On the bottomless dazzling blue sky. Topic: Regulatory building of phrases and suggestions

Sholokhov Mikhail

They fought for their homeland (chapters from the novel)

Mikhail Sholokhov

They fought for their homeland

Chapters from Romana

The theme of the heroic fell of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War - One of the main ones in the work of the outstanding master of the literature of the socialist realism of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov - are devoted to the chapter from the novel "they fought for their homeland" (1943-1969), the story "The Fate of Man" (1956-1957) and essay "Word about Motherland" (1948 ) In which the author seeks to tell the world of the harsh truth about what a huge price paid by the Soviet people the right of mankind for the future.

On a blue, dazzling blue sky - flaming fire of the July Sun and rare, scattered by the wind, implausible white and white clouds. On the road, wide traces of tank caterpillars, clearly printed in gray dust and crossed out trails of cars. And on the sides - as if extincting the steppe: tiredly lost herbs, dim, lifeless glistening salons, blue and trembling charms over the far mounds, and such a silence around that the Suslik instiplon is heard from afar and a long shore of the red wings of the flying grasshopper .

Nikolai walked in the forefront. On the ridge of height, he looked around and one glance sweating all the dry Ilmen's farm for the farm. One hundred seventeen fighters and commanders - the remains are cruelly battered in last battles The shelf was walked with a closed column, tiredly rearing the legs, swallowed with a dear bitter steppe dust. Also, a slightly laughing, walked along the side of the road. The controversial commander of the second battalion Captain Sumas, who took over after the death of Major's command of the regiment, was also shared on a wide shoulder of Sergeant Lyubchenko gravily wrapped in a polished case, only before the retreat of the mined and brought to the regiment From somewhere from the depths of the second echelon, and everything is the same, without lagging behind, in the ranks easily wounded fighters in dirty dressings from dust.

There was something majestic and touching in the slow motion of a broken regiment, in a dimensional adoption of people exhausted by fighting, heat, sleepless nights and long transitions, but ready again, at any moment, turn around and take the battle again.

Nikolai loosely looked around familiar, looked and blackened faces. How much lost the regiment for these damned five days! Feeling how the lips flourished from the heat fenced from the heat, Nikolai turned around. Suddenly, the spasm squeaver squeezed his throat, and he tilted his head and pulled a hot helmet on his eyes, so that the comrades did not see him tears ... "I developed, I am completely rascis ... And all this heat and fatigue," he thought , with difficulty moving on logged, like a lead poured legs, hardly trying not to shorten the step.

Now he walked not looking back, stupidly looked at his feet, but before his eyes, as in an obsessive dream, the scattered and surprisingly brightly imprinted in the memory of the paintings of a recent battle, which began the beginning of this great retreat. Again, he saw and rapidly creeping along the mountainside, a rumbling avalanche of German tanks, and shrouded in the dust of running machine gunners, and black bursts of ruptures, and scattered around the field, on an unknown wheat, in the disarray of the outgoing fighters of the neighboring battalion ... and then - the battle with the motorcycle The enemy, exit from a semicircle, a depleting fire with flanks, cut off with fragments of sunflowers, a machine gun that ripped into a shabby nose into a shabby funnel, and a killed machine gunner, leaving the explosion, lying on the jurisdiction and full of golden petals of sunflower, bizarre and scary with sprinkled blood ...

Four times the German bombers treated the front edge on the regiment site on that day. Four enemy tank attacks were repulsed. "They were well fought, and not resist ..." Nikolai thought with bitterness, remembering.

For a minute he closed his eyes and again saw the flowering sunflowers, between the strict rows of their grimaceous loose land The winner who was killed by a machine gunner ... He became incoherently thinking that the sunflower was not proplinted, probably because the collective farm did not have enough working hands; that in many collective farms here is also worth now, never wearing from spring, overgrown with weeds of sunflower; And that the machine gunner was, as can be seen, the real guy otherwise, why was the soldier death, did not dislike him, and he lay, painting his hands, all the whole and, as if the star flag, covered with golden petals of sunflower? And then Nikolai thought that all this was nonsense that a lot had to see him of real guys wereponed in the shreds fragments of shells, cruelly and frightly disfigured, and that with a machine gunner it's just a case of the case: shook the explosive wave - and sprinkled around, gently flew to The killed guy young sunflower color, touched his face like the last earthly caress. Maybe it was beautiful, but in war, the exterior beauty looks blasphemous, because so long and he remembered this machine gunner in Beles, burned down the gymnaster, who scattered strong hands on hot land and blindly staring at the sun on the sun with blue swelling eyes ...

