Where disappears missing. Disappear where people disappear in Russia and why they can not find them

In May 2013, in one of the houses in the American city of Cleveland in Ohio. Police arrested three brothers on suspicion of involvement in their abduction. The house where women were found were located a few kilometers from the place where they were seen for the last time. One of the kidnappers, 52-year-old Ariel Castro, worked as a school bus driver. According to media, the 16-year-old Amanda Berry disappeared on April 21, 2003. On this day she called her sister and said she would bring her to the house from the Burger King restaurant, where she worked. A year later in the same area of \u200b\u200bCleveland on the way from school, 14-year-old Gina Dehesus disappeared. Michel Knight, which is now 32 years old, disappeared 12 years ago. Police believes that these girls were abducted and forcibly held in the house where they were discovered.

In 2010 in Ukraine, 10 years later, a resident of the Kiev region Tatiana Merezes found her daughter Olga, which was kidnapped at the station in Kiev on March 6, 2000 at the age of four. Tatyana saw the daughter in the Internet release of the program of the All-Ukrainian Charitable Project "The Search Service of Children", which was broadcast the plot from one of the boarding schools. The girl could not recognize the mother, the woman had to go through the DNA examination and for two years to prove his relationship with Olya. According to the memories of the girl himself, she lived in Odessa, first with a grandmother, who called her Diana Sklyarenko and forced the money to the passersby, then, because of repeated beatings, the girl escaped and found himself in the Gypsy Tabor, having received a new name - Nina Burdovzha. The girl continued to be engaged in begging, for which she was detained by police officers, after which the teenager was taken to the boarding school, where her relatives began to actively start.

In 2009, after 27 years of searches, Britanka Avril Grove gained the abducted son of the 30-year-old Geevina Paros. A resident of Liverpool Avril Grob divorced her husband-Hungarian in 1982. By the time of divorce, Hevin was three years old. The court decided to leave the boy with his mother. The former husband Avril visited the Son on the weekend. When he did not return to one of the visits, Avril had a suspicion that the missing urgently flew into Hungary. The police took the case, but the search did not lead to anything. The idea to start searching through the social networks of the Internet arose from Avril and her sisters in March 2009. Sister Avril Beryl Wilson introduced the nephew data in the search engine - and received in response to the address of the page Hevina Paros on Facebook. The user profile said that he was born in Liverpool, the date of birth, his mother's name and contact phones were indicated. Gevin also wanted mother for five years. He left information on the network, not particularly calculating that it will work. After several telephone conversations, the mother and son met. Hevin told his mother that she had a plaster and he had a wife and three young children.

In 2008, a teenager was found in Latvia in Daugavpils, who was abducted from a carriage left at the supermarket, aged one and a half months. As it turned out, all this time he lived next to his real parents. The case of the missing child was revealed by chance: a woman who he lived all these years got into a detention facility, a teenager was transferred to social service staff. Starting to collect documents on the boy, the officials found that he had no birth certificate. After prolonged clarification, the woman admitted that the child was a reception. She reported that the boy brought at one and a half years of her now the deceased husband from Dagestan, calling him his illegitimate son. Despite the large number of inconsistencies in the story and indirect evidence, pointing to the involvement of a woman to the abduction of the baby, the investigators failed to prove it. DNA analysis fully confirmed the relationship of the lost child with his parents looking for all these years.

In January 2007, Sean Hornbek was found in USA in the USA in the city of St. Louis after set off on a bicycle walk in the hometown of Kirkwood in Pennsylvania. Laying the boy managed in the process of searching for another missing child. The 13-year-old Ben Ontbee from the County Franklin State Arkansas did not return home on January 8, 2007. During the searches, the police discovered the Nissan car owned by Michael Dalvin's pizzeria worker. The car completely coincided with the descriptions of the car, in which they saw the stolen ohnby. When searching in the apartment of the suspect both boys were discovered. As investigators found out, the criminal was not afraid of exposure and even allowed the children to play on the street.
The kidnapper was for the abduction of two teenagers and abuse over one of them.

On March 2, 1998, 10-year-old Natasha Kampush was abducted in the suburbs of Vienna StasShof (Austria) by Electromechanics Wolfgang. Girl . All this time, the kidnapper kept a child in an equipped shelter in size five square meters in a garage repair pit, periodically allowing a walk in the yard of his own home, supplied books. During one of the walk on August 23, 2006, the girl managed to escape to the neighbors who immediately called the police. The kidnapper, having learned about Natasha's escape, committed suicide, rushing under the train.
The history of his abduction girl published in 2011.

