How to draw a fence with a pencil step by step. How to draw a fence in stages


Before starting the process, you will need to prepare all the necessary accessories. First of all, it is clean white paper (a thick landscape sheet, Whatman paper or thin paper for office equipment), well-sharpened simple pencils (it is better to have several different in hardness), a soft eraser (such an eraser will not damage the surface of the paper when erasing), a ruler.

Choose the type of fence that you will be. Either it will be a simple wooden fence, or it will be stone or metal (forged). If your choice fell on the first option (a fence made of wooden boards), then draw two parallel horizontal lines with a ruler (they will determine the height of the fence).

Then, at approximately equal distances, draw vertical lines (they will indicate the boards). Divide the height into four equal parts and draw almost imperceptible thin auxiliary lines (you get three lines). On the first and third lines of each board, place two bold points (later these will be the nails on which the board is nailed).

Erase all unnecessary construction lines. Draw a freehand outline of each plank. It doesn't have to be perfect. After all, there are no wooden fences with straight edges. Draw the texture and outline the points - the heads of the nails. Start coloring. Fence it can be dark brown with light brown, it can be gray, or it can be colored.

You need the fence to go into the distance beyond the horizon - then the horizontal lines should converge after a certain distance. And the distance between the vertical lines should gradually decrease. The lower the height, the smaller the distance between the vertical stripes. Otherwise, do everything in the same way as described above.

A stone fence is a little more difficult to draw than a wooden one. Also draw horizontal lines to indicate the height of the fence, but fill in the distance between these lines with randomly uneven ovals (in the form of stones). They can either fit tightly to each other or be at a short distance (the gap between the stones is then simply painted over with a dark gray color, and denotes a cement mortar). Paint the stones themselves in gray or brown tones.

A metal fence can be either forged (patterned) or from plain or corrugated sheets. For a forged fence, draw two horizontal lines. Draw the distance between them with patterned repeating fragments (for example, curls).

Any business needs preparation and planning. Drawing is no exception and requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The article will discuss how to draw a fence correctly, as well as what tools and skills you need to possess in order to bring the drawing to mind.

"Children's" style

First you need to decide what result you need, and then decide which fence to draw. The easiest way is to depict in the form of three or four sticks sticking out of the ground, and two horizontal bars.

If the task for a child is to depict a small palisade, then there is nothing easier. After these steps, you can paint in any colors, depict a house behind a fence and a blue sky.

In an adult way

It will be a little more difficult if there is perspective in the drawing, and the work is more thought out. Perspective is a criterion of fine art that distorts the work in relation to the angle of view. They train to draw correctly, usually on geometric shapes or the simplest objects such as a chair, table or ball.

This is necessary in order to correctly depict complex objects: first, a sketch is made in the form of a pile of geometric figures, then the excess is "cut off". Only artists with extensive experience are able to draw immediately without sketches.

Helpful hints:

  1. In any perspective, the guidelines for composition elements converge at one or more points. At the initial stage, everything may look awkward: an object is smaller or larger than another. But at the stage of completion, everything takes on a natural look. And this is understandable logically: a thing that is in the distance will always seem smaller.
  2. Each object cannot have a separate perspective. The only exception is for surrealist artists.

Stage 1

Having mastered the principles of constructing a composition with a perspective, you can no longer think about how to draw a fence. The horizon line is outlined with a pencil. You don't need to do this under the ruler - it will be unnatural.

The place is determined, which will be the finish of the perspective. The guide lines of the fence and other structures that are planned to be depicted should be brought to this point. The palisade itself will end exactly at the specified point. Two guides make it clear that the size of the fence posts decreases with distance from the viewer.

Stage 2

After the sketch is done, it's time to think about how to draw a beautiful fence next. The columns are drawn according to a well-thought-out plan: the further, the less.

If you want to complement the composition, you can depict the grass with small strokes.

Stage 3

You want to draw a fence as a background element. That is, some part will run parallel to the horizon line to outline the home ownership shown in the figure.

Of course, you don't need to do this. It all depends on the author's idea. You should inspect the resulting drawing. When identifying empty spaces, it is recommended to finish painting something: be it a tree that complements the landscape, or a part of the road. If only the law of symmetry is preserved and the composition is not overloaded with unnecessary details.

Stage 4

At the final stage, you should shade sections of the fence, trees and other objects. Then you need to pay attention to the inner and outer shadows. This will make the drawing lively and colorful.

If the question arises about how to draw a fence with patterns, then you should pick up a sharpened pencil and apply the desired pattern on the boards of the picket fence. In order to correct individual segments, a nag (soft eraser) is used.

To add volume to objects, glare is applied with a nag on those places where light from foreign objects falls (secondary lighting). This is usually the edge of the darkest side of any object. Draw a line with the tip of the eraser and enjoy the result.

Pencil selection

To understand how to draw a fence in stages, you need not only to be able to imagine, but also to bring the work to its logical conclusion. To do this, you should choose the right pencils.

There are soft, hard and hard-soft. When choosing, they are guided by the designation: 9H is considered the hardest, and 9B is extremely soft. There are also transition markings (H, F, HB, B), which are considered hard-soft.

Improper use of a hard pencil will damage the drawing due to damage to the paper, while soft pencils often break when sharpening. But each artist chooses the tools for himself. Often in the tutorial videos, you can find a model with the designation 4B.


Correctly applied shadows are the key to a high-quality drawing. They are thrown away by every object on which light falls.

Accordingly, at the stage of developing a sketch, the artist must immediately determine the location of the light source. This is usually the top left or right corner.

To achieve realism, it is useful to know that the shadow should be proportional to the subject. It is better to apply strokes with a soft pencil and do it smoothly. If they are visible to the naked eye, you need to do shading. Usually a small piece of paper or even a finger is used for this. It is enough to make circular rubbing movements. In addition, in art shops you can buy a special pencil designed for such a business.


Drawing is a great art and a special gift. How to draw a fence, an elephant, a person, a sky, a tank or something else? The answer is simple: first of all, there must be inspiration.

It is this that is the impulse of creative progress. A real artist is always interested in improving his skills and bringing his work to the ideal. You can recall as many popular expressions as you like about the fine arts. One of them is "I am an artist - I see it this way." In this, of course, there is some truth. But most often it serves only as an excuse for sluggishness and an unsuccessful attempt to portray something.

For those who are just starting to master this difficult path, there are many video tutorials that help to comprehend the mysteries of the fine arts. Techniques, principles and laws of building a composition - everything is not as complicated as it seems.

It’s not difficult to draw a beautiful fence. It is more difficult to portray people, animals and to portray dynamic scenes. You need to go to this gradually, learn to work out the details, then apply general tones. This will require a sea of ​​patience, an ocean of perseverance and an endless number of ideas.

Good luck to everyone in your work!

Decorating fences with pictures is a new direction in the design of fences. Despite their "youth", various painting technologies quickly became popular, because they allow creative owners to individualize the suburban area and any enclosed area. Anyone who has used our recommendations can create an attractive pattern.