The effort of Will Nikolai drove unnecessary memories. He decided that it was best not to think about anything now, I would not remember anything, but so to go with closed eyes, catching hearing a heavy rhythm of the step, trying to forget about the stupid pain in the back and echoing legs.

He wanted to drink. He knew that there was neither her throat, but still stretched out with her hand, chatted an empty flask and hardly swallowed a thick and adhesive saliva.

On the slope of the height, the wind licked the road, though bold and took dust. Suddenly, Gulko sounded on bare soil before it was almost silent, steady steps in dust. Nikolay opened his eyes. Below, the farm has already seen - with fifty white Cossack Hut, surrounded by gardens, and a wide splashed steppe river. From here, from the height, brightly whiten houses seemed randomly scattered on the grass with river pebbles.

Silently stunned fighters revived. Voices were heard:

There would be a halt here to be.

Well, what about otherwise, thirty kilometers from the morning.

date: 03.10.2011

Subject: Russian

Class: 11

Teacher: Timkov Tatyana Stepanovna
Topic: Regulatory building of phrases and suggestions
Purpose: To form the ability to determine how to build phrases and suggestions.

Tasks: continue the study of species of phrases and suggestions;

familiarize with the basic means of chain and parallel communication;

develop the ability to find ways to communicate proposals in the text;

improve the wrongful skills.

^ Type of lesson: Repetition with elements of explanation.

Equipment: Distribution material, workbooks for preparation for one

the state exam in the Russian language, I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children",

dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language, personal computer, multimedia board.
^ Lesson Plan:

Stage lesson

The content and purpose of the lesson stage



Organizing time


1 minute



Check the property and lexical knowledge, skills and skills of students

5 minutes


Check homework

Check the skills of studying work with the text, find the means of communication of proposals in the text

7 minutes


Frontal conversation

Actualize knowledge of students about the text

2 minutes


The word teacher

To actualize and summarize the knowledge of students on the ways of communication of phrases and proposals in the text

10 minutes


Practical work

Work out ability to analyze text

14 minutes


Summing up the lesson

Summarize theoretical information obtained in the lesson

5 minutes


Message of homework

Clarify the student content of the homework

1 minute

^ Location of lesson

  1. ☺ Organizational moment

  2. Vocabulary: (slide)
pick up synonyms for words Motherland(Fatherland, native country, native side; depreciation,

fatherland, Fathers Edge) and actual(topical, modern, burning,

painful, urgent, burning, sharp);

check in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.

III.☺. ^ Checking homework :

1) specify the means of communication proposals in the text working notebook

to prepare for the unified state exam in the Russian language;

2) Test with a choice of response "Lexical means of supply of proposals in the text": ( slide)

a) Antonyms, adverbs;

b) allied words, particles;

c) direct replay, synonyms;

d) Unions, pronouns.

3) questions on repetition and evaluation of the response.

IV. ☺ ^ Frontal conversation :

  1. This year turned 150 years from the date of publication in the magazine "Russian Bulletin"
roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children". ( slide)

Why can this work be called text?

(This is completed in the semantic and structural plan of a speech product)

  1. What is the external, revealed structure of this text?
(Consists of 28 chapters, chapters - from paragraphs)

  1. What are the means of communication of proposals you can allocate in the first chapter?
(Lexical: "- ^ Do not see? - Repeated Barin.

- Do not see, - the servant retended again. " - Direct repeat.

Morphological: " Barin sighed and sat down on the bench. We introduce S. NIM Reader ... "- Personal pronoun)

  1. What methods of communication of proposals in the text are you known?
(Chain and parallel)

V. ☺ ^ Teacher's word:

Schematically, texts with chain and parallel connections can be passed as follows.

1) when the chain communication of the proposal is semantically overlap through

synonyms, pronouns, repetitions: ( slide)


1 2 3 4
Chain Sound

(Children looked at lion. King of beasts Valid the greatness and grace.)

  1. With parallel communication, the proposals are compared with each other, and not
one with one with the other is connected: ( slide)


Parallel communication

(Stood gray days. And suddenly hit the sun.)

In speech practice more often there are texts with combinedcommunication method:

chain with elements parallel or vice versa.

Vi. ☺ Practical work: (slide)

determine the topic, types of phrases and suggestions and ways of communication of proposals and

phrases in the text.

VII. ☺ ^ Summing up the lesson :
- What are you knowing the way to communicate phrases and suggestions?
- Give examples, making the phrase and suggestions for the slide "Shuchensky

bridgehead". ( slide)

VIII. ☺ ^ Message of homework : (slide)
- draw up text on the topic "At school", indicate the connection methods of phrases and

sentences in the text;

An individual task is to draw up vocabulary "These words must be remembered."

