Beautiful meadow with flowers and butterflies. Master class on drawing for children "on a flower meadow

The purpose of the lesson:

Tasks lesson:

1. Educational:

2. Developing:

3. Recompute:



Subject: "Why don't we tear flowers and catch butterflies?"

The purpose of the lesson:

introduce students with flowers and butterflies meadows, give an idea of \u200b\u200btheir relationship; Formulate the rules of behavior in the meadow.

Tasks lesson:

1. Educational:

give an idea of \u200b\u200ba variety of flowers and butterflies found in the meadow, to form the ability to determine their name using an atlas-determinant, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between them, analyze the behavior of people in the meadow

2. Developing:

improve mental operations: analysis, generalization, comparison; Develop mental processes: memory, thinking, attention, perception; Develop aesthetic presentation of students about the world around.

3. Recompute:

bring up feelings of responsibility and careful attitude towards the world of nature; educate in children interest in learning nature native region; Relieve accuracy, curiosity.

During the classes:

1.G. moment

The call has cloved for us

I start our lesson

Guests came to us today

To them now you turn, smile, make friends

We will answer actively, behave well,

To guests dear wanted to come to us.

(picture "Sunny")

The sun is not divided by the sun radiant

And eternal land can not be divided,

But the spark of happiness of the ray of golden

You can, you are able to give friends.

Look at the sun, what is it rays and cheerful. Please show what mood you have in the lesson?

It is said that a good mood always helps to cope with any difficulties and achieve good results. Smile to each other and let our lesson reign good, good, working mood.

Let's read the motto of our lesson:

I wish you success

I will help everyone

We are learning perfectly

Everything will succeed.

2. Motivation of educational activities

Today we are visiting our friend's feathers and wise turtle and we go along with them

Only you must guess this place yourself, and for this I will make you a riddle:

You came to the clearing

Here is the grass, but the flowers

Butterflies flutter around

Call we are revenge ... (meadow)

Guys, what would we hear if they were in the meadow now? (Insect buzzes, bird singing ...)

What would you see? (Flowers, butterflies, herbs ...)

And what would you feel? (Flower smell, light breeze ...)

Listen to the poem.

What is growing?

Chamomile grows in the meadow,

Buttercourse caustic, clover-bash!

What else?

Carnation, resin,


Horsetail - like a tree.

And also?

Feline legs.

Dandelions caps,

Plantain, Vasilka,


Many more different grass

In the path, the grooves,

And beautiful, and fluffy,

Multicolored and fragrant!

3. Labor situation

Guys, our ant really liked this place and he wanted to gather for girls a large bouquet of flowers and catch for boys the most beautiful butterfly. What do you think it is possible to make an ant? (impossible)

Has anyone guessed what we would talk about today in the lesson. Word the topic of our current lesson.

Why can not tear flowers and catch butterflies?

At the end of the excursion you must answer this question.

Think that we have to learn today at the lesson.

Goals are formed by children:

Meet the meadow plants

Get acquainted with insects meadows

Get acquainted with the rules of behavior in the meadow.

4. Work on the subject of lesson

What do you know flowers growing in the meadow?

(the teacher makes the riddles about the flowers, children overlook and read poems about this flower)

The sisters grow in the meadow.

Yellow eyes, white cilia.


Chamomile grows in the meadow

Modest white flower,

Which yellow pocket

Dropped the petal.

Eh, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but there is no ringing.


Blook Blue

I bowed to us with you.

Flower bells

Very polite ... And you?

I'm fluffy ball

Belya in the field pure,

And the breeze blows -

Standard remained.


At the path dandelion

I dropped a yellow saragher.

Became fluffy, like the fluff:

Brothers! How I'm a whow!

Blue sky fell on the meadow,

Blue, happy everything became around,

In the meadow bloomed, at the blue river,

How blue sky, flowers ...


I-blue heavenly blue,

Field simple flower.

From that I am not Vasily,

And just - Vasileuk.

Why can not tear flowers? (Children choose the right answers in the pair)

Will be empty and ugly;

Insects and birds feed on nectar and pollen;

Mom will swear;

Plant in prison.

It will be correctly empty and ugly without such beautiful colors. And about many of them there are legends (beautiful invented stories)

Quite right, insects and birds feed on the nectar or pollen, and they will simply die without colors

And in prison, though they will not be placed, but may be fined, since many flowers are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law

Tearing flowers we ruin beauty (children make a conclusion)



Flower on the meadow

I rode on the shore.