Airbrushing drawings in fence design

An interesting option is to paint the fence by airbrushing, i.e. by spraying paint from an airbrush. Airbrushing is applicable on fences made of different materials, since the paint is easily distributed on the surface under pressure with a jet of compressed air. If there are bulges, curvatures, depressions on the fence, this is not a problem. The substance released from the cartridge will mask any defect in a matter of minutes.

To turn the fence into a real masterpiece of art, you will need some materials and tools:

  • Drawing of a pattern with color markings if it will occupy a large surface.
  • A stencil with an image you like (you can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself).
  • Scotch tape or masking tape - useful for fixing the stencil.
  • A level or plumb line will help to align the workpiece on the fence.
  • Sander - cleans away rust and gives a smooth working surface.
  • Acrylic, oil or nitro paints.

If the drawing will be carried out on a metal canvas, you will additionally need a solvent and a primer. For concrete fences - only a primer, for wooden fences - antiseptic and drying oil. The materials will help remove old paint and protect the canvas from the effects of precipitation. They are also needed to achieve a blurry effect.

Thanks to airbrushing, drawings are more realistic. With a spray can, it is easier to achieve gradation of shades and make the pattern more effective. Images made with a brush or roller look a little worse.

Drawings on the fence for a summer residence with your own hands

There are many options for drawing a picture on a country fence. The most modern of them is airbrushing, but in the old fashioned way you can use a stencil. Each method has its own working nuances, on which the final result depends. Let's learn how to use a stencil and start with simple drawings. complex patterns in the absence of experience will not work.

Let's write down all the work in the form of instructions:

  1. A suitable pattern is transferred to paper and cut out along the edging.
  2. Prepare masking tape to protect the painting from dripping.
  3. The workpiece is set in level and, after making sure that it is even, the stencil is attached.
  4. The span material is cleaned with emery paper or a grinder.
  5. The surface is painted along the lines indicated by the stencil.
  6. The workpiece is carefully removed after the paint has set a little, otherwise it will flow.

Floral ornament, birds, butterflies, flowers look very beautiful on the country fence. Some owners will like a picture with cartoon characters or fairy tales. Also interesting are options with seasonal landscapes and plots of village life.

In order for the lines of the image to lie exactly, and the final result was perfect, it is necessary to use a stencil. At home, it can be cut from linoleum or thick cardboard.

Instructions for the design of metal fences

Fences with metal spans serve as an ideal easel for drawing on a fence. Before starting decorative work, it is recommended to carefully prepare the surface to be painted.

Let's consider the whole process in stages:

  1. Cleaning the working surface (metal brush or grinder).
  2. Degreasing the iron sheet with a special compound that provides a high degree of adhesion or adhesion of the metal to the coloring matter.
  3. Priming metal areas.
  4. Application of a pattern according to the created sketch and color marking.
  5. Coating the picture with a colorless varnish, which gives the picture durability.

You can paint a metal fence with any paint - acrylic, oil or nitro. Any tool is suitable for work - airbrush, brush, spray gun or roller.

Drawings on wooden surfaces

When decorating a wooden fence, it is important to follow the same procedure as when decorating a metal surface. But first, the wood should be cleaned with a grinder from burrs and covered with antiseptic and drying oil. Next, create a pattern with acrylic paints. Nitro and oil paints for painting on a wooden fence are not used, because they quickly flake off, warp and lose color. The lacquer coating of surfaces painted with such substances does not make them durable.

What designs are applied to wooden fences? The options can be either strict, in the form of geometric patterns, or cheerful, childish, bright and deliberately careless. It is convenient to apply paint with a brush or roller, because the wood quickly absorbs the substance and does not drip.

If the picture is painted with an airbrush, the drawing will have to be completely reproduced 2 or even 3 times. The reason is the same - rapid absorption of paint. To consolidate the achieved result, the fence is covered with colorless acrylic varnish.

Slate fencing decoration

Slate in the construction of fences is used flat and wavy. It is clear that it will be easier to draw on a flat material, and the image can be applied in any way - with a roller, airbrush, brush or marker. To make the paint less intensively absorbed by asbestos cement, the surface of the fence is pre-sanded and primed. The finished drawing is additionally varnished with colorless acrylic.

It will be difficult to paint wavy slates with a marker and a roller. A high-quality drawing on a curved surface will be obtained if the master uses an airbrush or brushes. The stripping of corrugated slate is also very difficult, since the work is carried out manually or by careful use of a vibration sander.

A shallow wave slate is also difficult to draw. You can improve the quality of your painted work by using brushes of different sizes.

The easiest way to paint wavy slate with an airbrush. The paint released from the sprayer will settle well on an uneven surface, which is characterized by many technological irregularities. It is also easy to paint with paint brushes on a fence with spans made of wave slate. They produce excellent images with blurry lines.

Modern technologies for the design of fences

Special art stickers will help you to decorate the fence in an unusual and colorful way. When buying, the consumer should pay attention to whether the original purpose of the translation is appropriate for street use. There are usually many variations of images on sale, so even the most fastidious buyer will find an interesting decor for himself.

Vibrant stickers that convey pictures in a trendy 3D image have several important properties that make them suitable for outdoor use.

The qualities useful for decorating the fence are:

  • Resistant to fading and discoloration.
  • The ability to resist mechanical stress.
  • Exposure to wet and frosty conditions, sudden temperature changes.

How to properly stick the finished drawing on the fence, our instructions will tell you:

  1. Wipe off any dust from the surface of the fence.
  2. Degrease or prime the hedge.
  3. Carefully peel off the tape from the decal as it adheres to the web. If you peel off the protective cover right away, you will not be able to avoid creases and bubble areas on the canvas.
  4. Pierce the bubbles with a needle, if they do appear, and slowly smooth out the puncture sites with your palm.
  5. Make your design lasting by covering it with several coats of varnish.

Only decorate your fence with stickers in warm, dry weather. The best time for finishing is morning and evening, when direct sunlight does not fall on the processed canvas.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Today, unique designs on fences and fences are becoming more and more popular. Their relevance is justified, because this particular way of individualization is considered not the most expensive, but very beautiful. If you are the owner of a summer cottage where there is a fence or fence, then you cannot not use this idea. After all, drawing on a tree is very simple, but such a creation looks flawless. In this case, we will tell you what options for patterns you can use if you have a wooden fence.

Preparatory work

Currently, there are many options for how you can apply a picture, there are certain rules. Depending on your desire and preferences, you can use both the most modern method - airbrushing, and a simpler one - applying an image using a stencil. Each method has its own characteristics both in work and in what the result will be.

So, a wooden surface serves as a base. To make the drawings on the fence in the country look good, you will need special materials and tools. Paint, brushes of different sizes - all this will be useful to you. Fantasy will not be superfluous, which will become the basis of your idea. We recommend that you apply only simple drawings, because it will be extremely difficult for you to make complex patterns without preparation.

In the first case, when creating drawings on the fence with our own hands, we will consider the option using a stencil. You will need a special sketch, which you must prepare yourself. It's easy to do, you need to apply a pattern to the paper, and then cut out the border. There will be no difficulties here if you do everything as carefully as possible. If it is difficult for you to create a layout, then you can buy an already made blank at any specialized store. It is very important to prepare masking tape to help prevent drips. To make the drawing on the fence even, you will need to level everything up and only then attach the stencil.

