Write the names of several plants around the world. Plants near the house

1. Draw a schematically tree, shrub, grassy plant. Check yourself on the textbook.

2. Fill in the passes in the text.

W. deciduous Plants leaves in the form of plates.
W. coniferous Plants leaves in the form of a chewing.

3. Give examples of plants (at least three in each group).

a) Trees: bereza, spruce, pine
b) shrubs: raspberry, currant, sea buckthorn
c) herbs: dandelion, bell, chamomile

4. This task prepared for you Mom Seryoga and Nadi. Here the names of three groups of plants were hid. Find them and float the cells with letters with pencils of different colors.

  • Trees
  • Shrub
  • Grass

5. The wise turtle is wondering if you know the names of these plants. Prix \u200b\u200bdrawings in accordance with the signatures. Check yourself with the help of an atlas-identifier "from the ground to the sky." Coloring in the drawing those grass that grow near your home.

  1. Bird buckwheat
  2. Yarrow
  3. Reperic
  4. Zaizhnik
  5. Motherwort

Near my house (in the country), the yarrow is growing, burdock and dyeing.

In the book "Green Pages" read the story of one of these plants (according to your choice). Prepare an oral message.

Bringing is often called "grass-game." This plant can be found on the streets in the courtyards, on sports grounds. It feeds many birds.

6. Here I write down your story about the beauty of plants.

Nature always amazes with its diversity, and especially it affects the variety of plants. Now there are more than 320,000 species of plants and of which 280,000 species are flowering plants!

Tiny algae, which can only be seen in the microscope and giant sizes from the skyscraper of sequoia trees, living several hundred years, soft mosses and spiny ate, familiar chamomile and exotic venerees of shoes are all representatives of the kingdom of plants.

Each of these hundreds of thousands of plant species has a special, not similar to others and each has a unique beauty that you can admire and admire.

And here are one of his photos showing the amazing beauty of plants.

1. On each of these drawings, Dad Seryoga and Nadi depicted representatives of one of the plant groups. Prix \u200b\u200bdrawings according to the list.
1. Algae. 2. MAY. 3. Ferns. 4. Coniferous. 5. Flower.

Tell me on the drawings about the diversity of plants.

2. Complete tasks for group work in the textbook and the working notebook.

1) Record the task on the classification of plants for your classmates.

The task is performed as follows: you need to write five plants, each of which belongs to one of the groups of plants. And you need to determine which group each of the plants is related.

Here is an example of a task.

Sea cabbage (laminaria), sphagnum, horsetail, chamomile, pine.

Answer to task:

Sea cabbage - algae


Horsetail - Fern

Chamomile - flowering

Pine - coniferous plants

Dandelion medicinal - 5 pieces

Playground large - 2 pieces

Clover red - 3 pieces

Total plants - 10 pieces

Total types of plants - 3 types

3) Using information from the textbook text, complete the filling of the table.

Analyze the completed table. What group of plants is richer as species? (Flowering) What group is the least species? ( Coniferous) List the groups of plants: in order to increase the number of species; In order to reduce the number of species.

4) Record the names of the plants that you identified:

a) in class - aloe. violet, pink veil, catarantus pink.
b) in other premises of the school - the Gardenia of August, Gardenia Jasmine-shaped, coasting rough
c) near the school - spruce, pine, fir.

With the help of the book "Green Pages", give examples of other plant species. Write down at least three names.

lily, Lotus, Chamomile, Willow, Birza, Bamboo, Lyon.

3. Mom Seryozhi and Nadi found in one of the books a witty poem V. Orlov, just on the topic of the lesson. Read it.

Fill the pass.

Apple tree and oak - these are plants of different species . Fruits of Apple - apples, and the fruits of oak - justice.

4. On the task of the textbook, the names of several plants were determined. Write.

Houseplants I have at home: aloe, Violet
I have plants in the yard: spruce, Bereza

The plant world of the planet is very diverse. The science that explores him is called Botanic. Aza her guys are beginning to study in elementary school.

Botany - System Science, which allows to consider the stepped structure of the plant world, divided into kingdoms, departments, classes, orders, family and species. Such a structure is called hierarchical. Building a harmonious plant of the plant world, its classification was carried out over many centuries. The most important contribution to the development of the classification of plants was made by Karl Linney. Our task is to consider specific types of plants (list). Grade 3 elementary school is the time when the guys are actively studying the botany. The textbooks of the educational program are offered such types:

  • seaweed;
  • mossoid;
  • ferns;
  • coniferous;
  • flower.

Basic groups of plants

The above division of plants on the groups is due to the peculiarities of the habitat, structure, methods of reproduction. Each of the groups under consideration below has types of plants that are also presented.

