definition that I really like:

  • advertising is when you say "I'm cool, buy from me"
  • PR - when they say about you that you are cool, so they want to buy from you.
    And marketing is a field that includes both advertising and PR. These are his tools to create / maintain / increase the demand for goods and services.

Despite the fact that there are a great many definitions for each of these concepts, let's try to find common features and understand the differences. So, marketing is the management of sales processes through research and analysis of the market and production, on the basis of which strategic decisions are made on planning a product range, pricing, using marketing communications (advertising, PR, promoting retail and consumers), organizing customer service and work sales and commercial personnel.

The Federal Law "On Advertising" states that advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the advertised object, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on market.

PR (Russian variants - PR, PR; from public relations - public relations) is the management of communications between an organization (a public person) with its environment (the public, government agencies, target audience, etc.) in order to establish stable relations, trust and mutual understanding.

As you can see from the definitions - advertising and PR are an integral part of marketing management. In practice, in Russia, especially in the provinces, in small organizations that do not aim to reach the mass consumer on a national and even more so on a global scale, managers presumptuously take on the managerial functions of marketing, leaving the advertising (or public relations) specialist only communicative component. In such organizations, as a rule, they don't even think about research and analytics, a marketing specialist is not allowed to the process of assortment formation and pricing, but is forced to “promote what is,” essentially doing only PR and advertising. Some particularly gifted bosses, after reading several books, for example, on the psychology of sales, believe that only a manager can establish favorable public relations and do not allow an advertising specialist to access the PR-sphere. Others, having studied the literature on advertising and based on personal tastes and preferences, try to promote their products in the mass media on their own, completely rejecting both PR and marketing in general.

Marketing and advertising have become a part of our life. Companies use these tools to sell their products or services, and the consumer, in turn, uses these tools to keep abreast of new products on the market. However, both consumers and businessmen often confuse these two concepts, or equate them with each other, while marketing and advertising, as tools, perform completely different functions.

What is marketing and what is it for?

If we consider marketing from a professional point of view, then we can define this concept as a set of actions aimed at promotion of a product or service from a manufacturer to an end consumer... There is a marketing mix, also called the "4P" concept. According to this theory, marketing includes the following components:

  • Product- everything related to the product, its properties, appearance, ergonomics, design and quality.
  • Price- in this category, it is determined what the price of the goods will be, what discounts and promotions are possible.
  • Promotion- this includes everything related to promotion, namely: advertising, pr, product sales promotion.
  • Place- in this category, it is determined in what way the distribution of the goods will be carried out, in which outlets it will be presented.

As you can see, marketing is a large-scale activity that accompanies a product from start to finish. The sale of any product or service is not complete without marketing. The main function of all marketing activities is to bring the product to the market and deliver it to the end consumer.

What is advertising and what is it for?

If we take a broad definition of advertising, then we can say that it is the dissemination of information in any form and by any means among an undefined group of people, with the goal of informing, persuading, drawing attention to the advertised object and maintaining interest in it. Advertising is a completely specific tool that marketers use to promote a product. It should be noted that advertising is included in the marketing mix and is a narrower field of activity.

Advertising today is divided into a large number of types. There is not only commercial advertising, but also political, social. Also, the types of advertising are determined by the nature of the impact on the consumer. For example, there may be an informative advertisement that reminds, prompts for a certain action and sells. Advertising is distributed in a variety of ways. It can be seen on billboards, banners, banners - outdoor advertising; hear on the radio, see a commercial on television; see in a magazine, newspaper, leaflet - print ads, etc. Modern advertisers are attracting more and more funds to distribute advertising information. Among them you can find many interesting and creative solutions.

It should be noted that advertising is always strictly aimed at specific target audience, that is, to potential customers or consumers. Based on the characteristics of this audience, the channel for disseminating information, the method of advertising is selected, the characters in the advertisement, design and many important details are determined. Advertising is never done at all at once. For example, advertisements for expensive, high-end products are often featured in fashion magazines and secular publications. It is unlikely that you will find information about such a product in leaflets that are handed out near the metro.

Advertising is placed where a potential consumer of the product can find it. That is why, before creating an advertising material, as a rule, a number of marketing research is carried out to better study the consumer of the product.

What do advertising and marketing have in common?

Marketing and advertising can be distinguished by a common goal - this is the promotion of a product, service or idea and bringing them to the consumer, client and voter. However, the rest of these two concepts are different. That is why you should not confuse them with each other and, moreover, equate them with each other.

What are the differences between marketing and advertising?

The first thing to note is, of course, scale of advertising and marketing... Marketing is a broader category that includes advertising as well. Advertising is one of the marketing tools that is a “trade engine” and helps to distribute goods more effectively.