To get started, you need to clean the surface. You can do this with a sander or sandpaper. This work is difficult and dusty, it is done only if the surface is wooden.

When the base is ready, you can start to work, but it is important to stock up on special paint that you choose at your discretion.

Basic steps

  • Before starting work, we advise you to look through the options for the drawings. We bring to your attention a selection of photographs that can be taken as a basis. The selected designs for fences are beautiful, modern and original, and therefore may suit you.
  • The second stage is cleaning the surface, it does not differ in any way from the option when you prepare the fence for regular painting.
  • Stencil application and fastening is the third stage. Neatness is important here, remember this.
  • The fourth stage is painting the surface along the lines based on the stencil.
  • The most important and difficult type of work is removing the stencil that served as the basis. It is not necessary to remove it immediately so that the paint does not flow.

We draw a beautiful country house in just 20 minutes.

To do this, you will need:


.Simple pencil;

A ruler is a must!

Colored pencils;

Our lesson.

This lesson consists of 10 step-by-step tips. Let's start drawing our big house:

Stage 1. The house itself will consist, as it were, of two parts: front and back. We start drawing from the front of the house. Using a ruler, we draw an auxiliary frame for the front of our house as follows:

Stage 4. Erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and proceed to drawing the second part of the house. Now we draw auxiliary lines for this part of the house, in the picture below they are highlighted in green.

Stage 5. Now, similarly to the first part of the house, we also draw the second part of the house, i.e. add some straight lines to the auxiliary frame, they are highlighted in red in the picture below.

Stage 6. Now we draw windows and doors on this part of the house. To make the door and windows smooth, it is better to draw them using a ruler.

Stage 7. Our house is ready. We erase all auxiliary lines.

Stage 8. At this stage we need to draw the ground on which our house stands, as well as the fence. It will be quite difficult to draw the fence. For the convenience of drawing, we enlarged the fence in some parts

Stage 9. It remains to finish drawing various greenery in the backyard of the house in this way:

Starting any business, we do not put everything into our own hands at once, but study the initial bases. Drawing is no exception. The desire to paint beautiful portraits and landscapes needs to be strengthened by the practice of drawing ordinary things. Sometimes you need to draw an ordinary circle a hundred times, so that you can then be able to manipulate it in all directions. Today we will learn and practice perspective, and as an example, we will learn how to draw a fence... Perspective is a concept in drawing that distorts the image in relation to the viewer. The concept is the simplest and, at the same time, the most complex. It is worth starting with simple objects, such as squares, circles. Even a regular chair or ball will serve well. Why is this needed? As you noticed from the previous lessons, often before we create an object, we draw a corresponding geometric shape and inscribe it there. This skill will allow you to accurately depict complex structures.

Interestingly, perspective changes not only the dimension, but also attributes such as color and contrast. The effect of presence and fullness is created, this will only make the drawing more realistic.

Tips for building perspective:

  • Always remember that in any type of perspective, objects converge at one or more points, this can distort their size and make them appear to be irregular. It may seem like this only at the beginning, in the end everything will look natural.
  • You cannot create a drawing so that some objects have one type of perspective, while others are directed to another point. Unless you decide to make some surreal compositions.
  • Practice on regular geometric shapes!

Let's move on to a practical lesson.

How to draw a fence with a pencil step by step

Step one. First we define the horizon line, then it will serve as a reference point for the perspective. We define this point and draw the fence lines to it. As you can see, its size will decrease and converge at one point. Beyond the horizon we draw clouds and several houses.
Step two. When everything is correctly built, just carefully outline the fence and other environmental objects. Draw grass on the ground with short lines.

Step three. At this stage, we will finish drawing everything that lies beyond the horizon line. This is a continuation of the fence that goes to the houses, on the left side we will draw a piece of the road.

Step four. Now we will simply sketch the trees in the background and shade the fence, making it more lively and saturated.

Everything big starts small. Leave comments and suggestions, do not forget to share ideas and plots for lessons. This can be done on a special page -

A completely new direction in the design of personal plots is the drawing on fences using the airbrushing method. Of course, everyone saw beautifully painted cars on the streets of cities and towns. The same method is used in order to make original and realistic drawings on the fence in the country.

What is the essence of the technique and is it possible to perform such a design on your own. And also, what other modern design techniques can be used to make the fence in the country or in a country house exclusive and express the lifestyle and worldview of the owner of the house.

Indeed, on the fence, as on a business card, the first impression of the inhabitants of the household is created.

The use of airbrushing in the design of the landscape of the territory

Application of paint by spraying using a special device - an airbrush, is called airbrushing. Which literally means - air brush. The device allows drawing on a fence made of any material, since the paint is sprayed with compressed air under pressure. This method allows you to decorate materials that cannot be painted with a regular brush or roller.

Drawings made by airbrushing are extremely realistic and effective. The method allows you to perform the most subtle gradations of tone and retouching that no other painting technique can achieve.

Of course, the price for such a design of fences is quite high. But this is justified by the exclusivity and beauty of the design. The technique is quite new and originates in the youth art of the streets - graffiti. But thanks to the work of professional artists, simple drawings are transformed into amazingly realistic and stylish paintings.

Advice. It is unlikely that it will be possible to reproduce such drawings as in the photo on your own. Therefore, it is better to turn to professionals.

But there are other, simpler techniques that allow you to make drawings on fences with your own hands.

Drawing with a stencil

Not everyone has artistic talents, but using a stencil, you can create bright and colorful compositions on fences from a variety of materials:

  • from the inside, they do not differ in a joyful palette of colors. Therefore, drawing a pattern on the inside of such a fence will transform the courtyard at the summer cottage;
  • Patterns of metal fences can also delight the eye with bright and unusual decor;
  • Painting on is not difficult even for an amateur.

Stenciling will be a fun activity not only for adults but also for children. In addition, such painting develops fine motor skills, which is very important for children under twelve years old.

Materials required for stencilling paintings

In order to draw a picture with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • A stencil, prepared independently or ready-made, purchased at a hardware store;
  • Masking tape and tape;
  • Level and plumb line for even fixing the stencil to the surface;
  • Sandpaper or sander for grouting surfaces;
  • Thinner and drying oil. Needed to remove paint residues, as well as to create the effect of a "blurred" image;
  • Paints.

Advice. The choice of paints depends on the material from which the fence is made. But without fail, the paint must have water-repellent and, preferably, antiseptic properties.
Instructions for using paint should contain information about the properties of a particular paint.

Sequence of work

In order for the decor not to disappear after the first rain, you must follow the sequence of work:

  • First you need to prepare the surface of the fence. Degrease and sand wood surfaces for better adhesion of paint to the surface.

Advice. If the drawing is done on concrete, then the surface is treated with a special deep penetration primer for painting.
Wait until the primed surface is completely dry. This requires at least twenty-four hours, as required by the instructions.