On June 10, 1991, 11-year-old Jeyi Li Dagard was abducted in the United States. From the messages of that time, it is known that two unknown on the car type gray sedan drove up to Dagard at a time when the girl went to the bus stop, and then dragged her inside the car. Until on August 27, 2009, she did not appear at the police station in the city of Concord in California, along with their kidnappers - Harrido's spouses. The investigation found that the abducted girl was repeatedly subjected to violence from the 58-year-old Philip Harrido and gave birth to two children from him. Dagard's family all these years considered her daughter dead.

In 1987, Indian Sarah Briellley was lost at the station at the age of 5, the rescue of his brother and mistaken on one of the trains, which was in the opposite direction from the place of residence of the boy. From fatigue, he fell asleep and woke up only after 10 hours in a completely different end of the country. For 4 months, Sarah tried to return home, constantly facing dangers and even hitting some time to slavery. When state bodies liberated the boy, he was given to raising the guardians from Tasmania. Only in 25 years, Sarah managed to recall the details of the past and the name of his hometown, after which the man appealed to the police, which helped him find his real family.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

On the actual topic of missing people, the so-called "losses" on professional jargon managed to talk with a private detective of one of the leading agencies of Russia, former senior operational in the Department of Internal Affairs, who told us interesting facts and stories from his practice. This is what we have become aware of the harsh realities of the work of modern representatives of the private event in the field of people's search. In Russia, at the present time, without war, almost 200 thousand people are missing every year, almost 200 thousand people are missing every year, according to statistics submitted officially applications, the disappearance of people. At the same time, it is possible only to each second. Finding means detecting regardless of that dead or alive with confirmation (identification) from those who filed an application (most often close relatives). At the same time, the question of the fate of other missing, the number of which is equal to 100 thousand people is revealed. Private detective immediately rebelled that the conversation would be solely to those persons who were among those who were submitted to the police or appeal to the specialists of private search structures - detective agencies on the disappearance from friends, colleagues, loved ones, friends, etc. . It is noteworthy that all other statistics given in open access on the Internet has different meanings. Our opponent noted: "All numbers published in the media are false, without reflecting the real state of affairs, based on the instructions of the highest" ranks "in the chains."

Circumstances of the disappearance of man

At the same time, based on the general reasons for what happened, the category of missing persons can be divided into those who disappeared with certain circumstances:

  • Disappeared sharply, without any explanation and reasons;
  • Lost as a result of a campaign or trip to hunting, fishing in an unknown place;
  • Left the house as a result of a quarrel in the family, "slamming the door";
  • They disappeared under certain circumstances that are associated with frequent abuse of alcoholic beverages, diseases of the nervous system. Often, if these are people of old age and they cannot be found, this category should be attributed to corpses with an unspecified personality;
  • Escaped from the orphanage;
  • They are found to the category of missing, but had to "disappear" weighty circumstances, including non-fulfilled obligations in the form of debts or potentially negative consequences of actions, crimes, etc.;
  • Disappeared with force majeure circumstances in the form of natural cataclysms or, for example, lived in the combat zone, becoming a hostage of the situation, active or passive participants;
  • Missing people without a certain place of residence.

The man disappeared suddenly. The investigation did not find traces

If you take into account the entire contingent of all missing people in Russia, the half will certainly apply to those who lead an immoral and antisocial lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, vagrancy, gambling and other). But about 25% of missing - these are people who disappeared without visible reasons - suddenly (this is about 50 thousand people annually in Russia, and only smaller part of them can be found, since in other situations, with the exception of the very first point of the cause of the disappearance Objectively understandable and intuitively assume in advance, as events developed, highlighting the motives. And in a number of life situations in which the disappearance of people is difficult to explain to common logic and choose the arguments in favor of an independent decision on the care of people, private Detective, a former oceanocal criminal investigation claims that "the list of situations where the person disappeared suddenly (suddenly means that nothing foreshadowed) can be continued to infinity, amazing amazing circumstances, which, even with a qualitative investigation, cannot be explained." And yet wherever Are there those people from which there is no trace?

Disappeared young woman in Simferopol

In the morning, a resident of Simferopol, a young woman, at the age of 32, who has two children, along the way, sent one of the children to the garden and took advantage of the minibus. At work, she never appeared, despite the fact that a few meters were separated from stopping. Neither the first nor on the second day to detect it failed. At the same time, various versions were worked out: friends, relatives, even possible lovers, checked phone calls. No traces. The missing items in the apartment were also not detected. Even the passengers of the route taxi were able to confirm the fact of its presence and exit on the laid stop. Next, the trace of a person is simply lost.