Threw, and why

I can not explain.

In glass

He stood the day

And called.

How much would he

In the meadow stood?


Don't go back me please

I only live day.

Let me look like

In the sun and spring.


If I give a flower,

If you break the flower ...

If all: I, and you

If we break flowers,

That will be deserts

And trees, and bushes ...

And there will be no beauty.

What will we conclude?

And from the same colors then you can collect bouquets?

(from the Garden, which are grown by people)

guess a riddle

Rastav worm, feeds leaf,

Then fall asleep, I wonder

We do not look, I have been motionless.

But warm in spring I again live

And, like a bird, flick. (Butterfly)

Let's imagine yourself with butterflies and a little rest.


In the morning, the butterfly woke up.

I stretched, smiled.

Once - Rosya she washed,

Two - elegantly concerned

Three - bent and sat down,

Four - flew.

The river stopped,

Over the wave concerned

Wind butterfly shakes

Left, right tilts.

Once leaned

Two leaned

And quietly went to sleep.

You, of course, have observed more than once how multicolored butterflies flute on a warm summer day. Butterflies must be one of the most beautiful living beings on Earth! They look like revived flowers, the brightness of the color of their wings is truly fabulous. People came up with a lot of fairy tales and legends about the butterflies. In one of the fairy tales it is said that the butterflies are revived flowers that fell from the stalk.

Beauty butterfly in lightness and wings. Their wings are covered with many scales. And if you carelessly grab the butterfly, the fingers will remain a color raid from scales - pollen. Butterfly wings are very fragile when you catch the butterfly wings break and she cannot fly from a flower on a flower and dies. Many butterfly names are not accidentally given because of the color. Butterflies feed on a sweet nectar, and sometimes dust which is inside the flower.

Butterfly is an insect

Name the distinctive signs of insects (wings. 6 legs ...)

Working with a textbook

Look, what wonderful butterflies are drawn in the textbook on with. 46. \u200b\u200bThink what kind of names they may have. (children's responses)

And now try to find out the names of these beauties using an atlas-determinant ..

(Work in pairs)

Consider the drawings below.

1 row - describe the drawing on the left

2 row - drawing on the right

3 row - Looking at these drawings is the rules of behavior in the meadow.

Drawing up a memo "How to behave in nature?"

Cannot tear flowers in the meadow, in the forest. Bouquets can be made from garden plants, which are specially growing people.

You can not catch butterflies and kill insects. They are not only needed in nature, but they decorate it.

It is impossible to leave behind the garbage. If each person leaves behind at least a little garbage on the place of his holiday, then blooming meadow will turn into a landfill.

Wise Turtle introduces us with interesting facts. Read?

(Reading text under the heading "Do you know that ..."

Using this information, tell about the relationship between colors and butterflies.

Guys, so who guessed, what will be the answer to the question: why not need to tear flowers and catch butterflies? (they can't live without each other)

Read the text highlighted in bold, on s. 47.

5. Perform tasks in the working notebook

6. Test: (Proper statement put +, if not correct -)

Came on the meadow, Narvi large bouquet of flowers (-)

Do not catch butterflies, they are so needed by flowers, butterflies pollinate them (there will be no fruit and seeds without it) (+)

Do not RVI Flowers in vain! Without them, it will not be so beautiful, they need butterfly, because the butterflies feed on the nectar (+)

In the meadow you can make noise and scream, there is no one there, so I will not interfere with anyone (-)

How many beautiful butterflies in the meadow, you can catch them and put it! (-)


Whoever did not allow a single mistake, put his butterflies - on a yellow flower!

Who made one or two mistakes - on the blue!

And who are three and more - on red!

7. The result of the lesson.

It's time to answer the main question of ants: "Why don't we tear flowers and catch butterflies?" (They can't live without each other, if we are tearing flowers, we are not only in colors, but but butterfly do bad. And if we catch butterflies, do bad and butterfly, and flowers).

Thus, butterflies cannot live without colors, because they feed on the nectar. But the flowers are bad without butterflies, because the butterflies pollinate them. Without this, the colors will not be fruits and seeds.

Let's strive to keep and multiply the beauty of our edge.

Tell me, whether you have a joyful sunny mood. Raise the circles that matches your mood.

Thanks for the job!

At home, come up with a sign "Do not RVI flowers!", "Do not catch butterflies!". Come up with a poem or riddle about a flower and a butterfly.