  • The stencil is fixed on a level to the surface using masking tape or adhesive tape;
  • The sequence of application of paints is indicated in the specification for the finished stencil;
  • After applying paint of one color, it is better to wait for it to dry completely, and then paint with a different color;
  • After applying all the colors, the stencil is removed, and the drawing is traced along the contour.

Important. After the painting has dried, it must additionally be covered with a protective layer of transparent varnish.

Modern technologies for decorating fences

To decorate the fence in a colorful and original way, you can use artistic stickers designed for decorating surfaces. It is only important to pay attention to the fact that the sticker must be intended for outdoor use. The variety of design options is amazing, you can always choose an interesting and stylish decor option.

For example, frescoes that imitate old painting on plaster look stylish and modern.

Bright and colorful stickers with pictures in a three-dimensional 3D image, the price of which is quite affordable, intended for outdoor use, have the following properties:

  • Resistant to moisture;
  • Do not fade in the sun and withstand sudden temperature changes;
  • Frost-resistant;
  • Resistant to abrasion and mechanical stress.

A few tips on how to quickly and correctly glue such a pattern on the fence:

  • The surface must be cleaned of dirt and dust;
  • The protective film on the inside must be removed as it is glued to avoid the appearance of bubbles and kinks;
  • If, nevertheless, unwanted air bubbles have formed, then it is easy to pierce them with a needle and smooth them out with the palm of your hand;
  • In order to be sure of the durability and durability of the design, in addition, after gluing, the surface can be covered with a layer of transparent varnish in several layers.

Important. Work must be carried out in dry warm weather. It is advisable in the morning or evening to avoid direct sunlight on the finish.


As you can see, there are quite a few options for the original and unusual design of fences. The choice depends only on the taste preferences and material capabilities of the owners. In the video presented in this article, you will find additional information on this topic.

Decorating fences with pictures is a new direction in the design of fences. Despite their "youth", various painting technologies quickly became popular, because they allow creative owners to individualize the suburban area and any enclosed area. Anyone who has used our recommendations can create an attractive pattern.

Airbrushing drawings in fence design

An interesting option is to paint the fence by airbrushing, i.e. by spraying paint from an airbrush. Airbrushing is applicable on fences made of different materials, since the paint is easily distributed on the surface under pressure with a jet of compressed air. If there are bulges, curvatures, depressions on the fence, this is not a problem. The substance released from the cartridge will mask any defect in a matter of minutes.

To turn the fence into a real masterpiece of art, you will need some materials and tools:

  • Drawing of a pattern with color markings if it will occupy a large surface.
  • A stencil with an image you like (you can buy a ready-made one or make it yourself).
  • Scotch tape or masking tape - useful for fixing the stencil.
  • A level or plumb line will help to align the workpiece on the fence.
  • Sander - cleans away rust and gives a smooth working surface.

If the drawing will be carried out on a metal canvas, you will additionally need a solvent and a primer. For concrete fences - only a primer, for wooden fences - antiseptic and drying oil. The materials will help remove old paint and protect the canvas from the effects of precipitation. They are also needed to achieve a blurry effect.

Thanks to airbrushing, drawings are more realistic. With a spray can, it is easier to achieve gradation of shades and make the pattern more effective. Images made with a brush or roller look a little worse.

Drawings on the fence for a summer residence with your own hands

There are many options for drawing a picture on a country fence. The most modern of them is airbrushing, but in the old fashioned way you can use a stencil. Each method has its own working nuances, on which the final result depends. Let's learn how to use a stencil and start with simple drawings. complex patterns in the absence of experience will not work.

Let's write down all the work in the form of instructions:

  1. A suitable pattern is transferred to paper and cut out along the edging.
  2. Prepare masking tape to protect the painting from dripping.
  3. The workpiece is set in level and, after making sure that it is even, the stencil is attached.
  4. The span material is cleaned with emery paper or a grinder.
  5. The surface is painted along the lines indicated by the stencil.
  6. The workpiece is carefully removed after the paint has set a little, otherwise it will flow.

Floral ornament, birds, butterflies, flowers look very beautiful on the country fence. Some owners will like a picture with cartoon characters or fairy tales. Also interesting are options with seasonal landscapes and plots of village life.

In order for the lines of the image to lie exactly, and the final result was perfect, it is necessary to use a stencil. At home, it can be cut from linoleum or thick cardboard.

Instructions for the design of metal fences

Fences with metal spans serve as an ideal easel for drawing on a fence. Before starting decorative work, it is recommended to carefully prepare the surface to be painted.

Let's consider the whole process in stages:

  1. Cleaning the working surface (metal brush or grinder).
  2. Degreasing the iron sheet with a special compound that provides a high degree of adhesion or adhesion of the metal to the coloring matter.
  3. Priming metal areas.
  4. Application of a pattern according to the created sketch and color marking.
  5. Coating the picture with a colorless varnish, which gives the picture durability.

You can paint a metal fence with any paint - acrylic, oil or nitro. Any tool is suitable for work - airbrush, brush, spray gun or roller.

Drawings on wooden surfaces

When decorating a wooden fence, it is important to follow the same procedure as when decorating a metal surface. But first, the wood should be cleaned with a grinder from burrs and covered with antiseptic and drying oil. Next, create a pattern with acrylic paints. Nitro and oil paints for painting on a wooden fence are not used, because they quickly flake off, warp and lose color. The lacquer coating of surfaces painted with such substances does not make them durable.

What designs are applied to wooden fences? The options can be either strict, in the form of geometric patterns, or cheerful, childish, bright and deliberately careless. It is convenient to apply paint with a brush or roller, because the wood quickly absorbs the substance and does not drip.

If the picture is painted with an airbrush, the drawing will have to be completely reproduced 2 or even 3 times. The reason is the same - rapid absorption of paint. To consolidate the achieved result, the fence is covered with colorless acrylic varnish.

Slate fencing decoration

Slate in the construction of fences is used flat and wavy. It is clear that it will be easier to draw on a flat material, and the image can be applied in any way - with a roller, airbrush, brush or marker. To make the paint less intensively absorbed by asbestos cement, the surface of the fence is pre-sanded and primed. The finished drawing is additionally varnished with colorless acrylic.

It will be difficult to paint wavy slates with a marker and a roller. A high-quality drawing on a curved surface will be obtained if the master uses an airbrush or brushes. The stripping of corrugated slate is also very difficult, since the work is carried out manually or by careful use of a vibration sander.

A shallow wave slate is also difficult to draw. You can improve the quality of your painted work by using brushes of different sizes.

The easiest way to paint wavy slate with an airbrush. The paint released from the sprayer will settle well on an uneven surface, which is characterized by many technological irregularities. It is also easy to paint with paint brushes on a fence with spans made of wave slate. They produce excellent images with blurry lines.

Modern technologies for the design of fences

Special art stickers will help you to decorate the fence in an unusual and colorful way. When buying, the consumer should pay attention to whether the original purpose of the translation is appropriate for street use. There are usually many variations of images on sale, so even the most fastidious buyer will find an interesting decor for himself.

Vibrant stickers that convey pictures in a trendy 3D image have several important properties that make them suitable for outdoor use.