The disappearance of a man

A typical man with a solid salary, living in a country house, purchased without credit loans, having a car, family and child disappeared. Primary, desiccable on the elevator into the underground garage, he sat on the personal "Volkswagen" and went to work where it did not appear. After a couple of days, the car was found parked towards the place of work. Experts in the salon "Volkswagen" traces of violence, any struggle, robbery did not find. At the same time, the car was headed, and the key chain was in the ignition lock, however gasoline by that time was over. Inside the machine remained a whole smartphone and a laptop, a car in good condition, turns, the stops are not included, there are no emergency signs. In the surrounding area, everyone searched, but even traces did not find. Despite financial sufficiency, the man held the position of middle agency manager, and did not have attitude towards leadership. In most part, income brought apartments belonging to parents and now the late grandmother's wife, who were inherited after their death and leased. Spouse is an ordinary therapist in the hospital. On the cardschets of the plastic cards of the movements of financial assets with themselves also noticed.

Mom disappeared

The recently gave girl went for the milk products into one of the neighboring stores. The child has not yet been fulfilled and year. Often, I went out of cottage cheese and milk at lunchtime, when the child fell asleep. Husband is always at home, his work at the computer, there is always someone to look after. I left and never returned in an hour, two, three, a day ... to the store just a couple of stops on trolleybus, responsibility: breastfeeding ... and nevertheless already a year and there are no traces.

Tourist disappeared from the hotel

Friends decided to go on vacation by two families on private cars from Belgorod to Crimea. The whole day was on the road, after which they decided to stay at one of the roadside hotels on the road from the city, two rooms were shot. In the morning they found after strong sleep, that one of the men disappeared. None of the family members: the spouse, as well as the Son with her daughter heard anything, on duty on this night administrator - a completely young girl and at all tried in the road and could not see anything. The entrance doors of the hotel at night are locked, and video surveillance only works in the vehicle parking area. At the same time, the car is intact, all documents, a mobile phone, money, personal belongings - on the spot. From the room, the man came out easily dressed and shown, it is likely to smoke at night, because there was no cigarette anywhere. Even searched everything around within the radius of many kilometers, hooks to find a person never could find.

The history of the disappearance of the office "clerk":

A promising young man got a job as a programmer in one of the urban office of Sevastopol, worked for several years, established himself from a good side and even acquired a girl with whom he lived in a civil marriage. Together bought a car on credit, lived on a removable apartment. One day, a young man came out of the office for a lunch break and disappeared forever. He got home to dine, the girl confirmed it by the presence of left dirty dishes and eaten food. However, he never came to work again. It is noteworthy that it was not possible to find any of his traces nor his car. At the same time, in addition to the loan, he was not regularly paid, there were no problems and difficulties, and he himself was not conflict, soft, cheerful, cheerful. The phone turned off his hour after lunch, which became known from the head of the head, who noticed his absence and in an hour after the break called. The investigation did not give results.

And here:

Police officer disappeared. At the same time, not after changing or duty, reinforced, when there was a chance to assume that he was delayed with friends to make a drink on a glass of beer. On the contrary, disappeared in the morning, quietly in the train on the way to work, which, by the way, did not get. Colleagues worked all possible versions and connections, but no one could provide additional information. They interviewed the enormous number of passengers of the day, but everything is in vain ... A positive person, not yet marked by award-winning, simply disappeared.

Versions for investigation and search

Here is a list of major versions of events that are confirmed by real facts and were causes of disappearances:

  • Murder. At the same time, the corpse cannot be found due to the fact that it is dissected, burned, buried or destroyed in any other way;
  • Kidnapping with subsequent selling to slavery;
  • Abductions for women to export and violent prostitution;
  • Abductions for donor bodies;
  • Reliable accidents, including injuries with memory loss.

This information was set forth by a person who has almost two decades of experience of operational work in the organs and the sphere of privately owned. When I'm still in the police in the dashing 90th, and working now on the search and search for people in private, it notes that the statistics and reasons have not undergone significant changes. The same crimes, their motives for 20 years. In some cases, you can think about mysticism or aliens, because there are no noticeable people who have not been disappeared without anything that disappeared. And so almost 100,000 people per year disappears in Russia and not. Of course, against the background of natural loss in the form of mortality in 1 million per year, these are not such huge numbers. But all, these are people, the people who had families, and their relatives and the closest all this time experiencing anxiety and bitterness of losses, fear and the unknownness for the fate of the person's loved ones!