Drawing lesson for younger schoolchildren. Drawing butterflies

Master class on drawing. "On a flower meadow. Butterfly"

Kokorina Elena Yurevna, teacher visual arts, MOU Slavninskaya secondary school, Tver region, Torzoksky district.

Purpose: The master class on drawing is designed for younger schoolchildren. The drawing can be used to decorate the interior or as a gift.

Goal: Development of creative abilities of children through artistic and visual activities.
Tasks: develop a feeling of shape and color, interest in insect; Call an emotional response to the content of butterfly poems and colors.

And today look ...
What is the campaign?
The meadow was covered with flowers!
Miracles occur,
Here the wizard worked!
But the wizard is at nothing!
These butterflies flew away
Clear, sunny day
Relax on the grass sat down! (S.ANTONYUK)

And you know Flowers
Unprecedented beauty:
Petals are folded
And instantly swept into the air.
What kind of flowers flies?
What are they called? (Answer: Butterflies) (

Yes, today we will draw butterflies - the most beautiful and, probably, the most beloved from insects. They are so beautiful that they are called "flying flowers." Painted in bright tones, these creatures flute from the flower on the flower and feed on a sweet nectar.
Slept a flower and suddenly woke up -
I did not want to sleep anymore.
Walked, fixed,
Up and flew away. (Butterfly)

To work we will need Listed sheet, colored wax pencils, watercolor, small brush, water cup.

Technique of work as on the past occupation: first we draw the basis of wax pencils, and then reflect the drawing with watercolor "in raw", small details we draw wax pencils after the paint dry.

Let's start our work. Album list by horizontally. At the top of the sheet, closer to the center, we will place our butterfly: draw a small circle, then add a "droplet" and one more smaller - it will be a head and a butterfly torso.

Add the mustache and foot.

Bright pencil draw wings: Spend a straight line at the junction of "droplets" up. From her right and left the wings left. Their form can be any. I will look like this.

We will add another part of the upper cradle - so create a feeling of painted wings.

Add drawing to wings. It can be any.

In the bottom of the sheet, we start drawing flowers. First, draw a middle in the form of oval.

Now add petals. Their form can be any: round, oval ...

You can add buds.

Add green leaves and our drawing is ready.

We begin to decorate. The middle of my colors will be blue. Take the purple watercolor and ultramarine.

I remind you to draw "in raw" it is necessary to preliminarily moisten the site that we will decorate. Then we sequentially and gently enter the watercolor of the desired color - the water itself will help the paint fill the space, and adding another shade will create a unique palette. The main thing is not to mix the paint with the brushes.
That's how the flower heart will look like.

Flower petals will be red (but you can choose any shades). We take Aluu, pink and red brilliant.

The first flower will begin to paint the edge of the petals.

The second is from the middle.

And now our bud.

Now leaves and grass. Take the viridon green watercolor and yellow-green.

First fill the leaves.

Moisturize the entire free plot at the bottom of the sheet and fill it with all the yellow-green watercolor.

At the very bottom, add a darker shade of green.

At the top of the sheet, we draw the sky in sunny weather. To do this, take a turquoise and lemon watercolor.

Let's start with turquoise and gradually add yellow color.

Sun, sky and breeze ...
Butterfly sat on a gentle flower.
Touching legs are easy
Wings placed like petals.
Ltd! Miracle happened! Among beauty,
Like magic, flowers appeared!
... I wanted to see the beauty closer,
But the most adorable flower flew away! (V. Nodvozhev)

I propose to make our butterfly-beauty similar to flowers. For this we will apply all those watercolor shades that have already been used in the figure. And the torso is painted with black paint.

Here is a drawing and ready.

A black pencil draw streaks on the petals.

Photo of summer
At the beginning of summer in the suburbs you can rent luxury photos of the summer

Summer is a great opportunity to make a luxurious summer photo, a summer front photo.

Who knows, going early summer On Saturday, in a hiking on the topic "Summer - Photo", we may go to the best day in your life.

It is important not to miss. Everything is so fast, the field is sometimes flowing for a few days.

We deploy the card and reflect: where, where you can make the most beautiful photo of summer.

And not to go for the photo of summer to the south-east of the Moscow region?

In the vicinity of Yegoryevsk draws attention to the whole constellation of vintage villages.

In June in the photo of the summer, peonies are well looking at the old rustic wooden houses.