The qualities useful for decorating the fence are:

  • Resistant to fading and discoloration.
  • The ability to resist mechanical stress.
  • Exposure to wet and frosty conditions, sudden temperature changes.

How to properly stick the finished drawing on the fence, our instructions will tell you:

  1. Wipe off any dust from the surface of the fence.
  2. Degrease or prime the hedge.
  3. Carefully peel off the tape from the decal as it adheres to the web. If you peel off the protective cover right away, you will not be able to avoid creases and bubble areas on the canvas.
  4. Pierce the bubbles with a needle, if they do appear, and slowly smooth out the puncture sites with your palm.
  5. Make your design lasting by covering it with several coats of varnish.

Only decorate your fence with stickers in warm, dry weather. The best time for finishing is morning and evening, when direct sunlight does not fall on the processed canvas.

Any business needs preparation and planning. Drawing is no exception and requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The article will discuss how to draw a fence correctly, as well as what tools and skills you need to possess in order to bring the drawing to mind.

"Children's" style

First you need to decide what result you need, and then decide which fence to draw. The easiest way is to depict in the form of three or four sticks sticking out of the ground, and two horizontal bars.

If the task for a child is to depict a small palisade, then there is nothing easier. After these steps, you can paint in any colors, depict a house behind a fence and a blue sky.

In an adult way

It will be a little more difficult if there is perspective in the drawing, and the work is more thought out. Perspective is a criterion of fine art that distorts the work in relation to the angle of view. They train to draw correctly, usually on geometric shapes or the simplest objects such as a chair, table or ball.

This is necessary in order to correctly depict complex objects: first, a sketch is made in the form of a pile of geometric figures, then the excess is "cut off". Only artists with extensive experience are able to draw immediately without sketches.

Helpful hints:

  1. In any perspective, the guidelines for composition elements converge at one or more points. At the initial stage, everything may look awkward: an object is smaller or larger than another. But at the stage of completion, everything takes on a natural look. And this is understandable logically: a thing that is in the distance will always seem smaller.
  2. Each object cannot have a separate perspective. The only exception is for surrealist artists.

Stage 1

Having mastered the principles of constructing a composition with a perspective, you can no longer think about how to draw a fence. The horizon line is outlined with a pencil. You don't need to do this under the ruler - it will be unnatural.

The place is determined, which will be the finish of the perspective. The guide lines of the fence and other structures that are planned to be depicted should be brought to this point. The palisade itself will end exactly at the specified point. Two guides make it clear that the size of the fence posts decreases with distance from the viewer.

Stage 2

After the sketch is done, it's time to think about how to draw a beautiful fence next. The columns are drawn according to a well-thought-out plan: the further, the less.

If you want to complement the composition, you can depict the grass with small strokes.

Stage 3

You want to draw a fence as a background element. That is, some part will run parallel to the horizon line to outline the home ownership shown in the figure.

Of course, you don't need to do this. It all depends on the author's idea. You should inspect the resulting drawing. When identifying empty spaces, it is recommended to finish painting something: be it a tree that complements the landscape, or a part of the road. If only the law of symmetry is preserved and the composition is not overloaded with unnecessary details.

Stage 4

At the final stage, you should shade sections of the fence, trees and other objects. Then you need to pay attention to the inner and outer shadows. This will make the drawing lively and colorful.

If the question arises about how to draw a fence with patterns, then you should pick up a sharpened pencil and apply the desired pattern on the boards of the picket fence. In order to correct individual segments, a nag (soft eraser) is used.

To add volume to objects, glare is applied with a nag on those places where light from foreign objects falls (secondary lighting). This is usually the edge of the darkest side of any object. Draw a line with the tip of the eraser and enjoy the result.

Pencil selection

To understand how to draw a fence in stages, you need not only to be able to imagine, but also to bring the work to its logical conclusion. To do this, you should choose the right pencils.

There are soft, hard and hard-soft. When choosing, they are guided by the designation: 9H is considered the hardest, and 9B is extremely soft. There are also transition markings (H, F, HB, B), which are considered hard-soft.

Improper use of a hard pencil will damage the drawing due to damage to the paper, while soft pencils often break when sharpening. But each artist chooses the tools for himself. Often in the tutorial videos, you can find a model with the designation 4B.


Correctly applied shadows are the key to a high-quality drawing. They are thrown away by every object on which light falls.

Accordingly, at the stage of developing a sketch, the artist must immediately determine the location of the light source. This is usually the top left or right corner.

To achieve realism, it is useful to know that the shadow should be proportional to the subject. It is better to apply strokes with a soft pencil and do it smoothly. If they are visible to the naked eye, you need to do shading. Usually a small piece of paper or even a finger is used for this. It is enough to make circular rubbing movements. In addition, in art shops you can buy a special pencil designed for such a business.


Drawing is a great art and a special gift. How to draw a fence, an elephant, a person, a sky, a tank or something else? The answer is simple: first of all, there must be inspiration.

It is this that is the impulse of creative progress. A real artist is always interested in improving his skills and bringing his work to the ideal. You can recall as many popular expressions as you like about the fine arts. One of them is "I am an artist - I see it this way." In this, of course, there is some truth. But most often it serves only as an excuse for sluggishness and an unsuccessful attempt to portray something.

For those who are just starting to master this difficult path, there are many video tutorials that help to comprehend the mysteries of the fine arts. Techniques, principles and laws of building a composition - everything is not as complicated as it seems.

It’s not difficult to draw a beautiful fence. It is more difficult to portray people, animals and to portray dynamic scenes. You need to go to this gradually, learn to work out the details, then apply general tones. This will require a sea of ​​patience, an ocean of perseverance and an endless number of ideas.

Good luck to everyone in your work!

Simple drawings with paints on fences in the country

This unusual trend in decorating fences on personal plots - painting by airbrushing (as well as graffiti and tagging) - has appeared recently, but has become popular almost everywhere. Many people think that drawing something on the fence is a matter only for professionals, and this opinion is partly justified. But everyone can depict a simple floral pattern or a cartoon character.

Consider several modern fence design techniques that will bring a little exclusivity and a lot of positive to your site.

What is airbrushing?

Airbrushing is painting the surface by spraying paint with an airbrush(translated as air brush). Airbrushing is a universal method, since you can make drawings on fences from any material - after all, paint is applied under pressure with a jet of compressed air (it is sold in special cans). Therefore, even the most complex surfaces (with bulges, depressions, bends and curved lines) the airbrush conquers in seconds.

Such a drawing always looks more realistic and impressive than work done with a brush or roller.

By airbrushing, you can get unusually subtle gradations of retouching and shades. Although the latest painting tools are used quite often in painting fences.

The cost of professional services for drawing drawings on the fence is considerable, but it is justified by the exclusive result and the colorfulness of the drawing. Airbrushing was born out of graffiti, the designs of which look more rough and straightforward. The same can be said about tagging - here the inscriptions applied by a vandalizer prevail - this is a special marker of different colors with a wide nib (up to 100 mm), reusable. Therefore, for a country fence, all methods are good, but with an airbrush you can get thinner and more graceful lines.