True love To his country is unthinkable without love for her language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by indifference to the past, the present and the future of its people. (K. POUST)

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call the fatherland because in it lived in the life of the VEs our fathers and grandfathers. My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native. (K. Ushinsky)

It is customary to promitively divide the time for the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. (D. Likhachev)

On the bottomless, dazzling blue sky flaming the sun and rare, unnatural white clouds. On the road, wide ruts of tank caterpillars are visible. About one hundred seventeen of the exhausted, which have not slept the fighters for a long time, swallowing bitter steppe dust. (M.Sholokhov)

Autumn came, the cold and rain brought. Insects are hidden. Seeds and berries of Togo and Looking snow. The squirrel mushrooms waved on the bitch, he kept the winter. Hamster from the field caused oats and pea, panting himself naked. Everyone is preparing for winter. (N. Sladkov)

True love for his country is unthinkable without love for her language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by indifference to the past, the present and the future of its people. (K. POUST)
Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call the fatherland because in it lived in the life of the VEs our fathers and grandfathers. My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native. (K. Ushinsky)
It is customary to promitively divide the time for the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. (D. Likhachev)
On the bottomless, dazzling blue sky flaming the sun and rare, unnatural white clouds. On the road, wide ruts of tank caterpillars are visible. About one hundred seventeen of the exhausted, which have not slept the fighters for a long time, swallowing bitter steppe dust. (M.Sholokhov)
Autumn came, the cold and rain brought. Insects are hidden. Seeds and berries of Togo and Looking snow. The squirrel mushrooms waved on the bitch, he kept the winter. Hamster from the field caused oats and pea, panting himself naked. Everyone is preparing for winter. (N. Sladkov)

On a blue, dazzling blue sky licked the fire of the July sun. From the edge to the edge in its slopes, the wind is rare incredible white and white clouds. Parties to the road - as if extincting from the heat steppe: tiredly flewing herbs, dim, lifeless Solonchaki, smoky and stray money over distant forests, and such a silence around that the goppicks are heard from afar and breaking the dry rustling of red wings in hot air .

Horses hoofs are embarrassed by a cracked shine of the road thin clubs of dust, from which their plumbing sides fade. Horses and sedokas are tested from heat, sticking flies and sleepily shudder from buzzing, sometimes over the ear, the heaps. Ahead, where he narrowed to the thread and dived in the Bruepy Mc Epiractions of the Ribbon of the Road, sailed over the horizon church, white, red-free, with dark windows of high bell tower windows. Slightly guessed, and now, approaching, have taken more and more real outlines of the roof of the Basic and the green and the gardens of the gardens. They caught the gaze of a mounted cool, anticipated retained and lively moisture from bottomless wells.

A little useful when they met the first selinine. Not far from the road, on the sun, polishing with both hands on the crutch, still stood the gray-riveted shepherd - an old man with a head tied by the burnt red rag, in a dirty canvas pants, in a long, knee, lowly spiderman shirt. His herd was widely dispersed on both sides of the road and, paving the grass on the move, slowly Brewero in one direction - in the hollow, the dark emerald stain of thick roasters, like a patch that allocated in the rusty steppe. Something ancient, biblical was in this wornly familiar to the whole picture. The old man watched the riders for a long time, leaning from the sun black from the sun and dirt with his palm, and sawing, shook his head and wandered after the drunk herd.

Moving the first houses, drove up to the church. Spotted calves lazily pinched the burned grass from the branded with a large launched garden. Somewhere tested chicken. From somewhere there is a female removal and a ringing of glassware. A barefoot white-headed boy of seven, ran up closer, admiring the armed riders. Friendly Topot hoofs silent, broke, he could only hear, how to grab the horses, pulling the muzzles to the heavy sweaters of the roadside dusty. The sign of the Rothmistra began to drain and start horses in the garden canopy. MiG surrounded the well. Cold, slightly saltwatened water drank with small sips, often taking off and greedily falling toward the edge of the bucket, drank large, lying, like horses, sips.

Rasslav Kony, having made it to the grass, the low-spirited, bald, crumpled storm, splashed out of the bucket, threw a full, hit the eyes of Rothmistra, glanced at the impatient eager for the cavalrymen and began to drink. The overgrown gray bristle Kadyk convulsively moved, the gray convex eyes were blissfully rinsed. Having got drunk, he grunted, wiped her lips gymnasther and wet selection, said displeasure:

Water is not very good. Only in it and good that cold and wet, and the salts can be punished.