Hochlevo village.

Flower jasmine bushes in the village of Isaevskaya.

On summer photographs, some small villages like the village of Kudinovskaya, are drowning in a rosehip bushes.

And what in the photo of the summer you can capture the roosters with chicians on the village streets.

Peter-Cockerel. Eagle, and the tail like Pavlin.

Between the villages of the birch on the birch.

In the photo of the summer of birch - Krutoboky Beauty.

Summer - Photo: Vintage churches and ancient temples

In the photo of the summer, the church is hiding in the foliage of the trees.

Stone Znamensky Temple in Aleshino.

More details about the Znamensky Church in the village of Aleshino - \u003e\u003e\u003e Look in the sketch application " .

Wooden injected church in Ryzhovo.

On the summer photo of a luxurious bush with shaggy peonies on a flowerbed of the injected temple in Ryzhovo.

Rural father peacefully talks with a parishioner on a bench in the introduced church in Ryzhovo.

More details about the introduction of the temple in the village of Ryzhovo - \u003e\u003e\u003e Look in the sketch-application " .

This was such a hiking trip of 30 km long on the topic "Summer - Photo" in the vicinity of Yegoryevsk.

Just one summer day, and worth a whole year. How many beautiful photos of summer turned out.

Many thanks to Tatiana and Nikolai, who were brought in their car to Egoryevsk.

Topic: "Why we will not tear flowers and catch butterflies?".

Author: Sergeeva Lyudmila Gennadevna, primary school teacher, Ilkinskaya secondary school MBOU, S. Ilkinino, Melenkovsky district, Vladimir region.
Description of the material: I propose an abstract of the lesson of the surrounding world for grade 1 students. In the lesson, students create a picture of a meadow, performing butterflies model in Origami technique.

Abstract of the lesson of the surrounding world in grade 1.
Subject: "Why don't we tear flowers and catch butterflies?"

The purpose of the lesson:
introduce students with flowers and butterflies meadows, give an idea of \u200b\u200btheir relationship; Formulate the rules of behavior in the meadow.
Tasks lesson:
1. Educational:
Give an idea of \u200b\u200ba variety of flowers and butterflies found in the meadow, to form a skill to determine their name using an atlantic determinant, give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe relationship between them, analyze the behavior of people in the meadow
2. Developing:
Improve mental operations: analysis, generalization, comparison; Develop mental processes: memory, thinking, attention, perception; Develop aesthetic presentation of students about the world around.
3. Ripping:
bring up feelings of responsibility and careful attitude towards the world of nature; educate in children interest in the study of the nature of the native land;
Relieve accuracy, curiosity.
Equipment: signs with rules of behavior in nature; Picture of the meadow; wildfield masks; field colors made in origami techniques; Butterfly execution schemes in Origami technique; Atlas-determinants "from land to heaven"; Dry rose petals; Costumes for ants, turtles, butterflies.
During the classes:
- all the parties got beautifully,
Greeted the courteous
Quietly sat down, the backs right.
I see our class at least where,
Start a time lesson.
(picture "Sun")
- The sun is not divided by the sun radiant
And eternal land can not be divided,
But the spark of happiness of the ray of golden
You can, you are able to give friends.
- Look at the sun, what is it rays and cheerful. Do you like your hand from you the same mood?
- It is said that a good mood always helps to cope with any difficulties and achieve good results. Smile to each other and guests, and even if our lesson reigns good, good, working mood.
- Today in the lesson we will work in groups. What rules of work in the group must be observed?
(Do not interrupt each other, listen to others, help each other, consultant, do not shout)
- Let's connect hands into the chain and say our motto: (chorus)
I wish you all success
I will help everyone.
We are learning perfectly
Everything will work with us.
- Today we will commit an absentee tour of nature.
- Guys, and with what weather is better to make excursions?
- To this lesson, you were given the opportunity to find signs that foreshadow good weather. Share your finds.
To good weather, the ladybug, taken in the hands, flies quickly.
To good weather on the grass is abundant dew.
To good weather, all dandelions are disclosed.
Sparrows fly through a pile - to clear weather.
Birds sing fun - to good weather.
Late in the evening, grasshoppers are very crack.