Self-drawing on the fence

To start independent work on decorating your fence, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • A sketch of the future drawing with color-coded markings if the picture occupies a large area.
  • The finished stencil with the future pattern. You can make it yourself or buy it.
  • Scotch tape of any color or masking tape for attaching the stencil.
  • Building level and plumb line - you will need to level and fix the stencil on the fence.
  • Sanding machine for cleaning rough or rusted surfaces (sanding paper can be used, but this will take much longer).
  • Solvent and primer for metal fences, primer for concrete fences, antiseptic and drying oil for wooden fences. These materials are needed to clean the surface of old paint, protect it from weathering and for the appearance of the "blurred" effect.
  • Acrylic, oil or nitro paints.

Drawings on a metal fence

When working with a brush or roller, the positive result is more predictable, since you control the speed of application of the paint yourself. And you can also fix the mistake slowly. The same goes for the vandalizer (tagging marker). An airbrush releases a jet of paint under pressure, so you need to carefully monitor the direction of the jet, the pressure and the distance from the spray can to the surface to be painted - the blurring of the pattern and its saturation depend on this. Therefore, it is better to practice on some surface before the main work.

A metal fence is an ideal surface for fantasy paintings, abstract drawings, portraits, landscapes, urban or space paintings.

First, it is necessary to clean the surface of the fence from rust, paint over with a primer, and then apply with a pencil or a light marker the contours of a future painting, portrait, landscape or still life. It is also recommended to draw a drawing on paper and paint it with the final colors before work, so that when applied to the fence, you can control the color tones of the painting. Acrylic and nitro paints dry quickly, so you will also have to work at an accelerated pace. In order for the drawing to be preserved for many years, it should be covered with acrylic varnish.

We decorate a wooden fence

When working on wood, the same rules and procedure are followed as on a metal surface. The only difference is that the wooden fence must first be cleaned from burrs with a grinder, and then protected with a layer of antiseptic and drying oil. On a wooden surface do not use nitro and oil paints- the nitro paint will begin to peel off the next season, the oil paint will last for two or three seasons, but during this time it will lose color and also warp, even if a protective layer of varnish is applied over it. Therefore, only rely on the acrylic option.

For a wooden fence, children's funny drawings, deliberately inept and bright, will be ideal. In the absence of artist talent, you can simply apply multi-colored geometric patterns. On such a fence, you can safely work with a brush or roller - the surface quickly absorbs paint, and there will be no drips if you put a thin layer. When working with an airbrush, you will have to apply 2-3 layers of the same pattern for the same reason - the surface quickly absorbs paint. For a 100% result, the wooden fence at the end of the work is recommended to be protected with acrylic colorless varnish.

Drawing on a slate fence

Asbestos cement slate is flat and wavy. It is very convenient to draw on a fence made of flat slate and you can do it in any way - with an airbrush, marker, brush or roller. So that the paint is not so actively absorbed into the asbestos cement, the surface must first be sanded and painted over with a primer. After applying the pattern, the surface must also be protected with a layer of acrylic colorless varnish.

It will be problematic to draw on wavy slate with a marker and a roller, so it is better to use brushes or an airbrush. You will have to clean the surface manually, so the work will be long and tedious. You can speed up the stripping process by applying vibration sander(these are used for grinding car bodies). A slate fence with a shallow wave is a big problem for the artist, and here quality can only be achieved with the help of brushes of different sizes.

The surface of corrugated slate is most often heterogeneous, has many technological depressions, and on slate with a large wave, an airbrush will come in handy (however, just like paint brushes). A blurry pattern will look great here, and it is also much easier to achieve this effect on an uneven surface.

Concrete option

Many people associate a concrete fence with a bright and rich pattern with a construction site or a railway station. Therefore, designers recommend painting such a fence in a single color. For a summer residence or a personal plot, shades of green will be successful. Against this background, all imaginable and unimaginable flower arrangements will be effective. If, nevertheless, the desire to make a drawing is very strong, you can use soft, pastel colors and patterns close to nature - landscapes, the sea, desert expanses or snow sketches. The use of white for the fragmentary coloring of the fence will make it more solemn and elegant.

The drawing technology depends on the surface - shallow relief can be painted with an airbrush, marker, brush, roller, etc.

It is better to paint an openwork fence only with a brush or a small airbrush. As in previous cases, the surface is cleaned and primed. If the paint is applied in several layers, then a protective layer of varnish is not needed.

To maintain the unity of the exterior, the fence and the roof of the house should be painted in similar colors. Prefabricated concrete embossed slabs will show you which colors to choose. So, imitation of brickwork requires a brown color, masonry should use shades of natural stone. Bright colors and shades become annoying and annoying over time. Therefore, you should choose muted colors: burgundy, dark green, mustard or even asphalt.

Using a stencil

The practice of using stencils for painting any fences has shown that this is a universal tool for both the artist and the amateur. Ease of use, ease of application of paints (usually with a foam rubber sponge or a small roller) and the absence of the need to show imagination and artistic talents make the stencil very popular.

The stencil can be successfully used to hide defects in concrete slabs or wooden fences. It is attached with tape or masking tape, the paint is applied along the edges with a sponge, and inside the picture - with a roller or airbrush.

The edges of the stencil, even if they are securely fastened, should always be supported by hand in the place where the paint is applied. A variety of themes and styles can be used. If the fence is painted in the city, then pop art and large portraits, geometric patterns will come in handy. You can paint a picture on a seascape theme or depict a city at night, space, all kinds of abstractions. The picture can look like a complete composition or it can be divided into several parts, different by theme. For a summer cottage fence, you can use:

  • Floral, plant and natural patterns and paintings.
  • Images of animals, domesticated plants, vegetables, fruits and berries.

Modern technologies of drawing a picture

If the drawing on the fence is visually nothing to tie to, then it is better to paint the fence in neutral, pastel shades. They are beige, peach, blue, or caramel. Remember the main law of any artistic composition - use no more than three primary colors plus their shades.

Innovation and automation make it possible to partially eliminate manual labor when painting. So, large areas of fences can be painted using pneumatic spray guns, having previously marked out the future picture or panorama by color. It is better to paint country fences (depending on the material) with a brush, roller or airbrush.

When applying inscriptions, strokes and graphics to a plain surface, the tagging method is best - applying paint with a wide marker.

Any picture, drawing, inscription on the fence not only plays a decorative role, but also protects the surface from light mechanical and atmospheric influences. Therefore, even if the drawing is fragmentary, then it is necessary to cover the entire working surface with a protective colorless varnish. It should also be cleaned and prepared. The preparation consists of two stages:

  1. Dry cleaning of the surface with a brush, spatula, grinder or flat vibration sander: you need to remove dirt, burrs, rust and manufacturing defects.
  2. Wet cleaning with water. After that, the fence should dry well.

It is necessary to paint the fence only in dry and preferably cool weather... Do not apply paint in the rain or immediately after it. In hot weather, it is also impossible to paint - the paint will not have time to diffuse deep into the surface and after a while will begin to flake off.