Actions relative to disclosure of disappearance

With such difficulties, every person we wish never to face, but being in a stressful situation when disappearing, it is from the actions of loved ones who can directly depend on their fate. On the request of the client, DASC private detectives organize an urgent search in the form of arrival of specialists, detectives and experts, applying all forces and means to find a person "on fresh tracks". Most often, it is that way that you can find disappeared and help them. The efficiency, professionalism and high quality of a person's search services from our agency have already managed to evaluate hundreds of grateful customers, for which cooperation with DASC turned out to be fatal and allowed to save relatives, close and friends.

Stories about mysterious disappearances always blinking blood, because no one still knows what happened to people who disappear where they are now and are alive at all. Sad statistics are such that every day people disappear all over the world. Many find alive and unharmed, but some remain not found. We will tell you stories about the most mysterious and mysterious disappearances of people who were dissolved in the air.

Missing village Eskimo

Once the Cold November 1930, the tired Canadian Hunter Joe Label, who was looking for a shelter from the cold, accidentally stumbled upon one of the most mysterious places in the history of mankind. The once prosperous village of Eskimos on the shores of Lake Angeiuni, by which Label passed repeatedly during his travel, disappeared without a trace. All the inhabitants as if in a hurry suddenly left the village, leaving their deeds unfinished - somewhere on the focus, the food was still preparing, and in some homes the hunter discovered unfinished clothes with sticking needles. Eskimos simply disappeared from this place in an inexplicable way.

Springfield Trinity

Missing Troika from Springfield - three girls are still considered to be missing. Scharil Levitt (47 years old), her daughter Susi Street (19 years old) and Girlfriend Susie Stacy Maccall (18 years old) disappeared from home Levitt in Springfield, Missouri. Susie and Stacy celebrated the end of High School's ending and came to Schearl Levitt House for about 2 o'clock in the morning after a party. The police could not reveal the secret of the disappearance of girls and the investigation continues until now.

Girls missing in the park Dunes

Forty nine years ago Saturday Sunny Day Three girls, leaving their things on a crowded beach, in some baths held for a walk on the Lake Michigan, which is located in the hour riding southeast of Chicago. This happened at noon on July 2, 1966 in the National Park of the State of Indiana. From this day they are considered to be missing - no trace of girls was found.

Constance of Manciarley

Personal cook and nutritionist Adolf Hitler who disappeared during the escape from Berlin after the invasion of the Soviet troops and the fall of Nazi Germany. Despite the assumptions that she was shot by Soviet soldiers in the Berlin Metropolitan or its suicide with the help of a cyanide, some conspiraists believe that it is still alive, since the body of the Constantia has not been found.

Tara Greensted

Tara worked as a teacher of history in the secondary school of the city of Okilla, George in the USA. She disappeared under mysterious circumstances on October 22, 2005. In February 2009, video appeared on the Internet with the participation of a serial killer. In the video, accompanied by the inscription "Catch me, the killer", a man tells the details of the murder of sixteen women, including the local authorities, and Tara Greensted. However, later, the video was recognized as a falsified and neither the police nor the division of the FBI state of Georia did not find any suspects in the case of the disappearance of Greensted.

Richie Edwards

Rock music fans were probably heard of Richie Edwards, Welsh musician and rhythm guitarist alternative rock band MANIC Street Preachers, popular in the 1990s. It is known that Edwards loved deliberately to inflate injury, suffered by depression, alcoholism and anorexia. In 1995, his car was found abandoned in the place, known as the "Last Suicide Lingerie".

James Tetfort

Former soldier James Tetfort disappeared on December 1, 1949 from the crowded bus. Tetford, together with fourteen other passengers, drove home to Bennington, Vermont. The last time he was seen back in their place. When the bus arrived at the destination, Tetford evaporated, although all his things remained in the trunk, and on the empty seat there were also a schedule of buses. Since then, Tetford has never seen anymore.

Lieutenant Felix Monkla

On the evening of November 23, 1953, the most mysterious event was occurred in the UFO-Radar - Radars of the Air Force in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Michigan, Wisconsin in the United States spotted an unidentified flying object. The F-89C fighter "Scorpio" was immediately raised to his interception from the Kingross airbase. The plane was ruled by Senior Lieutenant Felix Monkla, and Lieutenant Robert Wilson at that time was a radar fighter operator. As subsequently approved ground operators, the fighter approached an unidentified object, and then both of them, put together, disappeared from radar screens. A search and rescue operation was organized, but the plane debris could not be detected.