The second difference is focus of these activities... Marketing is always an activity aimed at commercial profit. Advertising can be political or social, that is, not aimed at making a profit, but actualizing social problems, drawing attention to certain individuals.

Well, the last difference is the ability of advertising to exist on its own. Advertising activities can easily do without marketing, however, marketing cannot exist without advertising, since advertising is the most important marketing tool, without which product promotion is simply impossible.

A commercial project is always aimed at making a profit. However, in business, by accident or by malicious intent, the most important concepts can be substituted, thanks to which it is possible to assess the effectiveness of work. The problem of differentiating marketing and advertising is very important for any commercial enterprise. How to implement a project at a high level if the management does not understand the difference between the two categories? It is worth noting that the concept of marketing is broader, and it includes advertising, as well as other ways of selling a product.


Marketing Is a purposeful activity to promote goods from the manufacturer to the end consumer. First of all, a product is studied (it can be a product or a service), then its ideal price is determined, after which places for sale are outlined. Marketing is also called a complex of means for the sale of goods (an ideal place for sale and display, branding, creation of a PR image).

Advertising- the concept is narrower, since it is included in the complex of means for the promotion of goods. Advertisers pursue various goals: informing the consumer, increasing sales, creating a positive image of the company in the eyes of society. There are many types of advertising: by location (indoor, outdoor), by the way information is transmitted (radio, television, Internet), by purpose (informing, selling). You can advertise anything you want: from diapers to political views on what is happening in the country.


Thus, concepts primarily differ in scale. Advertising is an integral part of marketing, that is, a scheme for promoting a product. Certainly an important component, but far from the only one. Marketing is a puff pastry, and advertising is just the cream that is used to cover the culinary product. Without it, the potential consumer will not pay any attention to the product.

At the same time, the commercial component is also important. Marketing is always about making a profit, while advertising can be social or political. If we are talking about integrated product promotion, then the 2 concepts will be interconnected. Marketing is a sales building strategy, advertising is a tactical action that can be another maneuver or the final battle for the market.

Conclusions site

  1. Scale. Advertising is an integral part of marketing, one of its most important links. It is through the "engine of commerce" that marketers increase sales and reach new markets.
  2. Commerce. If marketing is always a profitable enterprise, then advertising can be political, social, that is, unrelated to making money.
  3. Technologies. Marketing is a system where the number of elements is stable (product - price - place of sale - promotion methods). Advertising uses both traditional methods and innovations (for example, an informational occasion, viral dissemination of information).
  4. Self-sufficiency. Advertising can also exist in isolation from marketing (social or political action). Efficiency is assessed by increasing the rating, drawing attention to the problem. Advertising is an integral and most important part of marketing, and without it, it cannot function.

Many people don't see much of a difference between marketing and advertising. But it still exists. These concepts differ from each other, and it is necessary to know this for people who are somehow connected with the world of business. Marketing includes all activities associated with trade, from the acquisition of raw materials to the release of goods to the market and sale. Marketing principles are important at all stages of product development and promotion. Also, the purpose of marketing is to analyze demand and forecast profits and costs. Advertising is part of the marketing activity. In other words, it is a marketing subsection. Advertising- this is the creation of campaigns to promote goods through the media, presentation of the product on the market to maximize profits.
When talking about the difference between marketing and advertising, you need to understand their main difference. Marketing is responsible for the good quality of the services or goods that the consumer receives. On the other hand, we need advertising in order to announce the company and the proposed product. Advertising is placed in newspapers, magazines, letters, on banners, on the Internet and in all other possible ways to reach the target audience.
Marketing is also different from selling a product. Selling or marketing is simply the exchange of goods for money. On the other hand, marketing is needed so that the consumer is completely satisfied with the purchased product or service received and wants to contact the company again. Marketing helps a company to create an image in the market, since advertising alone cannot fully provide this. Branding (brand promotion) is the creation of an attractive product from an existing product.
Marketing Is a more long-term process than advertising. If the product is not ready yet, then there is nothing to advertise. The marketing process starts with creating a business idea. Consequently, advertising can be called one of the last stages in the marketing process. In principle, marketing can last as long as the company lives and works, because it is a continuous cycle of actions, thanks to which the sales and profits of the business not only do not fall, but also grows. Marketers analyze sales, business mistakes, forecast profits and keep the company alive. Advertising, however, may be unnecessary or necessary in the life cycle of the company. Some companies advertise themselves only at the start of a business, others when difficulties arise, and still others never stop advertising. To reach the stage where advertising is not needed at all, you need to work hard and invest money and effort. However, even the most famous brands do not neglect advertising.
Advertising helps to establish a connection between the company and customers. It creates an image of the product in the minds of consumers, explaining to them the merits of the product and its advantages over others. Marketing is equally and sometimes even more important to the success of a business.