  • The decoration and design of backyard fences has long gone beyond the usual painting or installation of a fence. Now this is an occasion to show your originality and outlook by decorating the fence with drawings, ornaments made of stucco, forging and other materials. You can make an exclusive, original design of the fence for your personal plot both with your own hands and with the help of professionals. The main thing in this business is the desire to express your individuality without restraining the riot of fantasy.

    graffiti drawing on the fence

    Drawings by airbrushing in the design of fences for a summer residence, price, photo

    Airbrushing and graffiti are relatively new methods of decorating backyard fences. With their help, original and realistic images are made on the outside or inside of fences, entrance and garage gates. The art of airbrushing originated from graffiti, which is dominated by more straightforward and rough drawings.

    The fence is painted with the help of a special apparatus - airbrush... This device, with the help of a pressure generated by compressed air in cylinders, effectively sprays paints, achieving a complete coverage of any surface.

    A drawing made with an airbrush looks impressive and realistic than a work drawn with a roller or brushes. By spraying, subtle gradations of retouching and shading are achieved.

    Despite the rather high cost of artistic services, the spectacular and colorful drawing on the fence will delight the eye of the owners of the fence and ordinary passers-by for a long time. Price for airbrushing fences starts from 35 thousand rubles and depends on the complexity of the selected pattern.

    Drawings on the fence for a summer residence with your own hands, photo and video ideas

    To carry out independent work on the design of the fence, you will need the following tools and materials:

    • A sketch of a drawing applied to the surface of the fence with color markings.
    • A stencil prepared by yourself or purchased in a store.
    • Masking tape or tape for attaching the stencil to the surface of the fence.
    • Construction plumb line and level, for correct and even marking of the future drawing on the fence.
    • Sandpaper, brush or sander to clean the fence surface.
    • Materials for cleaning and protecting fences from weathering: primer for concrete fences, antiseptic and drying oil - for wood, solvent and primer - for metal.
    • Acrylic, oil or nitro paint, you can also use markers for tagging.
    • A roller, brushes or a spray gun for performing work on the design of drawings on the fence of the country.

    Instructions for the design of metal fences, photo

    Fences with metal surfaces are the ideal painting easel. Before starting work, you need to prepare the surface of the fence. Stages of work on the design of metal fences with your own hands:

    • Cleaning the surface of the fence from rust and dirt with a metal brush or a grinder.
    • Treatment of the fence for giving with a degreaser for metal surfaces to ensure high adhesion.
    • Primer application for metal surfaces.
    • Drawing or patterning on the surface. It is advisable to decide before that on the sketch and its color marking.
    • Fixing the result with a colorless varnish, for the durability of the picture.

    Any paint for painting a metal fence can be: acrylic, oil, nitro paint. Painting tools can be brushes, roller, spray gun, airbrush.

    Drawings on wooden surfaces, video tutorial

    Before applying a drawing to a wooden surface, preparatory work should be carried out. Stages of working with a wooden surface:

    • Cleaning the enclosure from burrs with a grinder.
    • Wood treatment with an antiseptic.
    • Impregnation of the surface with linseed oil.
    • Drawing a pattern or drawing on a fence.
    • Securing the durability of the drawing with colorless varnish.

    It is advisable to use oil paint for wooden fences, since nitro paint will last on the surface for the entire season, acrylic paint for two or three seasons, but at the same time it will lose its color and properties. Staining tools can be anything you like. Since the wooden surface quickly absorbs paint, it will need to be applied in several layers.

    Slate fencing decoration

    On the slate, if it is not wavy, it is easy and convenient to apply drawings. But before applying the pattern, the slate surface should be prepared - sanded and coated with a primer, and after the drawing - apply a transparent varnish.

    The wavy surface of slate is easiest to paint with a spray gun, brushes and an airbrush. It is better to prefer acrylic or specialized paint for slate.

    Modern technologies for the design of fences

    To decorate the courtyard and the inside of the fence, you can use an artistic sticker designed for decorating surfaces. This fresco has increased durability and is intended for outdoor use.

    Bright 3D stickers for outdoor use have the following properties:

    • resistance to moisture, frost and sudden changes in temperature;
    • do not fade or fade;
    • resistant to mechanical stress;

    Tips for the correct gluing of the picture to the fence:

    1. Pre-clean the surface from dust. Degrease metal and concrete barriers with a solvent or cover with a primer.
    2. The protective film on the inner side of the sticker is removed as it is glued, in order to avoid the formation of bubbles and creases.
    3. Pierce the formed air bubbles with a needle and gently smooth out by hand.
    4. For additional durability and durability of the picture, apply varnish on it in several layers.

    Gallery of photo ideas for decorating a summer cottage fence

    In recent years, the design on the cottage fence has become more and more popular. The most popular is the direction associated with drawing a beautiful pattern on the fence. Most believe that only real artists are capable of painting a fence. In principle, only they can paint a beautiful picture.

    Realistic drawing on a concrete fence

    However, a simple drawing is quite possible for an ordinary person to draw. The most important thing is to have the necessary materials at hand and turn on your imagination.

    To draw a drawing on the fence with your own hands, several methods have been developed. In this matter, the person's ability to draw is put in the first place.


    The beginning of this direction, when an inscription is made on a fence, was a drawing technique called "graffiti". This method is especially popular in car tuning. To paint a picture, a special airbrush is used. It is also called an air brush.

    In fact, this is an ordinary spray can, which has replaceable nozzles to spray paint.

    The compressed air under high pressure produces a uniform spray of paint. In this way, you can draw a picture on each surface with your own hands.

    An example of an airbrush drawing on a fence

    For such an airbrush, any unevenness on the cottage fence will not be an obstacle. The fact is that when staining in this way, you can adjust the saturation of the shades by applying pressure to the spray gun.

    Airbrushed paintings always have volume and look quite realistic. However, for a person who does not have the ability to draw, such a technique will not be available. It is best to use the services of professionals.

    Stencil application

    If you do not need to draw an artwork on the fence with your own hands, you can use a more accessible technology. The drawing can be drawn on the fence of the country house using a stencil. It is made of cardboard, on which the desired image is cut. Absolutely everyone can make a stencil with their own hands. But if you wish, you can purchase a ready-made stencil in a specialized store for artists.

    Painting the fence with a stencil

    To attach the stencil to the fence, use the most common tape, masking tape is also suitable. During work, for greater reliability, it is better to hold the stencil with your hand.
    The drawing can be applied with a variety of tools:

    • brush;
    • roller;
    • sponge.

    Water-repellent paints are used to paint the fence.

    Sketch for drawing

    To draw an image from an already made drawing, a sketch is first made. A drawing of the fence is made on a small scale, a color picture is drawn on the image with a drawing of all the details. For such a picture, you can pick up any theme. It can be various geometric shapes or a beautiful landscape.


    This is the newest trend that has appeared in the arsenal of artists in recent years. A special vandalizer is used to apply the image.

    This is what the picture on the fence looks like, made by the tagging method

    It is a multi-colored reusable marker with a nib up to 10 centimeters wide.

    Paints that can be applied to the drawing

    For, best suited:

    • Acrylic water-repellent paints;
    • Oil enamels;
    • Alkyd paints.