Marta Wright

In 1975, American Jackson Wright was driving by car with his wife from New Jersey to New York. Driving Tunnel Lincoln, Wright stopped the car to wipe the stamps. His wife of Martha came out of the car to wipe the rear window. When Wright turned around, he did not see his spouse. According to a man, he did not hear and did not see anything unusual, and the subsequent investigation did not reveal any evidence of violent death. March Wright simply disappeared.

Connie convels

Connie Converse was a talented composer and an executor of his generation, she performed on the musical scene of New York at the end of the 50s. However, the singer did not receive extensive public recognition. In 1974, when she was about fifty years, the crisis came in her personal and professional life, and Equal drove into depression. In one day, Connie wrote farewell letters and, sending them together with the texts of the songs and other records to all their friends and relatives, left in an unknown direction. More when she was not seen.

Amelia Erhart.

The famous American Letchitsa was the first woman in the world that flew alone the Atlantic Ocean, but her airplane was disappeared during the circular flight near the island of Howland in the Pacific Ocean in 1937. Its disappearance still pays many mysteries that none of the historians could unravel.

Ghost Ship "Joyt"

The merchant vessel "Joyta", on board which was twenty-five passengers and crew members, was mysteriously lost in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean in 1955. Soon the drifting ship was found in very poor condition, with the rusted pipes and working radio, which due to damaged wiring could be given a disaster signals only within a radius of three kilometers. Until now, nothing is not known about the location of the passengers of this vessel.

Adolf Gitler

The death of one of the most famous madmen of the twentieth century - Adolf Hitler is still shrouded in secret. According to the generally accepted version, April 30, 1945, after active street fighting, when Soviet troops were on the approach to Reichskancelary, Hitler shot himself, and his wife Eva Brown swallowed a capsule with cyanide. Their corpses were burned, and the remains were not found, and this fact gave rise to many theories about the subsequent destiny of Hitler and his wife.

Flight MH370.

One of the greatest mysteries of the 21st century is the disappearance of the flight 370 Malaysia Airlines while flying from the international airport in Kuala Lumpur to Beijing International Airport in China on March 8, 2014. Despite the most diverse versions and theory of what happened, this mystery still remains unsolvable and what happened not to any logical explanations.

The disappearance of Valenticity

"The disappearance of Valenticity" in 1978 is one of the most unusual events in the history of ufology. The mysterious case with Friedrich Valentid is considered one of the most famous secrets in Australian aviation - before the aircraft disappeared in the sky, the pilot managed to report on the radio that he saw UFO. Many representatives of the Ufological subculture, as well as Valentich's Father believe that the man was abducted by aliens and can even be alive.

My friend works in a criminal wanted list. The work is to find the missing, or how he calls them, "Losses".

And this is what he told about the harsh "cops" weekdays.

In Russia, about 200 thousand statements about the missing statements are written a year. It is now in peacetime. And there are about 100 thousand people every year. That is, it is located (alive and dead) - that is, those who wrote a statement about the disappearance, or the "Loss themselves" declare that they are them. Question: Where are the rest of 100 thousand?

A friend immediately warned that it would only be about those missing, on which there is a statement to the police from relatives, colleagues, etc.

The main groups of missing missing, which are not found:

1) Suddenly disappeared without visible reasons;

2) went hunting, fishing, to a tour, and so para;

3) quarreled with the second half and "went overnight";

4) left home - those who drink, unhealthy mentally tend to loss of memory, drug addicts, etc. As a rule, at the end of life (if they are not found) they fall into the crematorium as an unidentified corpses;

5) fueling orphanages;

7) disappeared in the combat zone or natural catastrophe;

Approximately half of the missing belongs to the first item - "disappeared suddenly without visible reasons." That is, 50 thousand people per year disappear, without visible reasons. For other items, the question is why they are not in, we will not consider - everything is more or less clear. But we will consider how people are missing without visible reasons.

In the morning, a woman (mother of two children) started on the way one child in kindergarten, second to school and sat in a minibus. No came to work. From stopping a minibus to work to go one minute (100 meters). There is no day, the second is not ... how to fall through the ground. My husband is overgrown, all relatives, school and institute workers. For all rooms, which through her mobile phone passed, worked out. All apartment searched - zero results. Just took a person and disappeared. And no one. Passengers in a minibus will remember her (about the same one every day go), they say that it came out of the bus on the stop stop. He worked as a small official in the district administration.