Algae - organisms that do not have roots, leaves, stem. The main environment of their habitat is water. The total number of types of algae within 35 thousand. Some types of algae:

  • marine macrophytes: US Walisteria;
  • green algae: chlamdonada, chlorella, micrastery and caulepara, alert;
  • birchtikovy algae: Evglen green, Fall, Nonway, Dinofizis Norwegian, Peridineella, Brothers Small;
  • red Algae: Irish Moss, Endocladia Barbed, Porfire Lancelistic, Gigarina, Philofor, Polynevra;
  • brown algae: fus, Palmid Palmid, macrocystis, Sargassum, Laminaria, Cistosair.

Mosses are plants having stem and leaves, but not having a root. Their reproduction is carried out by dispute. Mix are growing on the shaded terrain, near the water, sometimes in water. In total there are more than 5,000 plants of such a plan.

Ferns - plants with root, stem and leaves. They grow in shaded areas with elevated moisture levels. Reproduction - disputes. The total number of fern types is nine thousand. We give some fern species names: onoclayer sensitive, Osmund Royal, Salvia Floating, Azolla Karolinskaya, Male Shield, North Church, Pharmacy Campground, Orlyak ordinary.

Coniferous. Plants growing in forests having a root, stem. The feature of conifers is the presence of a needle. In total, there are 600 species of coniferous plants. Let's call some: pine, spruce, fir, cedar, juniper, thuja, tees.

Flower. Plants having a root, stem, leaf, flower and fruit. These include trees, shrubs and herbs. Taking into account the variety of flowering plants, the number of species exceeds 350 thousand items. Here are some of them: poplar, acacia, peony, rose, dandelion, hawthorn, jasmine, quince, Wayegela, Hibicus, razewy creeping, bonfireless, Timofeevka, List, Shuchuchka, Belous, Wheat, Millet, Corn, Belen, Duram.

Plant species. List in Russia

For each terrain, certain types of plants are characterized, the list of which we also give. Climatic conditions, soil cover, historical features, human activity - factors affecting the uniqueness of the plant world of natural range. All these factors should be considered in the aggregate.

Consider the species diversity of the Flora of the Russian Federation. Given the territory of the territory, several types of the plant zones of Russia can be distinguished, each of which certain types of plants are peculiar. The list (3 class of secondary school) can also be found in the tutorial on the botany.

The main types of Flora Russia can be attributed:

  • the tundra type, the main representatives of the flora of which are green mosses, a yagel, lingonberry, waters, swabs grass, Cassiopheus, dwarf birch, polar willow, Polar poppy, mint of arctic;
  • forest type, which is represented by firings, fir, cedars, pines, birch, oak, maple;
  • steppe type for which the growing of herbal vegetation is characterized;
  • a desert type, whose vegetation representatives are considered to be wormwoods and salt women;
  • meadow type, whose vegetation is represented by grassy perennials: the slide cumulative, field mint, wilderness, spray, creeping, dandelion, linak, corust.
  • swamp type that is characterized

The vegetable "palette" of Russia, as we see, is very wide. Territorial types of plants, a list that is initially significant, in a quantitative equivalent increase from north to south, but in the deserts somewhat decrease due to climate dryness, the plains are increasing to the mountains.

Cultivation of vegetation

Since the oldest times, Flora Earth has developed without direct human intervention, respectively, all the flowers and herbs were wild. The development of a person led to the emergence of the need for the need for the cultivation of the Earth and growing plants for his own needs. Under the influence of human labor, the plants were modified, received new characteristics. In this way, cultural plants occurred that with Latin denotes "cultivated", "treated" plants grown to obtain food products, drugs, livestock feeds, etc. The main distinguishing feature of cultivated plants is that they are grown regardless of the place of origin And they are not able to multiply.

Today, many cultural plantings are obtained from wild selection or genetic engineering. Cultural flowers and trees are divided into cereals, spinning, vegetable, fruit, decorative. Consider cultural plants, a list of species.

  • Grain plants - plantings, the main product of which is grain used as a food product, raw materials for industry, animal feed. The main species consider wheat, rye, barley, oats, rice, millet, sorghum, buckwheat.
  • Spinning plantings are those from which the fiber is made for the textile industry. The main types of spidal plants: Len, Dolguna, cotton, jute, cannabis, asks, Kenaf, Croataryaria, Sizal, Fourret.
  • Vegetable plants are planted in order to obtain fruits. Major Representatives: Tomato, Pepper, Eggplazhan, Physalis, Kochan Cabbage, Kohlrabi, Cress Salad, Radis, Pumpkin, Watermelon, Melon, Cucumber, Carrot, Beet, Celery Asparagus, Onion, Garlic.
  • Fruit plants - plants bringing fruit. These include: orange, lemon, grapefruit, banana, avocado, mango, pomegranate, grapes, almonds, coconut palm, olives, strawberries, gooseberry, currant.
  • Decorative plants - plants used for design and decoration of premises, people of a person. The types of decorative plants are: Acacia, Barbaris, Magnolia, Lilac, Thuja, Samshat, Juniper, Rose, Peony, Carnation.

