The difference between advertising and marketing. What do advertising and marketing have in common?

If you think that marketing and advertising are one and the same, there is nothing for you to do in business. Without knowing the basic terms, you will not be able to understand what the specialists are talking about, how they work and what they charge money for. Misunderstanding will make it difficult to promote products and services in the market and, accordingly, will negatively affect the success of your business.

In today's material, I propose to dot all the i's - to figure out how marketing differs from advertising and whether they have something in common. In addition to theory, we will also consider the area of ​​​​practice - we will determine what the duties of an advertising specialist are and what marketers do.

The difference between marketing and advertising today

Digital specialists - copywriters, marketers, PR and seo-shniks - they know the terminology. Mini-survey conducted in thematic group, this only confirms:

The four people who do not see the difference between marketing and advertising most likely have recently changed their profession and have not yet fully understood the intricacies of the field of activity.

There are few ignorant entrepreneurs. People who do business on a whim go bankrupt within 2-3 years from the moment the company is launched. The rest have to constantly engage in self-development and delve into the intricacies of the chosen field of activity.

A comment from a business owner on the difference between marketing and sales promotion.

To get a feel for the difference between marketing and advertising, let's go over the definitions of these terms. Marketing has hundreds of them. Let me give you an example of the most memorable.

American marketer Jack Trout compared marketing to a movie in which the main character is a product. A less romantic definition of marketing was given by Mark Burgess, managing partner of Blue Focus Marketing, who called it the profitable transformation of customer needs into revenue.

Companies that are chasing solely for profit, regardless of the needs of customers, cause negativity.

The most accurate, in my opinion, definition of modern marketing was given by Rene Blodgett, the founder and CEO of Magic Sauce Media. She calls marketing continuous communication with potential buyers. In the course of such interaction, the company educates and informs consumers, building strong trusting relationships. Customers become fans of the brand because they get exactly what they want most.

Perhaps the most striking manifestation of love for the brand.

The main goal of marketing is to make a product or service sell itself. It can be achieved through research, analysis and assessment of the needs of potential buyers, the state and development of the market.

What is Advertising

“Advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite circle of people and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.”

In other words, advertising can be called one of the marketing tools that helps to stimulate sales. Comparing or contrasting these two concepts is incorrect.It's like asking: "Which is better - the body or the arm?".

Comparison of advertising and marketing

Learning new things is better with simple and understandable examples. Let's take a look at what marketers and advertisers are doing to determine the difference between marketing and advertising.

A marketer is a specialist who helps companies promote the company's goods and services on the market, increase profits. Most of the time this person is engaged in research - the market, competitors, assortment, needs and desires of potential buyers. Based on the data received, the marketer puts forward hypotheses that should have a positive impact on the brand and increase sales. All assumptions must be tested in practice.

In large companies, marketing is handled by several specialists. Among them are analysts, brand managers, and marketing communications specialists.

Marketers promote products and services both offline and online. Professionals who operate on the network are called Internet marketers. The goals and objectives are the same, but the tools are different. For example, to assess the relationship of customers to a brand, a marketer can poll consumers at points of sale, and an Internet marketer will create public surveys or send letters with questionnaires based on email for the same purpose. Part of the routine work is assigned to other employees, such as PR people, managers or advertising specialists.

Ideally, an advertising specialist deals only with advertising. He helps companies to stimulate sales, so all questions about spending the advertising budget and the number of sales are addressed to him. Under the guidance of this specialist, designers and copywriters create creatives that will be shown to potential buyers.

Specialists who are engaged in online advertising often do everything themselves - write ad texts, create graphics for banners, launch campaigns and report on their results.

Typically, an advertising specialist is subordinate to a marketer, because he is responsible for implementing the company's marketing strategy. The marketer determines through which channels it is better to advertise the goods and services of the organization, what budget is appropriate to allocate for promotion, and what results should be targeted.

A commercial project is always aimed at making a profit. However, in business, by accident or malicious intent, the most important concepts can be substituted, thanks to which one can evaluate the effectiveness of work. The problem of distinguishing between marketing and advertising is very important for any commercial enterprise. How can a project be delivered at a high level if management doesn't understand the difference between the two categories? It is worth noting that the concept of marketing is broader, and it includes, among other things, advertising, as well as other ways to sell a product.


Marketing is a purposeful activity to promote a product from the manufacturer to the final consumer. First of all, the product is studied (it can be a product or service), then its ideal price is determined, after which places for sale are outlined. Marketing is also called a set of means for the sale of goods (an ideal place for sale and display, branding, creating a PR image).

Advertising- the concept is narrower, since it is included in the complex of means for promoting goods. Advertisers pursue various goals: informing the consumer, increasing sales, forming a positive image of the company in the eyes of society. There are many types of advertising: by location (internal, outdoor), by method of information transmission (radio, television, Internet), by purpose (informing, selling). You can advertise anything you want: from diapers to political views on what is happening in the country.


Thus, the concepts primarily differ in scale. Advertising is an integral part of marketing, that is, schemes for promoting a product. Of course, an important component, but not the only one. Marketing is a layer cake, and advertising is just a cream that is applied to a culinary product. Without it, a potential consumer will not pay any attention to the product.

At the same time, the commercial component is also important. Marketing is always aimed at making a profit, while advertising can be social or political. If we are talking about the complex promotion of the product, then 2 concepts will be interconnected. Marketing is a strategy for building sales, advertising is a tactical action that can be another maneuver or the final battle for the market.

Findings site

  1. Scale. Advertising is an integral part of marketing, one of its most important links. It is thanks to the "trade engine" that marketers increase sales and reach new markets.
  2. Commerce. If marketing is always a profitable enterprise, then advertising can be political, social, that is, unrelated to making money.
  3. Technology. Marketing is a system where the number of elements is stable (product - price - place of sale - promotion methods). Advertising uses both traditional methods and innovations (for example, newsbreak, viral dissemination of information).
  4. Self-sufficiency. Advertising can also exist in isolation from marketing (social or political action). Efficiency is assessed by increasing the rating, drawing attention to the problem. Advertising is an integral and essential part of marketing, and without it, it cannot function.