And Rothmist has already walked along the path through the garden, listening to the reaselord of birds invisible for foliage, and with pleasure breathed a thick aroma of pouring fruits. He was young, but already with the t-shirts of the mouth of the mouth. On it were boots with small officers of the raspberry ring, the clouds and Frenc and Frenc, on the left - a checker with a silver darkness, on the right - the mauzer on the belt in a wooden block, the cap shifted on the back of the head, and in the eyes - a blue flaper. Despite the fact that in the course of several days he really did not sleep, it was not dead, and in the saddle did a tedious march in three hundred, with superfluous wool, he had a wonderful mood at this moment. Whether a lot of war in the war, he reasoned, he argued, to move a little away the usual from death, to relax, sleep, eat tightly, get a news from home, slowly smoke from a hiking fire - that's all the speedy soldiers' joy.

The garden ended in the same large and externally launched house. Three steps rising to the porch, the Rothmist knocked in the door quietly, but persistently, without waiting for permission, entered the semi-remote sensants and another door in the room.

Is there anyone at home? - he asked
- There is, what did you want? - Prematurely full, low-spirited priest quick steps came to meet.

Rothmist Saprykin ... Alexander Vasilyevich. - introduced the Rothmistra. - We are on the march. Wheave the heat in your, with permission, the garden, and in the evening - next.

Glad to guests, - the priest slightly bowed his head. - Father Alexander ... Alexander Sergeevich.

What is your water in the village - how do you mean? "Solonishta," said Rothmistra and, removing the cap, sprocked the head of the forehead, counting the presentation ceremony. - Heat, I want to drink from the road, and the water is simply not suitable. - And added with reproach, - how do you have good water?

Solonish? - the owner asked surprisingly. - Yes, in what well did you take? In the garden? Yes, just in watering, yes cattle.

But in a spoon, - he uncertainly waved his hand, - Yes, from Logacheva, the whole edge of the water takes. Why could she now redden? Yesterday I brought - lightweight water, good. Yes, you try. Masha! Maria Stepanovna!

In the doorway, the door seemed to be complete, set up her husband, a young woman, smiled confusedly to the officer, having worn by the Rumyanta from his forehead before the neck.

Meet, Mother, Guest, and I'm about the rest.

We would, good owners, "Rotmista said strongly," the buckets are three potatoes, breads, well, salt, or something. The soldier's stomach is not attracted.

Will, it will be, "the owner nodded his head, heading towards the door.

Rothmist Under the exclamation of the hostess: "Oh, yes that you, I'm not caught!", Missedly threw the boots, went to the window opened into the garden, shouted with high falsetto:

Kuteikov, Acceptance Provit!
A warm breeze blunted into the opened window. He cansil, swinging the tulle curtains, was in the room. Aroma of apple trees, constructing cherries, medusers and coarse bitterness in the sun. Somewhere under the ceiling on one note Basovito buzzed bumblebee. Thin and sadly embroidered window shutters. Descending from food, having reached a sweet Kolyanny Kvas, Rothmaster fought with a dream and the nepoupe supported the conversation with the owners. They talked about the fact that bread is good this year everywhere that men in the villages are missing, and women will be difficult to be managed with cleaning, and that, perhaps, a lot of poirlands, grain will fall under the snow.

But I do not understand, Mr. Officer, - Substituting the guest of the Word of Bordeaux Raspberry, said the falling Popads, - in Ukraine, Germans, behind the Caucasus of the Turks, and we, Russian people, internally fight. Like this?

All Russians, yes not all people. Other worse than the last Turchanin. Bolsheviks, Suns, Mensheviks and Anarchists all sorts ... Who are you? Do not enemies? Worse. The people are Mutyat: "Earth - peasants, factories - workers!" This is one can be slogan - smoke, hang, shoot! So far, completely will not forget what Soviet power is. All nobility, honest intelligentsia rose. The fight goes serious: other is not given - either they are us or we. These millstones are more interested in intervention.

And already falling asleep, having bothering his head before, said:
- From someone else's voice, Madame, and the present singing does not work.

And shaken:
- Sorry. On the march. Did not sleep for a long time humanly.

Yes, yes, now, - the owners have tried.
Left alone, the Rothmist rushed Frenc and blissfully stretched out on the bed. He saw the tight curtains silently swayed silently, the ceiling was playing light glare. The head sniffed slightly, and he closed his eyes, having seen the White Full Hands in the Paint Mug, and became familiar to think about the past, plunging into a deep and sweet sleep.