- What should we remember, going on a tour of nature?
- Find among the signs on your desks Find those signs that talk about the correct behavior in nature.
Work in groups.
(Choose signs, then go with them to the board and comment on them).
Do not break the branches of trees and shrubs
Do not RVI flowers
Do not knock the mushrooms, even inedible. Remember that mushrooms are very necessary Nature
Do not catch butterflies, dragonflies and other insects.
Do not ruin anthills.
Do not come close to bird sockets. If it turned out to be near the nest, right away, otherwise the poultry-parents can forever leave it.
Try to walk along the paths not to pull the grass and the soil.
Not hubs in the forest, in the park.
Do not leave to the forest, by the river, in the meadow of garbage.
- Today we are with us our friends wise turtle and ant question. (go to the board)
- Until the summer is not so long, but the ant question and wise turtle offer you a trip to the summer right now. And to find out in the same place you will find yourself, you need to guess the mystery:
(makes a turtle)
You came to the clearing.
Here is the grass, but the flowers.
Butterfly flutter around.
Written we are a place ... (meadow)
(picture "meadow")
- Where did we find yourself? (in the meadow)
- How did you guess what is the meadow? (A lot of grass, colors, butterflies, and there are no trees)
- Meadow is extensive territories with herbal vegetation. Look, what are the meadows.
Meadows, which are located on the lowland shores of rivers and lakes in a flood fill with weighing waters, are called fuel. When the water falls, everything around it sewers, the flowers will snack, butterflies will stop. Meadows, which are located away from rivers are called sudidal.
- Now you know what a meadow is. Watch and define what meadows not far from your home.
- Look, and what did our friends bring?
Moravian and turtle come out
In the turtle in the hands of a picture with a butterfly, and ants have a chamomile.
- What do they want to tell us today? Try to determine what ant wants to talk in class? (About colors and butterflies)
- Think about what questions to us today will have to answer together with the ant?
- Read the question language that I asked the Muska Turtle Musheka. He will be the main thing, and we will try to find a response on it.
Students read the subject of the lesson in the textbook.
- So at the end of the excursion, I think we will answer this question.
- Well, we go further.
Poems I. Surikova "in the meadow".
The path is running through the meadow,
Dives left, right.
Where no loaves, flowers around,
Yes, knee herbs.
Green meadow, like a wonderful garden,
Pahocho and fresh in the dawn clock.
Beautiful, rainbow flowers
Bouquets are scattered on them.
- Let's look at around. What attracts your attention? (Flowers)
A poster with a meadow (without flowers)
- Look, but our meadow. Let's make it flower too.
I am pleased to want
All the flowers here call here,
Let them beautiful
Our meadow will be decorated!
- What kind of flowers growing in the meadow do you know?
The teacher makes the riddles about flowers, the children leave the flower mask, read poems about this flower and attach a flower (made in origami techniques) on a poster
The sisters grow in the meadow -
Golden eyes, white cilia. (chamomile)
Flowers chamomile in the meadow
Modest white flower,

What's from yellow pocket
Dropped the petal.
- Guys, chamomile people are often confused with another very similar flower. This is nyond. Compare their leaves. Look at the Nyurian leaves are whole (not cut like dill). Also, Nyuritan has one flower on the stem. Nyurist is included in the list of protected plants.
Eh, bells, blue color,
With a tongue, but there is no ringing. (bells)

Blook Blue
I bowed to us with you.
Bells - flowers
Very polite ... And you?
I'm fluffy ball
Belya in the field pure,
And the breeze blows -
Stalker remained.

At the path dandelion
I dropped the yellow saragher.
Became fluffy, like the fluff:
- Brothers! How I'm a whow!
Blue sky fell on the meadow,
Blue-pressed everything was around,
In the meadow bloomed, at the blue river,
how blue sky, Flowers ... (Vasilka).

I - blue heavenly blue,
Field simple flower.
From that I am not Vasily,
And just - Vasileuk.
Ask the calf and lamb -
There is no delicious flower in the world.
After all, not by chance
Red Kashka
His calls for taste and color.

With a bell, with a ramashko
Clover fun flower
And his "Bee Cashkoy"
Calls our people.
You have nothing to call
He will come so
Grupping trusting
Right at the gate -
Sun pillow
Flower golden.