He lived a man. Wife, child. All in chocolate". He earns decently - the car, the apartment in a new house, purchased without a mortgage. In the morning descended on the elevator in the underground parking, sat down in his Ford Mondeo and went to work. I did not come to work. His Ford was found halfway to work in a few days. The car stood parked by the roadside. In the car there are no signs of struggle, no signs of violence, a differential, etc. She stood headed (the keys with the key chain were in the ignition castle, but the gasoline has already ended). Inside the laptop lay, the mobile phone was recharged from the cigarette lighter. Not a sign of emergency stop, no blinking turn signals. Machine is good. All bushes, garages, cellars in the area searched with dogs. Nothing. The road in the city is lively, the movement is dense.

A man was not the business owner - just a middle hand manager. Large income (to buy accommodation and car) have from passing housing (your wife has three apartments from parents and grandmothers). Wife is a doctor in a military hospital. Plastic cards were not specifically blocked - there were no movements on them and no.

Or now. In general, the horror.

The young mother went to the store for cottage cheese and milk. Child a little less than a year. Usually ran after milk when the child sleeps in the afternoon. The husband works at home - on the computer draws something for magazines.

Gone and did not return. It feeds the breast, that is, the diet is tied. Before the dairy store, a few stops go to the tram, but it did not reach it. Where to do is unknown, you are already looking for a year.

Or here. Detective straight.

We drove two families on two cars on vacation. Day on the way. Stopped overnight on the outskirts of the city in the roadside hotel. They took two numbers. In the morning you wake up, and one man is not. His wife and children slept (all day in the way - a lot of fatigue) and did not hear anything. The duty administrator (girl is 20 years old) did not see anything (admitted that he herself had dreamed in the back). The door to the hotel is not locked up for the night. The surveillance camcorders only look at the parking lot (it did not appear there). The car on site, cell phone, money, passport and documents on the car remained in the room (in the jacket). I left the room washing, without a jacket. Most likely, he left to smoke at night (cigarettes did not find in the room or in the car).

Seven surroundings searched. Nobody saw anything.

Yet. About office worker.

The guy worked as a programmer in the office. Worked for several years. He lived with a civil marriage girl. Bought a car loop. Removed accommodation. I went for lunch, and no one seen him again. I left the car dining (usually drove home). And not returned. He visited at home (the girl with whom he lived, said that the dishes became dirty when she came from work in the evening, and the food was eaten). Did not find the car. The man was cheerful, cheerful, non-conflict. Debt (except loan for the car) was not. The most ordinary young man. The phone "Outside the access zone" has become an hour after a lunch break (the boss called to know why he was delayed after lunch).

Militia officer disappeared, captain. Okay, if you had come back from work, from duty, with strengthening - you can also assume that I bought a bottle of beer, I met someone and so on. But not! In the morning I got into the train and drove to the service, which I did not reach. On the ears are all standing, all ties worked, absolutely all shake - no one knows what and how. At all intermediate stations of all traders and cashiers interviewed. How through the earth failed. The service is characterized positively, there were gratitude, business trips in the Caucasus, etc.

There are thousands of such stories - thousands and tens of thousands throughout the country. Where are the people who cannot find?

Here is a list of assumptions that in some cases find people (living or dead) were confirmed:

1) murder (corpse buried, burned, recessed, dissected, etc.);

2) abduction into slavery;

3) steal to organs;

4) Holding or violent export for prostitution;

5) knocks the machine, suddenly the consciousness is lost and the likes - that is, ridiculous accidents.

I told me an operative with an experience of almost 17 years. Came to the police in the mid-90s. Statistics What then is the same now. He does not know what the country statistics were previously, but in his department (serving the territory with a population of 500 thousand people) was always the same. Approximately the same for 20 years. Due to the specifics of its work, sometimes on a business trip drives around the country - at the places, the operatives also say that it is always about the same amount.

He says he is already ready to believe in aliens to believe almost in full. Because people disappear who do not have the gulf - there are no prerequisites for this. And the circumstances are such that the person has nowhere to blast. And there are about 50 thousand people in the country every year. And men and women. And children, and old people. Of different nationalities. Different social statuses and income levels.

I understand that these 50 thousand people are a very small share compared to the loss of the population of our country by 1 million people a year. But these are also people. People who have lost their relatives and close and do not know what they are with them.