Passed two hours. The heat has not slept. The sun was still mercilessly fell so far. Easy smelling breeze brought from somewhere clean and ringing cocks of the rooster. Rothmist Saprykin woke up with an extraordinary esteem in the whole body. The curtains quietly moved, the ceiling was still sliding fancy changing light glare. Shy, modest purity of rustic huts, air filled with garden fragrances, and a native, familiar voice of a rooster - all these smallest manifestations of all-way life pleased the heart, and the bitter smell of worse wormwinks wake unconscious sadness. Somewhere at the top, on the church dome, the pigeons stuck out. In the garden, voices were heard, laughter.

And what, grandfather, if I screamed a scruch's head, it will sorry?

Yes, do we feel sorry for our expensive defenders some keems? Yes, we will not give everything, if only you did not allow the advice here. And then to say, as long as it is to endure this disgrace. It's time to teach strict order. You do not be offended by a smooth word, but I'm crazy to watch you.

Well, so I will try, Dedok?
- And try, Milai, try.
Topot's foot and alarming cocktail of the rooster can be heard. Laughter and Topotry are broken by the Babi Depression:

And what did you get it! Hurry to God! Widow, orphans to overfers. And you, the devil lupid, what are you rocking? Carrying the Cvovo Komochet. You have struck out a stranger.

Again familiar voice of Cavalorist:
- A terribly stupid bird - cock! It happened, argue with a neighbor, whose Petya Naked, he - so already straight poured, and mine - at least do not ask. And then how tagled among the night, but it strives for the very earring ear. Neto get-wing will fall. You are back to him, and he is already on you, strives in the templekchko's most, the ukushenka shade. How much I live in the world - Petukhov will hate. Looks up, Pushkuda Redvosta.

Fear, a steam, - once said someone unfamiliar bas, - he comes out from the rear, he wants to stop you.

Not, for this case, I do not need it. And it kicks - in the middle of the ball on the side. Here, aunt, do not be offended, and call to noodles.

And what, the peasants, is it pretty Bark land is Hapnuli? Look, Mr. Rothmist, we have a strict, order loves - in the midst of the soul, the stagnant will look out.

Lost ... - Someone messed up. - What is it to be allowed or if there is no Barina? Who is your defenders, feed will feed?

Ec you like a man, reasoning much. So, if there is no owner, there is enough who will take. So what?

So not so, and so ...
- Well, so you and to the Baba of mine will boach while I am in the saddle and far away.

Well, Baba is not the earth, although they also give birth ...
Dressed, and without meeting the owners, Rothmistr went out into the garden. Nothing has changed in nature: just as high and smoothly circled over the village of Korsun, occasionally a wider, wider wings in the sun, white with a purple cloud, similar to the sink and casting a gentle mother-in-law, still stood in Zenith, as if did not move Also, from somewhere with a pasto, they sounded simple, but unmistakably finding the road to the heart of Trell Lark, only a little more transparently looked like a haze over long forests, and they were approaching, they found a rude density.

What a beauty! - Rothmist Saprykin said himself.

Brave, passing, men:
- ... Fresh some part. What pants on them are that gymnasts that stakes in the fun - everything from the needle, everything glitters. Elegant, devils, well, just a groom.

Noticing the officer, suspended, carefully looked around, gloomed the nod of the head.

"Even the caps did not remove," Rothmist noted. - The people were spoiled. "

The argument in the garden, meanwhile, broke out even hotter.
- And I understand the order, "the round-blooded, a nice peasant convinced, - here you are a soldier, should be with a rifle, and I, a peasant - underground. And when it does not interfere - such power for me ...

Salc, envying the suitable Rothmistra.
"Clean water agitation", "thought Saprykin, and in his depths, the soul in the nearby splashing to the annoying holiday of life had a soul of annoyance. He loved and knew how to talk. And now, gathering with thoughts, I looked around the village of Sellian crowded in the garden.

Kormal men's men, - Rothmist Skulk, looking for the right word, and already different, wonderfully faster and filled with a great inner strength, the voice said, - Look, men, what Maevo over the fields! See? Here is the same fog black grief hanging over the people, which is there, in Russia, under the Bolsheviks languishes. This is a mountain of people and sleep at night - do not sleep, and in the afternoon through this grief of white light they do not see. And we should always remember about it: And now, when we go on the march, and then, when I climb with a red bastard. And we always remember! We go to the west, and our eyes look at Moscow. Let's go there and take it until the last commissioner from our bullets will not fall into the crude land. We, men, retreat, were fighting, as it should be. Now we are coming, and the victory of the wings donates our combat shelves. We are not ashamed of good people to look into the eyes. Not ashamed ... The warriors are my same scrappers, like you, about the Earth, the peaceful work jeep. But sooner our checkers in the sheath hide yes in the plows horses harvested. Early catch it! .. We will not release weapons from the hands until you invigorate the order of Holy Rus Mother. And now we are honest and strong voice telling you: "We are going to finish the one who raised the hand to our love and faith, go to the end of Lenin - so that he is dead!" We beat us, you can't tell anything here, the good communion was bother at first. But I, young among you, a person, but the old soldier, the fourth year in the saddle, and not under the belly horse, thank God, - and I know that the living bone will always turn into meat. I would pull up with the root, and there and the Germans consider the teeth. We will return to Ukraine, and all the other lands that they sold red enemies. We will take heavy steps, such hard that the Soviets under the feet of the earth shook. And I will take it off with roots everywhere this world ulcer, deadly infection.