    Metal fences are perfectly painted with anti-corrosion paints. Brick fences covered with acrylic or silicone paint. Any paint must be water-repellent. After applying the picture, so that it will delight the eyes for many years, it is advisable to make the coating with acrylic varnish.

    How to paint corrugated board

    When, then the plot of the picture can be almost anything. You can make a beautiful fence from corrugated board, decorating a reproduction of any painting on its surface.

    The original drawing on a corrugated fence

    Thanks to the huge number of shades, you can create a unique fence with your own hands that will not lose its beauty for many years and will be unique and original. The result is a work of art that is in perfect harmony with the overall landscape. To make the fence more beautiful, it needs to be painted with bright colors with rich colors. However, the industry manufactures corrugated board already colored. He might be:

    • red;
    • green;
    • blue;
    • brown;
    • gray;
    • burgundy.

    Therefore, it is possible to select steel sheets that do not require painting. To achieve real harmony, it is advisable to select the shade of the corrugated board according to the color scheme of the building. For example, a brick house with a green roof looks very bad when it has a blue fence. But the fence painted in rainbow colors will be attractive and unique.
    You can draw any picture on a fence made of corrugated board:

    • flowers;
    • portraits;
    • ornaments;
    • animals.

    You can draw pictures on each section or selectively, on several of them. Since, for the convenience of work, it is necessary to make cardboard stencils that are glued to the fence with double tape. When graffiti is done with spray cans, it turns out to be very fashionable. Each section should have a different pattern. Such a fence always attracts attention, it will become a regional landmark, which people come to specially admire.
    On the corrugated board, the drawings are perfectly preserved, the paints do not fade, they do not wash off.

    Metal fences

    Sometimes they are covered with a pattern that imitates the structure of wood. The image can be almost anything. If you look at such a fence from afar, it is very difficult to distinguish it from an ordinary wooden one. Only getting closer can you see that the fence is made of metal. If such a fence has beautiful pillars, it becomes attractive and looks very original. To protect the pattern on the metal, it is covered with a transparent film. Thus, the picture will remain bright for many years.

    Any business needs preparation and planning. Drawing is no exception and requires certain knowledge, skills and abilities. The article will discuss how to draw a fence correctly, as well as what tools and skills you need to possess in order to bring the drawing to mind.

    "Children's" style

    First you need to decide what result you need, and then decide which fence to draw. The easiest way is to depict in the form of three or four sticks sticking out of the ground, and two horizontal bars.

    If the task for a child is to depict a small palisade, then there is nothing easier. After these steps, you can paint in any colors, depict a house behind a fence and a blue sky.

    In an adult way

    It will be a little more difficult if there is perspective in the drawing, and the work is more thought out. Perspective is a criterion of fine art that distorts the work in relation to the angle of view. They train to draw correctly, usually on geometric shapes or the simplest objects such as a chair, table or ball.

    This is necessary in order to correctly depict complex objects: first, a sketch is made in the form of a pile of geometric figures, then the excess is "cut off". Only artists with extensive experience are able to draw immediately without sketches.

    Helpful hints:

    1. In any perspective, the guidelines for composition elements converge at one or more points. At the initial stage, everything may look awkward: an object is smaller or larger than another. But at the stage of completion, everything takes on a natural look. And this is understandable logically: a thing that is in the distance will always seem smaller.
    2. Each object cannot have a separate perspective. The only exception is for surrealist artists.

    Stage 1

    Having mastered the principles of constructing a composition with a perspective, you can no longer think about how to draw a fence. The horizon line is outlined with a pencil. You don't need to do this under the ruler - it will be unnatural.

    The place is determined, which will be the finish of the perspective. The guide lines of the fence and other structures that are planned to be depicted should be brought to this point. The palisade itself will end exactly at the specified point. Two guides make it clear that the size of the fence posts decreases with distance from the viewer.

    Stage 2

    After the sketch is done, it's time to think about how to draw a beautiful fence next. The columns are drawn according to a well-thought-out plan: the further, the less.

    If you want to complement the composition, you can depict the grass with small strokes.

    Stage 3

    You want to draw a fence as a background element. That is, some part will run parallel to the horizon line to outline the home ownership shown in the figure.

    Of course, you don't need to do this. It all depends on the author's idea. You should inspect the resulting drawing. When identifying empty spaces, it is recommended to finish painting something: be it a tree that complements the landscape, or a part of the road. If only the law of symmetry is preserved and the composition is not overloaded with unnecessary details.

    Stage 4

    At the final stage, you should shade sections of the fence, trees and other objects. Then you need to pay attention to the inner and outer shadows. This will make the drawing lively and colorful.

    If the question arises about how to draw a fence with patterns, then you should pick up a sharpened pencil and apply the desired pattern on the boards of the picket fence. In order to correct individual segments, a nag (soft eraser) is used.

    To add volume to objects, glare is applied with a nag on those places where light from foreign objects falls (secondary lighting). This is usually the edge of the darkest side of any object. Draw a line with the tip of the eraser and enjoy the result.

    Pencil selection

    To understand how to draw a fence in stages, you need not only to be able to imagine, but also to bring the work to its logical conclusion. To do this, you should choose the right pencils.

    There are soft, hard and hard-soft. When choosing, they are guided by the designation: 9H is considered the hardest, and 9B is extremely soft. There are also transition markings (H, F, HB, B), which are considered hard-soft.

    Improper use of a hard pencil will damage the drawing due to damage to the paper, while soft pencils often break when sharpening. But each artist chooses the tools for himself. Often in the tutorial videos, you can find a model with the designation 4B.


    Correctly applied shadows are the key to a high-quality drawing. They are thrown away by every object on which light falls.

    Accordingly, at the stage of developing a sketch, the artist must immediately determine the location of the light source. This is usually the top left or right corner.

    To achieve realism, it is useful to know that the shadow should be proportional to the subject. It is better to apply strokes with a soft pencil and do it smoothly. If they are visible to the naked eye, you need to do shading. Usually a small piece of paper or even a finger is used for this. It is enough to make circular rubbing movements. In addition, in art shops you can buy a special pencil designed for such a business.


    Drawing is a great art and a special gift. How to draw a fence, an elephant, a person, a sky, a tank or something else? The answer is simple: first of all, there must be inspiration.

    It is this that is the impulse of creative progress. A real artist is always interested in improving his skills and bringing his work to the ideal. You can recall as many popular expressions as you like about the fine arts. One of them is "I am an artist - I see it this way." In this, of course, there is some truth. But most often it serves only as an excuse for sluggishness and an unsuccessful attempt to portray something.

    For those who are just starting to master this difficult path, there are many video tutorials that help to comprehend the mysteries of the fine arts. Techniques, principles and laws of building a composition - everything is not as complicated as it seems.

    It’s not difficult to draw a beautiful fence. It is more difficult to portray people, animals and to portray dynamic scenes. You need to go to this gradually, learn to work out the details, then apply general tones. This will require a sea of ​​patience, an ocean of perseverance and an endless number of ideas.

    Good luck to everyone in your work!