The most attractive are decorative types of plants. List, photo examples can be seen in the school textbook. This also includes home flowers.

(List of home plants) includes tree-shaped. Below will be described the main subspecies of decorative plantations.

Zlakovoid plants

These plants are long, thin, narrow with the collected bundle leaves. This includes such representatives as Ayir Zlakovoid, Arundardaria brilliant, Officon Japanese, chlorophytum, Bilbergia drooping, the Wallow is beautiful, Tillandia is a musty.

There are other types of houseplants. The list will be presented below.

Busy plants

Busty plants - plants whose stalks are growing corruptously. Types of bushy: peperomy, Aucuba Japanese, Achimens, Begonia, hypocirts Naked, Koleus, Maranth, Pivey.

Plants with reprehensive stems

Plants with reprehensive stems have straight, growing strictly in the vertical plane of the stems that have different heights. Representatives: Champions Clear, Notocatus, Leninghaus, Tryocerer Whitish, Felland, Codiona, Laurev, Ficus, Bokarya, Diffenbahia, Drazen, Pandanus, Yucca.

Liana and ampel plants

Liana and ampel plants have long flexible stems, which allows them to grow and serve as a decor. Representatives: Ivy, SzindapSus, Ficus, Fittononia, Verter, Columbus, Zigaktus.

Outlet plants

Outlet plants have a shortened stem, which leads to underdevelopment of intersals and ensures that the closest leaves are attached at one point. The size of such plants is insignificant. Representatives: Gloxinia, Primulus, Sentpolia (Dlyubbar Violet), could have roofing.

Spherical plants

Character plants are characterized by the absence of leaves and a peculiar shape of the stem. First of all, they include cacti. Examples of such plants: astrophitum, mummillary, parody, recruitment, ferocactus, Gearson Echinocactus.

Probably, you had to hear the expression: "Plants are green clothes of the Earth." Indeed, there are representatives of this kingdom of wildlife on Earth almost everywhere. Green outfit makes our planet amazingly beautiful!

  • Using your knowledge and drawing of the textbook, prove that plants are very diverse.

The science of plants is called Botanic. This is one of the sections of biology.

Botany scientists share the kingdom of plants into several groups. We will get acquainted with groups of plants and find their representatives in the drawings.

Seaweed - Water residents. Some of them are so small that you can only consider them in a microscope. Others have the kind of thin silk yard yarns. Third (for example, sea cabbage) are similar to long brown ribbons.

Mossa Grow in wet places. They have stalks and leaves, but they do not have roots, flowers and fruits with seeds.

Fern Easy to learn on beautiful leaves, similar to big feathers. In addition to leaves, fern has roots and stems. Fruits, fruits and seeds do not happen.

Coniferous plants - It's pine, spruce, juniper, etc. Couplings are their leaves! Conifers do not have flowers and fruits. At the place of fruits they have cones, in which the seeds ripen.

Flower plants - Such plants that have flowers and fruits. They have all the other parts: roots, stems, leaves. These plants are most diverse.

  1. What groups of plants include: rose, larch, sea cabbage, marsh, cedar?

    Come up with such a task for your classmates. Check if they learned to classify plants.

  2. In each group of plants there are many types. What are plant species?

    Consider the drawing. It shows the plants of the following types: Dandelion medicinal, plantain is large, the clover is red. Please note that each view has a name consisting of two words. These names give them scientists, and we usually call plants just: dandelion, plantain, clover. Plants of different types of unlike each other. But all plants of one species are very similar.

    Consider how much plants in the picture of each type. And how many plants are shown? Check yourself on "Self-Testing Pages" (7).

  1. Read the text. Use the information obtained when the plants group characteristics.

    About 500 thousand species of plants are now known scientists. Of these, almost 250 thousand are flowering. Movu in the world about 27 thousand species, fern - more than 10 thousand. But the coniferous only about 600 species.

  2. Determine with the help of an atlas-determinant 2-3 plants in the classroom, in other premises of the school or near the school (according to your choice). Check if other guys have determined correctly.

check yourself

  1. List groups of plants studied in the lesson.
  2. Bring examples of various plant species.

Jobs for homework

  1. Write in Sloga: Botany.
  2. With the help of an atlas-determinant, several indoor plants at home, as well as several plants in the yard were determined. Write their name to the workbook.

In the next lesson

We learn how to breathe and eat plants. We will learn to detect the relationship between inanimate nature, plants and man, simulate them, use to explain the need for a careful attitude towards plants.

Remember that they absorb plants from the soil.