Rothmist Skulk, thoring at the top notch voice, cleared his fist and said quietly, penetrating:

And you, men, hear our arrival ... And to your village there are Thunder Victory ...

Listened to him with enhanced attention: who is with interest, who is incredulous, who sullen. And this did not slip away from the sharp view of the Rothmistra Saprykin.

So, to whom that, and the shelivoy bath, Mr. Officer, he had a voice from the crowd. - You are here to tell me: whose she is now ...

And what did you sleep red land?
- So it, not only walked, but distributed ...
- Are you a bastard, too red? - Rothmistra's eye swallowed.

He stepped forward and stopped before badly dressed, but the man's swordless man and a shrill, wild view of her eyes.

- Balandin ... Vasily ... Petrov Son ...
- Are you what it is, Vasily Balandin, the agitation here is bred? Do you think I will convince you for a long time? According to the laws of wartime, Suna in the loop, as the enemy of the Fatherland - and the whole policy. Calculated?

Balandin did not move. Initially, he listened, slowly blossom, relentlessly looking into the blue rotamistrics, shining the dim steel brilliance, and then the eyes took away, and somehow a grayish pallion covered his cheeks and chin, and even on the peeling shank, a deadly, bad blue was sharpened. Force-making sucking heart Fear, he and hoarse in his voice said:

And I do not have a hut without land, fucking so much ... You're, Mr. Good, without checkers, too, not so warrior ...

Well, enough! - Rothmistra himself said and, looking around, ordered, - Kuteikov, quickly to the house behind the bench, and this ... Take!

Following the blades, Father Alexander appeared in the garden. He was excited and, speaking, gestured:

Mr. Rothmist, Stop, I ask you! For God's sake, do not take sin on the soul. What is agitation? We have one in the village one, with a pitching in my head. What is he red, Mr. Rothmist, rather Krasnok, because the fool.

When two dozen cavalryman got Balandin to the bench, he managed to grab the sky with the sun, and now very close to his cheek, the blue stems of wormwood broke away from his cheek, and then, for fancy woven grass, soldiers' boots were drawn. He did not justify himself, did not sob, he did not ask for mercy, he lay, sniffing the ashes-gray cheek to the bench, and thought revealed: "I would soon killed that if ...". But when the first hit rushed the skin near the blade, he said threateningly and hoarsely:

But, but you are easier ... Rutch Master.
- What, it really hurts? - Asked Pokhoruzhius. - It is impossible to endure?

It does not hurt, but a patch, and I'm afraid of a tickness since childhood, therefore I don't wag, "the Balandin stopped through the squeezed teeth, turning his head, trying to take a tear about the shoulder to erase the shoulder.

Terepi, man, carefully gain, - Pokhoruzhiy looked into a grimacing face with an obvious pleasure and also smiled softly and loyalty.

Yes, not from you to learn, Herod?
But then the officer said something short and powerfully, and the strikes of cavaluristic flaps were friendly, as if an evil insatiable flame was licking a defenseless body, getting to the bone.

He felt that he would quickly weaken from the treasure cry, but could not be silent under strong and frequent blows.

I do not want to be under the white! .. to hello mother! .. Lord my God, how hurts me! ..

He screamed something else, already incoherent, delusional, called the mother, cried and creaked his teeth, as in dark water, plunging into infamousness.

Ilya Muromets ended! - hoarsely pronounced Kuteikov and, lowering the flutter, turned to Rotmist.

He could not recover from the excitement that covered him: the cheek twitched the nervous tick, the hands, lowered along the body, trembled. He tried with all their forces to suppress the excitement, hide shiver, but it was bad for him. On the forehead with small beads spoke by the Spirin. Having fear that his voice will bring it, waved his coil hand.