Look, how did our meadow become? Would you like to assemble a bouquet of these beautiful colors?
- How many days can we rejoice in colors in a vase?
- How much would they please people if they stayed in the meadow?
- It turns out that breaking flowers, we ruin the beauty?
Flower on the meadow
I rode on the run.
Threw, and why -
I can not explain.
In glass
He stood the day
And called.
How much would he
In the meadow stood?
Don't go back me please
I only live day.
Give me to glare me
In the sun and spring.
If I give a flower,
If you break the flower ...
If all: I, and you -
If we break flowers,
That will be deserts
And trees, and bushes ...
And there will be no beauty.
- What are we doing with?
- And from what colors can you collect bouquets then?
- Let's close your eyes for a second and listen.
Audio recording (meadows)
- What did you hear in the meadow?
- Indeed, these are sounds of nature. They are published by animals that live in the meadow.
- And who lives there?
(Pictures: bumblebee, grasshopper, ladybug, bee)
- But there are such insects in the meadow who do not publish any sounds, but they attract our attention more than others.
- Murai will fuss you about this insect riddle.
Moved at the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it
He felt and flew away. (butterfly)
- Let's imagine yourself with butterflies and a little rest.
I slept the flower and suddenly woke up, I didn't want to sleep anymore, moved, reached out, my up and flew, in the morning the butterfly woke up. I stretched, smiled. Since the dewy she washed, two - elegantly concerned,
Three - bent and sat down, four - flew. The river stopped at the water, it was concerned,
And quietly landed.
- You, of course, have observed more than once how multicolored butterfly flute over the lawn. Butterflies must be one of the most beautiful living beings on Earth! They look like revived flowers, the brightness of the color of their wings is truly fabulous. People came up with a lot of fairy tales and legends about the butterflies. In one of the fairy tales it is said that the butterflies are revived flowers that fell from the stalk.
- Beauty butterfly in lightness and wings. Their wings are covered with many scales. And if you carelessly grab the butterfly, the fingers will remain colored raising from the scales. Butterfly wings are very fragile.
- What can I compare this fragility?
- To do this, do experience. You have dry rose petals on the tables. Take and squeeze the petal in your hand.
- What happened? (Petal broke, reckled)
- The same thing happens when you catch a butterfly. Wings of butterflies break, she cannot fly from a flower on a flower and dies.
- For their beauty, people gave the butterflies beautiful names. Let's get acquainted with them.
- Find in the working notebook number on page 31
- Sometimes we see a beautiful butterfly, but do not know her name. In order to find out the name of the butterfly, there are special satin-determinants of butterflies.
- Open the satin-determinant, find butterflies and define their name. In the notebook, connect the picture with the corresponding name.
Work in pairs.
- Many butterfly names are nothing to do, because of their coloring
- What butterfly name is given in color and why? (Golubanka, jaggility, lemongrass, motley)
- The butterfly image is associated with us with bright color, sun and flowers. Therefore, people have come up with butterflies beautiful names, you can find out the secret of the origin of the name of the butterfly in the author's books of our textbook "Green Pages", "Giant in the Polyana", as well as other books of a home, school or rural library.
Appeal to the exhibition of books.
- All these butterflies calmly circle on our glades.
- Guys, did you like butterflies?
- Have you wanted to catch some?
- Very often we see something beautiful and say: I wish me! How do you want to have such beauty! Whenever we see the butterfly, we want to keep her for memory, or catch in order to show your friends. Let me admit to catch the butterfly, it means to kill her!
Conversation about the relationships of plants and animals in the meadow.
- Think why so many insects live in the glade and especially many butterflies? (Because there are many colors.)
- What gives butterfly meads?
- Butterflies and other insects fly from one flower to another, because they feed on a sweet nectar, and sometimes dust, which are inside the flowers. In the process of nutrition, many insects are transferred to pollen, which sticks onto their torso, from a flower of one plant on a flower of another. So the pollination occurs. All this is necessary in order to begin to form seeds in plants. And why plant seeds?
- So it means, butterflies do not just flush in the glades. Watching the nature, you can learn many of its secrets. Listen to that the butterfly will tell us.
I am a butterfly-beauty
Wings blue
And don't you like
My eyes are big?
From sunrise
I fly to the meadow.
And you don't need to catch me,
Because I can't:
Pollinate chamomile, roses,
Strawberry with swan.
This means for nature
Wrague all the trouble!