Balandin woke up from the jokes and wild pain, flaming around the body. He sighed with wheezing, stumbled around - and as if he heard his quiet, dying cough and deep, emanating from the very lane itself. He slightly moved, having done by this weak movement of burning pain, and only then to his praised consciousness it came out that he was alive. Already afraid to move, with his back, breast, the belly felt that the shirt was abundant with blood and heavily lippes to the body. Again someone pushed and rubbed it. Vasily put ready to break from the lips of the groan. With a strengthen, the eyelids also stood up and through the tears of a pealer saw closely hooked nose and foxin of the coin. Kuteikov dismissed his arms from Put, noticing the right look at him, sympathically patted the Balandin on his elbow.

Ta-a-ak, "he said broke out," the man was separated for conscience. Calculated a little, here's bastards, eh?

Vasily revealed her mouth, trying to say something, pulling her neck intensely, twisting his head. Ingrown with small red hair, Kadyk rarely and walked large, unclear hoarse sounds beat and bubbled in her throat.

Crowning from the crowds slept. Basil Balandin surrounded the men, helped climb, jumped to the swollen lips of water bucket. He swallowed her small convulsive sips, and after the bucket was removed, he once again swallowed, like a sucking ripped from the mother's chest.

Rothmistr gave a team to sad the horses. He felt that the dizzyfully unstable state of the soul, in which he was capable of any extreme solution: either feeding the entire village, or to fall into the feet of men to push forgiveness. Divided silently, not passing goodbye. Behind the back burned out:

Protectors ... Your mother ... In order, at the end of the grave, you have become a road path.

From under the hooves of horses, gray dust spent. The sun closed the oblong cloud, pulled the breeze, became cooler.

Date: Item: Electric subject "Native Word" Class: 10 Topic: Methods of communication of proposals in the text Purpose: To form a skill to determine the ways of communication of proposals in the text.

Checking homework: 1) Specify the means of communication of proposals in the text of the working notebook to prepare for the Unified State Examinage in the Russian language; 2) Test with a choice of response "Lexual means of communication of proposals in the text": a) Antonyms, adverbs; b) allied words, particles; c) direct replay, synonyms; d) Unions, pronouns.

Schematically, texts with chain and parallel connections can be passed as follows. 1) When the supply chain communication is semantically overlapping through synonyms, pronouns, repetitions: the topic chain communication (the children looked at the lion. The king of the beast differed in great gracefulness.) With a parallel connection, the proposals are compared with each other, and do not close one with another: the topic is parallel ( They stood gray days. And suddenly hit the sun.) In speech practice, there are more common texts with a combined communication method: chain with elements parallel or vice versa.

Practical work: Determine the topic and ways to communicate proposals in the text. True love for his country is unthinkable without love for her language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by indifference to the past, the present and the future of its people. (K. Paust) Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call the fatherland because in it lived in the life of the VEs our fathers and grandfathers. My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native. (C. Ushinsky) It is customary to promitively divide the time for the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. (D. Lihachev) on the bottomless, dazzling blue sky flaming the sun and rare, unnatural white clouds. On the road, wide ruts of tank caterpillars are visible. About one hundred seventeen of the exhausted, which have not slept the fighters for a long time, swallowing bitter steppe dust. (M. Sholokhov) Autumn came, the cold and rain brought. Insects are hidden. Seeds and berries of Togo and Looking snow. The squirrel mushrooms waved on the bitch, he kept the winter. Hamster from the field caused oats and pea, panting himself naked. Everyone is preparing for winter. (N. Sladkov)

date: 03.10.2011

Subject: Russian

Class: 11

Teacher: Timkov Tatyana Stepanovna
Topic: Regulatory building of phrases and suggestions
Purpose: To form the ability to determine how to build phrases and suggestions.

Tasks: continue the study of species of phrases and suggestions;

familiarize with the basic means of chain and parallel communication;

develop the ability to find ways to communicate proposals in the text;

improve the wrongful skills.

Type of lesson: Repetition with elements of explanation.

Equipment: Distribution material, workbooks for preparation for one

the state exam in the Russian language, I.S.Turgennev "Fathers and Children",

dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language, personal computer, multimedia board.
Lesson plan:

Stage lesson

The content and purpose of the lesson stage



Organizing time


1 minute



Check the property and lexical knowledge, skills and skills of students

5 minutes


Checking homework

Check the skills of studying work with the text, find the means of communication of proposals in the text

7 minutes


Frontal conversation

Actualize knowledge of students about the text

2 minutes


The word teacher

To actualize and summarize the knowledge of students on the ways of communication of phrases and proposals in the text

10 minutes


Practical work

Work out ability to analyze text

14 minutes


Summing up the lesson

Summarize theoretical information obtained in the lesson

5 minutes


Message of homework

Clarify the student content of the homework

1 minute

During the classes

  1. ☺ Organizational moment

  2. Vocabulary: (slide)
pick up synonyms for words Motherland(Fatherland, native country, native side; depreciation,

fatherland, Fathers Edge) and actual(topical, modern, burning,

painful, urgent, burning, sharp);

check in the dictionary of the synonyms of the Russian language.

III.☺. Checking homework:

1) Specify the means of communication of proposals in the text of the working notebook

to prepare for the unified state exam in the Russian language;

2) Test with a choice of response "Lexical means of supply of proposals in the text": ( slide)

a) Antonyms, adverbs;

b) allied words, particles;

c) direct replay, synonyms;

d) Unions, pronouns.

3) questions on repetition and evaluation of the response.

IV. ☺ Frontal conversation:

  1. This year turned 150 years from the date of publication in the magazine "Russian Bulletin"
roman Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev "Fathers and Children". ( slide)

Why can this work be called text?

(This is completed in the semantic and structural plan of a speech product)

  1. What is the external, revealed structure of this text?
(Consists of 28 chapters, chapters - from paragraphs)

  1. What are the means of communication of proposals you can allocate in the first chapter?
(Lexical: "- Do not see? - Repeated Barin.

- Do not see, - the servant retended again. " - Direct repeat.

Morphological: " Barin sighed and sat down on the bench. We introduce S. NIM Reader ... "- Personal pronoun)

  1. What methods of communication of proposals in the text are you known?
(Chain and parallel)

V. ☺ The word teacher:

Schematically, texts with chain and parallel connections can be passed as follows.

1) when the chain communication of the proposal is semantically overlap through

synonyms, pronouns, repetitions: ( slide)


1 2 3 4
Chain Sound

(Children looked at lion. King of beasts Valid the greatness and grace.)

  1. With parallel communication, the proposals are compared with each other, and not
one with one with the other is connected: ( slide)


Parallel communication

(Stood gray days. And suddenly hit the sun.)

In speech practice more often there are texts with combinedcommunication method:

chain with elements parallel or vice versa.

Vi. ☺ Practical work: (slide)

determine the topic, types of phrases and suggestions and ways of communication of proposals and

phrases in the text.

VII. ☺ Summing up the lesson:
- What are you knowing the way to communicate phrases and suggestions?
- Give examples, making the phrase and suggestions for the slide "Shuchensky

bridgehead". ( slide)

VIII. ☺ Message of homework: (slide)
- draw up text on the topic "At school", indicate the connection methods of phrases and

sentences in the text;

An individual task is to draw up vocabulary "These words must be remembered."

True love for his country is unthinkable without love for her language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by indifference to the past, the present and the future of its people. (K. POUST)

Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call the fatherland because in it lived in the life of the VEs our fathers and grandfathers. My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native. (K. Ushinsky)

It is customary to promitively divide the time for the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. (D. Likhachev)

On the bottomless, dazzling blue sky flaming the sun and rare, unnatural white clouds. On the road, wide ruts of tank caterpillars are visible. About one hundred seventeen of the exhausted, which have not slept the fighters for a long time, swallowing bitter steppe dust. (M.Sholokhov)

Autumn came, the cold and rain brought. Insects are hidden. Seeds and berries of Togo and Looking snow. The squirrel mushrooms waved on the bitch, he kept the winter. Hamster from the field caused oats and pea, panting himself naked. Everyone is preparing for winter. (N. Sladkov)

True love for his country is unthinkable without love for her language. Man indifferent to his language, savage. Its indifference to the language is explained by indifference to the past, the present and the future of its people. (K. POUST)
Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call the fatherland because in it lived in the life of the VEs our fathers and grandfathers. My birthplace, we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native. (K. Ushinsky)
It is customary to promitively divide the time for the past, present and future. But thanks to the memory of the past enters the present, and the future seems to be predicted by the present, connected with the past. Memory - overcoming time, overcoming death. (D. Likhachev)
On the bottomless, dazzling blue sky flaming the sun and rare, unnatural white clouds. On the road, wide ruts of tank caterpillars are visible. About one hundred seventeen of the exhausted, which have not slept the fighters for a long time, swallowing bitter steppe dust. (M.Sholokhov)
Autumn came, the cold and rain brought. Insects are hidden. Seeds and berries of Togo and Looking snow. The squirrel mushrooms waved on the bitch, he kept the winter. Hamster from the field caused oats and pea, panting himself naked. Everyone is preparing for winter. (N. Sladkov)