No seeds, and there are no plants. Clean air suddenly disappeared. And then sometimes autumn
In the golden forest do not go.
- What trouble telling us guys told us? (If the butterflies perished, flowers and other plants will die)
- Butterflies and flowers are always near.
- Why can't butterflies live without flowers?
- Why can't flowers live without butterflies?
- Butterflies cannot live without flowers, because They feed them in nectar, and flowers cannot live without butterflies, because the butterflies pollinate them. Without it there will be no fruits and seeds.
- Create your output with the textbook output on page 47
Working with a textbook page 46
- Consider the drawings on page 46.This came to the lawn. What are they doing?
(In the figure on the left: narrowing colors, caught a butterfly, threw packages from products).
What happened to flowers? With a butterfly? (The flowers were taught, the boy was carried by the butterfly and her wings were broken. The butterfly died).
- In the meadow, where these guys were, the grass, the flowers are broken, the garbage is lying. And no longer fly butterflies. Did children do the right? (No)
- Guys, and now try to imagine what the meadow will be after these children leave. Would you like to return to such a meadow?
- What do children do in the meadow on the right drawing? (In the picture on the right: photographing butterflies, dragonflies, make sketches, admire the beauty of the meadow).
- And what did children from the second drawing brought home? (photos, drawings)
- Did something happen to flowers, butterflies? (No)
- Does children in the meadow behave correctly in the first drawing? What did they not know? (They do not know the rules of behavior in the meadow)
- Let's try to explain how to behave in the meadow?
Making a memo (Choose cards with inscriptions and gluke into a table)
The meadow is prohibited:
tear flowers
Catch butterfly

The meadow is allowed:
take pictures
1 group reads that it is forbidden to do in the meadow
2 Group reads what is allowed to do in the meadow

Total lesson:
- Well done! Listen to our friends.
The ant and turtle come out.
Insects take care
Do not give hands
Do not trample with your feet!
Insects in the meadow
Many benefits will bring!
Do not hurt the ant,
His offend just,
After all, ants - they are completely
Well, very little growth!
Let them live spiders, butterflies, dragonfly,
Flies, midges, mosquitoes
In nature, all of them are important
Our insects are needed!
- It's time to answer the main question of the ants: "Why we will not tear flowers and catch butterflies?" (They can't live with each other if we tear flowers, we are not only the colors, but and butterfly do bad. And if we catch butterflies, we do bad and butterfly, and flowers)
- Let's settle on our meadow butterflies and revive him.
Work in a pair. A butterfly is made in the Origami technique.
- come out and attached to a poster meadow on the board.
- Look at how bright and alive our meadow became.
- Let's strive to keep and multiply the beauty of our edge.
- Tell me if you have a joyful sunny mood. Raise the sun, which matches your mood.
- Share, what impressions, discoveries and knowledge will you take from today's lesson?
- Thank you for work!

The purpose of the lesson:to acquaint students with flowers and butterflies meadows and explore the rules of behavior in nature.

Tasks lesson:

1. Educational:

  • acquaintance of students with flowers and butterflies meadows; Through mental operations during the group form of work, it is logical and reasoned to answer a problematic question;
  • the formation of ideas about the need to preserve the surrounding nature in environmental equilibrium;
  • expansion of the horizons of children;

2. Developing:

  • development of cognitive activity and creative abilities of students;
  • improving mental operations: analysis, generalization, comparison;
  • development of mental processes: memory, thinking, imagination, attention, perception;
  • the development of aesthetic ideas and artistic taste of students.

3. Educational:

  • education of the sense of responsibility and careful attitude towards the world of nature, aware of its significance in solving environmental problems;
  • education in children interest in the study of the nature of the native land;
  • education of perfection, accuracy, curiosity.

Information card lesson

Type of lesson: learning a new material

Lesson Form: Lesson - Virtual Expedition

Integrated: the world, ICT.

The duration of the lesson: 45 minutes

Program: School of Russia

Tutorial: A.A. Plaishakov "The world around us" Grade 1,

workbook to this textbook

Logistical equipment:

For students:

  • computers, Presentation
  • tutorial, Workbook, Pencil

For teacher:

  • computer;
  • presentation to the lesson;
  • schemes of signs that can be installed in nature;
  • atlas-determinant of butterflies
  • books, encyclopedia about animals

Lesson plan

1. The organizational moment

2. Preparation for the active learning of the new educational material.

3. Statement of the problematic issue

4. Conversation about plants and animal meadows

  • Fizminutka

5. Conversation about the relationship of plants and animals in the meadow

6. The result of the conversation.

  • Working with a textbook

7. Ecological task.

8. Relaxation

9. Work on computers.

10. Outcome lesson

11. Creative task.

During the classes

1. The organizational moment Slide 1.